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Entry #243
Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund
I Quit Match
WWF WrestleMania XI - April 2, 1995
And we conclude our rootle through the dregs of WM11 by taking a look at this. You'll look at that lineup and think "how could Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund in an I Quit match be bad?". Well, apparently it is! And I'm about to find out why!
Special ref for this match is Roddy Piper. Bret tries to put his sunglasses on a young fan but can't get them over his head. Bret starts strong early, knocking Bob from pillar to post, downing him, and trying the Sharpshooter, but can't get it on. While Backlund's doing a flailing sell, Piper shoves a mic in his face and shouts "WHAT DO YOU SAY" at him. Lawler challenges Vince to remember whom Bret beat to become the IC Champion at WM8 (it was Roddy Piper). Vince doesn't know. Piper's picked up the bad habit of asking Backlund if he wants to quit while he's not even in a hold. Second Sharpshooter attempt fails, but Bret puts on a Figure Four. Backlund turns it over (Piper is starting to get on my nerves) before they get to the ropes.
Bret starts working the leg. And by working, I mean sitting in a hold at length while Piper pops in to ask Backlund if he quits (he doesn't). At one point he even asks BRET if he quits, despite Bret not being in any danger at all. Backlund breaks out and soon starts working the arm. Mostly using the ropes. Piper shoves a mic in Bret's face after an Irish whip of all things. Backlund seems to be going for the crossface chickenwing but has to settle for an armbar and then a hammerlock. He keeps teasing the signature hold but never does it. At one point Bret says "hell no" into the mic, because telling Piper to go fuck himself with a cactus would be rude, and that's not babyface of him. He's audibly annoyed though. As am I.
Bret beats the hold and goes into his finish sequence: backbreaker, second rope elbow, and he's going to get on the Starpshooter but Backlund gets a rope break. We're back to where we started with Bret hammering away, but he misses a corner charge on the bad shoulder. Crossface chickenwing applies, but Bret clings on to the rope and refuses to give up. Eventually he reverses it! Backlund is in his own hold, and he says "gyaaaaaarghhh araaaaghaaaagh". I guess that means "I quit" in someone's language. Post-match Backlund says he's seen the light, and JR has the same thought I had about how he was looking at the lights earlier. Great minds, huh?
Could have been decent, had it not been for a fake Scottish man shouting in both men's faces every time the current hold changed, and sometimes even more often than that. But even on its own merits, "decent" is a letdown for these two.