UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Raw 9/18: Goldust Vs Mankind

The crowd are silent but expectant inside the arena for Raw, when suddenly Goldust appears on the titantron and begins to speak.


Goldust: "It's been a long time since I've seen you, way too long" - Taken, 2008. Only a week of absence and I full pushed to the side and forgotten. Oh how it just wells me up inside, I didn't cry, honest I didn't, these golden cheeks weren't left with streaks of anguish, no, instead of crying I found solace in the fact that I had an extra week to prepare for my next matinee performance on Tuesday Night Raw. Now that my little 'flings' with Curt Hawkins and Christopher Daniels are over it's now time to move on... and move on I will, don't you worry about that, because I have BIG intentions when it comes to the future of... Goldust. In the future I don't see pay-per-view losses to the likes of Curt Hawkins, and certainly not losses on national television to the likes of Christopher Daniels. You see, you're only as good as what you are faced with, it's only human nature to... rise... to the occasion and with facing these men, it's safe to say, I didn't get that much of a rise. However, when I saw this week's match-card posted on the website, I just couldn't help but get a little giddy at the thought of taking someone on who's maybe just a little bit more deranged than myself.

Goldust looks at himself, admiring his oddness.

Being 'The Bizarre One' is certainly something I pride myself on. I like to shock, I like to provoke emotions, I use the wrestling ring like a stage at a theatre and my intentions are to put on the most wonderfully flamboyant play you've ever seen. My opponent my week on the other hand, uses the 'squared circle' like a cell in the psyche ward. Now, I'm not against getting 'freaky' with the freaks, and especially not one like Mankind who I know, very, very well... I just feel that... maybe the spotlight should be shifted slightly to the golden side of it all. Me. Yours truly. You see, I can admit to being self-centred, it's my one and ONLY flaw. I just have to have the spotlight and I just have that craving back and oh it hurts me so bad... and as a result it's going to hurt Mankind oh so bad this week on Raw. I want my limelight back, I want the red-carpet, the paparazzi, I want glamour... and to do that I need to put myself back in everybody's minds by making sure that they don't remember Mankind's UWF stint... or what his first and LAST match was... no, all I want you to remember is to NEVER... forget the name of...

Goldust enhales deeply and licks his lips before finishing.



OOC: Me and you again, man. More of the same I say!.​


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James Storm vs. Kurt Angle



Longneck & Rednecks hits the PA System of the arena and people begin to cheer The Cowboy, James Storm. Storm's theme song plays for a while when finally out comes The Cowboy. Storm is looking fresh and happy as he comes from yet another victory. He is in the middle of the entrance ramp when he puts his hand in the air and pyros explode. Storm waists no time and he enters the ring. His theme is still playing as Storm is standing in the turnbuckle and nods his head in the rhythm of his theme. The Cowboy finally jumps off the buckle, asks for a microphone and is granted one. He makes sure the microphone works before speaking.


"The Cowboy", James Storm:
'Ello, people. First off, le'mme tell 'ya somethin'. I ain't da' kinda guy dat tells 'ya "I toldch'a so!" but eh, eh...I TOLDCH'A SO! Two weeks ago I toldch'a I'm gonna beat Curt Hawkins en' I did so. Last week, I came out here and I toldch'a I'm gonna beat da' livin' crap outta' Christopher Daniels en' you'll be shocked...I did so. I am finally da' fraight train I used ta' be in da' past en' hell...there ain't nothin' dat can spot da' fraight train a' James Freakin' Storm. However, there is one man dat wants ta try stoppin' ma' fraight train...Kurt Angle. Talkin' 'bout Kurt Angle...le'mme remindch'a somethin'. Ten months ago when I was in Tee En Ay...I faced Kurt Angle and I'm sure all a' you people know what happened dat night. I've beaten Kurt in record time and I became da' Tee En Ay World Heavyweight Champion. From dat point on I faced Kurt on several occasions. 'Ya can't count how many time we faced each otha' on one hand. Dat says it all. Dis ain't Teen En Ay...dis is You Dubya Eff and we are facin' each otha' again. Kurt Angle is wit'out a doubt one a' da' best wrestlers ta' over step inside a' 'rasslin' ring but there is no doubt dat I don't care. 'Ya have an Olympic Gold medal? Good fo' 'ya but unless 'ya have a world championship 'round yo' waist, I don't care. I've already beaten 'ya Kurt en' I think...no...I know dat I can do it one mo' time. En' hell...I gon' do exactly dat!

People are getting alive so does The Cowboy.

Some otha' lil' punk ass Ess Ou Bee would come out here and say dat 'ya no longer have IT...dat yer too ol' fo' dis. But I ain't gon' say dat. See, I don't care if yer a college freshman who wants ta' become a 'rassler or a sixty ol' man who already has grandchildren. Age doesn't matter 'cause Da' Cowboy will kick 'yo ass anyway. I don't care if yer shootin' some sorta stupid movie...I don't care if yer featured in commercial, 'ya can grab all a' dat and shove it straight up 'yo bald ass. I wanna ask 'ya one mo' thing Kurt...Where is dee' ol' Kurt Angle. Da' Kurt Angle dat was all 'bout havin' good matches wit' erry'body...da' Kurt Angle dat would never stick his nose into movies...da' Kurt Angle who took care 'bout 'rasslin and nothin' else. Where is dat Kurt Angle? Huh? Where is he? I don't know but he is but I know where he is not. In You Dubya Eff. You Dubya Eff doesn't need dis wannabe of a 'rassler. You Dubya Eff needs da' Kurt Angle who is not afraid ta' put his physical well being on da' line...da' Kurt Angle dat jumps in a man face when he has a problem. We need him...not dis guy who jumps people from behind and demands respect. 'Ya want ma' respect? Yer ain't gettin' it...dis Kurt Angle ain't gettin' ma' respect. I respect dee' ol' Kurt Angle not dis selfish jackass.

James Storm is firing up.

'Ya know what Kurt? I ain't gon' try ta' bring back dee' ol' Kurt Angle. I tried ta' do dat wit' Bobby Roode 'en it didn't work. Kurt...if yer right in one thing then it's da' fact dat 'rasslin is not a team sport. Sounds bad from a glorified tag team 'rassler huh? I ain't gon' try ta' bring back dee' ol' Kurt Angle 'cause it's not worth it. I don't care which Kurt Angle is here...I don't care what he does...What I care 'bout is me' beatin' Kurt Angle. Any side of Kurt Angle. Kurt, it's time ta' put up or shut up.



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Mar 19, 2012
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Re: UWF Raw 9/18: Goldust Vs Mankind

Suddenly, the screen splits and creates a vast contrast between opposing sides. One side is bright and golden with the Bizarre one caressing himself in odd, uncomfortable to watch ways. The other is dark and dank and has little light besides a blue spotlight silhouetting the face and figure of mankind with his face not daring to look at the camera.


How long has it been, Goldie? Huh? Like you said, way too long since we met in the ring. Far too long since we took things to the limit and pushed the envelop to what was acceptable in wrestling. Well, whether Vince is ready for this or not, we're about to dance the edge of insanity again. But this time, can I please lead? I don't know. I'm kinda old school. Maybe I shouldn't be getting into the squared circle with you at all, strange bedfellows and all. I mean, I'm a happily married man and I'm not that much in to blondes.

Suddenly, Mankind jerks his head as if he heard someone say something a level above him.

And, I just don't know about Matinees. You know how badly that turned out for Pee Wee Herman. I mean, if we're treating the ring like a stage and the so-called match as a production...well....we've got something along the lines of Apocalypse now or Armageddon about to go down on Raw this week. But you're right. I treat the ring like an asylum...some sort of therapy. The team of doctors treating me think it handles the anger management problems well to take it out on my opponent. I don't think you'll be agreeing with them at the end of the night, though. Because, unlike yourself, I'm not here to entertain these people or my own inflated ego. No, I'm here to show you my sickness and work through my issues for all the world to see. Then, maybe, just maybe, they'll realize that I'm not the sick one here. That it was them who paid to see the two of us beat each other to an inch of our lives. They came and brought their children to see the blood and bodies strewn across the arena. No, in all of this sick, perverted world, you and I, Goldust, are the sane ones.

Mankind finally jumps like he's in pain and begins to pull a clump of hair out of his head.

But we do have our fair share of issues, don't we, Goldie? I mean, if you think your only problem is being self-centered, then you haven't looked in the mirror lately, have you? And,if you think the Raw fans are gonna forget me too soon, then, you've bleached that peach fuzz on your head way too much. No, we're gonna give them something to remember us by; a swansong. One last Horrah! A finale so insane and, well, final that the fat lady's not just gonna sing; SHE'S GONNA SCREAM AND BEG FOR IT TO END!!


Oh, by the way, in honor of our reunion, Goldust, I have a big package for you too, but I'm not sure it will fit.


Needless to say, Mr. DeVille, I'm ready for my closeup...

OOC: Oh, yeah, SAM! Let's burn it down, one more time for old times sake! lol!

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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UWF RAW 9/18 - Curt Hawkins vs John Morrison

The crowd is silent, before...


The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison struts out onto the stage and poses on the stage, as the camera captures the moment in glorious slow motion.


As he poses, Kelly Kelly and Natalya walk out from the back to accompany him. Morrison, followed by Kelly and Natalya, then strides down the ramp, eying the arena around him. He climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Morrison saunters across the ring and clambers up onto the turnbuckle. He poses for the fans, as countless camera flashes go off before him. He steps down, and wanders over to the other corner of the ring to collect a microphone from ringside. He then turns back to the middle of the ring, and begins to speak.

Morrison: UWF, take note, John Morrison rolls on and is back this week for another exhibition of supremacy. Another masterclass in dominance. I don't want to spoil the story for you all, but I'm going to go ahead and do so; expect another win for the Guru of Greatness. Hurdles are insignificant. Challenges? Please. John Morrison has no peers. RAW is learning that the hard way, as man after man is swept aside by the tidal wave of John Morrison's colossal sovereignty. You would think people would learn. Yet, week after week, they just keep coming. Like lambs to the slaughter, they have no idea of the vigorous realization that awaits them. I've been saying it since the day I arrived in UWF, but the Guru of Greatness is a man of grandeur. A king of majesty. I undertake no task with the thought of failing. Everything I do, I achieve with the utmost confidence in victory. Conquering all before me is simply another day at the office. UWF's 'every man' will get a nosebleed at the thought of achieving the things that are simply mediocre to me. With all that being said, who is the man who will stand up to the hurricane that is John Morrison?

Morrison looks round the arena for his answer, before he continues

Morrison: Curt Hawkins? Want to know what Curt Hawkins does when he beats John Morrison? He turns off his Xbox and goes back to pleasuring himself to pictures of fat women. Curt Hawkins has as much chance of beating me as he does sleeping with Megan Fox. Curt, I hate to be the one to break it to you after all these years, but you completely and utterly suck. You're a sofa masturbator in the guise of a professional wrestler. Quit now, and go back to your mother's basement, where you belong. All hope is not is lost for you. You could still get a job at Burger King, mopping up the bathroom floor. You have the optimal skill set for that role. Perhaps you could even sell your life story to Hollywood. Not because it's interesting, of course, but because it'd make a fantastic comedy. It could be the prequel to The 40 Year Old Virgin, imagine; The 30-Something Year Old Virgin. I'm kidding, obviously. Nobody is interested in your life. The only reason you're in the spotlight this week is because you've got the privilege of being beaten by John Morrison. Another name on the Guru of Greatness' list of conquests. It's a long list, but your name will be there.

Morrison smiles as he saunters round the ring, whilst Kelly and Natalya each stand in a corner, clapping the words of Morrison

Morrison: This week, the Mystical Paradise of Morrison continues to take form; a world in which the Honcho of Hotness reigns supreme. In the same way that God created Earth in the Bible, John Morrison will form UWF around his will. Of course, god is fiction, but I am all too real for UWF. The world I talk of will be ruled with an iron fist. Conquered to the furthest of the extremes. It will be a jurisdiction of the likes never seen around here before. A distinct new reality. Men will cower at the gospel of Morrison. All who stand before me will be vanquished with the most extreme prejudice. I've got no doubt some will try to fight it, and believe me when I say that each and every one of them will fall. Perhaps I'll make an example of Curt Hawkins; show him and show UWF that John Morrison is a man of his word. Beating him doesn't prove much, though, just that I can brutalize grown men who still live in their mother's basement. I guess that'd make me a bully. Whatever. In this world, you win or you fail. John Morrison is a winner. Curt Hawkins? Do I even need to tell you what he is?

Morrison laughs with Kelly and Natalya, as he lowers his mic and awaits Hawkins

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Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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Re: James Storm vs. Kurt Angle



The familiar piece of music plays throughout the arena, as the fans get to their feet. They jump excitably, realizing that the one and only Olympic Gold medalist was about to show his face to the UWF universe. He steps out from beneath the curtains, his head down... wearing a jacket with a hood that covers his head. He steps to the stage, his head never moving... soaking in the emotion that comes from the fans in the UWF. He stays there for a few seconds, as the pyros erupt around him and he succumbs to the cheers that solidify his return to the UWF.


Kurt puts his hands down as the pyros dissipate... his smirk never leaving his mouth. He continues his trek downwards, walking down the ramp and his eyes scanning the crowd for the signs and tell tale signs that they recognized his return coming a miled away. Kurt takes off the jacket, revealing that he has an American flag wrapped around himself, coating himself in not only warmth but in American pride and spirit. He continues down the ramp... letting go of the flag and readying himself for the action that's about to take place in the ring.


Seeing none, realizing the surprise at hand... his smirk grows to an unstoppable rate as he reaches the ring... grabbing a microphone as he jumps up the steps that lead to the squared circle. He chooses his words carefully, knowing that the UWF universe is going to be listening to him speak to James Storm. He decides to angrily address Storm, letting his anger be known through his voice.


Kurt Angle:
What exactly is it that you want, Storm? I know you and I aren't going to be seeing eye to eye any damn time soon... so what do you want me to come out here for? You want some assurance that I'm not going to kick your ass on Tuesday night? Well you're asking the wrong guy. I'm not going to stand around and take your crap, Storm. I'm not going to let you go on and on like Morrison did and let you get the better of me. Because maybe I'm not the same guy I was before. I don't care about doing the right thing, and I damn sure don't care about anything you have to say. Is it because we were in the same company a few years ago? Is it because you and I have a history, you think I'm going to take it easy on you? No, what you need to do is take your stinkin' ass to management and air your crap out there, because I'm not having it! I'm not in a good mood, James, and you don't want to be here when I start getting pissed off. You don't want to be around when I'm feeling like I want to crack some skulls and break some ankles. Unfortunately for the both of us, we're going to get the chance to do that this week. Well, bad for your ankle... bad for me 'cause I got to smell the beer on your breath. I mean, it's pretty bad Storm.

The crowd laughs at James Storm, reveling in the humor set up by the Olympic Champion, Kurt Angle. Kurt continues, still with the mindset of getting a bigger point across.

Kurt Angle: I've got bigger fish to fry, James... so I don't give a damn about what you think of me. Even if I had nothing on my to-do list, I still wouldn't give a damn. You and your southern drawl, your long feminine hair... it makes me sick to my stomach. Not to mention nobody in this arena can understand what the hell you're saying... you're just wasting everybody's time, including mine. If you got something important to say, if you want to put your fists up and start this party a little early... than I understand. But you come out here like you own the place, like your shit doesn't stink... without a purpose other than to hype yourself up way higher than you deserve. It's alright though, it's not like you have any gold medals from the friggin' olympics or anything, but you have made yourself a household name here on Tuesday Night Raw. And hell, after losing in my first match back... I could use some tuning up to do. Why not get in the ring with the resident jobber of Raw... and see how fast it takes to get you to tap out.

Kurt grits his teeth as Storm smiles at him, but Kurt doesn't back away. He gets an inch closer as if he's preparing himself now for a fight. The two of them don't fight though, as Kurt raises his microphone and speaks again.

Kurt Angle:
And if you have a problem with me jumping people from behind, than why don't you do something about it? I didn't come back here to have good "wrassling" matches with anybody, you ignorant southern trash. I'm here for the most selfish reason of all... I want to be the best. I don't care if it takes three seconds... I don't care if it takes all three freakin' hours... I'm going to beat every single last person on this roster... starting with you. I'm going to beat the crap out of you, Storm, for disrespecting me... for saying I'm not as good as I used to be. I'm every bit of good, if not better... it's called ring rust. It won't happen often, but it's bound to happen. They put me on the friggin' poster already, Storm... I'm not just another guy around here. Morrison may be the real deal, but I can tell just by lookin' at you... you're screwed. You can rant and rave about how I should go back to being a good guy that everybody likes, the good old Kurt Angle... but THAT was all for show. This is the truth, James... I'm not sucking up to you, these people, or anybody in the back; whether they like it or not. Like I just said... do something about it, punk. Morrison said I may have been out of my mind... he might have been right on the money with that one...

Kurt takes a step back, as James Storm raises the microphone to continue.


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Re: UWF RAW 9/18 - Curt Hawkins vs John Morrison


Curt Hawkins: Hey guru! Hey! Up here big shot! Yeah, it's me, the one the only, Hardcore champion, Curt Hawkins himself. First off I would like to apologize to the many Curt Hawkins fans out there for my lack of appearances lately. You see, when you're as talented as me, you have a lot, A LOT, of stuff on your plate. I'm talking movie premiers, photo shoots, video interviews, autograph signing, charity events. Its all apart of the game. A game that you wish you were apart of Morrison. You talk all your fancy words, and your catchy nicknames, when in reality, that is just a clever way of covering up your boring, no excitement life that you live. How much did you pay the two hoskis there with you? How about I hit you where it hurts. Take a look down at your waist, John. Take a look at your shoulder. Do you see any gold there, because I sure as hell don't. What do I see when I look down? My hardcore championship. I see it on all the promotional posters, the match cards, the magazines! I am a champion, and I am everywhere in the UWF! I am at a spot on the company ladder that you only WISH you could be at.

Hawkins turns his head to the side, then two the other side before continuing.

Curt Hawkins: Face it, you overcompensating bore, you are, and never will be as great as me. We both come from tag team backgrounds. Me with Zack Ryder, and you with The Miz. Just like Miz became a much bigger star then you, I became a much bigger star then Ryder and now both you and Ryder are just trying to catch up. You can change your image, start wearing eye catching cloths, and all your fake bling. You can come up with catchphrases when the fact of the matter is that I don't need any of that. I let my action in the ring speak for itself and that is something you can not do. You are nothing more then a flash in the pan. Someone who tried his hardest to make it too the top but at the end of the day you were just missing that final piece. That "IT" factor that defines me and makes us different. The difference is obvious John, and it's simple. I am a champion, and you are not.

Curt pauses to run his hand through his hair.

Curt Hawkins: Try and make an example of me. I dare you! I'm already not in a very good mood because theres a certain "Cowboy" in the back that wants me. I have a big target on my back being the Hardcore champion but like I said the day I won this title, I will take on all challenges because I know, and deep down the entire UWF universe knows that I am just that damn good. I am a diamond in the rough. And soon enough this diamond is going to shine brighter than anyone else on the roster. It is only a matter of time before UWF Champion, Curt Hawkins is printed on everything in the UWF. Mark..my..words. Change is going to come.

The screen statics out.

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Re: UWF RAW 9/18 - Curt Hawkins vs John Morrison

Morrison watches the titantron, and laughs with Kelly and Natalya. He raises his mic to respond.

Morrison: I don't pay for anything, Curt. You may yearn for the touch of a woman, and will pay any price to make that happen, but John Morrison doesn't pay money to spend time with women. If anything, women would pay money to spend time with John Morrison. Not like you, Curt, who women would spend money to avoid. You're a dork, though, so who can blame them? Preach your nonsense all you like, but it doesn't change the inevitable. You'll still be the same irrelevant loser that you've always been. I didn't even know who you were when I heard I was facing you. I had to get Natalya to go on UWF.com and look at your profile. That's why I know that you're lying when you say that you're a man in demand. Interviews, photo shoots, movie premieres? I don't think so. Not unless you've been posing for Fondlers Weekly again. You're no diamond in the rough; you're a bum. Indulge in your fantasies all you like, but it all comes to a crash halt when I beat you on Tuesday.

Natalya leans over and whispers something in Morrison's ear. He smiles to himself, before continuing.

Morrison: One thing that you're going to realize on RAW, is how much you want to be like John Morrison. I'm the man everybody wants to be. You talked about photo shoots, interviews, movie premieres. That sounds more like my life than the hazy conjecture you spent the rest of your time spouting. It's laughable that you even bothered to call The Shaman of Sexy a 'flash in the pan'. You, Curt Hawkins, perennial failure, have the cheek to call me a flash? I don't think so. Your logic is inconceivable. I'd invite you to further explain it all, but quite frankly, I don't have the time or patience to dissect your nonsense. I'm too busy heading to the top of UWF, where I belong. You're the Hardcore Champion? Good for you. A piece of gold doesn't change the fact that you're a sad loser. Want to know the real difference between me and you? Gold, or no gold, John Morrison is still twenty times the man you'll ever be. Even with the Hardcore Championship, you're still a failure.

Morrison steps away from the ropes as he speaks on.

Morrison: There's a storm coming, Curt. It's tearing through UWF and will not stop until it's gone all the way through. You can't stop it. You can't even delay it. Come hell or high water, it's going to to flatten all that stands before it. That storm, in case you're too slow to figure it out, is John Morrison. This Tuesday, you're heading into head first. I hope you're prepared.

Morrison drops his mic a little, and waits.


Dod Draper

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2011
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UWF COC 9/25 - Kofi Kingston (C) vs. John Morrison

The crowd is silent, before...


The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison struts out onto the stage and poses on the stage, as the camera captures the moment in glorious slow motion. As he poses, Kelly Kelly and Natalya walk out from the back to accompany him. Morrison, followed by Kelly and Natalya, then strides down the ramp, eying the arena around him. He climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Morrison saunters across the ring and clambers up onto the turnbuckle.


He poses for the fans, as countless camera flashes go off before him. He steps down, and wanders over to the other corner of the ring to collect a microphone from ringside. He then turns back to the middle of the ring, and begins to speak.

Morrison: John Morrison; United States Champion. How does that sound? Good, I know. In the same way an obese celebrity siphons fat from their bodies via the medium of liposuction, John Morrison is siphoning the fat from UWF, week after week. Another day, another dismissal, as The Honcho of Hotness effortlessly throws another challenge aside. Kofi Kingston is the next conquest staring me dead in the eye, asking how much I want it, and the answer remains the same; more than anybody. Of course, I expect to hear that this week is going to be "different". Kofi Kingston is like no man I've ever faced before... just like the rest of them. Whatever. You see, when you're as effortlessly dominant as John Morrison, these empty threats and noble promises all become a part of the same uneasy blur. Everybody has an opinion and everybody has a promise; losers want you to believe them, and wannabes want you to take them seriously. Actions speak louder than words, though. I stood here on the day I arrived in UWF and told the world that I'd make everybody believers in Morrison. It didn't take people long to realize that I was everything I said I would be. The Guru of Greatness has made millions into devout followers of the Gospel of Morrison, and that isn't changing anytime soon.

Morrison paces round the ring as he talks, he isn't pausing though, as he's keen to move on.

Morrison: The ball rolls on and the unstoppable barrage continues. The proverbial Red Sea parts before me, as everybody on the roster flocks in fear of the Shaman of Sexy. Kofi Kingston is the deer in the headlights who finds himself the hunted. Kofi, as you're lying in bed at night, staring at the ceiling and trembling at the thought of John Morrison, passionately reassuring yourself that you may have some chance of retaining your championship, or that "maybe he'll take his eye off the ball, and I can retain", think again. John Morrison never sleeps or rests on his laurels. I'm storming to Jamaica, Ghana, America, or wherever the hell you're from, I'm kicking your door down and I'm taking the United States Championship. This isn't some goofy Cinderella tale or Disney story, this is the ferocious law of John Morrison. This is the most real fight of your pitiful life. You've lived in a world of empty threats and meek compliance. Welcome to a world which kicks weakness to the kerb.

Kelly Kelly grabs a mic and eagerly raises it to speak, before Morrison throws his finger over her lips, silencing her. Heartbroken, Kelly feebly lowers her mic. Morrison continues.

Morrison: Doubters be damned. John Morrison is continuing his ascension regardless of the route he has to take. I'm beating Kofi Kingston at Clash of Champions. After that, there's a certain Rattlesnake who should watch his back. Hell, after that I may make Natalya my tag partner and I'll win the tag titles. Simply put, John Morrison is unbeatable. Unfathomable, untouchable, unstoppable. Call it what you want. After I've taken some UWF gold, I'm marching up the mountain, and hanging my championship belts outside the Palace of Wisdom, for everybody in UWF to see. The masses will stand, staring up at the Palace, dreaming of a world where they're even in the same league as John Morrison. That world doesn't exist, though. It's a pipedream. There's one world, and it's ruled with an iron fist by John Morrison. I'm the deity, judge, jury & executioner. This truly is the realm of Morrison. That vision continues to take shape when I beat Kofi Kingston senseless and send a message which resonates throughout the whole of UWF. One m-

Morrison stops suddenly, as he is cut off...

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Tag Team Championship: Goldust & Mankind vs. Y.E.S


*Damien Sandows theme hits the arena, causing the crowd to boo towards the stage. Only getting louder once Sandow comes through the curtain with a microphone already in hand*


Sandow looks around for a moment or two before raising his microphone up and speaking as he walks down the ramp*

Damien Sandow:

Allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment, for those on the raw side of our world it seems only fitting to introduce myself. My name is Damien Sandow, I am Smackdowns television champion and I am one half of your UWF Tag Team Champions. And we are collectively known as Y.E.S, Your Enlightened Saviors. We have all but conquered the Smackdown brand and now we come to this brand as a result of our championships, however while Smackdown needed it's fair share of cleansing and is still not fully enlightened. This brand desperately, Desperately yearns for enlightenment. Your champion is a beer drinking common white trash miscreant, your United States Champion is an ignoramuses who chooses to clap his hands together to get the attention of all of you simple minded pedestrians. And your Hardcore champion is a man who fits that title well, as it is a deplorable title that should be abolished from this industry for it's own good. Your roster is made up of raving lunatics and egotistical imbeciles, you all have truly needed saving for quite a while and needed champions to be proud of for a while as well. Look no further my unwashed masses, for we are here to be your shining light, to be placed upon a pedestal as we are on the Smackdown Serial for you to gaze up upon us and set your life on a better road.

Sandow climbs up the steps across the ring apron and into the ring, looking out as he speaks

With that said I must say, on behalf of my associate and I, we are quite disappointed. For the challengers this brand could come up with are the figurative bottom of the barrel of this brand, two mentally deficient peons. One paints his face and wears wigs, showing signs leading to someone being taken to an insane asylum rather a championship bout. And the other wears a mask, and speaks in a manner that rivals the behavior of his partner. These two men represent ones mind when it is not cured of the disease of incompetence, and they shall not represent our company as the Tag Team Championships. While this bout may be a deplorable contest, against two unfit and unworthy opponents, it shall represent our message in the simplest form. As we look to eradicate ignorance from your minds, we show why we are the avenging sword of taste and decency by striking down on the neanderthals we face on this evening. We have come to save all of you from people such as these two men, who have fed on your intelligence and therefore left you drowning in the sea of ineptitude and inequity.

Sandow raises one finger

However, this process will not be one of short work. For your minds are covered in mold and it is not simply washed in one evenings work, which is why my mission is never-ending. I must continue until my enlightenment shines throughout UWF as a whole like the suns rays on a consistent and daily basis, but at this moment my enlightenment shines on Smackdown. You poor innocent ignoramuses must try and hold unto whatever is left of your intellect until it spreads across and saves you, but once it does...once you are free from the chains of doltishness, then all of you will finally be able to fulfill your potential as a human being. You're Welcome.

ooc: best of luck guys.
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Sep 27, 2011
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UWF COC 9/25: HBK vs. Kurt Angle


HBK comes out from the back to a huge pop from the crowd. HBK waves his arms in excitement from the roar of the fans. As HBK heads down the ramp, he drops to his knees, prays, and then holds his arms in the air as his pyro goes off


HBK gets up in a quick excitement and heads for the ring. As he gets inside the ring, HBK asks for a microphone and just before he goes to speak a huge "HBK, HBK" chant breaks out


HBK: I came back to in-ring competiton three weeks ago and since then, I have been in two amazing matches with Kofi Kingston in my comeback match and against John Morrison in which I lost thanks to a certain someone which is the next thing I want to talk about. When I came back and did the whole promo return, a certain man interupted me and that man is Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle has been a thorn in my side since I returned. First he interupted me, then he attacked me following my match backstage, unprovoked, and then he costs me my match against John Morrison. This past week on Raw, I tried to get my hands on you Kurt, but you did the smart thing and left the ring before I could get to you. This Tuesday though, you won't be so lucky. This Tuesday, I finally will be able to get my hands on you Kurt. Three weeks ago I was ready for a fight with you, but you backed down and acted in a cowardly way. Now you have no choice but to fight me and Kurt, it will be a fight. A fight in which you will not win.

The crowd cheers HBK on as he lowers his microphone. HBK looks to the entrance wondering if Kurt Angle would interupt him, but no sign of Angle so HBK goes back to the microphone


HBK: You have made this personal Kurt. The fact you cannot get over how all that was talked about in 1996 was my boyhood dream coming true rather than you winning the Olympic Gold Medal is sad story. You wanted me to walk out and leave on the night of my return because yet again, I stole your spotlight. But face facts Kurt Angle, I am not a dormat for anybody and especially not for you. On Septemeber 25th at Clash of the Champions, I get my chance to finally get my hands on you and you can be sure Kurt Angle that I will not let this opportunity go to waste. We have been in the ring together on numerous occassions. You and I know each other well enough, but the one thing you still cannot master is when sweet chin music is coming. All it takes is one second and in that time one second could seem like a lifetime, but in that second, it's hear, it's now, and then it's gone. One second and it's lights out for Kurt Angle.

HBK lowers his microphone and just as the crowd pops for what HBK has to say, Kurt Angle's music goes off and the cheers go quickly to boos



OOC: Something to get started, best of luck Jay!!
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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: Tag Team Championship: Goldust & Mankind vs. Y.E.S


Suddenly, the lights go down and blue hue overtakes the crowd, the ring and the entrance stage. As Sandow turns, he sees none other than the sick and twisted Mankind slowly coming out to a decent pop from the crowd. His head darts back and forth as if he’s disturbed by the very cheers of the crowd or maybe he’s fighting the voices at war in his mind. He’s wearing his classic brown ring gear and mask with the specially made glove to assist his mandible claw finisher. He walks slowly down the ramp and as some of the lights come up and the crowd calms down a little, he speaks as he nears the ring.

Ya know, I'd allow you to beg my indulgence, but I'm about sure there are laws against that in this state. And I'm really not sure what the robe is about, but I bet it has something to do with those pink tighty whiteys you're always wearing. Yeah, I think I’d keep those covered most of the time too. I mean, the guys in the back; they talk. (He pauses and then looks directly at Sandow) No, I mean, they REALLY talk.

Damien rolls his eyes in disbelief at the shot to his manhood as the crowd taunts him.

You talk alot about enlightenment and I would just love for you to bring some light to my dark world and fix my twisted and painful existence.


He pauses again and Sandow smiles and speaks comfortingly to Mankind as the masked man steps into the ring.

If it weren't for the fact that you're more screwed up than me and Goldie put together! I mean, it’s true, I know I'm incurable. But aren't we all. But, I have to say, after my little throw down with Goldie, I feel a little closer to the answers my mind so wishes it could find. We found ourselves, not so much, enemies or competitors, but journeymen in this mad, mad world. We appreciate each other, Goldie and I, and the gold you carry around your waist means little to me and my partner. But this ring is our stage and what happens here is the drama of the ages and we’re nearing the final act, my friend.

Mankind begins to pace and Damien looks a little concerned.

Now you can go and slander Mr. Austin and his drinking problem. You can even talk bad about the United States Championship being held by a guy who's happy and he knows it; claps his hands. But, Mr. Sandow, you overstep your 'indulgences' when you talk down my beloved Hardcore title. I may think I would make a better champion than Kurt Hawkins, but it's still a title I hold near and dear to my heart and I respect anybody who earns the chance to hold it. In fact, I would love to show you, Damien, why I love hardcore so much, but I don't think your delicate condition could take it. Now, I may not understand your problem with the HARDCORE title. Hell, I may not understand most of the words that you looked up in the thesaurus before you came out here tonight. But I did understand one thing...whatever salvation you're bringing, it's something along the lines of a Jim Jones or a David Koresh. The HELP you bring comes with a new flavor of koolaid and a crappy medical plan! You’re the sickness!! YES IS THE SICKNESS!!! And, if the team of Goldust and Mankind do one thing during our most likely short tenure here in the UWF, it's to eradicate your sickness from the face of the earth before it spreads and infects the masses!

Sandow begins to reprimand Mankind, but he’s not done.

Your buddy, Bray, talks a lot about the end times. WELL, THEY’RE HERE! Look around you! The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are mounted and riding and I and Goldust are the harbingers, my friend. We don’t bring you a simple contest of whits, wills and strength. We bring you the end of all things!! Not just the end of YES, but the end of the UWF and the world as we know it!! We’re not going to have a war of words here, Mr. Sandow! OH, NO! We’re going to have a shedding of blood, sweat and tears that will rival the reviews of the Twilight saga!! No, there are no words, big or small, that will overcome our sadistic and splintered minds and allow you to subdue us. You and Daniel are in for a RUDE AWAKENING! I mean, let’s face it, the two of you come out here saying you want to save us, but, at CLASH OF THE CHAMPIONS, your gonna have far too much trouble saving yourselves.

Mankind doesn't wait for a rebuttal, but finds a place to sit and drifts off into a world we could only begin to imagine.



Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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Re: UWF COC 9/25: HBK vs. Kurt Angle



The familiar piece of music plays throughout the arena, as the fans get to their feet. They jump excitably, realizing that the one and only Olympic Gold medalist was about to show his face to the UWF universe. He steps out from beneath the curtains, his head down... wearing a jacket with a hood that covers his head. He steps to the stage, his head never moving... soaking in the emotion that comes from the fans in the UWF. He stays there for a few seconds, as the pyros erupt around him and he succumbs to the cheers that solidify his return to the UWF.


Kurt puts his hands down as the pyros dissipate... his smirk never leaving his mouth. He continues his trek downwards, walking down the ramp and his eyes scanning the crowd for the signs and tell tale signs that they recognized his return coming a miled away. Kurt takes off the jacket, revealing that he has an American flag wrapped around himself, coating himself in not only warmth but in American pride and spirit. He continues down the ramp... letting go of the flag and readying himself for the action that's about to take place in the ring.


Seeing none, realizing the surprise at hand... his smirk grows to an unstoppable rate as he reaches the ring... grabbing a microphone as he jumps up the steps that lead to the squared circle. He chooses his words carefully, knowing that the UWF universe is going to be listening to him speak to James Storm. He decides to angrily address Storm, letting his anger be known through his voice.


Kurt Angle:
You think you actually have a snowball's chance in hell, don't you? It's pathetic, Shawn... you're pathetic. Where the hell do you come from, fantasy land? You need to get your ass out of this ring; my ring. You need to walk your pathetic self up the ramp, and crawl back into the hole you cimbed out of. This is my show, this is my brand. I'm the one shaking things up around here, not you. I'm sick and tired of your praying, your prancing around here like you've still got what it takes. Like you're still up to the caliber of Kurt Angle. Like you ever were before, I seem to remember the past differently from you. We didn't just face, I broke your freakin' ankle... I made you tap the hell out!

Kurt Angle is almost yelling now, spitting everywhere as Shawn backs away to not get hit by a flying loogie. Kurt continues, ignoring the playful mood of Shawn Michaels... and the rage still boiling as hot as ever. Kurt shakes his head in disgust, as he looks directly at his opponent for this week's RAW.

Kurt Angle: I dismantled you in the back a few weeks ago, and you've been chasing me every since. I've got the better hand each and every time... and you know why, Shawn? It's because I'm the very best in this business... ever. Better than you, better than anyone who walks through these ropes. I'm a machine when I step in the ring, Shawn, and you're going to find that out the hard way. I guess all that time you've been at home, fixing up the old ranch... you missed out on a few things around here. One of them is... stay out of my way. You ignored that. Now, I'm going to make sure you learn the lesson that you so stupidly brushed off... and that starts with an Angle Slam. It finishes when I lock in on your ankle and you're screaming that you wish you were back home in Texas remembering the Alamo. Got it? Good.

Kurt lowers the microphone, looking pleased with himself. Shawn doesn't look so pleased, and Kurt notices.

Kurt Angle: What, you don't like what I'm saying? Do something about it, Shawn! Show everyone what kind of animal you are, that you have no self constraint... that you don't deserve to be in the same class as the rest of the UWF Superstars in the back! Hit me! I DARE YOU-

Shawn raises the microphone, telling Kurt to shut his trap in his own special way. Kurt smiles as he does so, letting Shawn get some words in.

The Hoov

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Re: Tag Team Championship: Goldust & Mankind vs. Y.E.S



The crowd boos as the self-proclaimed “Best Wrestler In The Worldâ€￾ and Damien's tag team partner Daniel Bryan comes out from the back screaming his favorite catchphrase. He looks down at the ring where Mankind and Damien are waiting and starts to address Mankind.


Daniel Bryan: Damien, I have no doubt you are fully capable of handling this, well freak for a lack of a better term all by yourself but I just felt compelled to come out here and dispense my two cents on the matter. You see, Mankind, what you fail to realize when you call Y.E.S. The sickness is that we even have to defend our Tag Team Championships against the likes of you and Goldust. It sickens me to think that THIS is the absolute best that RAW can come up with. It just goes to show that, without us, RAW is the number two show. Hell, I'd even go as far to say that RAW is number three behind NXT. Mankind, Mick, comparing us to those ignorant and simple-minded cult leaders is laughable at best. We're not here to have everyone drink our Kool-Aid. We are Your Enlightened Saviors and we're here to Enlighten you to see what we see and Save you from ending up like Mankind in the ring, sitting in the corner of the ring, rocking back and forth in the fetal position. It's pathetic, really.

Daniel starts walking down the ramp and continues speaking to Mankind as Damien's smile grows wider.

Daniel Bryan: Mick, it's sad that all you have to cling on to is your hardcore past. I have a hardcore past, you know. I was the UWF Hardcore Champion at one time. I was stripped of the title because I moved on to bigger and better things. You said you have respect for anyone who holds that title, well what about me? Do you respect me, Mick? If I were a betting man, and trust me I'm not, I'd be willing to bet that you are the type of guy who forgets little things like that. When I was Hardcore Champion, I hated it because having a championship created just to show-off how reckless you can be is just sad. Don't get me wrong, I am as dangerous and unpredictable as they come but I don't need a title to prove that fact.

Daniel gets to the steel steps and climbs up into the ring. Daniel then looks over at Mankind and continues to tear him and his partner down.


Daniel Bryan: And, as far as your partner goes, he's a disgrace as well. I mean, hailing from such a prestigious family like the Rhodes family and he chooses to run around dressed as a human mannequin mocking homosexuality and trying to get a rise out of all of these people. Goldust, you call yourself bizzare but you're not bizzare, you're just morally bankrupt. You had every opportunity to be someone in the wrestling business. You had every opportunity someone like me can dream of. You had a foot in the door with your father Dusty Rhodes, “The American Dreamâ€￾. You took his American Dream, Dustin and you turned it into a nightmare. You were so afraid of living in his shadow that you created this, this horrible excuse for a persona and it makes me sick, never mind how your father and brother Cody feel about it.

The crowd is boo-ing Daniel out of the building for his remarks on Goldust.

Daniel Bryan: But, I digress. What's important is at Clash of the Champions, Damien and I are going to show you two peons just what it's like to step into the ring with greatness. Damien Sandow, the Intellectual Savior Of The Masses and Daniel Bryan, the Best Wrestler In The World, collectively known as Y.E.S. Come to the bottom of the barrel, RAW and we dispatch the best that they can give us and we prove our supremacy and our quest continues. One question remains: Will we retain our Tag Team Championships?

Daniel lifts his microphone high as if to scream his favorite word but instead lowers it and looks Mankind right in the eye.

Daniel Bryan: Yes.

Daniel lowers his microphone just as....


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Hardcore Championship: Curt Hawkins (c) vs. James Storm.



Longneck & Rednecks hits the PA System of the arena and people begin to cheer for The Cowboy, James Storm. Storm's theme song plays for a while when finally out comes The Cowboy. While Storm is walking down the entrance ramp he is drinking beer as usual. He is in the middle of the entrance ramp when he puts his hand in the air and pyros explode. Storm waists no time and he enters the ring. His theme is still playing as Storm is standing on the turnbuckle and nods his head in the rhythm of his theme. The Cowboy finally jumps off the buckle, asks for a microphone and is granted one. He raises the mic to his mouth, smiles and begins to speak.


"The Cowboy", James Storm:
Y'all would think dat after what happened last week on RAW, I would come out here and make excuses but dat's not how we do it in da' south. When I man gets beaten ba' a man, he admits his mistakes and I admit, I got beat ba' Kurt Angle...Y'all would think dat after I lost ta' Kurt Angle, I would be sad, but le'mme tell 'ya somethin'. HEEEEEELLL NO! What happened last week was already thrown behind ma' back and it's where it belongs...in da' past. Ta'night, I'm here ta' talk 'bout da' future. 'Ya know what is 'bout ta' happen in very, very near future? Da' Cowboy is gonna kick an ass...Hawkins' ass...Da' Cowboy is gonna be a champion...Da' Hardcore Champion. See, I don't care if da' hardcore title is first, second or third teir championship. I fought ta' get dis opportunity and I ain't gon' letch'a down ba' refusin' ta' face Hawkins one mo' time. I just came ta' dis company so I don't wanna cry 'bout how I deserve a World Title shot. 'Ya know what am I goin' ta' do? I'm goin' ta' make ma' way from da' bottom, right ta' da' top. And I'm startin' next week on RAW and nobody...and when Da' Cowboy says nobody he means nobody will stop me from doin' jus' dat. Not John Morrison, not Kurt Angle, not Kofi Kingston, and certainly not Curt Hawkins. Speakin' a' Hawkins...Hawkins, I know yer somewhere in da' back, thinkin' 'bout how yer gonna go right after ma' leg dat Kurt Angle injured last week. I suggest one thing ta' 'ya, boy...stop right now. 'Ya should rather hit da' gym and work on your 'rasslin' ability 'cause I don't feel no goddamn pain! After last week's RAW went off air, doctors gave me medical attention. They fixed ma' ankle, they gave me pain killers but I said...screw 'ya! I hit ma' favourite bar, I had a beer...two...three...four and pain disappeared. And befo' next week's show starts I'm gonna have ma'self a sit-down wit' a six-pack so ma' pain will be no mo' and it will be mo' fun fo' me when I'll be kickin' yer candy ass outta Ell Ay and send 'ya straight back ta' Queens!

Crowd gets electrified as Storm is having some really tough words come out of his mouth.

I ain't no random bitch-ass boy who talks trash but when it comes ta' 'rasslin', shit is already kissin' his jeans. I'm a Cowboy and when I say somethin', I sure can back it up. I not only have ma' money in ma' beer but I have a lot a' money on ma' mouth and most importantly, on ma' Last Call Superkick. Dat's one point dat we are different in. 'Ya have a big mouth but when da' clock begins tickin', you can't put yer money where yer mouth was. Last week, I also watched RAW so I saw da' confrontation between yerself and Morrison and I asked ma'self...Really? Dis is da' guy who is holdin' a You Dubya Eff Championship? Really? A guy who can't even get his ass in da' ring when another man calls him out. Yer ears are not lyin' ta' 'ya...a guy...not a man. I have too much pride ta' call someone like 'ya a man. Yer a jus' a guy. Let me offer 'ya somethin', son. Don't even bother tryin' ta' get yerself in better shape befo' our match. Sure, it will make you feel good but it won't double your chances of winning in a match against me 'cause when 'ya multiply zero ba' two, it's still zero jus' as as when 'ya multiply number a' yer fans ba' any number, it will still be zero. Please, Curt...don't be sad. Yer life is already miserable so I can't imagine how it would be if 'ya would be sad. An Xbox warrior can't be sad 'cause games bring him all da' joy, right? 'Ya know what else brings men joy? Women, alcohol, money and fame but 'ya will never know what those joys feel like unless 'ya detach yer fat ass from yer couch. Unfortunately we all know dat yer not gonna be able ta' do so...Oooh, wait. I have another one blastin' through ma' mind. Curt Hawkins havin' good times wit' friends is jus' like Barrack Obama workin' wit' his hands...nobody has ever seen dat and there's a very little chance dat it happened. Now I swear ta' god...if da' tron is gonna light up and I'll see yer face on it, I will run right up that entrance ramp, go back ta' da' backstage, I will find yer ass and stick ma' cowboy boot far up it!

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Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF COC 9/25: HBK vs. Kurt Angle


HBK has a rare look on his face. Kurt Angle is smiling while trying to egg on HBK and provoke him into hitting him. HBK continues to stare at Angle in disgust until he's finally ready to speak

HBK: Enough is enough. You claiming to be one of the greatest of all time is alright in my books because I've heard it from just about everyone who I have stepped in the ring with. However, it's one thing to call yourself the greatest of all time, but it's another to physicaly lie about it not only to everyone surrounding you, but yourself as well. When I look at Kurt Angle all I see is a man who for the past two weeks has paraded around for attacking me from behind without even having a chance at defending myself. I don't see someone who is the best in this ring, I see someone who is a coward with a yellow spine that does not have the dignity to face the person one on one to give the other a fighters chance. And I should of known better from past experiences with you, you like to get the upper hand to make sure your opponent is weaker when you face him. Well you should know one thing about me Kurt and that's no matter what, I will always be there. I don't care if it's a concussion or a broken back, I will still show up and still put on a show that out does my opponent. That's what seperates you and me.

The ring is starting to get intense as the two foes are dishing it out at one on another. Kurt Angle not liking what HBK has to say, but HBK continues on with it while the crowd backs him


HBK: The thing is Kurt, I am not going to say I am better than you because I KNOW I AM! All these people here know, everyone in the back knows it, all of our peers know it and on Raw you will once again find out I am. I may be up there in age now and my memory is a little shot, but I still remeber that from our past encounters as you said you nearly did break my ankle. The ankle lock is much like sweet chin music, you never know when or where it will happen. You caught me off guard numerous times, but I did the same with you. That's what makes you and I great superstars in this business. I'm not going to sit here and lie, you are a tremendous athlete Kurt, but your way you personify your ability is a question mark at best. You are far from being the man I am and who knows maybe on Raw what ever the outcome may be, this might not be the end of our battle with one another. One match doesn't define a rivalry, but it goes a long way.

The crowd cheers big time for that last comment as the fans want the two to go at it right now. Angle seemed surprise by the compliment from HBK

HBK: But when you talk about age, it's just a number. I can still get around this ring better then anyone they throw at me. You ruined my last match for which was going to be show stealer, but because the spotlight wasn't on you, you had to get involved. So now on Raw, you get your spotlight. You get the chance to finally face me man to man, one on one. There is no running Kurt Angle, there is no attacking someone from behind, it's just you and me and boy you better be ready for a fight!

HBK lowers his microphone as a massive "HBK, HBK" chant breaks out. Yet Kurt Angle is not phased by what HBK has to say and gets ready to speak again
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