UWF - Past Smackdown Trashtalking

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Re: UWF Smackdown 10/5/13 - Damien Sandow vs Brother D'Von

Brother D'Von eyes Mike Knox before looking at Damien Sandow, examining him before continuing.

"The Gateway to Violence" Brother D'Von:

Well first of all Mr. Sandow I call you my brother because in the eyes of the Lord we are all His children, and we are all related. I know that you don't consider me as a brother because of our differences of character, and believe me our hatred of each other's perspectives is mutual. Now to move on to more important matters I can see why you don't have any fear in your eyes my brother, and that's because you have the witch doctor covering your back. To be honest if I had someone as terrifying as Mike Knox I would be in complete power. Oh wait I forgot I had Mark Henry as my associate and even he couldn't get me far in this company, and he was ten times more bigger and frightening than Dr. Knox is. Of course you're not going to give him the proper credit for your success, and I doubt you ever will because you are either that self-centered, or you're ashamed that you lost the tag team tournament with that very beast standing beside you. Either way my brother I wish to let you know that I don't fear him at all, and I sure as hell do NOT fear you as well. You should let him do the threatening for now on my brother because the second you speak through that microphone you sound like a useless mutt, and that's putting it nicely.

Brother D'Von turns over and peers at the crowd, studies some of their faces then points towards Mike Knox.

What is your buisness in the UWF, huh? You came out here before Damien Sandow to clear the waters for any potential threats, you checked on me to make sure that no harm would come to your master. You had the face of a man that could be related to the world's most dangerous psychopaths, and honestly my brother it was a face that I would not be willing to meet in a dark alley at night. But the second Mr. Sandow made his appearance known, you're facial expression toned down as you let the scholar do the talking. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry that you became an ass kisser to one of the most pathetic men this industry has ever seen. Heck if Dr. Knox wasn't around I wouldn't be surprised that Damien had bailed from the company even before he saw his first paycheque. Tell me Dr. Knox and be honest with me; what in God's name do you see in someone like Damien Sandow? He has a million dollar brian, but a 10 cent body!

Mike Knox apparently didn't like what he hard as Brother D'Von turns his attention back to Damien Sandow again, this time smiling as he's ready to toy with him.

I'm afraid what I said earlier was true Mr. Sandow, but my reasoning was wrong. I said that you have a fear for getting your ass kicked but I realize now that I am wrong: you have a fear of being mocked by those less intelligent such as myself. You see you probably are the smartest man on the UWF roster no doubt, and it pains me to say that you are way smarter than I will ever be, but make no mistake my brother that I have an advantage over you. What is that you may ask? Well besides being built better than you, thus having the skilled advantage in the ring, I also have the experience behind me as well. You've spent over a decade learning how the world works, studying the greatest philosophers over time, and probably even read the most extensive book collections ever. But you look like that you've sent maybe a month at the gym working on your strength and cardio, and that is what's going to screw you over my brother. You can quote every great thinker over the past few centuries to try and prove your point, but the only way to show me that I'm wrong is when we meet in the ring on Smackdown. Oh my brother, testif-

Brother D'Von is interrupted from...

Sigma Manatee

Aug 22, 2013
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UWF Smackdown 10/5/13: Ryback vs Chris Jericho

Ryback appears from behind the curtains and walks onto the stage. He stands and looks around the arena with a foul look on his face. He turns and motions to the back and Maria struts out. She wraps herself around Ryback from the side and kisses him on the cheek before they both set off down the ramp into the ring.


Ryback paces about the ring looking at the ground. Finally he looks up at the entrance ramp and speaks.

Ryback: Chris Jericho, YOUR ASS IS MINE!

The crowd cheers as they want to see a fight.

Ryback: I'm pissed as hell at this company. They promote bullying and stereotypes. Just because I'm a big guy, all of you boo me. When I walk down the corridor backstage, people look away. They get out of my way because they're scared of me. I go up to talk to those nerds running about with headsets and they can't even look me in the eye without pissing their pants. Nerds like you Jericho. Underweight and noticeably lacking in the height department. If I didn't have so much fun throwing you cute little cruiserweights about the ring I'd say it should be illegal for you to have to come and here and face me. It's no contest when you're just genetically superior like me. And because I'm just so terrifying, they get people to come after me. They send men like Sheamus.

The crowd get on their feet and cheer at the mentioning of Sheamus.

Ryback:So Chris Jericho, I know you're just like everyone else backstage. I saw your match at Bound for Glory. I saw you shit your pants at The Undertaker. You must have a pretty weak stomach if you couldn't stand watching what he can do to one man. When I took battled for the spot in King of The Ring, I ripped apart three men. They tried everything but it didn't matter. Not even The Undertaker, with his glorious powers and spooky spells could throw 3 grown men around like they're toys. And tonight I really have a reason. Every victory in this tournament brings me one step closer to getting my hands on Sheamus. Chris, buddy, if I cared about your safety I would tell you not to come out here. But I'm begging you to so I can tear your head off and hold it high above me as a warning to everyone about what I really am.

Ryback bites at the air before continuing.

Ryback:Ryback can do hardcore. When you're me, everything is hardcore. When you've worked like I have to get a body like this, to become a pure monster like I am, you learn about perseverance. You learn how to fight through blood, sweat and tears. It may be "hardcore" for you, but a chair shot to my stomach? These are abs of pure steel. You try and hit me with a weapon on my body and I'm just going to laugh as it bounces off. I'm not even going to worry about my head because I don't think those little twigs you call arms are long enough to reach my head. I have no boundaries Jericho. I thrive on inflicting pain and suffering. You may think a hardcore match will help you to gain some leverage on the big, bad Ryback. You could not be more wrong. What this stipulation does is put your career, and body, in jeopardy. I now have no restrictions to what I can do. There are no barriers to the anguish I can inflict on you. Trust me Jericho. 'Taker was nothing. This will be Hell.

Ryback lowers the mic and stares at the ramp as suddenly....

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown - Edge vs. Sting

The lights go out as the fans explode in excitement and cheering.

When a man's heart is full of deceit
it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow
falls over his soul.

From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse,
a wrong that must be righted.
We look to the skies for a vindicator,
someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him.

The battle between good and evil has begun.
Against an army of shadows comes the dark warrior,
the purveyor of good, with a voice of silence,
and a mission of justice.

This. Is. Sting.

After a brief moment of silence and darkness, the entrance theme of the "Icon" begins to play.


The theme is "Willing" by Times of Grace as Sting walks out and proudly gestures to the adoring crowd before beginning to make his way towards the ring.


Sting high fives several fans on both sides of the ramp and heads up the steel steps once arriving at the bottom of the ramp as he enters the ring and motions for a microphone. He is granted one as "Willing" fades out to silence, making the cheers for the "Icon" all the more audible as he raises the microphone to his mouth to speak.


Sting: Quite the arrogant one, aren't you Mr. Copeland? Not that I'm surprised, after all that is the water cooler talk about you and it's what I was told to expect. But I'm not one to only keep his fingers on the pulse of what's happening on the brand he's an active member of, I keep up with what happens all over the company, so I already knew how confident and arrogant you were before anyone had the chance to warn me regarding what I was getting myself into. But in a lot of ways, I'm not put off by it, I understand it and believe that you, once again, in a lot of ways, can justify that arrogance, especially since you've been that way for so long. I mean in UCW you were one of the longest reigning champions in company history during your time on Smackdown, albeit through controversial means that you retained that belt time and time again, but let's not open the curtain and let them too far into the backstage and political end of the spectrum, shall we? This isn't the pilot episode of Total Wrestlers.

Now here in UWF you're the top champion again, and if things continue to go the way they have for you, you're on your way to having yourself a nice little reign, you might even surpass Stone Cold, but that's if things continue to go your way. Like I said, I understand your arrogance, if I won my championship belt via unexpected cash-in, had my first official contender no-show, and ended up defending my belt against a part timer that was added to the match last minute, I would be big headed about it too. But what are you going to do when you face a real challenger for that belt, Edge, what are you going to do when you put that title up for grabs in a match against someone that can give you such a run for your money and take you to your limits and so far beyond that you feel the gold slipping through your fingers with each prolonged second? Only one man can give you that kind of challenge, and he's standing across the ring from you, and if the belt were on the line in this match, it would be your underestimating of me that would be your downfall.

The others that have beaten me with gold on the line in the past knew what they were up against, and that's why I feel they were victorious, because they treated me as a threat and a worthy opponent and figured out what they had to do and muster up to edge me out of the equation, no pun intended. But you, you think I only have a slim chance at succeeding in any way, shape, or form against you, title or non-title, singles match or stipulated match. That's what I want you to do, Edge, I want you to believe you're so leaps and bounds above everyone that they can't get the tip of their longest finger on the bottom of your coattail, especially me. I want you to demean me and undermine me and overlook me as much as you possibly can, because it will make it all the more satisfying to knock you off that perch. Not for the belt, there's guys in line before me waiting on that chance, but this Saturday night in this one-on-one brawl.

While keeping my eyes on the product, I heard the Eddie Guerreros and the Batistas complain about the state of this brand and the downward spiral this show was on, but that's not the state it's in anymore. You gave this brand a shot in the arm when you came over to it, Edge, I'll give you that, but this was my brand way before it was yours, and now that the Stinger's home again, things are going to change and the shot in the arm it's going to receive as a result will be nothing but beneficial and righteous. By the way, you might want to reel it in on the smiling, you've got something in your teeth.

The crowd laughs at the lightheartedness Sting slipped into the exchange as Edge looks unamused.


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Re: UWF Smackdown - Edge vs. Sting

Edge wastes little time before raising his mic to address Sting.

The Rated R UWF Champion Edge:

What do you know folks… we have a challenger that is willing to show up. Already you have surpassed anything that CM Punk has done on this show. Congratulations Sting as now I can consider you more of a threat to me than Punk. But that is where it all ends. And just so you know… I brushed my teeth before I came out here so I know my teeth are clean. But enough about my personal hygiene. Stinger… or since you referred to me by my name… Boredom… oh I mean Borden…I’m glad that you have dubbed a new costume as Captain Obvious. Defender of the already known because everyone knows how arrogant I am. But that is only because I know how to back it up. I know how to make sure that anything that I say about anybody and how they are nothing to me can always be backed up and I walk out in the end the victor while they are left licking their wounds wondering how they could have lost. Well it is simple when you are dealing with the god of wrestling.

I mean in UCW I was untouchable. Smackdown was my domain and I ruled it with an iron fist. Nobody could stop me. Here in UWF I started here on Smackdown… Smackdown was my original home or have you forgotten that? Rated R European Champion and I made that belt mean something before Bryan tried to end my career to take it and now that over hyped roided freak John Cena is doing nothing with it but that belt meant something as soon as I took it from Jarrett and made it a championship worth obtaining. And now that I am the UWF champion and back on Smackdown… this is the show that people want to come to. This is the belt that people want to get their hands on. I mean hell you got the COO coming after me trying to take this belt from me and why? Because he knows, you know, the guys in back know, all those geeks and nerds behind the computer screens reading UWF rumors know, everyone knows that I am the best damn wrestler in this industry. UWF is my domain and I will rule this place just like I ruled UCW. I mean it isn’t hard. I look at the talent and I see that nobody can avoid the spear. I’ve just been messing around all this time not taking any of you seriously because none of you have been worth it. And now the time has come that Sting wants me to underestimate him and continue in this route. Brilliant move of reverse psychology. Oh if only I didn’t see it. If only I didn’t realize what you were attempting to do then your trick could have worked.

Do you not yet understand Boredom? I underestimate you and see you as not even a challenge, but more of a challenge than CM Punk, because you aren’t even looking to take me seriously. You aren’t even bringing me your best. You aren’t bringing me that heart and soul that you brought against Umaga. You aren’t brining what you brought even over on that other show Impact. Now you are here on the flagship show. The main show. The big show Smackdown and you think you can continue to bring some tired crap? You think that you can phone in your performance and walk out with a win over the best? Over the god of wrestling. You are very much mistaken. But I have no problem showing you the truth about yourself. Just that you have nothing that you can do that hasn’t been attempted before. Saturday night is going to be hype because my fans and the fans of Smackdown that I brought back… will be looking forward to seeing their favorite wrestler in the ring… and unfortunately they have to see you too.

So ladies and gentlemen… be prepared to be amazed by the amazing feats of your UWF Champion and that guy with the messed up smudged face paint. Because I’ll put on a dazzling display while hopefully he’ll be able to catch up. And don’t try to take it personally that I’m calling you old or anything because I’m not saying that. I’m just saying… you aren’t good enough to compete with someone like me. I just call it like I see it. Let me know if you heard all of that though or should I bring out a megaphone and say everything louder for ya aightie.

Edge gives Sting a thumbs up as he awaits a reply.


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Re: UWF Smackdown - Ezekiel Jackson vs. Undertaker


The arena goes dark and the chilling toll of the bells ring around the arena as The Undertaker’s eerie music plays over the PA system. The Undertaker steps out onto the stage to a series of cheers, his brand new United States Championship around his waist. The Phenom begins to make his slow walk down the entrance ramp, coming to the ring where he climbs up the steel steps. He raises his arms and the lights come on before he gets into the ring. He grabs a mic from the announcer before beginning.


The Undertaker: At Bound For Glory, I did what I said I would do and claimed my holy grail. I dragged Vampiro through hell and ripped the soul from Chris Jericho’s body and asserted my status as the ruler of the underworld. He wanted to challenge me, he wanted to commit treason and attempt to overthrow me so I engulfed him in the fires of hell, dismissing him from my kingdom as quickly as he entered it, and let that be a lesson to all, you do not come to my playground and expect to show the dead man disrespect and remain unscathed. I stand here now as the United States Champion, the latest of many in a long line of championships that I have won throughout my career and I keep going, I cannot be stopped. I have not been beaten since I returned to the UWF, I have not been beaten on SmackDown, and I have brought along a new winning streak. Every time I defeat somebody, every time I defeat a mere mortal, it regenerates me, makes me stronger and my match at Bound For Glory it just goes to show, there are matches that cannot be won, championships that cannot be defended, and streaks…..streaks that cannot be broken.

The crowd pop at the mention of a streak.

The Undertaker: A couple of weeks ago, I won my match and I lowered my guard. I thought everything was done for the night, then Eric Bischoff and two men made an enemy out of The Undertaker, and you don’t want to make an enemy out of the dead man. I am the only constant in this unpredictable world and Ezekiel Jackson, Brodus Clay, Eric Bischoff; you will pay the price for your sins. Just like Vampiro witnessed first-hand at Bound For Glory, if you dance with the devil, you’re going to get burnt. So, Three Minute Warning, Gene or whatever you want to be called, you have just picked a dance that you can’t win. I am out for my revenge, and I will get it, and I will torture your rotting corpses because I stay with you even beyond the grave, I am that higher power, the sole entity at the head of the hierarchy in this world, and now you will get what you deserve.

I am used to having the target on my back, I’ve been crushing skulls long before you came here, and I have the most famous streak in history. I have won countless championships but every time someone steps up to the table, and thinks they have what it takes to dethrone the Phenom, they just can’t do it. They can’t make that last stride and they become another superstar on a scroll of names that The Undertaker has defeated, a list that grows longer with each passing week, and a list which will have another name added to it by the end of SmackDown. I will make you regret the very moment you tried to step up to fight me, and I’ll make you begging for the forgiveness of your overlord, begging for my mercy.


The Undertaker finishes off

The Undertaker: I show no mercy, everything you do has consequences, and on SmackDown those actions of yours will come back to haunt you. So this is MY warning, you’ve made your bed, and now you’re gonna’ lie in it.

The Undertaker lowers the mic


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Re: UWF Smackdown - Ezekiel Jackson vs. Undertaker

"The Undertaker lowers the mic" but before his arm can touch his side, Bischoff is back on the offensive.


Eric Bischoff: See... I just don't think that's going to happen, Undertaker. I simply cannot envision Ezekiel Jackson succumbing to your hollow threats. It's all smoke and mirrors with you and has been for a VERY long time now. There was a time when men would roll up in a ball and lie down at your feet, afraid of their imminent demise at the hands of the almighty Deadman... but see we're in the year 2013, not 1995. In a world where gay marriage is edging closer to legality and racism is unacceptable in all forms, the Undertaker has become a shallow man clinging to past glories as well as the schtick he's been flaunting for over two decades. It's the same damn thing over... and over... and OVER, which goes to show how stale this business has become when a complete has been like you still has the ability to become the United States Champion. It puzzles me; I just cannot wrap my mind around this picture - the Undertaker as the UWF United States Champion. This is a company that has reached the pinnacle of the professional wrestling industry, yet YOU'RE the greatest country in the world's champion?

Bischoff is in disbelief, shaking his head as a result.

Eric Bischoff: But go ahead, inflate that massive head of yours further. Tell us all just how you made Vampiro and Chris Jericho pay at Bound For Glory, because that's such a fantastic achievement. When you've done that, how about you provide me with a complete run down of just how you're going to make Zeke, Brodus and I pay for our sins. I can't wait to hear the same crap we've been hearing for twenty years recycled in the year 2013 in a pitiful attempt at lassoing the UWF Universe and the rest of the Smackdown roster into a false reality. One where the Undertaker is king and anybody who crosses him will face the consequences. It all seems too familiar to me... and in a way I'm glad. I may find it rather embarrassing on your behalf, but if it means I have a cunning strategy in place for your own demise, well all the better for the three of us then! If it sees the United States Champion fall on his own sword, the one used to slay man after man, well then that's oh-so-brilliant!

Bischoff begins to chuckle at the Undertaker.

Eric Bischoff: Let me offer you some advice right now, MARK - just walk away. Walk away from all of this, otherwise it isn't going to end well for you on Saturday night. The entire world has already seen you at your weakest when I unleashed my clients on you, and that was only two weeks ago. That vision is still fresh in their minds, even more so now that I've made mention of it, and as I speak they're already envisioning your demise at Ezekiel Jackson's hands... just like I am. Of course Brodus and I will be ringside to watch it all unfold, just like I foretold, but I implore the entire UWF Universe to be at Smackdown this Saturday night for the beginning of something much, much bigger than the Undertaker is or ever was. Now, what do you have to say about that, big guy?

Bischoff offers the Undertaker an opportunity to respond, but as he raises the microphone he's instantly cut off.

Eric Bischoff: Snore, we've heard it before! Bischoff out.

With that, Bischoff drops his microphone and marches out of the ring and begins to make his way up the ramp followed closely by Clay. Jackson slowly backs towards the ring ropes, eyes intensely glued to the Undertaker, before he leaves as well. Bischoff and Clay wait at the top of the ramp for Jackson, as Bischoff rubs his hands together in anticipation. The three head to the back together.



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Re: UWF Smackdown - Ezekiel Jackson vs. Undertaker

Bischoff has made his way to the back but The Undertaker raises the mic again to speak.

The Undertaker: I sense the fear in your voice Eric, and everybody knows that you are a chicken. You say that you won’t succumb to the dead man, that you don’t care about my threats. There are no threats here, only facts and the fact is you just got spooked. Now I may be the dead man, but I ain’t dead yet, I may have been here for a long time, but I still have life left in me, and whilst I am still breathing, my darkness will rule over this company, erasing the weak from this business. Eric Bischoff, you are the very definition of weak, I mean, when is the last time YOU had a fight. You are just a salesman in the wrong industry and I will have no problems rectifying that. You say I live off past glories Eric, but I stand here as the champion of the United States and this is very much the present. I still rule over this roster with an iron fist, people still tremble at the mention of my name and people…STILL fall at my feet.


The Undertaker looks toward the titantron, the crowd cheering on the legendary Undertaker.

The Undertaker: You are just how you have always been Eric, a businessman who in his irrelevance, tries to sign up other irrelevant guys to take care of your problems because you can’t do them yourself. You aren’t a man Bischoff, the weakest of the weak and these guys you have picked, those two combined haven’t even come close to the success that I have had. Eric, keep telling yourself how this is all just a dream, how this isn’t reality because I’ll tell you now Eric, this is very much real. The prince of darkness shall feast on your spirit, devouring it before sending your decomposing body to be a meal for the hounds of hell. Eric, Jackson and Clay, you all best call up your families, say your goodbyes and tell them to start digging your graves, because I have three tombstones with your names on them.

The Undertaker looks on, seriously as the crowd continue to cheer for him.

The Undertaker: Nobody gets up from a Tombstone, and nobody can avoid the wrath of the Undertaker, you can run but you can’t hide. At SmackDown, our paths will meet and there will be no escape, and no remorse. You unleashed your so called clients on me when I was not expecting it, after I had been through a match, this time, you have my full attention, and believe me, it’s not a situation you would like to find yourself in. It’s a situation that is going to compromise your health and all because you like to run around after someone who is only going to stab you in the back once he’s bored.

The Undertaker continues his speech and the crowd are really getting behind him now.

The Undertaker: You are telling me to walk away? In case you haven’t realised, I am still at the top of my game, and I continue to dismantle lost minds, just like Ezekiel Jackson and Brodus Clay, and as you very much have realised, I am still the United States Champion. I have many more years ahead of me yet, I am permanent in this ever changing business and I will be riding my chariot of fire for a very long time.

The Undertaker does his cut-throat taunt, before rolling his eyes. A bolt of lightning from the rafters hits the ring and the lights go out. When the lights come back on, the Undertaker is gone.


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UWF Smackdown - Brodus Clay vs. Derrick Bateman

As the UWF Universe settle inside the arena, their attention is swiftly caught by movement on the titantron. They look up and see the face of Eric Bischoff, but surprisingly only minor boos commence. Bischoff looks very unimpressed at something off camera.


The camera begins to slowly pan around the frustrated Bischoff, and what he's disappointed at soon becomes clear. Sitting in front of him are Brodus Clay and Ezekiel Jackson, who sit slightly on edge, waiting for Bischoff to unleash. Bischoff suddenly stands up and looks down at Jackson.

Eric Bischoff: What the hell was that? HUH? I vouched for you in front of the entire world and you LET ME DOWN! You showboated, you cocky son of a bitch, and you paid the damn price for your crap! I'm the guy who got both of you back in the door, I'm the guy who is going to turn you into superstars, and I'm the guy you shouldn't be making look like a total ass on live television! I don't care that it was only one of you who competed last week, this message is for the both of you - don't you dare waste this opportunity you've been given. You're two of the most intimidating, ruthless, uncompromising wrestlers I've ever laid eyes on and I've partnered you together for a reason. The two of you are capable of big things, and I promise you that, but tow the damn line! The Undertaker was finished last week, he should've been buried six feet under, and fortunately for us that crap that was pulled didn't see us given the boot after just a week in the locker room!

Bischoff tensely stares down Jackson, who meets Bischoff's gaze.

Eric Bischoff: Instead, the way I look at it, we've been given a second chance. We have one month to prove to "The Authority" that we deserve to be here. Now in that month what I want is pure and simple - I want Brodus Clay and Ezekiel Jackson to tear the Smackdown roster apart one... by... one. Fortunately we've been provided with the perfect opportunity to do so, and it's all in your court, Brodus. Before I walked in here, I was reliably informed that you've been booked in the Hardcore tournament against Derrick Bateman. Now while the Undertaker posed a sizable threat, Bateman is a joke. The kid is a smartass; he's here for the ride as his pal is the one who gets the job done, not him. He truly is a worthless side kick and I want to watch him thrown around like a damn rag doll and made to suffer. I want that Hardcore Championship, Brodus, and this is the first hurdle. So, have I made myself clear? Can you do this or am I wasting my time?

Clay shakes his head, then stands up and towers over Bischoff.

Brodus Clay: You've got nothin' to worry about, E. I got this.

Clay places a reassuring hand on Bischoff's shoulder, who gazes down at it. Jackson stands up and the three look united. Bischoff looks up at the determined duo.

Eric Bischoff: I better not have anything to worry about.

Bischoff leaves the locker room as Jackson and Clay look at one another. They nod as they then follow Bischoff out.



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UWF SmackDown! 10/12/13: Mr Kennedy vs. D'Von




Airbourne song “Turn Up The Troubleâ€￾ starts playing on the PA System. Mr. Kennedy walks out from behind the curtain as the lights go down. Mr. Kennedy is wearing his classic “Talk Loud, Hit Harderâ€￾ shirt. He raises his hand up in the air as the microphone comes down from the ceiling of the arena on stage.


Mr. Kennedy grabs the microphone and looks around at the crowd who are mainly cheering him as he has his Hardcore Championship around his waist. He begins to speak.

Mr. Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls people of all ages. You should all direct your attention to either the entrance stage or the titantron and give a nice welcome to the man who hails from Green Bay, Wisconsin, the greatest wrestler in sports entertainment history... MISSTEEEEEERRR KENNNNEEEEEDDDDYYY…

Mr. Kennedy pauses as the crowd waits as he finally says his name again.

Mr. Kennedy: ...KENNEDEH!


Mr. Kennedy: He-he, all the people... Let them talk... what do they have to prove to you?

Mr. Kennedy is still proving his damages from Bound For Glory still has a side-effect.

The damages I've suffered, this tournament and knowing what's around the corner. Don't worry about what's happening around the corner... You can beat everyone, even if you're not cleared to wrestle..., I watched some of the matches last week, I caught a little glimpse. The fact is I don't care who ends up facing me, the fact is I'm already damaged... Glass cannot damage me enough. This is something I strive for, this is something I've asked for. To put my body on the line for this Championship has proven it's stakes... This week. Ken, are you really striving this? Do you even know of your condition right now? You're only feeling the pain you've suffered, you're not in-taking the damages you've really got. It's a concern, you won't even wake up from this to realize how bad this is. This week, I'm facing a man who's called himself the 'Gateway to Violence', the thing is... I don't see much rage in D'Von, I remember him last as Reverend D'Von, something about churches and God... I cannot seem to remember so well. Ken, you're losing memory... how much damage can you really take? Sure you're fighting it now... but... you can't go any further. We've got to stop, you cannot compete, get some help... Ken, listen... Look, I'm just worried... Can you actually beat D'Von? Nor does it even matter, the fact is D'Von probably changes his attitude more than he changes his jocks; that's not a concern. So which is it this week D'Von, you're coming out here to tell me you're bringing the tables? That's nothing, a bit of plywood surely can't hurt as much... It's nothing as extreme as what's happening at Bad Blood. All this talk, all this action, everyone suddenly thirst for blood... but the blood is so purified that it isn't bad yet; I know deep inside I can defeat you D'Von. Whilst there's so many people in this tournament, you are not... Ken... I want you to remember that D'Von's facing Undertaker... SHUT UP! I'VE HAD IT! He-he, sorry... sorry... I totally didn't mean to yell. But I am sick of hearing all these names, people backstage think I've gone crazy. I haven't gone crazy. Ken, you've gone insane... Don't you dare yell at me again. I can break you, I could switch everything off... there wouldn't be no Ken anymore. This is the change, this is the first step... fight through this... Everyone will soon know the true psycho in you. But I know you're facing Undertaker, I heard someone say backstage... Well, do you think you can represent America; I mean the government shutdown is in progress... you being a Champion surely ain't going to change anything... You think beating me will help you accomplish something? No D'Von, whilst you've been in some matches with weapon... You're nothing without it... I am everything, I've proven... Ken, I want more pain, more blood... Let D'Von rage... Let him throw you into a table, feel it... the glass shards are soon going to be your scars...

Mr. Kennedy cracks his neck, he walks to the corner turnbuckle looking focused at the ropes and nothing else... he tilts his head back as he turns around in a maniacally look. He then sits down by the corner turnbuckle.

Mr. Kennedy: How are you going to prove yourself this week D'Von? I defeated Eddie Guerrero which is the biggest feat of my life, I stand here today as your hardcore champion. I'll have opponents coming at me every week, this division isn't as easy. Your body is no longer accustomed to this which is why you're not part of the tournament... if you were it might just I want D'Von to suffer pain, you need to exploit the psychological disorder... Embrace this hate, show them the fury inside you Ken... you've got t- be the end of your career D'Von. The clock is slowly ticking, but it's just a ticking time bomb. Since Bound for Glory, I've not competed in a match, you'll be the first to face me. Things aren't the same, I'm more disturbed, I'm more deranged... Weapons have became my territory, but without the weapons... There isn't pain, I'll feel nothing, but I can assure you that this week... No weapons will be involved, it'll be a straight-up wrestling match and I respect you D'Von, Oh, I do. We don't respect anybody anymore Ken, you need to get into the mode... show your anger. Don't you dare go soft, I'll tweak your brain even more that you'll really snap. But the question is, can you find yourself dealing with a man full of rage? A man with plenty to prove, being a Champion isn't enough for me... Being dangerous isn't enough... Competing in non-weaponry matches is just a given, it's allowed me to try heal my entire body... but what if I don't want to be healed? Sure I'm hurting, I'm bruising... I am confused to how the pain will feel come Bad Blood. My life is in a dangerous situation, why ain't I fighting it? I should be concerned, but I'm not... Ken, you're finally understanding... There's nothing to be concerned about at all... the glass shards will be the best of us. So D'Von, come out here and give us your little talk; the only thing I'm fighting this week is you... you should be concerned because as a matter of fact... this is just the beginning... the tornado is near... you'll see it being a complete wipe-out. This belt, after the glass shards, after that deep cut... I still survive.
Mar 6, 2013
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UWF Smackdown Kevin Nash vs. Alberto Del Rio


The fans erupt into cheers as Kevin Nash's theme hits, within moments, the Executive Vice President of Talent Relation Kevin Nash steps out from the backstage with his big study leather jacket and marches down the entrance ramp; high fiving the odd fan proving he's a people person before climbing into the ring and taking a microphone from a ring tech.


Kevin Nash: Ya know what really ticks me off?

Marks, especially those guys in the back who are marks for themselves, guys like Alberto Del Rio. Guys who think they are some hot shit just because they can draw some minor crowd or they got some nice moves in the arsenal or because they were something in the past but that was the past and they don’t mean a damn now. Sure they might have been important but that was then, this is now and Alberto Del Rio, I can you tell you now you aren’t anything, you’re not important, you’re not the hottest shit in the company in fact you’re probably just lukewarm these days.

Hell, the worst bit about you is how you just rub everyone up the wrong way with your attitude. You act like you are being victimise by everybody who’s on the board when you’re really nothing but a draw in Mexico and roster fodder just grow the hell up and still acting like a mark for yourself because damn man, if you weren’t a mark for yourself, you wouldn’t let little comments which aren’t even aimed at you man.

I live by one simple rule in this industry, if you’re not a mark for yourself, people can’t fuck with you; take that advice on if you wanna get anywhere in this business especially Ultimate Wrestling Fedaration because me and Hunter, we’ve had it up to here with people with bad attitudes.

Speaking of bad attitudes, Zack Ryder I know you can hear me ‘buddy’ and if you wanna pull one of your big stunts again and jump me from behind or get one of your lackies to do your dirty work; you’re welcome to because I’ve had it up to here with it. I’m gonna kick someone’s ass and that is something you can guarantee to happen.

I guess you can say, someone is gonna get buried by Big Sexy Kevin Nash.

The fans love Kevin Nash's words as he leans against the ring ropes and waits for Alberto Del Rio to show up.
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Re: UWF SmackDown! 10/12/13: Mr Kennedy vs. D'Von

Get The Tables!!!


Brother D'Von comes running out of the curtain headbanging to Metallica as he screams to the crowd while posing on the stage before he walks down the ramp. The first verse to "Whiskey In The Jar" can be heard as Brother D'Von makes it to the ramp and begins to slap some extended hands as the crowd nearby cheers and yells different things to D'Von, as D'Von replies back with simple words as he continues his way towards the ring. D'Von slides through the ring as he jumps onto the ring post as he poses to the crowd by raising his hands up, then points to some fans nearby headbanging to his theme song. D'Von then jumps to the canvas and hops onto the opposite corner and does the same pose, then is handed a microphone as the music stops and D'Von looks into the crowd as he gets a round of applause. D'Von has a crazed look in his eyes as he's about to address the crowd.


"Gateway To Violence" Brother D'Von: First of all Mr. Kennedy let me inform you that I have never in my life ever seen a man that needed a religious figure more than you. If I was still serving under the Lord then I would have you strapped to chair while praying for your soul to be freed from the demons that lurk within you. But I'm not a reverend anymore Mr. Kennedy. So for now I will have to take into consideration that I am dealing with two individuals right now, as opposed to one. With that being said Mr. Kennedy I will address you as one, rather than trying to fuel the demons that are inside you by giving them attention. No my brother I know excatly how to deal with this kind of situations, and the first rule of doing so it to ignore the temptations of bringing out the hatred within you. I understand what you are going through, that match at Bound For Glory definitely did some psychological damage to you, but I also know that half of what you say is completely voluntary. I know that you're in a crazed mode but I can also tell that you choose to allow this other spirit inside you to take over. You are the Hardcore Champion Mr. Kennedy, it's in your right to battle out these dark wanderers inside you and reclaim your body as one.

D'Von is done with the lectures, but doesn't stop talking.

Of course there is another way to go past this my brother, and I'm sure you're well aware of my new 'beliefs' and how I utilize them in the ring. During our match I could sacrifice the match for a loss in order to beat the demons out of you with my steel chain that I always carry around. No I'm not talking about using tables either, while they are my trademark weapon I think I need to bring out the big guns this time around to take out this kind of batshit crazy. Now with that being said Mr. Kennedy I understand that Eddie Guerrero is your toughest opponent yet, and it was quite a miracle that you beat him at Bound For Glory. What will be impossible though is to square off against the Gateway To Violence. You are the Hardcore Champion Mr. Kennedy, therefore you are not afraid of the pain whatsoever. On paper you would be able to walk with me along the Path of Violence and make it to the other side without harm, but we both know this won't happen my brother, because only one of us will make it out of this match unbroken. Oh yes my brother I need absolutely no reason to prove that I am capable of going into this match against you. On the contrary I am actually using you as a stepping stone, per se, to prove my dominance against The Undertaker at Bad Blood.

Brother D'Von looks at Mr. Kennedy dead center in the eye, then waves his hand over the view of the crowd while looking at Kennedy.

Remind me again my brother why you choose to fight for the Hardcore Title? I mean clearly you are already a broken man and I hate to say it but you're clearly already suffering from Post Tramautic Stress Disorder. Studies have shown that 20% of the world's population has suffered from that same mental disorder that you currently have, so statistically 20% of the audience has PTSD. What I'm trying to get at though is that these 20% of the people usually do retire from their jobs that stressed them out in the first place, or at least step down from their current post. You on the other hand are quite a character Mr. Kennedy, because I'm pretty sure if I got enough times in the head while defending that Title, I think hearing voices in my head would be a good sign of telling me to forfeit the title. I will not show off my anger towards you like how your other voice is telling me to my brother. Instead I will use nothing but sheer force to bring you to your knees and have you at my mercy. Cryptic that may be my brother but I would never let you and... you get the best out of me. It's either me or you my brother and I hope that you know the answer to that one.

Brother D'Von lowers his mic as he awaits a reply from Mr. Kennedy.



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Re: UWF Smackdown Kevin Nash vs. Alberto Del Rio


Del Rio's music hits the PA system, as the UWF Universe expects soon to being berated by the Mexican Aristocrat. Seconds pass, as Alberto Del Rio finally appears from behind the Smackdown curtains, a huge smirks across his face & a mic already in hand. The crowd is on their feet, leaning over as far as they can to shout profanities at the king of Mexico. He ignores them, not to be bothered by such of the lower class. He makes his way ringside, & enters through the middle ropes, as he runs both hands across his abs. The crowd responds with what seems to take the roof off the arena, MASSIVE heat for Del Rio tonight.​


Ladies & Gentlemen Kevin Nash! Let's give him a hand shall we? The crowd gives a half hearted response Kevin I couldn't help but to hear you talking to these fans about being marks for themselves; & thought to myself how could he possibly be talking about Alberto Del Rio? At Bound for Glory, it wasn't myself who abused their friendship with the COO of this company to place themselves in a title match they didn't belong in. It wasn't myself who consequently LOST that match at Bound for Glory to Smackdown's UWF Champion Edge. How could it be possible that someone who makes such accusations be talking about a man whose actually won a championship in this company? A man who went to Wrestlemania when the UWF was but a baby, & defeated four other men in a scramble match to become UWF United States Champion? Kevin if anyone is living in the past, you should probably look in the mirror. If you want to witness & bask in the glory of the present & this companies future, then look no farther then the man who stands before you. My track record in this company proves to everyone in this arena & to everyone backstage that Alberto Del Rio is the Essence of Excellence.
Del Rio is grinning from ear to ear, as Nash seems to be getting heated against the ropes. He picks up where he left off.​

To be quite honest with everyone here tonight, & with yourself Kevin Nash; I'm utmost surprised that Zack Ryder decided to make this match. Not because I think you actually stand a chance in defeating me Nash, no not at all. I'm surprised by the fact that Zack Ryder would risk Smackdown's best draft pick on a man who is already over the hill in this business. A man whose career highlight was playing Super Shredder at the end of a Ninja Turtle movie. That's right, we had it in Mexico on VHS. The crowd gives a slight chuckle for this line The talent & prestige that I have & bring in the middle of this ring, like my money far outclasses you Kevin. Last week, I was unsuccessful against Sheamus, in a match that a beautiful person such as myself had no place being in, in the first place. Something so asinine as a hardcore tournament is for people like yourself. For people who lack for the better judgement, what it takes in this ring to be the best technical wrestler in the world. That match is for miscreants that wrestle in Bingo Halls, not a Mexican icon, that his people look up to & reach out for in their times of need; until I slap their filthy hand away in disgust, & drive away.
This crowd is back on the bandwagon, as they serenade Del Rio with boos. He urges them on, as he's getting a laugh out of it.​
My other question to you, Vice President of Talent Relations; is that you're worried about attitudes? Attitudes? Really? You come down to this ring & speak in front of these fans about how you think Alberto Del Rio cares what you think about his attitude? My attitude is what makes me who I am. It's what makes these people cheer me. The fans respond with a chorus of boos If I honestly cared what Kevin Nash thought about my attitude, I wouldn't be standing here before you as the man you'll next lose to. Kevin you shouldn't be so much as worried about my attitude, more as to how to not get your arm broken here tonight on Smackdown. I am the best submission artist this brand, nay this company has. When I lock onto that arm tonight, no one will remember the name Kevin Nash. All that will be remembered is the broken down old man, who was left laying in his own cest. Tonight Kevin Nash wants to "bury" someone, I urge you to bring yourself down to this ring & I'll bring the shovel.
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Re: UWF SmackDown! 10/12/13: Mr Kennedy vs. D'Von

Mr. Kennedy looks at D'Von with absolutely no emotion.


Pretend that's D'Von

Mr. Kennedy: Religious? Urmm, Devon buddy... I don't know what kind of philosophical crap you're spewing out but I do not need God, I do not need religion in my life. It's quite obnoxious to see that you've baffled into your old ways yet that doesn't surprise me at all. Who does Devon think he is? We don't need God, the only God is the demon inside you Ken, the demon that's yet to be unleashed *Crackles* Devon, I don't think you understand me. You don't understand my will, my motivation, my determination here in U-W-F. I don't need to be strapped to a chair, I don't need my soul to become free. You claim I've got demons inside me, what are you on about? Oh! Is it this new attitude I've got, is it because my head is so stuck into this hardcore division that I'm afraid I'm going to die because of it? Of course I've got rights to be concerned, but right now... I don't have any concerns... All I have is myself, my brains to endure pain on my opponents... This division belongs to me, it's made me complete. This week, that demon will unleash on that religious freak... There will be no God, poor Devon will suffer... We shall demonize him. All of this Devon, I'm embracing it all in, I'm living what I truly was made out for. There's no denying my success as Hardcore Champion; the matches I've been in... it's only going to another level at Bad Blood and it's just a real shame I cannot make your skin like carcass and slice your skin. Those glass shards... It's only two and a half weeks away Ken, those shards... those scars... such destruction to the body... Psychological damage? I don't have any psychological damage! How dare you claim I've got some sort of disorder! I may be battered and bruised but I do not have any psychological damage, it sickens me that you've even considered that. There's nothing wrong with me, the only thing that's wrong with me is I am not embracing this Hardcore division more than I should... Guys like Terry Funk, Sabu and Tommy Dreamer did some sickening things... I'm going to follow their footsteps, this is my pride! Show him Ken, but don't snap just yet... the crackles are there... but you can't snap, just not now. Where did you even come up with the fact that another spirit is inside me? Eddie Guerrero brought the best out in me and there's no denying that, I'm becoming unstoppable... I'm becoming a sick, twisted, disturbed man because this is my division, this is the pride and honor I have. The respect I must deliver for the guys I looked up to as a child! Devon, I also looked up to you, those ladder matches... The crazy shit you did... Ken, go back... go back... we cannot respect a man who's disrespected you! But I have my concerns, you've kinda disrespected me there man, saying I've got issues and crap... that ain't on and it's why this week... without weapons, I'll somehow honor the Hardcore Heroes and show you just how dangerous I can be.

I don't need to reclaim my body as one, I am already claimed as one. As I stated, this is a new me and if you cannot respect change then something is wrong with you. You were a preaching man, you still are... but you tried to change, you tried to gain the respect from these people. So if you can change, why the hell can't I?
I'm allowed to do what I wish and there's nothing you can do about it, I've been considered a loudmouth, an asshole and the list keeps going. But at the end of the day I'm still Mr. Kennedy; whether my beliefs differ from yours or not. It's just a shame this is a non-weapon match, I suppose you could beat him and then bring out your demons, show him what you truly mean... This championship needs to be dignified; the entire roster needs to be warned Ken... warn them! Chains to beat the demons? Devon, I'm still confused... I'm bedazzled by what you're saying here. Are you sure it's not you with the problems here? Is God still calling you to come back and preach? I don't think you understand... I've been beaten to a bloody pulp before, I've almost been burned alive... Yet I'm heading to Bad Blood with my fist taped in glue, glass will be all over my fist... Nothing will bring me down, nothing! So whilst you want to deliver this "Gateway of Violence" crap; you need to understand that I'm simply unstoppable, I can be beaten into a bloody pulp, but I will stand and laugh... Ask for more Ken, ask for more! We need this! simply because I cannot ever have this disappear. You're not on the level of Eddie Guerrero, you're not on the level of me Devon. You'll become broken, at the end of this you'll have to preach to God, you'll have to attend confessions just to cleanse your sins. Can you do that Devon? Will you be able to wake up after our match? Will you be able to understand that I am just an estranged man; a man so sick and twisted... You've yet to see it... but over the next following weeks... You'll only become more and more afraid of me. Tell him he's no stepping stone... He cannot break you Ken, even the Undertaker will take his soul! But first... you'll weaken Devon and allow Undertaker to do everything he has to do... but I don't want Undertaker doing the job... End Devon.

Devon, I couldn't careless if you're facing Undertaker, HHH or even Kevin Nash. I'm no stepping stone, I'm a man who's roaring to go, a man who's not wrestled since Bound for Glory... People backstage say I'm not medically cleared, you're saying I've got some psychological disorder... but if you really want me to bring out my rage, I will... and the sight won't be pretty for you. You shouldn't wish for things because you just might get it; you want a crazy Ken Kennedy? You want me to become a psycho? Ken, don't let them know yet... deliver it. Deliver it, because it's just better that way... Yet I am wondering how the hell you've became such a disrespectful son-of-a-bitch, all these accusations Devon... Just not on! I don't need no mercy...

Kennedy begins to flip out and gets extremely angry; the voices in his head over come him and is heard.

Devon! We will get the best of you, together we stand united... there's nothing you can do about this! These statistics are nothing more than jokes! You do not know what's going on here, you do not understand me! You're only witnessing first hand what the "Psycho" Ken Kennedy is all about! We won't forfeit anything... but we will sacrifice every opponent who comes our way... You will all fall, you'll be the one on your knees asking to join us. You'll be wanting me in your head! That anger, that sheer force... Sure you'll deliver it, but Ken here will do everything he can to put you to a halt. This isn't no softening up before Bad Blood, this is Ken... injuring you so bad that you won't ma-

Kennedy screams as he pounds his head on the turnbuckle pad several times before getting into the face of Devon.

Devon, I'd appreciate it if you'd show me a bit of respect. I looked up to you, but it's unfortunate that this week... you're just going to be a written chapter in the book of Kennedy.



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Re: UWF SmackDown! 10/12/13: Mr Kennedy vs. D'Von

Brother D'Von stares at Mr. Kennedy before continuing, not grinning but not frowning either.


"Gateway To Violence" Brother D'Von: My brother, I was afraid that the demons inside you would be too much for one to bear. And I fear that I am right because not only did the demons inside Mr. Kennedy deprive him of his sanity, but it also deprived him of his logic. Are you even aware that there is something else inside of your thick skull or do you choose to believe that you have some kind of disease that nobody is aware of? First just to make things more clear for you and your being inside of you, whatever its name is, I am no longer a solider of God. Yes I still believe in him and yes I still pray before every match but I am not completely dependent on Him. I am an independent warrior who has a free will, just like you and the United States Champion The Undertaker. I choose to bring out the violence in people, The Undertaker chooses to bring out the fear out of people's minds, and you my brother, well you choose to follow what that demon is telling you. What I can't understand though is how you refuse to believe that there is nothing else inside of the mind of Mr. Kennedy. My brother I seriously suggest that you go see a pyciatrist immediately, before you pose yourself as a threat towards others.

D'Von sees that Mr. Kennedy is not amused on the joke he just made, so he continues on with his speech.

Alright my brother you want to be serious about this whole situation? Well fine then I'll turn this into a legiminante discussion. You Mr. Kennedy are a complete joke! I'm that was something that you were not expecting but I tried to take the easy route out, but of course that demon inside you is starting to get on my nerves. And since you are the one responsible for its actions I'm going to lash out on you! Oh yes my brother I have tried to see the reasoning of your madness but unfortunately I can only see one, and that is because you are clearly enjoying it. Well the way I see it my brother if you enjoy being seduced by that other presence inside you then I will enjoy beating the holy crap out of you. Whether at this point the demon can be released or not is none of my concern anymore, I just want to show you that you are making others suffer for allowing this lunacy to happen. Make no mistake Mr. Kennedy that you are no more of a man that you were before, as in you don't have a physical advantage over me just because you have a different being inside you. Actually if anything my brother I'm pretty sure that I have the advantage over you, mainly because you seem to argue with yourself all the time. One side you have your cocky old self, and the other side is portraying an ultraviolent personna. If there is one that I agree with though is that I too wish this was a match with no DQ, because I would love to put you on the shelf for being out a new kind of stupid from Mr. Kennedy!

Brother D'Von doesn't even break a smile as Mr. Kennedy is looking furious now.

Alright my brother I'll settle the personal attacks and get straight to the part where I talk about tearing you limb to limb, and yes I'm exaggerating... a little bit. You see I have a very high tolerance for this kind of bullshit, and apparently that says a lot coming from a man who, what was it that you said, believes in 'philosophical crap'? Oh yeah Mr. Kennedy we can debate for hours who is right and who is wrong but I don't feel like doing that for two reasons. Number one is because you're thick-headed, and number two is because that demon living inside your intestines is thick-headed as well. So take a guess on what's going to happen at Smackdown Mr. Kennedy? Well first of all don't have any high expectations of winning that match because I am on a mission right now to take out The Undertaker from within. If I can beat a fellow UWF Smackdown Champion, then the odds will be in my favour at Bad Blood. But the main thing you should be worried my brother is if YOU can make it to Bad Blood. I understand that you are facing the winner of the Hardcore Tournament in a Taipei Death Match for your title. But what are the odds of winning that match with glass in your fists if you can't even beat a lowly crazed black man in a good old fashioned wrestling match?

Brother D'Von lowers in to Kennedy's face and whispers into his ear.

Well I don't think I have to answer that for you, because even a mind possessed such as yours could state the obvious.

Brother D'Von backs up from Kennedy again. Kennedy's eyes are almost twitching from anger while D'Von straighen's up his jacket, then raises his mic up again.

There is not much that I can to you anymore without repeating myself. I have tried hard and hard to understand your situation but from what I'm gathering from this 'lovely' conversation; you are clearing going into a mental breakdown. Whether it's because of that hellacious match at Bound For Glory or wether you've been hit in the head too many times trying to defend that title, I'm afraid that there is nothing that I can do or say that will make you see the truth in your stupidity. I will see you on Saturday when the time comes for us to have our match my brother. Until then try not to land in jail for killing some random stranger on the street. One day you will see the inner light and will realize the terrible mistakes you are making today. Oh my brother, testify!

Brother D'Von leaves the ring and starts to walk up the ramp, not even seeing the facial expression from Kennedy's glare.

OOC: Good luck Andrew! I know that you wanted this 2-2 so I officially ended it right here. Really can't wait to read our match on Smackdown.


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Re: UWF Smackdown - Brodus Clay vs. Derrick Bateman


Derrick Bateman's music hits and the crowd gets on their feet and cheers for their resident banisher of evil. Derrick comes running out from the back with a full head of steam. He quickly runs over to the announce desk and is handed a mic before heading into the ring.

Derrick Bateman
Wassup bros? Take a good look. You're looking at the man who is undefeated in pay per view singles competition.

The fans rally behind Bateman.

My bro Fandango unfortunately got hurt at Bound For Glory but that's not gonna stop this train of momentum I've been riding. You all saw that movie Unstoppable, it's going to be awhile before anything stops me. Especially not some dude who looks like a less intimidating version of Bowser. I mean you guys saw what happened last week. His buddy lost to The Undertaker. They say you're only as strong as your weakest link so if Taker can beat him, I can beat his little buddy. Yes I am better than the Undertaker. He's only United States Champion. Big whoop, Fandango was International Champion and I'm actually stronger than him if you can believe that. This dude they got me going up against this week however, it seems like him and his partner just aren't that good alone. It took Eric Bischoff to finally get them to come here and together they looked unstoppable. They took out the Undertaker! But separately, well you all saw what happened.

And contrary to what Eric believes, I'm not just some sidekick to Fandango. I won last Sunday after all. I'm the most charismatic one of the bunch. I never needed a manager to speak for me in order to get a reaction. I'm what people call the complete package. The only thing I've been missing throughout my career is a bit of gold around my waist. I've tried very hard to become achieve my dream and become the Tag Team Champions with my buddy Fandango but I guess I have to start somewhere and what better place than the Hardcore Championship.

Derrick Bateman pumps his fist into the air and gets the reaction he wanted. He then steps out of the ring and walks over to the time keepers table and grabs a chair which once again pumps up the crowd. He climbs back into the ring and just sits on the chair.

If you'll excuse me, I want to be more comfortable. Now I'm sure you guys remember that maniac Dean Ambrose won the hardcore title and then after awhile he became the World Heavyweight Champion. That's my goal here. I know when you think Hardcore you don't really think Derrick Bateman but trust me you will. You all will. Working for the biggest professional wrestling company for a year has allowed me to make a lot of money and you wouldn't believe the cool new gadgets I've acquired. 3 Minute Warning will be lucky to even last 3 minutes against me.

Derrick gives the crowd a cocky smile but it soon goes away when...