UWF Raw 9/18: Goldust Vs Mankind
The crowd are silent but expectant inside the arena for Raw, when suddenly Goldust appears on the titantron and begins to speak.
Goldust: "It's been a long time since I've seen you, way too long" - Taken, 2008. Only a week of absence and I full pushed to the side and forgotten. Oh how it just wells me up inside, I didn't cry, honest I didn't, these golden cheeks weren't left with streaks of anguish, no, instead of crying I found solace in the fact that I had an extra week to prepare for my next matinee performance on Tuesday Night Raw. Now that my little 'flings' with Curt Hawkins and Christopher Daniels are over it's now time to move on... and move on I will, don't you worry about that, because I have BIG intentions when it comes to the future of... Goldust. In the future I don't see pay-per-view losses to the likes of Curt Hawkins, and certainly not losses on national television to the likes of Christopher Daniels. You see, you're only as good as what you are faced with, it's only human nature to... rise... to the occasion and with facing these men, it's safe to say, I didn't get that much of a rise. However, when I saw this week's match-card posted on the website, I just couldn't help but get a little giddy at the thought of taking someone on who's maybe just a little bit more deranged than myself.
Goldust looks at himself, admiring his oddness.
Being 'The Bizarre One' is certainly something I pride myself on. I like to shock, I like to provoke emotions, I use the wrestling ring like a stage at a theatre and my intentions are to put on the most wonderfully flamboyant play you've ever seen. My opponent my week on the other hand, uses the 'squared circle' like a cell in the psyche ward. Now, I'm not against getting 'freaky' with the freaks, and especially not one like Mankind who I know, very, very well... I just feel that... maybe the spotlight should be shifted slightly to the golden side of it all. Me. Yours truly. You see, I can admit to being self-centred, it's my one and ONLY flaw. I just have to have the spotlight and I just have that craving back and oh it hurts me so bad... and as a result it's going to hurt Mankind oh so bad this week on Raw. I want my limelight back, I want the red-carpet, the paparazzi, I want glamour... and to do that I need to put myself back in everybody's minds by making sure that they don't remember Mankind's UWF stint... or what his first and LAST match was... no, all I want you to remember is to NEVER... forget the name of...
Goldust enhales deeply and licks his lips before finishing.
OOC: Me and you again, man. More of the same I say!.

Goldust: "It's been a long time since I've seen you, way too long" - Taken, 2008. Only a week of absence and I full pushed to the side and forgotten. Oh how it just wells me up inside, I didn't cry, honest I didn't, these golden cheeks weren't left with streaks of anguish, no, instead of crying I found solace in the fact that I had an extra week to prepare for my next matinee performance on Tuesday Night Raw. Now that my little 'flings' with Curt Hawkins and Christopher Daniels are over it's now time to move on... and move on I will, don't you worry about that, because I have BIG intentions when it comes to the future of... Goldust. In the future I don't see pay-per-view losses to the likes of Curt Hawkins, and certainly not losses on national television to the likes of Christopher Daniels. You see, you're only as good as what you are faced with, it's only human nature to... rise... to the occasion and with facing these men, it's safe to say, I didn't get that much of a rise. However, when I saw this week's match-card posted on the website, I just couldn't help but get a little giddy at the thought of taking someone on who's maybe just a little bit more deranged than myself.
Goldust looks at himself, admiring his oddness.
Being 'The Bizarre One' is certainly something I pride myself on. I like to shock, I like to provoke emotions, I use the wrestling ring like a stage at a theatre and my intentions are to put on the most wonderfully flamboyant play you've ever seen. My opponent my week on the other hand, uses the 'squared circle' like a cell in the psyche ward. Now, I'm not against getting 'freaky' with the freaks, and especially not one like Mankind who I know, very, very well... I just feel that... maybe the spotlight should be shifted slightly to the golden side of it all. Me. Yours truly. You see, I can admit to being self-centred, it's my one and ONLY flaw. I just have to have the spotlight and I just have that craving back and oh it hurts me so bad... and as a result it's going to hurt Mankind oh so bad this week on Raw. I want my limelight back, I want the red-carpet, the paparazzi, I want glamour... and to do that I need to put myself back in everybody's minds by making sure that they don't remember Mankind's UWF stint... or what his first and LAST match was... no, all I want you to remember is to NEVER... forget the name of...
Goldust enhales deeply and licks his lips before finishing.
OOC: Me and you again, man. More of the same I say!.