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Sep 16, 2013
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Smackdown 12/7/13 - EC3/Fandango vs. Callihan/Lee

Heads Up, Hands Down...


"Battalion of Zero" by Philip. H. Anselmo and the Illegals blasts through the arena PA and the capacity crowd cheers as Sami Callihan and Brodie Lee walk out on to the stage. Callihan's crazed eyes, augmented by some devilish shadows, dart frantically around the stadium – what they're looking for could be anyone's guess or worst nightmare ever. Darkly. Contrariwise, Brodie Lee seems focused, perhaps even apathetic, as he walks straight down towards the ring without acknowledging the positive fan reaction. The tandem quickly reaches ringside and Callihan slides under the ropes before going across the squared circle to rab a pair of mics. Lee, meanwhile, steps on to the apron and over the top rope, reminding the lockerroom and all the kids at home that he's like, really tall and stuff. Callihan tosses his homeboy a microphone and they begin.

Callihan: UWF Smackdown... what's good?

The crowd cheers because he addressed them. Several hundred take it very personally and get all flustered and blushy. Sami Callihan, some will note, could be this generations Hardy Boys as far reaching that insecure teen girls demo goes. You know – those girls who sit in the living room and complain while their little brothers watch wrestling for hours on end but secrelty love seeing a few of the guys get out there and get all sweaty and perserverant doing their thing. Those girls. Callihan has yet to answer any of their fan mail.

Callihan: Alright, alright... so last week... last week... well fuck, you all saw it, right? Me and my boys Eddie Guerrero and, uh, Shark Boy were out here, same ring, doin' our thing, reppin' it up and kickin' ass when alls of a sudden we have ourselves one of those good old fashioned tag team... uh... ya know...

Lee: Clusterfuck?

Callihan: Yep, one of those, and while I'm busy beating Carlito to death with his skull, which I'm pretty sure I pulled out of his face at some point shortly before that, I get all blindsided by the Last King of Scotland and pinned. First night on the job and I get fuckin' pinned. Man, what a bummer. Not a bad showing before that, granted, but let me tell ya kids, that ain't they way to sell yourself to the uh, the powers that be on debut night. Whatever. I get backstage, blitz a dart or two, go on a drunk and wake up to realize that I had yet to ask myself where the fuck you were man?

Callihan turns to Brodie, eyes inflmaed and all accusatory.

Lee: Me?

Callihan: Well ain't no one else here yet...

Brodie scratches his beard thoughtfully for a moment before replying.

Lee: Well shux buddy, I don't think I even got invited to the show last week.

Callihan: Yeah, so I noticed. Or didn't noticed... notice... you... cause you weren't there... dude.

Lee: Well you had uh... Eddie Guerrero there didn't ya? And, what was that other fishy guy? The Shark... fella?

Callihan: You're supposed to me the muscle though, ya know? My heat. The fixer. The guy that solves the problems before I even have to think about having them. The manager. The distraction. The interferer. The Prestige. The uh... the tall bearded guy who kicks the shit outta confused Houstonians before they scissorkick my damn head off!

Lee: I.... uh... forgot?


Callihan: Well no more fucking forgetting. Tonight... tonight will be a night to remember, boys and girls. The real horror show gets... real... more real.... reality bending... cause for the first time ever, Sami Callihan, aka The New Horror teams up with Brodie Lee aka The Human Truck aka Optimus Prime aka Treebeard – the first showing of the Thoroughbred American Violence aka T.I.O.C. - that's the Tire Iron Original Crew, kids – aka future UWF Tag Team Champions of the world.

Now I'm not the kinda guy to chase around trophies and medals like some fuckin boy scout, try-hard, athlete type go-getter who needs a fuckin' plaque to validate his existance. Neither is Brodie. Far as I'm concerned, long as I get to my boot where some guy's nose should be for the entertainment of the masses least once a week, I'm gold as right there. As for Brodie, well he just likes to hit folks hard as he can, and he was too racist for pro football. We're not really the “no harm, no foul” type, in that we're mostly just here for a good ol' fashioned blood on your knuckles but more blood on the other guy's face fist fight. Now the underground we crawled out of to get here, well it accomidated us pretty well. Lots of ultra-violent, no rules, wrap it in barbed wire sorta matches. It was home – always will be, and we loved it there. But we're here now, and we wanna enjoy ourselves while the ride lasts.

That said, we, uh, well we recognize some guys just wanna play nice, save their pretty faces for those Hollywood dreams they sleep for every night – don't wanna get too rough in here if they can help it. And hey, to each his own, but that ain't us. No sir. As guys curtaintly hanging out at the bottom of the uh, proverbial ladder, we recognize we gotta take what we can get. So a six-man tag last week, no problem. A non-title bout with the champs this week? We'll take it. And hey, if I ever got a shot at that Hardcore title, well I sure wouldn't mind showing Kennedy how much blood you have too lose to get fans to stop calling you a pussy to your face. But tag team titles, or hey, maybe even one of them “world titles” some day, well that's serious clout. You win one those and hold it long enough, you get some political pull, call some shots, make some suggestions, gets some sway, start changing things for the better round here. And that's what we aim to do. Change it, make our new home feel a little more like our old home. Maybe win us some Tag Titles, and, since I know there's a few of them around now, maybe make us some “Hardcore Tag Team Titles”. Call me a dreamer, only call me that cause Tommy Dreamer is so fuckin' rad. We're here to give back, revolutionize, and rock the boat. We' kickin things off with the uh, Modern Day Double Dragons. Let's see what we can do, eh?


The crowd cheers as Callihan turns to face the stage.

Now we've never actually met these guys before, so far be it for me to talk any trash until they get down here and show us what we're workin with here. Fellas?


OOC: Best believe we're going 2-2 this week homie.


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UWF Smackdown 7/12/13 - James Storm vs King Booker


As King Booker theme hit a chorus of boos rains heavily around the arena. In the middle of the ring sits a golden throne as King Booker's music tastefully blasts out on the arena. Queen Sharmell and King Booker make their way on to the stage. King Booker lift his finger in the air triumphantly as Queen Sharmell waves to the fans.

They both proceed down the entrance ramp to a chorus of boos and gracefully enter the ring. King Booker takes his seat on the throne as Queen Sharmell grabs a microphone

Sharmell: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to bring to you a man, nay a legend, who single-handedly defeated three superstars on Smackdown. I bring to you a King who was truthful in every word he spoke last week on how he was going to win. A King who kept his promise and dominated his opponents, used the royal Scissor Kick and was triumphant. A victory that signals the start of his quest to vanquish all foes who stand in front of the king, that don’t swear their allegiance, but defy the rightful ruler of this miserable land. It is now time for us all to bow down and all hail King Booker!

Crowd boos heavily as Sharmell hands Booker the mic and goes to sit beside her king. Booker looks around at his disapproving kingdom and begins to speak

Booker: Thank you my Queen and greetings peasants, bless you all for coming out here and witnessing my celebration of my triumph from last week. Yes your king was successful just as I predicted. Eduardo, Samuel and Boy whom is a Shark were no match for yours truly. They were no match for my grace, my posture and above all else my regal foot up da ass. Kenneth and Carlitos will have the win next to their names as well, they will be able to say that last week was a victory. But in truth all they can really say is thank you. Your king battled long and hard for his victory, and it was his Scissor kick and his elegant pin that brought the end and won the match, and for that you owe your king. Carlitos came close to messing up the king’s plan but of course when someone is as dignified as I am, I always knew that I would handle the situation be victorious. And now, your king has a new challenge, one that when your king first read about he thought it must be a joke. Your King fully expected to be put in a title match this week. Your King fully expected bringing some grace back to the Hardcore title, bringing some excitement to the TV title, but no your King is cast aside to fight against the Village idiot.

Crowd boos King Booker constantly, with some chanting ‘We want James Storm’

Booker: Jameson Storm, you are a disgusting ruffian. You are just like all of these people sat worshiping me right now. Pathetic beer drinking oafs who have no sense of ambition nor grace to succeed in anything in life. A complete opposite to your king and soon your conqueror come Smackdown. Look at yo ass…’clears throat’ my apologies, your King should not be speak the same as the likes as Jameson. Your King pronounces his words properly, with dignity. I repeat glance at your revolting reflection and you will see nothing but failure and disappointment. You are nothing like your King and for that reason you will never beat me. That is why I wear a crown and you wear that unsightly cowboy hat. It is why on my glorious head, covering my intellectual brain, lays gold priceless beyond your wildest dreams and why you have a pitiful one dollar hat that you probably found in the trash. In battle I use the royal Scissor kick and you use a ‘superkick’. In celebration I drink the finest wine from the most tranquil regions of Italy while relaxing in my mansion, while you guzzle a brew probable made from inside your own feeble farmhouse In conclusion Jameson it is simple really, your King is better in every way thus he knows the outcome of our encounter and it will be no different to when I defeated three men last week.

Crowd boos King Booker and many are chanting ‘Boring’ and ‘You suck’ towards him but Booker simply stands up and pulls out a piece of paper…

Booker: The same as last week as I will read a statement. And it reads… After a crushing victory for your king, it gives him great joy that he may announce good news but at the same time regret and dismay that again he must deliver terrible news to others. Alas Jameson Storm, former tag champion of the realm will have to suffer a sickening loss come next week when he is forced to do battle with his king. Jameson I bring good news that I king Booker give you the opportunity to simply walk into this ring, bow down to your king and kiss the royal feet. Your King will take that as your surrender and that you have accepted his reign as ruler of this kingdom and he will move on to more important matters. If you do not then your King is force to put you in your place and give you the most majestic beating of your life. And show the world and mainly the champions of the realm that your king is coming for you, for there can only be one who wears gold around here and it is I…



Sharmell takes the mic and chants...




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Re: Smackdown 12/7/13 - EC3/Fandango vs. Callihan/Lee


Fandango's custom structure lowers as the fans cheer in anticipation for their UWF World Tag Team Champions, Fandango and Derrick Bateman. Fandango's theme then hits and the crowd gets on there feet as Fandango and Summer Rae come out together and dance for quite awhile.

They then break away and raise their arms towards the entrance to reveal Derrick Bateman except Derrick doesn't come out. Instead, the man formally known as Derrick Bateman comes out, Ethan Carter the third, EC3, with both Dixie Carter and Maxine in each arm. The fans have slightly gotten their hopes up but they cheer again once they see Dixie, Maxine and Summer Rae retreat to the back as they hand mics to Fandango and EC3. EC3 starts to walk to the ring but Fandango stops him and raises his mic to speak.

Whoa whoa whoa hold on there Ethan, you don't want to just go in there with those...things. Excuse me fellow...humans? Are you lost? Do you two need some money for the bus? I don't carry change on me because I'm not poor but maybe a hundred dollars will give you enough to buy a sandwich or something. Not that you need one. I think both of you could gain a lot from losing some of that fat around your waists. The only thing that should heavy on your waist is the gold that hangs from it.

Fandango rubs his title with a smirk on his face as EC3 goes to speak but Fandango puts EC3's mic down and raises his instead.

Wait just one second Ethan, last week, you did good in your match but your old self kept creeping up during the match and it cost you. You still won but you could have won much earlier and it made you look weak. You need to fully embrace your true self here and together we can make sure these homeless men never try and get together in our home again.

EC3 nods at Fandango and raises his mic once again, finally speaking.

Ethan Carter III
You know what Fandango, you're right. Too long have I been the weak link of his team. Too long have I been the one who everyone looks down on. You are a former International Champion. You're undefeated. You've never been pinned before and yet here I am, losing. But now I have been reborn. Just like you, I too am now undefeated. Together, we will run through everyone else on the roster. Especially these hillbillies.

Fandango smiles at Ethan and raises his mic to speak.

Perhaps you two should go back to acting. We actually really enjoyed you in the Hills Have Eyes. I sent The Rock running back to do movies after I humiliated him so maybe it'll be the same with you guys. Or maybe you two could just keep talking about random things. Good luck getting over with that.

Fandango does not see the irony in that last statement and just continues on.

I honestly don't know what the company was thinking when they hired you. Perhaps they'll realize how much of a mistake it was soon after we embarrass you in that ring later. I mean just look at yourselves. You clearly don't have the look of a champion. Maybe you became a champion in whatever back alley run down federation you came from but here you need more than just the ability to beat up people with weapons. You need grace, agility, smarts, and it looks like neither of you have either of those traits.

What is it you guys actually bring to the table? I mean look at us, and then look at you. This is what real men look like. We're charismatic, powerful and rich. We were Anarchy's hot commodity and the second we left, that place folded. We were Smackdown's first draft pick and for good reason. You two may have scratched and clawed your way to get here but us? They are paying us millions just to talk amongst ourselves backstage because of course we wouldn't dare fraternize with you. Just looking at you makes me want to take a shower.

Trust me Ethan, no amount of soap will ever be able to wash away this filth from your eyes. Making us go blind is probably a part of their strategy but now that Ethan is here, no amount of planning will be enough to beat us. Maybe you would have stood a chance against Derrick Bateman and Johnny Curtis but us? No we're a dream team. We're gods among men and the ladies can't resist us. Everyone here is beneath us. We don't need to be ugly like you two to stand out among the waves of wrestlers who come and go throughout this promotion. We don't need to swear and be "edgy" and "cool". We stand out because no one can hold a candle to either of us.

Beat us up all you want. Cause as much violence as you want to us. None of that will matter because at the end of the day, our hands will be raised and we'll both still look way better than you. You wanted to see what we were working with? Looks like you two just bit off more than you could chew. Which is a lot because you're fat.

EC3 laughs at his dumb tag on the end as he takes out a pair of sunglasses and puts the on looking smugly at Callahan and Lee.

Deal with it.



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UWF Smackdown: Chris Masters vs Eddie Guerrero

The audience are greeted with Layla as she walks out on stage completely ignoring the negative reaction from the crowd.


Ladies and Gentlemen! Please give stand up as I introduce the FORMER Ironman Champion, the Masterpiece, and my FUTURE Husband.......Chriiis Masters!!!!!!


The boos continue and grow louder as Chris Masters makes his way out on stage, grabs a hold of Layla's hand and begin to walk her down the ramp into the ring.

Just last week, I proposed to my girlfriend Layla. I let the whole world know my love for this woman. Now I am glad to let you all know that I'm ready for some action! Tonight I have a match against the current Money In The Bank holder, Eddie Guerrero. A man who's been given opportunity after opportunity but fails each time. Now I understand that you have a guaranteed world title shot Eddie. But tonight, it's not gold you need to worry about. It's the golden man that you'll be facing. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a big guy. I'm an impressive athlete with an unlimited amount of skill that I use to my advantage each and every week in order to continue my dominance here in the UWF. Now you can try to prove me wrong by runnin around this ring doing your little flips and dives, but once I lock in my weapon, you're doomed. Every mistake that you made will flash before your eyes as I sling you around this ring like a rag doll with the Master Lock locked in. I don't care what you've accomplished and who you say you are, I'm that much better than you Eddie. I've been the big dog since day one, I'm just now being able to roam free. This is my town now, so don't underestimate me.

Soon, the name, Chris Masters will be known all around the world. Every corner you turn, you'll see my face on a poster hanging on the wall. Because I'm the leader of the next generation. I'm the one that'll be here till end leaving a trail of my dominant past behind me. You're looking at the future ladies and gentlemen. I'm that guy whether you like it or not. If you don't like it then cry me a river, build me a bridge and get the hell over it! Tonight is a glimpse of the future. I'm going to do a little foreshadowing here. Just imagine Eddie Guerrero as the world champion, and I'm going to end his reign with ease because I'm the Masterpiece. He'll be locked away forever to drown in his own shame when I'm done with him.

Then, surprisingly, Layla grabs the mic and begins to speak.

Now Eddie, why don't you come on out here and act as if you're not intimidated. Trust me when I say this, Chris doesn't just stand here and waste his breath for nothing. What he says means something. It means that everyone in the locker room should fear him because he's the real deal. He's the man that's going to take this company with an iron fist and knock everybody out of the game.


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UWF Smackdown 12/14/13 Hardcore Championship: Mr. Kennedy (c) vs AJ Styles


Fans in the Smackdown arena begin to cheer as "Evil Ways" blares throughout the PA System. Styles comes out with the arena dark all around him with a shade of purple accent in the background. AJ Styles goes as he walks down as the fans cheer as the song keeps blaring in the background when all of a sudden the song fades away and we hear

Ready to

AJ removes his head spreading his arms out. AJ goes as he puts his football gloves together as the fans cheer like crazy seeing this. AJ Styles goes as he interacts with the fans. AJ goes as he begins to slap hands with the fans as Styles goes and he enters the ring. The announcer hands him a microphone as AJ stands in the middle of the ring looking at the Smackdown crowd. The fans begin to chant "AJ" "AJ" "AJ" as AJ Styles raises the microphone to his face and he begins to speak


AJ Styles:Here I am.... "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles is here on Smackdown. Last week I decided I shall send a message to Mr. Kennedy. I decided that I should make an automatic here on impact, because lets face it people AJ Styles he hasn't been doing so well as of late. Lately all that I have been doing is just spewing words out of my mouth, delivering promises I couldn't keep, making people believe I am some damn hot shot when I ain't. The thing is though I decided to go home after I got traded to Smackdown. I didn't know what in the hell I was going to do, till Ole Stone Cold gave me a call What?! and he told me: "AJ yer getting your damn ass onta Smackdown this Saturday" What?! "You owe me a faver from NXT" What?! "I ain't gonna lie to ya boy but yer in Stone Cold's Shit list" What?! "but I got this Mr. Kennedy kid, who is a thorn on my side" What?! "I wantcha' to give him a wake up call" What!? "I wanna see a Spiral Tap What?! "I wanna see a Pele Soccer kick" What?!" I wanna see most of all that Calf Killer of yours" .

Fans cheer as AJ comically goes as he smiles and speaks again

AJ Styles: I guess I am AJ Steve Austin Dixie... Ohhh I won't have a pleasure seeing you here on Smackdown that's for sure. Heh though I am not going to lie I do owe Stone Cold for leaving him high and dry. At that time where I was at in my career I was in a dark place. I didn't feel as confident in my skills. I have been going through many tough times with the wife, and the kids that it took a toll on me. I lost my way to put it. Though I got my mind back in its place and I made something out of nothing. Now... oh now I am going to show Stone Cold, and the rest of the UWF Universe something. I have a chip on my shoulder it may not be visible but I do, and I look to prove it as I look to become the new Hardcore Champion this Saturday on Smackdown!

Fans cheer as AJ goes and he paces back and forward cracking his neck as he begins to speak

AJ Styles: I guess it is like that one rapper says on the radio. Sorry if I butcher this, but "Started from the bottom now we here?" Yeah I don't know what in the hell that really means, but honestly I feel that if I have to start at the hardcore championship to get my rhythm back then hell let's do it. Mr. Kennedy I know yo don't have the drive that I have do. It seems you rather come out here and complain about on how mistreated you have been by this brand, by this organization. Well Kennedy one thing AJ Styles, and that these people don't like are complainers. Kennedy let me tell you I am going to humble you this upcoming Saturday, and it will be an experience that will be Simply.....

fans in unison go with Styles as he says


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UWF Smackdown Chris Masters vs Shark Boy

The Smackdown crowd is greeted with Layla walking out on stage while showing no attention towards the negative reaction that she is receiving.


Ladies and Gentlemen! Please stand up as I introduce the FORMER Ironman Champion, the Masterpiece, and my FUTURE Husband.......Chriiis Masters!!!!!!


The crowd sends out a chorus of boos as Chris Masters walks out on stage and grabs Layla's hand to walk down to the ring. Once he enters the ring, Layla hands him the mic and he begins to speak as the negative boo's begin to die down.

Last week I beat Eddie Guerrero simply because I'm a beast. I told you all that I was good and that I am the future. But you still pretended like nothing was going to happen. Well I got a news flash for ya. Not only did I beat the Money In The Bank holder but I also earned the right to compete in a fatal fourway for the hardcore championship. Now, I realize that I'm not the most extreme kind of guy but add me in a match where I can do whatever it takes to finish off my opponent then I think I'll do good. I once uprooted a damn tree, I'm pretty sure 3 other guys won't be a problem. My strength is what defines my career. It's my trademark and what the face of the company should be highlighted about. I'm the image of a perfect man that will rise to the top with an iron fist held high above my head and my foot resting on the pile of sorry losers that I've taken out on my journey. Rick Martel and Eddie Guerrero are just two of many victims to come. I'm like a disease that you can't fight. I'll grow and grow as you go weaker and weaker at the minute. I feed off of the drama that my opponents are involved in. Hell, you can call me the Ultimate.....Opportunist. Because I'll take each and every opportunity that is within grasp and I'll use it to my advantage. I'm like the former UWF Champion, Edge, but stronger.

Shark Boy is going to be a prime example of what is to come. My domination is going to leave a trail that cannot be followed. Now, my opponent may not be no Eddie Guerrero but he still claims to be something. In my eyes, he's an attention seeker that only has this "gimmick" to add personality to his boring life. He can't wrestle so putting on a Shark Mask and imitating Stone Cold Steve Austin is the next best thing in his eyes. But I'm going to set a message straight towards Shark Boy. When I'm done with you, the next best thing besides being layed out on the mat with your fin shoved up your ass is swimming with the fishes. Don't bite what you can't break because I assure you that the Masterpiece is to big to bite..


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Re: UWF Smackdown 12/14/13 Hardcore Championship: Mr. Kennedy (c) vs AJ Styles


"Turn Up The Trouble" by Airbourne begins to play over the PA system as the capacity crowd erupts into boos. It isn't long before they're joined by the man the theme belongs to, the Hardcore Champion Mr. Kennedy, as the lights in the arena dim and Mr. Kennedy stands there in his own spotlight, a mist surrounding him like an aura as he motions for his microphone and is granted it, bringing it to his mouth as "Turn Up The Trouble" fades out to silence.


Mr. Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen, please rise to your feet and show your respect and admiration for the greatest wrestler and champion that this industry has ever seen. The longest Smackdown reigning Champion. From GREEN...BAY...WISCONSIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNN! MMMMMMMMMISSSSSSTERRRRRRRRRRRRR.....KENNEDEH!

Kennedy looks around at the crowd for a moment, drawing the microphone away from his mouth. He looks down the ramp into the ring for a moment then draws the microphone towards his mouth again.

Mr. Kennedy: KENNEDEH!

What in the blue hell are you doing here AJ? Who the blue hell do you think you are? Barging in like this?! Last week I was in a Falls Count Anywhere match against my personal bodyguard 911, also the man who won't be back here in UWF thanks to my actions. But hey at least I tried making a friend here, right? Anyways, good 'ol Stevie Austin wanted to threaten me week by week. Placing me to defend this weekly, does he think I'm going to be mentally destroyed? Does he not know what brain damage I suffered? He thinks it's perfectly alright for somebody like you... AJ, a former world champion to attack me after my brutalizing match? Wow AJ, I really thought you were about respect but instead you're just a coward! You're a coward because you couldn't wait until this very week, you wanted to make the first move and hey... that's a big mistake as far as I'm concerned pal! But you wanted to make impact hey? Just like you tried to impress Dixie, you're nothing more than a puppet AJ! Have you failed to realize that you're always relying on someone to get what you want? Where as I... your longest Smackdown reigning champion doesn't need anybody? I don't need 911 no more, I don't need anybody but myself and I know I'm just as capable of defeating you and going to Starrcade to defend this baby in a fatal-four-way. I'm getting relentless over this entire situation AJ, the fact that you just puckered up to Stone Cold to get your title match. What have you done on Smackdown? Nothing. What did you over in RAW? Become a World Champion only to lose it! 32 days, impressive AJ, really impressive! The fact you dropped your damn belt to a guy who was around for ten days and allowed the Championship to be vacated, who's to blame? You are. There's nobody else to blame in this entire situation, you had it all, you boasted your glory, you had your dilemma with Dixie and mind you... I don't need to hear anymore of the damn story because it's quite boring to me. AJ, you're boring! You may have hit a Spiral Tap, you may have done a Calf Killer on me but at the end of the day... I'm still standing here, no matter how broken you'll get me, every damn week I'll be here and that's a promise!

120 days AJ, that's how many days I've held the Hardcore Championship as of today. I've done a lot, I've almost killed myself. You've never been in a situation like this before, this is no World Championship, this isn't some petty singles match that you have to compete for. This is where you become physically and mentally inept due to the fact you'll be damaged so damn bad. You may have fought and put your body on the line when it comes to World Championship matches, but this... This is just different AJ and I need you to understand what you're about to be involved in. All those who came have fallen, Eddie left me with a slight brain-damage; it was suppose to weaken me.. but instead I became stronger, I became unstoppable and now... you've got Stone Cold's puppets out. You're one of them AJ, you're a selected member and he wants the damage done. Whether Stone Cold wants to bring one, two, three, four or the whole damn Smackdown roster... I'm not going to stop, I won't stop and I can't stop! This has became my territory and you're in my path and AJ, you're going to be eliminated. There's no questions about it at all. This has became my life and people are begging for change, they want Mr. Kennedy who's lovable, who's respectful to the fans. But in a division like this, there's just no respect because I'm tired of seeing people get the opportunity they don't deserve. Those who gets the opportunity becomes nothing after it, look at Eddie, Sheamus, hell... Vampiro went AWOL after I beat him. These people are just names on my list and AJ, you're next.

Now I tell you, I love these people... I really do but I cannot respect them when they cheer for a coward like you AJ. Your actions last week, it disappointed me. I expected better, you want to bring me down, you want to weaken me before our bout. You do that, you go send Dixie, Hogan, Stone Cold or whoever you're affiliating yourself with. I won't die. But what are you going to do once you lose AJ? What's good 'ol Stone Cold gonna do? He's gonna whoop your ass! He ain't going to be impressed with ya AJ, he should know by now that you're no more than a sheer disappointment. I don't give a flying crap about your wife, your kids... I don't care if you're living on the streets AJ. You haven't been a burden to this division, this is the first time you're attempting this division. I've put my body on the line, I've became psychologically damaged, brain-damaged even... while your life has been shit... it doesn't compare to what's happened to me. But I'm not complaining, I'm looking forward to this bout knowing that you'll be nothing more than a disappointment to Stone Cold Steve Austin, I cannot wait to see his face. I'm confident, more confident than ever. 120 days... my time is far from up... this is just the beginning, the road to greatness, I am MISTERRRRRRRRRRRRR KENNNNNNNNNEDDDDDDYYYYYYYY


AJ Styles quickly interrupts.



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UWF Smackdown 12/14/13 - Matt Hardy vs King Booker



King Booker and Queen Sharmell make their way out of the back, through the curtain and onto the stage, where they aren’t greeted to a chorus of boos. King Booker proceeds to pose with his pinky finger triumphantly raised in the air as Sharmell regally waves to the crowd. King Booker and Queen Sharmell walk down the entrance ramp with King Booker ensuring none of the filthy vermin touch his glorious robe. They make their way up the steps and onto the apron where they pause and stare at the crew until one of them comes into the ring and sits on the rope so the King and Queen can gracefully enter the ring. King Booker stands in the middle of the ring while Queen Sharmell goes to the other side of the ring and leans her arm over the top rope. Sharmell begins to talk and glare at the crew with the cameras just picking up what she says…

Sharmell: Squire! Would you please hand your Queen her microphone this instance. Royalty should not have to wait…

A crew member sheepishly walks over to Queen Sharmell and hands her a mic.

Sharmell: Excuse me where are your manners. You bow to your Queen.

The crew member quickly bows and worryingly scuttles back to where he came as Queen Sharmell addresses the UWF Universe.

Sharmell: Hear ye, Hear ye. Peasants of the Smackdown Kingdom, would you please be quiet while your Queen addresses you. I am here to bring to you the undefeated King of UWF. A man who not only vanquished 3 foes by himself two weeks ago, but also has defeated Jameson Storm in the shortest and most noble manner that no one man can replicate. He has single-handily changed the landscape in the UWF realm and now has an opportunity at the Television Championship as well as a Contendership match for the United States Championship. Yokels and lowlifes it is my pleasure, nay my honour to once again bring to you a man who is not only truthful in everything that he announces. Who not only is an unbeatable Knight in battle, but a King who you can all aspire to and worship. Scum of UWF please, prepare to bow down and obey, KING BOOKER!!!

Queen Sharmell hands the mic to King Booker…

Booker: Please, please continue as much as you want with your praise and your worship, a King can never receive too much…

Crowd boo heavily and chant ‘you suck’ towards King Booker.

Booker: Thou are not cheering? Thou are not embracing your rightful King? I implore thee to align yourselves with to the King side before it is too late. Accept my rule of this Kingdom, before I vanquish all of your heroes and pretenders to the throne. As I did two weeks ago when I vanquish Eduardo Guerrero, Samuel Callihan and Boy whom is a Shark. I took them apart, piece by piece and then when the time came to strike the decisive blow, I triumphantly hit my Royal Scissor Kick and the battle was finished. Then last week I vanquished another foe, when I defeated a Cowboy by the name of Jameson Storm. Jameson was a man of the beer and not a man of dignity and nobility, therefore he was destined to lose. And sure enough he was easily put down by your King. And now this week I have to prepare for not only a match for the contendership to the United States Championship, a Television Championship match, but the next challenger to my throne. I have to conquer a lout of the name Matthew Hardy.

Crowd cheer after the mention of Matt Hardy

Booker: Now Matthew you are a victim of your own success. You have won a match and now all of a sudden the buffoons that are the management here have decided that you are worth to be put in two matches against your King. Clearly they are mad or indeed as idiotic as I described. After one encounter we will certainly be sure that you are no match for your King and that this match for the contendership for the United States Championship should be simply presented to me at once. In fact why not go one further and simply book me into the match with Eduardo and The Undertaker. No in fact your King demands that you stop wasting his time and effort and simply hand him the Championship this instance. But alas your King realises he is dealing with unintelligent oafs and has decided to unnecessary prove that he is better than Matthew and soon Dolphin Ziggler. Matthew I will applaud you if you indeed survive your first encounter with your King, because it will certainly be the fight of your life. But alas I don’t not see that happening and I will be duly crowned number one contender to the United States Championship and the guardian of the Television and then onto ruler of the American and soon King of the World.

King Booker sighs and stares at the crowd as they continue to boo and chant for Matt Hardy…

Booker: How can you still boo your King? After all I have accomplished and the achievements I have foretold, you still launch hate towards your King. You cheer when a vile rodent such as Matthew Hardy gets and mention but when your King address you, what proceeds is downright despicable. It is a high account of treason you are committing besmirching your King. It is a farce I tell you, how I am not treated with the rightful respect that I deserve and the fact that you refuse to accepted my rule and worship at my feet. Your King is disgusted that he must continue to battle with the hoodlum of UWF until he receives not only respect, not only loyalty, but complete and utter adopting of your King commandment. It is a sham that one who is so wise and mighty should be even mentioned in the same breath as Matthew Hardy let alone be wrestle into two matches with the scoundrel. But I will. And once I have defeated Matthew Hardy I will bring together my loyal subjects and we will rejoice, because the path to glory has opened up to even greater possibilities. I will have your head Matthew on a silver platter for the world to see but more importantly for the UWF Kingdom to take notice. King Booker is has truly arrived to claim a throne that should always be his, and it will not be long before he has not only reclaimed it, but will have vanquished all who stand in his way, until he sits unchallenged as ruler. And you will…

King Booker hands the mic to Queen Sharmell…


Queen Sharmell continues to chant, until…


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UWF Smackdown: Second City Saints vs. Kurt Angle & Cody Rhodes

Whoa Oh


The crowd boos the all too familiar theme, even if it hasn’t been heard in a while. Out through the curtain Cody comes out backwards with the hood on his head, hopping on one foot until he gets to the middle of the stage and stops. He turns around and crouches down low tugging at the hood before he stands up straight and flips it off his face revealing a wide laughing smile, as he laughs the mini-tron beside him changes he turns and looks at it and it’s the old digital “mirror†from his dashing days. He looks into it and straightens out his eyebrow checking his face, but after that moment his face suddenly changes as he shivers and puts his hand over his face as if the mirror hurt him. He turns back towards the arena with that look of disgust, walking down the ramp when his face shifts again to a smile, his emotions changing at the drop of a hat. He raises his microphone slowly and in a low tone starts speaking.


Cody Rhodes:

A day…or two…ago I thought I’d take a ride. And soon, Miss Fanny Bright, was seated by my side. The horse…was lean and lank, Miiiisfortune seemed his lot…He got into…a drifted bank…and then we got…upshot. I went out on the snow, and on my back I fell; a gent was riding by, in a one-horse open sleigh, he laughed as there I sprawling lie, but quickly…drove away…

Cody head shifts from one side to another, looking around the arena before getting a smile…

It’s the Holiday season and I just feel all tingly inside from the time, because it seems in return for dealing out my presents early I am receiving some myself…Raven and Mick got to be woken up by me, I let them in on the joke I was talking about on Smackdown and I don’t think they got it…but on Smackdown I get a chance to spread my joy and good tidings farther with my dear old friend CM Punk and his dear old friend Colt Cabana…It’s going to be SO much fun I can hardly contain myself!

Cody has a big wide eager smile before he cracks his neck and his face in that instant turns serious, he rolls into the ring and stands up the cold serious look on his face still there.

Punk and I, we have our past. He was the last guy to face my…Dashing…side thanks to them, but I never blamed him I just blamed the machine behind him. But now I don’t blame anyone, because I’ve gotten in touch with everyone running around my head…And so we can just enjoy ourselves…and we will against these “saintsâ€â€¦and apparently we’ll be with someone else…Now it’s apparent that him and us are a team now, to all of you that is…but I…I don’t do teams, I don’t do friendships, hell I’ve proven I don’t even do families…but what I do is win. I open eyes to the truth, and I hurt people…and whether someone is in the corner while I’m doing that or not is really not of my concern.

Cody gets a smile on his face shifting gears suddenly

My only concern is enjoying myself…I’ve started having my fun, and as I roll down the list of naughty and nice little boys and girls…I will inject this place with my brand of madness…so that they too can see the funny side I was introduce too…Day by day, week by week, until all there is left is one…pale…horse pulling that sleigh…DASHING…Through the snow Heh heh...


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Re: UWF Smackdown 12/14/13 - Matt Hardy vs King Booker

I Can Slap a Tornadoooo...


The theme of none other than Matt Hardy bellows from the speakers, echoing throughout the arena, as the UWF Universe jump up and cheer for his arrival. Little time passes before the man of the moment comes charging out from the back, throwing an arm up in triumphant and displaying his trademark "V1" hand signal. Hardy jogs from one side of the stage to the other, repeating the same motion, before he begins to stroll down the ramp, high-fiving fans along the way. Hardy has his eyes focused on the ring that he draws ever nearer to, quickly rounding the corner and jogging up the steel steps to enter it. Hardy walks over to the ropes facing the main camera, stands on the middle rope and throws up his arm once again, following the same pattern as before. Hardy soaks in the electric atmosphere as he is handed a microphone through the ropes, prompting him to make his way to the centre of the ring and wait patiently for silence before speaking his mind.


Matt Hardy: First of all, Booker, just a little advice for you to consider in the future - don't call me Matthew. The only person who calls me Matthew is my mother, and that was a very long time ago. I will never forget the impact she had on me as a person and the life lessons she taught me at such a young age, lessons that still resonate with me 'til this very day. So seeing how the royal family is so dignified in the way they carry themselves, why don't you take a page out of their book and follow their lead. Booker, as sad as it is to portray yourself as a king and yet continually badmouth the UWF Universe, why don't you redeem yourself by addressing me from this point forward as simply Matt. Show my deceased mother and her legacy the respect it deserves and refer to me as Matt, like everybody else does. You can continue calling me a peasant, a vile rodent, whatever other clever names you can come up with, but just do me this one favour. You're already doing a fantastic job at disgracing your reputation with this royal act you're putting on, so don't make it worse on yourself. It won't help your cause whatsoever, I promise you that.

Hardy sternly eyes off Booker, who meets his gaze. Hardy's arm, now at his side, moves back up toward his mouth as he speaks once again.

Matt Hardy: But on a lighter note, the world listened as I announced the reincarnation of Matt Hardy, or the rebirth if you will, last week on Smackdown. I am Matt Hardy Version Two - fitter, stronger, better - and thankfully our General Manager, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, was listening to my words, because at Starrcade I'll be competing in a number one contender's match for the UWF United States Championship. My opponents are Dolph Ziggler and obviously King Booker, which makes the point of this match fairly obvious. A lot hinges on our match this week, Booker, because whoever leaves as the victor would head into Starrcade as the undisputed favourite considering that Dolph has the night off. Fortunately for him we'll be showing what we're capable of while he is afforded rest and relaxation, but I've shown since I've returned to the company that I don't shirk a challenge. See Booker, while you've been impressive in your return too, you're not the only man in our Starrcade match who's undefeated. I've strung two victories together over Paul London and the now former Television Champion, Austin Aries, accounting for him in just a few short minutes!

The crowd cheer Hardy's recent and comprehensive victory on Smackdown two weeks ago.

Matt Hardy: I haven't been better prepared or more determined to succeed in a long time, Booker, and this is only just the beginning of the new and improved Matt Hardy. My doubters and my critics are becoming fewer and my performances have caught the General Manager's eye - it all bodes well for me. I made my debut on Velocity, viewed as a proving ground for superstars looking to make an impact on their select brands, and that's just what I've done. Management aren't buffoons for placing me in this match against you, Booker, and I can admit when the same goes for vice versa. We're two superstars who have risen up the pecking order these past few weeks and now we're being rewarded for our efforts. One man is rewarded for the honest and unselfish way he has gone about business, while the other is being rewarded... so he'll shut his mouth. For somebody who sat at the announce table a few weeks ago, Booker, maybe you should be a little more appreciative of the position you're in. You've got a Television Championship match next week as well as a #1 Contenders match on a pay-per-view four nights later.

Hardy steps forward and looks right into Booker's eyes.

Matt Hardy: If you're not careful, you'll find yourself brought back down to Earth faster than my match was over last week. And in a similar twist, I'll be responsible for that too!

Huge cheers for Hardy as he stands firm in the centre of the ring, soaking up the atmosphere and ensuring Booker understands how serious he is.​


OOC - No idea if you remember me from the ETW days, but great to see an old face back!


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Re: UWF Smackdown Chris Masters vs Shark Boy

The crowd are still booing Masters when suddenly...




The glass shatters and 'I Come From The Water' by The Toadies hits the PA system and the crowd begin to roar in approval. Before long Shark Boy marches out onto the stage full of energy, he wastes no time in stomping down the entrance ramp towards the ring where his opponent for this week on Smackdown is situated alongside his fiancee. Shark Boy gets into the ring and walks straight past Masters to the corner where he mounts the ropes and throws his fists in the air to the adulation of the crowd. Shark Boy then steps down and heads to the opposite corner and repeats the same taunt before stepping down and being handed a microphone by a member of the ring crew.


Shark Boy: So let me get this straight, two weeks Shark Boy's sent out there, he confronts Mick Foley who's gone full psycho in the ring and he gets his bass beat. The the week after when Shark Boy's takin' that fat bastard Foley to task, he gets damn blindsided and as a result gets his bass whipped by Kurt Angle, 'The Olympic Gold Medalist'?... is this the new game, line little Sharky up and knock him down like some sorry sumbitch?... EH-EH!, it ain't gon' go down that way no more. I'm sick and damn tired of every sorry son of a bitch and their mother coming down to this ring to blindside Shark Boy and leave him lying like a goofy bitch. Startin' this week Shark Boy's gettin' himself into the W column when he takes out 'The Masterpiece' Chris Masters. First things first, I'm not sure about 'Masterpiece' Chris, I mean you ain't too damn impressive from where I'm standin' with yer stupid little haircut, yer stupid little pants, yer big bouncin' Conway Twitty's and yer stupid-ass grin... you think you scare Shark Boy, you think you intimidate Shark Boy?!

Masters stands arrogantly nodding.

Well damn son you're even more stupid than I thought, because the only thing you install in Shark Boy is an overwhelmin' urge to stick my boot straight up yer bass. I've been gettin' tossed around too much out here ever since I showed up on Smackdown and startin' this week that changes because I'm gonna take you Chris Masters, I'm gonna take you and use you as an example to those two sumbitches Cody Rhodes and Kurt Angle that Shark Boy don't lie down and take a beatin' from no man, nah, no more. Shark Boy's got his head straight, he's shootin' ahead with a target of openin' up a big ol' can of bass whip on any sorry sumbitch who crosses his path and that just happens to be you Chris. But I hope you won't have too many bad feelin's from it, I mean I hope I get an invite to that wedding between you and yer little broad over there... and I just hope to god there's an open bar because once I beat you?, I plan on raisin' shell and drinkin' cold beers all night long and there ain't nobody gon' ruin Shark Boy's night... not you, not yer little broad, not Kurt Angle and not Cody Rhodes... and that's the fishin' line because Shark Boy said so!.


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UWF Smackdown 12/14: G.E.N.E vs Los Guerreros

Another Smackdown is quickly approaching. With Starrcade right round the corner, everyone is trying to gain as much momentum as possible. But there is one man who has been as dominant as anyone has ever seen and he doesn't need momentum because he and his partner are simply genetically better than everyone else.


Alter Bridge's "Rise Today" kicks in and the fans look towards the stage perplexed since they've never heard this theme in this capacity before. It doesn't take long before they begin to boo as the wrestlers arriving reveal themselves. It's none other than the "Blue Chipper" Alex Riley and the International Heavyweight Champion Matt Morgan collectively known as G.E.N.E. Morgan and Riley stand tall on the stage, soaking in the boos from the crowd, the International Championship proudly around Morgan's waist.


The duo proceed to make their way down the entrance ramp, making sure not to come in contact with the lesser people that surround them. Soon enough, they reach the bottom of the ramp and Alex Riley slides in the ring from underneath the bottom rope while Morgan hops onto the apron from the floor and steps over the top rope. Riley proceeds to get both men microphones and they wait for the heat to die down before speaking.


"The Blue Chipper" Alex Riley: For weeks, I've been sitting on my hands just waiting for the opportunity to get back in this ring. It's been a very long wait to be honest with all of you. The last time I had a match, I decimated The Hurricane in a matter of seconds. On that night, I proved that Alex Riley isn't some mere sidekick; he's just as legitimate a threat as the man standing beside me. But after that match, I was put on the backburner. And for now, that's ok because it fits perfectly in our plan. Most teams set their sights on the Tag Team Championships and when they obtain those, tension is created when it comes to the big prize. But that's not going to happen to G.E.N.E. because we are already in possession of the big prize....

Riley points to Morgan's waist and more importantly the International Championship.

Riley: So with that already in our camp, we can turn our attention to what we originally sought after, the Ultimate Wrestling Federation World Tag Team Championships. And as always with G.E.N.E. when we desire something, we get it. And this is going to be no different; mark my words, you are looking at the next Tag Team Champions.

Riley pauses allowing the fans to absorb that fact. G.E.N.E can only smirk before Riley continues to speak.

Riley: But of course, Tag Team Championship matches aren't just handed out, at least not to us they aren't. We actually have to earn them and earn them we will. We will decimate every tag team in our path. And it starts with Eddie and Chavo Guerrero.

The fans get to their feet and start chanting "Lie, Cheat and Steal", the obvious Guerrero mantra.

Riley: The Guerrero name is legendary. From Chavo's father to Hector Guerrero to Gory Guerrero, the Guerrero name is synonymous with success. But after this week on Smackdown, all of that success will be forgotten. The only thing the Guerrero name will be synonymous with is the beating that we put on them. G.E.N.E will be known as the team that ended the relevance of the Guerreros once and for all, not that they were that relevant to begin with.

Riley lowers his microphone to the boos from the fans. With him done speaking, the International Champion steps forward and clears his throat. It seems as if it's his turn to speak.


The International Champion "Blueprint" Matt Morgan: Do you know who I am?

The fans boo Morgan's arrogance as he spits out his usual opening line.

Morgan: Well in case you don't, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Matt Morgan and I am your International Heavyweight Champion and in ten nights, I will be your Ultimate Wrestling Federation Undisputed Champion.

Once again, the heat rains down on Morgan for his pervious statement.

Morgan: Disagree with it if you like, none of you know what a Champion looks like anyway. None of you realize that there is nobody on this roster better suited to be the Undisputed Champion than me. I've beaten everyone that has been put in front of me. Championship matches, tag team matches, one on one, it doesn't matter, you put them in Matt Morgan's path and it will always end the same. This will be no different. Eddie and Chavo Guerrero aren't capable of overcoming these odds. They've already proven it. Neither of them have accomplished anything as of late. Eddie walks around with that briefcase but I promise you Eddie, if you choose to cash that in on me, you're going to end up like the last person who cashed in a Money in the Bank briefcase. You remember Seth Rollins, don't you Eddie? You remember him cashing in that briefcase and that Championship giving him some delusion that he was credible when it couldn't be any further of the truth. He was nothing more than a joke, a transitional Champion at its finest. You don't want that to be you Eddie. So if you know what's best for you, you'd take that briefcase over to Monday Nights and try your luck over there because you're just not good enough to go with me in this ring.

Morgan holds his title high in the air.

Morgan: And this proves it. That Championship shows the entire world that I'm as big a threat as I say I am. But neither one of you would know anything about Championship, would you? How long has it been Eddie? How many years has it been since you've been a Champion. And I'm not talking about that minor league company known as CWF. When was the last time you were relevant in the big leagues? It's been a very long time hasn't it Latino Heat? And you know why that is son? It's because you aren't anywhere near as good as you were years ago. You've coasted on your name for a very long time but it's not going to do you any good in this match. Because for as good as you might think you are, I'm better. I was born better and you're just going to have to accept that fact. We're going to continue the downward spiral of the Guerrero name, not because we want to but because we can. Viva La G.E.N.E.

Morgan lowers his mic and waits for the arrival of Los Guerreros.​
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Chris Dresdon

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Re: UWF Smackdown 12/14: G.EN.E vs Los Guerreros

The team known as G.E.N.E. doesn't have to wait long as some familiar words followed by the theme of Los Guerreros rings out throughout the arena.



The crowd is on their feet as the men themselves, Eddie and Chavo Guerrero, appear from the backstage and begin making their way to the ring, looking ready to go. Morgan and Riley look unimpressed as their opponents arrive to the ring, microphones in hand, as their theme music fades out to silence.


Eddie Guerrero: Last week, well, there was no excuse for what happened last week, holmes, I owe each and every one of you an apology for failing to deliver and here it is: I'm sorry. Part of being not only a UWF talent, and not only the holder of the Money in the Bank briefcase, but being a Guerrero, a large part in fact, is always looking for a fight and rising to the occasion when that fight comes around. We are proud, Mexican warriors ese', but all of that goes out the window and people don't see that when I give an asleep at the wheel performance like I did last week.

But that's behind us now. This week I'm back in full form, vato, and Chavito's ready and willing to get his hands dirty too, ese'! This is the Smackdown main event against one of the most impressively devastating and daunting figures on Smackdown holmes, the "Blueprint" Matt Morgan and Alex Riley. This Saturday night, Los Guerreros rides again!

The crowd pops as Guerrero has that classic Eddie smile on his face.

Eddie Guerrero: And sabes que, I'm not all that worried about it, I'm excited, ese' vato, because I love to proudly represent our people, I love to tag with my little nephew, and when it comes to Matt Morgan, holmes, the bigger they are, the more satisfying the challenge, amigo! My advice is the same advice I give to everyone that's set to wrestle with me, vato, don't let the smile and the happiness fool you, man, because all it takes is a little gas for Latino Heat to explode, ese', and you can ask anyone, when Eddie Guerrero turns up the Latino Heat, he gets crazy, man. I get loco, holmes, and when I get loco, you'll be sorry that you stepped in the casa, mi raza!

The crowd pops again as Eddie is living it up out there.

Eddie Guerrero: But me showing that I'm still made of something worth keeping around isn't the only reason that Stone Cold made this match, sabes que, he did it to mess with the "Blueprint" as well, vato. He knows that putting him in the ring with the Money in the Bank briefcase holder will mess with his head, man, because what if I'm softening him up now to cash in on him at Starrcade? Or better yet, what if I'm planning to cash in on Smackdown?

The fact of the matter is you won't know when it's coming til it's coming, holmes, and when it does come, it's going to be a situation of reversed roles, because then it'll be you that has no excuse, in fact that's going to be the story this Saturday, there'll be no excuse you can make when you lose except the fact that you lost out to superior wrestling ability, pedigree and lineage, and genetics, since you vatos are so interested in DNA.

This tag team match is a contest that the UWF faithful are clamoring to see, because it's the match they thought they were going to see in the tag team tournament this company held once upon a time but didn't get to see, holmes. In a lot of ways, it's a dream match, because not only is it a match that we all thought would happen that didn't happen, it's a match that no one has ever seen. I have never faced you or Alex Riley and neither has Chavito, so needless to say, it's going to be something that tears the house down and sends us on our way to Starrcade with the fanfare and momentum the company wants this brand to have, vato!

The crowd is red hot and fully behind Los Guerreros as Chavo now takes his turn to speak.


Chavo Guerrero: I know what you're thinking, if there's something to worry about heading into this match-up it's when my Uncle Eddie's in the ring. Why worry about Chavo? Chavo's just a joke, Chavo's just second banana, Chavo's just enhancement talent. I take exception to that belief as passionately as I always have, and that's because it isn't true. I have the same will of a warrior beating in my heart, the same rich heritage running through my veins, and the same wrestling ability so how dare you count me out and underestimate me, Matt Morgan. Who do you think you are? Because all I see is your run-of-the-mill cookie cutter big man. Seven feet tall, so many pounds of muscle soak and wet, it's been seen a thousand times before. You're no different but you think you are, but that's only because you're wearing a title that's going to be meaningless soon and haven't had any proper competition up to this point. If the crop of guys you ran through on Anarchy is what you consider a group of people you consider to be the bar setters for the quality of talent in this company, then someone has pulled the wool over your eyes, my large friend. Anarchy was a bunch of guys that WWE and TNA saw nothing in that decided to huddle around Vince Russo and suckle at the power teat so that they'd be booked and they'd get protected, and you were the next stooge in line to join that group if the company hadn't restarted.

This week you get to see what a true test of your abilities is like, Matt. Not an MVP or an Edge that's just going to lie down and hand you what you want on a silver platter, you're going to have to earn your Starrcade momentum and it's not going to be anything like the walk in the park you're envisioning it's going to be. Underestimating us is a mistake, Matt, especially when it comes to a wrestling family like the Guerreros. Because the difference between us and you is Alex Riley and Paul Heyman are just traveling along on your coattails, with Alex standing in the background doing nothing except collecting paychecks. That's not what a true team does, that's not how a true team operates, especially not one that wants a shot at the Tag Team Championships. But I'm going to tread lightly in that territory, because the last time we criticized two men for not being what we perceived made a true tag team, we lost, and those gringo rednecks went on to undeservedly win the Tag Team Championships, and nothing good came of it because Robert Roode and James Storm are both missing in action.

The crowd boos this a bit as Eddie takes over speaking again.

Eddie Guerrero: Something else you're forgetting is that me and Chavito, we'll do anything to win, holmes. When it comes to the Guerrero way of life, inside and outside of the ring there are three principles, ese'. We lie, we cheat, and we steal!

The crowd pops for this as Eddie is smiling from ear-to-ear as Morgan and Riley ready their retort.


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Re: UWF Smackdown 12/14: G.E.N.E vs Los Guerreros

The crowd pops for this as Eddie is smiling from ear-to-ear as Morgan and Riley ready their retort. Morgan and Riley look at each other and Morgan begins to laugh.


The International Champion "Blueprint" Matt Morgan: Wow Eddie, do you not listen son? I think I made it perfectly clear that I'm not sweating you or your Money in The Bank Briefcase. I'm not sweating it because even if I went through four consecutive matches, you could not take this Championship from me. Austin didn't put you in this match because he thought he was going to scare me. No, Austin put you in this match son cause he had nobody else to feed to me. If you look around this roster, I've beaten all the real Main Event talent. The reigning UWF Champion fell at my hands last week. A legend like The Undertaker, the same man who will beat you at Starrcade fell at my hands. Edge will soon fall at hands. Jeff Hardy, Fandango have both fallen at my hands. There are no true Main Eventers left for me to beat. So Austin went to you. He chose someone who's at the bottom of the barrel. He chose someone who couldn't take the Hardcore Championship from Ken Kennedy to try and topple the most dominant Champion in this company's history. Austin's going to find out that he made the wrong choice. He chose someone who's best years are behind him. He chose two people who are going to fall to the FACES of Smackdown.

Morgan: But we do find it funny that you two think this is some form of a dream match. When in all actuality this is a match that nobody wants to see. And I say that because this match is going to be a compete massacre. And nobody wants to see the last two members of the Guerrero wrestling family be massacred of live television. Well, nobody except Alex and myself. And you know what G.E.N.E. is all about Guerreros? We're about going against the normality? We don't do what the people want, we do what we want. So we're going to have no choice but to put the two of you out of your misery.

Morgan stops speaking for a moment and gives Alex Riley the floor.


Alex Riley: Chavo, nobody takes you seriously because you haven't given anybody a reason to. You've done nothing of note except disappoint. You want to talk about run of the mill? Look at you. What exactly makes you stand out beside your last name, which holds very little weight in the year two-thousand and thirteen? Nothing. You're not as dominant as Matt Morgan. You don't have the untapped potential or God gifted athleticism as the Alex Riley. Face it Chavo, by this point in your career, we all know what you are. You ARE nothing more than an enhancement talent. You peaked a long time ago, you just refuse to come to terms with it. You can have all the fire in the world, but fire and determination doesn't lead to results, as I'm sure you've learned by now.

Riley: You want to talk about lack of competition? Who exactly have the Guerreros defeated as a team? LAX? Congratulations, you defeated two Latino wrestlers who are bigger nobodies than you are. We're real intimidated by you now. You can try to downplay our list of tag team victories all you want, but it doesn't downplay the name value. The Rock, Triple H, Kevin Nash, Damien Sandow, we've beaten them all. We should already be standing here as The Ultimate Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions. And we'd be Champions that actually value their titles. Not some solo act like Batista who doesn't care about those titles or two complete morons like Fandango and his sidekick. No, we'd be fighting Champions. Night in and night out, defending the belts and proving to everyone that we are the best tag team in the world.

Morgan: You should have done what you did last week Guerrero and not even have shown up. That way, you wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment of being out performed by a team that is truly better than you. Instead, you're going to put yourself through this and when it's over and Saturday night has turned into Sunday morning, you're both going to have to look yourselves in the mirror and say "maybe we're not as good as we think we are."

Morgan: We're not some low level guys on Impact fighting over a Briefcase. We're the cream of the crop around here. I am the next Undisputed Champion, the FACE of this company and without a shadow of a doubt, the best thing going in professional wrestling today. And collectively, we are an unstoppable team, but Chavo wants to talk to us about standing in the background and collecting paychecks. That's funny son considering that you have as many matches under your belt as our manager does.

Morgan chuckles at his comment as Riley begins speaking again.

Riley: You have no idea what it means to do anything to win. We've given everything we've got just to get to this spot and we'll do anything to keep it. The two of you were born into this, you are the prime example of everything that we cannot stand. You can't talk about anyone having to earn anything when you were born into success. And what you done with that success lately? You wasted it. A legendary name with absolutely nothing to show for it, that's what I'm looking at right now. Two failed Guerreros , nothing more than wasted potential. And that is no lie.

Riley lowers his mic and waits for his opponents' rebuttal.​
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Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown 12/14: G.EN.E vs Los Guerreros

Eddie's expression turns from one of happiness to one of seriousness, much like the look he used to regularly wear on his face as he raises his microphone to respond to his opponents.


Eddie Guerrero: I listen just fine, vato, I just overlooked the comment because you're just blowing smoke. You can't convince me that you aren't worried about me cashing in on you, because you are. It eats you alive because up to this point, it's just as you've said, every person that's stepped up to the plate has been devoured, you've flattened all of your competition, so you've been untouchable. This briefcase, it's the chink in your armor, holmes, the silver bullet that'll put an end to your blood lust, your kryptonite, your weakness. Even if you beat me and Chavito within an inch of our lives tomorrow night and only leave enough of me to walk into Starrcade and get tombstoned and pinned, it doesn't make a bit of difference, because any time you turn your back, any time you allow yourself to be found in a compromising position, I'm going to strike and I'm going to take that championship from you!

The crowd goes to pop but Eddie puts his hand up and they stop.

I tried to keep a smile on my face and have a good time out here, sabes que, but you aren't going to have any of that. Well so be it, ese', the gloves are coming off. If you pointing out my loss to Mr. Kennedy is the best possible shot that you can take at me, then maybe you're the one scraping from the bottom of the barrel. I don't care that I lost to Mr. Kennedy, because I'm not surprised I lost to Mr. Kennedy, I knew I was going to because he's good friends with the old guard that used to head up Smackdown, and Zack Ryder wasn't going to let anything happen to his precious Hardcore Champion, and that's why he's portrayed with an edge now like he's some sort of psychopath. It is what it is, vato, the Hardcore Championship is a title that's beneath me and so is the man holding it and any man that challenges for it, let's just be honest.

And while I'm serving up truth, let's consider this, if you'd never been let off of the sinking ship that was the S.S. Raw pre-restart, you never would've accomplished anything that you went on to accomplish once you arrived on the scene at Anarchy. Matter of fact, you probably wouldn't still be employed, pendejo, not because they would've let you go by now, but because you would've up and quit by now. You pull names out of your record book like they're supposed to carry weight to them, but they don't mean anything to me. Edge has been phoning it in for weeks now, vato, what other explanation do you have for a part-time player like MVP taking his belt away from him? Edge doesn't care about his job anymore, MVP doesn't care about his job anymore, so you're standing there bragging about beating people that didn't even put up a fight.

Face it Matt, you haven't earned any of the accolades that you have on your resume, you just lucked into them. Besides, you and I both know that the only reason you're so gassed up and angry is because, for all the charisma and main event potential you claim to possess, you got swept under the rug like an enhancement talent so that a backstage politician like Kurt Angle could have his time in the sun that he never could've or would've earned on his own merit.

The crowd, "Oooh"'s in response as Eddie turns his attention to Riley.

Chavo's done nothing but disappoint? This coming from a man whose only time in the spotlight has been spent as another man's lackey. Whether it was during your time with Miz or here and now alongside Matt Morgan, you're nothing but a glorified sidekick with a dumb haircut and a letterman's jacket. You want to talk about someone that hasn't held gold for a long time, think about the last time you held a belt, holmes. You winning the UCW Championship from Sting is the only thing of merit you've done on your own, and while it is an accomplishment to be proud of, it's a case of what have you done for me lately? That was years ago, vato, and while I'm thinking about it, since you were part of the company as well, Matt might want to ease up on the CWF bashing.

Eddie now returns his attention to the "Blueprint".

The face of Smackdown? It's like I was telling you earlier, man, it's really easy to climb the ladder when there's no one standing in your way. When Edge has given up all intentions he has of trying to get the UWF Championship and MVP has given up all intentions of trying to retain it, then you're a shoe-in to win the belt, uncontested. The only man that's going to fight the machine and try to deter your success is looking right at you, holmes, and it doesn't matter how much you resent it, I refuse to let Smackdown become a one man main event scene with a talentless ape of a man holding the top belt for months on end because no one has the balls to challenge him for it or the talent to take it away.

Edge? I don't expect to see him around after Starrcade. MVP? Same story. Austin Aries? Gone. Chris Sabin? Gone. Samoa Joe? Gone. Evan Bourne? Gone. Rob Van Dam? Gone. Mick Foley? Gone. Raven? Gone. And The Undertaker, the man you claim is going to beat me at Starrcade, is a front runner to join that group because when's the last time you honestly and truly saw him show up and fight? That stupid lightning trick he pulled last week doesn't count as showing up for work. THAT'S why I billed this as a dream match of sorts, THAT'S why I said we were going to tear the house down, because I might hate the way you carry yourself, but your work ethic was something I respected, until you pissed all over the good time I was having out here, that is.

As Eddie is seething, Chavo now takes his turn to speak.

Chavo Guerrero: What G.E.N.E. needs to realize and realize quickly is that it doesn't matter who you've beaten in the past. You have a pinfall victory over Damien Sandow, so what. You have a pinfall victory over The Rock, who cares. Just because you've beaten them doesn't mean that you can beat us. The only thing that's going to determine that fact is you coming back to this ring on Saturday night and doing just that, beating us. But now that you've pissed Eddie off, you've just lessened your chances of it going down that way, and now the representatives of the G.E.N.E. pool are going to be nothing but a G.E.N.E. stain on the mat.

Chavo lowers his microphone, opening the floor up to G.E.N.E. again.