UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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UWF RAW: Batista vs. Morrison

The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains. Batista walks to the ramp as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring. He gets into the ring and looks at the crowd who boo's him heavily. Batista demands a microphone and is given one.



Last week was a fluke, that's right. Cody Rhodes rolled me up after I had him dominated, he was lucky enough to escape with the victory. I had that match won! The freakin' referee cannot count to three at all, I don't know about you but all these freakin' referee's here are startin' to piss me off! Ya see, I should be standin' here with the UWF Championship around my waist but instead I stand here with freakin' nothin'! Yet you freakin' morons think it's funny laughing at me don't ya?! Ya think it's funny I ain't got the Championship around my waist, this week things get a little personal when I take on John Morrison. The kid doesn't belong in wrestling, instead he belongs in the freakin' ballerina! All those flips you do, all the fancy crap ya tryin' to do ain't gonna justify what I'm doin' to you this week pal. I'm sick and freakin' tired of seeing nobodies parade around the main event, I'm just freakin' glad that this week I AM THE MAIN EVENT! 'Cos I'm gettin' what I deserve, but what exactly do I accomplish once I freakin' break ya skull? What do I accomplish? Nothin'! I don't get no title shot if I beat ya, I don't get a freakin' opponent unless someone tries to freakin' screw me out of this match. Yeah, I know how these little things run around here Johnny boy, I understand ya haven't lost a match since ya debut. Ya think ya some hot-shot around 'ere don't ya? Not havin' lost yet? Well, I'm keepin' it sweet 'cos I ain't got time for games and I certainly don't wanna be waitin' out 'ere talkin', I just wanna get the freakin' job done cos facin' you is just like floggin' a dead horse! You may as well kiss these fat chicks who are payin' double the money just to see me freakin' beat ya down. These fat chicks are gettin' an orgasm out of it... Remember ya girl Melina? That's right... I did her too, freakin' loose I tell ya... But just remember one thing, when I freakin' break ya in half... Melina ain't goin' to be out 'ere, neither are the ladies ya got too 'cos they'll end up in my hotel room!

Batista slams the microphone down as he storms out, the camera follows Batista backstage as he leaves the arena in a car.



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Re: UWF Raw 11/13/12 - Mankind vs James Storm



Longnecks & Rednecks starts playing through the arena speakers. It is playing for a while when all of a sudden, The Cowboy, James Storm walks through the curtain and walks out onto the entrance ramp. He's got a microphone in his hand. He is standing there, drinking beer and he is just watching people go crazy as they see the former Hardcore Champion. After people calm down, Storm begins to talk.


James Storm:
Seriously, what is dis? Is dis da' way Da' Pope is tryin' ta punish me fo' havin' big mouth? Is dis it? Am I gonna be forced ta' listen ta' Mankind and Paul Bee? I
'd rather get slammed through a wall.

James Storm was talking to people for a while but now he concentrades on Mankind.

James Storm:
Mankind...Dat's right, I ain't gon' play da' same game everybody else does. I ain't gon' come out 'ere talk 'bout how yer not Mankind, how yer Mick Foley, I ain't gon' do dat. In da' south we say: "What 'ya wish is watch'a get." So I'ma tread 'ya jus' da' way 'ya want people ta' tread 'ya, Mankind. 'Ya wear a mask on yo' face and 'ya wear dirty clothes like a freakin' psychopath so I'ma tread 'ya like dat. Now, 'ya might know dis, guys but there states in da' world where when yer 'ya have a medical condition, 'ya get deprived a' yo' rights. When I look atch'a, Mankind I see a person who really needs ta' visit a doctor, a man dat shouldn't be allowed ta' make decisions on his own. Sure, Paul might be makin' mo' than half a' yo' decisions but if I'd take 'ya two ta' a psychiatric clinic, I ain't sure which one a' 'ya two would be declared mo' insane. So yeah, 'ya should be thankin' me dat I didn't call a psychiatrist already. But remember, if you'll get under ma' skin, I will not only kick 'ya in da' head but ba' time you'll be KayOud in da' middle a' dat ring, I will call a psychiatrist and da' next day you'll wake up in a hospital wit' one a' dose jackets fo' insane people. I ain't sure how it's call but 'ya get ma' point, right?

Fans have a little laugh at Storm not quiet knowing what he is talking about.

James Storm:
Dis is ridiculous. I mean, all a' dis! An old fat man runnin
' through dee' arena wit' an urn in his hand, another old fat guy in a mask, bein' destiny's soldier. I thought dat all a' dis was popular fifteen years ago. I don't get how yer able ta' think dat people are still buyin' da' crap 'cause they certainly don't. They were dyin'. They were bored when 'ya were talkin', jus' like me. I was sittin' in da' back in dee only way I could keep maself listenin' was dat I imagined grabbin' 'ya , shovin' 'ya down da' stairs and seein' 'ya rollin' down like a ball.

People laugh once again.

James Storm:
Anyway...although I don't have da' Hardcore Championship ta' prove dat I'm da very best hardcore 'rassler in You Dubya Eff so 'ya better have dat somewhere in yo' twisted mind. What did I just say, 'ya can't even remember whatch'a had fo' breakfast. Forget 'bout it, buddy. I jus' want 'ya ta' do one thing and one thing only. Next tuesday I wantch'a ta' get out a' da' canal yer livin' in, come ta' RAW and be there, please be there so I can show 'ya how good I really am. It doesn't matter if yo' third self is a hardcore legend 'cause whatch'a did ta' become a legend, I do on ma' trainings. Don't prepare fo' da match 'cause dat won't help 'ya anyway. Jus' show up on RAW. Dat's all I have ta' say ba' now.

! But don
't get used ta' it 'cause come next week, I'ma turn yo' nice day into a scary nightmare.

Cowboy lowers his mic.


Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Re: UWF RAW: Batista vs. Morrison


The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison struts out onto the stage, with his US Championship upon his shoulder, and poses on the stage, as the camera captures the moment in glorious slow motion.


As he poses, Kelly Kelly and Natalya walk out from the back to accompany him. Morrison, followed by Kelly and Natalya, then strides down the ramp, eying the arena around him. He climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Morrison saunters across the ring and clambers up onto the turnbuckle. He poses for the fans, as countless camera flashes go off before him.


He steps down, and wanders over to the other corner of the ring to collect a microphone from ringside. He then turns back to the middle of the ring, and begins to speak.

Morrison: Fans of UWF, want to know something? I'm really disappointed. Tonight, for probably the first time ever, I was genuinely excited to be stood in the same ring as a bona fide moron; the Muhammad Ali of dimwits, the Dan Marino of uneducated, the Babe Ruth of imbeciles. I had the chance to look at the embodiment of stupidity, right in the eye, and I missed that chance. That chance has driven off in a car and seemingly has no intention of returning. He probably has other things to do, such as intimidating the elderly, or getting punched in the face my middle-aged fat men for money. Live life the way you want, Dave, don't let the naysayers get you down. Being stupid is no longer a shackle in a judgmental culture; it's the key to a new life. The government proactively encourages employers to employ men like you. You're the Martin Luther King of the mentally inept; get out there and continue pave the way for your brood.

Morrison saunters round the ring, he takes a brief moment of pause before speaking on.

Morrison: I didn't listen to much of Big Dave's speech. I find that listening to him would actually make me more stupid for doing so. One thing I did hear, though, was a strange taunt about a Melina. Right after Dave inadvertently admitted to laying fatties, he asked me if I remember Melina... do I? Maybe. Depends which Melina you're talking about, since there's been a few. Unlike you, Dave, I don't harbour a psycho-sexual pedestalization for any women who will sleep with me. I use women, and then toss them aside. Lesbians tend to be the only women who have a problem with my spendthrift approach to sexual fidelity, but whatever. So, yeah, be more specific when you're asking me about women you've prematurely ejaculated in front of. Who knows what you'd say if you were still in this ring. You'd probably scream at me in your irrational moronic demeanor about how much you loved her. Either that, or you'd lambast me for using big words like "lesbians" and "scream". I really wish you were here, Dave. If you don't come back, I may have to send you a postcard with a picture of Barney the Dinosaur on it to lure you back.

Morrison stops and waits to see if Batista is coming back.

Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Raw 11/13/12 - HBK vs Christian

OOC: it's all good man, I understand how things can get hectic. But I'm not going to post a second one because I'm not a fan of posts one day before a show is scheduled. Good luck!


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UWF Raw 11/13/12: AJ Styles vs Petey Williams


AJ Styles is shown backstage as the fans cheer and Lauren approaches AJ Styles

Lauren: Hello AJ mind if I get an interview?

AJ Styles: Sure Lauren...

Lauren: Alright AJ Styles this week on Raw you're going to be going against Petey Williams. Obviously you and Petey have some beef because of Scott Steiner how are you going to approach this match?

AJ Styles: Well let me tell Lauren this match I am going to start it off slow, like I normally do when I wrestle Petey in a one on one match. It is going to be a long and tough match up. Mainly though Lauren this match up is going to send a message. Not just a message too Petey Williams but a message to Scott Steiner as well. To tell Scott that I am untouchable. Lauren since coming here I have been nothing but Phenomenal. I have shown the showstopper that he can be stopped. I made a revive deadman go back to his grave, and the best in the world at what he does just got bested. Petey he is no different. Tell me Lauren what has Petey done since coming here?

Lauren pauses trying to think and AJ begins to speak

Nothing... absolutely nothing Petey has done since coming here in the UWF. All he has done by being nuisance to Scott. I mean I sure don't like Scott, but when someone is throwing your game off. You know we have a problem. So Lauren I am going to do my best by solving this problem. I am going to make sure I embarrass Petey Williams, and make sure that he never wants to show his face in the arena again. Lauren it was great talking with you, but right now I have a match to compete in soon seeya.

AJ leaves as Lauren stands there
Apr 8, 2012
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Tulsa OK
UWF Raw 11/20/12 'The' Brian Kendrick vs Curt Hawkins

The lights fade some as the crowd began to hush; the short pause was a good moment to reset the mood. Fans came to silence as the music to the sound of Flux Pavilion’s ‘I can’t stop begins to play over to the crowd, still quiet.


The lights began to flash in a fast strobe like pattern to the entrance way as Kanye West’s voice could be heard in the song. The song wasn’t Flux’s ‘I can’t stop’ but rather it was Kanye West and Jay-z’s ‘Who Gon Stop me’. It is then when he would arrive to a point where the masses could see him. ‘The’ Brian Kendrick comes into view holding his arms out waving and flicking his wrist, feeling the groove of the song. Wearing his white coat open, matching with his trunks and boots. Behind him comes big Zeke Jackson wearing an open white button up shirt, with matching white slacks, and black wrestling boots. His Silver necklace decorated with a pendant in the shape of a cross bounces on his every step. In the hand of Ezekiel lay an open book thought to be Sun Tzu’s ‘The Art of War.’


As the duo enters the ring, Kendrick quickly removes his jacket throwing it to the side. Jackson paces the length of the squared circle still deeply engrossed in his book. Kendrick looks to the time keeper discourteously asking him for the microphone. Reluctant at first the man walks to the cocky Kendrick, who in turn snatched it rudely out of his hand. Without pausing for a moment standing on the bottom rope he speaks out looking at the crowd.



Kendrick looked around for a second letting the word seep in.

“Genius... Do you even know the meaning of the word? Because looking at you people I can tell you don’t even own a dictionary! So for your information, allow me to accentuate it for you.”

He paused laughing; knowing the heat coming from the crowd was going to happen...

“Genius... An exceptional natural capacity of… I lost you all at genius did I? Well since it’s so apparent that you people have the brain compactly of an ant, let me tell you in layman’s terms. Me smart, you dumb! Now I’m going to keep talking... Please do try to keep up. My name is ‘The’ Brian Kendrick. I’m here to give you what you’ve been missing… Intelligence.”

Kendrick smiles getting off the ring ropes and walks to the still deep in thought Zeke. The big man nods graciously taking the microphone from Brian.


“It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle, Sun Tzu, 2nd century BC. This is exactly the reason that ‘The’ Brian Kendrick will be the victorious in a hundred battles. There is no enemy that he doesn’t know to the fullest extent. As well he knows himself better than you cavemen know yourselves! This man is a seven time tag-team champion in five different organizations. Also he’s held five different prestigious titles all across the world. He now comes to grace the UWF to further escalate his fame by taking RAW by storm! And this glorious path paved by the blood, sweat, and tears of ‘THE’… Brian… Kendrick!”

Big Zeke Jackson drops the microphone as the twosome look at the ramp way waiting on Kendrick’s opponent.

(OOC: Getting back into the groove of things and my pic was moved so I had to fix it.. I won't be editing my TT's again.. sorry)
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re: UWF Raw 11/20/12 'The' Brian Kendrick vs Curt Hawkins


"In the Middle of it." Screams out to a respectable amount of cheers. Some boos can be heard under toning the cheering, but for the most part the reception is positive. Curt Hawkins shoots out from the back with a furry of energy and spins a few times before outstretching his arms and readjusting his custom made jacket. He yells out some words that are swallowed up in the cheering. With a body full of confidence he beings to make his way to the ring to address Brian Kendrick. Surprisingly, Tyler Reks is not at his side tonight. He jogs up the steel steps and enters the ring, wasting little time before snatching the mic and looking straight into the eyes of "THE" Brain Kendrick.


Curt Hawkins: That was...something. That was something wasn't it there buddy. Coming out here giving us your textbook definition of "Genius." Good stuff. Real good stuff. Now, maybe I just didn't hear it, but can you remind me when you spoke about..me? You know, the real threat come Tuesday. The only thing that you should be worrying about right now. You shouldn't be worrying about the intelligence of these people, which I think is pretty high honestly. They have enough brain to boo your ass and cheer mine, so somethings working up there. You should be worrying about me. Come to think of it, I don't think we've ever met. Do you...do you even know who I am? Well let me introduce myself. I'm not going to spout out worthless titles I won in worthless companies, I'll just let my record here stand for itself. 7 and 1. That's right. Only one man in this entire company has been able to beat me. I am a former Hardcore Champion, and I am the hottest, youngest rising star this company has to over. My name is Curt Hawkins. You'll hear it again though. When it's being announced as the winner of our little match. That is if I don't beat you silly.

The crowd is backing their new favorite Curt Hawkins.

Curt Hawkins: Last Tuesday when I came out here, and I did my little return thing, I offered up a challenge. Well, I gotta hand it to you kid, you stepped up. Good for you. I just hope you're ready to see a big red L on your record sheets. Because honestly I don't plan on losing to you, or anyone for that matter. Before I took my break I was rising so fast I was on fire. The fire hasn't burned out and its going to burn brighter then ever. And sorry buddy, you're just the first person that it's going to consume. Trust me, the party is just getting started.

Curt smiles a cocky smile and pushes the mic back into the chest of Kendrick.


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Re: UWF Raw - Batista vs. Christian

The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains. Batista walks to the ramp as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring. He gets into the ring and looks at the crowd who boo's him heavily. Batista demands a microphone and is given one.



You and I could be said to be on the same page... Last week was a 'fluke'. None of us have been in the same mind-frame, this brand is becoming a joke... No, let me rephrase that, I am becoming the freakin' 'joke' around here. I don't tolerate it at all, I shouldn't freakin' have to tolerate losing week after week! Ever since Big Show knocked me out, I haven't been the same, sure I managed to win over the residental jobber and earn myself in a number one contenders' but since then I haven't won once again... After beginning with domination, I now find myself being dominated against. Maybe my body isn't as fit as I thought it would be, maybe I'm no longer smart. For the past two weeks I've had squirmy little worms escape the Batista Bomb and manage to freakin' beat me out of nowhere! But you... We share similiar things, sure you deserve to be having that number one contendership shot, I don't normally agree on things but this time I do. You defeated a man that was the predator of UWF, the main target and you... You shut him out! The careers I've ended cannot fathom to be the same as you beating Stone Cold... Just like James Storm... Shawn Michaels is the freakin' same, he thought he'd make fun of my losses. This week, you and I... we're not friends. This week, I'm goin' to prove why I shouldn't be over-looked and why I will freakin' climb back to the top! I can't be seen as a joke anymore, I just freakin' can't! Things ain't goin' my way and I've already snapped over the decisions of that! But if it keeps freakin' goin', the losses... Then I really will freakin' break someone's skull and trust me I've done it before and I'll do it again!

You are too worried about James frickin' Storm when you should be worried about me first Christian, don't go astray because you might not even make it to the Pay-Per-View! You bitchin' about how I earned my way into a number one contendership shot, well buddy... This week, I'll freakin' show you why I got there! I don't need the freakin' so-called peeps... Yeah, that's right, you used to be their fan favorite until you decided to be a little damn bitch, look at you now Christian, still a whiny bitch about the one more shot crap! I don't wanna freakin' hear it because everyone here knows you don't freakin' deserve one! I lied about you deservin' that shot... Stone Cold's a little bitch as well, he retired because he heard about me comin' to RAW. Regardless of my losses to Morrison and Rhodes, I'm goin' to bounce back from my losses, break ya freakin' skull, flog ya around like a dead horse and maybe... just maybe send you into retirement so you can head to the Broken Skull Ranch with Stevie! Maybe D'Angelo will send ya over to Smackdown or somethin' once I'm done with ya, who knows! D'Angelo has been quiet since I've arrived on RAW and he damn should be quiet. He made the biggest mistake of his life puttin' me on RAW because once I make HBK a bitch, I'm goin' to request and up the ante a little and I'll freakin' get what I want! Don't you worry about it Christian, you go focus on little Stormy who's backstage, but first... you gotta go through an unleashed beast, a beast that's been freakin' furious all week! I suggest you shut ya damn trap, don't speak a freakin' word 'cos I personally am goin' to ensure that D'Angelo will come out here to stop the massacre that I'll deliver this week.

Batista then walks closer to Christian, the crowd booing heavily.

D'Angelo... I know you're out there. You won't be stopping me this week, not even Christian, nobody... I mean nobody will stop me from causing the havoc that I will cause this very week. You've pissed the wrong person off, I don't have to blame myself, I blame you D'Angelo... This whole drama, the fact I was almost fired from UWF alone before beating Brooklyn Brawler... It's gotten way too far! I deserve all the respect around here! Yet every single one of you are tryin' to get rid of me! You won't be able to get freakin' rid of me! Christian... I know you use a freakin' spear, but you are just a scrawny little prick! You couldn't break my body if you tried! That's why I ain't going to even deliver a Batista Bomb this week, I'm goin' to spear you in half! I've got many other ways to win this freakin' match Christian, don't doubt me because my mystery is your downfall.

Batista then drops the microphone as he leaves, he shoves Christian... As soon as Batista gets to the top of the ramp he looks back as Christian speaks..

Apr 8, 2012
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Tulsa OK
Re: UWF Raw 11/20/12 'The' Brian Kendrick vs Curt Hawkins

Kendrick looked back at the other rather upset. He looked to Zeke silently discussing the manor of disrespect from his opponent. Thinking, his eyes drifted up to the others. As he brings the microphone to his lips he gave a cocky, rather evil smile, ready to speak.


"Trust me, Curtis. The party was over a few beers ago..."

Kendrick laughs to himself, the ‘Beers’ reflecting Curt’s years in whatever 3rd world college he came from. He came back to reality looking Curt in the eye as he began to answer his disrespectful opponent.

"Yeah… It was “something†Curtis. I define the word "Genius" for you and your lager headed fans to put intelligence into the drugged out skulls of your fraternity. I mean honestly, did you aspire to be a top notch opener? I took things seriously, and people take me seriously. I don't need the cheers of these people to make me feel better about myself. I also don't need to "pop a forty" and drink it all in one sitting while everyone around screams "chug chug chug..."


Kendrick looked the other up and down laughing to Zeke. The two of them laughed to themselves at the second “Frat-boy†joke, getting back into the moment he waved his finger to his opponent and continued.

“No, no… All I need is the feeling of gold around my waist and my hand held high. I didn't speak about "Curtis Hawkins" because "Curtis Hawkins" is nothing more than this ring is to my feet, below me. Of course you wouldn't think the intelligence of these orangutans is lacking because you're one of them. And as a matter of fact I do know who you are. It was August, 19th, 2008 10 man battle royal; Winner gets a chance at the big time, WWE Championship scramble. While you were living your 15 minutes of fame, Trying to figure out how to beat the Big Show, I outsmarted you, Show, and seven other nobodies to cement my spot for the big time.â€

He smiled thinking of his words. Reflecting on that glorious moment in his career.

“Beat me silly? What does that even mean? I can't understand your frat boy Texas-tech speak. I'm sophisticated, so much so to let you know as soon as they ring that bell on Raw. You’re not going to know up from down. The record shows for itself, Curt. I'm undefeated in so many wrestling promotions. I can't keep track of them anymore! And you; you’re claim to fame to holding Adam Copeland’s jock strap.â€

He looked back at Curt with a look of anger handing the microphone to Ezekiel Jackson. Who smiles and talks into the mic.

“Sun Tzu has always said to build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across. That’s exactly what “The†Brian Kendrick is doing now and will do again on Raw, after he beats you from here to kingdom’s come. “The†Brian Kendrick is the future of the UWF. You are a piss stain on the loincloth of excellence that is “The†Brian Kendrick. “The†party is over! “The†era has just begun. “The†Brain Kendrick has opportunities that await his future while you stand in the unemployment line. You are a nothing Curtis Hawkins; not even I am a suitable opponent for you. Go back to your home and find that back yard you’ve headlined since you were 25. The promotion you left when you finally were accepted into community college.â€


Big Zeke smiles wide handing the microphone back to Curtis, speaking off the microphone inaudibly

“By your leadâ€

(OOC: T_T I swear to gawd that I grabbed the right photo's... whatever.. Going to bed.. Comps being slow and I'm to tired to fight with it to get the right pictures in.. SBS, Grimlock.. Message me if I can edit it later to fix the photo's if not than whatev, I'll leave em be..)


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Mar 19, 2012
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Re: RAW; NOVEMBER 20th- Mankind vs Christopher Daniels (Non-Title)



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Raw 11/27 Petey Williams vs. Curt Hawkins

"In the Middle" blasts out of the speakers in the arena and is followed by a strong course of cheers. Curt Hawkins wastes little times and steps out from the back in a custom made vest. Again this week, no Tyler Reks is by his side. Even his signature cane is missing. He quickly makes a beeline for the ring, doing a few hand motions, gesturing for the crowd.


He makes his way to the steel steps, and right before stepping up them, he turns and runs onto the ring apron. He quickly enters the ring via the top and middle rope. He grabs a mic from a working ring side tech and his music begins to fade down.


Curt Hawkins: Moments. I've had a lot of great moments here in UWF. Like win I won my debut match. Or win I won number 1 contendership to the Hardcore championship. Or win I peaked, my highest point in my career so far, win I won the Hardcore Championship. I've had a few good moments...last week, was not one of them. I came in here with my head held high and I told all of you I would be victorious in my return match against Brian Kendrick. Now, here I am, after the score, and as you all can see...that wasn't the case. I can't make any excuses. I lost. But he didn't beat me. He's a great talent, don't get me wrong, but he had to resort to his big lackey, Ezekial Jackson. I didn't bring Reks to the ring, did I? No. I went out there to do it on my own, and he had to cheat to win. I had him where I wanted him, ready to drive my elbow into his heart...and I was blindsided. Good job, I hope you feel good about yourself. I hope that W in the record column was worth it, because I can assure you this is not the last time we meet.

The crowd cheers Curt's passion as he continues on.

Curt Hawkins: Moving forward however, I have another test in my way. Another superstar trying to prove himself, and make a name on his own. His name is Petey Williams. I've seen some stuff that he can do and I have to say I am impressed. But I'm not sure he can match the passion, the drive, the determination I have to pick up that win this week! My trains been derailed, and I'm trying to get back on the tracks. You can bring all you want to our match but you can bet that I am as focused as ever, and as hungry as ever. I've felt the touch of gold around my waist and I won't stop until I have it again. 2013 will be the year of Hawkins, and you Petey, and everyone else can bet on that!
Sep 27, 2011
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UWF Raw 11/27/12: HBK vs. Mankind

Fog is shown in the picture on the titantron. As the fog slowly clears up, Shawn Michaels appears and begins to speak


HBK: Over fifteen years ago, Mankind and Shawn Michaels squared off at "Mind Games" In Your House. Just over fifteen years later, Mankind and Shawn Michaels restart their rivalry. The question is though, why is Shawn Michaels at a cementary. It's very simple, you see over the last few months, Shawn Michaels has been on the wrong side of things. The Heart Break Kid, went from being a man who went and did everything and anything to succeed, to a man who is too nice. A thing I noticed, I have been too easy on my opponents. I allowed myself to let John Morrison of all people and Kurt Angle to get the best of me, when I know damn well I am the better man than they'll ever be in the ring. I allowed AJ Styles, a man whose done so little in his career to beat me at ease. Enough is enough and it's time for a change. The reason I am out here at night in this cementary is for one reason and one reason only, MIND GAMES!

HBK slowly starts to walk around the graveyard

HBK: You see Mankind, I knew you would try and pull something like this, where you would hide in a boil room corner with Paul Bearer and hit your knee over and over again to get the feeling back in it from when I took all the feeling out of it over fifteen years ago. Mankind, you will never be a sexy boy. You will always be the fear of children and some male adults, but on this night, it is Shawn Michaels who is going to play mind games. I've been out in these here woods before and I'm not scared. Nothing fears the Heart Break Kid, I am the one who is going to put all the fear into you. I am not going to be your usual Shawn Michaels anymore. I am not going to act like the nice guy and give people a chance at success. I am going to do this for me, just like I should have when I came back. No more of this giving in a feeling bad factor. MANKIND, YOU ARE GOING TO GET A TASTE OF HOW SHAWN MICHAELS CAN REALLY PLAY, MIND GAMES! In four days, in a very short four days, you are going to see a new side to Shawn Michaels, one that will have everyone talking for a long time. Four days, four days!!

The screen gets foggy again as HBK is no longer in vision of the camera
Last edited:
Apr 8, 2012
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Tulsa OK
Re: Raw 11/27/12 Christopher Daniels vs "THE" Brian Kendrick

“I..I..I..I Can’t Stop!â€


The words ring over the Public Address sound system hooked into the arena’s speakers. As a new voice is heard within the music to be known as Kanye West’s Voice screaming through the airwaves, ‘The’ Brian Kendrick Arrives in full swing, a big smile and pep in his step. He dances his normal groove as he takes his good sweet time to coming to the ring, he’s followed not so closely by his partner, Big Zeke Jackson wearing his matching open button up and slacks; White, as always. In the hands on one Ezekiel Jackson are multiple copies of what appears to be Webster’s’ Dictionary. As Kendrick dances slowly to the beat of his music, Zeke is seen in the background handing fans the pocket sized version of the dictionary at hand. Kendrick’s smile slowly fades as he passes an over enthusiastic fan yelling and screaming at him at the top of her lungs. Kendrick stops for only a moment but smiles again so smug in his walk looking at the woman booing him profusely. He signaled his protege to hand her one of the many copies of Webster’s that he’s been lugging around since they got on stage. Kendrick and Jackson circumvent around to the far side of the ring. Jackson, left with one copy of Webster’s, Towers over the timekeeper taking a second microphone. Once he obtains what he had sought he handed both items to ‘The Brian Kendrick’, who then begins to climb up the steel steps. Upon entering the ring, He looked at his opponent for only a moment before looking over the fans. He gave them a negative motion, telling them that they were inferior to him, before averting his attention back to Christopher Daniels. He smiled wide handing him the final copy of Webster’s Dictionary.

“I saved you one.â€

He smiled his cocky, evil to Daniels before looking back to the fans in the arena.

“I’ll say it once more… Genius!â€

The fan’s roar is defining to the ears. Kendrick only smiles looking back at them.

“Now if you were so lucky to receive one of my personal dictionaries, and I do expect you all to take proper care of them, would you be so kind to turn to page two hundred and seventeen. There you will find the Definition of the word along with a picture to remind of the meaning.â€

The camera cuts to a little girl on the front row turning the pages of the book given to her. She finds only the word Genius Sharpie’d in and a picture of ‘The’ Brian Kendrick standing in a pose of deep thought taped to the page. The girl looked back at the camera giving an expression of anger that looked adorable on the little one. The camera would cut back to Kendrick who now stands in that same pose. Jackson wakes him out of his daydream telling him to continue.


“You see, Christopher. I am a man that needn’t ask questions about anything. What there is to know... I know where as you are just a poor misguided fool, a mere stepping stone on my way to multiple inevitable title reigns. You are too busy keeping your eyes on the future; you should be more worried of the present Christopher. You should be worried of me, ‘THE’ Brian Kendrick; OH! and congratulations on beating a drunken' cowboy to get that white trash title of yours. I wouldn't be caught dead with such filth around my waist. So is this how low budget this place is, hiring the jokes of WWE's Past."

The crowd's heat can be easily be felt to Kendrick as he smiles, laughing to himself before he responds.

"Well if the 'sock' fits..."

Kendrick again pauses to laugh at his own joke. His attitude changes in an instant to one of pure sincerity.


"If you had any sense in that Brainwashed Skull of yours you'd know that you should be hesitant to face me, you know why? It's because I'm the best there is. It has nothing to do with that joke, Curtis Hawkins. The Gods are going to watch our match? I’m sure they have cable... Don’t you believe I come to every match prepared? Do you get it yet? The Gods you serve are only clouds floating above your head. THEY DON'T EXIST CHRISTOPHER! THEY ARE MERELY FIGMENTS OF YOUR FEEBLE DISPLACED STUPID IMAGINATION!"


Kendrick pauses breathing slowly, as he calms he presses the Microphone to his lips again.

"I digress... This match is the beginning of your downfall Christopher. Maybe your defeat will put some humanity back into that lost soul of yours. But until Tuesday, I’m done looking at that grotesque thing on your shoulder... Or you for the record.â€

Kendrick flicks his fingers in the air to cue the guys in the back to play his music as he walks back into back like he had just won a Gold Medal for Trash Talking. The cameras would cut into commercial before he got off the stage atop the ramp way.

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Re: Raw 11/27/12 Christopher Daniels vs Brian Kendrick

Excellent stuff man, wish I hadn't been so distracted to TT more. Would have been nice to get in a REAL session with you. Soon though, soon!


Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Tuesday Night Raw 12/4/12: Antonio Cesaro Vs Shawn Michaels

The crowd inside the Tuesday Night Raw arena are cheering like crazy as usual when an unfamiliar theme plays over the PA system.

C'est Miracle...


The titantron is suddenly emblazoned with the image of the flag of Switzerland. Before long Antonio Cesaro makes his way out from the backstage area. He looks around the arena with a condescending look on his face. He puts his fists up in the air for his signature pose before heading down the ramp, his arms clasped behind his back. Cesaro slowly walks up the ring steps, stopping at the top step to have another look around at his surroundings before walking along the apron, turning to wipe his feet before entering the ring. Antonio Cesaro grabs a microphone off of the ring announcer and in his thick accent he begins to speak.


Antonio Cesaro: Everybody sit down, shut up and listen because Mister Antonio Cesaro has a little story to share with you all tonight. Around three to four weeks ago, I lose count because a week in this country is similar to one year in a Swiss prison, I made my most triumphant return to the Ultimate Wrestling Federation. I went home to Lucerne, Switzerland as this country had worn me down with it's idiocy, it's bad health and terrible fashion sense. When I was home I the itch as you would say, the itch to come back and make the impact I should have made the last time around. Not to say I did not make an impact the first time round, I mean I was after all not a one time, not a two time but a three time UWF European Champion... but when I did return to tell you all of my new plan of action you all reacted with typical American ignorance, arrogance and apathy. You all did not care one single bit that the single greatest European wrestler of all time had returned to where he should be, the best wrestling company in the world. You simply could not have cared less if you tried really hard.

The crowd boo Antonio Cesaro, it doesn't phase him as he looks down towards the mat.

But of course trying hard in this country means ordering a Diet Soda with your extra large fast-food 'meal' and I use the word 'meal' very loosely. However, that is fine, I expected it. I mean how can I expect an American, the kind of person that cries to sleep at night when twinky's go out of business, to fathom the magnitude and importance my return signifies. My return signifies a return to greatness for this flailing company and the beckoning of a new star in this industry. Mister Antonio Cesaro. So fast forward now a month almost and I stand before you ready to begin my return properly, in the ring against 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels. A man who has done little to nothing since he joined this company and believe me, it will stay that way after this weeks Raw because Shawn Michaels will be nothing more than fodder for the future World Champion that stands before you.

The crowd begin to chant 'USA!, USA!' as well as 'HBK!, HBK!' as Cesaro simply smirks and continues.

Sure, he may be running up some momentum after his victories over... what was their names again?... it doesn't matter!. What does matter is Antonio Cesaro WILL get off to a good start on his return to UWF. Antonio Cesaro WILL defeat Shawn Michaels and prove him to be the has-been any intelligent being would see him to be. Er hat es nicht mehr... he doesn't have it any more. A victory over Batista is worth no more than he himself is worth... which is of course nothing and you may talk about your win over Mankind on Raw last week... but again, Mankind is nothing compared to someone as so 'Very European' as me. So Shawn, what Mister Antonio Cesaro suggests to you is that you save your time this week and simply lay down to your younger, fitter, stronger, better looking and above all else more European superior and save yourself the pain, die Angst und die Qualen... of having your head knocked off of your neck with Swiss Death. Defeat is inevitable Shawn... it's up to you how we go about it... the easy way or... the Very European way... what do you say?.
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