WWEF Universe Mode Version 4.0! Its back!

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The Artiste
Apr 13, 2016
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So we start off with a upset as Hulk Hogan @Apex debuted against @Mike Thunder Cheeseburger and lost! Yes you heard me right! The person who was the face of WWF for so many years lost to a person who is named after a freaking meal. Yep. Cheeseburger beat Hogan with a shining wizard.
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Seth Rollins @RedDwarfTechy continues his bad luck as this time he is defeated by the Eater of Worlds in a very close match that showcased both of the men's skill and wit as they collided but in the end, Seth took too much pain and Bray hit the sister abigail to put him away. @Grievous is on a winning streak right now!
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To put it lightly. This was not a good first week for the Supermen as like their fellow partner Hulk did earlier in the night. They lost. @Voin and @Mr. Thunder battled the team of @CBK_15 and @Crazykillerv1 and OMG Killer got a win!? The two men that I called underdogs on the show preview get wins?! That doesn't help my cause dammit! Cena was the guy who was pinned after a straight jacket german.
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AND FOR THE MAIN EVENT THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES CONTINUES AS DDP @B1skit and Pentagon Jr @HaroGames faced AJ Styles @TheKingSonic Kenny Omega @Beavs and the Samoan Bulldozer Samoa Joe @Blackout and despite DDP again trying to be the iron man of the team. Styles, Joe and Kenny worked very well as a team and Kenny hit DDP with the one winged angel to advance and eliminated poor DDP from the contest but now it's everyman for himself as the next stage of the series is a fatal 4 way match with the person being pinned, being eliminated.
Adam Cole going over BAYBAY! Pinning Cena BAYBAY! Beating Hogan BAYBAY! Oh yeah and Karl Anderson was there too I guess... BAYBAY!
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  • Haha
Reactions: Patriot Pants


Moist Nephew
Mar 23, 2016
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Kingdom of Nazarick
0-2 and still haven't been pinned. Horrible start for Pentagon Jr.
Don't worry amigo, just think about how you can improve! I mean, you obviously need to work on cardio since you weren't there quick enough to break up the pin, but with DDP Yoga, you'll be able to outcardio them all

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Townsville, Queensland, Australia

Mauro Ranallo:
Welcome back from the break wrestling fans and do we have a one hell
of a battle being played out before us here on SmackDown. The Boss Sasha Banks is
currently engaged in a brutal struggle with the latest NXT draft pick Ember Moon and
these two ladies are sure leaving their mark on each other.

JBL: You said it Mauro...this has been one hell of a fight and I have to say that
Ember Moon is sending a message to the entire women's locker room right now...and
that message would be I'm here to kick some ass.

Tom Phillips: Of course the real story here is that if Ember Moon can win this match
she will automatically become the number 1 contender for the Women's Championship and
receive a title shot at the next pay per view.

Mauro: It truly is a huge opportunity for Ember Moon especially considering this is only
her third match on the main roster.

*Sasha & Ember tussle near the ropes before Sasha manages to throw Ember to the outside*

Mauro: Sasha Banks is looking to give herself some breathing room for a few moments.

JBL: Smart move there by Banks...it gives her some time to rethink her strategy because
so far Ember Moon has used her size and agility to keep the Boss off balance.

Mauro: Of course Sasha Banks no doubt has the edge as far as experience and technical ring
skills but as Ember Moon has shown us here tonight...she could be one of the dynamic and
athletic female performers ever seen here in the WWE.

*The camera focuses on Ember Moon kneeling outside the for a few moments before she slides
back into the ring under the bottom rope*

Tom: Did anyone just notice that guy in the front row?

JBL: What Phillips?

Tom: I just caught a glimpse of...can we...can we get a camera back on the front row?

JBL: Phillips...who cares about some guy sitting in the front row?

*The camera pans back to show a man wearing a hooded jacket slouched over in his seat*

JBL: So he's not watching the match Phillips...what's the big deal?

Tom: That's...that's Bo Dallas!

*The man in question suddenly stands up and pulls his hood back to reveal a homeless looking Bo Dallas*

Mauro: What is Bo Dallas doing sitting in the front row?


Mauro: Oh No...

*Cue Wyatt Family Jump Cut followed by the house lights going dark*

JBL: I'll never get used to this...

*The house lights flicker back on revealing Sasha, Ember and the referee standing in the ring looking around*

Mauro: Well...what happened?

Look Mauro...by the time keeper!

*A camera quickly swings around to reveal a white haired and face painted Becky Lynch standing
near the time keepers desk holding the Women's Championship belt*

Mauro: Its Becky Lynch and she has her hands on the Women's title!

*Sasha notices from the ring and calls out to Lynch*

Mauro: The Boss has just noticed that Lynch has her hands on the title.

JBL: That is blatant sign of disrespect Mauro...that doesn't belong to her. That has to be won
not taken you white haired witch!

*Lynch slowly takes her eyes off the title and stares up at Sasha from the outside*

Tom: Ember Moon is keeping her distance for the moment...but we still have a match
going on here...Banks needs to return her focus back to her opponent before she is caught

*Cue another Wyatt Family Jump Cut followed by the house lights going dark again*

JBL: Can we find a way to keep these lights on?! I can't see a damn thing!

*The house lights flicker back on revealing Becky Lynch is now in the ring with Sasha Banks
set up for a Sister Abigail*

Mauro: Lynch is in the ring and she has Banks in position for the...

*Lynch hits it*

SISTER ABIGAIL!!! and the referee calls for the bell...this match is over...

*Cue another Wyatt Family Jump Cut followed by the house lights going dark for the third
time as Live in Fear by Mark Crozer begins*

JBL: Okay...this is getting out of hand now...I...just...I can't handle the light coming
and going like that.

*Bray Wyatt & Baron Corbin are shown slowly walking to the ring as Bo Dallas hops over the
barricade as the "fireflies" light up the arena*

Mauro: Well...one can question their methods but the results speak for themselves...the Wyatt
Family have been on a roll so to speak as of late. Wyatt himself racking up wins against
Finn Balor and most recently the former Shield member Seth Rollins and he finds himself in
the prime position to claim the Intercontinental title in an upcoming six man ladder match.

Tom: And of course last week the team of Bo Dallas & Baron Corbin defeated the Hype Bros
and have made their intentions clear that they are on the hunt for the tag titles.

*The arena is lit up as the house lights are flicker back on. Bray now stands in the center of
the ring flanked by his brother & the Wolf while Lynch kneels next to the prone body of Sasha Banks*

JBL: Can we get some medical attention out here for Sasha Banks?

*As if on cue Lynch stands and kicks Banks out of the ring to drop to the floor outside. Lynch then
notices that Ember Moon is kneeling in the far corner. All 3 male members of the Wyatt Family turn to
face her as Bray raises a microphone to speak*

Bray: You know...a lesser person would have disappeared already...



*Ember quickly jumps out of the ring and circles around to check on Sasha Banks*

Bray: So...first off...Stephanie...I know you can hear me...and I know you just witnessed that little
display Sister Lynch put on...and it will continue to happen to every match in your little revolution
until my Sister gets a shot at the so called Boss...Understand?


Now...it seems someone in the locker room has not learned their lesson...so let me try and educate you...boy.
Sister Lynch does not need your...freedom...she is here by choice...and she can walk away any time she likes.


She won't...because for the first time ever...Sister Lynch feels safe...she feels...protected.

All her life she has dealt with betrayal...the raven haired white skin, the one who calls herself Queen, the
pink and black heart...they all betrayed her...they left her with nothing...



Well...I promise...we promise to never betray her...and we will help her obtain what she wants the most...
that shiny piece of red and white gold that means she's the best at what she does.

So Mr. Demon King...


Its amazing how many claim to be royalty around here...so Demon King...slap on your war paint...crawl your
way to the any ring you want...and challenge me to a fight whenever you want...because you've fallen to me
once...and you will fall again...and when your laid on your back looking up at the lights...you'll know who
truly should be feared.

*Cue Wyatt Family Jump Cut*


(The following was written strictly for my own amusement)

Later on after the same SmackDown show Sasha, Bayley, Charlotte & Ember Moon are in the "Doctor's office"

Sasha: I'm fine Bayley...really...

Bayley: I know how much it hurts Sasha...it hurts even more because its Becky.

Charlotte: Oh please Bayley..it hurts because its a whiplash like move that slings you face first into the mat.

Bayley: You know what I mean Charlotte.

Sasha: No she doesn't...Becky hasn't attacked her yet.

Charlotte: Yeah...and I'll be ready for her when she does.

Sure you will...

*Bayley holds her hands up to silence both of them*

Bayley: Come on you two...this is important. Now Finn said he was willing to take another shot at Bray.
I told him we'd be ready to help him out if we could.

Charlotte: Oh sure...lets once again trust the geeky Irish boy who believes a Demon lives inside him.

A Demon does live inside him...

*The 3 horsewomen turn and stare at her*

Charlotte: Excuse me?

Ember: The painted Irish man...a demon does live inside him.

Charlotte: Yeah...and I'm really royalty.

Possibly...in a past life...

Excuse me?

Ember: There are many things in the world...and in this organization that you don't understand...
most of the people here are normal athletic performers...but some...are well...different.

Bayley: Like who?

Don't answer that...you'll give her nightmares.

Bayley: Shut up Charlotte!

Ember: I know the big tattooed man has clinical lycanthropy...

Bayley: Baron Corbin?

Ember: Yes...and the Russian woman has multiple personality disorder...

Bayley: So Catherine Perry actually thinks she is Lana?

Ember: Some of the time...

Bayley: And Nikki Cross?

Ember: You'll find out when you wrestle her...

So if your an expert on all this...hocus pocus...what about Wyatt? What's his story?

I'm not sure how deep it goes...but there is something in his mind...something that can
lure and trap others...can bend them to his will.

So he has brainwashed her?

Ember: Yes...and it appears he has taken her voice as well.

Charlotte: This is ridiculous...you don't believe this do you Sasha?

Sasha: I'm willing to listen to anything at this point.

Ember: The Irish Demon is your best hope for freeing your friend...the Demon will resist the mind
of Swamp man.

*Stephanie McMahon suddenly enters the room*

Stephanie: Evening ladies...Sasha...how are you feeling?

Sasha: I'm fine Stephanie...really.

Good...and Ember...you were really impressive out there and crowds are really taking to you.

Thank you.

So Sasha...I know its on short notice...but I'm booking you in a title match next week on RAW.

Sasha: Against?

Becky Lynch...

Charlotte: What? Why does Becky get a title shot out of the blue? She hasn't wrestled a proper match since...well...
since she put Carmella & Ellsworth in the hospital...

Stephanie: Because I refuse to have this division grind to a halt because of some redneck swamp cult.

Charlotte: Which writer allowed Wyatt to make that threat anyway?

Stephanie: No one allowed him to make that threat Charlotte...he just made it.

*Stephanie leaves the room as all four performers exchange a confused glance*

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The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
when you realise that you have forgot about this because you've been playing Mirror's Edge Catalyst.


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score

This company has been sold to Frosty. He had this to say about everything

"Well, I have the experience that was needed to make this place big. I've known Reag for a long time, and he's kind of known for being a little girl. The main reason why I couldn't allow him to keep this place. You see, Reag runs away when he gets challenged. That doesn't work when you have guys like Hulk Hogan around here because they're going to try shit. You need a big man to handle this stuff, and that's why I'm going to bring CiV in here to CO run it. You see, CiV can make a bad conversation go a completely other way with very stupid comments. Reag has stupid comments, but CiV has funny stupid comments. He can work around these legends very easy. Greatness is about to hit Universe Mode. I also fire Reag."

Big news indeed. I wonder what Frosty will bring to Universe mode after the failures of three years so far. Maybe he can make Universe mode great again?

The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score

This company has been sold to Frosty. He had this to say about everything

"Well, I have the experience that was needed to make this place big. I've known Reag for a long time, and he's kind of known for being a little girl. The main reason why I couldn't allow him to keep this place. You see, Reag runs away when he gets challenged. That doesn't work when you have guys like Hulk Hogan around here because they're going to try shit. You need a big man to handle this stuff, and that's why I'm going to bring CiV in here to CO run it. You see, CiV can make a bad conversation go a completely other way with very stupid comments. Reag has stupid comments, but CiV has funny stupid comments. He can work around these legends very easy. Greatness is about to hit Universe Mode. I also fire Reag."

Big news indeed. I wonder what Frosty will bring to Universe mode after the failures of three years so far. Maybe he can make Universe mode great again?


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Okay then. My first order is to make Kevin Owens WWE champion due to him bringing in the ratings (Only reason I'm doing this)


And I'm making Chris Jericho IC champion (Again, just the ratings. No bias)



The Game
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
I will post the Frosty version of Universe mode in a few minutes. Frosty is going to make this place great....Again.


The Artiste
Apr 13, 2016
Reaction score
Okay then. My first order is to make Kevin Owens WWE champion due to him bringing in the ratings (Only reason I'm doing this)


And I'm making Chris Jericho IC champion (Again, just the ratings. No bias)

Whatabout Adam Cole BAYBAY!


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
New championship design due to Kevin Owens orders. First episode of Impact will air tonight.


And Chris Jericho has requested the United States championship


Impact will beat Raw


The Artiste
Apr 13, 2016
Reaction score
Number One contender?! First episode of Impact?! Kevin Owens VS Adam Cole in a World championship match?!
Exquisite idea my friend. Adam Cole World Championship BAYBAY!
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