UWF Raw 10/23: Goldust Vs Chris Jericho
Marlena: Action.
Goldust begins to sing a famous swing tune to begin his promo.
Goldust: "And now, the end is here and so I face the final curtain", 'My Way', Frank Sinatra, 1969. Yes, old blue eyes puts it oh so perfectly Chris Jericho. Yes, the final curtain is drawing on you Jericho, and I know you can sense it, I can sense it, this may be one of my final features and I want to go out... with a bang... do you?. Chris, I know you, I know you well, I know how you think, what you eat, drink and where you sleep, I've been watching you oh so close, and I can tell you are not taking this match at all seriously. Who can blame you really, I mean, when did old Goldust ever catch a break in this mean old world, I mean, I'm the son of a plumber, the brother of a sociopath and I have an unhealthy association of all things bizarre. But I beg of you Chris, please, pull the wool from under your eyes and look me in the eye and you will see a man ready to go out swinging... to go out with that bang, and that bang will be with you 'Y2J'. But I can tell you want nothing to do with Goldust, I can tell you probably won't even bother to converse with me... but why would you, big music star, big actor... and it's funny that I did quote Sinatra as you, you'd like to think your a bit like Sinatra, a jack of all trades. But you... you are simply a jack-off.
The crowd pop, but it's a mostly mixed reaction as Goldust continues.
I mean after this business gave you everything, after you took everything out of it for your own benefit you're just going to leave soon and go and tour with your little rock band or be in a few b-movies on the Sci Fi Channel. Bravo, bravo, no really, good job. It's better than what Goldust has got to look forward to... or is it. When I take my leave, exit stage, I will leave knowing I have a legacy, people will remember me as 'The Bizarre One' people will remember the name of... Goldust... and dare I say it, more so than they will remember the name of Chris Jericho here in UWF. You were a pretty big deal, but now your a changed man Jericho, you've changed for the worse and it's about time the end of the world came your way and I'm ready to be the bearer of that end Chris. So I'll see you on Raw, I'll be there with bells on, and I will be ready to shatter your dreams and bring down the final curtain. I will bring about the end Jericho... and I don't know if any of us will survive it. That's not certain, but what is certain is that after Tuesday night on Raw, you and these people will never forget the name of... Gooooldust.
Marlena: That's a wrap.
Goldust begins to sing a famous swing tune to begin his promo.

Goldust: "And now, the end is here and so I face the final curtain", 'My Way', Frank Sinatra, 1969. Yes, old blue eyes puts it oh so perfectly Chris Jericho. Yes, the final curtain is drawing on you Jericho, and I know you can sense it, I can sense it, this may be one of my final features and I want to go out... with a bang... do you?. Chris, I know you, I know you well, I know how you think, what you eat, drink and where you sleep, I've been watching you oh so close, and I can tell you are not taking this match at all seriously. Who can blame you really, I mean, when did old Goldust ever catch a break in this mean old world, I mean, I'm the son of a plumber, the brother of a sociopath and I have an unhealthy association of all things bizarre. But I beg of you Chris, please, pull the wool from under your eyes and look me in the eye and you will see a man ready to go out swinging... to go out with that bang, and that bang will be with you 'Y2J'. But I can tell you want nothing to do with Goldust, I can tell you probably won't even bother to converse with me... but why would you, big music star, big actor... and it's funny that I did quote Sinatra as you, you'd like to think your a bit like Sinatra, a jack of all trades. But you... you are simply a jack-off.
The crowd pop, but it's a mostly mixed reaction as Goldust continues.
I mean after this business gave you everything, after you took everything out of it for your own benefit you're just going to leave soon and go and tour with your little rock band or be in a few b-movies on the Sci Fi Channel. Bravo, bravo, no really, good job. It's better than what Goldust has got to look forward to... or is it. When I take my leave, exit stage, I will leave knowing I have a legacy, people will remember me as 'The Bizarre One' people will remember the name of... Goldust... and dare I say it, more so than they will remember the name of Chris Jericho here in UWF. You were a pretty big deal, but now your a changed man Jericho, you've changed for the worse and it's about time the end of the world came your way and I'm ready to be the bearer of that end Chris. So I'll see you on Raw, I'll be there with bells on, and I will be ready to shatter your dreams and bring down the final curtain. I will bring about the end Jericho... and I don't know if any of us will survive it. That's not certain, but what is certain is that after Tuesday night on Raw, you and these people will never forget the name of... Gooooldust.
Marlena: That's a wrap.