UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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UWF Raw 9/4/12: UWF Championship- Chris Jericho vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (C)

The fans in the arena cheer like crazy excited for this weeks edition of Raw coming up all of a sudden the lights go out, the fans cheer as a light jacket is shown


Fans begin to give a mix reaction knowing who it is and all of a sudden

the Walls


Jericho turns around as the lights go on, Jericho begins to look around at the arena as he makes his way down to the ring, and begins slapping hands with some of the fans and he gets a mix reaction from the crowd. Jericho goes and he goes to the ring apron and he does his usual pose. Jericho goes in the ring as a microphone is handed to him and Jericho stands there as the fans chant "Y2J" while some fans boo. Jericho puts the mic to his face and the fans give a mix reaction as Jericho speaks

Chris Jericho: Last night... in the elimination chamber I gave it my all, and I completed one of my goals of what I wanted to do. The NWO is no more, Randy Orton high tailed his ass off of Monday night Raw. Now he is going to represent NXT and Orton knows now not to ever cross my path again. Now also last night at the elimination I had two goals for myself. I had two ideas in my head that I wanted to complete. I wanted to finally become the UWF champion, but did that happen? Obviously you see me with no belt to show it for so it did not happen. It seems like we have some sore sports when it comes down to certain matches. After I made Cody Rhodes tap out. The little jabroni thought that was not enough. No he wanted to do much more, and so he was trying to screw both Austin and I to where none of us will win. I took care of Cody Rhodes, but I let myself get carried away and got caught.

fans give a mix reaction to what Chris Jericho is saying and he paces around the ring and he begins to speak again

Chris Jericho: Stone Cold Steve Austin caught me. He hit a simple move on me and he retain the title. Now I could come out here and make excuses. Saying it was Cody Rhodes fault for distracting me, but there is no excuses. I had Stone Cold Steve where I wanted him. I had him right in the palm of my hands and I let it go... now it seems on Raw this Monday I have found myself in a great position. Whether it was Teddy Long feeling happy that I got rid of the NWO. Maybe it's the fact that he feels that I was wronged but none the less. This Monday I again have an opportunity to once again become the UWF Champion as Stone Cold Steve Austin and I will go one on one once again.

fans give a huge cheer as Jericho goes and he begins to speak

Chris Jericho: Now Austin and I you all know the history. We have battled and fought to the absolute limits in the past, and we also fought to the limits this past Sunday, and like I said Austin you caught me. Austin I guarantee this too you it will never... and I mean neeeeevvvvverrrrr happen again. That was just a mess up on my part a simple mistake, and Austin this title match on Monday night Raw it is a huge one for me. It is not every day someone gets a one on one title match with the longest reigning champ in UWF history. Austin on September 4th mark that date on your calendar Austin, because that is going to be the last day you will be holding that UWF championship. Austin this match up for you if you win you keep your title, if you lose I guarantee I will be seeing you once again at the next ppv, but if I lose Austin it could be the end for me in that title picture. This match on Monday Austin is the biggest in my UWF career, this is not only for me, it is for my family to show I can still do it, it is for my friends to prove them wrong. When they call it wrong... and most important of them all Austin this is for the people... the Jerichoholics here in the building that believe and support me.

Fans cheer like crazy as Jericho goes and he begins to speak

Chris Jericho: So Austin this match up here I am not going to mess up like I did at the chamber. Oh no no no. Your going to get the best Chris Jericho you have seen in a long time... because Austin you will be going against the Best...Wrestler...in...the...World! That is not a made up assumption in my head it is a fact, and you know it. So Austin I am done rambling out here by myself. Why don't you come to the ring, and face your biggest threat in a long time.



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James Storm vs. Curt Hawkins

The Nassau Collessium is filled with members of the UWF Universe who anxiously sit on their seets when all of a sudden...


Longnecks & Rednecks starts playing through the PA System of the arena as The Cowboy James Storm walks out the and he doesn't seem to be happy. He stands in the middle of the entrance ramp and when he puts his hand in the air, pyros explode. The Cowboy continues moving towards the ring.


The Cowboy steps on the ring-steps with one leg and looks at people who hold signs in the front row he points his finger at a hot chick and then climbs the steps and enters the ring. Storm asks for a microphone and when he gets one, he waists no time, raises it to his mouth and begins to speak.


"The Cowboy", James Storm:
It's mo' than obvious that I won't come out here, sprayin' beer all over dee' arena wit' a smile on ma' face afta' what happened dis Sunday at Summerslam. At Summerslam I lost ta' Bobby Roode. I ain't gonna lie, I'm really disappointed ba' ma' ability since I lost. But I'm mo' angry than disappointed. It's not da' same as earlier dis year. I came out here after I lost ta' Bobby and I took a break. No, not dis time! I ain't gonna give up tryin', I will try even harder! The loss dat Bobby gave me at Summerslam makes me wanna kick da' livin' crap outta everyone who stands in ma' way! Dis week, I gotta face Da' Hardcore Champ, Curt Hawkins. I'm in an ass kickin' mood so he jus' happens ta' be in da' wrong place at da' wrong time. Sure, Hawkins comes from a victory over Goldust at Summerslam and I come from a loss. Do 'ya know what dat means? ABSOLUTELY NOTHIN'! 'Ya think dat 'ya have an advantage over me 'cause dis is yer hometown but le'mme tell 'ya somethin' boy...nobody has an advantage over Da' Cowboy. It don't matter if yer from Long Island, Chicago, Miami, Texas, Italia, Spain, China, Japan or Afghanistan, 'ya don't have an advantage over me. It don't matter if 'ya have a friend who will try ta' help 'ya beat me, 'ya still don't have an advantage over me. Since 'ya have become da' Hardcore Champ 'ya keep sayin' dat you'll take on all comers and yea, 'ya successfuly defended dat title couple a' times, 'ya were not afraid ta' put it on da' line against anybody but when 'ya got booked ta' face me, 'ya take yer tail and put it between yer legs so nobody can see it. Wha' Curt, wha'? Wha' didn't 'ya put it on da' line? No, I don't expect 'ya ta' gi'mme an answer 'cause dis was a rhetorical question. Erry'body knows wha' 'ya didn't do it...'Cause 'ya know that if you'd put yer title on da' line, 'ya won't be a champion anymo'.

Storm looks at the second camera and gets close to it.

I know exactly where yer mind is set right now. 'Ya won at Summerslam and now 'ya think dat yer some kinda' bigshot jus' 'cause you've beaten a 43 years old gender-bender. Le'mme tell 'ya somethin'...yer not! Yea, yea...since I'm here I didn't win a single match but now I gotta move forward. I had three matches since I'm here. I lost all three a' them but I want 'ya ta' look at it dis way...two a' them...flukes. Bobby Roode cheated his way out last Sunday and he and a bad referee cost me a match against Kofi Kingston. I only lost ta' John Morrison and I admit it, dat night, JoMo was da' better man. Ma' point is...yer nowhere near Morrison even at yer best night so there's no chance in hell 'ya could ever beat me, Curt. Yea, I know that yer gonna come out here and say dat 'ya have yer best night erry' single night, dat yer unstoppable but next Tuesday, I will put on yer stops and finally show da' You Dubya Eff Universe what I'm really made of...talent, skills, beer, beer, beer, beer, talent, talent, beer, talent and ability ta' knock yer lights out at any time and dat's what gives me a natural advantage. Fo' da' past month, I claimed dat I would do so many things and I failed but beatin' 'ya, Curt is a claim dat I can justify. Now 'bout da' relationship dat 'ya have with yer...what should I call him? Yer boyfriend, yer soulmate or whatever 'ya two are ta' each other...Tyler Reks. 'Ya two ain't no danger ta' dis business. Both of 'ya strive hard ta' become major stars but none of 'ya tasted da' world championship gold yet. Wha'? 'Cause dee only thing 'ya do is dat 'ya play video games. 'Ya don't party like 'ya say 'ya guys do. 'Ya sit home, eat chips and play videogames and 'ya hit da' gym only once a week. Dat's wha' yer so limited Curt...yer charisma is limited...yer skills are limited...yer moveset is limited...yer ability ta' speak is limited...yer vocabulary is limited...YER LIMITED. I forgot one thing...wanna know what else is limited? Yer days as da' Hardcore Champion.

Through the time Storm was speaking, he held his sunglasses in his right hand, now he puts them on his shirt and continues.

'Ya call yerself Da' Party Starter, Curt? Well, not next week. Next week erry'thin' will be in ma' hands. I will throw a cowboy-style party where people will not be handled champagne. People will get cans a' whoop-ass and yer be da' very first ta' taste what those taste like.

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Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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UWF Raw 9/2/12 - John Morrison vs. Kurt Angle



The familiar piece of music plays throughout the arena, as the fans get to their feet. They jump excitably, realizing that the one and only Olympic Gold medalist was about to show his face to the UWF universe. He steps out from beneath the curtains, his head down... wearing a jacket with a hood that covers his head. He steps to the stage, his head never moving... soaking in the emotion that comes from the fans in the UWF. He stays there for a few seconds, as the pyros erupt around him and he succumbs to the cheers that solidify his return to the UWF.


Kurt puts his hands down as the pyros dissipate... his smirk never leaving his mouth. He continues his trek downwards, walking down the ramp and his eyes scanning the crowd for the signs and tell tale signs that they recognized his return coming a miled away.


Kurt takes off the jacket, revealing that he has an American flag wrapped around himself, coating himself in not only warmth but in American pride and spirit. He continues down the ramp... letting go of the flag and readying himself for the action that's about to take place in the ring.


Seeing none, realizing the surprise at hand... his smirk grows to an unstoppable rate as he reaches the ring... grabbing a microphone as he jumps up the steps that lead to the squared circle.


Kurt circles the ring once, holding his microphone with two hands. He leans into the microphone and begins to address the crowd... telling his reason for his arrival... and his plans while he's out here.

Kurt Angle: Alright, listen up! I came out here to talk to all of you tonight for a few reasons in particular. One of them is to express my impatience with the management of Tuesday Night Raw... in leaving me out of Summerslam, in leaving me out of last week's Monday Night Raw. Heck, I'm going on record right now in saying that I've got a bone to pick with a lot of people on Tuesday Night Raw, from the top of the ladder all the way down. I'm a freakin' Olympic Gold Medalist! I deserve- no! I DEMAND respect! I'm an American hero! Not like the heros all the losers read about in their little comic books, not like the men and woman who dress in matching clothings and march to another country to be slaughtered. No! I... I am an American hero that all of you people can truly... and I mean truly, be proud of.

Kurt stops as the entire mass of fans surrounding him turn on him, letting him know of their hatred towards his remarks on the military and the comic book superheroes they believe in. Kurt patiently waits, realizing that there is nothing to do but to ride it out until the crowd dies down. When it does, he speaks again.

Kurt Angle: Now, now... lets get right down to it. I'm here to fight, and I don't care who- I don't care when- and I don't care where. I'm back to send a message. I'm back to prove to all of you, to all of them in the back... to my family and friends... to myself: that I still got what it takes. I won an wrestling tournament in 1996 with the whole world watching. And I did that with a broken Goddamn neck. It's not fiction, it's the damn truth. It's real, you bet your ass it is! I've done things that have shocked the world, that have shook up corporations and pushed them into an entirely new direction. There's not a bone in my body that I wouldn't break if it meant kicking someone's ass up and down the ring with my superior wrestling talent! That's the very thing I'm here to prove. Its not about entertainment... its not about the flashing lights and a microphone in our hands. Its not about fancy coats or slick hairstyles... its about beating the crap out of each other and becoming the very best, the Champion! Its about making a believer out of people, it's about standing for something for once in our damn lives! And that brings me to my major point tonight... John Morrison.

Kurt pauses once again, as the crowd gives a mixed reply to the man known as John Morrison. Kurt begins circling the ring, waving the microphone with the hand its placed in, thinking long and hard about the choice of words to his opponent for this week's edition of Tuesday Night Raw.

Kurt Angle: John Morrison is everything that is wrong with this brand, with this company! He alone is a fire that needs to be put out. His actions at Summerslam proved that he is among the weak, that in the food chain he is nothing more than prey for the top. He gets a victory over the Deadman himself... by disqualification? If an Olympic Hero was in that match... quick work would have been done, the Deadman would have been tapping out before Bully Ray's fat ass walked down the ramp. If a true American idol was in that bitch, the Undertaker himself would have been laid flat on his back with his shoulders on the damn mat. If Kurt Angle was in a match at Summerslam, no matter who the opponent was... it would have been match of the night, it would have put more asses in the seats... and it would have been damn impressive. John Morrison gets to be the first person to lock up with the submission machine... that's all fine and dandy... but I hope he's ready. John... I'm talking to you now, so if you're in the back: I suggest you listen very carefully.

Kurt leans into the camera in front of him, letting his voice drop down a few decibals lower. He stares dead on in front of him, and lowers the microphone to just behind his mouth as he says the next few words. He's talking to John Morrison directly... and as he does, the UWF Universe listens carefully as well.

Kurt Angle: John, you don't know how much trouble you're in. You don't know what the HELL you signed up for. You think this is just a match... I feel sorry for you, I truly do. Because when UWF, when Tuesday Night Raw... decided to mess with me... they made me a pretty angry guy. I've been waiting for weeks now, for WEEKS... but you're not the only one. You're just a pawn in the grand scheme of things. You're a fish in a pond of sharks, John... and I dare you to come out here and face the Olympic Champion. I dare you to come face to face with the hero of wrestling, the one man that's going to make you tap out in just a few short days. I DARE YOU TO COME OUT AND FACE ME LIKE A MAN, JOHN! I want you to know just-

And Kurt stops abruptly, as lights go off around him. He frowns as the stage comes to life, as the crowd around him gets to their feet in the thousandth. Kurt grits his teeth, and awaits.

OOC: looks like they booked a pretty big match this week, Dod! Take it easy on me buddy, it's my first match in over a year
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Dod Draper

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Raw 9/2/12 - John Morrison vs. Kurt Angle


The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison struts out onto the stage and poses on the stage, as the camera captures the moment in glorious slow motion.


Morrison then strides down the ramp, eying the arena around him. He climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Morrison saunters across the ring and clambers up onto the turnbuckle. He poses for the fans, as countless camera flashes go off before him. He steps down, and wanders over to the other corner of the ring to collect a microphone from ringside. He then turns back to face the camera in the crowd, and begins to speak.

Morrison: NXT, you can kiss my ass.

Morrison then turns back to face Angle

Morrison: So, what painkiller infested binge did UWF drag you from? In all honesty I'm surprised you've not been sent to prison for wandering naked down a highway, or skinning a cat in church, or sexually propositioning the elderly. Need I go on? Thought not. Kurt Angle, without doubt, you are the saddest excuse for a comeback I've ever seen. I mean, come on, Mel Gibson's got nothing on you. You strut on out here and tell me that you, Olympic dork and pathological halfwit, are angry? Is that supposed to scare me? You won't be surprised to hear that it doesn't. I don't know what you expect to achieve here, Kurt. You could have stayed at home and seen out your life watching reruns of Murder She Wrote, instead, you're coming out here and punching well above your weight by getting into jostles with men such as myself. I'm the Guru of Greatness, the Tuesday Night Delight. You're barking up the wrong tree. You probably envisioned your return as being some glorious hark back to the golden era of your career. In that sick, senile mind of yours, you probably imagined walking in here and sweeping aside anybody that stood before you. Well here's the short and sweet version; it's not happening. You see, you've had the misfortune of walking head first into the freight train that is John Morrison's carriage of sweet revenge. I remain unbeaten, but was wronged at Summerslam, and here's the breaking news; there's going to be a fall guy for the immense injustice that occurred this past Sunday. Kurt, that man is going to be you.

Morrison pauses for a brief moment, but is in no mood to stop there

Morrison: There are few natural occurrences that are as rare and as frightening as what you're going to experience this Tuesday on Raw. An angry John Morrison is the perfect cataclysm. The quintessential wrecking ball in an ill-prepared company. Men such as Bully Ray and his fellow inferior minds over on NXT may think that they've one-upped John Morrison, but the truth is, that they've unleashed the beast. Beneath this dazzling exterior, beyond this silver tongue, lies an irrepressible leviathan. UWF may think it knows John Morrison; think again. Throw the rulebook in the trash and open your eyes for a distinct new reality. You think you're intense, Kurt? You think that by speaking in a deep voice, and by threatening me, that you're scaring me? Don't make me laugh. You say I'm going to tap out on Raw? I say roll on Tuesday night. If a fight is what you wanted, you've got it. You're getting every single brutal sacrament you've asked for. The Guru of Greatness isn't usually one to indulge in the darker arts, but this week, and for you, I'm going to make an exception. In doing so, I'm going to show you that in the pond you talk about, there's only one shark. His name's not Steve Austin, his name sure as hell isn't Kurt Angle, his name is John Morrison.

Morrison stares at Angle for a moment longer and a slight smirk comes across his face he as continues

Morrison: I could stand here all day and tell you anything, but something tells me that you're not going to listen. Not because what I say is false, far from it, but because you're too unintelligent to comprehend the simple facts that lie before you. You're a delusional 43 year old maniac, who is far past his best and probably closer to being on the evening news for flashing in public than he is for winning a meaningful championship in wrestling. Olympic gold medalist in 1996? Good for you. It's 2012. Wake up and smell the coffee. Do you even know it's 2012? Or have you just woke up in a puddle of your own vomit, wondering what your name is? Whatever. I'm not feigning interest in your life. The only thing about you that concerns me is beating you to a bloody pulp this Tuesday night on Raw. Most weeks, John Morrison is a man of supreme grandeur, but for one week only, I'm going extreme. You ready for a fight, Kurt?

Morrison smirks menacingly and lowers his mic

OOC: Going to be fun, man. First time in, what, 3 years? :p

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Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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Re: UWF Raw 9/2/12 - John Morrison vs. Kurt Angle

Kurt takes a step back, his hands on his hips. He has an angry scowl on his face, but that quickly changes as he realizes that Morrison was waiting for a reply. Both of them stare off at each other for a few seconds as the crowd gets to their feet, expecting a brawl to ensue. Kurt disappoints them of course, by raising his microphone and responding to Morrison.


Kurt Angle: You know... they say people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, John Morrison. You can talk all the crap you want, because you're right! I'm going to let it all fly over my head. We both know you're not going to hit me here, we both know that you're not going to lay a single finger on me until Tuesday night. All you have are your cheap insults that you probably practiced in front of the mirror as soon as our match was made official on UWF.com. I mean, John... I may not have been in Summerslam, but I was watching from the back. You got your skinny ass kicked! And it wasn't even by your opponent, the man you've been talking trash with for weeks. You got your crap handed to you by a bunch of rejects who made their own little brand that averaged less viewers than cats dancing on the freakin' internet. Bully Ray has been around almost as long as I have and hasn't accomplished anything damn near close what I have... but yet, he managed to make you... John Morrison... look bad. If a man like Bully Ray can take you by surprise, than this Tuesday is going to be Christmas freakin' morning for you, John. I'm going to surprise the hell out of you with an Angle slam. I'll surprise the hell out of you some more, when I lock in on your ankle and refuse to let go until you tap. You'll tap, John... they all do.

John Morrison laughs and looks away from Kurt Angle, seemingly scoffing at the words that Angle has to say. He brushes it off, as Kurt takes his hand off his hip and points his free hand at John, index finger out. Kurt shakes his head and grits his teeth, seeming to calm himself down as he got out the next part of his speech. He fights the anger down and slows himself, letting the world hear what he has to say.

Kurt Angle: You're damn right about another thing too... I'm going to get intense. This... is going to get intense. You think I'm delusional? Good... I'm just about damn delusional a man can get. I'm going to hurt you, John. There's no way around it. Bring up my past all you want, I've been around a long time. I've done good things, I've done bad. I'm not running from my past... I'm not hiding behind my twitter account. I'm right here, in front of your face. You can throw your vocabulary around, you can act like you don't see me as a threat... and that is perfectly fine with me. Because when you step in the ring with me your bones will break. Your ligaments will be torn. There's no place for words in the ring this Tuesday, John Morrison. I'll make sure to send a gift basket to your hospital bed, John... when you wake up Thursday morning begging for the sweet agony of death. You want intense, John boy, I'll give it to you tenfold! I'm sick of your crap, walking around like you deserve something. The only thing you deserve is a blue ribbon in the spelling bee. You come out here calling me a dork when you're using words like 'Jostles' and 'hark'. I think you're the one watching too much 'Murder she wrote', Johnny. You did have a lot of free time on your hands when you got fired from a different global company all that time ago!

The crowd mutters at that comment, some people guessing the reference... others letting it fly over their heads. John scoffs again, as if it was pathetic from Kurt to even bring up something as irrelevant. Kurt doesn't think so, and his smirk at the muttering turns his thoughts into overdrive as he walks around the ring. He continues to speak, this time turning towards John as he speaks.

Kurt Angle: A freight train, is that right? How much do you weigh, John... 170? 180? A little small there for a train... aren't you, sport? It's ironic to me... I was talking just a few minutes ago about flashy and entertainment not being a factor this week, Morrison. I said all that, but you still came out here with the same outfit that looks like it came from a modernized Prince concert. You still come out with the sunglasses, the slow-motion... the whole nine yards. You still need these people to talk about you, John. You want these people to remember you... but I don't have to do a damn thing. I've all people have been talking about for years, and do you know why? It's because I'm a champion. I'm an American these people can all be proud of. I've been Champion before... and these people know I've come back to do it again. It's real... it's damn real. I wrap myself in the American flag because I'm this country's most honorable man, a true monument to the values this country has tried to forget. I've brought Integrity throughout my entire career... and this Tuesday night... I'll show that integrity and confidence that I've had my entire career: by letting you take the first shot at me. I'll let you have it, John. You can talk about a fall guy all you want, you can talk about all your nicknames and how you've never been beaten... lets see how much you're talking after this Tuesday night. I was born ready for a fight, John-John. They'll be pulling me off of you... that's real... damn real.

Kurt lowers the microphone as he gets closer to John Morrison's face. They two of them are locked in, ready for the fight they'll have to wait Tuesday for. There's nothing stopping them from going at it now, but they keep their cool long enough for Morrison to respond.

ooc: old school up in this bitch hurrrr​
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Dod Draper

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Raw 9/2/12 - John Morrison vs. Kurt Angle


Morrison: They'll be pulling you off me? Why? What are you going to do? Try to rape me? You know, somewhere amongst that incoherent tirade of drivel, you mentioned that there's no place in this ring for words. In that case, why are you out here? Why are you preaching from the Kurt Angle Book of Crap, when you could be sat backstage, eating the skin in your bucket of chicken, and watching me on a television set? I'll tell you why, Kurt, because you like indulging in this just as much as I do. Not only that, you're looking for reassurances. You're coming out here, looking for a shred of weakness, a shred of doubt, an inkling of fear from the Guru of Greatness... and you've come up short. You've come out here, looking for your upper hand heading into Tuesday night, shouted your nonsensical Steiner-esque threats, and got nothing. You've looked into the eyes of the beast and got absolutely nothing back. You misread me, didn't you? You thought that big bad Kurt Angle was going to come out here and blow the house down, only to find that you're the little piggy. You don't like this feeling, do you? The feeling that you're staring down the barrel of the gun. The feeling of drowning, as you're trapped in a glass box, falling into that very pool of sharks you mentioned earlier. Most of all, the feeling that you're completely and utterly out of your depth. Can you cut it at this level in 2012? I don't know, and quite frankly, I couldn't care less. I just know that you're can't cut it against me. Fire me a punchline, tell me that you're going to break my ankle, that you're going to Angle Slam me, that it's "real". I'm stood here and I'm laughing in your face.

Morrison smirks as he turns away and strides around the ring, uninterested in the surrounding arena, Morrison's still fixated on Angle.

Morrison: Don't like it? Don't like me calling you a dork? Deal with it. I call you a dork because you completely and utterly embody the definition of the word 'dork'. Walking, talking proof that stupidity lives on, stronger than ever. That fact that you call me a dork for having a wider vocabulary than you only further fortifies my point. You walk down that ramp and talking about being an American hero, that you're a champion a country can be proud of. Let me say this, Kurt; you're the embodiment of the American Dream. Don't get too excited, though, because you are the quintessential metaphor for the distorted, twisted, crippled remains of the American Dream. Society is undermined and ridden with men and women like you. Meltdowns, outlandish outbursts and the rest that goes with it. With your ridiculous shaved head, you are the Britney Spears of professional wrestling. Constantly teetering on the verge of another breakdown, and getting less and less relevant with every day that goes by.

Morrison pauses and looks at Kurt carefully as he begins to speak again.

Morrison: What's the matter, Kurt? Got something to say? Going to complain about the fact that I dress so well? Or are you going to ramble on about the fact that you don't like my entrance? I've heard it all before. Instead of letting my sense of style cloud your mind now, perhaps you should mull it over when you're lying on this mat, looking up at the lights, this Tuesday night. I'd think fast though, because you won't have long before Starship Pain comes crashing through the walls of your imagination. One, two, three. That's all it takes. Once I've beaten you, I'll continue my monumental rise towards the top whilst you languish on the undercard, preaching to the dead-runs of UWF about your Olympic credentials. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad. Almost as sad as the fact that you take more joy from what unfolded at Summerslam than you do anything else in your life. What, did you record it? Watch it over and over again? I'm probably not the first one to say this to you, but you really need to get out more. Get out into the real world and live. Maybe get a girlfriend, or even a wife. Try not to divorce this one, though. Hell, try not to lose her to Jeff Jarrett. That seems to be something of a specialty for you?

Morrison shrugs, and lowers his mic with a grin on his face, awaiting a response.

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Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Raw 9/4/12: UWF Championship- Chris Jericho vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (C)


At the sound of the shattering glass, thousands and thousands of fans are brought to their feet, cheering in unison, as the camera pans around the arena to get a shot of all of them. Many are seen with various signs dedicated to the Rattlesnake, while others are donning a variety of Austin memorabilia, and many of the fans belong to both groups. Just as it seems like they can't be anymore excited to be cheering for the Bionic Redneck again, out he comes from the backstage, stopping at the top of the stage with his UWF Championship over his shoulder, soaking it all in.


After a moment, Austin begins walking down the ramp towards the ring, making his way up the steel steps and along the apron, stepping over the middle rope and entering the ring. He signals for a microphone from the ringside officials and is granted one.


Stone Cold: I understand I didn't get here as quickly as you'd have liked, but what can I say, the celebratin' ran a little long. Now that I am here, let's get down ta' business. You, Chris Jericho, are starting to become a pain in the Texas Rattlesnake's ass. A few months ago at Backlash, Stone Cold won the You Dubya Eff Championship, that's the first time ya failed ta' beat me. Four nights ago at Summerslam, Stone Cold retained the You Dubya Eff Championship, that's the second time ya failed ta' beat me. Now we're destined ta' meet again with the title on the line, and I have ta' ask ya, do you honestly think the end result is going to be any different this go around? We're not facin' off on pay-per-view and this is a one-on-one sitch-ooh-ation, that's the only thing that sets this upcoming encounter apart from the others.

I don't know if yer aware of this, but Tuesday night will be the hundredth day of Stone Cold's championship reign, nineteen days shy a' becomin' the longest reigning champion in You Dubya Eff history. So that's all the more reason for me ta' be able ta' confidently say that next Tuesday night, I'm going to retain my title. You said it yerself, you gave it yer all in the Elimination Chamber. Yet another factor that tips the scales in Stone Cold's favor, you gave it everything and it wasn't enough ta' get the job done. You pushed yourself to the very end of your limits and lost the match, so again, do you honestly think this time's going to be the charm? That's the difference between you and me, you don't have anymore ta' give than you already gave in the Chamber, I have a whole heaping helping of whoopass I haven't tapped into yet and that's because while you wait til' yer standing on a bigger stage ta' turn up the octane, I do it each and every single night.

I'm about to break a recent trend where Stone Cold gets his ass whipped on his own show, and the manner in which I break that trend I guaran-damn-tee is gonna make you wish that Jay Bee Ell drafted you over ta' In Ex Tee along with or instead of Randy Orton. However, if I wish to break that trend, you aren't the only one I need ta' keep an eye on. Like you said, Orton's no longer a problem. Well I say you can put Em Vee Pea and See Em Punk on that list too, they aren't going to be problems. The man that Stone Cold's going to be watching out for, and I suggest you keep eyes in the back of yer head for him too, is Cody Rhodes. I'd bet a cooler of frosty Steveweisers that plastic wrapped bastard is not only gonna be watchin' the match very closely, but is gonna get involved in some capacity. I mean, don't you find it a little suspicious that he isn't booked fer Raw in any way?

Just a bit of friendly advice, you can be smart an' take it or find out the hard way. But regardless of what he has ta' say or ends up doing, though, you bet yer Lionsaultin' ass most a' my focus is gonna be inside of that ring. And Stone Cold sincerely hopes you keep your word and bring yer friends and family, hell, put 'em in the front row, I'll buy their tickets. Because I promise you, Tuesday night is going to be a night to remember, and even though you won't be walking out with the title, at least you can maintain a shred of dignity knowing you were part of the biggest main event in You Dubya Eff Raw history.

To summarize, the bottom line is this, there is no reason for you to try ta' prove that you can beat me, because as I pointed out earlier, you've already proven you can't. If you could beat Stone Cold, you would've beaten Stone Cold, but you can't beat Stone Cold, so guess what? You won't beat Stone Cold. Not on Raw. (What?) Smackdown. (What?) Thunder. (What?) In Ex Tee. (What?) Nitro. (What?) Anarchy. (What?) Pulse. (What?) Voltage. (What?) Honor. (What?) iMPACT. (What?) Warzone. (What?) Heat. (What?) Velocity. (What?) Superstars. (What?) Ah, hell, you get the picture.

Stone Cold lowers his microphone, opening the floor back up to Jericho.
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Re: UWF Raw 9/4/12: UWF Championship- Chris Jericho vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (C)

Jericho manages to creep a little smile at Stone Cold Steve Austin and he begins to speak


Chris Jericho: Austin, what do you mean maintain a shred of decency of being in the main event? Do you know who you are talking too. You are talking to the ayatollah of rockin' rolla, the sexy beast, and the best wrestler in the world. So you think "if" key word there junior "if" I "lose". I will not leave a shred of decency if I lose this match Austin you hear me? Me losing too you is not an option for me. I am someone that is not going to be proud because I am in the main event... no Austin that is not enough for me. That is not enough at all. I am looking at this Austin as one of the biggest matches in my Raw career. This match right here Austin is used to defy me as a UWF superstar. You know me Austin I am one of the most proudest people you know. I pride myself not to be second rate, but too be known as one of the greatest of all time. Throughout our history Austin. WWE, UCW, and beyond. We have always had a past. We have always been either number one or number two. Always at each other's throats. Here though in the UWF... it has been different. I am not even near your level it seems like. I have had chance after chance, but in the end it has always been the same Stone Cold Steve Austin walks out still the UWF champion.

It does not matter Austin if you are left lying down after every match, because in the end Austin you always walk of with that prestigious belt around your shoulder, and before the elimination chamber Austin. I remember, I remember clearly. When you were "joking" around and put the belt over my shoulder. I felt it Austin, I felt a little bit of feeling of being a champion once again. I felt the moment in my eyes, but the moment did not come. I felt held bad after you took the belt away. I don't know it is your mystique... knowing that your so close to become the longest reigning UWF championship, or maybe just maybe it was my lust for gold to be with me once again. It has been a long time since Chris Jericho has been a champion in professional wrestling, and I'm not going to lie. I am feeling kind of empty, feeling kind of let down, and Austin for some reason this empty cold feeling I feel like I'm having. Will end Monday night.

You can run your mouth about how I can't defeat you. On how I can't become the UWF champion, but for some reason Austin I feel like the time is coming, I feel like your bit of luck as champion here is just about over. I can see it now Monday night Raw ending with you looking up in the lights, and you witnessing me on the top rope celebrating with the UWF championship. You may think Austin I am talking looney or crazy. I am not Austin this feeling I have this hunger... desire... lust. It is what is going to drive me too become the UWF championship. So Monday night Raw Austin my journey and dream to becoming a champion here in the UWF, it will come to a end... just like your precious 100 day title reign will come to an end.

Fans give a mix reaction as Jericho smiles at Austin awaiting a response​

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Raw 9/4/12: UWF Championship- Chris Jericho vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (C)


Stone Cold: Just when I thought the only similarity between you and Austin Aries was that you both lost ta' me at Backlash, you open your mouth and show me that there's one more. It would be two but he backed out of the You Dubya Eff Championship match we were supposed ta' have in a Raw main event. The similarity is that he didn't give thought to everything coming out of his mouth before he said it either. I mean, did the Chamber knock you that roller coaster loopy or are you just a dumbass? Because if you actually listened to what I was saying, you'd know I said shred of dignity and not shred of decency. This match will be talked about for years to come; they'll be talking about Stone Cold Steve Austin, but they'll also be talking about Chris Jericho and what a hell of a fight he put up. That is what I meant by you being able ta' leave with a shred of dignity.

And honestly, because I don't entirely dislike ya, I wish what I just tore ya a new one over was the only dumbass thing ya said, but it wasn't. Because you've made it apparent that you hear what you wanna hear, I wish I hadn't even said the letters In Ex Tee, because you clearly think that's the brand we're part of and where this match is going to take place, at least that's what you had me convinced your thinking was, until you referred to the location as "Monday Night Raw", then I realized that you don't think we're in In Ex Tee getting ready to compete on In Ex Tee, you think we're in the Dubya Dubya E getting ready to compete on their flagship program. Those days are far behind us kid, this is the You Dubya Eff where Raw happens on Tuesdays and there aren't any midget leprechauns or invisible people or any of that bullshit, if there were I'd Stunner 'em.

But of course you stumbling over your own words didn't stop there, because before you confused the shows and brands but shortly after you mixed up dignity with decency, you referred to this match as one that will "defy" you as a superstar. I mean, dammit man, I know it sounds similar to the word 'define' but it doesn't mean the same thing, therefore it's not the word you were looking for. I bet the only thing you get yer ass kicked at worse than wrestling is Scrabble. If you can't even convey your thoughts and emotions correctly, how do you expect to wrestle your way to victory? In this frame of mind, I suggest you call it a day, because normally when I kick someone's ass, they get their shots in too, but what I'm envisioning in this case is a whole 'nother animal.

If you bring this Chris Jericho into Stone Cold's ring Tuesday night, I'm not going to simply open up a can of whoopass and be done with ya, I'll make sure this is the last match you ever wrestle, I will shelve you permanently out of respect. If you took a pair of scissors and cut one of the flaps off of a cardboard box and stapled a yellow paper plate that had 'champion' written on it in sharpie, this Chris Jericho wouldn't be fit ta' wear that, so you bet yer ass that he has no business holding my title. When I hung the You Dubya Eff Championship over your shoulder, I did it to get inside your head, because I considered you a threat. Now I've got a bittersweet feeling in the pit of my stomach, because on one hand I did get inside your head, but on the other, right now I'd be more threatened by a child wearing a Chris Jericho t-shirt.

Stone Cold lowers his microphone as the crowd is vocally reeling from Austin's insult to Jericho.

Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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Re: UWF Raw 9/2/12 - John Morrison vs. Kurt Angle

Kurt lets Morrison finish up with interest in his face. He brushes off all the comments Morrison made, waiting and biding his time for the right time to say what he needs to say. After Morrison finishes, Kurt paces for a few seconds and then raises the microphone in his hand to speak.


Kurt Angle:
Is that right? Is that what you really think? You think I got a book of crap with my name on it? Let me tell you something, pal... there's no such book in existence! I'm Kurt freakin' Angle. I can do whatever the hell I want, when I want to. It's because of the Olympic medal I wear around my neck every single day of my life, it's because of the red, white and blue ring gear I put on every morning. But most importantly, it's because I've made a damn living for decades beating the crap out of people that are put in my path. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, John, because it's true. It's damn true! You can make jokes and a mockery out of everything I'm saying, but I'm just trying to prepare you for the worst. I'm trying to show you the inevitable and get some sense in your head. Not just yours, but every single person in this building. I didn't come out here to talk to you, John, I came out here to blow off steam about management around here. The same management that left you high and dry when those NXT rejects took you out. The same management that went three freakin' weeks without putting me on a single show. I came out almost a month ago... I made a statement that nobody could deny. I shocked the world by coming back. As soon as I did, there was no stopping the tweets and messages from coming in. The whole world wants to see Kurt Angle in the ring, doing what I do best... kick some ass.

Kurt grits his teeth as he continues to speak. He walks around Morrison now, looking at him as he continues. He winds up speaking behind Morrison, who doesn't turn around. He continues.

Kurt Angle: And let's get something straight. You're right, I don't have any hair. But I had my head shaved when Brittney Spears was just a teenager! I had my head shaved when you were nothing more than tag team fodder with another nobody. Granted, you made it to the big stage, sport, but your luck is about to run out this Tuesday. You can talk about society and meltdowns... but you get one thing straight right now. This is the greatest country in the world! If you don't like it, you can take your ass to Canada or England... wherever they take freaks with long hair like you. This great nation is damn proud to have me as their hero! And I am damn proud as well to be their hero. But you know what, John you can call yourself every name in the dictionary, recite all the freakin' words you learned while I was busy winning championships when you're out here for all I care! It. Doesn't. Matter. None of it matters yet. What matters is what happens this Tuesday, when you and I are in this very ring... in a much different circumstance.

Kurt shakes his head at Morrison, realizing that no matter what he says... his opponent isn't going to listen. He tries to drill his words into the head of John Morrison by continuing, letting the words soak up the arena. The crowd is at the edge of their seats, listening to Angle go back and forth.

Kurt Angle: It won't matter that I think you look like a fool with your ridiculous get-up. Yeah, that's right Sunny... you look like a flamboyant little chicken-shit. It won't matter that I think your Starship Pain is an unimpressive gymnastics move. As a matter of fact, the way you dress and the way you come out here is the least of your problems. I take pride in my wrestling background, in the Championships that I've won in my career. You know what- how dare you! I'm a man with honor, I have integrity, people respect me. They come see me all across the world. Throw all the insults at me that you want, Morrison, but I'm not having it. On RAW, you won't be able to hide behind your arrogance. You won't be able to try your hardest to come off obnoxious. You'll be stuck in the ring with me, and I promise you.. that is the last place you want to be. I've made hundreds tap out, Morrison. What makes you so special? I'll be the first to tell you; you're not. You're nothing more than a stepping stone to greater things. Management made you my first opponent back... not at a pay-per-view. Not at a Supershow. You're fodder to me, whether you refuse to admit it or not. I've been selling out arenas for years, I've said it over again. They must think pretty low of you, Johnny... pretty. low.

Kurt lets his arm and the microphone in it drop to his side. He waits for a response from Morrison, looking into his eyes with a grin set on his face.
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Re: UWF Raw 9/4/12: UWF Championship- Chris Jericho vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (C)

Jericho looks at Austin in a serious matter and he begins to speak towards Austin


Chris Jericho: So what Austin I slurred up on some words, decency, defy. Messed up maybe I am a little bit loopy still from the UWF championship. Still though Austin you think your someone to talk on how people speak? In Ex Tee? What is that even mean? It is not a word, it is not a proper way to speak. So before you come in here treating me like I am some dumb human being for mishearing or mispronouncing some words. Learn what you are saying before you speak, and really Austin that is the best you got for me.... it is pathetic. You're telling me a child wearing a Chris Jericho shirt scares me, you're telling me that you got inside my head? Austin you know who your dealing with right? I am the greatest superstar to play mind games in people's heads. I always know what my opponent is thinking even before they step in the middle of that ring. So you think that your in my head. Look baldy I know you probably did not get enough education as a child but let me slowly.. and I mean sloooowwwwllyyy tell you what I meant.

When you decided to put the UWF championship over my shoulder. I felt what it was like to become a champion again. I had the moment of embrace. I had that championship spirit, passion, fire. What ever in the blue hell you want to call it burning inside of me. I wanted to where people knew that I am passionate to once again become the UWF champion of the world. So if you feel that you put that passion inside of me than so be it... but understand this Austin "you" created this, "you" created the ultimate demise to your possible UWF championship reign. You don't understand that huh Austin? You think that you're winning this game but you're not if anything you're just a pawn into my success of what is coming Tuesday night. On Tuesday night Austin we will be ready to go to war. In this war it will be a tough battle but in the end of it all. The better man will walk out, and become the champion this organization needs.

Jericho goes up closer to Austin and looks at the world title and he begins to smile a little bit. Jericho goes and he begins to speak again

Chris Jericho: That better man will be me Stone Cold, that man will be me. Austin I did something you couldn't do while you were the UWF champion. The UWF champion for me is suppose to be somebody that rules this brand. Somebody that does not take any crap from anybody, but Austin I was the one who got rid of the NWO. I destroyed whatever was left from the NWO. It was all because of me that Cody Rhodes is now back to being a lone wolf here on Raw. I am the reason why Randy Orton is now the "big bad man" of NXT, or in your case In Ex Tee. I am also the reason why Christian is still at home. Recovering from the severe concussion that I gave him. All because of me, and what did you do Austin? Nothing, you're no man of the people or the superstars of Monday night Raw you're a man of only yourself... and you're proud of that huh Austin being a man of yourself. No wonder why you've gone through two wives.

Fans let out a big "oooo" from the mention of Austin's past divorces. Jericho goes on and he begins to speak towards Austin

Chris Jericho: Wake up Steve this is not 1998 anymore, this is 2012. Here Steve you have too look out for the superstars. You've got to do everything to show you are dominate, and week in, and week out you've not shown that. You just think it is about me and that world title. Austin that is not the case, this whole roster not only does it want to defeat you to become the world champion, but you have to set yourself as an example of person who they can look up too. Your selfish attitude though Austin could cost you a lot, and you act like you don't care? Austin you do care. You just don't want to ruin your image, but hey Austin I understand you wanna keep an image, but how long will that last before people see the fraud you really are. Austin that title is coming home to the better man and you know it. So now Austin how scary is that little boy in a Jericho shirt now?

Jericho awaits for Stone Cold's response.​

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Raw 9/4/12: UWF Championship- Chris Jericho vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (C)


Stone Cold: Damnit Chris, this is the last time I'm going to tell you. If you're going to attempt ta' flip my words on me, at least listen ta' what I have ta' say. Not as long as you wanna listen, not to the words that you wanna hear and not the ones ya don't, you gotta listen to every word I say from the moment I start speaking to the moment I stop speaking, however lengthy that duration of time happens ta' be. I didn't say that a child in a Chris Jericho shirt scares you, I didn't even suggest it, what I was tryna' get across ta' you is in the mindset yer currently in slurring yer words and not knowing where you are, you aren't a threat ta' me and my title reign in the slighest bit.

Is it pathetic to make fun of you for stumbling over your words? Hell no. If it fell on deaf ears and didn't get the rise it's getting out of you right now, yeah it would've been pathetic, but you're all fired up and pissed off about it now, just like I planned on ya being. You can't stand it because it exposes you, you want these people ta' think you have an advanced grasp on the English language and know how ta' execute this mastery and enhance the sentences you form with the larger words you happen ta' know cuz you read 'em in a dictionary once, and because of the super serious promos you used ta' come out here in a suit and cut, they do think that, well they used to anyway. I'd wager that they thought that right up until the moment that I brought it to their attention that you're rambling like a dumbf**k and can't remember where you're wrestling or who you're wrestling for.

And now yer a broken record. I mean, how many times are you going to talk about me putting that title over your shoulder? Is that your new, "I beat The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the same night"? You talk about beating a dead horse, you're whacking the shit out of one with that line, kid. Are you running out of things ta' say ta' me already, are you forgetting what you've already said, or are you convinced that bringing up that moment from the build-up ta' Summerslam was so impactful the last few times ya said it, you just can't go wrong?

Well ya can go wrong, saying the same thing again and again in a war of words is gonna get you about as far as one of those bolted down exercise bikes is gonna get ya in a Tour de France. That's what's gonna win you the You Dubya Eff Championship on Tuesday night, right, the fact that you remember me placing the belt over your shoulder and the fact that you rid the company of the New World Order and nothing else. Well unless Stone Cold Steve Austin was a member of that little faction, you putting all the members out on their ass doesn't mean a damn thing when it comes to this match.

You yap and yammer on about what I'm supposed ta' do for this brand, what I'm supposed ta' mean to this brand, what kind of champion I'm supposed ta' be, what angle ta' hold the belt at, just shut the hell up, Chris. I don't want your advice and I don't need your advice, especially not when it comes ta' being a champion because like you said, you haven't been one in quite some time. Not ta' mention, I've made it this far into my reign without your advice, why should I start taking it now?

My divorces? Has nothing ta' do with this match. The fact that the year is 2012? Has nothing ta' do with this match. How about you quit digging up irrelevent shit and hit me with something that has some significance and some sting to it, because this hot garbage yer feedin' me has no meat to it. If this is how this verbal jousting match is gonna go, I can take my title and return to the back now, cuz I know full and well that yer gonna stand there with that microphone and kick your own ass and I won't have to.

Verbally of course, I still have the honor and privilege of physically opening up that career ending can of whoopass I promised ya. And when that happens and you're writing ballads about the man that you used ta' be, I'll still be here defending the championship title that you were never able ta' win for months and months ta' come, shattering every record there is and making sure that there is no ass left unkicked when I decide ta' leave.

But for right now, I'm sure you have something smartass and slurred to say, so I'm going to let you say it.

Stone Cold lowers his microphone again and signals to Jericho that the floor is his once again.


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Re: UWF Raw 9/4/12: UWF Championship- Chris Jericho vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (C)

Jericho smiles at Austin and he begins to speak towards at him once again

Chris Jericho: Austin one slip of words and you get on me for that? Really Austin? As well you missed the whole point, but than again I would not expect you too understand my point, and message being across. My point is you don't give a monkeys ass but yourself. Are you deaf? It sure as hellseems like it. You want to come out here and say I'm spewing the same shit? Austin I am trying to explain to you in detail, and in forms so you understand the point and message that is being put across to you. Than again how can I expect you too understand. Austin the fact of the matter is we know one thing is for certain, you just proved too me that you have gotten softer and weaker than ever before.

fans give a mix reaction as Jericho looks around


Jericho starts to look around and he looks at Stone Cold with a look of hideousness and he begins to speak

Chris Jericho: See Austin every thing that I've said in this ring is the truth, and you just can't handle it. So instead of stepping up and owning up that you are still living in the god damn past you decide to talk about words. You decide to make them all irrelevant. Austin you think this is all hot garbage. What I'm saying Austin is the truth, and the truth is something you like to walk away on huh Austin? You can't handle the fact that you are washed up huh Austin? You can't handle that truth. Austin you feel like just because there has been a challenge put in front of you that it will be easy every night huh? Saying you come out here lay a can of whoop ass, but Steve do you ever accept the truth that every opponent won't lay down so easily? You think just because of some little word slips you have beat me. Steve I don't go down easily and you know that.

This match I would not even consider it an ordinary title match, no not at the slightest. I consider this match to decide who truly is the best in the world Stone Cold Steve Austin or Chris Jericho. This will decide which one of us has what it takes to leave our marks in this history books. This match right here will decide which one of us is truly is hungry enough to have that UWF gold. Austin I am a man of the UWF locker room you know why I took the NWO? You know why? I wanted to protect the people of the roster, I wanted to make sure that not only people like me don't screwed and people like you don't get screwed. Now the screw jobs are gone, and now the right people are getting the fair shot at the UWF world title. You are finally in a situation where you know that there is no one going to come out and ruin your good time. You know your in a situation where you know that no one will be coming out to cause a DQ. You know your in a situation where everything is fair game. Now tell me Austin are you ready for that a fair one on one match up with the best wrestler in the world?

Are you ready for the crowning moment in your career? Austin this is not only a moment for me, but a moment for you as well. Just being champion sure that is great, but how good would it feel for you knowing that you beat the best wrestler? Tell me Austin how would it feel. You will only know how it feels if you beat me in this squared circle. Austin the lights are on bright for us. The time is coming near, we will not only put on what I think is one of the best matches ever seen in this ring, but one of the most memorable moments ever in UWF history, and Austin you may feel like your the best wrestler already... but you have never here in the UWF have faced me at the level I am at right now.

Jericho looks at Austin and he awaits for Austin to speak
Sep 27, 2011
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UWF Raw: HBK vs. Kofi Kingston


HBK's music blasts throughout the arena and all of a sudden his face pops up on the titan tron as it is live footage from his home in San Antonio


HBK: First off my apologies for not being there right now, I am currently filiming the last few episodes of my hunting show and I could not make it there tonight, but I will be on hand this Tuesday for Raw. You know a lot played into my decision to return to the ring. I thought after my last stint in the ring that was it, but after a while I sat down with the wife and we talked about maybe on elast run if it is done the right way. And it's funny I was leaning towards not coming back, but it was Rebecca that told me otherwise and told me to comeback and do it now while I still can. So that all leads us to now where I'm back! Back where it all started on Raw and this Tuesday I will give you a show like you've never seen and why, because I can. Because I STILL can.

HBK pauses for a moment to think of what he wants to say next

HBK: On Raw I plan on coming out to the ring before my match and furthering why I came back, but for right now this focus is on my oppenent this Tuesday. Kofi Kingston, you are a tremendous talented and gifted athlete, one I have not seen in years. You have all the skills in the world to be one the best in the business, yet I see a lack coming from you. I see someone whose scared in many ways from grabbing it all and being the man. You know several years ago, I saw the same thing from Shelton Benjamin and after a match he and I had, he went from a boy to a man and it's because I pushed him farther than anyone else had before. This Tuesday, I plan on doing the same with you. I want to see how far you are willing to go to take something that's there for the taking. But this isn't going to be some easy task, I'm the show stopper, the headliner, the main event, you're going to be in for a long night. The question is how far are you willing to go.

HBK pauses as he waits for a response from Kofi Kingston


OOC: I'm a bit rusty and wanted to get something started, good luck

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Raw 9/4/12: UWF Championship- Chris Jericho vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (C)

Austin, as always, is quick to respond to Jericho.


Stone Cold:I don't give a monkey's ass but myself? What the hell does that mean? How am I supposed to respond to that? Unless you were trying to accuse me of not giving a monkey's ass about anyone but myself, is that what you were trying to say? If anyone's missing the point here it's you Chris, the point is when it comes to defending this You Dubya Eff Championship, when it comes to representing this brand as the man sitting at the very top, I don't pull any punches, I will come after you over anything and belittle you until you either break or come back with something better.

Your stupid haircut. (What?) Your beady little eyes. (What?) Your goofy smile. (What?) Your Michael Jackson jacket. (What?) That dumbass tattoo on your hand. (What?) Your metal band that takes its name from a Muppet. (What?) Your stint as a game show host. (What?) Your time on Dancing with the Stars. (What?) Everything about Chris Jericho that I can possibly insult you about, I will insult you about. I said it before, Chris, I do it because it works. If it didn't work, I wouldn't do it, but look how upset you're getting about it. "Why are you picking on me for this, Stone Cold?" "Why are you picking on me for that, Stone Cold?" If you honestly have ta' wonder, maybe it's you that's forgotten who it is that he's dealing with.

Everything I'm saying is the truth, Chris, you're getting your ass handed to you on this microphone and with every sentence fragment and incomplete thought, you're helping me do it. See, heading into this match, I didn't expect it to be an easy night, hell, maybe it still won't be, maybe you'll be in a more adversarial frame of mind when we get down ta' wrestlin', but after watching you, one of the masters of the microphone, struggle so badly, I do expect it to be an easy night. I expect this to be the easiest title defense I've had so far.

At this stage in the game, this war of words and this feud of ours, if you wish ta' call it that, your confidence can no longer be justified. You build up this match-up as a contest to see who's better out of Stone Cold and Chris Jericho, the night Stone Cold finds out how it feels to beat Chris Jericho. Just another example of your selective memory and hearing, because I told you this earlier and now I have to say it again. I already know who's better out of Stone Cold and Chris Jericho, it's Stone Cold. I already know how it feels to beat Chris Jericho, I've done it twice in You Dubya Eff, at Backlash and five nights ago at Summerslam.

It's Chris Jericho that's living in the past, because you think that you're honestly still at the peak you were all those years ago that you beat me and The Rock, you think people are salivating over this match like it's never been done before. In the past three years, I'll give ya this, it's the first time Chris Jericho and Stone Cold have faced off one-on-one, but they know how many times I've beaten yer ass before too, so it's not really that exciting for them any more than it is for me, if you keep coming at me the way you have been, of course.

Since I brought up the past, let me bring up another statistic while I'm there. You See Dubya Smackdown, Stone Cold and Dolph Ziggler versus Chris Jericho and Jeff Hardy. You lost. You See Dubya Smackdown, S.C.A.R. versus Rated Y2J. You lost, and not only the match, but the You See Dubya World Tag Team Championships. See, you shouldn't be so harsh on the past, because there's good things there, things I can use to further illustrate the point that you can't beat me, and on Tuesday night, you won't beat me.

By the way, if you honestly think that the screwjobs are over and every match, especially matches involving me, are going to have a squeaky clean finish, you've clearly forgotten what you do for a living. You think that you're going to be revered for taking out the New World Order? Sure these fans cheer ya for it and I'm glad ta' see 'em gone, but that accolade puts just as big a target on your head as this championship puts on mine, don't you realize that?

Face or heel, that locker room is full of hungry competitors that will do anything to run roughshaw all over the top tier and taste the sweet nectar of success. I boast this You Dubya Eff title and my reign with it, people resent that and want ta' knock me off my pedastal. You boast that you took out the In Dubya Oh, people resent that and want ta' knock you off your pedastal. Why? Because we have something they all want, the limelight, the recognition, the fame and the glory. Greed makes a jackass out of us all, Chris.

With every force like that faction that falls, another will rise in its place. It's only a matter of time before that happens, especially because a strand of that virus remains on Tuesday nights in the form of Cody Rhodes. Cody is an unstable son of a bitch, and he wants this You Dubya Eff Championship more than he wants ta' keep a pulse. Elimination didn't keep him from continuing to be physically involved at Summerslam, what makes you think he's going to adhere to the rules on Tuesday?

That's why I say none of you bottomfeeders are ready ta' hold this title. Sure you think you are because you're giving the same, "I'm going to give Raw the champion they deserve" spiel that Christian delivered, but by thinking this main event is going to go on without someone getting involved or rearing their jealous, ugly head, you've proven that you aren't. Being the You Dubya Eff Champion means having eyes everywhere; in the back of your head, in the front of your head, on both sides, you have ta' be ready for all comers and situations like the belt can be contested for under the 24/7 rule.

I have those eyes everywhere and I am ready to whoop another man's ass at the drop of a dime. (What?) Or in a tag team scenario two men's asses. (What?) Or in a four-way dance three men's asses. (What?) So forth and so on, it doesn't matter because I'm always ready, and I guaran-damn-tee ya that I'll take an ass whooping and watch this belt get taken from me before I back down. It won't be a roll-up that beats ya this time kid, but trust me, when it's over, you'll wish it was.

Stone Cold has a seriousness in his eyes as he lowers his microphone and returns the proverbial floor to his adversary.

OOC: Wasn't trying to bomb you or anything bro, I just got really into this one.
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