What's The Real Deal With God?

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Love you to fellow welsh man. Now get back onto topic.

I do not believe in god cause i do not believe in what i cannot see. And its impossible to believe that i believed before.


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Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
This was ridiculous, I believed in Jehovah Witness beliefs. Past tense, now I don't and even if I sill did. If my child were dying, any religion, beliefs laws would go out the window. I wasn't even aware of JW's practicing that, like I said, I believed, and never went THAT into the religion, nor will I ever.

You said that you had been a Witness since you were ten. There was nothing in your post that indicated past tense. And yes, he Witnesses don't believe in blood transfusions. They would rather you die than get a little blood.

Your bible quotes are really wrong. Your interpretations are a little out there too.

Religion doesn't necessarily mean you base your life on the bible.

It depends on what religion you follow. If you're a Christian, yeah you follow the bible.

If anything, most people use the bible somewhat like a history book. Thats a good example of what I used the book as.

That is not its intended use.

Thats funny because human beings themselves are workings, and manifestations of God.

Prove that. Show me one manifestation of God.

Let me ask you this, how'd the animals magically appear on Earth, scientifically speaking? How'd the violent explosion of a very small agglomeration of matter of extremely high density and temperature cause a planet, with livable conditions, to just appear? These are just as mythical as the stories in the bible.

Yeah but I don't claim any of that as true. I've said that I just don't know. And assuming that you do know is pretty ignorant.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
It depends on what religion you follow. If you're a Christian, yeah you follow the bible.

This I'm going to have to disagree with. There are hundreds of denominations of Christians, most of which fall under Christian-Other. Which can be interpretated to whatever that congregation wants it to be interpretated as. I'm non denominantional christian. So I believe in God, but I follow no set rules, laws or creeds. I view the bible as a guideline more than absolute law. This is something I've always disagreed with since you first brought it up several threads ago, I just never know how to phrase my counter argument right.

Just because I follow a "Christian" doctrine doesn't mean I MUST believe in stoning gays, beheading heathens, retaking Jerusalem, refusing to work on the sabbath, speak in tongues or that the world really was covered in a complete and total mass flood several thousand years ago.

The Bible, for me, is a guideline. An amalgamation of inspirational stories, poems, songs, and historical insight on certain events too old for modern historians to get a more adequate read on.

If you want to believe that just because I'm Christian that the Bible has to be my be all end all source of knowledge, go ahead and believe that. But the proof is in front of you. I'm a Christian, who doesn't follow every creed of the Bible. If that doesn't make me a Christian in your eyes than so be it. It's what I am.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
The Bible obviously has aspects of it's contents that are horribly outdated. Hence why you don't see women bathing themselves and then remaining "unclean" for 13 days past fornication. And you don't see people getting their hands chopped off in civilized societies for stealing.

But there are still parallels in the Bible that match up to events still happening today. Such as false prophets/messiahs, the whole "mark of the beast" brain chip thing going on, ect ect.

The best example of a more recent work I can compare with the Bible is 1984. Yes. George Orwell wrote this work predicting that this is what the world would be like in 1984. He was obviously horribly wrong by about 25 years, but you can still read it and find parallels that are happening today that match up with Orwells expectations, however outdated his prediction was. We obviously don't have microphones in bushes, but bluetooth headsets are getting more and more commercialized. Nobodies bombing each other with Anthrax bombs, but that's because he was far more devastating weaponry being created in case of a nuclear apocalypse.

So just because a books principales are outdated with modern culture doesn't mean that interpretation can't help make certain positive or negative parallels relevent to todays society.


Sep 5, 2008
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Jacksonville Florida
Note: This is obviously a topic meant for discussion in regards to Christian beliefs. There's obviously nothing stopping you from simply posting "I don't believe in God so this topic doesn't apply to me" but I'd rather if you're atheist/agnostic/other that you could at least say "I don't believe but here's what I think about the question". Being of a different set of beliefs and still adding to the topic is better than just derailing this thread into yet another "God doesn't exist there's no proof stop trying to indoctrinate me" argument.

I couldn't find a real proper title for this specific kind of situation. But I've been to many different kinds of churches, and I hear a certain rebuking from preachers that is contradictory from denomination to denomination. Sometimes even within the same denomination, simply spread out through different sermons.

Sometimes, I hear preachers ya know, preaching. They say that average people thank God when things are going great in their lives, but the second something bad happens to them, they abandon their beliefs and say "I don't understand why God would do this to me".

However, there are other times I hear preachers ya know, preaching. They say that average people pray to God and worship him heavily when times are bad, praying for a better life. But the second things get good for them they forget God and don't thank him for their blessings.

Now I want some opinions on this as to which example above you think is correct. Do people praise God when times are good and then run when there's rain? Or do they pray to God for help and once life is good they don't think they need God anymore as their crutch? Or could it be both and just subject from person to person?

I just saw this thread so here it goes and no I did not read others comments before commenting myself and I am doing so my own reasoning. Now on to the question at hand.

Not everyone that is a "minister" of God's word necessarily mean that they are "preaching" sound doctrine. Some preachers can do so and they are just giving their opinions of the text or perceptions while others actually study the word, the origins for deeper meaning, and then properly interprete God's word so much so that you know they are right in their approach mainly because you have studied it for yourself and where 2-3 agree (scriptural reference) there is God.

I say this part first because yeah I am a Christian as well, but I don't listen to what everyone who is in Ministry says in their roles of ministers. Also, you have to study the word for yourself. To be more direct on your questions, there is a difference between those who claim to know God and those that know or have experienced God. Not everyone is as authentic as they claim to be or as biblical as they desire as well.

For those that pray or want of God when times are good and yet turn quickly or stray away from God when things begin to get good, that just means they are not as mature in their Christian walk as they may think or want to be. Does not mean they are not Christians, just that they need to go back and do more studying and practicing of what they profess to be. Any true follower of God through Jesus Christ would honor God both when times are good and definitely when they are bad. It is natural and human like a son to his father to run to them in times of need and then become a little more loose in their relationship when they are having their way and times are good. That is just normal and we all do it.

But this is where staying grounded or humble comes into play. Those that understand (1) the sacrifice God made when he sent his son Jesus to do his will for the salvation of us all, they will not simply do what you suggested but rather stay close to him at all times, honor him for all things, and seek him even in just everyday life. That is what the bible teaches us we should do anyways, but again, like sheep we all falter at times and fall short of the perfection we all should be seeking.

(2) Romans 8:28 says...And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. To those that understand this famous biblical quote, we also understand not to take God for granted. What is taking God for granted? The example you gave of those that love him in good times then turn and part somewhat when things are bad. Go back and watch the Passion of the Christ. That is what they did when Jesus was being crucified. Some of the same people that both Jesus healed and even those that followed him turned on him or were not as vocal to speak up for him in his final hours oh earth in his human body.

Again, in the last assessment of your question, yeah, it can be both. People who fall into the "both" category are those that either...
1. lack in their faith or walk of faith
2. see things and/or value things of this world as more important
3. do not understand or seek to better understand God or their walk with him
4. never were truly converted to begin with
5. do not Know God for themselves
6. take God for granted
7. have a bad or incorrect or mislead understanding of God and his Word
8. Possibly need to find a new church home
9. might need to hang around a better sect of friends/fellow Christians
10. may never get to know him because they refuse to accept Him and his son Jesus as who they are and for all the reason that are stated in the Holy Bible
11. might even be hindering themselves due to a lack of trust in God or experiences where they feel God did not make things turn out the way they wanted
12. just don't get what being a Christian is all about to begin with

That is just some of what I think to answer your questions based on what I have been taught and what I have been raised to not only know, but also understand about God, His ways, His will, His word, and me. It's one thing to say your are a Christian, but it is another to know and understand the experience of walking as a Christian really means and is. I hope that answered the question and gave you a little more than just an answer as well to help you out.


Nov 6, 2009
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Lol, come on MS. I thought you'd be coming back with something better..

No, your parents created you. Evolution created human beings from our primate ancestors. This is not up for debate. Any response that you would come up with is the equivalent of sticking your head in the sand.

My parents created me. "Evolution" created humans from primates. Who created the primates? Were they just placed here? Your 'answer' lacks explanation.

So if you are willing to admit that God is a crutch just like most who use a crutch it is eventually discarded because it is no longer necessary. The fact that you still require this crutch shows that you are still wounded and in need of healing if you will. You need to realize that there is more than likely no God and that you stand on your own. Because otherwise you remain a crippled human incapable of taking control of his own life.

Yes, I'm willing to admit he's my crutch. Yes, I'm willing to admit I'm still wounded, and I still need healing. Not physically, but spiritually. I am not perfect, nor will I ever be. God will always be my crutch, to pick me up when I'm down and get my feet on the ground. As for 'needing to realize there is more than likely no God', why? Why do I need to realize that there MAY or MAY NOT BE something? I have faith in my God. I'm sorry you don't feel the same.

You have no reason to believe in God either. When has God or his angels or anything even remotely divine manifested itself to you? The answer is never.

Why are you asking me the question if you just answered it? However, that's not the correct answer. The answer is when I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart as my Lord and Savior.

lol I love this reasoning. Everyone has an opinion. Doesn't make yours any less stupid.

It is your opinion whether or not my opinion is stupid. I might think your opinion is just as stupid as you think mine is.

The scientific evidence is there and like I said if you want to shove your fingers in your ears like a petulant child and scream LALALALALA at the top of your lungs then that's up to you.

As to who created the monkeys, I don't know and neither do you. However at least I admit what I don't know. You on the other hand try and claim knowledge of that which you could not possibly know based on an opinion. That's pretty ridiculous.

The Bible is also there, too. I do not claim knowledge of that which I do not know. I just have faith in my religion, and that's how I am. I don't feel the need to question why or why not there is an orange tree in the backyard of my house, or why the sky is blue, either. Do you?


This is possibly the pointless argument ever. You both believe different things. And clearly your minds will never be changed.