UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Christopher Daniels vs. Goldust

Shinedown - I'm Alive (Lyric video) The Avengers Soundtrack - YouTube

The crowd is on its feet as they hear the beginning to Daniels entrance music. Once he comes flying out, they get even more electric. Daniels is all smiles, regardless of his loss to Bully Ray at SummerSlam after promising to be him. He walks down the ramp, waving to the fans, and shaking hands with the fans lucky enough to have floor tickets right by the ramp. As he enters the ring, the fans slowly quiet down, knowing he’d have some words for them. Daniels didn’t waste any time as he quickly asked for a microphone, which he was given almost right away.


Christopher Daniels:
Thank you for the warm welcomes my friends. It is truly heart warming to have such admiration from each of you. Considering I lost my match against Bully Ray at SummerSlam, I was curious how you would all respond to me. Especially given the fact that I had promised to beat him. I promised all of you an end to the Bully, I failed in that mission. But, he did not break me like he promised, so in the end I am not defeated. I’m still standing! Now Bully is shipped over to the newly formed brand NXT. So, the great fans of Raw don’t have to put up with him anymore, and I am free to move on. Free to climb the ever growing ladder of greatness until I have reached my goal. That goal is to be at the top of that ladder. To look down on those I have overcome. I will not promise you it will happen, for all I know it won’t! I will promise you this; I will do everything in my power to get there! I will try my very hardest to be your new champion.

The crowd seemed to like the idea of that as they cheered for Daniels. He smiled as he stood in the middle of the ring and continued.

I know I don’t have the best record in this company. Most wrestlers would be discouraged from carrying on. Most wrestlers would just leave the company altogether. I can’t do that; I can’t with all my heart do that. I love this business; it’s almost all I know. I’ve made great friends in this business, I’ve met amazing people! I have the opportunity to entertain you people every single week! There is no way in Hell that I would risk losing that! A lot of the guys in the back can tell you how amazing it feels to hear the crowd cheer for you. It’s amazing when you hear just one guy chanting your name, and then the entire arena joins in a huge choir. I may not have defeated Bully Ray at SummerSlam, but he didn’t defeat me either. With your support I found the strength to move on.

You know, after that match I sat in the back. I sat there, looking at nothing thinking about where I would take my career. I wondered how I could move on after so much time of claiming to defeat just one man. Wondered how I would be able to stack up against the bigger guys. How would I even be able to think of challenging for the UWF title? And to be quite honest, I know I’m not ready for it yet. I know the higher ups have been watching me, I know what they are looking for. I know they need someone they can trust to be their guy to hold that belt. I know I can’t be as good as Stone Cold, especially after witnessing his victory in that Chamber. That was quite possibly the greatest match I had seen in a long time. He stood triumphant and tall over five other men! Very few men can proudly say they have done the same. I’m very proud to call Steve a friend.

Speaking of friends, I face a man tonight who I had to be good friends with to take on Bully Ray and Curt Hawkins. He’s the Bizarre One Goldust. And I can tell you one thing, he truly is bizarre. He’s a great fighter however, so I know I have my hands full. But I am confident enough in my skills that I know I stand a chance. I’m not going to just claim a win here. To say that would be far too cocky for my liking. I will promise to do everything in my power to make it a spectacular match for all of you! Now, Goldust, you know as well as I that neither of us really wants another loss on our record. Especially after we both lost our matches at SummerSlam. So I hope you bring everything you have, as I will be doing the same. Let’s put on a great show for all these people!

Daniels exclaimed as he waved his arms out to the entire crowd. The fans truly enjoyed the statement as they showed their appreciation. Daniels smiled as he continued once again.

Now, before our match, I just wanted to say, it truly is an honour to finally meet you in the ring. I don’t count our tag team match; because I knew that I wanted to have a match with you. I knew it would be an amazing match and I knew that it would truly test both of us. So, why don’t you come on out, and let’s show these people what we have to offer!

Daniels waited patiently for some kind of response from Goldust.​


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Christopher Daniels vs. Goldust

The crowd continue to cheer and chant Daniels' name before the lights dim and a spotlight focuses on the stage in a golden hue, it is then that Goldust's theme plays over the audio system and the crowd begin to boo.


'Gold Lust' plays and it is not long before Goldust emerges into the spotlight that is shaped in like a star, Marlena is walking in front of 'The Bizarre One' who is decked out in his signature golden robe and platinum blonde wig. Marlena is smoking away on a cigar. The pair of oddballs continue to make their respective ways down the entrance ramp with Daniels looking on from inside the ring.


Goldust and Marlena take their time walking to the ring, possibly trying to psyche out Daniels. However they don't waste too much time as Goldust gets up onto the apron and sits on the top to allow Marlena an easy entrance into the ring before entering himself. Marlena grabs the microphone and holds it on front of the mouth of the expectant Goldust. Goldust then begins to address his opponent this week on Raw, 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels.


Goldust: "Marty, excuse me. Let's deal in what we know and not what we don't", Patriot Games, 1992. Yes, Christopher, Christie honey, let's deal with what we do know. What we know is that several weeks ago on this illustrious television show, you and I, teamed together to form an uneasy alliance in order to defeat Big Bully Boy Ray and Young Curtis Hawkins. In that match we teamed well, well enough to maybe win a title one of these days. However, let me put it this way, I never play nice, I'm always naughty and I never was too good at group work in school. No, I wasn't good in school at all and sometimes the teacher would cane me... and it made me feel... oh, so extraordinary. You see, whilst I do enjoy a man's company in the ring and who can say no to so some outside of the ring 'male bonding', I just can't get used to working in any other team outwith 24 Karat Productions with my director, Marlena. I need no other partner. So what we didn't know was my feelings for you and our 'team' if you wish to call it so, and now we do, it was nothing, a flash in the pan and I'm sorry to break your dear old little heart honey, but I know that I can do much better than you.

The crowd boo, Daniels is unsure how to take Goldust's 'insult' but seems to just laugh it off.

Now, what we also know is that I, Goldust, lost my Hardcore Championship opportunity at Summerslam. Maybe it was the heat, maybe it got to my head, but I was defeated by Curt Hawkins after he used the most underhanded tactics I have ever seen implemented in a wrestling match. HE KISSED ME!. My beautiful golden lips have been raped of their dignity, their natural, virginal innocence tarnished by some upstart little boy... although I must say, for a fleeting moment, I had butterflies I really did, but they soon turned to wasps Curt, horrible wasps that stung me deeper than anything has anything has ever stung before... and now?... well much like my partnership with your bald headed lovely here, it's over between you and me, because these lips are not made to for kissing silly little boys like you. They are reserved only for the finest moments of time, where I lock lips with high society... on the film set... at the premiere... and also, I performed what many would consider a highly illegal manuever at Summerslam, but I was just getting a judge of what I was working with, and Curt?... hmmm, let's just say, you're a bit smaller than I really hoped.

The crowd oddly pop hopefully for the comedy of the whole situation, but it turns back to sheer disgust for Goldust.

Now Curt Hawkins' small testicles aside, you and I must do the dance this week on Raw like I said, and you said you want it to be the biggest extravaganza of wrestling ever seen before a live Tuesday Night Raw audience. Well, I say... let's. Let's bring the house down Christie honey, because lord knows, these people have been begging for some excitement. They don't want beer swilling rednecks and lunatics behind masks... they don't want pretend rockstars in flashy coats and they don't want olympians... and as much as it pains me to say, they want something that Curt Hawkins talked about a lot and that's change. Change isn't you Christie boy, oh no no no no no, no it is not. Change is golden, and it stands before you as proud as the cock in the morning... and I am proclaiming right now that change is imminent like the stalker in the night, it will jump on you unexpectedly... I am readying myself to pounce ladies and gentlemen, I am ready to flourish like the brightest, most spectacular flower in the garden and I am ready to show the world just who I am...

The crowd are booing loudly as Goldust prepares for his catchphrase.


Then the world will know my name... oh yes, they will know my name and they will NEVER forget that my name, and the name of change is... Goooooldust.


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Feb 20, 2011
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Re: UWF Raw: HBK vs. Kofi Kingston


Kofi Kingston’s theme song plays over the arena much to the delight of the capacity crowd. Kofi Kingston steps out onto the stage accompanied by Abraham Washington of. The duo walk down the entrance ramp, climb up the steel steps and get into the ring. Abraham grabs a mic that was laid out for him.

Abraham Luther Washington: My name is Abraham Luther Washington, founder of All World Promotions and full time freedom fighter. As you are very well aware, my client Kofi Kingston has been the victim of a barrage of abuse and hate over the past few weeks. This has been from a variety of people and unless it stops now, Kofi and I will consult a legal advisor. The sort of thing Kofi has been put under was supposed to have been wiped out of America but unfortunately, it has gotten worse. This poor man can’t even stand in the ring with a white man without being spat at. You see, a talented competitor like Kofi gets jeered and booed whenever he is in the ring because he is black yet a washed up old has been who leaves you for many years comes back via satellite of all things and gets all the cheers. This is outrageous, Kofi does everything to gain your support, he is unbeaten here in UWF, he risks his body doing high risk moves for your enjoyment yet he gets nothing in return. I have a dream that one day in UWF, people will be accepted for who they are inside, not by the colour of their skin. Until then, Kofi will keep trying to win over the support of you racists.

Boos rain in at the duo and Kofi takes the mic, enraged


Kofi Kingston: Shelton Benjamin? Did I hear you correctly Shawn? You’re likening me to Shelton Benjamin? Is that because he’s black? Is that a racist slur? I’ve had enough of this. Every week I get some sort of racial abuse from nobodies. You come here via satellite and the first thing you do since you return is racially abuse me. You still think you are the best Shawn, you’ve been away for a long time. Either you’ve not been watching or you’ve developed Alzheimer’s in your old age. Whatever it is, this Monday on Raw, I’m going to channel all my frustration, everything anyone has ever said to me is going to go back on you because after Monday, I’ll make sure you are put down for good and then maybe I’ll get the respect that I so rightfully deserve.

OOC: Kept it short, good luck & welcome back.​

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Raw 9/2/12 - John Morrison vs. Kurt Angle


Morrison eyes Angle, with a derisive smile plastered across his face.

Morrison: You just don't get it, do you? The game's changing, Kurt. You come out here and recycle the same act that you've been using for the past 13 years. Same sayings, same mannerisms, same goofy threats. You're living in a constant state of repetition; the circle of Kurt Angle. You're back in the game and you don't like what you see. I get it. The thing is, though, you're looking at the game. You're looking at the business today. It's 2012, not 2000, and it's the year of John Morrison. I am the present and I am the future of this company; you're the past of the business. You hate everything I stand for? My heart bleeds. You're going to have to start liking it though. You see, this face, and this so-called flamboyant get up is going to be on TV a lot more from now on. John Morrison is going places, and unlike you, I have ambition to go all the way. I know, I know, you take pride in your championships and all that jazz, but do you even believe it? After all these years, all these battles, all these broken promises... do you truly believe that you have another run in you? I'm curious, Kurt. Is it sheer stupidity and ignorance? Or deep down, do you know that the end is already underway?

Morrison gauges the reaction of the crowd in the arena for a moment, before he moves closer to Kurt and continues.

Morrison: It's an interesting thought. Either you know that you're beat, and are consciously sending yourself out here regardless, or you genuinely have no idea that the end is nigh. I'm not sure which is more sad. What I do know, though, is that you're an avid fantasist. In what universe are you pride of a nation? Moreover, in what universe are the UWF roster supposed to be scared of your threats? You think that they're watching backstage, quaking in their boots because Kurt Angle tells me he's blowing off steam and wants everybody in the building to see? They're probably laughing at you. They're probably looking at you and wondering when you're going to stop coming back. When you're going to stop marching out here and telling the world that Kurt Angle is back, when it couldn't be further from the truth. I'm not convinced, nor is anyone else.

Morrison stops as he runs his hand across his face, studying the look on Angle's face.

Morrison: I'm not hiding anywhere come Tuesday night. I'm standing in front of you and sweeping your return aside. I'm taking your Cinderella comeback, throwing it on the floor and stamping on it. When you're picking the pieces of yet another failed venture up off the floor, remember who did it to you. Remember how I comprehensively swept you to one side, when I'm winning the UWF Championship, and you're watching it on a television set backstage. Know now and remember for the rest of your time in UWF that I am better than you. You're a broken record; old news. Quite frankly, it's getting boring listening to you talk. Especially the threats. The Guru of Greatness doesn't deal in cheap threats of obscene violence. You're going to break my ankle, the last guy I faced was going to make me repent for my sins and rest in piece. What's that saying? "Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans". You should really bear that in mind, Kurt. Tattoo it on your head or something. Use the money you're going to get for taking a beating from John Morrison. One more thing, after I do beat you, try not to go too crazy. It's sort of worrying for the human race that you're allowed out in public. I suggest you keep out of the nightclubs, or we might have to start calling you Kurt Roethlisberger.

With that latest cheap shot, Morrison lowers his mic and awaits a response from Angle.


Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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Re: UWF Raw 9/2/12 - John Morrison vs. Kurt Angle

Kurt raises the microphone and begins to respond to John Morrison, a smirk on his face. He lets loose and goes off on another rant, letting Morrison know exactly what he's out here for.


Kurt Angle: That's where you're wrong, John. What I do... is not recycling a tired act. No, its much more than that. What I do for these people is a service. They watch me accomplish things that any ordinary man can't. These people live vicariously through their American hero. I'm the best wrestler alive today! Listen, I train my ass off every single day. I diet, I work my ass off all day long... for these people. I deserve some damn respect from you, John. I've been in this business longer than you, I've wrestled against the best of the best and I've beat them one by one. I've had three neck surgeries! Three! I put my life on the line just to continue to be in this business. I missed my daughter's first steps, her first words... just because I was on the road giving these people a show. At the end of the day, I rest well knowing that I put everything I had into what I care about. Can the same be said for you, John? Does your arrogance make you feel good about yourself? Does it wash away the fact that you keep getting your ass kicked around here? Does it erase the fact that you're nothing more than a warm-up to the big dogs, John? You can try your hardest this Tuesday night to make up for some of your shortcomings, John, but I'm afraid there isn't much you can do about it. Because when you're in the ring with me, there is nothing... and I mean nothing... good that can come about it. If you're lucky, you don't leave with a broken ankle. That's what you'll get out of Tuesday's match against me.

Kurt laughs, as the crowd begins to shift towards Angle. They quiet down and get ready for Angle to continue, to keep on with his train of though. Kurt abides and keeps the microphone raised to his mouth as he continues.

Kurt Angle: John, even in ancient Greek mythology... were Gods. And these Gods were like no other, they controlled things in our world. But among the Gods, existed a hierarchy. Zeus was considered the most powerful God, the leader. Even to those that were older than him, he was the most powerful... and people respected him. On RAW, we have a hierarchy as well. You, John Morrison, aren't at the top. You're nowhere near it. On the top is a man I've faced before, the UWF Champion... Stone Cold Steve Austin. But the reason I bring this up, John... is because what you and I are doing here is making a mountain out of a molehill. This match on Tuesday, it's going to happen whether we're standing here or in the back doing freakin' leg squats. Or at least I would be, you'd probably be out doing your flippy gymnastics crap. At the top of the mountain, sits the UWF Champion... with his match on Tuesday Night Raw. He's going to be in the main event, while we're stuck in the middle of the show... all of the hard work I've done unnoticed once again. But I'm not going to take it lying down. I'm dedicated, John... something you don't know anything about! I'm going to give these people the best match they've ever seen! We're going to fight... and force management to take notice, one way or another.

The fans get to their feet, surprisingly cheering when Kurt Angle talks about achieving the impossible, outstaging the UWF Championship match... putting on the match of the night, and forcing the UWF fans to appreciate their match more than the main event. Kurt continues to speak.

Kurt Angle: This... all of this, it means something to me John. You wouldn't understand, because you're too busy with your head shoved up your ass. You wouldn't know the first thing about hard work. You wouldn't understand what its like to train for something, to achieve it. Thats the reason I wear this Gold Medal around my neck, as a constant reminder that the sky isn't the limit. That people can tell me that I can't do it, that I'm not good enough to get the job done. I brush it off, even with a friggin' broken neck, and I finish the job that I came out to do. Especially now, when I don't move as fast as I used to... when it takes me a little bit longer to get out of bed in the morning, that makes me want to train harder. It makes me want to go the extra damn mile to MAKE SURE that I don't go home a failure. That's why I'm still here, John. I know in my heart that I'm the very best wrestler in the whole world. People like you, John, making lame jokes because you don't know what its like to be serious for once in your life... that's what pisses me the hell off. You want to make fun of Pittsburgh's great Quarterback, be my guest. I don't need any more reasons to want to beat the crap out of you on Tuesday, but I'll take it anyway. You have no idea what you're in for, you son of a bitch.

Kurt lowers his microphone, as John Morrison gears up to respond to him.

Dod Draper

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Raw 9/2/12 - John Morrison vs. Kurt Angle


Morrison seems satisfied with the fact that he's riled Angle, he raises his mic to retort.

Morrison: Olympic gold medalist, mythologist, maniac... you really are a jack of all trades, aren't you, Kurt? You should release your own book, "Fifty Shades of Angle". The story of a young, vulnerable woman who is relentlessly pursued by a manic professional wrestler. I'm not so sure anyone would buy it, though. Your buddy Big Ben might. I think Jeff Jarrett and your ex-wife would buy it too. They could throw copies on their fire to keep it roaring, as they're screwing in front of it. Anyway, I digress, I've strayed off topic. Fifty Shades of Angle can wait. Somewhere amidst your psycho-sexual pedestalization of Steve Austin, you called him Zeus. You're wrong, Kurt. There's only one Zeus round here, and a championship belt doesn't make it Stone Cold. John Morrison is that man. The higher being, the center of the universe, judge, jury and executioner. I am the utmost existence of power in UWF. John Morrison rises above all else. Guru of Greatness, Shaman of Sexy, Tuesday Night Delight. These nicknames aren't fiction, they're fact. They define the legend. Believe the hype, John Morrison is more real than you have ever been.

Morrison steps closer as the rate of his speech picks up.

Morrison: You stand here and insult me, you tell me that you've achieved X and Y in your life. I do not care. You come to UWF and tell me that you're Kurt Angle, almost as if that is supposed to impress me. Is it? Around here, what are you? You're another face at that back of the line, making his case to be somewhere near relevant. What are you thinking now? That you're old and I should respect you for that? Because you've been around the block and spent years wrestling, am I supposed to bow at your feet? John Morrison bows to no man. You said it best with your obscene lesson in mythology, Kurt, so allow me to paraphrase; the most powerful entity disregards age. You did a beautiful job of binding yourself with your own words. Talk about what you want, but it will never change the fact that John Morrison is better than you. It's a simple matter of class. Whilst men like you are complaining about your spot on the card, or complaining that you're not getting a fair deal, men like me are defining an era.

Morrison pauses and takes a few steps towards the corner of the ring, he rests on the rope, still facing Angle, and continues.

Morrison: The time for talking is almost over, Kurt. When the talking stops, and you're no longer incessantly whining about nonsense, that's when the walls of your delusional fantasies come crashing in. A sweeping wave of realization will finally break down the great expectations that you're resting on, and normality will resume. John Morrison will reign supreme once again. Tick tock, tick tock. That's the sound of your honeymoon period dwindling away, second by second. The two weeks you've had up until now have been a blessing for you, whether you believe it or not. I know you've come out here and bemoaned the wait, but it's been good for you. It's given you time to let yourself feel somewhere near credible, before John Morrison kicks your hopes and dreams into the abyss of defeat. In lay man's terms, that's what you should expect tomorrow night. Don't expect a glorious return to action for Kurt Angle. Expect the harsh reality of progress.

Morrison smiles for the final time, as he drops his mic and exits the ring.

OOC: Good to TT with you again man, we'll have to do it again sometime.


Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Raw 9/11/12: UWF Championship match: Stone Cold(c) vs. Cody Rhodes


At the sound of the shattering glass, thousands and thousands of fans are brought to their feet, cheering in unison, as the camera pans around the arena to get a shot of all of them. Many are seen with various signs dedicated to the Rattlesnake, while others are donning a variety of Austin memorabilia, and many of the fans belong to both groups. Just as it seems like they can't be anymore excited to be cheering for the Bionic Redneck again, out he comes from the backstage, stopping at the top of the stage with his UWF Championship over his shoulder, soaking it all in.


After a moment, Austin begins walking down the ramp towards the ring, doing things a bit differently this week as he goes over to the timekeeper's area and retrieves a microphone and a steel chair before turning and making his way up the steel steps and along the apron, stepping over the middle rope and entering the ring. He signals for a microphone from the ringside officials and is granted one.


Stone Cold: I'm sure you all saw Tuesday Night Raw a few nights ago, and no doubt have yer own opinions about what went down. Some of ya were pullin' for Stone Cold to retain his You Dubya Eff Championship with a clean victory, some of ya were pullin' for Chris Jericho to become the new You Dubya Eff Champion. Hell, I'm sure there were some of you that were pulling for Cody Rhodes to do what he did. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, the fact of the matter is Stone Cold Steve Austin is still your You Dubya Eff Champion and the management team of Tuesday Night Raw have decided to grant Cody Rhodes a one-on-one match for the very title he's been bickering and bitching about never getting a proper shot at since it was taken from him however long ago. Some of you probably expect me to be furious about the situation, but I'm not, because I told Chris Jericho not once but twice that Cody was an unstable son of a bitch and would get involved, and he did because he is. I'm not surprised or caught off guard by the attack, and I'm not upset by it. Cody Rhodes heard me say time and time again that anyone that wants a title shot can have one as far as I'm concerned, and that was his way of letting me know he wanted one.

So on one hand I'm perfectly fine with this upcoming match, but on the other hand I'm disappointed that rather than provide me with some fresh competition, management has decided to put another one of my Summerslam opponents in front of me again. Who's it gonna be next week, Em Vee Pea? (What?) See Em Punk after that? (What?) Is Wade Barrett gonna come out of retirement ta' make up for the fact that you can't put Orton in a title match against me? (What?) What about Austin Aries, he's due a rematch, and I'm sure Christian wouldn't object to another one-on-one go at the Rattlesnake. (What?) I mean are we really going to recycle contenders, because there's no competition or thrill in beating the same guys again and again every day of the week and twice on Sunday, after awhile it's going to get stale. Then again, it's Vince calling the shots and he's never given a damn about what makes Stone Cold happy, so this sitch-ew-ation makes perfect sense.

But my feelings regarding the attack isn't the only hot question that needed an answer, it was just the hot question coming out of the aftermath of Tuesday night. Now that we all know what's happening next Tuesday night, the question becomes am I afraid that my title reign is in jeopardy? No, and I'll explain why. I acknowledged Cody Rhodes as unstable, but I never said I believed he was crazy. What I meant was he doesn't have a very good grip on his emotions, he can't keep them in check, so what many perceive as him finally snapping under the pressure of jealousy I see for what it truly is, a little boy throwing a temper tantrum because he wasn't given his way.

I mean, don't we have enough pseudo-psychotic f***s with Abyss and Mankind joining the company? But that's not why you people want me to be worried, it's the history that Cody and I have, the fact that I've never beaten him in singles competition. Even though he was one of the five men that I beat at Summerslam ta' keep this title, no one's looking at that, they're looking at matches that happened on free weekly television, matches that didn't have championship implications, matches that, frankly, don't mean a damn thing in comparison. As far as recent history goes, I beat yer ass in the Elimination Chamber, and you kicked me in the head a few nights ago, but I knew the attack was coming and this singles match was inevitable so which one of us has the real edge here?

If Desmond Wolfe had the biggest hat in the kitchen, this match-up might not even be happening, the dynamic of Raw would be entirely different and instead of trying to make a man nearly four months into his reign earn the record on Raw, you'd be coasting into the next pay-per-view without having to defend the belt once. But things didn't go down according to his will, so Stone Cold's the one with everything.

You want to talk about someone waiting and waiting for his turn to come along, take a walk in my shoes. All I heard from day one is how much people enjoyed the trash I talked to my opponents, how quality the promos I cut were, but I could never get through the glass ceiling and break into the upper echelon of the card where the big boys played. I scratched and clawed and eventually got good enough to win number one contendership matches, but I always lost the big one, I could never win the You See Dubya Championship, I could never win the World Heavyweight Championship. January 2010 is when the second chapter of my career began, May 2012 is when I won this belt, so it took me twenty-eight months ta' get my peers ta' take me seriously as a main eventer around these parts.

I am not satisfied letting my reign end now, especially not when I'm so close ta' beating the record and solidifying myself as someone that's deserving of the respect I'm given and all the praise I've ever received. And I am especially not satisfied with letting it end in a match against you, because you, much like the Jerichos and the Punks, don't deserve to hold my championship and I've stated in the past and told Jericho last week, you aren't ready to hold this championship either.

Not ta' mention I refuse ta' let You Dubya Eff be another You Dubya Aye and fold because you're the holder of the company's top belt, things just aren't going down that way, Cody. But as focused as I'll be on the task at hand, and as much as I'm going to enjoy whooping your ass, I'll have the same eyes all over that I had last week. Jericho's not going to let your attack on him go unanswered, especially since, in many speculators' opinions, you have cost him the You Dubya Eff Championship twice now.

And because he wants to take this belt from me as badly as you do, it won't just be Cody Rhodes he puts his hands on, it'll be Stone Cold Steve Austin as well. But I'm more than okay with that, because while you pretend to be a crazy bastard, I actually am one, and I'm planning on ripping both of you, as well as anyone else that decides ta' get involved, completely apart.

Austin lowers his microphone as he continues to sit in the chair, awaiting the arrival of his opponent.

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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RAW 9/11 - Shawn Michaels vs. John Morrison

The crowd is silent, before...


The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison struts out onto the stage and poses on the stage, as the camera captures the moment in glorious slow motion.


Morrison then strides down the ramp, eying the arena around him. He climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Morrison saunters across the ring and clambers up onto the turnbuckle. He poses for the fans, as countless camera flashes go off before him. He steps down, and wanders over to the other corner of the ring to collect a microphone from ringside. He then turns back to the middle of the ring, and begins to speak.

Morrison: Six days. Six days until the unstoppable freight train of John Morrison runs through its next stop. The next destination is a match with Shawn Michaels. Another blast from the past, returning to haunt UWF. I disposed of one this past Tuesday on RAW, now another stands before me in Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels has achieved a lot in his career. I could stand here and reel off a list of accomplishments, tell you all that the "Showstopper" is back, and better than ever, but I'd be lying. Showstopper? John Morrison is the Showstopper. I defy belief every week with incredible displays of athleticism and dominance. People gasp in awe as I fly from that very top rope, and deliver Starship Pain to men who aren't even worthy of taking it. Stealing shows has become something of a habit for me. Shawn Michaels? Please. The guy's ancient. The only thing that's stopping for him these days, is the hair growing on his head.

The crowd don't like the disrespect of a legend, Morrison continues regardless.

Morrison: Here's another one; The Heartbreak Kid. Hello? When did you last break a heart, Shawn? And no, Peggy at the local care home doesn't count. Only one man breaks hearts in UWF, and his name is John Morrison. UWF need to put health warnings all over their footage. Women have been known to faint when I'm on screen. With all that being said, I don't want your stupid nicknames, Shawn. John Morrison is his own man. Every nickname I have, I embody with every word I speak. Your nicknames are cheap, meaningless gestures, perpetuated to define a myth. I challenge the very notion that you're "the" Showstopper. I sure as hell challenge the notion that you break hearts.

Morrison pauses as he turns to the titantron.

Morrison: I'm quite glad I'm getting this opportunity to face you, though, Shawn. I enjoy competition, but I especially enjoy getting the chance to redefine opinion. After all these years, the fans of wrestling have come to expect something from you. They expect you to be the entertaining guy. Well, they've seen nothing yet. I want to oust you in your own field. I want to beat you at your game. Stop shows? That's breakfast for me. A man is only as valuable as his skills are unique, and listen to me when I say that your stock is going to plummet this Tuesday night on RAW, Shawn. The new era comes knocking on your door next week, and just like the Grim Reaper, you better not turn it away. Open your door and embrace the bustling realization of actuality. I'm coming for you... knock, knock.

Morrison lowers his mic with a smile as he rests on the ropes awaiting the arrival of HBK

OOC: Just wanted something to get us started. Glad to get the chance to face you again Shawn.



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James Storm vs. Christopher Daniels



Longneck & Rednecks hits the PA System of the arena and people begin to cheer for the man who last week defeated The Hardcore Champion, James Storm. Storm's theme songs play for a while when finally out comes The Cowboy. Storm is looking fresh and happy as he comes from his first victory. He is in the middle of the entrance ramp when he puts his hand in the air and pyros explode. Storm waists no time and he enters the ring. His theme is still playing as Storm is standing in the turnbuckle and nods his head on the rhythm of his theme. The Cowboy finally jumps off the buckle, asks for a microphone and is granted one. He makes sure the microphone works.


"The Cowboy", James Storm:
First things first. What happened last week was jus' an example of what is You Dubya Eff in fo'. After a month I finally showed all a' 'ya what I am capable of. I was comin' from a losin' streak but I finally...finally broke through. I finally won ma' first match and not jus' a regular match. I won a match where I faced Da' Hardcore Champ...or chump. I put on what I believe was da' shortest contested match in You Dubya Eff history. Hell, Hawkins didn't even touch me. Dat match was all 'bout me whippin' his ass in record time. Hey...all, ya'll haters who said dat Da' Cowboy's luck has ran out...Eat dis! Each time 'ya said dat I cannot connect whit da' last call I took yer words and look...Last week it was Curt Hawkins
' last call. Now he can only call his momma and cry 'bout da' fact dat he got his teeth kicked down his throat. Last week was jus' a preview of what's goin' ta' happen in next few weeks. Dis week on RAW, Christopher Daniels will face dee' exact same destiny as Curt Hawkins did. Then a week after dat, I don't care who 'ya put in front a' me, he will get his dreams flushed down a toilet. Then a week after that too and again, and again and again. And then finally I get ma' Hardcore Title shot, I will kick out those two teeth he has left and show 'ya'll what real hardcore looks like! But first of all, I have ta' get through Christopher Daniels.

People in the arena give a mixed reaction when The Cowboy mentiones Christopher Daniels.

I know it ain't gon' be as easy as beatin' Hawkins. Although I don't like 'im, I have ta' dat he is one gifted son of a gun. We go way back to Tee En Ay where I first met da' guy. He is one of da' very few men who was there for a long time and almost from da' beginnin'. I respected 'im fo' dat but last year, he totally lost ma' respect when he decided ta' leave da' family. He left Da' Fortune 'cause he turned into a freakin' selfish prick. 'Ya know, Fortune was mo' than jus' a few guys who 'rassled together. It was mo' then jus' a group. Fortune was a family and 'ya can't jus' leave yer family. Damn 'ya, Chris. We 'rassled together, we traveled together, we basicly lived together. From da' moment when I came through da' curtain ta' da' moment when I came from ringside ta' da' back. 'Ya, AJ, Kaz, Bobby 'ya were all there fo' me when I needed 'ya. We were a goddamn family but 'ya had ta' dick out. 'Ya dicked out on something so, so stupid and 'ya turned from a great honest man ta' a prick. Now I don't care 'bout how 'ya act now. I don't care if 'ya pretend ta' be "da' good guy" Chris. What 'ya did will never be forgotten. I ain't here ta' cry like a lil' bitch and brag 'bout how 'ya left da' family. Dat's over. Look...I am in You Dubya Eff...AJ is here...yer here...Bobby is here. We don't event talk ta' each other anymo'. What I wanna say is dat it's all behind us. Now it's time ta' get serious 'bout da' present, not 'bout da' past.

The Cowboy makes a little pause before he talks again.

Since yer here in You Dubya Eff 'ya weren't as successful as 'ya were in da' past now were 'ya? It's sad ta' see someone like 'ya go down da' ladder. It's sad ta' see dat someone who once used ta' be at da' top is now barely in da' middle. Face da' truth. Yer not da' same Christopher Daniels anymo'...and there's nothin' in dis world 'ya can do ta' once again become relevant. Dis is not 2004. People don't watch 'ya 'rassle wit' their mouth open when they see 'ya bounce off da' top rope and fly across da' ring. When 'ya expect 'em ta' cheer 'ya they don't 'cause there's nothin' new 'ya can do ta' impress 'em and as 'ya get older, yer losin' yer touch but what's mo' important...yer losin' yer hope dat 'ya will be able ta' deliver in da' future. Yeah, tell me dat I ain't right but now yer somewhere in da' back, sippin' appletini and 'ya realise dat I'm right. Dis is not me wantin' ta' scare 'ya...dis is me talkin' facts and nothin' but facts. I don't care what 'ya will have ta' say. Go ahead, come out and say it but 'ya can't fool me into thinkin' somethin' different. Da' Cowboy is standin' tall at da' top and 'ya can't take 'im down...no...not anymo'.
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: RAW 9/11 - Shawn Michaels vs. John Morrison


HBK comes out from the back as the crowd errupts. HBK just heads straight for the ring as he isn't pleased with what John Morrison had to say. As HBK heads into the ring he is given a microphone


HBK: Let's get one thing straight John, the reason people faint when you come on the screen isn't because of your looks. No it's because of how long you're entrance is when you first come out from behind the curtains. All the females faint because by the time you're done they've realized how much of an actual tool bag you really are. I mean really do you need a five minute long slow motion screen when you come out here. I've never seen anything more rediculous since the whole Katie Vick storyline from years ago.

The crowd laughs as John Morrison is not pleased at what HBK said

HBK: Look boy, you have to earn respect to get respect and you will never earn my respect until you show some. You calling me names, that's a real class act of someone who still doesn't get the business aspect of being a professional wrestler. Until you've done something spectacular with your career then do not try and flatter yourself by saying you're the showstopper. That's my phrase and for the last twenty something odd years I been doing this stuff, I have earned that right to be called that. You on the other hand have never excelled to reach the high expectations before you. I though have been through it all, I been fired multiple times, I've been a multiple-time World Champion, I once held every single major title there was around. I steal the show and the spotlight every time I have been in the ring and it doesn't matter if they were a giant, a migit, an animal, or those who say they are going to end my career. I would always steal the show and why is that you're probably thinking, well it's simple, I'm Shawn Michaels and I can. I back it up each and every night I am out here. I may not win, but at the end of the night when people are leaving the building the one match they are all talking about is my match.

A major "HBK, HBK" chant breaks out

HBK: You can challenge me all you want, but when it comes down to it, you are just like every other stiff who says they are better than me and they are going to kill the legend that is Shawn Michaels. You haven't earned the right to call yourself the "Guru of Greatness" because like I said before until you have reached multiple goals in wrestling other than jumping off a top rope because let's face it almost everyone in UWF can do that, my advice is to worry about your in-ring ability rather than a nicname or your entrance for that matter. I'm not in the best of moods because of Kurt Angle and I will deal with him when the time is right, but for now and this coming Tuesday on Raw, I am going to take my aggression out on you and show you why I still got it in this ring. I showed it on Raw last week after I defeated Kofi Kingston in my return match and I am going to do it again when I beat you on Raw.

HBK lowers his microphone while the crowd applauses him


OOC: It's been a while man, glad I got the chance to face you again also!

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Re: RAW 9/11 - Shawn Michaels vs. John Morrison


Morrison looks at HBK with a patronizing smile, raises his mic and begins to speak.

Morrison: Katie Vick? What, when your best buddy screwed a dummy in a funeral home? Yeah, that was ridiculous.

Morrison raises his eyebrows, and continues

Morrison: Bravo, Shawn, you defeated Kofi Kingston. Beat the drum loud and proud. I beat Kurt Angle on the same show, and The Undertaker before him, so I guess beating up old men is becoming something of a habit of me. You see, for men like me, winning is habitual. I'm a born winner. Conquering the unconquerable is ingrained in my DNA. Therein lies the difference between men like me, and men like you. You're nothing more than a glorified circus act. I, however, exhibit my dominance week in, week out, in spectacular fashion. People pay their hard earned money to watch John Morrison stand in the face of adversity, laugh at it, and beat it down. I'm must-see TV. The consummate winner. Shawn Michaels is that guy people pay their money to watch lose. You even said it yourself. The entertainer, who comes close, only to fall just short. The Cinderella tale that never was. Sure, you've had some success. You know what they say, though; give a million monkeys typewriters and they'll write Shakespeare.

Morrison saunters round the ring, enjoying himself, he continues

Morrison: You know what you are, Shawn? You're like a Tetris machine. Moderately entertaining back in the day, but enormously outdated. Yet, still kept round for nostalgic purposes. Kind of inexplicable that it's even liked so much in the first place. Well, if John Morrison is nothing else, he's a revolutionist. So, this Tuesday night, The Guru of Greatness is going to bring Thor's hammer and smash it through your goofy Tetris machine. I'm going to leave it in a million pieces, lying in tatters on the floor. The perfect metaphor for the imminent remnants of your career. You think you can beat me, Shawn? Think again. I am John Morrison. The Shaman of Sexy, The Ambassador of Abdominals, The Lady Tamer, The Honcho of Hotness, and most importantly, The Face of Tuesday Nights. I am the be-all and end-all of RAW. The man who defines all else. Everyone else on this show measures themselves by the criteria of John Morrison, and they all fall comprehensively short. Including you.

Morrison pauses for a second, as he rubs his face, slowing down the tempo

Morrison: I don't think I'm better than you, Shawn, I know I am. Men like you can't cut it at my level. With your stupid pants, and balding head, you're an embarrassment. You shouldn't be anywhere near a wrestling ring. In the Palace of Wisdom, we throw senile old men out to the kerb. There's no room for sentiment in this business. You're a relic; an unpleasant reminder of the past. John Morrison doesn't deal in relics.

Morrison stops with a smile, and awaits a response.

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UWF Raw 11th September 2012 - U.S Title Match CM Punk (c) V Kofi Kingston


Kofi Kingston’s theme song plays over the arena much to the delight of the capacity crowd. Kofi Kingston steps out onto the stage accompanied by Abraham Washington of. The duo walk down the entrance ramp, climb up the steel steps and get into the ring. Abraham grabs a mic that was laid out for him.

Abraham Luther Washington: My name is Abraham Luther Washington, founder of All World Promotions and I am here today with my client Kofi Kingston to talk about a number of subjects, the most prominent being management finally seeing sense and booking Kofi in a title match for Raw. Although it is not the UWF Championship which, if given the chance, Kofi would win with ease, it is the United States Championship, after Raw is over, Kofi will be the champion of all of you. All who abuse him will not be able to do so no more as he will be the champion of you all. You will all give him the respect he deserves. This discrimination will be no more, I mean who are you to discriminate, your stupid state is named after a country. Mexico at that. Out of all the terrible states in this country, this has got to be the worst.


Boos rain down on the duo as Kofi takes to the mic.

Kofi Kingston: Shut up! You will show some respect, I am getting sick of it. You see, this week, I face CM Punk in a UWF United States Championship Match. Now last week, I was defeated by a has been, I underestimated him but I will not let that happen again. This week, things will be different, I will beat CM Punk and claim his precious championship. I will then hold onto that championship around my waist and you will all fall before me as I become the African Champion of America. I will become the first black champion here in the UWF and I will prove all you racists wrong. I will prove that a black man, a Ghanaian can wrestle, that I can be a champion here in the UWF and then it will be me spitting in the faces of all of you, it will be me laughing at you. I won’t be the laughing stock anymore.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Raw 9/11/12: UWF Championship match: Stone Cold(c) vs. Cody Rhodes

Stone Cold has had a lot of time to ponder over what Cody Rhodes had to say to him. After taking this time to let it all sink in and properly digest it, the Rattlesnake is at last prepared to give his rebuttal.


Stone Cold: Poetic, huh? Well you can ask his old tag team partner Raven, Stone Cold Steve Austin's not much for poetry. Since we're on the subject though, there is a certain quote that stands out as I think of this battle between you and I. The late William Shakespeare once said, "How bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man's eyes." Ever since May twenty-third, that's what you've been doing, looking at happiness through my eyes. The happiness I feel holding this championship. (What?) The happiness I feel when I whoop another man's ass. (What?) The happiness I feel being at the top of the ladder and the center of Raw all at the same time. (What?) Watching me thrive and succeed has eaten you alive, and, as you would agree, has made you bitter.

Cody Rhodes looks unphased by what's been said to him so far, looking unimpressed and not insulted.

If yer bitterness were justified, I wouldn't be so bothered by it, perhaps it wouldn't phase me at all, but it isn't justified. You had your chance at the You Dubya Eff Championship and you failed, a man would've accepted defeat and worked hard to earn himself another shot, but you didn't do that, you threw a fit and stuck around in the Chamber after you were eliminated and attacked. Last Tuesday night, you threw another tantrum and attacked again. You're like the bratty kid at daycare that no one wants to discipline because of what the consequences might be, well I'm not afraid ta' bust your ass and I think, in some way, that's why Vince gave you this match, so my fists could act as a staple gun and close your stupid mouth shut.

The crowd "Oooh"'s in response to the insult, while Rhodes remains as he was, unimpressed and not insulted.

At the end of the day, that's all you are, an immature little bitch pretending he's not mentally there like he's acting in a movie or playing Dungeons and Dragons or some shit. Why everyone can't see that I couldn't tell you, because as I speak these words and drag you and your charade through the mud, there's people in the audience appalled because they love the turn your character has taken, they think it's edgy. (What?) There's guys in the back that are offended because they back you and the fact that you've supposedly lost your last marble, they feel it makes you a shoe-in for this belt I'm holding. (What?)

Well to them I strongly suggest ascending off of this bottomfeeder's dick, because what you blindly see as a fresh character I realistically view as a hodgepodge of other people's gimmicks. He's Raven. (What?) He's Mankind. (What?) He's Vampiro. (What?) He's Kane. (What?) He's Undertaker. (What?) He's Christopher Nowinski. (What?) He's Randy Orton. (What?) He's Chris Jericho. (What?) He's Eddie Guerrero. (What?) He's Chris Benoit. (What?) There's even a little bit of Goldust in there. (What?) But who he most reminds me of cocking his head to the side and smiling suggestively is Aye Jay Lee. Maybe you should take a page from Damien Sandow and challenge for the Divas Championship instead of the You Dubya Eff belt.

As the crowd reacts with another "Ooooh" at the stinging insults the Rattlesnake just hurled, Cody Rhodes still behaves as though Austin has said anything worth paying attention to. Stone Cold's seriousness intensifies as he continues.

Honestly I should kick you off of those ropes and stomp a mudhole in your ass right now, you disrespectful piece of shit, and hit you so hard in your damn face that you walk away with a lisp ta' match your face wear, your daddy's lisp ta' be more specific. If you think Stone Cold beating you ta' keep his title is a fantasy story, you're a delusional bastard, a hypocritical piece of trash, and I may have to revisit the possibility that there is indeed something wrong with you upstairs, maybe you are crazy. But not psychopathic intimidating crazy like you're trying to come off, but skipping down the yellow brick road ta' Oz crazy.

You don't understand how hard I'll fight to keep this f*****g title, Cody, and that's why you think I'm doomed to end up like the other men on your list! I will fight for this championship like it's the one and only thing keeping my heart beating! I will fight for this championship like my daughter is terminally ill and successfully retaining it is the cure! I will fight for this championship like every person in this arena, Stone Cold fan or not, each has a gun pointed to their head and the only thing that'll inspire the sumbitch in the skybox ta' call a cease fire is my victory!

It might sound extreme to you, but this championship that I'm wearing is more than metal and leather, it's more than a weighted object with my name on it, this is the reward for my life's work! All the blood I've ever bled, every bead of sweat I've ever perspired, every tear I've ever cried! The neck surgeries, the knee surgeries, the disappointment I felt every time I had ta' walk back through that curtain with my head hung in defeat, it's all...right...here.

If you want to become the new You Dubya Eff Championship, do not hold back, do not show mercy. Exploit every weakness, and fight not only to win, but to kill. Because I would rather die than see the state of Tuesday Night Raw with you as its top titleholder, and that's the Stone Cold truth.

Stone Cold drops his microphone to the mat as the crowd erupts into cheers of, "Austin! Austin!", showing their respect for the UWF Champion and showing that they believe in what he had to say.
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: RAW 9/11 - Shawn Michaels vs. John Morrison

HBK doesn't look pleased


HBK: Hey, you don't talk about my hair. When you get to my age, you're going to have the some problem jack! Hair or no hair, I have the skills in this ring even in my late 40's that you will never as you say "master". I come out here each and every single night to put on a show for each and every single one of these fans. Some may like me, some may hate me, but I do what I do in this ring for them and it's because of all these people that have helped get to where I am today. I don't come out here and my concern be about how I look. I come out here and put on the best match I can do. The reason I came back is because of people like you.

John Morrison looks confused

HBK: You do not get what I mean, so let me enlighten you. The reason they brought me back is because the guys like you cannot hack it. People like you think you're above this business, when son, no one is above this business. Not Hulk Hogan, not John Cena, not Ric Flair, not Shawn Michaels, and especially not you. That's why they brought me back because they knew with me back they can get more fans to watch and to come to the shows. They knew that I still have it in this ring, that I can put on five-star matches, something you'll get out of me on Raw. But you will get it because of how good I am.

HBK lowers his microphone while starring into Morrison's eyes

HBK: I'm pretty sure you're the circus act. I mean what kind of a man wears glitter on their stomach. You are nothing but the circus act. You wear fur coat when you come out here to the ring. You have a five minute slow motion pose. Maybe you should worry about putting on a show rather than trying to look good because really you need more skills if you ever want so called nicnames like those you mentioned. Guru of Greatness is a far cry from the truth. John, you have a gift, but you don't know how to grab it by the throat. Maybe if you did, you might be on your way to greatness. But what I really see, is someone who will end up failing and being a bust in this business.

HBK lowers his microphone and waits for Morrison to speak as the fans cheer HBK on and start up a "BUST" chant


OOC: You good with 2-2, sorry it took me a couple days to get back

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Re: RAW 9/11 - Shawn Michaels vs. John Morrison

2-2 is fine with me man. Hope we get to do it again some time.
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