There were two King Kong Bundy's. There was the 80's one that had the awesome 5 count gimmick and became the biggest babyface in history (Well, for me at least) when he squashed Little Beaver. Then there was the mid 90's return Bundy that failed to recapture that magic he once had. I can't say I can argue too much with the latter version being included although the former entertained me too much.
Kozlov was a giant failure.
I don't know why the Goon was even voted. The dude was just a lowcarder/JTTS who didn't even have a single memorable match in his short run.
Can't say I ever liked Rosey.
I thought Aldo Montoya had plenty of entertaining lowcard matches. His booking during his three runs with the company was heavily flawed though.
Buff Bagwell was pretty much in the match that killed WCW as a possible WWE brand. So despite only having one match for the company, it's hard to argue his inclusion.
Bad News Brown was fucking horrible in the WWE. So many drawn out, dull and terrible matches that typically ended in some sort of BS finish.
Droese sucked.
I found Rikishi to be entertaining during his Headshrinkers and initial babyface Rikishi run, however; he did have plenty of poor moments. Personally, I don't think he deserves to be on the list, but I can't argue it.
Albert has had plenty of poor matches, but he's also had a few hidden gems.
Mero had plenty of good matches not to deserve to be on the list.
Steve Lombardi had some decent enough house show matches, but it's hard to think of Brawler without remembering his terrible matches with the Red Rooster.
Big Vito made a dress gimmick work.
A couple of Snitsky's gimmicks were alright, but it's not an easy task to find quality matches of his.
Santino has been one of the best comedic wrestlers in the past decade for the WWE.
I can't say I remember Stasiak doing anything of value in the WWE.
Zack Ryder's was someone's #2? Harsh. Hasn't he been through enough this year?

once again you weren't around when he was big, trust me he was pretty good back in the day and if you don't stop picking fights in this thread it's gonna really piss me the fuck off
I know it's the fun thing to poke fun at Inferno, but don't you think you're being a bit harsh on him? He's basically giving his thoughts like anyone else. I don't know his viewing habits, but thanks to WWE 24/7, it's more than possible that he's seen a ton of Bundy's first run matches. Let's face it, a giant dude body slamming a midget over 20 years ago isn't going to fill everyone's heart with that warm fuzzy feeling. It's not like Bundy was in Vader or Bigelow's league as far as the best big men in history.