Re: UWF COC 9/25: HBK vs. Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle raises his microphone, looking at Shawn with fury in his eyes. His gaze focused on the Heart Break Kid, ready and willing to give him the response he is looking for.
Kurt Angle: I didn't ask you for your opinion, Shawn. I don't freakin' want it! I dared you to hit me in my face and you wouldn't do it. You don't have the balls, Shawn. You don't have the stones. All you have is your memories of a past that you want to relive, while I... on the other hand, relive it every single day of my life. James Storm wanted to change who I was, he wanted me to start hugging ugly women and kissing ugly babies... but I wouldn't have it. I told Storm, just like I told you... there's not a damn thing I'm doing these days that I'm not proud of. I'm making a hell of a lot of money on Raw, Shawn... I'm gonna keep making it too. I'm winning matches, and that figure is going to get higher and higher... starting with you this week. Like I give a crap about who you think is the best, if you think I'm nothing more than a liar. I can be a liar in your eyes, but I'm the best freakin' olympic champion in mine.
Kurt starts laughing now, looking at Shawn with a new found pathetic view. He changes his anger to pity in a split second, showing his insane streak once again. It doesn't stop him, though as he keeps talking.
Kurt Angle: What you don't understand is that the Ankle Lock is nothing at all like that piece of crap baby kick you call your Sweet Chin Music! The Angle Slam and the Ankle Lock are two of the most respected moves in the history of profesional wrestling, got it? I won't stand for you disrespecting it, because when you do... you disrespect me. Remember what happened the last few weeks, Shawn... when you disrespected me? I made your life miserable, a literal living hell. I came and attacked you when you at your strongest, when you were at your weakest... and it goes to show you that I am completely and wholeheartedly... better than you. You can dress it up fancy if you'd like, but I showed the entire damn world that you're nothing more than a weak pathetic little man. That you're worth nothing to the stature of this show, of this brand, anymore. You don't deserve to be in a match at Clash of the Champions, let alone with the great likes of myself. But I'll take it, Shawn... because someone needs to show you the pecking order around here.
Kurt laughs some more, with the crowd booing the hell out of him. He's really taking it to Shawn now... and Shawn watches, shaking his head in disgust at the words that Kurt has to say to him.
Kurt Angle: I'm going to make you wish you never asked for this match, Shawn. Before you know it... you'll be gone from this show, stuck in a hospital bed in Texas. You'll have your entire family weeping by your side... but there will be nothing they can do for you. Your ankle will be snapped in pieces, you won't be able to walk right for months. All because you had something to prove. Tell me, Shawn, just exactly what the blue hell do you think you're going to prove Tuesday Night?
Kurt turns to Shawn, expecting him to answer that very question he poses. Shawn does, but takes his time in answering the question, thinking about what to say to his nemesis here in the ring right now.

Kurt Angle: I didn't ask you for your opinion, Shawn. I don't freakin' want it! I dared you to hit me in my face and you wouldn't do it. You don't have the balls, Shawn. You don't have the stones. All you have is your memories of a past that you want to relive, while I... on the other hand, relive it every single day of my life. James Storm wanted to change who I was, he wanted me to start hugging ugly women and kissing ugly babies... but I wouldn't have it. I told Storm, just like I told you... there's not a damn thing I'm doing these days that I'm not proud of. I'm making a hell of a lot of money on Raw, Shawn... I'm gonna keep making it too. I'm winning matches, and that figure is going to get higher and higher... starting with you this week. Like I give a crap about who you think is the best, if you think I'm nothing more than a liar. I can be a liar in your eyes, but I'm the best freakin' olympic champion in mine.
Kurt starts laughing now, looking at Shawn with a new found pathetic view. He changes his anger to pity in a split second, showing his insane streak once again. It doesn't stop him, though as he keeps talking.
Kurt Angle: What you don't understand is that the Ankle Lock is nothing at all like that piece of crap baby kick you call your Sweet Chin Music! The Angle Slam and the Ankle Lock are two of the most respected moves in the history of profesional wrestling, got it? I won't stand for you disrespecting it, because when you do... you disrespect me. Remember what happened the last few weeks, Shawn... when you disrespected me? I made your life miserable, a literal living hell. I came and attacked you when you at your strongest, when you were at your weakest... and it goes to show you that I am completely and wholeheartedly... better than you. You can dress it up fancy if you'd like, but I showed the entire damn world that you're nothing more than a weak pathetic little man. That you're worth nothing to the stature of this show, of this brand, anymore. You don't deserve to be in a match at Clash of the Champions, let alone with the great likes of myself. But I'll take it, Shawn... because someone needs to show you the pecking order around here.
Kurt laughs some more, with the crowd booing the hell out of him. He's really taking it to Shawn now... and Shawn watches, shaking his head in disgust at the words that Kurt has to say to him.
Kurt Angle: I'm going to make you wish you never asked for this match, Shawn. Before you know it... you'll be gone from this show, stuck in a hospital bed in Texas. You'll have your entire family weeping by your side... but there will be nothing they can do for you. Your ankle will be snapped in pieces, you won't be able to walk right for months. All because you had something to prove. Tell me, Shawn, just exactly what the blue hell do you think you're going to prove Tuesday Night?
Kurt turns to Shawn, expecting him to answer that very question he poses. Shawn does, but takes his time in answering the question, thinking about what to say to his nemesis here in the ring right now.