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Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
UWF SD Scott Hall vs Ryback

Hey Yo!....

The Smackdown audience turns its attention towards the stage and normally, the music of Scott Hall would begin to play. Instead, still getting a huge pop from the crowd, Hall emerges with no music and has a microphone in hand and toothpick in his mouth. "The Bad Guy" saunters around on the stage for a bit while the crowd cheers him on, just because he's Scott Hall. He smirks, and then when they quiet down, he speaks out.


Scott Hall: Yo... Bad Blood.. Me, Myself, and I, oh, and Big Sexy and Hunter put up one helluva fight against Zack Ryder and his little gang or whatever.. We didn't get the big "dubya" and it looks like Triple H is out on the sidelines because of it with one of them injuries. I ain't mad that we didn't win, we shoulda, but we didn't. Kliq rolls on, thats just one little loss in the big scheme o' things chico. Ain't no thang to Scott Hall. Aint no thang. So while Big Kev gets his shot to try and win the number one contendership for the you-dubbya-eff title, ole Scott Hall has some unfinished business of his own to take care of.

Hall shifts around on the stage, chewing on his toothpick, and nobody can ever tell if he's serious or not. But the crowd is excited and he speaks some more.

Scott Hall: I've got a bone to pick with a certain Smackdown superstar thats been thinkin' he's all that as of late. I seen you chico, runnin' 'round with that little girlfriend of yours, opening up Smackdown lifting some biiiiig heavy weights, tryin' to be all hard and scary. OOoOooOoooooOoooo (Hall puts his fingers near his chest and waves them like he always does and the crowd laughs)


I'm so scared brother. Tremblin right now. Big Ryback, The Ryback, Ryback, Goldberg, whatever man. Scott Hall doesnt make time for niceties with some scrub like you. You're your own biggest mark, all hype, no show. Literally. Oops, did I say that out loud? (Scott shrugs incredibly sarcastically) Anyway.. Scott Halls got business with you. And what Scott Hall always does best, is take care of some damn business. I wouldn't sweat you if I had my arms tied behind my back, was blindfolded, and maybe had a few drinks before the show. You ain't nobody The Kliq would ever worry about.. so you're soon to be old news pal. Boom. Dropped. Razors Edge. You're outta here. And I'll make sure that door hits your ass on the way out chico. I can pencil you into that increeeedibly busy schedule I got. So I think, it might just be time then since all that needs to be said is said, I think it just might be time for a little Smackdown survey..

Crowd pops hard for this and Hall smirks again to himself, knowing they love it and he can do it all day.

Scott Hall: So... is there anybody here in..

Scott stops and looks around. He looks up and around the building for a sign or something, but he doesnt seem to find what he's looking for.

Scott Hall:... Uh, I actually, have no idea where we are. I just was given a plane ticket and here I am. Card never said where we were mang. I dunno what to tell ya.

Hall shakes his head and shrugs, but carries on anyway

Scott Hall: So is there anybody here, uh.. in this building right now... that came to see.... Dubya-cee-Dubya?

The crowd laughs as Hall makes an over-exaggerated facial expression because of the ridiculous question. After a few laughs its silent and Hall quickly speaks.

Scott Hall: Well if nobody is here ta see good old Dubya-Cee-Dubya.. then.. then is there anybody here that came to see Ryback?

Scott knows whats coming and panders with the question and the fans boo loudly at the mention of that guys name. Hall smiles and speaks again.

Scott Hall: So that must mean.. .that everybody here came to see.. Scott Hall kick his ass?

Crowd pops loudly again and Hall digs it. His wags his head like a bobblehead like a goof, and finishes up.

Scott Hall: SURVEY SAYS!.... Score one, for tha Good Guys.

Hall motions to the camera man to come closer while the fans are cheering some more for Halls antics. The camera man gets in close and Hall flicks his toothpick into the lens.


"Vintage Hall" Michael Cole says somewhere in his sleep, and Hall does his "Bad Guy" taunt before heading to the back while the crowd is on their feet for the legend.

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Jun 5, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown Number One Contendership Battle Royal

???: How about you all slow your roll for the minute.

A voice interrupts the silence as it obvious who the voice belongs to, just not where the voice came from. The man makes himself seen as MVP slowly walks onto the stage carrying a mic, not dressed to compete but rather in a flashy suit. He looks towards the ring, walk to the side of the stage and starting to talk again.



I hear what all y'all are saying and I have taken it on aboard but seriously, it is really hard to digest the idea that all of you seem to have. This little iddy biddy idea of thinking you are all going to win this battle royal and chuck 5 other superstars over the top rope. I am here to add to that idea and say I am in fact going to win this battle royal and throw all of you of the top rope. DO you see a problem here? Sting thinks his going to throw Fandango over the top rope, then Big Kev over there, maybe even getting a sneaky double elimination throwing Devon and Big Zek over at the same time so they can land on each other and make their tag teams an awesome foursome, followed by the Highest Paid Superstar in UWF History, Montel Vontavious Porter. I know that doesn't really have anything to do with this match but I thought I'd just drop it in there, just so you know if I haven't told you before but then, Fandango wants to throw all those people out, you just swap his name with Sting's in that sequence before and so on and so on. The problem is though, 5 of us have to be wrong, count them on your hand and unless your mother and father have known each other since they were born, you should all have no trouble using the one hand, 5 people must be wrong and 1 person will be right, being rewarded with not only a victory but a shot at Edge's UWF Championship.

MVP pauses for a second, giving the crowd a chance to let everyone know what they think of Edge. MVP fixes his sleeves and continues on.

I'll continue on about problems as the main subject because all of you face the same problem. How in the hell are you going to throw me over the top rope, a hungry, older veteran who has never had his rightful shot at the big time even though he is the MVP of this company? Kevy boy has been there before, Sting, surely you and jesus christ were the first tag team champions back in the day since you have been doing it this long and Fandango, it must have been really hard not being able to make it as a ball room dancer so you had to fall back on wrestling, I understand I did the same thing when I got bored of making smashing singles rapping, check that out by the way, won't hear anything so tight ever again and last but not least, we come to Brother Devon and Big Zek, two guys that need help to make it anywhere, guess you need some friends here and then but not every needs someone to use as a leg to stand on but the main problem all of you face is I have never ever had to jump over or be forced over a rope ever in my lifetime. Look at me, do you think I need to jump the rope when I go to any single nightclub, do you think I need to jump the rope when I walk up to the VIP section and don't have my badge, now I'm not even going to joke about being thrown over the top rope by a bouncer, that's the kind of joke Big Kev tells to try and get a laugh but it's so unrealistic, all it gets is the crickets going, I have never ever been over a rope, the only chance you have of me not winning this battle royal is if you employ someone to stand on the apron, unclip the top rope, putting it on the floor and letting me out of the ring, you know it's kind of a habit these days to just go along with it, I'm sure it would work but there is no way in hell I'm getting chucked over by any of you.

MVP is loving what he is saying as a smile comes to his face. He nods his head, as the others don't look impressed at all.

I need to win this match, it ain't just about the title. That title was the start of my suspension I have just returned from, if I didn't get that shot, Christopher Daniels would have never attacked me from behind, never making me lose my temper and give him a bitch slap, no no no, this match is about revenge for me, I got to exact some of it on Zack Ryder at Bad Blood, I have never felt so good when I drove his face into that mat but I need to win this match and make myself champion, imagine the feeling Zack will have if I not only knock of his personal favorite bum boy, but also the feeling of having me as the man on Smackdown. It will be the highest ratings in UWF History, meaning the GM should get the credit but it will eat him up inside and honestly, I can not wait until that time comes and like my last title shot was the start of my downfall, this match will be the start of Zack Ryder's downfall.

MVP drops the mic on the stage as he looks towards the ring, crowd chanting his name.


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Re: UWF Smackdown Number One Contendership Battle Royal

Yeah, We're Comin' Down!!

[video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byk_iDwtPfw [/video]

Brother D'Von comes running out of the curtain headbanging to Drowning Pool as he screams to the crowd while posing on the stage before he walks down the ramp. D'Von slides into the ring and jumps onto the turnbuckles and poses for the crowd, which he gets a solid reaction from the crowd. D'Von then jumps to the canvas and hops onto the opposite corner and does the same pose, then is handed a microphone as the music stops and D'Von looks into the crowd as he gets a round of applause.

Brother D'Von: My brothers and sisters, last weekend at Badd Blood we save a Revelation of an era for Brother D'Von! For those of you who do not have the necessities to witness the events that unfolded at Bad Blood, please allow me to recap what took place. I went in into a hard fought battle but ultimately I fell short to The Undertaker and lost the United States title match. It was a loss for Brother D'Von, but it's a loss that I'm taking in stride.

Now what happened after the match is what surprised me the most; when Eric Bischoff came from the back room and sent out his attack dogs, also known as The 3 Minute Warning to attack me when I was down and weak. I tried my very best to resist the brutal assault but I was outnumbered and overpowered and was taken out from those two thugs known as Ezekiel Jackson and Brodus Clay. Well the truth was kept away from them that night, and the truth was that my brothers Brother Ray and Brother Spike were in the building, and of course they were quick to react when I was being attacked by the goon squad. Eric Bischoff, I have received your Three Minute Warning, but now it is time for YOUR three minute warning my brother: You do not fuck with Team 3D or else we will end you! You can try to outlast up but there is a reason why we are multi-time tag team champions; because we are good at what we do! And you my brother are on OUR territory! If you want a fight Ezekiel Jackson then come on down to this ring, I'm sure The Lord will forgive this old pathetic fool if he sticks his neck out one more time in the name of the Dudley Boyz!

The crowd explodes in cheers as Brother D'Von continues to speak.

But of course speaking about rivalries it is time to go back to a small one that I had, I am looking at you Mr. Porter. First of all my brother, it is great to have you back on Smackdown and I for one am glad that your back. But there are some matters that we have to dicuss first, and that is the fact that I have never beaten you in any kind of match before. I have fallen to you in a one on one match, and I have been defeated by you in a tag team match the next week after. I have noticed that you are always looking to get noticed by your peers, and judging the fact that you decided to wear that suit on your debut back to Smackdown it appears that you haven't changed your style. You had defeated me before my brother, but I am a different man now, and one that is much more attentive to his surroundings. You will not be walking away with the grand opportunity to be facing off against the Rated R Superstar at Survivor Series. I will make sure of that.

Brother D'Von then turns his attention to Fandango.

You my brother are a different kind of person aren't you? Always so full himself, yet so fragile on the outside. Pray tell me Mr. Fandango, how quickly did your face heal up when it was burned from the fiery blazes of your past sins? Oh wait I can answer that because your face wasn't burnt at all! Nobody can claim that they have undertaken the cleansing fires from purgatory and lie about it. No my brother you are still a sinner for lying to the world about your 'troubles' and I have to tell you right now that you won't be feeling the burn until you step in the ring with me this Saturday on Smackdown! It does not matter how you feel about it, but mark my words when I say that the World Tag Team Champions will be feeling intense pain from the wrath of Team 3D when we feel it is time for us to claim another tag team title reign under our belts!

Brother D'Von then looks at Kevin Nash and Sting in the ring

And last but certainly not least, it is the two veterans in the ring. I have nothing but respect for the both of you, so I am going to revise on what I have originally planned on saying to the both of you. You two may have left a huge legacy for the next generation of UWF Superstars to try and take over. I will though however have no regrets when I enter this ring and try and take you two out of this match, proclaiming the first step required to go after the UWF Championship once again. I have had different opportunities to go after the UWF Gold but I have always come up short, but this time I will gain my entry into the UWF Title match and Survivor Series and I will strive to survive when my moment shall arrive. Oh my brother, testify!

D'Von lowers the mic and waits for the last entrant to come out from the back.
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Re: UWF SmackDown 2/11/13: Christian vs Derrick Bateman


Derrick Bateman
You know what Christian, you're right. You know I'm a dreamer, But my heart's of gold. I had to run away high, so I wouldn't come home low. Just when things went right, doesn't mean they were always wrong. Just take this song and you'll never feel left all alone.

Someone comes from the side of the stage to tell Bateman something.

What's that? We can't afford the rights to that song? Okay I'm sorry. I'm sorry you guys. I'm sorry you all had to sit out here for so long and listen to that man in the ring ramble on about...well I'm not too sure. A war on drugs or something? Anyways it doesn't matter, what matters is that I'm here and you guys don't have to listen to this guy anymore.

The crowd cheers in excitement for Bateman as he smiles and continues to look at Christian.

What happened to you Christian? You've fallen so low and I don't mean when you fell off that ladder at Bound For Glory but wasn't it just not that long ago when you were getting the crowd to chant with you about rolling around or something. What happened? I realize you've lost quite a few times but no need to just give up. You should probably take some time off. You might have like a concussion from all those times you've been hit in the head. You almost sound like a Russian tourist speaking broken English and you know I don't stand for that kind of thing here because this is MY America!

The crowd pops loud for Bateman's America.

You see you're outnumbered here Christian. This is the USA the greatest county in America and we will not back down from a Canadian such as yourself or even your old mate, buddy, bloke, whatever it is you commies call a friend! But I see what you're doing there Christian. Very clever. Trying to get me a little jealous just because my partner slash BEST FRIEND Fandango has had a bit more success than me. Well guess what cool guy, Fandango is better than me but I don't care. We all can't be number one but Fandango has been teaching me cool things and soon I'll be a strong number two and who knows, at WrestleMania it just might be the student vs the master Aww Yeah!

Bateman has he crowd eating out of the palms of his hands as he pumps his fist into the air.

But first I gotta deal with mister inferiority complex over here. Don't worry bro, I get it. When I first debuted on NXT, I was good but I was stuck in a bit of a rut for awhile. I know bud it can be demoralizing but keep at it and you'll get back on your feet. Trust me, would I lie to you? No I wouldn't because I'm a nice guy. I have half a mind to let you win so you won't be so sad anymore. It's not like beating you will affect my standings and it's not like anyone's gonna want to team with you anyways so I don't have to worry about you getting a shot at my title. Not that I'm worried or anything but I think I know what's really going on here. You referred to me as The Bate Man. You come out here acting all mean and stuff. You want me to deliver out my signature justice. You want me to put you out of your misery. I get it and hey I'll do it if you want. Just don't be so surprised when you find out just how much justice really hurts.

Bateman lifts his left hand "Justice" as the crowd cheers.

OOC: My bad Hoov and Captain Charisma, I totally forgot about this match until after I heard Chase's newest podcast and went back to read the Battle Royal thread and then saw this thread. I know this probably doesn't count but I didn't want to just no show even though I just technically did.
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Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Smackdown 11/9: Enzo Amore Vs The Undertaker

The crowd inside the sold out arena are on their feet awaiting the next happening on Saturday Night Smackdown when suddenly a familiar theme plays over the PA system.


'Italian Lover' hits the PA system and soon Enzo Amore has made his way out onto the stage full of energy whilst his associate Chael Sonnen walks out in a much more calm and focused manner. Enzo and Chael make their ways down to the ring seemingly discussing something. Enzo hops up onto the ring apron and through the ropes into the ring as Chael makes his way up the ring steps. Chael is handed a microphone by a ring tech as he steps into the squared circle. Both men then wait for the boos to cool down before Chael begins to speak.


Chael Sonnen: Another month, another week and another day in the life of Chael Sonnen... is what I thought today would be until I checked onto the UWF.com website and saw that my client Enzo Amore, 'The Realest Guy in The Room' was being put into a match... a non-title match I should add, with the United States Champion, The Undertaker. Now I'm no expert when it comes to the workings of the board but I do get a distinct feeling that this was the work of a certain Mister Benoit. In fact I'll call him Chris, he doesn't deserve the title Mister, that's reserved for people I respect and you'll notice I didn't call Undertaker, Mister Undertaker either. Chris Benoit do you think you're being smart, do you think your impressing anybody when you put the hottest young stud on your roster today a man associated with great men like Chael Sonnen and Zack Ryder, in a match against a reject from a Judas Priest video without the title being on the line?, because let me tell you, you toothless bum, you aren't impressing me and that doesn't bode well for you.

The crowd are booing Sonnen loudly, the self professed 'Bad Guy' slighting their heroes.

What you have done however is further devalue a once prestigious championship by not putting it on the line this week. In fact it's even worse, I think personally, that The Undertaker, 'The Phenom' himself isn't going to demand that he defend his championship against a top challenger like my boy here, Enzo Amore. That's not the mark of a true champion, that's the mark of a bum, a loser, a dork, someone who isn't worth the time or effort to even care about and guess what, we don't care about you Taker and no amount of leather and 'guyliner' is going to change that, and just for the record, do you think you look scary?. Do you think this whole leather and bad make-up get-up is striking fear into the heart of me or Enzo?, because it isn't and fact is, where I'm from, West Linn, Oregon, if you walked down the street people wouldn't think you were an Undertaker but you certainly would be taking something, if you catch my drift.

The crowd gasp at Chael's accusations of Undertaker and his fashion sense.

But this isn't a catwalk, this isn't even the mean streets of West Linn, Oregon, this is Smackdown and this is a show for gangsters, not leather-clad 'dead' guys. Which is why this week we're going to do everyone a favor and prove to Chris Benoit why you never piss off a gangster, why you never piss of a G like Enzo Amore when he shows the world what a real champ looks like by defeating your fraud of a United States Champion. And then?, then I think it's probably fair of you to grant my client an immediate title shot seeing as he would have just decimated, crushed and humiliated your 'champion', but until then you Undertaker, and you Chris Benoit, can sit back there and buddy up and think of a strategy of how you stop 'The Realest Guy in The Room'... and if your still trying to come up with the answer, I got it here... ya don't.

Chael hands the microphone over to Enzo Amore who would like to say something.


Enzo Amore: That's right, 'Zo and Chael are gonna put a beatin' on ya this week Taker and show the whole world that ya nothin' but a has-been goof and the first victim of the new alliance that's gonna change Friday nights forever, 'The American Gangsters' Enzo Amore and Chael Sonnen. And all the light shows in the world, all the smoke, all the fire, it don't mean nothin' and it certainly don't change the fact that after I beat you in the middle of this ring?, people won't be callin' you 'The Phenom'... they won't be talkin' about 'Big Evil'... hell they won't even be callin' you 'The Deadman' no more... the only world they'll ever think of from this week onward is... uhhh... S-A-W-F-T.... SAWWWWWFT!

Enzo lowers his mic full of intensity and stares up towards the titantron for the arrival of 'The Deadman' himself.


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UWF SmackDown! 11/9/13: 911 vs. Sheamus


"Iron Man by Ozzy Osborne begins blasting throughout the arena, after 45 seconds... 911 comes out. Ignoring the crowd as they show their hatred, he doesn't care as he approaches towards the ring as he snatches a microphone as he enters the ring".



Ah, all you dickwads and jerkoffs ain't got shit! Last week I introduced myself to the UWF Universe and it's quite a shame it ain't as extreme as I expected ya know... Real fuckin' pathetic! Sure you bitches have been tryin' to destroy the man I'm managin', Ken Kennedy. Ya tried to throw him in fire, ya tried to fuck him up with some weapons... ya tried dipping ya fist in glue but what happened? Y'all couldn't get the damn job done, it just proves you all don't deserve this opportunity. None of you are as EXTREME as fuckin' Ken Kennedy. Now it's a complete shame that Ken wasn't around during my time because he would have made it big time, he's made it big time now... But of course you jerkoffs are all cryin' cos I came to Ken's aid. I told ya why! I'm the man of emergency, all ya dickwads didn't even bother to give me a ring unlike Ken. But as the match says, it's a Hardcore Match so Sheamus... Ya can't be complainin' cos I fuckin' interfered alright? Ya can't be fuckin' whinging like an old man with kids on his front fuckin' lawn! The stipulation is right in front of ya and if ya can't dish it, then what the fuck are ya doin' trying to get Ken's title for eh? Just what I thought! But this week we ain't gonna worry 'bout Ken, we gonna worry 'bout me. Poor Sheamus the Irishmen ain't got a poor clue to who I am and what I'm able to do, he's probably searchin' the fuckin' internet in order to find what I did in ECW. Listen up Sheamus, it ain't about what I did in ECW and how I changed the landscape... we're talkin' bout UWF right now and what my fuckin' intentions are. Now I understand you're not happy 'cos these jerkoff kids gotta hear me swear, but I don't give a flying fuck what these kids think and their damn parents. I'm on a mission to destroy, I could lay down for three if I wanted just to see Ken kick ya ass all over again; that wouldn't be a fuckin' problem for me... the only problem that lies with me is that you don't deserve this opportunity. Ya lost, simple as that but of course the dickwads of the board has to continue givin' people opportunities when they don't fucking deserve it.

Ya see, back then we didn't have these shitty ass rules like we do now... we had a Hardcore Division back then that was 24/7. Sure you'll like that Sheamus but if that was the case, Ken would still be standin' here as ya fuckin' champ! Just like he is right now, so Sheamus... Ya Irish luck is runnin' out, ya little pot of fuckin' gold ain't gold no more, it's fuckin' silver. But if you wanna find out the true definition of hardcore then you've called the right number... I'm Rated E for Extreme, Rated E for Emergencies and if you don't like bein' on the hospital bed then you'll have to do a darn better job at tryin' to kick me ass! Get ya little leprechaun Hornswoggle if ya have to mate, but at the end of the day... you're dealin' with me, I'm gonna tear ya down, I'm gonna make you look like a little bitch! This opportunity ya want, it's goin' away cos I'm provin' Ken why he chose the best muscle of them all, why he dialed the right number, 'cos if you don't dial 9-1-1... then you've got a real fuckin' problem on ya hands! But I'm gonna wait 'til ya come out here, give your little speech and say goodbye to ya mama and papa; say goodbye to ya career buddy-o, cos this week... it's all over!



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Re: UWF Smackdown 11/9: Enzo Amore Vs The Undertaker


The arena goes dark and the chilling toll of the bells ring around the arena as The Undertaker’s eerie music plays over the PA system. The Undertaker steps out onto the stage to a series of cheers, his United States Championship around his waist. The Phenom begins to make his slow walk down the entrance ramp, coming to the ring where he climbs up the steel steps. He raises his arms and the lights come on before he gets into the ring. He grabs a mic from the announcer before beginning.


The Undertaker: At Badd Blood, I stepped into my playground with D’Von Dudley, and after weeks of games, after weeks of back and forth blows, I won the war and kept my holy grail firmly fixed around the waist of the dead man. I continue to suck the souls out of those who think they can stop the Phenom, and D’Von was no exception, for weeks he thought that he could beat me, he thought he could relinquish me of my throne but he just couldn’t do it. The dead man lives on, just like he has been doing for years, and for the rest of eternity, I will still be lurking, taking away the dreams of those that stand before me, and dissolving them within the fiery depths of hell.

Since I came returned to the Ultimate Wrestling Federation, I have swept all challenges aside, and my path of destruction has been a recurring scene on SmackDown, however one thing doesn’t change, a similarity that has been at the core of this industry for over two decades, and that is these weak, poor souls, determined to make a name for themselves, keep challenging me. They persistently think they can go where no man has gone before, they think they can kill the dead man. I cannot be stopped, I am the sole immortal presence that lives on throughout all of mankind, in their dreams, in their nightmares and you two are no difference. You both think that you have what it takes but I can tell you now that you don’t. None of you have what it takes to end this pattern that has been happening for a very long time, you see, Chael I was taking souls before Enzo here could even talk, and I certainly won’t be stopping now.


The Undertaker pauses, and glares at the duo, the crowd lets out a big pop before he continues

I have defeated Chris Jericho, Vampiro, I have beaten D’Von Dudley, all of which have accomplished a lot more in their careers than you could ever dream of, and it seems that you are in an illusion that I’m scared of defending my championship, but I don’t see you as a worthy challenger. If we let any old kid get title shots, then there would be no point in contender matches, or a lot of matches to be honest, and you are just a kid, you are not known, you are not talented and you have done nothing worthy enough to get a match with the deadman with his holy grail on the line, and I’m sure that the only reason you are in the match with me is because you don’t shut up, and Chris Benoit thinks it’s time you were taught a lesson in respect.

You are a lost little boy in a man’s world, and I will feast on your tormented spirit until you are gasping for oxygen, and your lungs collapse, and you have paid for the disrespect you have shown. I do not know who you are, and I don’t really care, but you have pissed off the devil, and now it is time for you to pay your sins. On SmackDown, you will rest in peace…

The lights go out and The Undertaker has vanished, leaving a confused Enzo and Chael in the ring.


OOC: Going on holiday for a weekend tomorrow, so won't be able to get another up sorry Sam, been hectic this week getting sorted.​


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UWF Smackdown - Edge vs. Kevin Nash

The tron turns on to reveal the UWF Rated R Champion Edge.

god of Wrestling Edge:

Hey yo. Or is that only reserved for Scott? Nah. Of course I can use it. I can say anything I want because I am the one and only Rated R Superstar, the god of wrestling, YOUR Rated R UWF Champion. Something that you couldn’t accomplish. Something that you fell short of didn’t you Nashy? You tried as hard as you could to win. To get the better of me and in the end no matter what you threw at me you came up short. Everytime you come up against me you come up short. I mean this is becoming a trend and you don’t seem to understand that yet. You can’t seem to grasp the concept that you aren’t good enough to compete against the likes of someone like me which leads me to this encounter that we are about to have. Because now… you are seen as not even a threat at all to me and the goal is to see how fast I can kick your ass? Ha… imagine that. The guy that talks all this smack with Triple H by his side, the guy that thought he could help Cody win the Money in the Bank but failed, the guy that thought he could beat me for my belt and failed, the same guy that talked up his whole little Kliq and how unstoppable they were and they also… failed… is now going to be the one that helps me determine what sort of match type I want to beat my even less of a challenger than you.

I mean I know it isn’t Christmas yet… its still November. But I don’t mind getting early Christmas presents. I mean how often do I get a gift wrapped match that I know the other guy doesn’t stand a chance? Well that’s been every match ever since my arrival here except that one slip up. But hey… things happen and as far as this match goes… I’m just deciding how I should beat you this time. I may want to make you tap out just for the hell of it. I mean what else is there to do to just completely humiliate you? I mean you do that more than enough without my help with all your talk of bravado and how you are going to do this and that to me but yet you always fail. You walked in that over the top rope battle royal all big and bad thinking that you were going to get the win and you missed… ha… you missed the big boot and went all the way over. I could go for a countout but that’s ten extra seconds and I know MVP would try to pick some stupid stipulation for a match like a basketball shooting contest or something but I’ll show him I got mad skills on the court.

But the bottom line here Kevo… Big Kevo… Big Daddy Cool… Diesel… or whatever your executive name is… talent relations or some crap… just know that what I do to you in that ring on Smackdown… its nothing personal even though I don’t like you. It is just to further display my dominance over the entirety of my show… Smackdown. You know the show that nobody could save until I arrived and turned it upside down so it got off of its ass and started bringing viewers in. Yeah… my show. My world and you are nothing more than some peasant that I’ve allowed to come in so welcome to my world… and for those few minutes I’ll once again make you look like a star but after that time is up… after those few minutes are over… be sure to clean yourself up and just accept… against me you just can’t win. Nobody can. MVP… take notes.

Edge turns and walks away.


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UWF Smackdown: International Championship: Hardy vs Fandango vs Morgan(C)

The live Smackdown audience sits patiently at this spot show. Signs are flashed all over the arena, reading "Live for the Moment" and "I came here to see The Fandan-Goat" just to name a few. Unfortunately for the people in attendance, the first person out isn't the person they came to see.


The old ECW theme song begins playing and the fans begin booing as they know the arrival of one of the greatest managers in wrestling history is about to arrive. Sure enough, Paul Heyman walks out from the back and onto the stage with a huge grin on his face. Heyman wastes no time marching down the ramp, a pep in his step as he swaggers from side to side.


Heyman reaches the end of the ramp and marches up the steel steps before entering the ring through the middle rope. The portly businessman dusts himself off before asking for a microphone from ringside. He is quickly handed one and waits for this boos to stop before beginning to speak.


Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And I am the business manager and personal advocate to your International Heavyweight Champion; "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan. And it is with great pleasure that I inform all of you that my client will be making his first ever appearance on Ultimate Wrestling Federation Smackdown next Saturday evening.

The pro Smackdown fans don't tend to care for the thought of Matt Morgan gracing their favorite brand with his presence and show this by bestowing a "You Suck" chant onto his manager.

Heyman: And it is not only my job to inform you of Matt Morgan's imminent Smackdown debut, but it is also my privilege to inform all of you that Saturday, November 23rd, 2013 that my client Matt Morgan will be defending his International Heavyweight Championship for the very first time.

Heyman: Now for those of you who are unaware, for the first time in Ultimate Wrestling Federation history, all four World Championship will be decided on free television in the space of a week. On Monday night, eight man will take place in a Championship where all they have to do is throw the others over the top rope to win. That is a feat that my client could easily accomplish. And in the other World Championship match to be contested on RAW, your "Icon" is being handed an opportunity after failing so many times in the past. While tonight's "billed" main event is the "God of Wrestling" and I use that term very loosely, defends against someone who you can question if he deserves this shot or not. But do you know what all of those matches have in common? They give all the competitors an equally opportunity of leaving with a World Championship. Every World Championship is fair, except the on my client must compete in. For my client must make his first Championship defense against not one, but two opponents.

Heyman pauses for dramatic effect and as he stands quiet, you can hear one member of the lively crowd scream "Suck it Up." Heyman's face turns into a scowl but he continues.

Heyman: But this fact will not deter my client. It will not effect his ability to perform in this ring because in his short tenure in Ultimate Wrestling Federation, my client has been forced to jump through hoops before. He's competed in Fatal Four Way matches already and he even won the International Heavyweight Championship by defeating five other individuals. So a Triple Threat Match will be nothing more than a walk in the park for my client. If you were expecting to see Matt Morgan lose the International Heavyweight Championship next Saturday evening, I highly suggest you attempt to find more than two challengers for him.

Heyman smirks as he finishes that last sentence. He soon continues before the crowd has a chance to react.

Heyman: But I'm not going to stand here and blow smoke up your rear ends. You've all seen what my client is capable of doing and if you aren't a believer just yet, you soon will be. So without any further ado Ladies and Gentlemen, please get to your feet and put your feeble hands together for your International Heavyweight Champion and the man who will lead Smackdown into the future...."The Blueprint" Matt Morgan!

There's a brief moment of silence until....


"Sleeping Giant" begins playing and the fans begin too boo as the new the brand new International Champion is about to make his way towards the ring. As the vocals kick in, Morgan walks out onto the stage with his newly won Championship strapped firmly around his waist. Morgan slaps the title before cocking backwards as the pyro goes off behind him.


As the pyro stops, Morgan begins making his way down the ramp and towards the ring. Morgan reaches the bottom of the ramp and hops up from the floor to the ring apron. Morgan steps over the top rope and into the ring where he flexes and shows off his Championship once again.


Morgan unstraps the Championship and throws it over his shoulder before walking to the far side of the ring and receiving a microphone from the timekeeper.


The International Champion "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan: I bet you never thought you'd see me here. Saturday night Smackdown. I guess I've been worse places.

The heat begins raining down on Morgan simply off that one sentence. Morgan can only smirk as he speaks again.

Morgan: But whether this atmosphere is up to my standards or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that next Saturday night, the crown jewel of Ultimate Wrestling Federation is going to be putting his International Heavyweight Championship on the line and successfully retaining it for the first of many times. And despite everything that Paul just said, it doesn't matter to me if I have one, two, or five opponents. Because like he said, this has become common place for me. I'm used to having the odds against and every time they are, I overcome them and show each and every one of your worthless leeches that I'm just as good as I am. This Triple Threat match is exactly what I've been looking for my entire career; it's another opportunity. It's an opportunity to show the Smackdown "fanbase" that I am indeed the genetic wonder that I claim to be.

Morgan: And it starts by retaining this Championship by defeating Fandango and....Jeff Hardy.

The crowd explodes as Morgan mentions Hardy's name. The Champion can only roll his eyes as they react to his nemesis.

Morgan: Some things never change, do they? You still love Jeff Hardy. Well let me tell you something about your hero. He's like that annoying gnat that never goes away. No matter how many times I swat him away, he keeps coming back. Some of you may find that admirable, but I find it extremely annoying. Jeff Hardy and I have been going at this for months now and each and every time, Jeff Hardy ends up falling at my hands. So what makes this time any different? Let me answer that for you son, it's not. This is going to end just like Bound for Glory and Bad Blood did, with me having my hand held high while your lifeless body lies at my feet. And yet Jeff, you're going to come out here and try to convince everyone and yourself that you can somehow overcome me. If it hasn't been made crystal clear yet Jeff, you can't! I am your Everest; I am the obstacle that you can never defeat. So please Jeff, I want you to come out here and try to prove to the entire world that you can survive in Matt Morgan's world. Tell us the same thing you've told us the last two times you've failed.

A huge "Hardy" chant breaks out which draws the ire of the International Champion.

Morgan: I've been very patient with you to this point Jeff. I ran you off my brand in an attempt to let you survive, but you're now in my way again. This time, I won't be so kind. I'm going to squash the annoying gnat once and for all and this time I'm going to make sure he doesn't get in my way for a fourth time.

Morgan paces around the ring thinking of his next words carefully.

Morgan: Of course, Jeff Hardy isn't the only guy I have to contend with. There's also the former International Champion; Fandango!

There's another huge pop, this time for Fandango. It seems like Morgan is the only hated person in this match, but he's ok with that.

Morgan: Now, Jeff Hardy being handed an opportunity at my Championship on a silver platter is ok with me because I've beaten him so many times. But this guy, he's been begging for his rematch for the International Heavyweight Championship for months and now he's finally going to get it. Unfortunately for him, it's against the wrong guy. Up until this point, Fandango has had the luck and the pleasure of not running into me. But sadly for him, that's going to change very soon. And when it does, Fandango is going to be just another name on the list of people that Matt Morgan has taken out. He might look impressive against nobodies like CM Punk and Three Minute Warning, but I'm in a league of my own. I am everything Fandango should inspire to be, but aspiration can only take you so far. The rest comes down to talent and if there's one thing that I have, it's talent. Ironically enough, that's the one thing Fandango lacks.

The fans don't agree with that and let Morgan know by booing the crap out of him.

Morgan: Boo me if you want, but it doesn't make it any less true. Fandango has made a name for himself by being an entertainer. And that's fine, but now you're stepping into the ring with a wrestler. And you're stepping into the ring with a wrestler who doesn't particularly care for entertainers. So all your antics, all your games, all your jokes, they aren't going to do you any good son. As a matter of fact, they might just get your head kicked off your shoulders even faster.

Morgan unhooks the International Championship from his waist and holds it high in the air in his left hand before speaking once more.

Morgan: This International Championship has been soiled in the past by undeserving Champions. I fought my ass off to win it and I'll be damned if I lose it in my first defense and I especially refuse to drop it to a loser like Jeff Hardy or a "Sports Entertainer" like Fandango. So I want both of you to listen to me right now. If you want this title, you're going to have to pry it from my cold, dead hands. So Jeff Hardy, that means you're going to have to raise your game to a level that its never seen before and Fandango, you're going to have to leave the dancing in the ballroom for the night son. Because this is the only title in this company that matters and that's because I make it matter. And I refuse to have two disgrace what I'm working so hard to create.

An intense Morgan calms himself down at Paul Heyman's discretion. Morgan takes a deep breath before speaking his final words.

Morgan: Win if you can. Survive if I let you.

And with that, Morgan lowers his mic and waits for the arrival of one of his opponents.​
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UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Rick Martel Vs Chris Masters

The crowd are totally ready for the revamped and energized UWF Smackdown show when suddenly a new and unfamiliar sound of a harp is heard coming from the audio system.



The sound of a saxophone is heard and from the back emerges Rick 'The Model' Martel full of confidence. The crowd immediately begin to react negatively to 'The Model', he takes no notice of it swaggering down to the ring taking time to smile into the camera and show off his famous fragrance Arrogance. Martel walks up the ring steps and then through the ropes into the ring where he struts around like it was his catwalk stopping to pose for the audience showing off his impressive physique and incredibly dapper fashion sense. Martel is handed a microphone by a member of the ring crew and he raises it to his lips and begins to speak in his thick French-Canadian accent.


Rick Martel: My name is Rick Martel... and yes, I am a model. I have arrived here on Smackdown to do several things, yes, I have several aims in my time here in the Ultimate Wrestling Federation, one of which is to show all the women in the crowd that what they have on their arms just is not satisfactory when you could have a real life model. Another aim is to rid this company of all the ugly, talent-less and lousy wrestlers that make up it's roster, ha-ha. And I plan on starting that mission this week. Now my opponent this week on Smackdown has been named 'The Masterpiece' by some, but I have to say... I am not impressed by his performances, by his physique or by anything he has achieved in UWF which just so happens to be nothing at all, ha-ha. Chris Masters likes to come out here and pose for the crowd saying 'Oh, look at my big muscles, aren't I impressive', the short answer is no Christopher, no you are not impressive... at least not any more now that a real life model has arrived to save this company from being turned into a circus sideshow by people like you.

The crowd is booing loudly at Martel, unimpressed by his arrogance.

You see, whilst you were duking it out on Anarchy against a bunch of nobodies, I was strutting my stuff on the catwalks of Europe where they know fashion, where they know how to look good and that's when I got the call to return to this industry. You see I could have continued being the best looking model in the whole world but where is the competition in that huh?, I needed competition and that is why I have decided to return to what I do even better than modelling and that, unfortunately for everybody else on Smackdown, is wrestling. But instead of giving me some competition on my first week, I see the General Manager whoever he may be has given me a nice and easy match to ease me in to my return, how nice of him. However, Chris Masters I will treat you like I treat all of my competition... I will defeat you, and not only that, I will look the best doing it and show the whole world, ha-ha, that when you look this good, and wrestle as good as I do... it's hard not to show... Arrogance.

Martel shows off his fragrance and laughs as the crowd rain down on him with boos.


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Re: UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Rick Martel Vs Chris Masters

As the boos finally begin to calm down, they start up again when Layla comes out on the stage with an irritated look on her face.

I just don't see it Rick. I don't see why you call yourself a model. All you represent is an ugly piece of talent that is a perfect chewing toy for the big dog that's about to come out. So without further ado, allow me to introduce the Former Ironman Champion.......The Masterpiece........Chriiiiis Maaasters!!!!!


With that, the entrance music begins to flow throughout the arena as Chris Masters comes walking out to a chorus of boos. He then stops for a minute to pose before grabbing his girlfriends hand and they begin their short journey to the ring.


Chris Masters then grabs a mic from the ring crew and gives off an observing stare towards his opponent before entering the ring.

First off Rick, let me correct you on one thing. Just one though, because if I have to correct you on everything you just said then this will take a while. Anyways, you said that I have done nothing in the UWF. And you couldn't be more wrong. I am a former Ironman champion. This may be my first time speaking to a live audience since I lost my title but here it goes. I was cheated out of my champion ship at Bad Blood. The last couple of seconds on the clock were slowed down just enough for Ziggler to get the win. Now Rick I know you want to make an impact for yourself here but I have no choice but to take my anger and frustration out on you. I'm a big guy and I am capable of making your entire body feel limp from the power I hold in my most dangerous submission maneuver. So before you start coming into this ring with a big head on your shoulders, you better realize that I'm not in the mood for playing around. I'm only in the mood for unleashing all my stored up anger. Wrestling is a good thing for that actually. I can store up anger that is two weeks old and use it all in one night to my advantage. So if you're gonna stand here and tell these people that you can beat me then you better prepare to back up your words with your fists.

Chris notices a small positive reaction from the crowd.

Don't start cheering for me. Oh no, don't even think for one second that I give a damn about you all. I'm still the same old Chris Masters that thinks highly of himself and thinks nothing of any of you brainwashed idiots. YOU are the reason why I lost my title in the first place. If I wouldn't of been distracted by the negative chants and the boos then I probably would of dodged a couple of those super kicks and I probably would of kicked out from those roll up pins. But no, you people just had to get your way by insulting the High Class Talent that I am. And as for your Rick, you may not be on these ignorant folks good side either but that doesn't change the fact that all those insults that you want to throw at me is only fuel for what is to come.

With that, Chris smiles at the fact that he's gotten the fans to boo him and Rick's lost his smirk.


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Re: UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Rick Martel Vs Chris Masters

Martel is chuckling to himself before he continues.


Rick Martel: Oh how could I forget?... you were Ironman Champion!. Of course that very prestigious title that you held for... what?... a month?, before losing it to that Rick Martel wannabee Dolph Ziggler. I'm sorry I forgot about such a landmark achievement, bravo! Chris, bravo!. Chris, since you've come out here all you've really talked about is that phony championship belt and how you were oh so close to retaining it, when really you should be focusing on the task in hand, which happens to be me, ha-ha. All this talk about taking your frustrations out on me?, it only makes me laugh, ha-ha, thinking of you, big bull Chris Masters rushing down to the ring only to sample the real scent of Arrogance and be placed in the Boston Crab, a real submission, until you have no other choice but to tap out. So I invite you 'Masterpiece' come down to the ring with all the frustration in the world because I'll be waiting, ready to show you that you are little match for 'The Model'

The crowd is unsure who to boo and who to cheer and so the noise heard is largely mixed.

And then you blame the boo's and negative responses of the crowd for your loss?. Ha, if your going to blame the crowd for a loss, or for a distraction of any kind blame it on their ugly faces, or their terrible fashion sense, or the shine of the lights on their greasy bald heads, don't blame the boo's, but do not worry Christopher, because the only person you can blame for your loss this week on Smackdown is the person you stand across the ring from, me, 'The Model' Rick Martel, you can blame it on my incredible physique, on my dashing features, my impeccable fashion sense or my undeniable wrestling ability, it doesn't matter, but it won't be the work of the crowd because they simply are not capable of the feats I am, ha-ha, and as for you Layla... lovely Layla, I hope you realize at Smackdown that you chose the wrong man when you see your 'Ironman' go soft... and I'm sure it will not be for the first time either, ha-ha!.


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UWF Smackdown 11/23/13: Mr Kennedy vs. Johnny Gargano




Airbourne song “Turn Up The Troubleâ€￾ starts playing on the PA System. Mr. Kennedy walks out from behind the curtain as the lights go down. Mr. Kennedy is wearing his classic “Talk Loud, Hit Harderâ€￾ shirt. He raises his hand up in the air as the microphone comes down from the ceiling of the arena on stage.


Mr. Kennedy grabs the microphone and looks around at the crowd who are mainly booing him as he has his Hardcore Championship around his waist. He begins to speak.

Mr. Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls people of all ages. You should all direct your attention to either the entrance stage or the titantron and give a nice welcome to the man who hails from Green Bay, Wisconsin, the greatest wrestler in sports entertainment history... MISSTEEEEEERRR KENNNNEEEEEDDDDYYY…

Mr. Kennedy pauses as the crowd waits as he finally says his name again.

Mr. Kennedy: ...KENNEDEH!


Mr. Kennedy: First of all, this entire thing is bullshit. Some of you will be happy, some of you may be upset with what I'm about to say. But do I care? Surely not. I'm a reckless asshole by day and night and that isn't going to change anytime soon is it folks?

Mr. Kennedy pauses, the crowd delivers a mixed reaction for that sentence but Mr. Kennedy continues on.

Mr. Kennedy: First of all... The man I've called whenever times were hard and mind you, it's been a bit of a struggle lately especially with everything that's happened in which I'll speak about now and get it off my damn chest. So UWF decided to do another "reset", a RESET. BAH GAWD as Jim Ross would say... It's quite amusing isn't it? The company realized they've got to change Survivor Series all over again, they knew that Sheamus was going to be brutally hurt by my bodyguard 911. They shifted the poor weasel over to RAW now, I see fresh opponents, new challengers... but does that stop me from doing what I've done? Does this "reset" acquire you to forget about everything that's happened? I'm suppose to be completely normal and not injured? Is this the make-believe you're after? Power struggle after power struggle, I will not allow this company to forget what I went through, the legacy I've upheld for this Hardcore Championship! The fact it was me that removed Vampiro from this very company in a brutalizing Inferno Match, almost being lit alight... ALIVE! I survived. Then I went to war with Eddie Guerrero, I had a bit of a psychological disorder... Yeah, apparently I'm all fixed now right folks? Eh, I don't really know myself ha-ha! But yeah I was pretty whacked for the time being, then I went to war with Sheamus... I wasn't even medically cleared and yet the damn guy wanted to kick my head off. Luckily I prepared myself ahead of time, I had backup, I had the man to dial when there's an emergency. I had 911 help me survive. That's the thing that concerns you all the most, the fact you think Sheamus deserves this Championship. Well, if that's the case... why isn't he here on Smackdown? Why did he request to leave? Huh? You tell me. Sheamus is nothing more than a pansy folks! He ran away knowing 911 was going to hurt him so bad and make it too easy for me in the suppose-ably "Last Man Standing Match". But I suppose it's do or die this week, I'm taking on some guy I've never heard of... some guy that's suppose-ably the "Independent Sensation". His name... Johnny Gargano.

The crowd delivers cheers for Johnny Gargano.

Mr. Kennedy: So Johnny's likeable for you people? Well shiver me timbers! Surprised you folks know who this numb-nut is! But as I said, this company wants to forget records, they want to erase history but keep the titles on those who held it. So should we forget Johnny is undefeated? Is it concerning me that Johnny-boy is undefeated? It's no concern. I've heard a fair few stories of your stay on iMPACT! mind you... the company was so damn horrible that I never paid attention. All I knew about the damn brand was it was a bunch of nobodies trying to make a name for themselves, well Johnny... congratu-fucking-lations! Because here on Smackdown! This is where people get known, you wanna be known kid? You've got a lot to prove this week! You've got me for my Hardcore Championship, those wins over on iMPACT! don't mean shit no more. My wins, my accolades, my records, my demented self... All of it. Means nothing due to this "reset", but I'll tell you a thing or two. When it comes to my territory, my division... you've got no idea what you're in for. Everything that's happened to me whilst I've been in this division, the fire... the weapons, the taped fist dipped in glue... you think this is just a normal Hardcore Match? A match with just weapons? Think again. I'll be adding everything into my arsenal this week, you want barbed wires? We'll get some barbed wires, you want fire? We'll get that too. Want some glass shards? I'll bring it! I'll bring every damn thing, there's one thing you don't know Johnny-boy... Even if you called up your mates from the "Independent scene", even if you called up Colt Cabana, Akira Tozawa and so forth... They'll never be able to stop me... they won't be able to get past 911. So forget your speed dial, forget your phone call. I'm telling you, 911 will be staying at home this week. I don't need him this week, I'm perfectly capable of breaking your undefeated streak and proving the company that I deserve better. The "reset" is just a complete mistake... you want a "reset"? You'll get a damn reset, there won't be no mic check this week... there won't be no Green Bay Plunge... there'll just be a "Complete Reset" of your career when I hit you with a piledriver. It's a life-threatening move... it's what's going to end you and make you realize, are you sure you're safe here on Smackdown! Are you sure this is where you belong, because if you cannot beat me... then perhaps you should head back to wrestling in front of fifty people. I don't care if the pay sucks, I ain't here for the money... I'm here to prove to everyone that I will get... WHAT I DESERVE, and I will prove to why this reset... it's just an ignition for me. It adds fuel to the fire that's already there... As for you Johnny-boy, the game's started... there is no RESET button... The only thing after this game... you'll be looking up and the words will spell.



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UWF SmackDown! 11/23/13 Sabin/Joe vs. High Flyers


"So What Cha Want" by the Beastie Boys begins playing over the loudspeakers in the arena as the crowd begins grooving along to the music. As the song is playing, a big cloud of smoke is forming at the top of the ramp, engulfing the stage. After a few bars of music, Rob Van Dam and Evan Bourne, the duo known as the High Flyers stumble out to a big applause. Rob is out first and he throws his arms into the air.


Rob then is followed by Evan Bourne, who is making his UWF debut along with the former TV Champion. Bourne is walking very slyly as he greets fans at ringside with high fives, all the while with a big smile on his face, seeming to be in another universe.


RVD and Bourne eventually reach the ring and both men roll in under the bottom rope. Van Dam then asks for a couple of microphones from a ringside employee and, as he's handed the mics, Van Dam fist bumps the worker. RVD then lets the audience calm down from the exciting entrance before speaking.


Rob Van Dam: You know, Bourne-y, it feels really good to be back here on UWF SmackDown, man. I have a lot of solid memories from back in the day. I mean, not only was I tag team partners with a real-life superhero but, I've also held TV Title gold. It was a pretty far-out time for Mr. P-P-V but, the past several months haven't been the best. Eddie Guerrero frog splashed me through a table and then I got fired before I could compete for the Global Title. If it wasn't 4:20 here in the arena tonight, I'd be real bummed out about it but, have no fear, Rob....Van......Dam is here but I didn't come alone. As you may or may not have noticed, I've got a real good dude right by my side. Before, Evan, I was floundering along but, fuckin', ever since we've decided to team up, I think there will be good times had by everyone! Know what I mean, dude?


Evan Bourne: Wait.....did you just say butt fuckin'?

Rob and Evan both look at each other before cracking up both at the same time. Rob slaps Evan on the shoulders as the continue to laugh. RVD lifts his microphone back up and he speaks through the laughter.

Rob Van Dam: Ah man......I totally didn't even mean that. I was just trying to say that Rob Van Dam and Evan Bourne have arrived in the UWF to kick some ass and this week, we've got a few volunteers. The TV Champion Chris Sabin and Samoa Joe. Chris, man, we've got nothing against either of you and please, don't take this the wrong way or anything, but I'm glad you found a new "partner", if you know what I mean.

Evan Bourne: No, I don't, man......

Rob Van Dam: Butt fuckin'!

Evan shakes his head in acknowledgement as he knows what Van Dam is meaning now, obviously mocking Chris Sabin's former tag team Thuggin' Love. Van Dam then continues speaking.

Rob Van Dam: In all seriousness, this is the new revamped SmackDown and, it's only fitting that we witness the new revamped Rob Van Dam along with my good buddy Evan Bourne and, jokes aside, you and Joe are two of the most exciting competitors inside a wrestling ring. I mean, shit, dude. I was just telling the B-man over here that you took the fight to Brock friggin' Lesnar and lived to tell about it. But, then again, Brock did snap your first partner Manik's neck like Shelton snaps bitchy remarks. My point is.......wait, what was my point?

Evan Bourne: Stay in school?

Rob Van Dam: Naw, not that.

Evan Bourne: Click It or Ticket?

Rob Van Dam: No, something else......

Evan Bourne: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility?

Rob Van Dam: We're not Spider-Man.....although that would be awesome......

Evan Bourne: Say No to Drugs?

Rob Van Dam: Really, Evan?

Evan Bourne: *chuckles* Yeah you're right!

Rob Van Dam: ......Oh, now I remember. Chris Sabin, Samoa Joe, you two might think you can handle the two of us but you're gonna be sadly mistaken not because I'm the Whole F'N Show and not because Evan was Bourne to Fly. It's because We're High and We can Fly! 4:20!

Van Dam hold the microphone towards the crowd as the audience gives the duo a great response. Evan and Rob both high five as they laugh in the ring. Just at that moment......


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Feb 13, 2012
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Re: UWF Smackdown: International Championship: Hardy vs Fandango vs Morgan(C)


Fandango's theme hits and the crowd stands up in a frenzy for one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Fandango as he comes bursting through the tassels of his customized structure. The fans are all Fandango-ing as Fandango himself dances with Summer Rae. Maxine and Fandango's partner Derrick Bateman come out together shortly after. Fandango looks as if he's going to walk down the ramp but decides not to and instead stays on the stage and refuses to move any closer to Matt Morgan.

Now that is how a champion makes an entrance! I don't need some failed promoter to introduce me as nothing can adequately do my inevitable appearance justice. But back to what you were saying, win if I can I believe it was? I think everyone here already knows that I am the most capable person of winning this match. Survive if you let me? That's funny. It almost sounded like an actual threat. Maybe if it wasn't delivered from a guy with an Ed Hardy esque shirt but still, nice catchphrase umm… Maxine, who is this guy again?

That’s Matt Morgan.

Ugh so you’re this blueprint I keep hearing about? Sounds about right. You’re as bland and boring as a person can be. You do realize that the blue print is just the foundation right? I on the other hand, I’m the finished product. I’m what everyone aspires to be. Just ask my grasshopper Derrick over here. You should be groveling at my feet. Don't think it will make you look weak. You'll actually be considered brave for doing what many are afraid to do, show their inferiority to me. Maybe I'll spare you the embarrassment. Well some of it as you should already be embarrassed. To see my glorious belt now around the waist of some caveman scoundrel, it's truly terrible how far that belt has fallen.

Morgan stares intently at Fandango but he's quick to not allow Morgan to retort as he waves his finger in the air.

And please don't speak again. My ears are nearly bleeding from your horrible voice. Is anything about you redeemable? I guess I now know why you have this man speak for you on your behalf. Or is he just here to state the obvious? Attention my admirers, for those of you who drifted off during the fat man’s speech, here’s the jist of it. He ran down some matches on the card and said his client shouldn’t have three opponents. You know what Jabba Van Damme, I agree with you. This should be Morgan vs. Fandango and Fandango only. Maybe you’re not aware of this but Fandango is undefeated. Since the day I won that ill fitting belt around your waist, I have yet to be pinned or made submit. That’s 121 days. A feat that no one else has even managed to come close to. Especially your client here.

Fandango looks Morgan up and down and snarls in disgust.

You may think I lost my International Championship to Homicide but you see I never lost that belt. Homicide could never beat a man like me and everyone knew it so they stacked the odds against me and allowed him to win by grabbing a flag. Are you kidding me? He basically won an obstacle race to become International Champion. That belt should be around this waist for a numerous amount of reasons and it's going to be once again because you don’t have the luxury of winning that easily. No you need to actually pin me. Or you could take the easy way out and pin Jeffrey but why do that? Why prove to everyone that you’re just all talk? Unless that's true. What have you actually done? You climbed a ladder. You'll excuse me if I'm not bowing down to someone with complete ordinary balancing skills. If that's all it took to become champion, the guy who fixes power lines should be able to be champion. I on the other hand beat a three time world champion and 2 other men to become champion. I beat so called greats like The Rock. You haven't done a damn thing to be considered a real champion.

Applause is heard throughout the arena as the fans cheer for Fandango and despise Matt Morgan.

Think about it, people like you need to learn that it takes more than wrestling ability to be considered a champion. You have to ignite the passion from the crowd. You have to not have a voice that makes people want to jam the nearest object in their ears. You have to look like a champion and let's face it Matthew, You do not look like a champion. Maybe if you shaved that god awful beard, you’d look more like a champion. Not International Champion, let’s not get carried away here but Hardcore Champion...maybe.

The crowd laughs as Fandango has a very smug look on his face.

And as much as I hate to do this to you people, Jeff Hardy is certainly no better.

This time there is a mixed reaction as Fandango seems not surprised in the least.

Now now, that's not the way you should be treating your soon to be International Champion. I know you all love that man for some reason but look at him. He's so hideous that he has to hide his face by smothering paint all over it. I'm sure he's good in the ring and all that but I've never watched because I just can't watch him without looking at his fashion sense and nearly throwing up. I do happen to know that a lot of people look up to you like some sort of legend. You flip around and stuff right? I've also seen your dancing when you come out to the ring. You really should get some lessons. Cut your hair, work on your body and get plastic surgery and maybe I'll teach you how to do the art of dance. It looks like you're having a seizure every time you come out here. As a matter of fact, is that what's happening Jeffrey? All those lights going off and your weird erratic behavior. You must be epileptic.

This time there is hardly a mixed reaction as the crowd just flat out boo's Fandango.

Whoa whoa whoa take it easy. What if I just go back to saying how horrible Matt Morgan is as champion.

The crowd does a complete 180 as they are now cheering loudly for Fandango once again.

That's what I thought. Anarchy received it's highest ratings when I was champion and look where it is now. It's cancelled. It's a shame really but with Russo running that thing and me gone, it was bound to happen. Then I'm on the verge of becoming number one contender to beat Edge and instead I get jumped by my angry landscapers and MVP get's the shot. I guess the higher ups realized what a bad choice that was and so they're just trying to get it over with fast and allow what everyone wants to see. Fandango unify both the International and UWF Championships!

The crowd lights up with excitement as Fandango continues on.

You're right to agree with me. I am the most entertaining thing in this entire federation. Matthew over here might be the best fighter but who cares. I'm more advanced than that. I'm what people like to call classy. Unlike him, you won't be able to see me dueling on World Star Hip Hop. No I only fight for millions of dollars because that's what I'm worth. Ted Dibiase may be the million dollar man but Fandango is priceless. This beautiful gold around my waist isn't enough. I want them all!

Fandango eyes light up with excitement and Maxine is quick to follow up.

And if two think you can eve-

Fandango is quick to put his finger to Maxine's lips.

Shhhh. I don't need to stoop to their level and have another person drag out needless facts for me. No instead we shall wait for Jeffrey. Just make sure you steer clear because you wouldn't want a human like that near you.

Fandango walks effeminately off to the side as do Derrick and Maxine but Fandango is very quickly jolted when Hardy's music hits...