I couldn't disagree more but to each his own I guess
Watch Savage vs Warrior at WrestleMania 7 and tell me it was a bad match.
I couldn't disagree more but to each his own I guess
I couldn't disagree more but to each his own I guess
I said his good matches were with guys that could carry him i.e. Savage & Rude
But Jim you are a student of wrestling and have watched many many more matches then I have...my only exposure to his matches were the weekly shows, SNME's and the occasional PPV...I have not watched the house shows like you have
...but like I said I would like some more input on the other's that were just listed from people...I mean UW isn't the only person from that group that you guys except LB have an opinion on
That's part of my argument though. I believe Warrior had a grand total of 1 weekly match that was over 5 minutes long. You can't really have a bad squash match. His SNME matches were a mixed bag with some squashes, some good (Rick Rude) and a couple of bad. Then for PPV matches, I'd say he delivered far more than he failed.
You're the one who voted for Warrior. So there must be some sort of reason that made Warrior stand out against so many of the terrible wrestlers in WWE history, especially since Warrior had plenty of squashes and quality matches.
There's nothing to say though. Akeem, Knobbs and Patera sucked. That's it. That's kind of boring. With Warrior, you have one opinion and I have a very different opinion. The debate is going to draw so much more interest than randomly mentioning that I agree that Crush sucked. Like anywhere else on the net, the topics that create interest due to a variety of opinions are always going to draw more interest.