Connecticut School Shooting

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Sep 25, 2012
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I wouldn't be condescending if you were actually knowledgeable of the topic you're arguing with me on.

So answer me this... how is it that 1 out of every 2 people in Switzerland own guns (highest ratio in the world) and the country still has the lowest homicide rate in the world? Even Canada has a higher guns:person ratio than the US yet homicide is almost non-existent here. Your whole theory of "more guns=more gun crime" is naive and flat out WRONG. The murder rate will only decrease when the US culture changes, not the laws. You British people just love comparing yourselves to us when you want to pretend to understand us, yet so quick to differentiate when you don't approve of something in our country. You call me condescending... when was the last time you even visited the US?

And yes, in the sense I was comparing them, the ineffectiveness of drug laws is an identical comparison to gun laws. You bring up cavemen and ancient civilizations to explain their religious and historical justifications for remaining within society... I mean... OK? Way to completely miss the point. I compared drug LAWS to gun LAWS. Not DRUGS to GUNS. I mean seriously, did you even read what I typed or did you just make up something in your imagination and assume I meant that instead? Perhaps you just thought it was an easier topic to argue with me on? Because those two topics of comparison aren't even remotely similar. Laws against heroin, crack, meth, LSD, and other engineered narcotics and hallucinagens don't prevent anyone from acquiring them and using them. Mexico smuggles tons of drugs into the states, and they also have a lot of guns and a much higher homicide rate than us. Most assault rifles that are illegally owned by Americans are purchased through those same cartels that smuggle in drugs. Please... do some more research on this topic because you aren't ready to discuss it.

You are quite an unbelievable tool. It's like talking to a brick wall, but a wall with a truly disagreeable nature. I'm done wasting time with someone who cant even bring themselves to debate something like a grown up.


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Feb 13, 2012
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It's sad to awaken to the news of children being killed and I feel as well as there should be change in many different things. As We Are Joyful said earlier, America as a whole really needs to take a step back together and figure their shit out. More importantly the media. The coverage today was just horrible. The early hours of the shooting was just misinformation and speculation. Instead of airing two hours of that bullshit, they should have gotten their facts straight and then aired the news. We don't care who the shooter was. Giving out a name just lets them live on in infamy. It gives them exactly what they wanted. Some stations had the nerve to try and interview the kids from the school. "Were the other kids crying?" Of course they were crying asshole! Unfortunately the media serves the viewers and nothing reels people in like tragedy at home. It's a shame.

As far as gun control goes, I don't think mass shootings will ever stop so long as we keep going the way we're going. There is definitely going to be pressure from both sides but it seems like a lose lose situation regardless. Someones always going to be pissed off.


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Terrible tragedy, why these pathetic human beings can't just shot themself first rather than killing innocents I do not know. Horrific for all the kids and families involved and this is going to traumatise so many people for a long time.

Once again this shows that Americas attitude towards guns is just all wrong. These mass shootings happen so frequently yet nothing is done about it. No-one needs an automatic weapon at all, so it should be illegal to buy and sell. If people want to shot one of them for fun then allow gun ranges to have them that they can hire out to people at their shooting range and that is it. It should be so much tougher to get guns but unfortunately that won't change until the attitude of pretty much the whole country changes. No President and barely any politicians will back strict gun control because they know they won't be re-elected because it won't be a popular change. Maybe since Obama can't run again he will try it but I highly, highly doubt it.

In 1996 in Australia, Martin Bryant killed 35 people and injured 23 more at Port Arthur in Tasmania. It is one of the most deadly massacres with a single shooter and at that time Australia had pretty lax gun laws. Because of the Port Arthur massacre the government severely tightened gun laws and Australia has never had another massacre. For 16 years we haven't had anything like this because the gun laws have worked. We don't walk the streets worried that we need a gun for protection because so few people have guns. Yes some criminals have them but they are mainly bikies and all they do is shoot each other rather than innocents.

I am just waiting for the NRA to come out and say that the teachers should be armed.


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Aug 19, 2012
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I don't even know what to say... just an awful, awful tragedy.

I don't want to join in on the argument here about gun laws, but I honestly don't see how stricter gun laws would be anything other than a positive.

Also, the media coverage of this whole tragedy has been disgraceful. Interviewing children outside the school, putting the blame on someone completely innocent, and keeping the coverage going all day is just wrong on so many levels.


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Jun 25, 2012
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Tromaville, New Jersey
Before I comment on anything else, first things first. I wish the families effected all the best in the coming holiday season, I am sorry for their loss, and saddened by the fact these events even took place.

There is specualation that the shooter obtained his guns from a sibling, who is 24 and under state laws allowed to own guns. Last I heard the brother was under questioning.

Free healthcare & disability programs do help deal with psychopath control. A friend of mine is schitzophrenic and if he was living in the states there would be no chance of him paying for his prescriptions that he requires to live a semi-normal life. It is not a 100% fix as those people need to accept that they need help in the first place, but it does help.

People could argue about gun control until they are blue in the face, guns are not the issue, and no amount of control will ever stop gun violence, it is the people who can obtain guns that are the issue.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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This is just one of the most shocking and sad things I have ever heard of, its a sad and screwed up sometimes and living in America must sometime be so scary. Something has to be done about this kind of thing, I don't know what, but something.

My thoughts are with the familes.

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
I feel absolutely awful for the parents of those murdered children. It takes a sick motherfucker to rampage in a school. Hope he rots in hell.

In regards to the 2nd Amendment: I'm going out shooting at a range tomorrow. I hope my exericse in my Constitutional right makes you Euros and Canadians angry. You have absolutely no legitimate say in our Consitutional affairs, and if you think your big brother the United abomiNations is going to force our country to hand over our guns and melt them down in public squares like you all did, it's not happening.

Jesus Christ you're stupid. Just an excuse to hate on other countries.

I honestly don't like what I've read from anybody here. Aside from those few people actually paying some kind of respect. A lot of you have that whole "Oh well, shit happens" mentality it seems. Forget the children, the innocent lives taken. Don't give me any kind of bullshit like "I've said it's horrible" because a lot of you said that, you also said "but *something about gun control*" and shit. Threads like this piss me off because they turn into some stupid argument about something that will never be resolved.

In my honest opinion, there should be some kind of mental test when applying for a gun license. I don't have a license, so I don't know what the current requirements are. But also remember, he most likely got this gun illegally. The Black Market is huge. If you can't get a gun legally, just go there. They won't care. They'll take your cash with no questions asked. Gun control is not the problem, because honestly, it's been said, you can get guns literally anywhere. You know how most people get their guns illegally? From bigger criminals. You know where those bigger criminals gets their shit? From even bigger criminals. It's a never ending cycle that won't be helped. I said more tests for licenses because it could decrease the amount of gun crimes for the time being. It would only be a matter of time before those people who don't want to go through the process find another way of getting their guns.

We Are Legion

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Dec 3, 2010
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Your seriously considering heart disease and being shot dead by some random blueberry? Eating fast food is their choice so if you get a heart condition you brought it on yourself. Unless you consider those kids and teachers turning up to school them asking to be shot dead then they did nothing to bring this horrific crime against themselves. There is a humongous fucking difference between handing someone a cheeseburger and handing them a gun surely you can see that.
Really? You really don't see the similarities? How about the fact that research throughout several countries across the globe have proven the dangers of processed meat and linked heart disease directly to the ways those fast food chains produced their food? Or how about the fact that there are still no laws or any obligation on behalf of the fast food chains to list the ingredients of their product like virtually every other organic product in the country? Instead, the make them go to their websites to find ingredient listings and they know no one's going to do that. They also get a pass marketing their dangerous product to children, unlike alcohol and tobacco. And despite the hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by their products each year, none of them ever get charged with manslaughter. I'm sorry, but I really don't see how you don't see the comparison. "Choosing to eat McDonalds" is not the point. I seriously doubt any of the people who DIE from it CHOSE TO DIE either. Fast food and guns are similar in that they are allowed to be circulated legally throughout the country, except the former is legal for all ages to purchase and kills a hundred times more people.

The difference between Canada/Switzerland and America is obviously that theres crazy blueberries in those countries, Theres countries with bigger populations than America, countries with more guns and crime than America but yet America see's so many more mall/school shootings. Whether is the whole 'right to bare arms' balony or whatever else Americans as a whole just cant handle guns.
OK.... wow. How the hell do YOU know that Switzerland and Canada have less "crazy blueberries"? Seriously, I mean did you conduct your own head count? Did you go door to door in all 3 countries and jot down a list of every single mentally unstable person you encountered? That's an assumption you pulled out of your ass and you know it.

Here's an actual statistic for you:

In terms of total HOMICIDE rate, America is ranked #107th in the world with a rate of 4.2.

Top 10 countries in homicide rate:

1. Honduras 91.6
2. El Salvador 69.2
3. Ivory Coast 56.9
4. Jamaica 52.2
5. Venezuela 45.1
6. Belize 41.4
7. US Virgin Islands 39.2
8. Guatemala 38.5
9. Saint Kitts and Nevis 38.2
10. Zambia 38.0

And in terms of TOTAL deaths, America isn't a Top 10 country either. We're actually surpassed by BOTH super powers Russia and China, as well as our North American neighbors Mexico. Brazil is the world leader with 40,974 homicides per year.

So, even though America kills more people with GUNS, we do not have an extraordinary issue with homicide in general. Take the guns away, and people still find a way to kill... clearly evidenced by the 106 other countries that you're more likely to be killed in.

And mass shootings were NEVER common here until 2012 when gun control became a political agenda of the Democratic party. You can interpret that implication however you please. Asia and Oceania have more documented mass murder sprees than North and South America combined, so you're wrong about that as well.

You are quite an unbelievable tool. It's like talking to a brick wall, but a wall with a truly disagreeable nature. I'm done wasting time with someone who cant even bring themselves to debate something like a grown up.
I'm glad you finally resorted to petty name-calling and admitted you aren't on my level with this conversation.

Now please leave.

Mick Donalds

Sep 19, 2012
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Jesus Christ you're stupid. Just an excuse to hate on other countries.


Exactly what I was looking for. I hope you're angry that I'm shooting a DANGEROUS ASSAULT RIFLE at paper targets. I hope it makes you appalled that I'm carrying a loaded HANDGUN on my body, in my vehicle.

Now do some finger wagging and tell us what's wrong and how we need to be exactly like Canada, in all it's Utopian glory.
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Darth Shizzel

Jan 8, 2012
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Sydney Australia
Jesus Christ you're stupid. Just an excuse to hate on other countries.

I honestly don't like what I've read from anybody here. Aside from those few people actually paying some kind of respect. A lot of you have that whole "Oh well, shit happens" mentality it seems. Forget the children, the innocent lives taken. Don't give me any kind of bullshit like "I've said it's horrible" because a lot of you said that, you also said "but *something about gun control*" and shit. Threads like this piss me off because they turn into some stupid argument about something that will never be resolved.

In my honest opinion, there should be some kind of mental test when applying for a gun license. I don't have a license, so I don't know what the current requirements are. But also remember, he most likely got this gun illegally. The Black Market is huge. If you can't get a gun legally, just go there. They won't care. They'll take your cash with no questions asked. Gun control is not the problem, because honestly, it's been said, you can get guns literally anywhere. You know how most people get their guns illegally? From bigger criminals. You know where those bigger criminals gets their shit? From even bigger criminals. It's a never ending cycle that won't be helped. I said more tests for licenses because it could decrease the amount of gun crimes for the time being. It would only be a matter of time before those people who don't want to go through the process find another way of getting their guns.

That right there should've been part of just about every test to see if someone is mentally stable enough to handle a licence of some sort.

What happened at the school was a tragedy and the asshole who did has been arrested but after this and the shooting at the batman film, its time for america to work out how to better protect their people from this type of thing.

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Exactly what I was looking for. I hope you're angry that I'm shooting a DANGEROUS ASSAULT RIFLE at paper targets. I hope it makes you appalled that I'm carrying a loaded HANDGUN on my body, in my vehicle.

Now do some finger wagging and tell us what's wrong and how we need to be exactly like Canada, in all it's Utopian glory.

How are you still alive? I don't think you truly understand what the fuck you're talking about so you feel the need to be a terrible troll. But keep going, it's rather entertaining.

The Cork

Feb 23, 2011
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Only read the first two pages before being overwhelmed by 'We Are Joyful's retardation, Dingle Bells guy isn't exactly going to be accepted by Mensa either at his rate.

Anyway I read that the Westboro Baptist Church are planning to picket the dead kids funerals, if so then I hope Connecticut takes advantage of the lax gun laws for a good purpose and picks off every last one of the evil bastards. I understand free speech, but that right should be reserved for people who don't use it solely for trolling.

We Are Legion

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Dec 3, 2010
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Only read the first two pages before being overwhelmed by 'We Are Joyful's retardation, Dingle Bells guy isn't exactly going to be accepted by Mensa either at his rate.

Anyway I read that the Westboro Baptist Church are planning to picket the dead kids funerals, if so then I hope Connecticut takes advantage of the lax gun laws for a good purpose and picks off every last one of the evil bastards. I understand free speech, but that right should be reserved for people who don't use it solely for trolling.
The guy who suggests people should be shot for their religious beliefs is suggesting I'm a blueberry. Ironic.