5 matches is 5 matches
Not really. They just used him as a comedy wrestler. It's not like somebody they invested in to be a legit superstar
5 matches is 5 matches
If you guys thought that Garrett Bischoff and Brad Maddox were bad....Danny Davis was the first ref turned wrestler and boy did he fucking stink. He was so bad that after awhile they made him a ref again...with no explanation they just wanted us to forget he ever wrestled.
Not really. They just used him as a comedy wrestler. It's not like somebody they invested in to be a legit superstar
He was pushed pretty huge as a heel superstar (commentator or wrestler) and he beat Jerry Lawler at Wrestlemania. He can be included.
It's still a "W". It's in the record books as Michael Cole defeating Jerry Lawler.
The problem with the Spirit Squad was the booking more than the quality of the wrestlers.
The Warlord was good enough in Powers of Pain, but really failed to light up the world as a singles wrestler. His match against The British Bulldog at This Tuesday in Texas was fairly decent. Once again, I think booking played a part in Warlord being a disappointment. Here you had a guy that seemed poised for a big time feud against Warrior or Hogan, but they kept him in that never ending feud against Bulldog and killed time by doing non-feud related programs.
Yes I agree with that. The booking made them so bad I couldn't stand them and really who in that group other than ziggler is doing anything?
I don't remember man mountain rock for some reason but seeing that picture does no justice at all.
Warlord was just a big guy with attitude. He needed a manager to do things because he was horrible on the Mic.