UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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UWF RAW: Batista vs. Kendrick

We're on the top level of the arena, we see Batista look towards the ring before turning back to the camera as he sits down.


Everyone's asking the same question, so I suggest you don't question me whatsoever tonight. I'm not in the mood at all, I'm just not... Week after week I've found myself to be at the lowest point of my entire career... Three months ago, I would have said I'd soon become World Heavyweight Champion. In that very match, I felt confident, perhaps too confident... But I had that match won fair and square... but ever since Big Show punched me and knocked me out cold... I've never been the same again. Sure, I beat the 'Brooklyn Brawler' but he's a nobody... The past two months I've competed with some of the best UWF has to offer... I think it's fair that I can say they are better than me. If only I could believe in myself that I am indeed better, the results ain't showing it at all. After Survivor Series, Shawn Michaels got the better of me, I really thought I could stop him from being the 'Show-Stopper' but he stopped my show. Back to square one for me, it's time I rekindle myself and find what's truly mine but right now... I gotta go back to when I first came back and went to UWF Smackdown. To when I stepped into the ring, tore things apart... made opponents my bitch. The times where I was unstoppable, where I was the 'beast'. But the question remains, just how am I going to be able to restore myself, after the constant losses... I guess I just need to find my 'footing'. Motivation is something I've felt I've lacked lately, I need to find myself motivated, I need to find someone who's not going to put me down for my losses... I need someone, I need something... Someone has to be the 'rag doll' around here. That person is definately gotta be Brian Kendrick, a scrawny little piece of crap that is protected by a beast just like myself... Just question yourself little kid, what exactly do you have going for you? I mean you didn't win last week... We're both coming off constant losses but this week, this week has to be the week for me where I get back on the winning board and start proving to UWF RAW that I am serious about being here. Unlike you Brian, you're not very serious... You're more concerned about Ezekiel then you are yourself; you're more concerned about what Ezekiel will do for you. Lately he's done squat for you, surely you know you're better off alone... but with that peanut sized brain of yours... You sadly misunderstand the concept of being an individual.

That's the difference between us Brian, the fact I refuse to partake with others...Perhaps that is my downfall, but I won't allow such mediocrity lies be a part of that. I know I am better as a solo person, the opponents I've faced lately are all calibres to the World Championship picture. Time after time, I've been deemed ready, ready to be at the top of the world... but I've realised my time isn't now... I've realised I'm starting all over again. Who says I can't get to where I want to be? I know I can be there again! The losses to Morrison, Cody Rhodes and Shawn Michaels... three of the best this company has to offer. Last night, I had to sit down backstage... I was too scared to even come out for RAW, hence why nobody saw me... but I was backstage, I had to have an epiphany... You know, I bumped into DDP (Diamond Dallas Page) backstage last night... He gave me some strong advice, he also told me to take one of his yoga lessons and I did just that. My mind was cleared, I feel better, a lot calmer in a way... the fact I can get over the past and look ahead. Can I still be dangerous? Can I still cause havoc and continue to break people's skull, surely can! I don't think the fact I behave like a destructive animal will stop me at all, I may be calm now and not say 'Freakin' all the time... Does not mean I've changed. My anger is still here but I will leave it for the ring, outside of the ring... It's a different story. I've seen guys have interviews with Television shows regardless of them being a 'bad guy', but me... I'm never seen. My attitude lately hasn't gotten me anywhere outside the ring, which is why I need to change my attitude now. But Brian, I want you to remember what I just said, the fact the attitude doesn't disappear at all in the ring. I want you to watch how destructive I was on Smackdown, forget about my past month on RAW... Forget. That's the keyword Brian; because I'm well prepared this time around. I've said that in the past, I'll continue to believe in myself, that win is just around the corner! Whilst I'm unknown what the future of my career lies here on UWF RAW, I know for a fact that I will make a name for myself, we're heading into the last month of the year. The so-called Apocalypse is supposed to happen, will the world end? The whole scenario of lies continue to weave like spider-webs... The world won't end, it will be the ignition of Batista, it will be when the flames fire once again and put the rage inside me... It will be the beginning but why wait until December 21st, 2012? Why not begin now? The fire's ignited already Brian, the rage inside me is well contained... But can you and Ezekiel contaminate the fact I'm just as dangerous as I once was? Or are you going to over-look the fact and use my past records to try get into my head? Because the past is the past, this is the future, this is the time where I make a name heard for myself, this is where I will enter the new year ready to tear things apart. Because I know I may not become Champion before the end of the year, but I'll be close to it within the new year... I await for you Brian. It is your turn to speak now.

The titantron still shows Batista as he awaits for the theme song of Brian Kendrick.

Apr 8, 2012
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Tulsa OK
Re: UWF RAW: Batista vs. 'THE' Brian Kendrick


“I..I..I..I Can’t Stop..Stop..Stop..Stop..â€￾

The words ring over the crowd like a crier begging to be heard by the masses. As the crowd silenced itself, the words came to come back on the buildup..

“I can’t....â€￾

The power cut out as the lights and sound faded, along with the titantron. The crowd began to rise in commotion, and anticipation. A spotlight would spot big Zeke Jackson standing on a platform near the crowd. Wearing his white button up shirt and matching slacks. He looked up to the picture of Dave Batista coming in via satellite and began to speak.


“The questions David... Have already been answered, there’s no need to ask them anymore. Your history shall repeat itself until the day of your death. Do you not see the folly in your ways David? Are you so fool-headed that you can’t see your own future just a few days from now? Please allow me to explain some things to you. You are only a lamb to be brought to the slaughter, a message to be delivered not only to the masses, but the Pope himself. The message is clear, and it is this; ‘The’ Brian Kendrick is your next United States Champion!â€￾

With that a voice came over the speakers. ‘The’ Brian Kendrick can be seen with a microphone walking to the ring slowly; in a very serious tone he pulled the microphone up to his lips. His jacket, trunks, and boots were all black this week and his normal smug and banter, were no more. This week was all about the message and it’s a message he was going to deliver alone.

“Thank you Zeke, your message has been delivered I’ll see you on Tuesday.â€￾

He quickly made his way up the steel steps to enter the ring. He looked at his opponent who was sitting on his chair through the titantron. Jackson has left the scene going back into the crowd and out the exit.


“David you proclaim that the “Show Stopperâ€￾ has stopped your show. But rolling over for your enemies is a show within itself. You are quite an enjoyable jobber. You ask what exactly I have going for me. The Answer is obvious... Genius, weren't you listening? I may have lost last week but it’s nothing compared to your embarrassment... With your record I’m surprised you’re still in this business. You can’t honestly try to bring my record into things without first looking into your own. Your reputation on Smackdown may have gotten you here, but you’re standing on Raw is what makes you a joke in this company."

Kendrick smiles his normal cocky self, getting back into his normal stride he let his last statement sink in before continuing.

“And when it comes to my enforcer, you needn't worry Davey. You compare his strength to your own but you don’t comprehend is that Ezekiel Jackson has a sharp mind. He not only has the brawn but the brains to boot. Granted his intellect doesn't match my own, but he can run circles around your lacking mental capacity. You think I misunderstand being an individual? It’s you who clearly misunderstands my brains. Let me show you a thing or two. The pen, Davy, Is mightier than the sword. What you fail to realize is that having an enforcer doesn't make me less of an individual. It grants me tactics. Strategy is the key to success. And bull-headed attacks will get you nowhere against me. So you bring yourself to Raw believing that your so called mind and your big muscles will get you somewhere in this business because while you’re looking up at the ref pleading for him to call it 2, it will be my hand that is raised triumphantly over everything you try to believe in."

Kendrick’s smile became more and more crazed as he looked at Batista. His eyes thirsty for blood and his body twitched up in anticipation as he grasped the ring ropes breathing hard trying to calm himself. When he stopped shaking, he’d bring the microphone up to his lips laughing manically.

“I’m sorry to burst another bubble of yours, but you are (Kendrick stops for a brief moment bringing up his hands in Finger Quotes) “Deemedâ€￾... ready to job to your opponents and why bother bringing up old man Page!? Yoga?? Really??? You call yourself calm and collected now, BUT I DON’T SEE IT DAVEY!!! All I see is a fading star demanding to seen as a planet. Your time... came and went. It’s over David... Just hang ‘em up... I don’t need to try to get into what’s left inside your head. I don’t have to worry about playing a mind game with you. Because frankly Davey... That’s just too easy. I want to show them I can beat you on your level. And that’s just what I’m going to do. You see come Tuesday night. You won’t have to watch your back, because Zeke is not coming out with me this time. You got me all to yourself. SO TELL ME!!! WHO GON STOP ME!! NOT POPE, AND SURE AS HELL NOT YOU!!! WHO GON STOP ME HUH!?!?!?â€￾

Kendrick’s lost himself at the moment. He breathes again calming down giving Batista a moment to answer him.
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 12/4/12: Antonio Cesaro Vs Shawn Michaels


HBK comes out from the back ready for a fight as he heads straight for the ring. HBK glances to each side of the crowd a few times before entering the ring


As HBK heads into the ring, he pulls a microphone out of his back pocket


HBK: We got another one here in the UWF and what I mean by that, is another individual who thinks he's better than he already is. First of all, if you're going to speak to me, then you're going to do so in English so we all can understand you. This is America, land of the free, and home of the brave. However, in this ring, I am untouchable. On Raw, I got you Antonio Cesaro. What's the difference between you and myself? Everything! For over twenty plus years I have to came to this ring, faught with the best, faught with the worst, faught with the giants. Hell, I have even faught with a broken back. Yet each and every single time, I give it my all. I may not be on the best roll of my life right now, but I am sure as hell on my way there. You may ask what does a few victories do against a bunch of no names, I'll let you know when I add you to that list after Raw!

HBK lowers his microphone as Cesaro doesn't like HBK's tone

HBK: You see that's the difference between you and myself. I have done it all, past or present it does not matter because at the end of the day I am still The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels. I am still the man in this ring. I am STILL THE MAN that is going to out class you on Raw. I have been performing with a different attitude as of late and I am not afraid to use it on you, Antonio Cesaro. On Raw, I am going to show everybody that there is a huge difference between me and you. And the fact is Shawn Michaels is best athlete in the UWF. You do not look so tough now do you, Antonio. When push comes to shove, I am that guy that will do the shoving around here. I think for once you have realized that maybe, just MAYBE you are not as good as you think you are. On Raw, I promise I am going to do a favor for everyone in th back when I shut you up!

The crowd cheers for HBK as he's picking up the intensity

HBK: I may not be as big as you are, I get that! But I can certainly get nasty. Guess what boy, I'm all man here. I may be a bit older than you, but I certainly can still give a good beating. Remember where I am from, I am from good ole' Texas. We can be nice to you or we can kick you straight in the teeth and that's what I am going do to you on Tuesday. My people from Texas are going to be watching and you may become the most hated man I have ever faced and I've faced many. You're going to go onto that list of stiffs who have crossed the Heart Break Kid, from the so called Legend Killers, to wanna-be great ones, all the to....you! Listen up boy, after Tuesday you're going to be added to that list courtisy of yours truly, Shawn Michaels and believe me when I tell you, your going to fall to the Heart Break Kid. On Raw, I'm going to kick your teeth down your throat and the next morning, you're going to be looking at them from your stool sample, son!

HBK lowers his microphone as he stares right into the eyes of Antonio Cesaro as a massive "HBK" chant breaks out


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 12/4/12: Antonio Cesaro Vs Shawn Michaels

Antonio Cesaro looks at Shawn Michaels with utter disgust and distaste before raising the microphone to his mouth and feigning sickness.


Antonio Cesaro: Excuse me while I be sick. A stool sample, really?, you Americans truly have no shame or dignity do you?. It's obvious you really don't Shawn, I mean would a man of dignity not just come down to this ring and accept his defeat graciously to the much superior, better looking and more educated man, no?. It's just so typical of you Shawn Michaels. I grew up watching you, which says a lot, but I saw you come down to this ring against the giants and monsters you speak of and I saw you beat them and back then you were indeed 'The Man'. This isn't that time any more Shawn and whilst I see that you still hold some of those old 'Showstopping' qualities... the day when you were the best athlete on the roster are long gone, and they day when you were 'The Man' is so distant now that I can barely see it, so let's just say it ain't your time any more. Now, I am not going to rant on your age, as it really does not matter to me... what I will touch upon is your delusions of grandeur... because that's what I find particularly amusing.

Antonio Cesaro smiles, laughing arrogantly to himself before continuing.

So you're going to use your new attitude against me?. I'm trying to fight back the laughter Shawn. I know you inside out. I know your every move, I have watched you since I could walk and I know precisely what you're going to do in this match. You're a one trick pony Shawn... and it's that Sweet Chin Music. The one thing I must avoid in this match. The big Elbow Drop?, nothing, Figure Four Leglock, I have the key to that lock and that big Flying Forearm you like to use?, consider it nullified. You see Shawn, even that Sweet Chin Music is useless against me. For I have the antidote for all these 'venomous' moves... the European Uppercut. And Shawn, you may well have been in this business for over 25 years and you may well have forgot more than I will ever learn but you have never felt the force of a real European Uppercut. The kind of Uppercut that makes you wonder where you are, the sort of European Uppercut that has been known to knock men clean out... and that's not even Swiss Death I am talking about, by the way.

Cesaro throws his arm up in the air in an Uppercut manner.

One hit Shawn, and you will be wondering what country you are in. Well... at least until you look at the crowd then you'll be sure of exactly where you are. To put it simply to you Shawn, seeing as you don't seem to be able to even grasp the English language... this week on Raw... I will knock you out... I will pin you... I will defeat you. I will make an impact at your expense Shawn and you are powerless to resist as is every other man on the Raw roster. Resistance is futile. You can make all of your statements about how this is the Land of The Free... or about your abilities in this ring... because at the end of Raw this Tuesday Night... people will learn to accept them as the falsities that they are. Then people will learn to accept that this chiselled European face is the future face of this roster. Then they will learn that being Very European makes me very much... better than each and every one of you... and that includes you, Shawn Michaels... and you will learn that first hand when I knock you out on Raw and leave you a crippled, broken and beaten man... and hey, at least you'll be in a better state than your country you so love... but I'm not making any promises.


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Re: UWF RAW: Batista vs. Kendrick

Guitar riffs are heard... as 'My World - Brand New Sin' begins playing as Batista comes out from behind the curtain.


Batista makes his way down to the ring as a few people in the crowd begins clapping for Batista, he hops up on the apron as he enters the ring as he grabs a microphone.



Thanks for your speech Brian, but I believe it is my turn to speak from here... What was the point of having your friend come to say a little two-liner before leaving you all alone... You do know that's a little dangerous to do that? Well Brian, you're lucky I'm not going to beat you down today... but tomorrow, I will be. Secondly, what does the United States Championship have to do with me? Am I competing for it? I didn't seem to realize that... Wait, I'm not that 'stuck' in mid-card hell just yet Brian. You can go accomplish a title-picture run but I... I've got things to do, people to defeat and it begins with you Brian. But tomorrow, that's right... Me and you, we do battle. But I wouldn't exactly call it a battle at all, whilst you continued to ramble on about intolerant things... I allowed myself to re-think about everything I've done. Do I regret my actions on opponents? No. Do you hear me complaining about the past today? Barely. My only complaint is you Brian, you having to weave behind a big guy like myself... Have you forgotten what Rey Mysterio did here in UWF? I beat him, I broke him in half... but I made him famous once again. He did things on his own to get that far, as for you Brian... you won't get far with Zeke, Man... I really hate repeating myself to you because it seems your brain isn't co-operating very well. But let's speak about a few things you mentioned... Calling me a jobber, sure... that's probably the best you could come up with right now... I guess I am a jobber, after losing
consecutively but surely the same could be said about yourself... It's nothing compared? When you look at Shawn Michaels, you realize he's one of the greatedt wrestlers this company has to offer, the same could be said for Cody Rhodes and John Morrison. So before you speak about my losses, they're all currently above me and you. Do you see yourself up there? No... I had the opportunity and I allowed it to slip, can I bounce back from the falls I've had recently, of course. But you... You're stuck on a roller-coaster, you need to go up for that big drop and a loop, but you're stuck... you're not getting any further than you are now. Now you have to climb up, it's not an easy task but that's what you've gotta do, that's what I've gotta do! But your ramblings on about how you're smart and how you're going to achieve certain things is quite entertaining to hear, not that I heard everything you've had to say anyways!

Unlike your scrawny self there Brian, Zeke and I actually work-out in a gym... Sure I said something nice about Zeke but it's just not the same at all. I'm a man who's worked hard to get to where I am, you can choose to believe that or not. In life there's up and downs, life isn't suppose to be easy. Look at John Morrison, Cody Rhodes, John Cena, Jeff Hardy... All those guys are right up there but they are bound for a downfall eventually just like myself. But we fight to get to the top, I fight to get to the top... I won't give up hope knowing I can achieve what I came here for, we all live the same dream, we all follow it. Some of us make it, some of us don't. But you and I, we're here on UWF RAW... You're wanting to accomplish that US Championship, where as I, my goals are higher... I could raise the bar a little lower but I won't, call me greedy but when you strive for something, you go for it. You've got a lack of motivation right now Brian, you could say Zeke's your motivation, your guidance... Whilst I used Diamond Dallas Page for some motivation, it was inspirational... You want to call him old? Go for it but the geezer could still beat you on any given day! I'm calm, I'm well maintained, you can try burst my bubble, you can try set me off to enable rage once again, but I know, these people know... I'll happily wait until I step into the ring with you tomorrow night. Retirement isn't an option right now for me, whether somebody chooses to beat me down and we go into a bloodbath, I will still not retire, I'm not going to quit because you've said that. The more people want me to quit, the more motivation I have, right now I'm more motivated than ever. Who's going to stop you? I am. The facts aren't as believable right now, but they're sure going to be this time Kendrick. You're on your own this time... Are you sure you've got what it takes to be in the ring with an Animal? I don't think you're prepared buddy... But hey, don't give up your dreams..

Batista laughs as he leaves the ring and slaps the hands of people in the front row as Batista heads back, he looks back once more at Brian Kendrick and points out to him before leaving.

Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 12/4/12: Antonio Cesaro Vs Shawn Michaels

HBK puts on a smirk before speaking


HBK: It's a funny thing we have out here you know. You're still talking to the show stoppa kid. I been in the ring with much bigger guys than you and yet I still have lived to talk about how I took them on and beat them down for the count. But, I'm going to be honest with you, their is no one who appreciates what you're doing out here more than me. You're coming out here and trying to steal the spotlight from ole' HBK and I'm cool with that. But I need you to understand, you might be biting off more than you can chew! As we go along with this, I am going to give you some lessons, so I want you to pay attention to them. I know what it is you want, you want the spotlight from Shawn Michaels and that's all dandy and fine with me, but it's going to take a lot more than just standing around and pretending to be some wanna be tough guy from Europe to steal the spotlight from me. You need to back it up when you're not only in this business, but also when you're in the ring with The Heart Break Kid!

HBK lowers his microphone as a wave of "HBK" chants break out

HBK: Look the thing is, the problem with you kids today is you don't even know enough to know that you don't know, you know. You'll get that one tomorrow. You see there is this pecking order, but I doubt you understand what I mean by that so I'll make it simpler and easier for someone like you to understand, we'll then I can dumb it down a little bit for you. There is a ladder if you will, there is HBK at the top of the ladder and then there is, Antonio Cesaro not at the top of the ladder. You want to get to the top and you probably figured then there is HBK and the best way to get to the top is to knock me off the ladder. I'm digging it kid, I really am. You got the cojones to come out here and challenge to push me off, but the thing is when you get to the top the air is a little thin. There is only so much air you can get up there. Getting up to the top is great, but it's grabbing it and holding onto that spot is what the real trick is. I have been able to keep that spot for over fifteen years now. You don't need to be the champion to prove you're on the top. You have to show it in this ring, night in and night out. And I have to be honest again with you kid, you just don't have what it takes to get there just yet.

Antonio Cesaro doesn't like HBK's tone with him

HBK: You got the look though that I love so much. You got the passion in your eyes that I have seen from so many that have come my way and the thing all those people have in common, is they failed. You Antonio Cesaro are going to be added to that list after our match this Tuesday on Raw. If you think for one second that Shawn Michaels is going to be a push over, then you have a new thing coming because if there is one thing that Shawn Michaels is not and that's a push over. I'm looking you man to man and I am telling you that I will bring out the show stoppa, I will bring out all that Shawn Michaels is and that is being the very best sports entertainer of all time. And until you have done something in this business other than speak in a few different languages then you need to keep your mouth shut or I'll kick it shut. At the end of the day, you got your style and I got mine and I know what you want and that's a fight. Well kid, you're going to get a fight. If you can beat me on Raw this Tuesday, then I'll look you in the eye and tell you, you were the better man. The only problem with that attempt is, I am the man!

HBK drops his microphone as his music hits and the two have staredown and exchange words with one another that fans cannot hear


OOC: I'm assuming 2-2 is good since the show is for Tuesday and it's already Sunday?
Apr 8, 2012
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Tulsa OK
Re: UWF RAW: Batista vs. Kendrick

“Don’t you dare take another step you fire dancin’ Neanderthal. I am not done talking to you...”

Kendrick’s scowl is so heavy you could see the burning hatred in his eyes at that moment.

“If my words are to sophisticated that you can’t keep up, allow me to talk in a language you can understand. Ezekiel Jackson is my messenger, Davey. He’s the Harold of my coming. He’s my voice to the masses. For you see, you don’t send the King to talk to the rabble... That’s sophisticated talk, for dumb people.”

Kendrick smiles his wicked grin as the “Rabble” pelt Kendrick with heat.


“And when it comes to how you are relevant to MY United States Championship. That is very simple David. You are an Animal, like a lamb. A lamb I’m taking to slaughter, and when it’s over, nobody will know who you are. You won’t have to retire Davey. They... will do that for you. Do you know what’s truly intolerable? Your slipping grasp of the English language."

Kendrick stops only briefly to mole over exactly what he wants to say.

“If you’re going to complain about the past David, you should start with the WWE. Your complaint should be your very own weaving behind the big shots. Where Cody Rhodes, John Morrison, and Randy Orton fought and scratched, and clawed their way to the top, you took a road that many others do. You were contracted to the WWE, where instead of proving your dues, you weaved behind Reverend Devon Dudley.”

Kendrick stops again, smiling as he knew the crowds love for Devon was coming in a “TESTFY!”

There you defeated Randy Orton in numerous Tag Team Matches. You never really went anywhere with Devon, however after your rupture with him you joined a bigger and better stable. One you could weave your way to the top. EVIL...LUTION! During your time there, you did very well at quivering your discussing lips to the cheeks of Triple H, and sucking the Nip of Ric Flair. You made it to your dream; World Heavyweight Gold. You snaked your way to the top of the ladder... than you crashed. Being sent to the “B” show were you tiraded with peasants, and fought with Gods. But the Past doesn’t matter right now does it Davey”

Kendrick laughs knowing that would catch a nerve with Batista, if wasn’t listening before than he sure as hell was now. Kendrick flashes a pose at Dave as if to say ‘I’ve done my research’

“Oh! And you mention one of my trainers, Shawn Michaels, as if I don’t even know him? I was there at his best and worst, and I was trained for both! Were you sit on your duff and wonder where you went wrong, I am watching the tapes, I am studying every moment of every match I’ve ever had. I broke them down, one by one until I knew exactly where I had gone wrong. So when you start to go under begging Pope for a pay cut to stay on Television, I’ll gladly allow you to weave behind Zeke to stay... somewhere in the spotlight.”

Kendrick’s Smile widened as the scowl that was once on Kendrick forms on Batista.

“Just so we’re clear David, you had 4 opportunities at becoming something in this brand.. and I am number 5, The coup de’ grace of your “slips”. You see after I, “The Scrawny White Boy who doesn’t pop pills or lifts those ridiculous weights”, beat you. You’ll be even more of a joke than you already are, simultaneously pushing me closer to my inevitable future as United States Champion! You seriously believe you could lower the bar any more than you already than you already have. I noticed you threw in the toilet; you might as well flush it too Davey!!”

The cameras zoom back as Brian rolls out of the ring walking up to the Leviathan of a man he’s got coming up on Raw. He looks up directly into his eyes before spitting out his final say.

“I don’t call it much of a motivation if you have to dig it out of the Ghost of WCW’s past. Diamond Dallas Page might be able to wrestle his way out of a paper sack, but to say he could drag his decrepit bones to the ring and beat me “THE” Brian Kendrick, absurd. Taking advice on motivation from him is like giving yourself a high five; it doesn’t make since to me. You can only see ten feet in front of you Davey. The future doesn’t make much since to you huh?... However you did grasp the world isn’t going to end, which is more than I say these people.”

Brian rolls his eyes face to face with Batista as the fans pour more heat on the self-proclaimed Genius. He pulls the microphone to his lips laughing a bit.



He pauses again looking dead in the eyes of his opponent, his eyes full of intensity. The fans singing a chorus of boos while Kendrick continues.

“My motivation stands before me. You talk of Zeke being my motivation? (Brian chuckles) You really are blind to everything around you. Your sight is so linear that you can’t see your future, much less look at your own past. No.. No.. The only thing that matters to you, is today. As I... I see my future... And you’re already my past!!”

With that Kendrick walks past Batista heading into backstage. Kanye’s voice could be heard as Kendricks music plays..

“Who gon’ stop me HUH!?!?!?”
Last edited:


Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Tuesday Night Raw 12/11/12: Antonio Cesaro Vs Mankind

The crowd inside the arena are on their feet awaiting the next, no doubt exciting, happening on Raw. When suddenly...

C'est Miracle...


The new theme of Antonio Cesaro, 'Miracle' by Jim Johnstone hits the PA system and the crowd erupt in a chorus of boos. With the heat for Cesaro rising, the great man himself walks out onto the stage clad in a suit, complete with a stylish man-bag. He looks around before raising his fists in the air and doing his signature pose. Cesaro then wastes no time walking down the ramp towards the ring. He steps up the ring steps and before stepping through the ropes he wipes his feet on the mat. Now in the ring Antonio Cesaro simply stands in front of the ring ropes with a smug grin on his face before he gets himself a microphone from the ring announcer Justin Roberts who scurries out of the ring.


Antonio Cesaro: Ich will Ruhe!, Denn ich bin zu Ihnen sagen, alle eine kleine Geschichte heute Abend. Last week, yours truly, Mister Antonio Cesaro, 'The Swiss Sensation' and three time European Champion by the way, stepped into the ring to face your hero 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels. Now Antonio Cesaro heard all of the talk amongst you filthy ingrates, about how Shawn Michaels was going to send me back to where I belong and how he was going to do this, and do that... well guess what?... I showed you all just how stupid you really all are didn't I?. That's right, last week, I, Mister Antonio Cesaro, defeated a so called legend in this industry by pin-fall with The Neutraliser clean in the centre of this ring. How silly do you all look now?... Sie sehen alle so dumm!... you all showed exactly why everywhere else in the world hates America... your stupidity and your ignorance. The fact that you supported Shawn Michaels, a man who has done nothing, not one single thing in this company over a man who has already beaten all the big guns and has been European Champion, not once, not twice but three times... DREI MAL!... just really put into perspective what I am dealing with here in this stinking, rotten country.

The crowd begin to chant 'USA!, USA!' as you would expect really. Mister Cesaro is unimpressed.

Yes, yes, chant 'USA!', because the whole world saw the mockery I made of YOUR hero this past Tuesday night. But just when I thought, I have beaten their hero, I have defeated a legend, from the cellar, dungeon or wherever he's from crawls another one of your idols, Mankind. Now I know that Mankind may be billed from the Boiler Room... which, to be fair is a far more respectable place to be billed from than Long Island, New York... but at the end of the day he is one of you, and he is from the aforementioned Island of soft-brains and idiots. However, Mankind is a whole new level of idiot... he is so idiotic that he has become psychotic as a result. Now if you look at America's crime rate and the number of psychos this country hosts compared the tranquil, just about crime free, socialist republic that is my homeland of Switzerland. And that's right I used the two words that American's really hate... socialism... and crime free. Because silly American's are just too dumb to understand both of them!, haha!.

Antonio Cesaro walks around the ring a little, thinking to himself before continuing.

Now, socialism means that we care for our less well off in society... however I will not be expanding my care for your poor... and there is none worse off than Mankind. The man is deranged, he's psychotic but at the end of the day he is just a man. He isn't a big scary monster, he isn't going to blow me up or throw me on thumb tacks either for I have superior European intellect and he wouldn't get the chance. So now that we have established my superiority it's just a matter of going into Raw this Tuesday and doing to Mankind exactly what I did to Shawn Michaels last week... destroy him with the Swiss Death, take his head off... and then finish him off... neutralise the threat, if you can call him that, with The Neutraliser and then it's onwards and upwards so I no longer have to deal with freaks and has-beens ever again in this company. Then, I can move up and stake my claim to be the first ever Swiss born, UWF World Champion. And that would be especially... 'Very European'...
Sep 27, 2011
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UWF Raw 12/11/12: HBK vs UWF Champion, Cody Rhodes Non-Title


The crowd erupts as HBK comes out from the back. HBK comes out parading around like he usual does to get the excitement out of the fans. As HBK heads for the ring he stops and drops down to his knees, prays, and then holds his arms in the air as his pyro goes off


As his pyro finishes, HBK hops up onto his two feet and heads for the ring while slapping hands with the fans. As HBK gets into the ring he heads for the farthest corner and climbs to the middle turnbuckle and puts his arms in the air while clapping to the fans. HBK hops off the turnbuckle and is handed a microphone. As HBK walks to the center of the ring he winces a bit as he is trying to catch his breathe. HBK does so and gets ready to get on the microphone


HBK: I'm a bit out of breathe here, twenty plus years of doing this and you would think I'm used to all this by now, but what can I say, I really love this stuff! Now I'm not out here to soak in what I have done the last twenty plus years of my career because well as you know, I do that way too much. Last week on Raw, myself and (in an accent) Antonio Cesaro clashed in what many say was the match of the year here on Raw. And to Antonio Cesaro's credit he was the better man last week. I said I'd come out here and say it and I am going to man up and do just that, he was the better man. But, that was last week. My performance as of late with the short winning streak and including my peformance last week, has earned myself a non-title match against the UWF Champion, Cody Rhodes!

The crowd boos while HBK trys to stop them

HBK: No no no no, that's good news. The reason it's good news is simple, although at the Royal Rumble the UWF Title match is set for Cody Rhodes to defend the title against John Morrison, should I beat Cody Rhodes, then I deserve to throw my name into the UWF Title match at the Royal Rumble. You see it's comman knowledge, should one beat the defending champion, then they deserve an opportunity at the UWF Title and I have to admit, that is getting the show stoppa going. The whole reason I came back was for one last opportunity to be the man again and now I have my opportunity to show why I deserve a spot in line for the UWF Championship. Now Cody Rhodes, you are one tough competitor. I have had my eye on you since I came back and you have been arguably unstoppable around here. John Morrison may have had the undefeated streak going for him, but nobody was more impressive than you were.

HBK lowers his microphone as the crowd boos at HBK's remarks about Cody Rhodes

HBK: It's true though, Cody you have showed dominance in the likes I have never seen out of you. You're the UWF Champion and so you should be, but I'm the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels. The headliner, the main event, the icon. I am everything I say I am and more and right now this is my opportunity to show to you, show to The Pope, show to the world why HBK still has what it takes to be the man. No matter what the odds are against me, I am going to go into this match with one goal on my mind and that's getting the job done at any costs. Cody Rhodes, get ready and hold on tight because The Heart Break Kid is going to take you to the top of the mountain.

HBK lowers his microphone as he awaits a response from the UWF Champion


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Re: UWF Raw: Christopher Daniels vs Batista

Guitar riffs are heard... as 'My World - Brand New Sin' begins playing as Batista comes out from behind the curtain.


Batista makes his way down to the ring as a few people in the crowd begins clapping for Batista, he hops up on the apron as he enters the ring as he grabs a microphone.



Heh... It's quite cute isn't it.. I had to hear about some dude I've never met before speak about how he's some 'Fallen Angel' or some crap. I mean, should I really care what he is? You know something Christopher, I bet majority of the audience don't just believe in God but also believe in Allah, Buddha and Vishnu but I'm not here to speak about religion at all Christopher. If you believe you fell from the sky in a white towel as two doves landed you in a manger just like baby Jesus then you go right ahead and believe that. We're close to Christmas but I didn't KNOW you were so into it! If you're the fallen angel then I'm Ba-Santa... But you don't see me wearing a Santa Clause outfit even though that'd be some entertainment and put some joy to the people's faces. Do you see me celebrating my win? Sure I managed to capture my first victory in a month but my mind-set must continue on, I cannot have my head up too high like a giraffe Mr. Daniels... I got a long way to go before I can even captivate myself to the very top of the realm once again, it's almost like I went hiking in the Grand Canyon and I tried to climb up to the top to get a better view but I fell and got to the ground. I will climb to the top of that mountain Christopher, whilst you're worried about Mankind... Save it for another time, don't be too focused on him because it will hurt your game plan. I focused too much on trying to become Champion, look where it got me, nowhere! A changed attitude could be the way, could it not? Nobody knows until I begin performing and putting some W's on my record. Maybe I've gone soft on inflicting pain, but in the ring I can aggregate myself to perform such pain but I do want you prepared for Mankind... There's other ways I can beat you other than lashing out and breaking your bones and breaking your skull but I ain't going to do that Christopher... I'm going to do my best and do everything it takes to perform at my best and beat you. I saw your match last week, I know you've been quite impressive as of late but last week for you was a 'fluke', mine wasn't. That's the difference we've got, secondlly... You hiding backstage, reading the bible or something? I prefer speaking mano-to-mano, face-to-face... instead of you having to hide out the back somewhere, nor should I care to why you've chosen that. It's ironic how everyone questions my anger, they all believe it's rising... Am I pretending? Doesn't God know everything, I'm sure he could tell you if my anger is rising right now or not. Because as far as I'm concerned... I'm calm, calm like all these people in the building right now...

Batista is starting to get a few pops here but he continues on with a very calm tone.

Last week, I performed against Brian Kendrick, I managed to win... but my anger was never seen. My anger doesn't need to be seen, everybody knows just as well how angry I can get. Everyone knows that my anger got me absolutely nowhere, with the help of Diamond Dallas Page lately, I'm glad I've been able to keep myself calm. I'm not Bully Ray, I'm not just a big guy around here, I'm Batista... I was given the name 'Animal' because I act like one, I could be cowardly and act in a savage rage or I could be like a sleeping lion that's nice and calm... But it is I, Batista that gets to choose which mood he wants to portray! You don't tell me what to do, if you want me angry in the ring you'll get it. But right now, right here... I'm calm. Anger is only neccessary when I have a match, I want you to understand and intake that very well. Call me a liar all you want Christopher, but the truth lies in my own body. You cannot enter my body, you cannot see my soul at all, try be Undertaker, you'll never be him. Whilst you have managed to be confident about yourself, the mystery that revolves around you is soon to be your downfall. Not everyone goes on to be unbeatable, take a look at John Morrison who managed to slump to a double-loss, take a look at me... I was the most dangerous man in UWF and then I went downhill, I'm trying to find my feet again and I know I will. The win wasn't what changed me, I was calm before I even knew I had to face Brian Kendrick last week here on UWF RAW. What changed me was Diamond Dallas Page, Christopher. Yoga changed me, meditation changed me, the calmness and serenity is what changed me and it was deemed for the better. I'm in a rough place? I beg to differ Christopher, I am in a place that I call 'home'... This soon becomes my territory but I cannot claim such outlandish things until I prove everyone that I can be back to where I am. This isn't about the Gods, I don't pray at all just so you know... If I prayed and they came real, I'd be Champion by now so quit your outlandish accusations of the Gods because the Gods are up there... They're just spiritual like meditation was for me, close your eyes and look within because when I do that, I turn into the Animal I once was... Close your eyes Christopher, close your eyes...

Batista closes his eyes as he smiles, he then opens his eyes as he looks towards the entrance stage with a smile on his face.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 12/11/12: Antonio Cesaro Vs Mankind

Cesaro looks on at Mankind and Paul Bearer completely miffed. He takes a second to gather his thoughts before raising the microphone and speaking once more.


Antonio Cesaro: Run away?... I'm sorry, a true European man would never do such a thing, instead I'm going to stand here and tell you to your fat American face Paul, that your little friend Man-Child beside you there is about to meet HIS end at MY hands. All this talk of 21.12.12... which by the way is the correct way to say the date of the year you dribble on about Man-Child, but that matters not, because the amount of nonsense you talk is reaching a staggering level, even for a stupid American. Now, allow Mister Antonio Cesaro to enlighten you both tonight. 21.12.12 falls before the Royal Rumble. Mister Antonio Cesaro intends to enter the Royal Rumble and by that Mister Antonio Cesaro means he will WIN the Royal Rumble... so the end times you speak of?... absolute nonsense. In fact, nothing at all will happen, things will carry on as they are. Paul Bearer will continue to drag himself out here one grease and saturated fat loaded American dinner away from a heart attack and you one bad fall away from PERMANENT retirement.

The crowd boo heavily as Cesaro gets a smug look on his face.

Hey, let's speed that up shall we. Why not talk about say, 11.12.12... y'know, the day we meet in this ring on Raw?. That could be conceived by many to be the end-times... for you. I mean you've taken some big falls and hard shots during your time Man-Child... you've fallen from 6 metres in the air. You've withstood attacks from men twice my size, men over 250 kilograms. However, you have never faced a man with the prowess and power combined like Mister Antonio Cesaro. Trust me when I tell you this and I'll only say it once... Ich habe die Macht zu klopfen Kopf reinigen Sie Ihre Schultern. Mit einem Aufwärtshaken... and if you don't understand that?... I don't care. If you do understand German... then perhaps you will understand what I told you... it isn't nice, and neither will be your fate this Tuesday Night on Raw because I am back to where I belong which is here in the Ultimate Wrestling Federation and unlike last time I am not content with just being the champion of Europe... I want to be the champion of the World.

The crowd, absolutely disgusted by that idea immediately start to chant Mankind's name in the hope that he ends Cesaro's ambitions this week on Raw.

Fun fact, I have actually beaten Cody Rhodes before. As I have beaten the champion... as well as another former World Champion in Wade Barrett... surely Mister Antonio Cesaro must be in line eh?. I suspect however, due to my absence, I must prove myself once more. Which is why I intend to show the whole world once again what Antonio Cesaro is capable of. So Man-Child, bring your half dead body to the ring this Tuesday night, do not be late, for I want to make it quick. I want to make it devastating when I defeat you. I want to make an example of you... infact, I want to make sure that you can't even make it to the ring on the twenty-first of this month and make your talk of the end only true for one person. You. Because trust me when I tell you, the only thing changing around here is Antonio Cesaro going to the top, and if I have to trample all over you this Tuesday Night?... I am more than willing to do so. Ich würde liebend gerne tun...

Cesaro smiles arrogantly into the face of Mankind before turning and going to leave the ring before he is stopped.


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Raw 12/11/12 - Hawkins vs Anderson



Andersons theme hits to a good reception and he steps out from the back suited and booted on a RAW Live show stage once more. He’s chewing his gum as he swaggers down to the ring, holding his suit jacket closed and clapping hands with some of the fans with ‘ASSHOLE’ signs. He rolls into the ring and a spotlight rests on him…in one smooth movement he throws his arm into the air whilst adopting a sturdy stance and his dropdown microphone falls into his palm. The lights come up and the crowd subsides slightly as he begins his speech.

Anderson: Starrcade.

The crowd is a little restless at the odd start.

There’s time for yada yada and the blah blah and the talkin’ smack but Starrcade was the last good night of my career. It was supposed to be the first of many NIGHTS OF THE ASSHOLE!

Anderson lets that one linger on the air as some of the crowd laugh at the phrase and the rest pop.

Er…so to speak anyway. Then injury struck. Tragedy struck. Not for me, I didn’t feel sorry for myself no no, I hit the gym and I got fitter, faster, better, stronger. It was a tragedy for you fans. It was a tragedy for UWF Raw. Time after I time I prove I deserve to be champion, to be hanging up there with the big dogs, and time after time I choke. I lose. I get close…so close…fingertips away…but no cigar.

The crowd boo at the desolate state of affairs re: Anderson’s career.

Good guys find a way to pull through. Bad guys lie, cheat and steal their way back into contention. But ASSHOLES *pop* do whatever the hell they feel like, they interrupt whoever the hell they want and that includes that whining bitch Christian this past week on Monday, and they beat on whoever is put in front of them to get there. I promise to the assholes in this arena and the ones watching worldwide, that I can’t live my dream of fighting Stone Cold Steve Austin one on one….

Boos from the crowd again.

But I will do everything in my power to be better than ever before, shut up the rejects like Christian Cage, and bring some attitude back to this brand. I WILL become UWF Champion.

Pop finally from the crowd as they get a little more upbeat with the intensity of Anderson’s sentiment.

So, now the formalities, this week I go one on one with the cane-wielding, tag-team destroying, good luck in your future endeavours Curt Hawkins! I joke, I like this kid actually, we talk backstage but he makes some pretty bad wrestling decisions and choosing to come out to face me Monday will be brave but stupid because I will NOT be denied in my return match. I will not be beaten because I am a loudmouth, asshole son of a bitch from GREEEN BAY, WISCONSIN!

The crowd cheer and ready to chant along.

MISTERRRRRRRR….wait for it….wait for it…AN-DER-

Anderson is cut off.


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Jun 26, 2010
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Re: Raw 12/11/12 - Hawkins vs Anderson

Curt Hawkins: SON!

The crowd pops, not expecting Curt Hawkins to finish the famous line of "Mr. Anderson." Curt steps out from the back, sans music, and no Reks at his side either. He's already got the mic in his hand, and he makes his way down to the ring, talking to Anderson on the way.

Curt Hawkins: Well, well, well, this one is sure going to be fun, isn't it? You know, I see a lot of similarities in us. We both like to talk. We are both loud. And we both don't give a damn what anyone thinks of us. Also, you are out here as confident as can be before your return match, one that you are sure you are going to win. I was in that spot just 2 short weeks ago. On a meteoric rise to stardom in the UWF, then I had to leave. I made my return and vowed that I would not be denied in my return match. Well, my confidence got the best of me, and I lost. But I corrected that problem last week, and I don't plan on losing for a long long time my friend.

By this time he has already reached the ring, and entered it.

Curt Hawkins: Look, it's good to see you back, but I don't think you're quite sure what you're going up against. I'm the same kid that I used to be. I have evolved, I have changed. I am a former champion. I am a top star in the my own right. Now I'm not going to take much of your time here, because I am curious as to what you have to say. Please, enlighten us, oh great Asshole. Let's get this started.


OOC: Sorry for the short one. Wasn't feeling it, but I didn't want to hold you up.
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Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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RAW 12/11 - Morrison vs Christian


The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison struts out onto the stage, and poses on the stage, as the camera captures the moment in glorious slow motion.


As he poses, Kelly Kelly and Natalya walk out from the back to accompany him. Morrison, followed by Kelly and Natalya, then strides down the ramp, eying the arena around him. He climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Morrison saunters across the ring and clambers up onto the turnbuckle. He poses for the fans, as countless camera flashes go off before him. He steps down, and wanders over to the other corner of the ring to collect a microphone from ringside. He then turns back to the middle of the ring, and begins to speak.

Morrison: This Tuesday night, your Guru of Greatness returns to action to cut down a man with a claim to a title shot. I've heard Christian claiming he should be circumvented into the title picture. I've heard him banging on about Stone Cold and the rest of it. So, Christian, heed these words; John Morrison doesn't give a damn. Indeed, I could stand out here and dissect the status of the title picture with careful precision, but quite frankly, I've got better things to do. All I know, and all I want to talk about, is the fact that I'm going to beat you down on Raw this week. John Morrison has a lot of wrongs to right. A lot of injustices to indict. You find yourself in the firing line. You're standing in no man's land when the first shot is about to be fired. Get down, take cover, and pray for your life that the insurmountable passion of John Morrison will not cut you down like the afterthought that you are.

Morrison pauses for a brief moment, collecting his thoughts, before continuing.

Morrison: One thing matters to me, and that's taking the UWF Championship at the Royal Rumble. All that comes before that night is mere semantics. That's not to say that I'm not interested in winning, though; I want to scythe down any challenge that stands before me in the leadup to that night. I want to systematically, and comprehensively, wash away any shred of doubt that John Morrison can be, and I quote, beaten. Recently, people around here seem to have forgotten about John Morrison's burning desire to conquer. In the aftermath of Survivor Series, people are neglecting such compelling gospel. This Tuesday night, John Morrison steps up to the podium, and obliterates the hopes and dreams of one more fool in order to remind people exactly what still stands before them.

Morrison looks like he's going to exit the ring; he steps towards the ropes, but he stops for one more thought.

Morrison: Win out; that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to stand before any opposition and laugh in its face. That's what I do; I don't have hard fought battles with mere mortals, I greet their challenge with a smile teetering with contemptuous ridicule, before I dispatch of their worthless efforts with consummate ease. If that's enough, then it's enough. If not, so what?

Morrison smiles, throws his mic away and leaves the ring.



Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Raw December 18th - Morrison/Anderson vs Rhodes/Christian



Anderson makes his way out from the back, swaggering all the way, chewing his gum as he heads for the ring. Anderson walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring with his own Austin-esque style before he comes to rest in the centre of the squared circle calling for his drop down microphone which descends and lands in his hand. He waits for the crowd to subside.

Mr. Anderson: Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, ASSHOLES of all ages it has been too long since I’ve just said, hey, you know what, I weigh in tonight at a crazy lean 241 poundssssss, I hail from GREEN. BAY. WISCONSINNNN! MISTERRRRRRR…wait for it…AN-DER-SON!


Anderson takes a second to just it all sink in and for the fans to pop before he begins his speech.

So, uh, hi, I’m back and I’ve sort of already got my first win against a surprisingly game up and comer in the form of Curt Hawkins, you guys know him, and, uh, looks like I’m main eventing this week. See kids, good guys finish last and assholes get the big bucks. You could say I’m a bit surprised, I mean I know I’m more than good enough to whip all three guys asses any night of the week and before I left I was on one hell of a roll but you know how it is, a comeback is a comeback until someone takes what you say the wrong way or you drop someone on their collarbone and then you’re out the door. So, I’m going to grab this main event with both fists and prove to the world I can still hang with the top guys here on Raw and that I deserve to one day, finally, get my shot at the UWF Championship.

Pop from the crowd for the notion of Anderson as champ.

Talking of getting my shot finally sort of brings me nicely to Christian, formerly Christian Cage when we did our thing elsewhere, and the man who stole MY spot. I don’t like to be, uh, bitter or anything but Christian, um, you sort of not only took my spot but you actually…failed too. If you were standing here as UWF Champion I’d shake your hand and then kick your ass but I sort of feel like I have nothing to prove. In fact, I hate the fact you took your shot and blew and have not stopped bitching about since. It was my dream match to face Stone Cold Steve Austin *pop* for the biggest championship in our entire business and it was taken away from me. I might sound like I’m putting the blame on you Christian, I’m not, I’m an asshole but I’m not an idiot. I will take great pleasure in getting my hands on you Tuesday night to show everyone I’ve still got it and if there’s anyone getting one more shot at the gold, it’s mm…..me.

Anderson smirks before continuing.

I guess I should, uh, address my other opponent who happens to be the UWF champion as of this moment and that’s Cody Rhodes. Hell of a family name, you’d have put money on the kid being champion on his name alone when ol’ Dusty did his bit but I have never seen a bigger BITCH as champion of this show. Props where they’re due, just like the injury plagued Green Bay team of 2010 that won their 4th superbowl and 13th NFL championship after an uphill battle winning out in the playoffs on the road…sorry I’ve lost myself, what was my point? Oh yeah, despite the fact it looks like his legs can barely keep his body upright Rhodes has managed to beat all-comers so far and it wouldn’t surprise me if he walked out of the Royal Rumble pay-per-view as still champion, with all due respect to my partner on Tuesday night, but Rhodes has never faced this asshole for the title so we’ll save the kissing his ass until I’ve had my shot at kicking it.

There’s a good pop from the crowd again as Anderson is readying to finish his speech.

So, my partner, John Morrison is a guy I haven’t had much to do with but someone I’d really like to get in the ring with on opposite sides. As it goes, he’s an admirable partner even if he is a bit of a, well, a sissy. Hey I’ve got to start the trash talk now in case he’s champ after I win the Rumble! So, I’d like to welcome him down to the ring so we can talk, you know, tactics.

Anderson smiles and waits for Morrison, or indeed anyone, to join him in the ring.

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