WWEF Universe Mode Version 4.0! Its back!

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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Mauro Ranallo: Welcome back from the break WWE fans as we are prepared for tag team
action with the Hype Bros taking on...

*Mauro is suddenly interrupted by the theme music of Sasha Banks*

Mauro Ranallo: Ladies And Gentlemen it appears to be Boss time as we are about
to be joined by the WWE Women's Champion Sasha Banks...does anyone have any idea
what's this is about?

JBL: No idea Mauro...your guess is as good as mine.

*Sasha makes her way down into ring skipping her usual fanfare as she motions for a microphone*

Tom Phillips: I guess we are about to find out what the Boss is doing here.

Sasha: Come on Bayley...we are doing this now.

*Bayley's theme music starts up as the hugger appears in the entrance way looking
much more subdued than normal. Bayley quickly makes her way to the ring to stand beside Sasha*

Sasha: Okay Charlotte...I don't like you and you don't like me...but this is important.

*Recognition sounds out over the P.A system as a clearly agitated Charlotte briskly makes her way down to the ring*

Mauro Ranallo: Well...we all know there is no love lost between Sasha & Charlotte...who of course
faced each other in a first ever women's ladder match recently at Armageddon with Sasha successfully
retaining the championship.

JBL: I guess Bayley is going to try and play the peacemaker here.

*Charlotte enters the ring staring a hole through Sasha as she claims her own microphone from the ringside staff*

Charlotte: Okay...first off...don't expect to be wearing that belt for much longer Boss...and secondly...
I knew that stupid, paint covered Irish boy couldn't get the job done.

Sasha: He had to try.

Charlotte: Well he failed...and now we have to stage a public intervention...I'm
sure this going to work out just fine.

*Charlotte turns away from Sasha & Bayley to look up the entrance way*

Charlotte: Well...there is only one of us missing...would you care to join us?

*Cue Wyatt Family Jump Cut followed by lights off as Live in Fear by Mark Crozer begins.
Two hooded figures make their way down the entrance way...Becky Lynch in front carrying
the iconic lamp, Bray follows closely behind her carrying an old rocking chair*

JBL: The fireflies are out tonight.

Mauro Ranallo: Of course Becky Lynch...a recent addition to the Wyatt family after her
very public breakdown about a month ago on RAW.

JBL: Breakdown is a nice way of putting it Mauro...she put Carmella & James Ellsworth
in the hospital.

Tom Phillips: Well clearly the Irish Lass Kicker had reached her breaking point John.

*Becky blows out the lamp as the house lights come back on. Bray leans in close to
whisper in her ear before sitting in his old rocking chair at ringside. Becky removes
her hooded trench coat to reveal her arms and legs covered in Celtic runes. The
right half of her face is painted blue and her eyes are black through the use of
contacts. She crawls into the ring on all fours before slowly standing in front of the
other horsewomen*

Charlotte: Yeah...you see this is what happens when you take fashion tips from the movie Braveheart.

Sasha: Charlotte shut up for a minute. Becky...what...what happened?

*Becky cooks her head slowly to look at Sasha before focusing on the title belt
around her waist*

Charlotte: She clearly doesn't have anything to say Sasha. Hey you...Duck Dynasty
meets Charles Manson *Charlotte turns her attention to Bray* You want to explain to
me how you turned my best friend into a violent mute?

*The camera focuses on Bray Wyatt who simply shakes his head as he rocks slowly in his old chair*

Sasha: Charlotte...if she's your best friend then talk to her!

Charlotte: I can't even look at her like this!

*Bayley suddenly grabs the mic from Charlotte*


*Bayley slowly moves towards Becky and motions to give her hug...but in a flash Becky grabs
Bayley and delivers a brutal Sister Abigail*

Mauro Ranallo:
Lynch has snapped again!

*Cue Wyatt Family Jump Cut which is overlaid with a wolf's howl as Baron Corbin and Bo Dallas
suddenly appear in the ring flanking Lynch as Bray Wyatt can be seen loudly laughing in his rocking chair*

JBL: Time to go ladies!

*Charlotte and Sasha drag a downed Bayley to the outside as Bray finally steps into the ring and picks
up the mic dropped by Bayley. Charlotte & Sasha carry Bayley up the entrance way as Bray begins*

Bray: Well...that was entertaining...and ladies...you need to understand the difference between belonging
to someone...and feeling like you belong...But we have more important matters to deal with. You see I called out
someone very special last week...and yet...we have heard no reply.


I asked for a painted man...and I was given one...but not the one I really wanted...


It matters not...because if the Icon is too scared to face his inner darkness...that's his choice...but it would
appear that vanquishing a Demon has afforded me a special opportunity...and I intend to take it with both hands.

You see it doesn't matter who else is in that ring with me...the lunatic...the superman...the bearded dragon...
because they will all fall and I will ascend to claim that precious piece of gold.

But...tonight...my blood brother and the wolf have something to prove...so come out yellow warriors...because
all your...excitement...won't stop my family from picking your bones clean.

*The Hype Bros. theme music begins as Bray & Becky exit the ring leaving Corbin and Dallas (lol...Corbin Dallas) in the ring*

Mauro Ranallo: Well...it would appear that Becky Lynch is staying with the Wyatt family and they have just
unveiled their newest member in Baron Corbin...and it now seems Bray Wyatt now has his sights set on the
Intercontinental Championship which will be contested in a 6 man ladder match.

Tom Phillips:
That's right Mauro...Bray Wyatt earned the right to be in the intercontinental ladder match by
defeating Finn Balor on RAW last night...but we all understand that Balor's attention was partly focused on
his former protégé Becky Lynch and Bray Wyatt took full advantage of that.
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Nov 13, 2016
Reaction score
Corsicana, TX, USA
*Pentagon Jr. is walking slowly toward his locker room frustrated after his defeat in the six man tag earlier tonight. As he's walking back to his locker room he bumps into Seth Rollins.*

Pentagon Jr. (Translated From Spanish): Watch were you're going Rollins. You cost me the match. Thankfully, You were the one getting pinned and not me but that doesn't change the fact that we lost and you know why we lost? We lost because of you.

*Pentagon Jr. walks away angered by Rollins not saying anything but when Rollins turns around to leave as well, Pentagon Jr. runs up behind him and beats him down. Before finally walking to his locker room.*
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Dec 14, 2016
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I pick.....Hulk Hogan brothers



Dec 14, 2016
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new member for the Supermen


WWEF's Resident Hologram
Apr 4, 2014
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Parts Unknown
*Pentagon Jr. is walking slowly toward his locker room frustrated after his defeat in the six man tag earlier tonight. As he's walking back to his locker room he bumps into Seth Rollins.*

Pentagon Jr. (Translated From Spanish): Watch were you're going Rollins. You cost me the match. Thankfully, You were the one getting pinned and not me but that doesn't change the fact that we lost and you know why we lost? We lost because of you.

*Pentagon Jr. walks away angered by Rollins not saying anything but when Rollins turns around to leave as well, Pentagon Jr. runs up behind him and beats him down. Before finally walking to his locker room.*

EMTs and the medics rush to check on Rollins who pushes them away, he clutches his neck and looks towards where Pentago Jr. was headed with a glare as he pants, still clutching his neck with the doctors repeatedly asking him

"Seth, you okay? Can you hear us? Seth?"

He continues to stare right through them, their words falling on deaf ears.


Nov 13, 2016
Reaction score
Corsicana, TX, USA
EMTs and the medics rush to check on Rollins who pushes them away, he clutches his neck and looks towards where Pentago Jr. was headed with a glare as he pants, still clutching his neck with the doctors repeatedly asking him

"Seth, you okay? Can you hear us? Seth?"

He continues to stare right through them, their words falling on deaf ears.
BTW this is to set up a feud either if I lose in the little tournament thing or I win the championship.
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Dark Side
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom
*AJ Styles is backstage after the main event 6 man tag match, he walks into his locker room and sits down.*

"Man, it feels good to be back here. Scoring the winning pin aswell... WWEF hasn't seen my full potential yet, that will come next week where one more will go....
And it ain't gonna be me. Time to show the world why AJ Styles is Phenomena-"

*Styles is interrupted by a knock at his locker room door, he jumps up and walks over to the door opening it to an unpleasant surprise.*

"What the hell are you doing here?! You better get out of my face before I cave yours in, just like I forgot to back in Japan, when you betrayed me and stole MY Bullet Club! What do you want Omega?"

*AJ's former bullet club companion stands opposite him at the door, seemingly chuckling to himself. Kenny backs away a bit before starting to speak to Styles.*

@Beavs - Why not start up a feud possibly for the foreseeable future? Respond however you feel like.


Dark Side
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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*AJ Styles is backstage after the main event 6 man tag match, he walks into his locker room and sits down.*

"Man, it feels good to be back here. Scoring the winning pin aswell... WWEF hasn't seen my full potential yet, that will come next week where one more will go....
And it ain't gonna be me. Time to show the world why AJ Styles is Phenomena-"

*Styles is interrupted by a knock at his locker room door, he jumps up and walks over to the door opening it to an unpleasant surprise.*

"What the hell are you doing here?! You better get out of my face before I cave yours in, just like I forgot to back in Japan, when you betrayed me and stole MY Bullet Club! What do you want Omega?"

*AJ's former bullet club companion stands opposite him at the door, seemingly chuckling to himself. Kenny backs away a bit before starting to speak to Styles.*

@Beavs - Why not start up a feud possibly for the foreseeable future? Respond however you feel like.

*Yes feud. Also wait a moment...Let's just say I am doing something important...* *turns on 3DS*
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Patriot Pants

LDW Champion (855+ days)
Jan 23, 2017
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(During Smackdown)

*Finn Bálor's music plays and the lights dim down*

Mauro Ranallo: Well ladies and gentlemen, it appears we're about to hear a few words from Finn Bálor.

David Otunga: I wonder if it has anything to do with his recent loss to Bray Wyatt?

*Bálor makes his way down to the ring in his signature "Bálor Club" leather jacket and ring gear, microphone already in hand*

JBL: Of course it has to do with Bray Wyatt, why wouldn't it? A loss like that can't be taken lightly by anyone, especially Finn Bálor.

*The Demon King enters the ring as the fans chant "Finn Finn Finn". He looks around the arena before settling and looking at the hard cam, microphone by his mouth*

Finn Bálor: On RAW I went up against the "Face of Fear" Bray Wyatt, not only for a spot in the Intercontinental Championship match, but for the freedom of Becky Lynch as well.

*He pauses and lowers his head*

Finn Bálor: Sadly...I lost. Wyatt surprised me with a Sister Abigail and that was that. My shot and Becky's freedom slipped through my finger tips. Bayley and Sasha's hope that I could free her faded from sight...but you know what?

*Finn looks up, determination covers his face*

Finn Bálor: I'm not done. I'm not in the business of letting down the people that rely on me to get a job done. I'm not in the business of letting championship gold go by so easily. Finn Bálor is in the business of winning and proving to everyone here, at home, and in the back, that when he says he's gonna do something...they know damn well he's gonna do it!

*Finn turns and looks towards the ramp as the fans cheer*

Finn Bálor: So Wyatt...wherever you are, I hope you're paying close attention. I hope you're hanging onto every word while you're sittin' in that chair of yours, because it doesn't matter how many people I have to go through or how much I have to endure. The next time we meet in this ring...my true demons will be unleashed...and you'll fear me.

*Bálor drops the mic and rolls out of the ring, making his way to the back as the announce team talks*

JBL: All I have to say is Bray Wyatt might want to watch out, because Bálor looks like he's setting a war path leading straight to him.

David Otunga: A good point John, this looks like a completely different man than what we saw on RAW. But the question on my mind is, will him defeating Bray actually free Becky from his control?

JBL: How am I supposed to know how magic, voodoo, and hocus pocus work David? I call fights, not Harry Potter events!

Mauro Ranallo: Well coming up next we have singles action that your not gonna wanna miss, stay tuned.
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Dark Side
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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*AJ Styles is backstage after the main event 6 man tag match, he walks into his locker room and sits down.*

"Man, it feels good to be back here. Scoring the winning pin aswell... WWEF hasn't seen my full potential yet, that will come next week where one more will go....
And it ain't gonna be me. Time to show the world why AJ Styles is Phenomena-"

*Styles is interrupted by a knock at his locker room door, he jumps up and walks over to the door opening it to an unpleasant surprise.*

"What the hell are you doing here?! You better get out of my face before I cave yours in, just like I forgot to back in Japan, when you betrayed me and stole MY Bullet Club! What do you want Omega?"

*AJ's former bullet club companion stands opposite him at the door, seemingly chuckling to himself. Kenny backs away a bit before starting to speak to Styles.*

@Beavs - Why not start up a feud possibly for the foreseeable future? Respond however you feel like.

"Oh why so hostile, AJ?"
Omega says with obvious sarcasm in his voice. "I'm not here for personal vendettas, I'm here for simple business reasons and to give credit where it is due. Very well done with the tag team match from tonight. With that, I am one step closer to the WWEF Championship. But I'm concerned some of the things I said has created some unneeded tension between us and we must get on the same page because even with a one-man advantage, we have to face that time-travelling baffoon and that Mexican arm-breaking psychopath next week. If we can't coexist for more than a moment than those two will take advantage and neither of us will be the champion. So? What do you say? leave those bad tensions for one week before we let loose and rip each other's head off?"

@TheKingSonic Best I can do for now...

Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom
"Oh why so hostile, AJ?" Omega says with obvious sarcasm in his voice. "I'm not here for personal vendettas, I'm here for simple business reasons and to give credit where it is due. Very well done with the tag team match from tonight. With that, I am one step closer to the WWEF Championship. But I'm concerned some of the things I said has created some unneeded tension between us and we must get on the same page because even with a one-man advantage, we have to face that time-travelling baffoon and that Mexican arm-breaking psychopath next week. If we can't coexist for more than a moment than those two will take advantage and neither of us will be the champion. So? What do you say? leave those bad tensions for one week before we let loose and rip each other's head off?"

@TheKingSonic Best I can do for now...

*AJ looks directly at Omega, trying to sense a move coming, after a while he sighs and puts out his hand to Kenny.*

"You took my club... you dropped me with my own move... but just this once I'm with you. Get rid of everyone else, then it's just me and you and one way or another we are going to fight, and we will let everything loose between each other. You know me Kenny... but is your bullet stronger than mine? The time will come, but for now we're in this together."

*Kenny reluctantly shakes the hand of Styles, both looking straight into each other's eyes as Omega walks off back down the corridor as Styles heads down the opposite corridor, pointing his finger gun symbol at
Omega before the camera fades to black.*

The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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Main Event Week 1 card


The tournament continues as @Blackout Samoa Joe @Beavs Kenny Omega @TheKingSonic AJ Styles face the 2 man team of arm breaking yogaists in Pentagon Jr @HaroGames and DDP @B1skit (Now imagine Pentagon Jr doing yoga...) in a 3 on 2 handicap match. Kinda. I misread a match type and thought One vs three was 2 vs three and turns out a 3 on 2 handicap match isn't actually on the game..So to fix this, I'll do a 3 vs 3 match with me being one of the guys on the two side and I will literally go outside and do nothing. Sound good? Good. Anyway Samoa Club vs Diamond Dallas Pentagon will happen with the person that is pinned, being eliminated!

More tag team action as the new team of the Supermen (or hair grease and rainbow warrior. TBD) @Voin @Mr. Thunder take on a mismatched team of bullet club past and present in the forms of Karl Anderson @Crazykillerv1 and Adam Cole @CBK_15 Adam recently won his spot in the IC title Ladder Match while Karl lost his in a match against the swiss superman. Wow. Karl has literally faced supermen in every single match I've put him in in all of the times that I've tried this...I feel bad. JK. Karl vs Roman confirmed for RAW no matter what the result is here :p

And the next match also involves someone in that ladder match but also someone who was the first person eliminated in the WWE Championship series on RAW. Seths looking to bring back his momentum after that big loss but now he has to watch his back at all times, just in case Bo Dallas, Baron Corbin, Becky Lynch or anyone else that Grievous has decided is apart of his stable because I have no idea. He thinks we have the Hype Bros in this thing! XD so who will come out on top? The architect or the eater of worlds?

And in the opening match up, The Hulkster @Apex debuts as he takes the king, Cheeseburger! @Mike Thunder Cheeseburger and Karl are literally the underdogs of this entire thing, I swear. Cheeseburger came so close in that IC qualifier triple threat but he couldn't break the pin in time allowing Adam Cole the victory, Hulk Hogan on the other hand is another member of the Supermen alongside Reigns and Cena but he is the only superman in singles action tonight and he will be looking to make an impact against Cheeseburger.
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Moist Nephew
Mar 23, 2016
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Kingdom of Nazarick
We cut the fat out of our team last week, and you too can cut the fat out of your life with DDP Yoga!
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