UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Sep 27, 2011
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Re: RAW KOTR QF: James Storm vs. Shawn Michaels


HBK does not look happy by what James Storm just said about his past as a drug addict

HBK: Fair enough! Congratulations though, you went somewhere no other man has gone before and once again you have proven why you and the rest of the youngsters have no respect. The fact that you called me a former drug addict shows why everything I said is a true statement. Yeah fifteen years ago I had a major drug issue. All of these fans know the story, I wasn't a fun guy to be around. I was always angry at everyone, angry at how things were going in the company I was in. I had a huge weight on my shoulders for being the main guy and making sure the company was going the right way. Even before being the top guy I got into some bad stuff. Yeah James, I am not afraid to admit it. Sometimes you have to know when it's okay to admit things. What I did in my personal time was my own thing and I have to live with knowing who I was at that point of my life for the rest of my life, but that's okay. I drank a lot and I did do other things which like I said, I am not proud of. And it's okay that I have to live with knowing that's who I once was because of the chapter that happened next in my life, which was my wife Rebecca.

The crowd cheers for the mentioning of HBK's wife

HBK: She helped me see the light and I was then a new born Christian who started going to church and believing in my religious beliefs. But I am not going to get into that because it's one thing for me to like what I like, but all these people do not need to hear it because they have there own beliefs and I do not need to preach to them about what life style they choose to live because at the end of the day, it's their life and their way of living it, so who am I to say what way the should. But yet even with all of the DVD's that are out about me and how I talked about my personal issues, all these people still cheer for me. They cheer me because they respect me and they respect what I did in this ring one decade ago and what I still do in this ring, today!!

The crowd gives a loud ovation and start up and "HBK" chant

HBK: You mentioned to me that I need to bring something new out here. Boy, I do it every week. Each and every single week I come out here, I challenge myself to be a better competitor and guess what, I am. With age I have gotten possibly better in this ring than when I was in my late twenty's into my early thirty's. You said I can't be the man I was a decade ago, but the last time I checked, I wrestled one of the best matches of my life with one of the best in this business in Kurt Angle and I say that with respect to him for what he's done thus far throughout his career because he had beaten only the best to ever come through this line of work. His and I personal issue is another story for when he and I should collide again in this ring. But as I stand here before you at 47 years of age and having wrestled one of the best matches in my life, don't you think that I still cannot create something new out here. I may have lost a step, but I am still the best today in this ring and you can go in the back and ask, you nore anyone can touch me in this ring!

HBK pauses for a moment as James Storm is ready to say something

HBK: I got news for ya, you and I are not alike. At the end of the day you got your style and I've got mine and I am going to keep on creating something new and exciting for these fans because at the end of the day, the match they talk about, is the match I create in this squared circle whether I win or I lose, these fans will always appreciate what I did because I put on a show for them that they all enjoyed and left them wanting to come back and see more. And just so you know, that at the end of the day, they cheer me because they know I am better than you!

HBK lowers his microphone as the crowd cheers him on because they know who is better


ooc: Is this it or are we doing another round because I'm cool with either!

Dod Draper

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2011
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Re: Raw 10/9: KoTR QF: Goldust Vs John Morrison


Morrison: Keep dreaming, pal. The era of Goldust? What's next? The era of Al Snow? Put your head back in the sand and keep dreaming of it. There's not going to be any brother-on-brother action. Actually, knowing you, there may be... but there's going to be none of it here in UWF. The fairytale story will be blown away by the reality of John Morrison's dominance. Goldust won't be the name on everybody's lips, it'll be Morrison; The Man With The Golden Gun. In my hand is the gun, and what stands before me is your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. I'll raise my gun and put a bullet through everything you've ever worked for. Just like that. The Guru of Greatness is no extra or sideshow; he's the vital cog in the machine, the star of the show, the main event. You're that sad little extra that people don't really want to watch, but do so whilst they're waiting to watch men such as mysel-

Morrison is cut short, by of all people, Kelly Kelly. He looks to his side in horror as Kelly speaks.

Kelly: Yeah! You're going down on RAW Goldust!

Kelly looks to Morrison for his approval, but his look of complete disgust tells the story.

Morrison: That's enough Kelly, you've embarrassed yourself enough. Go and stand over there.

Morrison points Kelly to her new spot in the ring, and she meekly complies. Morrison continues.


Morrison: I'm looking forward to that sad, desperate moment of realization when it descends on you that you've been thoroughly bettered in every department this Tuesday on RAW. You see, this isn't just any match. This is the most defining match of your career. You're accustomed to skulking around the undercard here, feeding off whatever scraps you're thrown. Now you're stepping into the big leagues. Do you actually realize that? I don't know. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less. All I care about is beating you and brushing you back under the carpet of masochism, where you belong. Men like you aren't supposed to be wrestlers, you're supposed to be in prison, carelessly flinging the soap around the showers.

Morrison hunches forward and leans on the top rope as he speaks.

Morrison: I want to know one thing about you, though, Goldust, and believe me, it's about the only thing I want to know about you. Why go with this whole schtick? You paint yourself gold, you bask in being a freak. What are you trying to hide? You could have just grown up like a regular guy and got into the family business of wrestling. Instead, you end up as the man you are today. Are you genuinely just weird? Or are you trying to cover up the fact that you fall comprehensively short of the standard required to be a credible superstar? When you're painted in gold, who's going to notice that you suck? Right? I guess we'll find out on Tuesday. Being stood in this ring with John Morrison is far more accurate than the most thorough lie detector. More reliable than any other test of character. That's why I'm the measuring stick of this company. I'm the best there is, and everybody else in the back is comparing themselves to me right now. You're blessed, you actually get a shot at changing your career forever and beating me. It's not going to happen, but you're challenging me nonetheless. Get ready, baton down the hatches and prepare for the most extreme battle of your career.

Morrison smiles one more time for Goldust.

Morrison: See you Tuesday.


The Wrestling Addict

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Jun 30, 2011
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The Dirty South
Re: RAW King of the Ring QF: Mankind vs the Undertaker!

OOC: Have been on vacation and just got back today. Will TT tonight, so please don't write the match until you see my TT. Thanks.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: RAW King of the Ring QF: Mankind vs the Undertaker!

Hey, TWA! Good to see ya! glad you're back!

The Wrestling Addict

Active Member
Jun 30, 2011
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The Dirty South
Re: RAW King of the Ring QF: Mankind vs the Undertaker!

Mankind is sitting in the corner with a blank look on his face when every single light in the arena suddenly turns to darkness.


A lightning bolt strikes the entrance stage, just before Big Evil rides out on his motorcycle. His music continues to flood the PA system as everyone throughout the arena is quiet. A few whispers are heard throughout the crowd as the Deadman zooms down the entrance ramp and around the ring twice. The Undertaker exits his motorcyle and grabs a microphone, just before entering the squared circle.


The Undertaker

Well what do we have here? Mankind and The Undertaker are standing in the ring at the same time once again. I'm sorry Mick, but I couldn't soak in some of the things you have been mentioning in the past few moments. You claimed that in the past, we have beaten each other near to death. You see, you have that all wrong. In the past, I have nearly beaten you to death. Since I am facing you in a King of the Ring Qualifying match, I would like to bring up what happened at the King of the Ring fourteen years ago, when we stepped foot in the Hell in a Cell. I want you to take a look at the video, Mick.


The Undertaker

Does that look like we were nearly beating each other to death, Mickey? Hell no, it doesn't. It looks like I was throwing you off the top of the cell, through a table, taking years off your career! Just think, you wake up every single day in pain and agony, knowing with a shadow of a doubt that the reason you are in pain is because of the Undertaker! So you can sit there and tell everyone how we had such a legendary rivalry, all you want, but in reality, I made a living, kicking your ass, and I will continue to make a living, kicking your ass, right here tonight!


The Undertaker

Quit rocking back and forth on your ass like a Blue puppy! Stand up and look me in the eye when I'm speaking to you! This is my yard, so show me some damn respect!

The fans boo and Mankind reluctantly stands up and looks at Taker.

The Undertaker

You should at least thank me, Mick. Thank me for making you famous. People think you have made a living defining this industry with extreme moments. Well I used to be just like those people. I respected you because I thought you had balls. I was wrong. You don't have balls, you are just an idiot. You have no brains, and in this ring, you are nothing more than a bonified stunt man. You want to talk about my father, Paul Bearer? Talk about him being on your side and whatnot all you want because I never wanted him. Hell, I always hated Paul Bearer and still do to this day. I set him on fire as a child and I dare him to come close to me now because setting him on fire will pale in comparison to what I'd do to him, today. So you can come out here and talk all the bs you want, but at the end of the day, the outcome will be me beating your ass once again, and me moving on to win the King of the Ring tournament, because I am the American Badass, and this is my yard!!!

The Undertaker drops the microphone and is ready for a fight.

Dod Draper

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2011
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RAW 10/16 - Mankind & Michaels vs. Angle & Morrison


The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison struts out onto the stage, with his US Championship upon his shoulder, and poses on the stage, as the camera captures the moment in glorious slow motion.


As he poses, Kelly Kelly and Natalya walk out from the back to accompany him. Morrison, followed by Kelly and Natalya, then strides down the ramp, eying the arena around him. He climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Morrison saunters across the ring and clambers up onto the turnbuckle. He poses for the fans, as countless camera flashes go off before him. He steps down, and wanders over to the other corner of the ring to collect a microphone from ringside...


He then turns back to the middle of the ring, and begins to speak.


Morrison: John Morrison is in a bad mood. Why, you ask? Is it because I'm teaming up with a lunatic on RAW this week? No. Is it because I'm facing two more lunatics? No. None of that, actually. I'm going to let you in on a little secret; John Morrison is always in a bad mood. I'm angry because I'm not sat at the top of UWF, basking in the glory I so clearly personify. Every second I stand here without the UWF Championship, the more angry I get. You see, deep beneath this ruggedly handsome exterior, lies a blazing inferno of desire. A desire to be great, a desire to be the best... a desire to be recognized as such. It's been nine weeks since I joined UWF, and eight men have fallen by their sword in that time. Eight brutal realizations. Eight fantasists picking up the pieces of their naive dreams. Every week John Morrison is opening the eyes of another disbelieving naysayer and cultivating a legacy for the ages. Going where no man has been before. As I scythe down the hopes and dreams of yet another challenger, I only further enhance the legacy of John Morrison's insurmountable run.

Morrison shuffles to his side, almost with a look of disdain as he changes the subject

Morrison: Enter Mankind and Shawn Michaels. Believe me when I say, the Shaman of Sexy won't be losing any sleep over these two goofballs. One looks a hobo in a homemade gimp mask, and the other is a ecclesiastical fantasist, who at the end of this month will have been beaten by John Morrison three times. In fact, I think I could beat the two of them blindfolded in a handicap match. I don't have that luxury, however. Kurt Angle is a man who concerns me. From his sadomasochistic desire to make people tap out, to his frankly manic personality, I can't trust this guy. He's a whackjob. At any moment he could start calling himself 'Fred', jump in the crowd and start touching women's breasts. He's an anomaly, and John Morrison doesn't like anomalies. So, Kurt, listen to me when I say that there will be none of it come Tuesday night. If I even begin to sense that you're on the verge of another episode, I'll have no choice but to end your participation in the match. We don't have maniacs at the Palace of Wisdom.

Morrison circles the ring as he continues with his speech

Morrison: As you all already know, I've already faced two of the men in this match; Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle have already been vanquished by the Tuesday Night Delight, but Mankind is a fresh challenge to me, and I relish fresh challenges. That's not to say I welcome sharing the ring with a man who probably lives in his mother's basement. Either that, or an abandoned subway. Take your pick. I don't know much about Mankind. Quite frankly, I'm too busy with my life to research sofa masturbators. So, who is Mankind? When he inevitably waddles out here and indulges in the luxury of sharing a ring with John Morrison, I'd like to know. Just kidding, I don't really. If I wanted to know more about the life of Mankind, I'd watch Paul Blart: Mall Cop. Well, watch that and listen to some dreary, miserable music at the same time. The delightful cocktail of Mankind; AKA, miserable fat man. You shouldn't be sad though, since you're the quintessential citizen of western culture. You're not so weird, not an outcast or any of that jazz, being fat and sad is actually quite common. Score. Is that even why you're so miserable? Are you even miserable? I don't even know. Kelly, is he miserable?

Morrison shrugs his shoulders and looks to Kelly, who responds with a similar gesture. It doesn't last for long, though, as Morrison is interrupted...



Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Raw- The Undertaker versus Scott Steiner

Out of the silence comes the wail of the siren...

Holla! If Ya Hear Me!

The arena is covered in a red hue as the music of Scott Steiner plays through the PA system. From behind the curtain, emerges the man with the largest arms in the world. Steiner is wearing his chain mail hood, sunglasses and ring gear as he stands out on the stage. Steiner flexes both of his massive biceps, and yells out at the crowd

"It's the Big Bad Booty Daddy, BITCH!"


Scott starts to walk down the ramp towards the ring without Petey Williams or Rhaka Khan. Scott continues to walk down the ramp and when he reaches the bottom, he flexes right in front of the camera and kisses his bicep, before shoving the camera man out of the way. Steiner stomps up the steel steps and enters the ring through the middle rope. He yells out at the ring tech to

"Gimmie a damn mic, GIMMIE A DAMN MIC!"

Steiner snatches the mic away from the poor ring attendant, and waits for his music to be cut. Steiner rolls his shoulders, waiting for the fans to settle down, before he then speaks his mind.


Scott Steiner: First of all, all you people need to quit whinin' and cryin' that The Rock ain't here no more!

Boos flood in from the audience as they miss their favorite superstar, as Steiner smiles and continues

Secondly, I'm tired of hearing bout the Rock anyway, because all that reminds me of is how I need to go beat the hell out of Petey Williams for taking credit of what I did! I'm the man with the largest arms in the world that took out The Rock! I gave Petey the privilege of even coming to UWF, let alone pinning the Rock two weeks ago. But with all that being said, whether you like it or not, you white trash punks is stuck with The Genetic Freak tonight!

The fans continue to berate Steiner with boo's as all he's done is rest on his laurels, for cheap shotting the Rock. Steiner is still pleased with himself, and speaks again.

But this week, I've got more important things to do then just whip Peteys ass and make him shine my damn boots. I'm gonna beat the crap out of another "so called" legend this week. I'm going to make The Undertaker wish he aint never signed with Raw in the first place, and I'll make damn sure he knows that was MY spot in the King of the Ring tournament you took! And you screwed it up anyway! You're a joke, Taker, you ain't got the stuff no more to hang with a guy in peak physical condition like Me. In this business, there are guys like me who as they age, we're just like wine. We look good old, and still got something that separates us from those jackoffs playin video games in the back. You ain't one of those guys, Taker, you're just like milk. You sign on fresh, and you STINK in a week! You're just takin up space old man, and I ain't gonna to feel sorry for you when I shove my foot so far up your ass, you'll be flossing with my shoelaces!

Steiner leans on the ropes facing towards the entrance area.

Undertaker, you scare a lot of bitches in the back, but you don't scare me. Specially not with your lame ass motorcycle and your pony tail. Its no surprise why you lost last week, and why Pope is putting you against me. Pope wants you eliminated, embarrassed, and he wants Big Poppa Pump to win without a shred of doubt. So why don't you ride your little bicycle out here and put on your big boy leather pants, because Freakzilla is gonna mop the floor with you, on Monday night!

Steiner laughs and backs away from the ropes, into the center of the ring, waiting for his first victim to come out.

Sep 27, 2011
Reaction score
Re: RAW 10/16 - Mankind & Michaels vs. Angle & Morrison


HBK comes out from the back to a roar from the crowd here tonight. HBK doesn't do his traditional drop down to his knees pose near the entrance way and heads straight for the ring. As HBK heads inside the ring he asks for a microphone


HBK: Let's get something straight, in the win column it may say your name as the winner of our match a month ago, but you don't fool these people because let's not forget, Kurt Angle helped you pick up the win against me. But knowing an arrogant person like you, you will look past that. You see it doesn't matter to me because I lost the match because at the end of the day I know it and all these fans know, that I am better than you. I'm tired of guys like you, I really am. I already shut the mouth of James Storm last week and this week, I am going to do it to you on Raw and then I am going to do it again, at The King of the Ring!

The crowd cheers as HBK is letting out some emotion here tonight

HBK: I'm someone that doesn't need to prove myself anymore, but I do it anyways. I don't do it to boost my ego, I do it because I still can and I do it for all these fans that come out and support me. They support guys like me who have made pathways for guys like you. The only thing we didn't see coming was the arrogance that was to come from you. You may be the United States Champion and you may be one heck of a talent in the ring, but you still do not impress me yet. Once you get rid of that arrogance and maybe focus more on in-ring skill rather than your ten minute entrance, then maybe you will be good enough to get these fans over and get over the respect from your peers. But until then, you need to shut your mouth, watch, and listen.

John Morrison doesn't like what HBK just said to him

HBK: My partner here tonight, Mankind, he and I go way back. I would much rather have him as a tag team partner than you or Kurt Angle. Which leads me to my next point, Kurt Angle, I know you are in the back and listening, you and I have some unfinished business to settle and it doesn't matter when that happens, whether it's on Raw or at The King of the Ring because with all do respect to my partner tonight, I hope you win Kurt, so I can prove why I am the better man of not only our generation, but also the very best in this ring!

An "HBK" chant starts to break out as the crowd cheers on as someone comes out from the back


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: RAW 10/16 - Mankind & Michaels vs. Angle & Morrison

“OH, NO!!”

The shrilly voice tears through the ears and nerves of each and every one of those attending along with an annoyed Shawn Micheals who isn't pleased with being interrupted. The crowd boos a little as the pudgy form of Paul Bearer stomps out onto the stage with the shiny, golden urn tucked under his arm. Behind him is the disheveled form of Mankind.


You just stop right there, Heartbreak Kid!! If you think this is over between you and Mankind, then you are absolutely and irrevocably wrong!! I prophesied that you would be the first sacrifice along the long road of broken bodies and I meant it, Shawn!! You narrowly escaped us last time, but Mankind is destined and will forever more be known as THE KING OF RAW!! And you, Micheals, will become a footnote in the annuls of time!! All that you have done and all that you ever will do will be tainted by the massacre of the King of the Ring!

Paul pulls out the GOLDEN URN and holds it high as Mankind becomes fixated on the glistening, gold object.


THIS is the symbol of the next age!! The age of MANKIND!! Where pretenders like you, Angle and Morrison will be pushed to side and become vassals of the harbinger of the Apocalypse!! And his rule will be a final and ruthless one!

Morrison begins to laugh a little and point.

John Morrison! Do not scoff at my prophecy! You may have disposed of our ally, Goldust, but you will not fare so well against Mankind! In fact, I do not see you making it past Shawn Micheals in the King of the Ring!! That's right!! So every word out of your mouth from this point forward is irrelevant and inconsequential!

Morrison begins to rant as Bearer turns to the camera.

But our first obstacle is Kurt Angle!

The crowd begins to boo heavily.


The vile and contemptible American Hero...no he is to feel the wrath of Mankind first! Needless to say, the future, as I see it, does not include him. All I see is Micheals!! All I see is the Heartbreaker's Heart on a platter! And Mankind is destined...

Suddenly, Mankind grabs the microphone to Paul Bearer's dismay.


I'm sorry, Shawn. Nothing personal. In fact, it's nothing personal with any of you. It's simply destiny, ya see! We've been friends for a long time, Shawn. But I don't' expect you to like me very much after the King of the Ring. I'm going to have to do terrible things to you, Kurt and Johnny; things I'm going to have nightmares about for the rest of my known life! Things that will change the way you live for ever more!

Paul Bearer grabs the mic back and points at Morrison and Micheals.


He's gonna scar you all and some of you won't survive the experience! And that's no threat at all. That is simply the reality of the destiny that is MANKIND



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Sep 19, 2010
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Raw- AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho

Fans in the arena are sitting down at the live event. They are excited to see what will happen next here in the UWF when all of a sudden

Ready to


AJ Styles comes out and he is wearing his new UWF AJ Styles shirt, and some jeans. AJ goes and does his trademark pose as the fans cheer at the site of him. AJ Styles goes and interacts with the fans for a little bit. AJ goes and he enters the ring as the fans cheer like crazy and Styles goes and does his trademark pose in the middle of the ring. AJ gets a microphone handed to him. AJ goes and he begins to speak to the UWF Fans


AJ Styles: Well let me tell you something folks I am excited... excited at the fact that I will be making my re-debut here in the UWF. So for everyone at home that does not know who this is I suggest you do this. I suggest that you at home go to your channel guide. Search up UWF Raw, and then afterwards DVR it. Then watch and be amazed to see some of the best athletes go at it with each other one on one in this ring especially me the phenomenal AJ Styles.

fans cheer at AJ plugging UWF Raw and AJ paces around as he begins to speak to the fans

AJ Styles: Trust me none of y'all would want to miss this match upcoming on Monday night. You see on Monday night you will be seeing two of the best wrestlers in the world going at it against each other one on one in this very ring. Two elite superstars looking to make there names heard here in the UWF. Not only that to make an impact, and a claim as the next guy who should face Cody Rhodes for the UWF championship. You'll be seeing AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho one on one in this ring, and trust me folks it does not get much better than that. Let me tell you folks Chris and I we have had mutual respect towards each other. We do not see ourselves as equals or rivals, but we both seee ourselves as great competitors. Chris goes around and calls himself the best in the world at what he does. While I go around calling myself the "Phenomenal One". Are there ego's flying around? You could say so, but we know one thing for sure we are going to put on one helluva show for all of you in this arena.

fans cheer like crazy as AJ Styles goes and he smiles as begins to speak about the match up again

AJ Styles: This match up between us two. It is something I am mostly exciting for because what better way to make my re-debut here than facing a former number one contender. Chris Jericho he has been here a long time in the UWF. The guy was always some one lingering at the top, and someone that was looking to become the king of the world once again. Someone with that type of hunger and passion is someone I admire. Too me this is a great way to see does AJ Styles still have it? Facing a top notch competitor like Chris will definitely show that AJ Styles is serious with being here in the UWF. It'll definitely show that I am no joke and that I will do whatever it takes to hold by the name given to me. "The Phenomenal One" a person with that type of name has to deliver, and believe me folks I will deliver on my word. Right now though I am bored of sitting here talking to nothing but thing air. Chris why don't you come out here so I can meet one of the best in the world.

AJ goes and awaits for Chris Jericho.​

Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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Re: RAW 10/16 - Mankind & Michaels vs. Angle & Morrison


The familiar piece of music plays throughout the arena, as the fans get to their feet. They jump excitably, realizing that the one and only Olympic Gold medalist was about to show his face to the UWF universe. He steps out from beneath the curtains, his head down... wearing a jacket with a hood that covers his head. He steps to the stage, his head never moving... soaking in the emotion that comes from the fans in the UWF. He stays there for a few seconds, as the pyros erupt around him and he succumbs to the cheers that solidify his return to the UWF.


Kurt puts his hands down as the pyros dissipate... his smirk never leaving his mouth. He continues his trek downwards, walking down the ramp and his eyes scanning the crowd for the signs and tell tale signs that they recognized his return coming a miled away.


Kurt takes off the jacket, revealing that he has an American flag wrapped around himself, coating himself in not only warmth but in American pride and spirit. He continues down the ramp... letting go of the flag and readying himself for the action that's about to take place in the ring.


Kurt Angle: Damn I look good tonight! I don't have time to deal with you punks any more than I have to... so I'm gonna make this short and sweet! I don't like any of you. Especially not you Shawn Michaels. I don't like Mankind or John Morrison either, but I recognize all of you as a threat to my rightful spot as the King of the Ring. That's why I'm treating every one of you as the enemy of Kurt Angle. You don't want to be my enemy, because bad things happen to people who aren't on my side. I'm talking to you now, John. You want to team up with an Olympic Gold medalist, hell I don't blame you. I'd want to do the same, since I am one! As long as you don't screw me over, I'm willing to bet that we're going to walk out of there as the winners. Why? Because you're teaming with me, John. You and I both know I have a lot of talents and skills when it comes to wrestling in this very ring.

Kurt looks around the ring, not enjoying his company at the very least. He continues though, realizing his appearance here was necessary to save face against the guys who would be his opponents soon.

Kurt Angle: John, I'll promise you this. I'm willing to work together here. I'm extending my hand not because I give a crap about you whatsoever. It's because my hatred for Shawn Michaels goes back before you even knew what a wrestling hold was. I was the main event when Shawn Michaels had a broken back, and he came back and took it right under me. He had his fancy retirement match, while I had nothing of the sort. I put my boots in this ring once as a sign of respect, and these people were too stupid to realize what the hell I was doing. I even brought a Mafia to this business and still nobody wanted to admit that I'm the best professional wrestler in existence. Shawn Michaels got a taste of a medicine he wasn't very fond of at Clash of Champions, and I was the one who put the spoon in his overrated mouth!

Kurt spits on the ground at the very thought of putting any kind of spoon in Shawn's mouth. He looks directly at John, ignoring the person he hated the most.

Kurt Angle: I'm not going to let Shawn Michaels get the best of me any day of the week. I don't care if it's in a tag match. I don't care if it's in a playground. John Morrison and Kurt Angle will win this match, even if I have to do it with a broken friggin' neck again! Even if I have to carry this freakin' match by myself, I'm not going to take a loss for an answer. If you're not with me on this, John... and I suspect you aren't, than you don't deserve to have me as a tag team partner. I want your full attention here, or your precious undefeated streak is going to be washed down the overrated toilet that Shawn Michaels is running over there every time he opens his mouth. And as far as that lunatic Mankind, all we need to do is bring a lady sock puppet to the ring and he'll go chasing after it! These two aren't serious wrestlers, here John... you and I though, we're going places. We all KNOW that the main event of King of the Ring is going to be the two of us in our respective matches! I think you agree with me here, Johnny. Because if you didn't, I think you would have walked out of here by now.

Kurt nods his head at Morrison, realizing the potential of this tag team match could mean for the both of them. Kurt gets ready to start talking when he closes his mouth, deep in thought.



Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
San Francisco
Raw - Scott Steiner versus James Storm (non title)

RAW's backstage area is buzzing with people and noise from all the work being done. Lauren is standing by in the interview stage, and with the camera in front of her, she speaks to the crowd.

Lauren: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, 'Maple Leaf Muscle'; Petey Williams!

Into the frame steps Williams dressed in his competitive gear, looking eager to answer some questions.

Lauren: Hi Petey, tonight I wanted to ask you how you felt about your mentor Scott Steiner shoving you away last week after you tried to congratulate him?


Petey Williams: You know Lauren, I'm not going to lie, I felt disrespected. After I beat the Rock last week, I didnt get my hand raised by Scott. But I thought I'd show him it was no hard feelings since he must have forgotten to do it that time. So I went down there and tried to give Scotty some praise but the guy practically jumped me. I don't know Lauren, the guy is a great mentor, but -


Petey Williams: Oh dammit.

Steiner charges into the interview area, looking pissed off as usual.

Scott Steiner: HUH!? What you gonna say, punk? huh?! But what? BUT WHAT!?

Steiner shoves William against the backdrop, and he stumbles trying to catch himself, as Lauren tries to not get swept into this mess.

Scott Steiner: You friggin get your ass up! Get up! You stand right here and look pretty and keep your god damn mouth shut! I'm the one with tha match this week, not you! This ain't your time for talkin! I'm the one who has to face that stupid redneck James Storm, I'm the guy who deserves time on the mic.

Lauren steps back into the fray here and fires away some more questions

Lauren: Well Scott... since you have interrupted the first interview I had today, what are your thoughts on facing the Cowboy James Storm this week on Raw?


Scott Steiner: You know what I think? I think its a damn shame that this poor piece of trailer trash has to come up and face the big bad booty daddy. Ain't nobody deserve to be feed to the wolves like that. Scott Steiner is the man with the largest arms in the world, and the guy that sent The Rock home and made the Undertaker cry his damn dead eyes out in the middle of that ring after a Steinerliener. You ain't got the balls to face me! Bitch! You're another punk ass indy redneck nobody who thinks that because they got a strap, means they got a set! You ain't got nothin on me! I can't understand ya, you practically come from Mexico, since you're from Texas or whatever. Tennesse close enough! And I apologize to all the Mexicans out there for that. Being compared to James Storm must suck more than livin in dirt! HA!

Steiner strokes his goatee before continuing

You may have that Hardcore bracelet wrapped 'round your fat ass waist, but that don't mean jack to me boy. You aint big enough, strong enough, to go one on one with Me! Hell, even my bitch, Petey Williams could beat your ass too! Far as Im concerned, we're the ones who are undefeated here, and your just another punk taking up space! You're lucky you ain't on the King of the Ring card, because I'd take you out and pencil my name in if you were. Nobody wants to see you out here on Raw, you're a loser! You can't even keep your long haired head above water. You can't even win a damn match! If you think that you can beat me, after I whooped the Undertaker last week, then you better go home and sober up you drunk sonuva bitch. Because you ain't near the class of the Undertaker, and if you ain't near it, that puts you well below him and me well above you. So you better meet me in the damn ring and admit you're a failure, and maybe I'll take it easy on you. So, HOLLA! IF YA HEAR ME!

Steiner shoves Petey once more as he walks off with Rhaka Khan who had joined them after the altercation. The two exit as Williams, collects himself and stands up in front of Lauren. Williams looks off and shakes his head.

Lauren: Any chance you can finish that thought? Petey?

Petey Williams: He's a great mentor, but sometimes, he's a real asshole.

Petey walks off in the direction Steiner left and Lauren is left befuddled and stunned with the language Williams just used. She continues to stand there confused, as the camera fades to black and the next segment starts.

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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RAW 10/23 - Cody Rhodes vs John Morrison


The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison struts out onto the stage, with his US Championship upon his shoulder, and poses on the stage, as the camera captures the moment in glorious slow motion.


As he poses, Kelly Kelly and Natalya walk out from the back to accompany him. Morrison, followed by Kelly and Natalya, then strides down the ramp, eying the arena around him. He climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Morrison saunters across the ring and clambers up onto the turnbuckle. He poses for the fans, as countless camera flashes go off before him. He steps down, and wanders over to the other corner of the ring to collect a microphone from ringside. He then turns back to the middle of the ring, and begins to speak.


Morrison: 10 days; King of the Ring is now just 10 days away. In 10 days, we will all know who will be crowned King of the Ring, we will all know whether Cody Rhodes is still champion, and as a result, we're going to know exactly who will be competing for the UWF Championship that. As promised from the start, John Morrison's path of divine glory has been smooth. I've cut down every challenge that stands before me. I have beaten every man who has lain a finger on me. I have comprehensively and utterly cleaned house on RAW on my route to the top, and just one more night stands between me and my destiny. All of which, has brought me to this; a match with Cody Rhodes. I've fought some real whackjobs over the past month; a golden sexual predator who dabbles in sado-masichism, a bible basher, a middle aged bald lunatic and a man who enjoys trying to shove his hand down his own throat. And, after all this, I'm supposed to believe Cody Rhodes is crazy?

Morrison looks round the arena for his answer, before he continues.

Morrison: Whatever. Crazy or not, the truth still remains the same for you, Cody Rhodes; it's the final days of Rome for your title reign. You don't have long, the Guru of Greatness is onto you. The time has come, and once John Morrison takes his throne as UWF's King of the Ring, he's storming up the steps of your castle and throwing you down back down them. This isn't a challenge from just any member of the UWF roster, this is a challenge from a man hell bent on taking everything that is owed to him. I'm no regular man; I'm a force of nature. Like a tornado sweeps across land destroying all that lies in its path, John Morrison is sweeping through UWF, taking name after name and leaving a path of destruction in his wake. Best yet, there's not a damn thing anybody can do about it. Especially not some goofball who likes to wear a mask and tell people he's crazy.

Morrison faces the titantron, awaiting Cody Rhodes.

Morrison: This isn't Vanilla Sky, this is UWF. There is no twist at the end of the tale. No saving grace or method of escape. This is as brutally real as it gets. Over the coming weeks, I've got no doubt that Cody will indulge in some strange speeches about the broken fragments of his mind. I'm making it abundantly clear that I'm not interested. Cody Rhodes is not Tom Cruise, and I am certainly not Kurt Russell. If Cody really does decide to open up to me, there will be no reassuring arm round the shoulder or comforting words, just a brisk slap across the face. Keep your fantasia to yourself and buy yourself a packet of tampons. Luckily for you, though, Cody, this isn't a title match. This is merely a preview of the theater that awaits once I'm crowned King of the Ring. It'll be an eye opening experience for you, like the first time you had sex with a wom- oh, wait. Bad analogy.

With a smirk across his face, Morrison lowers his mic and awaits the entrance of Cody.


Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Re: RAW 10/23 - Cody Rhodes vs John Morrison


Morrison: I've got no doubt that you like to play with yourself, Cody, I've just not go interest in the charade. Talk all you like about how you think this situation is under your control, but we both know that's not the case. You have absolutely no semblance of control when a man like myself is bearing down on your title reign. All you can do, Cody, is stand there with that goofy, crap eating grin and pretend like you're OK with it all, when deep down inside it's all panic stations. This isn't The Melodrama According to Cody Rhodes, this is The Brutal Dethroning of Cody Rhodes, starring John Morrison. Word it however you want, but it's happening. It's the inevitable point of conclusion. For now, though, we wait. We have our match on RAW, and then I go to King of the Ring and am crowned the King of this show, whilst you face whatever goofball was dragged off the street to face you.

Morrison moves around the ring, slowly speaking on.

Morrison: Patience is a virtue, and I'm more than happy to wait. I'll bide my time until after King of the Ring. Then Cody, we'll see how confident you are. Once your title reign truly is in imminent jeopardy, we'll see if you're still talking about your toys. For a man who looks like he should be working at McDonalds, cleaning the deep fat frier, you have a lot to say. Perhaps the Tuesday Night Delight will have to beat your words out of you on Tuesday. I'm not beyond that, Cody. Just because I'm devilishly handsome, just because I'm elegant, it doesn't mean that I'm not willing to go 'extreme' every so often. That 'feast' which you speak of, I might just be walking in on it soon. I'll stand on the table, kick the food aside, march up to you and introduce your face to my foot. Don't implore me to bring your house of cards crashing down, because I'm more than happy to do it in the most brutal manor.

Morrison pauses for a second, before continuing.

Morrison: One thing you're right about, though, Cody, is that I'm entertaining. The only difference, is that I can be entertaining whilst winning. Unlike you. Listening to you is like watching The Happening. There's no M. Night Shyamalan twist at the end, though, you're just equally as monotonous throughout. In that sense, one could say you're even more boring than that movie. Whatever. "Put me in my place" this Tuesday, everybody else here in UWF promises to do that every week. It's nothing new. That's the kicker, though, isn't it? You are just like everybody else. I'm sure you'll insist otherwise. I guess we'll have to see. When I hear you speak, I hear the same broken promises that everybody, from James Storm to Kurt Angle has uttered. What makes you different, Cody? That championship belt? The man makes the belt, not the other way round. Bear that in mind.

Morrison goes to speak again, but is cut off...



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Re: Raw - Scott Steiner versus James Storm (non title)



Longnecks & Rednecks starts playing through the arena speakers. It is playing for a while when all of a sudden, The Cowboy, James Storm walks through the curtain and walks out onto the entrance ramp. He's got his Hardcore Champion proudly placed on his shoulder. He's got a beer bottle in his hand as usual. He is standing there, drinking beer and he is just watching people go crazy as they see their Hardcore Champion. When he has enough, he grabs his Hardcore Championship, puts it in the air and pyros explode. The Cowboy continues on his way down to the ring as he puts the Hardcore Championship back on his shoulder. James Storm is in front of the ring but before he enters, he gets closer to a fan and pours some beer right in his mouth. Storm then begins climbing the ring-steps. He stops there as he nods his head to the rhythm of his theme song. He then enters the ring, asks for a mic and is granted one. Storm raises the mic to his mouth and begins to speak.


James Storm:
Next week on Tuesday Night RAW I'll be facin' Scott Steiner. Now, befo' I start talkin' 'bout Scotty, I'ma tell 'ya more about our match itself. What y'all will see next week won't be a match. It won't be a contest. Next we
ek, it will be nothin' but a fight, a beat down. Next week, our match will go down ma' style, da' cowboy style, da' tennessee style! Scott Steiner can bring whomeva' he wants ta' but dat won't change da' fact that I'm goin' fo' his ass. See, I have a bad record 'ere in You Dubya Eff and dat's what drivers me. Dat's what makes me come out ta' dis ring every single week and kick people's teeth down their throats. So yeah, next week...y'all will see whatch'a never saw before. Trust me, I've been through mo' than jus' one bar fight and I won mo' than jus' one. Trust me, I know what I'm talkin' 'bout but it seems like there one guy dat doesn't know what da' cowboy is all 'bout...da' good il' Scotty Steiner.

People boo when Storm mentiones Scott Steiner.

James Storm:
Yeah...booo! C'moon! Louder!

Storm points the microphone towards the one side of the crowd, then to the other and he continues like this until every single side of the arena is heard booing Scott Steiner.

James Storm: Yeah, dat's what I'm talkin' 'bout. Hear 'em, Scotty? They don't like 'ya. They never did and they never will. They always hated 'ya yo' entire career jus' like 'ya were taking steroids yo' entire career. Dat's the only thing dat made people know 'ya. When they hear yo' name they instantly think a' da' guy that has some big-ass arms but he's got 'em 'cause a' steroids. Dat's not really cool and even tho' 'ya will never admit it, it bothers 'ya. Yeah, it sure bothers 'ya. It would bother me as well if people would know me 'cause a' ma' arms, not 'cause a' ma' 'rasslin' ability. Now I know whatch'a think..."How can dat punk say somethin' like dat? He is da' one dat's known only 'cause he drinks beer when he's on his way ta' da' ring." 'Ya know what? It's true actually. People know me 'cause I drink beer but not only 'cause a' dat. They know me and they like me 'cause I'm jus' like 'em. I don't pretend ta' be somethin' I'm not. I'm a simple man...'ya could describe me in five simple words: Beer-drinker, 'rassler, cowboy, hardcore champion. When people see me they think a' dese five words but when they see 'ya they think a' only one word...arms. I'm no smart-ass but I know dat five is still mo' than one, right?

Storm places his Hardcore Championship back on his shoulder and when he does so, he also drinks some of his beer.

James Storm:
Scotty, if
'ya think dat yer better than me le'mme tell 'ya dat yer sorely mistaken. I will show 'ya and everybody else dat James Storm is da' hardcore champion fo' a reason. Scotty, yer nothin' mo' than an ol', washed up, half-dead wrestler who never had a good career and now he's takin' out his frustration on young guys like Petey Williams. Age awready catched up on yo' mind and after I'm done witch'a, it will catch up on yo' body as well. Hell...I don't need ta' do much. I only need ta' grab a needle, stab 'ya wit' it and 'ya will be flyin' round da' whole arena like a freakin' balloon.

People begin to laugh at Storm's words.

James Storm:
So Scott I don't care if 'ya bring yo' lil' bitch Petey Williams and dat woman dat looks like a twenty year old Whoopi Goldberg on shrooms. 'Ya can bring 'em all but dat won't help 'ya 'cause I'm puttin' 'ya down anyway.Sorry---

Storm is about to say his catchphrase but he gets interrupted by Scott Steiner's theme song.



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