UWF - Past Smackdown Trashtalking

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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF SmackDown! 11/30/13: Shark/Ed/Sami v. Kennedy/Carlito/Booker




The sound of shattering glass is followed by the guitar lead of 'I Come From The Water' by rock outfit The Toadies and this can only mean one thing as the crowd jump to their feet in appreciation of the man who walks from behind the curtain onto the stage, Shark Boy. 'The Shellraiser' himself wastes little time in stomping down the ramp with his head bobbing from side to side, mouthing off to whomever he wants to, he then slides into the ring and heads straight for the top rope where he throws out his Fin Salute to the crowd before jumping down and heading to the opposite corner to face the hard camera side and does the same thing before stepping down and grabbing a microphone.


Shark Boy: Last Saturday night on Smackdown, Shark Boy made his come back to the professional wrestling business. Shark Boy made his way out from the back, he stomped down that ramp and he Chummered Rick Martel back into retirement!. And so started the return of Shark Boy. Now I know a lot of y'all folks in the crowd are too young to remember Shark Boy's first run back in the UCW so let me fill ya in. Shark Boy was the perennial underdog, nobody ever gave ol' Shark Boy a chance but Shark Boy proved everybody wrong. Shark Boy beat the best they had to offer but one thing Shark Boy just couldn't get done was winning a World Title. I mean sure, Shark Boy had his fun, drank himself some beers, had himself some brawls and picked up some nice little titles along the way but the big one just seemed to get away from Shark Boy's bite. Which is part of the reason why I came back this past Saturday night, because I realized that sittin' at home with Shark Girl ain't gon' get me what I want, and what I want is a World Title belt.

The crowd pop for Shark Boy and the idea of him as a World Champion in UWF.

And I realized just how to get that title and that's by walkin' in here, kickin' down every door in my way and by kickin' bass each and every night until they've got no other choice but to give ol' Sharky an opportunity. Now this week Shark Boy's got an opportunity to open a big ol' can of Bass Whip because it's gonna be a Six Man Tag Team Match, that's right Shark Boy's gonna line three sorry sumbitches up and knock 'em down with the Chummer, and one of them opponents was just out here and he's the UWF Hardcore Champion, Mister Kennedy. Now I don't know if the peroxide from yer stupid bleached hair has gotten into yer mind and messed ya up, but the last time I checked a Hardcore Champion don't walk away from potential competition, the Hardcore Champion is supposed to be the toughest son of a bitch on the roster... but here we are standin' in the ring and young Kenneth has decided to high-tail it well that don't slide with Shark Boy, EH-EH!

The crowd pop as Shark Boy goes on the assault.

Ken Kennedy, you sorry son of a bitch, you better not get too comfy with that Hardcore Title belt around your waist because I may just decide to take it on my way to the top and put it around the waist of the toughest S.O.B to walk down that ramp on Saturday nights, and that's Shark Boy!. And as for the other two?, the less said the better, Carlito?, all I got to say to you is keep the apples in the back because if you so much as look at me with it in yer hand I'll walk on over take it outta yer hand and shove it up yer 'Caribbean Cool' bass. And then there's Booker, King Booker, well you know what I said there about Carlito and his dumb little apple?, well apply that to your crown and you've got the right image. And if you'd like to see Shark Boy take King Booker's crown and shove it up his Royal bass GIVE ME A SHEEEELL YEAH!

The crowd together in unison yell 'SHELL YEAH!' to the delight of Shark Boy who is nodding his head.

So Sami Callihan and Eddie Guerrero, as much as you two know that Shark Boy don't trust nobody, you best believe that Shark Boy's ready to kick some bass for the team cause for one week only and afterwards?, I say we go out and drink ourselves some cold beers in celebration of whippin' all that bass... AND THAT'S THE FISHIN' LIIIIINE... 'COS SHARK BOY SAID SO!

The crowd are cheering for Shark Boy until...


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UWF Smackdown: MVP & CM Punk vs. Edge & Cody Rhodes.


The crowd boos the all too familiar theme, even if it hasn’t been heard in a while. Out through the curtain Cody comes out backwards with the hood on his head, hopping on one foot until he gets to the middle of the stage and stops. He turns around and crouches down low tugging at the hood before he stands up straight and flips it off his face revealing a wide laughing smile, as he laughs the mini-tron beside him changes he turns and looks at it and it’s the old digital “mirror†from his dashing days. He looks into it and straightens out his eyebrow checking his face, but after that moment his face suddenly changes as he shivers and puts his hand over his face as if the mirror hurt him. He turns back towards the arena with that look of disgust, walking down the ramp when his face shifts again to a smile, his emotions changing at the drop of a hat. Cody runs up the steel steps and across the ring apron, wiping his feet before stepping into the ring and going for a microphone. He looks around with a smile on his face as if genuinely happy to see the audience again, when he suddenly puts his head down the smile fades as his head tilts to one side.


Cody Rhodes:

Oh where…oh where…has my little dog gone? Oh where, Oh where could…he…be…

Cody seems to be singing to himself, singing not exactly the right word as he lets out every verse with a low monotone whisper, after a moment of silence he begins to speak.

It’s…it’s been too long. Not too long since I’ve come out here to talk, no no no too long since people got to see what…what I’m capable of. I’ve been around a looong time, and what I’ve turned into…well let’s just say I don’t think anyone thought Cody Rhodes would be what he is today back when I was simply known as

Cody lifts his head up, a bright ambitious smile crossing his face.

…Dashing…and the funny thing about that is, even then no one seemed to know how to stop me. But at the time I used my talents to simply look good, and I had the talent to succeed even with that looming. People said I was too cocky, I cared too much about my looks, but what they didn’t realize is I was a nice guy. I took the time to care what I looked like and as such I wanted the world to share the joy I felt when I looked into a mirror, I gave Dashing tips week in and week out to wrestlers and fans alike. But it was ignored, it was thrown RIGHT back in my Face…

Cody cracks his neck to one side, the smile fading to a cold serious look on his face as he keeps his head to the side his ear near his shoulder.

I’m not the bad guy, all of you…oh it’s all of you who are the bad ones. And that’s why I’ve become the man I am today, which is why I no longer look to make UWF…dashing, but to see it go up in flames. And funny enough look where I’ve ended up….Smackdown. I’ve made Raw my own…I dominated their second title, I dominated it’s top title, I dominated it’s top talent. I WAS Raw…and on Raw I said I would be taking down all of UWF…Well as you all know Smackdown is part of UWF so now it’s time to make this place my own. And I honestly couldn’t think of a better way to start than what I’ve been given...

Cody gets a small devilish smirk on his face.

CM Punk was the straw that first broke the camels back, that poor camel has been pummeled by now but Punk will always hold a special place in the hospital for me…and I can’t want to get back in touch with him. And he isn’t the only old friend…M…V…P finally won the big one. But before it was considered an upset, MVP was the first man to try and end my reign as UWF Champion…and he failed... and I made sure he was gone for a while just for trying. It’s nice to see him again, because I just love reminding people of our old times, and both of them are going to remember just like all of you are…remember just how dangerous Cody Rhodes is…Welcome to the taking over of Smackdown…it is sure to be a fun time to come.



Jun 5, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown: MVP & CM Punk vs. Edge & Cody Rhodes.

The UWF faithful are waiting patiently, waiting for a reply to Cody Rhodes. He is looking at the stage, maybe waiting for a reply as well when the lights suddenly go out. The fans sit anxiously, asking the people next to them what is happening. The arena starts to flash gold and black lights everywhere, with some very known words inside the wrestling world ringing out over the PA system.



The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of the UWF Champion bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a big cheer. He pats his new bit of Bling Bling as the crowd go berzerk. He slowly lifts it in the air as his fireworks go off behind him.


MVP puts the belt back around his waist and then starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, seeing all the fans leaning over the barriers for high fives and obliges, walking past and slapping the hands much to the delight of those said fans. After giving a few fans the high fives he holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. He comes towards the bottom of the ramp, stopping for a second, taking out some gum he was chewing and throws it into the crowd before he takes a little run up and slides into the ring. He doesn't waste anytime getting to his feet, running towards the ropes, bouncing off and doing his signature dance and Ballin taunt at the end.


He holds the pose for a while, smiling cockily as he lowers his arms, pointing at his belt with the fans still giving him a good reaction. MVP walks towards the side of the ring, bending over to pick up a mic that was placed on the apron. He strides back to the middle of the ring, raising the mic to his lips but the noise the crowd is making stops him from starting his speech. He lowers the mic, looking forwards now, smirking away as the crowd in front of him are cheering him. He remembers he has something in his pocket, a piece of paper that he pulls out before he raises the mic to his lips again.



Well, from what I am reading here, it appears that UWF's MVP is now also the UWF Champion, I'm guessing you can say that I beat Edge last week in my title match.

The crowd cheer once again, going crazy as MVP nods his head in approval. He throws the paper on the floor as he looks into the crowd, telling them to quiet down as he wants to speak again.

Now, that was last week and if you really want to hear me speak on and on and on and on and oh did I mention on about my title win, tune into Smackdown this week where I will give my championship celebration live but that isn't the real reason you should tune into Smackdown, no the real reason you should tune is so I can beat the Rated R Jackass once again, proving that everything he says is just complete and utter bullcrap. I knew it from day 1 since I ever heard you speak Edge, I knew it, I am very supposed you don't know it yet but I hope that when you do eventually make your way out here, with a bare waist I might add, I hope you have learnt your lesson, I hope I have taught you something, I hope you have learnt what I was trying to teach you, that being a simple lesson, make sure that if you talk the talk, you can walk the walk and to be fair, you did alot of talking before our match and you did a very slow walk out of the arena whilst watching me being cheered and applauded holding my UWF Title high up in the sky, being closer to heaven then you will ever be, as much as you want to be a god.

MVP nods his head again, as the cheers just get louder and louder for him. He adjusts his UWF Title to be more comfortable around the waist as he suddenly turns his attention to the other man in the ring, Cody Rhodes.

Hey, I remember you, we faced off one time didn't we with the roles reversed, you were on top of the mountain and I was the one trying to push you off of it, wow didn't you show me what was up back then. I can't remember which kind of person you were back then either, I couldn't figure out if your were dashing or crazy back then. If I was you, I would make up my mind quickly, people might think you are a bit weird if you just keep changing your personality at the switch of a button. Cody, like I told Edge before, I hope he learnt a lesson from the teacher last Saturday so I am going to keep up the course and give you a bit of advice before I give you the final exam next Saturday. Stop changing it around dude, you think I'm a different person in the V.I.P Lounges I get invited to then the person standing in front of you right now? I am just the Half Man, Half Amazing, the Franchise Playa and now the UWF Champion where ever I go, people know what they will get from me and that is class, sopfistication, the very best where as they look at you and think crazy, unhinged and moustache, now I have no idea why they think of that last one as I can see from your cowering up lip that you haven't got one, maybe it's because of something you have back in the day but if you haven't figured it out yet, everyone is full of praise when they first see me and think of me and the complete opposite of everything negative when it comes to you.

MVP looks at Cody who isn't even looking at him, seemingly not even paying attention. MVP just shrugs his shoulders and continues on.

Can't blame a Player for trying can you, you can listen to my advice homie or you can just brush it off your shoulder, it doesn't bother me either way, you are your own person whilst I am my own totally awesome and amazing person. An amazing person that will ead Smackdown into a new era, the Rated R Era has come and gone, the Dashing Era has come and gone, no UWF get ready because a new era has began, an era underneath MVP, the era that is sure to be BALLIN.


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UWF Smackdown Bateman vs RVD


Derrick Bateman's theme song comes on and the fans are in a frenzy for their resident goofball super hero. The cheers seem to die down however when Bateman come out in a suit instead of his usual attire. He's not fired up like his usual self and instead walks calmly down, rubbing the UWF Tag Team Championship around his waist as he makes his way down to the ring as Fandango and Maxine come out shortly after. Bateman climbs into the ring and Maxine walks over and hands him a microphone before all three members of the MDDD are in the ring.

Derrick Bateman
I'm not sure if you guys noticed, but I have been training with my boy Fandango here for the past couple of weeks and I have to say, I've been getting better and better every week.

I've taught you so much that I think you can take on nearly anyone but now it's time for you to work on your personality and attitude. First things first though, how good does he look in a suit.

The fans cheer for Derrick as he gives off a cheesy smile.

Right...attitude. I always have a positive attitude and just plain good outlook on life just like my opponent this week, Rob Van Dam.

The crowd pops for Van Dam.

Now RVD is someone you shouldn't take lightly. The dude could probably kick my head off at any point and time during the match. Now I respect Rob very much an-

Fandango had a snarl on his face during Derrick's whole bit about RVD and feels the need to interrupt him.

Wait wait wait, what are you doing? You can't just go around praising your opponents. They gave us this time to trash talk, so go talk some trash. The dude's a pot head. Make fun of him.

He smokes weed. Right. Okay listen up buddy, that stuff is illegal in multiple states and if you think you can just walk into the Bate Man's territory with that stuff, well he's about to get very, very angry.

Fandango is shaking his head but says "fine go on" as Bateman does indeed go on.

Now Rob, Evan, I know you're partners in crime but Fandango and I clean up the streets when it comes to the tag team division. When we became champions, the other half of the UWF Tag Team Champions beat it because he was so afraid he would pay for his crimes. I get it though bro, a win over me might give you a future shot at our titles but think about it, do you really think you can stack up against us. Fandango here has never been pinned before. He almost regained the International Championship last week and would have if it was just a one on one match. Everyone should aspire to be like him and I'm well on the way to achieving his amount of success. It all begins when I drive Rob's skull right into this mat.

Fandango nods approvingly and claps his hands for Bateman.

It doesn't matter how high you want to get Rob, I'll be here ready to slap you back into reality. I'm a man. A man's man. They don't call me mantastic for nothing! Fandango is the agile one while I bring the power and as history shows, you're not so good against powerful people like me. I'm much stronger than a Brock Lesner or a Big Show. I can take that stupid ponytail and rip it right off your head!

There you go Derrick but speaking of dumb haircuts, we're going to need to cut off your hair too.

Wait what?

Derrick holds his hair is disbelief as him and Fandango talk about it off mic until RVD comes out.



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Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Smackdown - Austin Aries vs. Matt Hardy

I Can Slap a Tornadoooo...


The theme of none other than Matt Hardy bellows from the speakers, echoing throughout the arena, as the UWF Universe jump up and cheer for his arrival. Little time passes before the man of the moment comes charging out from the back, throwing an arm up in triumphant and displaying his trademark "V1" hand signal. Hardy jogs from one side of the stage to the other, repeating the same motion, before he begins to stroll down the ramp, high-fiving fans along the way. Hardy has his eyes focused on the ring that he draws ever nearer to, quickly rounding the corner and jogging up the steel steps to enter it. Hardy walks over to the ropes facing the main camera, stands on the middle rope and throws up his arm once again, following the same pattern as before. Hardy soaks in the electric atmosphere as he is handed a microphone through the ropes, prompting him to make his way to the centre of the ring and wait patiently for silence before speaking his mind.


Matt Hardy: So it turns out I have a match on Smackdown after all!

The UWF Universe cheers a smiling Hardy.

Matt Hardy: I'm happy that my victory last week on Velocity over Paul London has been noticed as I'm now a last minute addition to the show after being previously informed I'd not be required for Smackdown in any form. It doesn't matter to me how the match came about, I'm just stoked to be able to get back into this ring and continue right where I left off, hopefully securing a second win on the trot. I've still got to take it step-by-step and not get too ahead of myself, otherwise my hard work will all have been for nothing. I can't have that... I can't have it all be for nothing. I hate the feeling of knowing no matter what you put into life, no matter how hard you bust your ass, it all amounts to nothing if you don't have your mind in the moment, in the present. I'm seeing clearer than I have for a very long time and I WON'T twist my own fate as long as I stay focused and determined to prove my doubters and my critics wrong. Believe me, throughout the appreciation I continue to receive when I make my entrance, the dirt sheets still doubt me, claiming - among other things - that I can't cut it anymore.

Hardy is a little upset at that comment, which the UWF Universe boos in support of Hardy.

Matt Hardy: Well what the world bared witness to last week was a Matt Hardy that isn't going to let crap like that get him down. See I beat a man who had been on a roll and is extremely tough to outwit as his intelligence allows him to be just that one step ahead of you time after time. Every time I thought I had Paul right where I wanted him, it always turned out to be the opposite, but I persevered and I found a way to overcome him. The same thing is going to happen on my Smackdown debut this week, folks. I'm opening Smackdown on Saturday night against the newly crowned Television Champion, Austin Aries, a man who I have a lot of respect for and have witnessed firsthand what he's capable of. Austin has had a successful UWF career, compiling a resume that includes a World Championship and two Money in the Bank briefcases, and it's a resume that I envy without a doubt. Now in saying that, this isn't a time for sentiment or to exchange compliments. See Austin... you're coming up against Matt Hardy - VERSION TWO-AHHHHHH!!!

Hardy throws up his arm, holding up two fingers to represent his new mindset as he's cheered.

Matt Hardy: I know that Television Championship is supposed to be defended weekly, Austin, and I have no idea if this is one of those weeks, but you better be prepare yourself as if it is. I'm not going to be denied a second victory after I've worked so hard to get back on the winning track and I don't plan on being derailed anytime soon. Prepare to have your fate twisted!

Hardy's arm falls to his side as the entire crowd are right behind him. Hardy faces the titantron and waits for Aries to show.



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Re: UWF SmackDown! 11/30/13: Shark/Ed/Sami v. Kennedy/Carlito/Booker


As King Booker theme hit a chorus of boos rains heavily around the arena. King Booker and Queen Sharmell emerge from the curtain and onto the entrance ramp.

King Booker and Queen Sharmell slowly walk down the ramp and towards the ring. As they gracefully climb into the ring, they ignore Sharkboy and Sharmell grabs a microphone and begins to speak...

Sharmell: Ladies and gentlemen, its gives me great honour to introduce to you the true king of UWF. A man, nay a legend who has returned to reclaim his rightful place as monarch of this wrestling kingdom. For too long many has tarnished the role, and not shown the proper elegance to claim such title, which is why we have returned to vanquish those befoul the crown and oppose our accession to the UWF throne. Ladies and gentlemen please all be quiet and bow as your King addresses you...

Queen Sharmell hands King Booker the mic...

Booker: My loyal subjects....

Crowd continues to boo

Booker: Silence you disgusting peasants!! This is no way to treat your King.

Crowd boo louder and chant 'you suck'

Booker: Thank you, thank you all for coming out here to witness something special. This is a truly momentous occasion for UWF and as your King I desire your attention and your obedience for the time being.

Booker: I can sense there is an anticipation in the air, the excitement, that all of you and the millions of wrestling fans around that the world will get to see royalty. You are all blessed with the knowledge that you will catch a glimpse of your King. You have the honour, no the privilege of seeing your King dominate Smackdown and UWF for years to come. You peasants should be bestowing your king with your gratitude, but instead you besmirch me, dishonour your new leader. I will be a hero, a champion which you people can be proud of. I have the grace and the ability unlike no wrestler that can be seen today. So now all though it is clear to me that many of you are candidates for role of the village idiot in my kingdom, I ask, no I demand that you humble yourselves and bow at my feet.

Booker: At I know 3 people who will be bowing down to the all mighty King come the next Smackdown and that will be Eduardo Guerrero, Samuel Calihan and....a boy whom is a shark...

Crowd cheers when King Booker named his opponents

Booker: Eduardo. You are known for lying, cheating and stealing. Well there is no room for thieves and dishonest men in my kingdom. Eduardo you will soon find yourself in the stocks, being pelted like the scum that you are. These people deserve better than a con artist like you. They should be respecting a man with honour. They should be aspiring to be a person with grace. Not some lowlife such as yourself. What these people need, and shall have is dignified noble King such as I.

King Booker turns to Sharkboy…

Booker: And especially not some shark fanatic with a foul mouth. How dare you talk about the King’s crown in that way. You will not touch this crown, nor will you touch your King because I am too majestic and superior for you to comprehend. In words that a bottom feeder such as yourself might understand, you may be a shark, but I am at the top of the food chain and you are my next prey. I will rule this kingdom with an iron fist and crush any minnows that get in my way. Boy whom is a shark, you will be vanquish and sent to the depths on which your ugly ass came from. And as for Samuel Calihan. I have not had the displeasure of being introduced to you, but I sure as hell will introduce you to the royal scissor kick, the regal spin-a-roonie and of course 1 2 3.

Booker: And now for my final statement to my opponents and the rest of UWF. It is my greatest regret that I have the unfortunate task of delivering bad news to my new kingdom. It is at this time that I must address those who will lose their most treasured possessions such as gold. But also those superstars who will suffer great loss over the next year, because none of them are worthy enough to defeat the King of the wrestling world. It of course is because I have returned to my rightful place. I have returned to dominate al my opponents and smite everyone until they have all bowed down and kissed the feet of their new king. For can be only one true heir to the ruler of UWF and that of course is...



Sharmell takes the mic and chants...




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Re: UWF Smackdown: MVP & CM Punk vs. Edge & Cody Rhodes.


”Rap God” plays throughout the arena as Edge steps out from the back. He bypasses everything and heads straight to the ring with mic in hand.

UWF Rated R Superstar Edge:

You give a dog a bone and he thinks he is the king of the world. Someone gets a very lucky win… a fluke win and now they think they are the absolute best and understand all of life’s questions. They now believe that they were the one teaching lessons. Boy… sit down and learn something. You haven’t accomplished a damn thing yet. If you knew anything… if you learned anything it would be that winning the title is only half the battle but can you defend it. Can you even hold on to that belt for longer than a month. Can you do anything with it or will you be nothing more than that little transition from one champion to another. Will you be nothing more than a mere paper champion. Because from that huge sized ego of a head you have blowing up there… that is what I’m seeing from you and that will be your ultimate downfall. Now me… I could talk all the shit I wanted because I won that belt and I defended it. I tried to defend it against Punk but he ran away. I defended it against Nash very successfully despite what he tried to do. And anybody else I happened to have to deal with. But the thing is… people get lucky. You didn’t win with skill. You didn’t win because you were that damn good. I won a six man tag because I was that damn good. You won… you beat me because you got lucky. But thing about luck little boy… it normally only strikes once. So you better believe that the next time I get my hands on you which will be this upcoming Smackdown you won’t be getting a fun game like last time. I’m not interested in making you laugh and showing you my dunking skills. Instead you will be getting the man that dominated Smackdown ever since his arrival. The god that was donned to dominate all of UWF.

But you know… you should be a bit concerned because there is no telling if your partner will bother to show up this time or if he will run away like last time except this time he doesn’t have anywhere to go. Plus I finally got the partner that I’ve been wanting for so long. Someone that wants the same thing that I do. The utter destruction of UWF. So while you may not understand him… I do. Because you see ever since Money in the Bank I’ve been telling Cody here we need to team up because together… UWF would crumble at our feet. ALL KNEES would bow down and all will have no choice but to worship us just to try to prevent their ultimate demise. And then it would be up to us whether to show you miserable egotistical nothings what it means to really be in the presence of greatness. Because what you insignificant nobodies don’t seem to realize is that… you are facing the top of the crop. The best of the best. So while you try to get your little fans… your little M.V.Peons to cheer on whatever stupid thing you say… we’re here to make a difference in this miserable little federation and show it what it can truly be about. But all it takes is for us to start at the top and take down people like you and CM Punk.

So get ready ladies and gentlemen. Be prepared for the shortest “era” of all time if you can even call it that. But it looks like it will be more like a short tribute to a guy that believes he is on top of the world but that world is about to come crashing down because the Rated R Era is still alive and well… and it just became… dashing.

Edge looks over at Cody and gives a “what’s up” look before lowering his mic.
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Smackdown: MVP & CM Punk vs. Edge & Cody Rhodes.


The crowd erupts and gets on their feet as CM Punk comes out from the back. Punk comes out with his hands out and starts waving them in the air to get the crowd up and standing. The arena is showed on the titantron with nearly everyone standing up. Punk is sporting a blue hoodie in reference to being on the blue brand

Punk proceeds to head to the ring and smirks as he sees how intense the crowd is and into it. Punk looks directly at Edge and waves at him as he climbs onto the apron. Punk gets onto the top turnbuckle and shouts out "BEST IN THE WORLD". Punk hops off the turnbuckle and lands inside the ring. Punk is then handed a microphone

CM Punk: Oh what night it is. You see I am on my fifth show in a span of one year. Two times here on Smackdown, one on Raw in which I did not even make an appearance and the other on Impact and NXT/Anarchy where I had two World Title reigns as NXT and International World Champion.

The crowd give a loud cheer

CM Punk: They told me that it was my last chance on Raw otherwise I'd be getting that pink slip by, Vince McMahon himself. What are they going to do fire me like they did, Shawn Michaels a dozen times back in the WWF. With me it'll just be a dozen threats about getting rid of me. You know why they haven't yet gotten rid of me, it's because they need me here more than I need them. I speak the truth about it all and keep it more real than anyone else. So now I'm back here on the blue brand and will make sure this time around will be a defining one for, C.M. PUNK. You see there was a lot of hype with me leaving Anarchy and joining Smackdown months ago, but it was a failed project and I'm ready to put that aside because one we have what could be the biggest tag team match in UWF History.

Punk looks at MVP and puts his right hand out there and MVP shakes it

CM Punk: You pair the NEW UWF Champion, congratulations by the way! And you team him up with the Best in the World and you have yourself a dynamic tag team that will defeat the former UWF Champion, Edge and a former World Champion, Cody Rhodes. You have former and current World Champions in this match and the Smackdown fans get to see it for free on basic cable.

MVP smiles at that as the crowd cheers on

CM Punk: I don't need to get into it here with whom I'm going against. Adam, we have a long history together. You and I were booked for an epic feud in September for Summerslam, but I dropped the ball. Maybe we'll finally settle our history with each other once and for all now that I'm back on Smackdown. One thing I will say is, you were a great champion for having kept it for as long as you did. Know this, had I not left, I would of taken that title from you and we would not be talking about the Rated R era for so long. But I must say that there isn't a better person to take that title off of you than, Montel! On Smackdown the Best in the World returns to the ring and you will all see that I haven't missed a beat!!

Punk lowers his microphone and waits for a response


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Sep 16, 2013
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Re: UWF SmackDown! 11/30/13: Shark/Ed/Sami v. Kennedy/Carlito/Booker


"Do Yourself a Favor" by Comeback Kid suddenly blasts through the arena PA nad for the first time ever, Sami Callihan walks out on to the UWF Smackdown stage. Immediately following him is the giant of a man, Brodie Lee. The ungroomed, uncouth duo recieves a warm welcoming from the capacity crowd, a result of their association with their beloved teammates. Neither Callihan nor Lee seem to be even remotely interested in the reaction of the audience, however, as they march straight for the ring, eyes deadset on the other competitors awaiting them. As Sami reaches the ring, he slides beneath the bootom rope and walks over to grab a mic while Lee climbs up and steps over the top rope, an unspoken testament to his size, and a strong warning to the other superstars. Callihan walks into the center of te ring, waving his free hand around to silence his music.


Callihan: Alright alright alright, cut the song, cut the song. Alright. UWF. Holy shit. Finally right? So big, so shiny. Big stage, big ring, and... I mean... just look at the size of that fuckin' screen up there. You can see me lookin at me, lookin at me, lookin at me.... lookin at me... lookin at me... and the catering backstage.... we're movin up in the world, eh Brodie?

Brodie's stoic demanor fractures as he cracks a half grin.

Callihan: Yeah, that's the good shit. I swear I've never seen so many damn chicken thighs in my life. Not that I've looked very hard, but damn, some good eatin back there. Free Gatorade too.

Sami pauses when he notices that nobody is really paying attention. He takes a minute to look down at some notes scribbled on his hand, realizes that they must be on his other hand, adjusts accordingly and continues.

Callihan: Alright then. So in case we haven't had the privelage yet, I'm Sami Callihan. Born and raised in Bellefontaine, Ohio. Yeah, I know, haven't had a hair cut in a little while, clothes are a little dirty, nd if you were down here you'd smell the darts for sure, but lets not let appearances be decieving. I am a meticulous man, I've got a real inspiring never-say die attitude, I read a few books every year and hot damn if I don't take Thursdays and turn 'em into Fridays. I am in favour of charity. Tonight's inevitable ass-whooping is dedicated to sick kids who feel better when they see guys like me knock make-believe royalty's head off the concrete so many times they start to wonder if they aren't actually watching a Cavs game.

And to my right, the charming southern gentlemen you undoubtedly can see from even those blue-collar nose-bleeds waaaaaaaaaay up there is Brodie Lee. No need to polish this one up folks. Blue jeans. Wife beater. That fuckin' beard too. Buddy hits like a truck, but harder. They say he's gotta lotta heart, but they're wrong. It's a fuckin' hemi in that chest, turbo charged on homemade farm fuel. They can't sell it, they can't copy it. Thoroughbred American Violence. Thank all your gods he's not the one in the match. That said, I ain't such a slocuh myself. You can believe that cause I said it.

Some of the crowd begin to warm up to the UWF roster's newest additions, although those good folks in the midwest seem a little rattled by the f-bombs. Callihan goes on, but first he yawns, if only to justify the use of this picture. ANybody who fins me good pictures of this guy to use gets top prize..


Callihan: That said, I try to remain a humble man. Even here and now, the biggest wrestlin' show in the world, I know my place. Opening the card, just another face on the team, who knows if he'll be here in a month kinda guy. Nothing special, as far as anyone here knows anyway. I cherish these precious few seconds I have on the mic here. I ain't here to make waves, but I ain't here to make friends either. I, uh, much prefer to do my talking in the ring. Fuck, that's pretty cliche, eh Brodie? Fuck it. Whatever. Its true anyway. Maybe its cause I'm that way that a guy like Mr. Kennedy here makes me wanna take a tire iron to his femur every time he opens his mouth. Always goin on and on about the dumbest shit and its harder to act like I'm interested than when I'm watchin talk shows with my Grandma. Granted, he's the big dog in the yard, maybe feels like he's earned the big mouth too, but buddy, that bark's gonna be a lot less scary when we're halfway through a hardcore match and I'm pullin your teeth out one at a time and nobody can tells if the screams are asking me to stop or you're still talkin trash cause all the blood makes it so fuckin inneligable. That's right, we're finally gonna have us some realy hardcore in the UWF. What the fuck are you champion of? Garbage cans and chairs? Just wait till ya see what I can do with a fuckin' car battery.

As for his Highness hear – well I've fought some weird dudes before – ys who thought they were wizards and mummies and ants and french, but this shit is something else. I'll kick anyone's ass if they're dumb enough to sign up to step through those ropes, but I'm actually a bit worried that you're such a clueless fuckin half-wit that you really don't understand what's going on here, and I ain't one for smackin around guys who should be couped up in the crazy house playing board games with themselves. Maybe I'll just let Shark Boy deal with that. Buddy seems like he's got enough bear for all kinda moral lines to blur right up. Fine by me. I'm just happy to be here, happy to have the match, and ya know wht, happy to get some blood on these knuckles again. Mine, yours, theirs, whatever. We're all here for the same car wreck, god bless us all. Lucky ya finally got someone who really knows how to deliver. Its gonna be a real horror show man. Smackdown - the new horror show. I'm talkin bodies, like, all over the place. In the ring, up the ramp, the locker room, the parking lot, row 18 section 227, catering... oh my fuck... that catering...

Callihan lowers the mic and licks his lips while he waits for whatever to whatever the whatever.

The Red

Jun 11, 2012
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Re: UWF SmackDown! 11/30/13: Shark/Ed/Sami v. Kennedy/Carlito/Booker

I Spit In The Face Of People Who Don't Want To Be Cool


The crowd boo's as Carlito's familiar catchphrase echoes throughout the arena followed by a brand new theme song for Carlito, he appears from behind the curtain and begins to head to the ring.


Carlito walks down the ramp ignoring the fans on both sides. Carlito walks around to the stairs and enters the ring in no real hurry, he grabs a mic and begins to speak with the crowd booing hysterically


Carlito:Another town, another crowd and another arena full of idiotic and uneducated fans who continue to tarnish this once great industry. You fans who continue to cheer and support the biggest jokes in this company which now leaves talent, potential and heritage behind yet favors foolishness, immaturity and childish behavior. But now with Carlito here on Smackdown it is time to change that! Rid this company of those fools and add the class which Carlito brings into the ring. And there is no better time than now, Carlito has a clean slate, a new brand to ply Carlito's trade, a new roster to prove wrong and a new General Manager that will no longer use Carlito to do his dirty work. Thats right Carlito is referring to Vince Russo, week after week Carlito would sacrifice himself for the benefit of the Establishment members but received nothing in return when Carlito had to fight Carlitos match at less than 100%. But last week on Smackdown the shackles were released when carlito and Chris Masters ended his time here in the UWF.

The crowd cheers at the fact Vince Russo is no longer in the UWF


Carlito:But thats enough about last week its time for Carlito to focus on the task at hand, a six man tag team match against Shark Boy, Sami Callihan and Eddie Guerrero and the first opportunity Carlito has to impress the powers above because you fans definately don't help me! A clean slate and an opportunity to take out yet another clown in this business, Shark Boy, Carlito is looking at you, not only do you disgrace yourself by pandering to this crowd by making ridiculous jokes just to get their approval, you don't even come up with your own material, what gives you the right to share a ring with wrestling loyalty like a Colon or a Guerrero. You are example as to why professional wrestling has become a running joke, but Carlito must give you credit that your willing to come out here every week looking like a clown in front of packed out arenas all over the world, it must take some guts which is something your team seems to lack as they are still yet to back you up.

The crowd goes back to booing Carlito and begin "You Suck" chants


Carlito: Now Carlito has one last issue to address and it has to do with Carlito's team mate this week, Ken Kennedy. Now last week Carlito had a match on Velocity against Test, now while Carlito was in control of the match and just about to take the win, out of nowhere Kennedy's music hit causing Carlito to be distracted from the match, now you can play happy teammates all you want Kennedy but Carlito wants answers and wants them now! or else that belt you so dearly love and have no challenges for, may finally have a deserving champion holding it, now thats cool!

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF SmackDown! 11/30/13: Shark/Ed/Sami v. Kennedy/Carlito/Booker

"If you're not cheating,
you're not trying."


The crowd cheers as the theme song of Los Guerreros begins to play throughout the arena. Before long, Eddie drives out in his low rider, inspiring more cheers from the crowd.


After the low rider jumps a few times, Eddie parks the car and gets out of it, making his way towards the ring as he slaps hands with a few fans on the way. Eddie raises the microphone he's holding to his mouth as he begins what he came out to say.


Eddie Guerrero: Tell me something, holmes, what did coming out here and running your mouth just to turn around and return to the backstage accomplish? Can anyone on his team this week justify his actions? Booker, how about you vato? Carlito? Neither of you want to offer a reason? Alright I'll just assume then. My guess is he did it as a way to make everyone think that he has such a busy schedule and is such a big shot around here that he wanted to get his chatter out of the way and take off, treating this entire match as an afterthought. This is the type of arrogant puto that Smackdown management wants representing its brand as one of its titleholders. The more I try to wrap my mind around that, the more I shake my head in disappointment. Ken, it's clear to me where you've had your head these last several weeks based on how you're talking about yourself, but also based on how you're talking about me. If you're going to spend so much time with your head up your own ass, you should at least install cable so you can keep up with the product. The only thing depressing in my life is the fact that the UWF restarts has come and gone and you're still employed here. I could care less that I lost to you all those weeks ago, ese', and that's because while you're beating on your chest and waving your championship in our faces like its actually meaningful, I'm living what it actually means to be an icon and legend in this business, holmes.

Why would I ask for a shot at that worthless belt when I hold in my possession a briefcase that guarantees me a shot at the UWF Championship? It doesn't matter how long you're undefeated while you hold that thing, someone holding the UWF Championship for one day would go down in the history books as having a more prestigious reign than you regardless of how long you hold the Hardcore Championship. I'd rather wrestle one of my great nephews for one of their toy belts, holmes, and not the ones they themselves can wear, the ones that come in the packaging with the action figures. So from where I'm standing you're the miserable one, vato, because you actually think you possess something to be proud of in that belt and that winning streak of yours. If I had buddies in upper management, I'd never have to worry about losing either.

Carlito, welcome to Smackdown, holmes. It's a whole new ball game now that you're going to give standing on your own two feet a try. No Chris Masters, no Big Show, no L.A.X., no Vince Russo, no one at all to catch you and keep you from hitting rock bottom. It's a lot of pressure, pressure that I don't think you can handle, if I'm being honest. You're confident now, sure, but when it comes match time, you're going to choke like someone caught the bits of apple you spit at them and stuffed them forcefully back in your mouth. When those lights are on and the world is watching, you're going to want to go the Ken Kennedy route and run away, and honestly, who could blame you besides your teammates? After all, you're stepping in the ring with a Mexican legend, a man that's modeled his craft after one of the toughest men in wrestling, and Sami Callihan, because well, that's the best way to describe him. If all you're here for is to be mister cool, well I'm sure there's a pair of shades around here somewhere holmes, you can wear them around like you're cooler than me if you like, but don't go climbing into the ring on Saturday, because if you aren't here to wrestle, well, the Lasso from El Paso is going to be very unkind to you.

What's up, Booker? Got tired of watching the action from that side of the table, huh? Can't say I blame you, vato, but you should've picked a better night to come back into the fold, ese', because coming in with all that ring rust and that cheap ass crown cutting off the circulation in your head, you're like an injured gazelle limping into a den of lions, man, you're going to get eaten alive. And the main reason for that is you, Carlito, and most of all Ken Kennedy are making the mistake I knew people were going to make, you think that because there's a smile on my face again that I have surrendered my edge. If anything I'm more dangerous, holmes, because I lie, I cheat, and I steal, vato!

The crowd cheers for Eddie as he flashes his trademark smile in response.

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Smackdown Bateman vs RVD


"So What Cha Want" by the Beastie Boys begins playing over the PA system interrupting Fandango and Bateman. Both of them, along with Maxine, look towards the stage to see a cloud of smoke engulf the top of the stage. Then, Rob Van Dam and Evan Bourne emerge, the duo known as the High Flyers. The look out towards the audience as they are showered in cheers. Van Dam starts walking towards the ring first.


RVD is followed closely by his partner Evan Bourne, who looks to be in his own plane of existence as usual. He runs past Van Dam and starts high fiving fans at ringside, his specialty.


RVD and Bourne make it into the ring and are given microphones by a ringside employee. Fandango and Bateman don't really know what to make of these guys but they aren't letting their body language show it.....well Fandango isn't at least. RVD addresses the former Modern Day Double Dragons first.


Rob Van Dam: Woah, dudes. No one is gonna be touching the 'doo! And speaking of 'doos, let me tell you what I'm going to do when we face off in the ring, Bate-Man. I'm going to do what I always do and that's be the Whole....Fuckin'....Show and you can make all of the empty threats and promises you want to make to impress your "trainer" here, dude, but, in my time, I've seen a million people come and go and tell me those exact same things. I like you, man, so I'll give you some pointers. Never say anything that you can't back up. Like, take Bourne-io here, man. He thought he could handle an entire bag of 'shrooms in the back but just look at him now. Bourne-y........Bourne-ster.......EVAN!

We go to Evan's POV and we just see this.


Rob Van Dam: .......You alright, dude?

Evan Bourne: Huh huh huh! "Don't forget to bring a towel!" Huh huh huh!

Rob just shakes his head and goes back to addressing Fandango and Derrick.

Rob Van Dam: You see? Evan was way over his head just like you are because you're not stepping into the ring with a Brock Lesnar or a Big Show. You're stepping into the ring with Mr. Saturday Night Rob....Van....Dam and there's no amount of training that can prepare you for the type of competition I bring to the table. Yeah, I'm high and, on SmackDown, you're going to learn the tru meaning of RVD 4:20. Hey, Bourne-ward, what does RVD 4:20 stand for?

Evan Bourne: "Won't you take me to.....Funky Town!"

Rob Van Dam: No more 'shrooms for you, man. Anyways, I'm gonna roll you up like a fatty full of OG kush and I'm gonna do what RVD 4:20 says and I'm gonna smoke your ass and, when I do, dude, Bourne-strom and I are gonna get us a shot at those shiny World Tag Team titles you have around your waists and why, you may ask? Because we're High and we can Fly! 4:20!

The crowd cheers as RVD finishes his catchphrase. Bourne is still continuing to trip as Fandango and Bateman just stare on in bewilderment.


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Re: Raven w/Foley vs Angle TT

The crowd is silent after Raven has finished speaking, the crowd anticipating the return of Kurt Angle. The crowd is starting to get restless until..


The fans start to boo at Kurt Angle as Angle appears on the stage and does his signature pose complete with fireworks while the crowd is chanting 'You Suck'. Angle the starts walking down towards the ring, ignoring any remarks being made from the crowd. Angle enters the ring and spins around while holding out his hands. Kurt Angle then grabs a microphone and looks at the titantron screen where Foley and Raven are being shown at.

2106%20-%20kurt_angle%20microphone%20pointing%20smackdown%  20wwe.png

Kurt Angle: Now before I begin talking trash to the emo and the fat bastard that's too lazy to come down to this ring, I would like to do a little Q and A with myself. The first question I've been hearing for the past month was "Kurt Angle, why aren't you in the UWF". The answer is quite simple actually: I do what I want! I wanted to become the King of the Ring Winner so I made that happen. I wanted to become the World Heavyweight Champion so I made that happen. And of course I got sick and tired of all the bitching from the UWF Management so I decided to quit, and what I did back home is none of your business. What is your business however is that I decided to come back, and you damn well better believe that I'm back with a vengeance!

The crowd is giving a mixed reaction towards Angle, unsure of where he is getting at.

When I was told that I was suppose to face off against Raven tonight in a confrontation I gotta admit that I was kind of nervous meeting a guy that's cut himself more times then Justin Beiber's fans, but it's quite amusing and quite pathetic at the same time that he doesn't even have the effort to come down to this ring and be face to face with the only Gold Medalist in the UWF. What's even more bizarre is that Raven had to bring in lardo with him to prove a point; that losers always stand together. Well bozo you made your point, I am now a firm believer that you've probably never gotten laid once in your entire life. And quite frankly Raven you couldn't have found a better mascot to represent your inner stupidity more than Mick Foley! Mick I have to admit that while you may have had an impressive career throughout your life, there are things that I have done that you can never dream of doing. Number one of course is that I won a gold medal in the Olympics, number two is being a multi-time World Champion, and number three is that I am able to see my own wiener when I'm taking a shower.

The crowd laughs as Kurt Angle continues to speak.

I'll tell you what the definition of chaos is Raven, it's what happens when I'm placing you in the Angle Lock and I'm making you tap out. It's that second that you tap out to the greatest technical wrestler in the world and you feel bad about yourself, knowing that there was nothing that you can do. Oh its true Raven. I don't care about what chaos means to you because you're probably the only person who can see that kind of crap with the drugs you take. There is no such thing as the chaos theory meathead, just like how there is no such thing as the tooth fairy or how there is no such thing as Santa Claus. It's all a bunch of crap that has been made up so idiots like you would wear eye makeup and become emos. I mean if you want to cut yourself to get attention, then by all means go for it but don't come crying to me saying that your bleeding. If anything I'll snap your ankle into two, then you'll really have something to bitch and whine about.

The crowd cheers for Kurt Angle as Angle is still keeping his eyes locked onto the screem

So go ahead and sit there at your little corner you pathetic piece of trash and keep talking about how the Grim Reaper or whatever will steal our souls. The Grim Reaper is a fairy tail while Kurt Angle is very much real. Quoth the Kurt Angle, Oh it's true. It's damn true!

Kurt Angle lowers his mic as he awaits for Raven or Foley to respond.


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UWF Smackdown 12/7: UWF Champion MVP vs International Champion Matt Morgan

There's a brief moment of silence until....


"Sleeping Giant" begins playing and the fans begin too boo as the new the brand new International Champion is about to make his way towards the ring. As the vocals kick in, Morgan walks out onto the stage with his newly won Championship strapped firmly around his waist. Morgan slaps the title before cocking backwards as the pyro goes off behind him.


As the pyro stops, Morgan begins making his way down the ramp and towards the ring. Morgan reaches the bottom of the ramp and hops up from the floor to the ring apron. Morgan steps over the top rope and into the ring where he flexes and shows off his Championship once again.


Morgan unstraps the Championship and throws it over his shoulder before walking to the far side of the ring and receiving a microphone from the timekeeper.


The International Champion "Blueprint" Matt Morgan: Do you know who I am?

Morgan smugly smiles as the fans boo him as usual.

Morgan: I am Matt Morgan. I am your International Heavyweight Champion and I am the face of this show.

Once again, the heat rains down on Morgan who stands there unaffected.

Morgan: Hate it if you want, choose to deny it if you want. Either way, it doesn't matter to me, it's true. There's nobody on this brand that is more valuable to it's success than I am. There's nobody on this brand who is as dominant as I am. Just look at what I accomplished last week. I took another one of your heroes, the legendary Undertaker and I proved to not only him but the entire world that this is my yard now. There is a new phenom in town now and not only is he the most dominant athlete on the Smackdown roster, but he is the next Undisputed Ultimate Wrestling Federation Champion. Me! Matt Morgan!

Morgan: But of course, that's a few weeks away. That doesn't mean I can't get my hands on the current Ultimate Wrestling Federation Champion and give him a small taste of what he's in store for come Starrcade. Montel, you're lucky to be in this situation. You were lucky to win that Battle Royal and you were lucky enough to win that Championship that you're parading around with. But now son, you're luck has run out. Because now you step into the ring with Smackdown's true Champion. And no amount of luck, flash or flare can change that. I'm going to show the entire world that you're nothing more than a fluke. And in case you haven't been paying attention to what I've been doing over the past several months, I'm very much a man of my word.

Morgan paces around the ring. He relishes in the fact that despite all the fans hating him, that doesn't make his last statement any less true.

Morgan: And that's what it takes to be a Champion son. Not watches, not all the jewelry, none of that material obsession that you have. No, it takes a man like me who will look you dead in they eye and tell you that he's going to kick your head off your shoulders. He tells you when it's going to happen, where it's going to happen and at the precise time that it's going to happen. And even though you know it's coming, you're unable to stop it. And you can't stop it because that man is simply better than you. That's me son; I'm better than you. I was born better than you. This Championship proves I'm better than you.

Morgan holds the International Championship high in the air.

Morgan: I've said it before and I'll say it again; this is the only Championship that is worth a damn. And that is because I'm the one holding it. I'm the one that made this Championship worth having. That's why Fandango and Jeff Hardy tried to kill themselves to win it. That's why Eddie Guerrero sealed his fate last week because he wanted a mere moment with it in his grasp. And that's why at Starrcade, I will put you down for a ten count and I will leave with this title still held above my head. Not only that, but I will leave with your Championship as well. And I will attempt to undo all of the damage that you have already caused to that title.

The crowd begins chanting "You Suck" directed towards the man looking to become Undisputed Champion in a few short weeks.

Morgan: Of course, Montel Porter isn't the only person in this equation I need to worry about. There's also the Special Guest Referee "The Rated R Superstar" Edge.

The boos reach an equal level at the mention of the former UWF Champion.

Morgan: Edge, I know you're upset with losing the Ultimate Wrestling Federation Championship to a nobody like MVP. If I were capable of such failure, I'd understand your frustration. Unfortunately, I'm not; so I don't know what you're going through. But allow me to give you a piece of advice when it comes to this match. Just count the pinfall. Other than that, stay out of way or you won't make it to Starrcade.

Morgan makes his intentions very clear with his threat to the former Champion.

Morgan: For weeks, I've been saying I'm the most dominant Champion on Smackdown. Starrcade, I prove it. But this week, this week is just fun for me. This week is just me showing how inferior the rest of my "competition" really is. And after what I do to you on Smackdown son, nobody will ever think MVP is Championship Material again.

Morgan begins to laugh to himself but as he does, the familiar sound of a ticking clock starts; letting everyone know the arrival of the UF Champion is imminent.​