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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown January 11th Card!

People are gonna be like... Guerrero? Ohhh he was the guy that got tossed out by that awesome Rated R European Champion :D

Chris Dresdon

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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown January 11th Card!

People are gonna be like... Guerrero? Ohhh he was the guy that got tossed out by that awesome Rated R European Champion :D

Well played Slim, but I beat you once and I'll beat you again, ese'. This is my moment to shine, my time to do something great, MINE!


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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown January 11th Card!

Yeah, you guys go on about it...I'm tossin' all yer sorry asses out on Smackdown and again at RUMBLE! BOOYAH!


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UWF Smackdown: January 11th Edition!

A clearly irate World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Hardy, is standing by with Josh Matthews.


Josh Matthews: Jeff, your first match back since defending your championship against Dolph Ziggler, and knowing come the Royal Rumble, former champion Dean Ambrose is hot on your heels, are you able to fully concentrate enough to put Eddie Guerrero away?

Jeff stares a hole into Josh, before starting to speak.

Jeff Hardy: Last week on Smackdown I congratulated Dean Ambrose on becoming the number one contender to my title, and he would not accept my handshake. He's trying to send a message, start playing the mind games early, seems like it was a sort of defense mechanism on his part. Maybe... maybe he thought that me coming down to the ring was a mind game in itself and that got his back up. I don't know. All I do know is that we both have separate matches tonight, and he is fighting on a side tonight that I one hundred percent support... Not the fact he's with John Cena, but it's pushing back the resistance of Y.. E.. S.

I in no way want to see them win back their tag team championships, for far too long have they used, third or fourth guys to keep a tandem championship in their ranks. Strength in numbers has always been a position they ensured they could capitalize on, and now that those have been taken away from them, this final push for them to lose their rematch clause, and it could start to spell the end. I mean, how can Sandow even look at Daniel Bryan now that he's parading his former championship? The egos have been kept simmered for far longer than I imagined, but they can't blame themselves when things go wrong and ultimately they're going to look at each other. Believe me, I know, I've been there. So yes. Dean, you go out there tonight, and you make sure that you and John keep those championships. I'll deal with my match, you deal with yours.

As for your question Josh.... Ah, you'll see.

Jeff walks off and the camera moves elsewhere.



'Re-Education' by US Punk outfit Rise Against plays over the audio system as Smackdown kicks off. Pyro shoots out of every imaginable orifice of the arena as the camera pans around showing the excited fans who jump up and down, fists in the air, awaiting the Smackdown action that is due to proceed. The camera continues to pan the arena before settling on our announce team of Good Ol' JR, Jim Ross and 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!.


Jim Ross: Welcome to UWF Friday Night Smackdown everyone! Happy New Year to you. As always. I'm good Ol' JR Jim Ross and with me is my broadcast partner, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper!

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: Thanks Ross! As always, I'm happy to be sitting next to someone who smells like Barbeque sauce.

JR: That's just my natural musk Roddy. Either way, we are just days away from the Royal Rumble Pay-Per-View. And last week, we found out that our Worlds Champion Jeff Hardy will defend the Championship aganist former Champion Dean Ambrose in a bout between two of Smackdown's most popular athletes.

Piper: That's going to be one hell of a match Ross. But tonight, we find out who the Number Thirty entrant of the Royal Rumble Match will be.

JR: I can't wait for that. Smackdown's seven competitors will compete in an Over The Top Battle Royal to determine the Number Thirty entrant in the Royal Rumble.

Piper: I'm picking Sandow to win!

JR: We’re going to jump right into the action folks. Our first contest will see World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy in action against Eddie Guerrero.

Piper: Guerrero has been very vocal over the past couple of days Ross and while I don’t like Hardy, I hope the Champ shuts this jobber up tonight.

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from El Paso, Texas, weighing in at 236 pounds, Eddie Guerrero!


"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson begins to play over the PA system as Smackdown's forgotten talent, Eddie Guerrero, makes his way through the curtain looking very somber and serious as he starts walking down the ramp.


Guerrero continues to walk down the ramp with an angy look on his face before entering the ring and waiting for his opponent.

Garcia: And the opponent, from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 220 pounds, he is the UWF World Heavyweight Champion; Jeff Hardy!


"No More Words" bursts through the arena and the whole of the arena get up on their feet with some already clapping the imminent arrival of the new World Heavyweight Champion. The glow off the belt is the first thing you see as Hardy walks out onto the stage As the belt is draped over his shoulder he looks fired up as he casually makes his way to the ring.


He wastes no time in sprinting to the ring and sliding inside, before picking his belt back up, running up the turnbuckle and showing the whole of Detroit his new possession.


He pops down off of the turnbuckle and his music stops. With the belt now draped across his shoulder he has a microphone passed to him and he wastes no time preparing for the bell.




The bell sounds and Hardy and Guerrero lock up. Hardy gets the advantage by performing a go behind hammerlock on Guerrero. Hardy stands behind Latino Heat, putting pressure on Guerrero’s arm. Guerrero looks to deliver a back elbow to Hardy’s face, but the Champion ducks under, which turns Guerrero’s body around to face the Champion. Hardy then wraps both of his arms around Guerrero’s waist and hoist Latino Heat overhead with a Northern Lights Suplex with a bridge. The official slides into position and begins to count the first fall of the evening…



Guerrero kicks out!

Both men get to their feet at the same time and Guerrero attempts a clothesline. Hardy ducks under yet again and as Guerrero turns around; Hardy grabs him by the skull and performs a drop down jawbreaker…

JR: Innovative offense from the Champion!

Piper: Get him Jeff!

JR: This is strange Roddy!

Piper: What?

JR: You and I being on the same side!

Guerrero’s neck snaps backwards and he falls to the canvas. Guerrero quickly crawls backwards into the near corner, hoping to get away from the Champion’s onslaught. Jeff Hardy refuses to let Guerrero be that lucky. The Champion goes right after Latino Heat and as Guerrero sits in the corner, Hardy uses the two bottom nearby ropes to propel himself into the air before swinging backwards and driving both of his feet directly into Guerrero’s chest…

JR: Hardiac Arrest!

Hardy’s boots drive the air out of Guerrero and the Champion soon drags Guerrero out of the corner and covers him, hooking both legs….



Guerrero rolls a shoulder!

JR: Guerrero can’t even get out of the box.

Piper: Maybe if he didn’t spend some much time shooting, he’d be prepared for this match.

Jeff Hardy soon gets back to his feet. Hardy watches as Guerrero gets to a knee and tries to get back in this match. Hardy doesn’t let Guerrero do anything of the sort. As Guerrero gets to a knee, Hardy hooks Guerrero’s head before twisting and bringing Guerrero face first to the canvas with a Twist of Fate…

JR: The Twist!

Guerrero’s head bounces off the mat and Jeff Hardy goes for a cover…



Hardy lifts Guerrero’s shoulder off the canvas!

Piper: What’s Hardy doing?

The referee admonishes Hardy, but the World Heavyweight Champion simply lifts Eddie Guerrero to his feet. Hardy wastes no time hooking Guerrero’s head again before performing another Twist of Fate. Yet again, Guerrero’s skull bounces off the canvas. This time, Jeff Hardy doesn’t go for a cover. Hardy gets back to his feet and looks out into the sea of his “Creaturesâ€. Hardy gets a sick smile on his face and puts up one finger, motioning for one more, and the creatures erupt in cheers, obviously in agreement….

JR: Hardy must be looking to send a message to his Royal Rumble Challenger, Dean Ambrose!

Piper: Someone needs to send a message to Eddie Guerrero. If you want to get pushed, maybe you should up for a match against the World Champion.

Jeff Hardy grabs Guerrero by the head and lifts him to a knee. By this time, Eddie Guerrero is completely limp. Hardy hooks the head one more time and bam, a third Twist of Fate! Eddie Guerrero is out of it and Jeff Hardy finally goes for a cover…




Lillian Garcia: The winner of this match, the World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Hardy!


JR: And the World Champion didn’t have to break a sweat!

Piper: I’ve seen a lot of squashes in my day Ross, but that was embarrassing. Eddie Guerrero should be ashamed of himself.

JR: Next time, maybe Guerrero shouldn’t try to channel the spirit of Steve Austin, because obviously it didn’t work for him here.

The official hands Jeff Hardy his World Heavyweight Championship title as Hardy shakes his head at the waste of time that this match was. As Hardy prepares to leave the ring, he is cut off by…

Cause Really I'm A Psycho


JR: Oh boy, business may be picking up!

The theme music of Hardy’s Number One Contender Dean Ambrose plays and the psycho comes out onto the stage. Hardy stares at Ambrose from inside the ring, and Ambrose begins to sarcastically clap at Jeff Hardy’s efforts.

JR: It’s obvious that Ambrose wasn’t impressed!

Piper: Hardy will have the chance to impress Ambrose at the Royal Rumble. And trust me when I say, Dean Ambrose is no Eddie Guerrero.

Champion and Challenger continue to stare one another down as Smackdown heads elsewhere.​

The feed goes backstage, where Ric Flair is standing in his office when there’s a knock on the door. Flair turns towards the door and tells them to come in


Ric Flair: What can I do for ya?

Sandow steps into the room, the crowd watching in the arena boo loudly


Damien Sandow: Mr. Flair, allow me to introduce myself My name is Damien Sandow and I am the intellectual savior to the unwashed masses. And since my return to this serial I found it necessary to meet with you personally so that we may begin on this business endeavor correctly. We need to respect each other because I will be responsible for a great amount of revenue for your brand here, tonight I claim the tag team championship a championship that is held for all three brands. Tonight I ensure my victory at the Royal Rumble, which will be big news for Smackdowns rank on the totem pole to have the superstar who won the Rumble. And at Wrestlemania, I become your Worlds Heavyweight Champion unless I decide to take my talents elsewhere. Therefore, I had a few suggestions. Seeing as I was injured thanks to the short sightedness of the past general manager, I did not have the proper opportunity to be the general manager like I earned by leading my team to victory at Survivor Series. So perhaps you could allow me to make a few decisions for the well-being, and betterment of this brand. To assist in the healing process I say we strip Mr. Ambrose and Mr. Cena of their championships, considering they are not the rightful owners of said titles. That way I can go into the Battle Royal without prior incident and assure our victory in the Royal Rumble Event, Do you concur?

Sandow raises a finger up to silence Flair from speaking

One moment…

Sandow reaches into his suit and pulls out a purple glove, he pulls it on his hand

This is simply for sanitary reasons, you understand.

Sandow extends his hand out for flair to shake

Ric Flair: Listen here son, I see that you like to hear yourself talk so I’ll try and make this quick. I gave you a favor by putting you in the rumble, and I gave you favor by giving you and Daniel a shot at the tag team straps. That makes you all favored out in my book, so take your glove back to your “partner†and get ready for your matches tonight. Concur that?

Sandow looks almost disgusted as he lowers his hand turning to leave but pausing before he turns back around.

Damien Sandow: You’re making a mistake, I expected more from someone with such a legend behind his name. Just know that

Ric Flair: Woo!

Sandow is interrupted, as the crowd in the arena echo the sudden Woo

Ric Flair: Anything else?

Damien Sandow: I am simply trying to suggest you-

Ric Flair: Woo!

Sandow looks at Flair frustrated, he pauses for a moment or two before he speaks up once more

Damien Sandow: You are behaving like a child, would you

Ric Flair: Woo!

Damien Sandow: You are embarrassing yourself as a

Ric Flair: Woo!

Damien Sandow: Will you-

Ric Flair: Woo!

Sandow gets angry before he shakes his head and leaves defeated, as Flair gets a smile on his face as he goes back to business.




Fade. The camera's open up backstage where the first sight we see is SmackDown's official backstage interviewer, Todd Grisham. Grisham is all dressed up for tonight's event, as he has a huge smile on his face. Grisham slowly raises the microphone up to his lips, as he begins the interview.


Todd Grisham
Ladies and gentlemen my guest at this time, One half of the UWF Tag Team Champions, John Cena.

John Cena enters the view, as the audience explodes in cheers! Cena has his Tag Team Championship slinging from his shoulder, as he listens to Grisham's question.

Todd Grisham
Now John tonight for the first time ever, you and Dean Ambrose will defend your titles tonight against the former champions YES. What exactly are your thoughts now that Damien Sandow has returned?


John Cena
He-he, uh, my exact thoughts you ask Todd? Well you see, Damien Sandow, he's a, uh, interesting individual. He and his gang of hooligans are all alike. I like to think of them all as the Three Stooges. Three morons who constantly get inside your skin, and now the since Moe has returned from injury, you can bet your ass their job is to once again become Tag Team Champions. I'm glad because they're willing to do anything and everything to take these title belts from us. They're willing to go to war to once again become Tag Champs and I'm glad. I'm exatic for this match tonight because Dean and I? We have a fight and there's no guys more than us who like to fight. So, Damien, I'm glad everything went well with your injury because you came back right in time for a grade a ass whooping!

The audience continues to cheer for Cena, who nods his head as he awaits for the next question.

Todd Grisham
And how exactly are things going between you and Dean Ambrose? It was your time that he beat in order to get his World Heavyweight Championship opportunity.

John Cena
I'm well aware of that Todd. I honestly don't know how things are going with him but I assume well considering he just earned that number one contendership. He kind of keeps to himself and when he does talk to you, it's a little unnerving what he thinks is fun. He's, uh, pretty crazy, but don't tell him I said that, he-he. So yeah we're not the closest of friends but when it comes down to it, we know how to get things done in the ring and that's all that really matters.

Dean Ambrose
But is it really?

Dean Ambrose comes out from behind some crates.

John Cena
You really need to stop popping out of nowhere when you come speak to me man.

Dean Ambrose
I can't help it, I'm everywhere. I pay very close attention to everything that goes around here and one thing that I've learned is no matter how much you try and beat it into people's skulls, they just don't seem to remember to not mess with Dean Ambrose. Maybe I keep giving them amnesia every time I get in the ring with one of em' but YES just won't leave me the hell alone. Every time I turn a corner, another one of them pops out! It can all just make you go a little crazy sometimes. YES may have had a dominant reign as Tag Team Champions, but they never faced anybody of the caliber as myself and John here. As a matter of fact, I think John may be one of the only real competition here on Smackdown. I fully expect him to win the Royal Rumble. I'd be disappointed if he didn't.

Cena cracks a smile, as he nods his head toward Ambrose, before responding.

John Cena
You're damn right, Dean. I'd be pretty disappointed if I didn't as well. I'm not counting anyone out, but if anyone's the hungriest to win this Royal Rumble here, you're looking at him. I'm already a Royal Rumble winner so there's the experience factor. I have the competition and the will to win this bad boy as well. All I have to do is stand on my feet and outlast 29 other men. I've did it before and I'll do it again. And at Wrestlemania, who knows, I just might fight Dean here for the World Heavyweight Championship.

The audience explodes in a thunderous cheer, in support of the idea of John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose for the World Heavyweight Championship. Ambrose nods his head, as he responds.

Dean Ambrose
Ya' know what, I actually like the sound of that. Too long has the world gone on without Dean Ambrose as their champion. Sure I'm one half of the Tag Team Champions, but that doesn't satisfy me just as I know it doesn't satisfy John. Jeff Hardy may have been able to take the title away from you but I'll be damned if he tries to do the same with me. Jeff Hardy has already become an afterthought of a world champion the second it was announced that I would be the challenger. It's almost a bit unfair if you think about it but I sure as hell didn't have it easy during my reign. It's time to let the Hardy name die. Don't worry though Jeff because you have nothing to be ashamed of. You'll go out just like the rest of em', at the hands of Dean Ambrose. I'll then go on to main event Wrestlemania! And me and John.....Well we can settle the score.

Ambrose smirks at John before walking away. Fade

JR: Now it’s time for some tag team action. A few weeks back, John Cena and Dean Ambrose defeated Daniel Bryan and Bray Wyatt to win the UWF World Tag Team Championships. Wyatt was a substitute for Bryan’s normal partner, Damien Sandow, who was injured at the time. Sandow is now back and Y.E.S will now receive their rematch.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the UWF World Tag Team Championships.


The crowd immediately breaks into a chorus of boos as 1 half of the UWF Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan, the self-proclaimed “Best Wrestler In The World†makes his way from the back. Much to the crowd's chagrin, he is in a great mood here tonight. Bryan has his tag team Championship wrapped firmly around his waist as he chants "Yes" over and over again before entering the ring.

[/I]Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, from Aberdeen Washington, he is one half of the UWF Television Champion, Daniel Bryan.

Lillian Garcia: And his tag team partner, from San Alto Paulo, California, Damien Sandow!


The audience immediately boos, as Sandow emerges on stage with a microphone in hand. He holds up both his hands to the audience as if he's getting cheered before he begins to make his way down to the ring his arms up the entire time, before he makes it to ringside.

Lillian Garcia: And their opponents first, from West Newbury, Massachussetts, weighing in at 246 pounds, he is one half of the UWF Tag Team Champions, John Cena!



"My Time Is Now" starts playing and out walks John Cena onto the stage. As always, Cena is in his usual jovial mood. He runs across the stage, yelling and enjoying himself with the fans. Cena hads back center stage before throwing up his marine signal and running down the ramp before sliding into the ring. Once there, Cena throws his hat into the stands before waiting for his opponent.

Lillian Garcia: And his partner, from Cincinatti, Ohio, weighing in at 225 pounds, he is the other half of the UWF Tag Team Champions, Dean Ambrose!

Cause Really I'm A Psycho


The crazy ex-World Heavyweight Champion comes out to the ring to the biggest pop of the night so far. The sadistic Ambrose looks determined and angry, not a good combination for his opponent. Ambrose gets into the ring as quickly as he can before turning towards the crowd and the cameras to taunt. He then begins to lean on the ring ropes, smirking, but also watching around before taking off his jacket, and continuously rocking, waiting for the match to begin





The bell rings and it’s going to be Damien Sandow and John Cena starting this tag team Championship bout. Cena and Sandow lock up, and Cena is able to perform a quick drop toe hold on Sandow before looking for the STF submission hold. Sandow knows that the submission is on its way and quickly slides out the ring underneath the bottom rope and to the arena floor. Cena gets to his feet in the ring and demands that Sandow get back in as well. Sandow instructs the official to keep Cena at a considerable distance so that Sandow can enter the ring without any harm. The official agrees and backs Cena up as Sandow walks onto the apron and enters the ring. As Sandow enters the ring, Cena ties up with him again. Cena is quick to snap off a float over vertical suplex and goes for the first cover of this Championship match….



Sandow kicks out!

JR: Sandow isn’t looking too good at the beginning of this contest.

Piper: It’s simple ring rust Ross. Damien Sandow is back and it’s only a matter of time before Y.E.S is two-time World Tag Team Champions!

As Sandow kicks out, Cena quickly gets off him and grabs his leg, before dragging Sandow towards his corner and tagging in the other half of the World Tag Team Champions, Dean Ambrose…

JR: And here comes the Number One Contender to the World Heavyweight Championship!

Ambrose enters the ring to a huge pop from the fans. Cena knows that he has a five count from the official, so he keeps his grip on Sandow’s leg. This allows Ambrose to drop an elbow right down across Sandow’s chest. As he does, Cena releases his hold on the Intellectual Savior of the Masses and leaves the ring as Ambrose goes for another cover…



Sandow kicks out again!

As Sandow kicks out, Ambrose grabs him by the head and lifts him to his feet. Ambrose quickly throws Sandow into the Champions’ corner before teeing off on the bearded challenger with right hands to the midsection. Ambrose then grabs Sandow by the arm and Irish whips him towards Y.E.S’ corner. Sandow is able to counter and send Ambrose towards the corner instead. Sandow drops to a knee and holds his ribs, forcing the referee to check on one of the Challengers. As the official has his attention on Sandow and his back to the corner where Dean Ambrose is trapped, Daniel Bryan drops from the ring apron and to the floor, where he grabs both of Ambrose’s legs and performs a double leg takedown from the outside, causing Ambrose to fall face first onto the canvas. With Bryan in control of both of Ambrose’s legs, the Television Champion splits the legs and pulls Ambrose backwards, causing Dean to collide groin first with the steel ring pole…

JR: What a shock! Daniel Bryan from behind! Where have I seen that before?

Sandow grabs his groin area as John Cena tries to enter the ring and stop Bryan from doing any further damage. This plan ends up working against Cena as the referee cuts him off and Bryan is able pull Ambrose back even more, keeping the pressure on the groin area. Cena soon realizes that his attempts are doing nothing but hurting his partner, so he exits the ring and stands on the apron rather upset. The official turns back around just as Daniel Bryan hops back onto the ring apron. The referee looks at Bryan and admonishes him, but Bryan feigns any sort of illegal activity as Damien Sandow goes back to work on Dean Ambrose. Ambrose pulls himself to his feet in the Y.E.S corner and Sandow meets him with a boot to the midsection before tagging Bryan into the match. Bryan enters the ring just as Ambrose falls out of the corner thanks to the boot. Sandow makes sure to catch Ambrose before putting the reigning Champion into position for a backbreaker. Sandow motions for Bryan to climb the turnbuckle and Bryan complies with his partner. Sandow continues to hold Ambrose in position before Bryan leaps off the middle rope and delivers a leg drop to Ambrose’s throat. The force from the leg drop drives Ambrose’s back down onto Sandow’s knee, doubling the damage from the offensive maneuver. Sandow soon leaves the ring and Bryan goes for a cover after the effective double team move….



Ambrose kicks out!

Piper: How can you not like Y.E.S Ross? They work so well together as a team.

JR: I’m not denying their talent Roddy. I would just rather prefer to see them utilize it in a better way.

As Ambrose kicks out, he rolls onto his back to avoid being pinned by Bryan. Bryan takes advantage of the situation by grabbing both of Ambrose’s legs before stepping on top of them…

JR: What is Daniel Bryan doing?

Bryan hooks both of Ambrose’s arm before grabbing hold of them and leaning backwards, lifting Ambrose off the canvas and putting him in a Surfboard submission. The Number One Contender to the World Heavyweight Championship screams in agony as the official asks him if he wants to quit. Ambrose shakes his head no as Bryan continues to apply the pressure of the move. Ambrose refuses to submit, so Bryan chooses to release him and drop Ambrose onto the mat. Ambrose grabs the injured midsection that Bryan has been working on as the Television Champion goes for another cover…



Ambrose kicks out!

As Ambrose kicks out, Bryan grabs him by the leg and drags him towards the Challenger’s corner. Bryan tags in Sandow. As Sandow enters the ring, Bryan grabs Ambrose by the arm and extends it, exposing the ribcage of Dean Ambrose. Sandow doesn’t waste any time laying his boot right into Ambrose’s midsection. Ambrose tries to cover the injured assaulted area, but Sandow lays another boot into the same spot. Ambrose rolls away from Sandow before using the ring ropes to pull himself to his feet. Sandow stays on Ambrose, grabbing the Champion by the arm an shooting him off to the r side of the ring. Ambrose comes back towards Sandow, who looks to a clothesline. Ambrose ducks under it and continues running. Ambrose runs the ropes that he was originally thrown off of before coming back at Sandow. Both men have the same idea and double clothesline each other, sending each other to the canvas…

JR: And now both men are down!

Both men lie on the canvas as the crowd begins clapping their hands and stomping their feet trying to motivate Dean Ambrose. Both Ambrose and Sandow lay on the canvas as the referere begins his ten count…









Damien Sandow tags in Daniel Bryan just as Dean Ambrose tags in John Cena…

Piper: Here comes Cena!

Cena enters the ring as the fans get to their feet. Bryan enters the ring as well and as soon as Cena steps through the ropes, Bryan looks for a running clothesline. Cena ducks under the clothesline and runs off the far ropes before coming back towards Bryan and barreling him over with a running shoulder block…

JR: Vintage Rock!

Piper: Hey! Keep that on Tuesdays!

Bryan gets to his feet and Cena takes him down with another shoulder tackle. The Television Champion is able to get back to a vertical base yet again, swinging wildly at Cena. Once again, Cena ducks under and lifts Bryan off his feet before hitting the spinout powerbomb. Cena slams Bryan down on the canvas before getting back to his feet and throwing his right arm high in the air to the delight of the fans. Cena bends down over Bryan and lets the Television Champion know that “You Can’t See Me†before using the near ropes to gather momentum and deliver his patented Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena gets back to his feet and begins to stalk Daniel Bryan…

JR: Cena’s got that look in his eyes!

Cena patiently watches as Daniel Bryan tries to get to his feet. Bryan shakes off the effects of the Five Knuckle Shuffle as he gets to a knee and staggers to is feet with his back to Cena. Cena quickly turns Bryan around before hoisting Bryan onto his shoulders, putting him in position for the Attitude Adjustment…

Piper: Dear God!

Bryan delivers several back elbows to the side of Cena’s head, causing Cena to stagger towards his corner. Dean Ambrose quietly tags himself in, which goes unseen to Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow. Cena is forced to lower Bryan back to the canvas and as he does, Bryan grabs Cena by the arm and tries to drag him to the mat…

JR: Bryan thinking YES Lock?

Bryan can’t get the obviously stronger Cena to the mat. Cena is drug down to a knee, where he tries to fight Bryan off. Bryan does everything he can to apply the YES Lock, but he can’t get Cena belly first onto the canvas. Daniel Bryan is so focused on John Cena and the YES Lock that he doesn’t see Dean Ambrose enter the ring…

Piper: Daniel! Ambrose is legal!

Ambrose mocks a gun directed at Bryan’s skull before pulling the trigger. Ambrose charges at Bryan and delivers a running knee trembler to the side of Bryan’s skull…

JR: Right in Bryan’s temple!

The Knee Trembler almost knocks Daniel Bryan out cold. Bryan’s grip on Cena is broken as Bryan is sent to the mat. Dean Ambrose soon jumps on top of Bryan, going for the cover…


Sandow enters the ring and tries to break up the pin…


Cena catches Sandow and lowers his shoulder, lifting Sandow off the mat and hitting the Attitude Adjustment!


JR: The match is over!

Lillian Garcia: The winners of this match and still the UWF Tag Team Champions, John Cena and Dean Ambrose!


Dean Ambrose and John Cena get to their feet and have their hands raised by the official. The timekeeper hands the referee the UWF Tag Team Championship titles and they are presented to Ambrose and Cena. Ambrose and Cena don’t spend too much time celebrating before leaving the ring and heading up the ramp as Smackdown goes to commercial.




Smackdown returns from commercial with all seven men involved in the Main Event already in the ring.

JR: It’s now time for our main event of the evening. It’s an over the top Battle Royal and the winner will earn the number thirty spot in the Royal Rumble Match in just nine nights.

Piper: It’s great Ross. Raw’s Christian is going to be Number One and after tonight, a Smackdown guy is going to be Number Thirty. It gives us a huge advantage!




As soon as the bell sounds, all six men turn their attention to Eddie Guerrero. Jarrett, Kendrick, Van Dam, Edge, Cena, and Sandow soon all jump on Guerrero, sending Guerrero to the canvas in the corner. Al six men beat down on Guerrero before lifting Latino Heat to his feet. Edge grabs Guerrero by the hair and motions for everyone else to move. They comply and Edge soon tosses Guerrero over the top rope and to the arena floor…

Lillian Garcia: Eddie Guerrero has been eliminated!

JR: Not a good night for Latino Heat!

Piper: Maybe next time Guerrero won’t run his mouth and will actually show up for work.

As soon as Guerrero is eliminated, the six remaining men pair off and begin brawling with one another. Sandow and Cena engage in right hands with one another in one corner of the ring while Edge and Jarrett continue their rivalry in another. And lastly, Kendrick and Van Dam go back and forth with Van Dam getting the upper hand with a kick to the side of the head. Back to Edge and Jarrett, Jarrett grabs the European Champion by the arm and Irish whips him. As Edge is shoot off, John Cena comes from out of nowhere and delivers a stiff short arm clothesline to the Rated R European Champion. As Cena stands over Edge, Jarrett comes from behind Cena and grabs him by the head, trying to throw him over the top rope. It doesn’t work and Cena blocks before delivering a back elbow into Jarrett’s midsection. Jarrett grabs his stomach when Rob Van Dam looks to capitalize. Van Dam tries to springboard off the near ropes, but as he has both feet on the middle rope with his back to the ring, John Cena shoves Van Dam over the top and to the floor…

Lillian Garcia: Rob Van Dam is eliminated!

Van Dam gets to a knee on the outside and looks at Cena. Cena returns the stare at Van Dam before shrugging his shoulders and going back to the in ring action. As soon as Cena turns around, Edge comes from out of nowhere and delivers a huge Spear. Cena grabs his ribs as Edge gets back to his feet. Jarrett goes after Edge, but Edge cuts Jarrett of with a Spear as well…

Piper: Spear for Cena and now one for Jeff Jarrett!

As soon as Edge gets back to his feet, Brian Kendrick and Damien Sandow pounce on the European Champion. Both Kendrick and Sandow slug it out with Edge. The numbers become too much for the European Champion and Kendrick and Edge soon get the upper hand, backing Edge up onto the ropes. Kendrick grabs Edge by the arm and shoots Edge off to the far side of the ring. Edge comes back at Kendrick, who leaves his feet and delivers a standing back heel kick to the face of Edge. This sends Edge to the canvas as Kendrick gets back to his feet and shuffles around the ring as only Kendrick can. As Kendrick dances around, John Cena runs the near ropes before delivering a running shoulder tackle to Brian Kendrick…

JR: Here comes John Cena!

As Cena takes Kendrick down, Edge and Jeff Jarrett go after Damien Sandow. Jarrett and Edge back Sandow enter the corner before taking a look at one another. Both men soon realize that they are working with their bitter rival, so their partnership soon turns sour. Edge and Jarrett get in each other’s faces and begin to talk trash to one another when Sandow launches himself out of the corner and delivers a double clothesline, taking both men down…

Piper: And here’s my pick Ross!

Edge and Jarrett lie on the canvas and on the far side of the ring, Brian Kendrick attempts a wild clothesline on Cena. Cena ducks under and lifts Kendrick off the canvas before powering him down with a spinout powerbomb. As soon as Kendrick hits the canvas, Damien Sandow comes out of nowhere and delivers the Elbow of Disdain to the fallen Kendrick. Sandow gets back to his feet before looking at Cena and screaming at the top of his lungs “You’re Welcomeâ€. Cena shakes his head in sarcastic appreciation before delivering a right hand to Sandow’s face. Sandow staggers and Cena looks to eliminate Sandow. Cena grabs Sandow by the back of the head and throws Sandow over the top rope. Sandow goes over, but manages to land on the ring apron…

JR: And Sandow is still in this match ladies and gentlemen. Remember, both feet must hit the floor to be eliminated!

Sandow rests on the apron and Cena goes back to the other participants. As soon as Cena turns around, Brian Kendrick hits him with a step up enziguiri. Cena falls to the mat and Kendrick staggers over to the far ropes. Kendrick rests with his back on the ropes. This turns out to be a mistake as Jeff Jarrett comes from out of left field and clothesline Brian Kendrick over the top rope and to the floor…

Lillian Garcia: Brian Kendrick is eliminated!

JR: So much for “The†Brian Kendrick!

Piper: We’re down to four Ross! Sandow, Cena, Edge or Jarrett will be the Number Thirty entrant in the Royal Rumble Match!

Jarrett talks trash to Kendrick over the ropes and Edge comes from out of nowhere and rushes Jarrett from behind, lifting Jarrett over the top and sending Jarrett to the floor…

Lillian Garcia: Jeff Jarrett has been eliminated!

Piper: Never mind Ross! We’re down to three!

We’re down to Cena, Edge and Sandow. Each man catches their breath before Sandow and Edge go to one another and begin to form a plan. Edge and Sandow break their huddle and go after Cena. Cena puts his fists up and prepares to fight. Sandown and Edge charge Cena, taking the Cenation leader down with right hands from Sandow and boots to the midsection from Edge. Cena tries to fight the off, but to no avail. Edge motions for Sandow to bring Cena out of the corner. Sandow complies and throws Cena to Edge. Edge hooks Cena by the head, applying a front face lock and hoisting Cena off the canvas, hitting one half of the UWF Tag Team Champions with the Edgecution DDT. Cena’s head spikes off the canvas as Edge gets to his feet. Edge motions for Sandow to help dump Cena…

JR: I never thought I’d see Sandow and Edge working together after the rivalry that they had late last year.

Both men lift Cena up to his feet and grab Cena by the back of the head. Sandow is first to drag Cena over to the near ropes, grabbing Cena’s head and his jean shorts and beginning to throw Cena over…

Piper: Cena’s going to go!

John Cena grabs hold of the bottom rope, making sure that he doesn’t go over the top and hit the floor. Sandow struggles to get Cena over with Cena holding on for dear life. Sandow screams to Edge “Come assist me, you rapscallion!†Edge makes his way over to both Cena and Sandow before attempting to force Cena’s arm off the ring ropes…

JR: Cena’s holding on for dear life!

Edge picks at Cena’s head before kicking it; he’s doing anything to break Cena’s grip on the ropes. Eventually, Edge is successful and Cena’s grip is broken. Sandow continues to push Cena over the top as Edge takes a few steps backwards. It looks as if Cena is about to go over when Edge comes from behind Sandow and flips both he and Cena over the top and to the floor…

JR: It’s over!




Lillian Garcia: The winner of this match and the Number Thirty entrant in the Royal Rumble Match, “The Rated R Superstarâ€, Edge!


JR: Edge is going to be Number Thirty! That gives Edge a huge advantage!

Edge celebrates as his music plays and the official hands him his Rated R European Championship title. On the outside of the ring, Sandow is frustrated with himself. Edge climbs the top rope and points towards the Royal Rumble sign, knowing that he is now the favorite to win The Royal Rumble Match…

JR: Edge may have just cemented his spot in the Main Event of WrestleMania. This victory puts Edge in the driver’s seat when it comes to The Royal Rumble. For Rowdy Piper, I’m Jim Ross; we’ll see you next week.


Smackdown goes off the air for this week with Edge still standing on the rope, enjoying this moment.

Promos: Respective TTers
Everything Else: Cwalker​


Sep 25, 2012
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Re: UWF Smackdown: January 11th Edition!

Edge and Christian bookending the Rumble? Now that's interesting

Really enjoyed the Sandow/Flair promo.


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Smackdown: January 11th Edition!

Opening the show! That's what I like to see wooo.

As soon as Flair was announced I knew a nice quirky moment with Sandow was coming, didn't disappoint Rey!

Me and Dres will have other opportunities to lock up, I'll look forward to it.

Now to work on slowing down Ambrose. Easier said than done.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Smackdown: January 11th Edition!

Nice comic moment with Flair, Rey! Jarrett continues to flounder, but the Rumble is just over the horizon!


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Re: UWF Smackdown: January 11th Edition!

Woo now that was nice. Woo... that was entertaining... woo that was actually pretty funny. woo... and to see Edge win like that... WOOOOOOOO that is Edge style. WOO!


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Re: UWF Smackdown: January 11th Edition!

Good show here again CWalker. Stoked to still hold on to the tag team titles. It was a nice finish that I could totally see in my head. Looks like I continue to have Bryans number.

Jeff Hardy just destroyed Eddie. Looking strong heading into our match this Sunday.

Battle Royal was nice. Edge geting the number 30 slot makes him one of the odds on favorites at the Royal Rumble.


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UWF Smackdown: January 27th Edition!



'Re-Education' by US Punk outfit Rise Against plays over the audio system as Smackdown kicks off. Pyro shoots out of every imaginable orifice of the arena as the camera pans around showing the excited fans who jump up and down, fists in the air, awaiting the Smackdown action that is due to proceed. The camera continues to pan the arena before settling on our announce team of Good Ol' JR, Jim Ross and 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!.


Jim Ross: Welcome to UWF Friday Night Smackdown everyone!. As always. I'm good Ol' JR Jim Ross and with me is my broadcast partner, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper!

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: Thanks Ross! As always, I'm happy to be sitting next to someone who smells like Barbeque sauce.

JR: That's just my natural musk Roddy. Either way, we are just days removed from the Royal Rumble Pay-Per-View and what an event it was. We have a new World's Champion in Dean Ambrose. And from what I'm being told, we're going to hear from the new Champion right now.

Cause Really I'm A Psycho


Dean Ambrose's music plays as the crowd stands on their feet. Ambrose comes walking out with the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. He takes it off as he begins walking down the ramp and raises it above his head as the crowd cheers him on. He enters the ring and is handed a mic.


Dean Ambrose
Time and time again, people come out here and exclaim what they're going to accomplish. A lot of them have failed. Only one man can say he's always done what he set's out to do. That man is Dean Ambrose.

The crowd bursts out into cheers as Dean continues on.

Once again I find myself the World Heavyweight Champion. Not that I need this as proof but apparently, decorations are all that matter to the majority of the roster. People think holding a decorative title makes them a champion. They'll cheat to win and take the cowards way out. Not me. I will forever be a true champion. I don't look like a so called marketable champion but it doesn't matter how I look. What matters is that I get the job done. I see people while I'm walking down the halls in the back every week. I see them lifting weights, stretching or running around to get ready for their matches. All they're really accomplishing is making themselves weaker for the night. Our bodies are all capable of the same thing. It doesn't matter who has the best abs or who can lift the most weight. You ever hear of people getting sudden bursts of strength during dire situations? Well what if someone learned to control that ability. What if somebody could use that to their advantage every single night. What if that someone is standing in front of all of you right now? This whole world we live in is all a mental game. The thing is, no one can get inside my head. If they ever did, they'd never be able to get out.

Ambrose starts to laugh maniacally.

Every single person who steps in the ring with me is at a severe disadvantage. Even the cowards who gather together to try and take me out are at a disadvantage. I'm talking about you YES. Normally I don't care to fight cowards such as yourselves but it actually gives me a good challenge. I never know when one of you idiots is going to come out and attack me from behind. Hell you might even do it tonight. I've embarrassed you all time and time again. It's a challenge but not the challenge I want. I want to be truly tested by the best and tonight, I may finally get my wish.

The crowd cheers for upcoming battle between two of the most popular wrestlers in UWF.

Yes tonight will mark one of the if not THE greatest match in Smackdown history. Hardy vs Ambrose in an Extreme Rules match. Anything gos! As much faith as I have in Jeff's capabilities to defeat me, I have more faith in the fact that he will crash and burn. He doesn't have what it takes to get the job done. I plan on exploiting this fault of his while having the time of my life. I will tear Hardy limb from limb. I will send a message to all would be challengers for my championship. I am not to be taken lightly. The whole world will and should be watching this match. Stone Cold Steve Austin may be the longest reigning champion in UWF history, but I will show everyone that I am the best. I will retain my World Heavyweight Championship tonight. That is something no one can deny...But what will happen next week? The answer is simple.

Ambrose pauses as the crowd hangs on to his words.

Whatever the hell I feel like doing.

Ambrose music plays as he exits the ring and heads straight to the back.




The feed goes backstage as Sandow is walking in the hallways with a scowl look on his face


Off screen someone calls out “Damien†and Sandow stops with a look of almost disgust as he turns towards the voice.

Damien Sandow: It is Mr. Sandow, thank you.

Sandow immediately begins to walk again when the voice calls out “um, Mr. Sandow†Sandow stops once more and as Josh Matthews comes on screen with a microphone.


Josh Matthews: I was wondering if we could get your thoughts on being the runner up of this years Royal Rumble match.

Damien Sandow: And why is that?

Josh Matthews: Well…just to…

Damien Sandow: That is precisely the issue with you interviewers, if you can call yourselves that, you ask questions and yet you do not put thought into the question and you do not even know what answer you seek from said question. You Simply ask that which every other ignoramus in a suit and microphone has asked before you and you call that journalism, Well Joshua

Josh Matthews: It’s just Jo-

Damien Sandow: You do not interrupt the person you are interviewing, because if you are interviewing them that makes them of more importance than you. No one tuned in to tonight's serial for your irrelevant opinion, so simply stand there and hold the microphone up right. You can handle this daunting task can't you?

The crowd in the arena boo as Sandow clears his throat regaining his composure.


Damien Sandow: As I was saying, My thoughts on the travesty that occurred in the Rumble bout are not of importance. What is important is the aftermath, for when I entered the bout I immediately cleared the ring of the pedestrian superstars inside with little effort but because of those peoples selfish and deplorable showing of disrespect towards my character I could not focus on the task at hand which gave that miscreant the fluke victory. But that shall be the final time something of that nature occurs, for now I will no longer take the civilized route to enlightening. I shall now make my message louder and clearer for the stubborn mules in the audience, because whether they like it or not I am their savior, I am their martyr, and I will save them one by one. I am no longer in the mood to attempt to reach a mutual agreement with the sea of ineptitude, for all of you are simply children who whine and cry that they do not want to go the doctor. But You will learn that no matter how scarey it may be, you are going to get your shot so that you can continue to live your life. I tried to be nice about it, but now you have all forced my hand...Perhaps once it's over, and you are no longer plagued with the disease of ignorance you will look back and realize how foolish you all were. And if you need an example of this new method of imparting wisdom, then watch my following bout intently for it is simply the beginning of my new era of enlightenment.

Matthews brings the mic back to say something else, but Sandow grabs his wrist stopping the mic

Damien Sandow: This concludes our interview

Sandow lets go and walks off, but after a moment he returns back on screen.

Damien Sandow: You’re Welcome

Sandow walks off once more.

JR: We’re going to jump right into action tonight ladies and Gentlemen. Our first contest pits former Television and Tag Team Champion Damien Sandow against Eddie Guerrero.

Lillian Garcia: The following Match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from San Alto Paulo, California, he is the "Intellectual Savior of The Masses, Damien Sandow!


The audience immediately boos, as Sandow emerges on stage with a microphone in hand. He holds up both his hands to the audience as if he's getting cheered before he begins to make his way down to the ring his arms up the entire time, before he makes it to ringside.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from El Paso, Texas, weighing in at 236 pounds, Eddie Guerrero!


"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson begins to play over the PA system as Smackdown's forgotten talent, Eddie Guerrero, makes his way through the curtain looking very somber and serious as he starts walking down the ramp.


Guerrero continues to walk down the ramp with an angy look on his face before entering the ring and waiting for his opponent.




The bell sounds and Sandow locks up with Guerrero. Guerrero is quick to apply a side headlock before backing both himself and Sandow up onto the near ropes. Sandow warps both of his arms around Guerrero’s waist before shooting Guerrero off to the far side of the ring. Guerrero runs the ropes and comes back at Sandow, who delivers a stiff shoulder block. Guerrero falls to the canvas and Sandow uses the near ropes to gain momentum before delivering a standing knee drop down across Guerrero’s throat. The former Latino Heat grabs his throat as Sandow goes for the first cover of the evening…



Guerrero rolls a shoulder!

JR: Sandow’s all over Guerrero in the early goings of this match!

Piper: He’s obviously upset after what happened at the Royal Rumble. He should be going to WrestleMania Ross!

Damien Sandow takes a few steps away from Guerrero as he begins pushing himself to his feet. As Guerrero gets up, Sandow runs towards Latino Heat and delivers a vicious running clothesline that turns Guerrero inside out. As Guerrero hits the canvas, Sandow stands tall over him before posing to the disdain of the fans and proclaiming “You’re Welcome†before delivering the “Elbow of Disdainâ€. Sandow then goes for another cover….



Guerrero rolls a shoulder!

Sandow gets back to his feet and looks on as Eddie Guerrero tries to get to his feet. Guerrero staggers up and when he does, Sandow grabs both of Guerrero’s arms and wraps them around Latino Heat’s neck before spinning Guerrero around and powering him down onto the canvas with the neckbreaker known as Terminus…

JR: Thanks for coming Eddie Guerrero!

As Guerrero’s neck and head bounce off the canvas, Sandow floats over and covers him…




Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, Damien Sandow!


Piper: I told you Ross. Sandow is not in the mood to play games tonight!

Sandow gets to his feet and has his arm risen by the referee. Sandow dusts himself off before snatching his arm away from the official and leaving the ring. As Sandow makes his way up the ramp and to the back, Eddie Guerrero begins to get to his feet in the ring. Guerrero shakes off the effects of what just happened. Before Guerrero can get his bearings together, he is startled by the appearance of the Smackdown General Manager….


The fans begin to cheer and some begin to bow at the arrival of the legendary "Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Flair makes his way out onto the stage, dressed of course, in a designer suit. Flair has a microphone in hand and doesn't waste any time before addressing the live audience and the world.


Ric Flair: Woo! It feels good to be here in Portland. I've broken a few hearts here and I've left several ladies asking for more if you know what I mean brother. Yeah, you know baby! You can't be the first to ride Space Mountain baby, but after the show, you can be next. I'll call you! Anyway, I'm out here to address what I just saw. Eddie Guerrero! You've been very adamant that you're being underused. You call yourself a potential superstar. Let me tell you something brother, I've got two Hall of Fame rings and I've won sixteen World Championships, so I know something about superstars and Eddie Guerrero, you are no superstar. After the outing you had aganist Jeff Hardy a few weeks ago, your disappointing showing in the Royal Rumble and what I just saw in this ring, Eddie Guerrero, you're not even UWF material. So I came out here to save both the board and myself some time in delivering you a message. Eddie Guerrero, WOO, You're fired brother!

Guerrero can't believe it. He motions for a mic and is handed one and looks to plead his case.

Guerrero: But, Ric....

Flair: You're Gone!

Guerrero: But...

Flair: Canned! Woo!

Guerrero: Let me just...

Flair: Outta here!

An infuriated Guerrero slams the mic on the canvas and leaves the ring as the fans begin to chant "Na na na na na na na Hey Hey Goodbye" directed towards Latino Heat. Guerrero walsk up the ramp and he and Flair have a tense staredown before Flair Woos in his face and Guerrero makes his exit. Smackdown heads elsewhere with Flair dancing on the ramp.

Fade. The camera's open up to find non other than John Cena staring right back down the barrel of the camera. One of the biggest names and faces in U.W.F., as he'd been labeled. The one guy who'd always be there, a man who was more than happy to represent the company. Cena is sporting his typical ring gear, and it seems he is backstage somewhere, ready to begin speaking.


John Cena: Ladies and Gentlemen of the U.W.F. Universe. Welcome, to the special edition of Sunday Night SmackDown. Tonight, as per usual, the show will go ahead according to plan. There will be no hiccups, there will be no mistakes. We shall succeed, as we have and shall continue to do, each and every other week. We're hot off the heels of a successful Royal Rumble pay per view, and boy oh boy, what a night that was. We saw championship changes, we saw a new Rumble winner crowned, we saw one of the most iconic matches in history occur, and history was made every single that night. I'm proud of what this company did, I truly am, a lot of us changed for the better, a lot of us changed for the worse, but there was that one person who's still that arrogant individual. And, that person is none other than the self-proclaimed Rated R European Champion, Edge.

Cena pauses momentarily, as his face appears to be boiling up.

John Cena: Y'see, Edge and I? We have this never-ending rivalry. The Edge vs. John Cena feud as it's grown to become. And from the very moment I got here, it came to be very quickly. Y'know, Edge beat me around that ring for quite some time. He had the "edge" over me for a long time, no pun intended. He was in the back of my mind. He was that number one villain, of sorts. That one guy you always wanted to better than. That one man you always wanted to fight, and ultimately defeat. But most of the time, he always seemed to get the better of me. On the highest order, even though he wasn't the man who ultimately took away my World Heavyweight Championship, he was a powerful factor in that situation. However, for as much as he did get the best of me. He also brought the very best out of me. He pushed me to the limits early on. He took me at a great length of the distance required to be successful in this company. He raised the bar in my eyes, and he set that standard and for that? You have no choice but to respect it.

Cena pauses for a moment, allowing his words to sink in with the viewers, because he's positive most of them at this point are shocked by them.

John Cena: Although I respect what he's done in this business, I simply don't respect the man he is. I mean, how could you? He's highly arrogant, full of excuses, and walks around here and brags, and bitches, and complains, and bitches, and bitches! He expects respect to be shown to him but who does he respect around here? Respect is not something you just go out and expect to take. Respect is earned. And it takes a lot more than one championship to put your name in the lights. You entered this game like a house on fire, but now you've burnt yourself out, you got nothing more to say, and you're fading away, Edge. Fading away to the point you got nothing left to give. So much so, it wouldn't surprise me if you upped and left just like the rest of them before you.

Cena smirks.

John Cena: And, who knows? Maybe if tonight goes your way, you earn that respect. But, the world's not gonna know. I'm not gonna know, and you, most importantly, is not gonna find out. You ask why? Y'see, the Royal Rumble didn't go as I planned. I didn't win the Rumble and my ticket still isn't punched for WrestleMania. That ticket? It still needs to be punched, and this win tonight? It could very well do that. So in my eyes? I need to win. The best thing for me right now is to continue overcoming odds, and win tonight. I need to be able to beat them all as they come forward to stop me. Because I know that If I can do that, they'll know why I will stand as their leader. And they will know, that the time... is... now!

Cena tips his hat at the camera, as the camera's cut.


Jeff Hardy: As time goes by.... As time dwindles away, the seconds they become minutes, and they become hours. I sit here and I breathe in, and I breathe out, breathe in.... breathe out. The body exhales it's excrement and it inhales the nutrients needed to push you through that next exhale. It stores the goodness out of the air and proactively changes it into something extraordinary. A notion, a movement... an inspiration. I can only speak on past experiences but nothing drives a man like an inspiration, as long as the man knows how to evolve it to an aspiration.

Breathe in.... Breathe out.

I have always found inspiration out of staring at a blank wall. The blank wall becomes a canvas and as I fill it, my mind starts to fill up with the ideas and the notions that have made me the man I am. Normally in a current, UWF sense, they would fill full of neon, bright colors,you can't take your eyes off of them they're so.... Vibrant. But this wall is darker. The differences aren't so vivid. Each color seems to blend into each other, your eyes, they don't adjust to the dark because they're used to the light.

Breathe in... Breathe out.

As your eyes get drawn in deeper and deeper into the wall you look past the colors, you look past the render work, you look deep into the bricks and the mortar and you think of the bricks as your life, everything that completes you. Family, friends, hobbies, outlets. All the bricks that culminate into your wall of life. But what is it? What is the mortar that pulls you all together? What intertwines every brick and keeps them as a unit. I guess that's you. You are the one covering every particle. Without you your friends and your family and fall away like rubble running down a mountainside.

Breathe in.... Breathe out.

That may be so but the cracks are starting to show already. The bricks are dislodging, the mortar is wearing thin. The ties in which the wall has stood strong on are falling apart. The first brick has fallen away. As I watch it drop I can see the tint of gold on it, and as it used to proudly display my name, it has now been replace by another. Another man has stolen my brick. He's broken the mortar around it and took it like there was nothing to it. And that's only the beginning. He's dislodged the whole balance of the wall. Other objects are starting to shake. Time to do something Jeff. What are you going to do huh?

Breathe in.... Breathe out..... Breathe in... Breathe....... Breatheee.

Once the wall starts to break, the only way to improve, is to strengthen the mortar that holds it all together. Time to strengthen. Time to break the wall Jeffery.... Time to break through the wall.

Breathe in.......

Breathe out.

JR: Up next, we’re going to see Daniel Bryan defend his Television Championship against the returning Alberto Del Rio.

Piper: We’ve already seen one jumping bean get fired tonight Ross, it’ll make my night to see Bryan make Del Rio tap out in the middle of the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, Alberto Del Rio's personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez!


As we see Del Rio ride into the arena with one of his collection of cars, a sleek black Bentley, we hear the familiar voice of Alberto’s personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodrigeuz making his announcement over the blaring of the expensive car horn. The crowd gives Ricardo as well as Alberto a standing ovation!


Ponte de pie, señoras y señores!
Bienvenido a la arena, la segunda mitad de los reyes de la montaña!
Él es el hijo favorito de todo México!
La tercera generación por excelencia!
Cabalga en como en un semental negro!
Se ha enfrentado a la gigante y, sin embargo, se queda quieto!
Él es mi amigo y mi empoyer!
Alberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttooooooooooooooooo o Dellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioooooooooooooooo oo!

Del Rio honks the horn on the car before parking it on the side of the entrance ramp. Del Rio soon exits the car before hopping onto the ramp and basking in the ambiance as the pyro shoot off behind him.


Del Rio soon makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring, waiting for his opponent.


The crowd immediately breaks into a chorus of boos as 1 half of the UWF Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan, the self-proclaimed “Best Wrestler In The World†makes his way from the back. Much to the crowd's chagrin, he is in a great mood here tonight. Bryan has his tag team Championship wrapped firmly around his waist as he chants "Yes" over and over again before entering the ring.

[/I]Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, from Aberdeen Washington, he is the UWF Television Champion, Daniel Bryan.




The bell sounds and the UWF Television Championship bout is underway. Del Rio and Bryan meet in the center of the ring and the two lock up. Bryan goes behind Del Rio, grabbing hold of Del Rio’s arm. Del Rio responds by throwing a back elbow directly into Bryan’s face. Bryan releases his grip on Del Rio’s arm before running towards the near ropes. Bryan runs after him and as Del Rio comes back at him, Bryan delivers a running knee to the midsection that turns Del Rio inside out. As Del Rio hits the canvas, Bryan forces him down and covers him for the first time in this Championship bout…



Del Rio kicks out!

As Del Rio kicks out, Bryan grabs Del Rio by the arm and lifts him to his feet. Bryan performs another hammerlock before wrapping Del Rio’s arm around his waist and lifting the Mexican Aristocrat off his feet and performing a back body drop, dropping Del Rio down on his arm and neck. As Del Rio grabs the affected body parts, Bryan goes for another cover…



Del Rio kicks out again!

JR: Bryan seems to be going for a quick victory.

Piper: Brilliant strategy! Get a quick one and put the jumping bean away!

Del Rio rolls onto his stomach after kicking out and Daniel Bryan looks to go back on the attack. Del Rio gets to a knee and Daniel Bryan quickly delivers a swift roundhouse kick to Del Rio’s chest. Del Rio clenches as Bryan’s boot connects with his pectoral but before Del Rio can prepare himself, Bryan cocks back and delivers a second kick right to Del Rio’s chest. As Del Rio grabs his chest in agony, Bryan cocks back for a third time but this time looks for a roundhouse to the side of the head. Del Rio is able to duck under it and as Bryan missed badly, Del Rio is able to get to his feet and perform a beautiful enziguiri, which catches Bryan in the back of the skull. The Television Champion falls to the canvas and the Challenger quickly goes for a cover…



Bryan rolls a shoulder!

As Bryan kicks out, he rolls to the far side of the ring. Del Rio gets back to his feet and as Bryan pulls himself to his feet in the far corner, Del Rio charges at him before leaving his feet and performing a Monkey flip, tossing Bryan halfway across the ring. As Bryan hits the mat, Del Rio rushes over to him and performs another cover, hooking both legs for good measure…



Bryan rolls a shoulder!

JR: Del Rio’s the one in control now. Can he cruise to the Television Championship?

After kicking out, Daniel Bryan rolls out of the ring to avoid anymore of Alberto Del Rio’s offense. Del Rio walks over to the far side of the ring and as Bryan gets to a vertical base, Del Rio leaps over the top rope and crashes down onto the Television Champion with a plancha. The fans get to their feet in approval of Del Rio’s new offense. Del Rio grabs Bryan by the back of the head and rolls the Champion back into the ring before climbing onto the ring apron. The Challenger wastes no time leaping over the top rope, performing a slingshot heelo. As Del Rio flips over the top rope, Bryan gets his knees up and drives both of them into Del Rio’s back. Del Rio rolls around the ring, grabbing his spine but manages to get to a knee. Bryan gets to his feet and staggers over behind Del Rio, wrapping both arms around Del Rio’s waist before throwing him overhead with a German suplex…

Piper: Here we go!

The back of Del Rio’s head bounces off the canvas as Daniel Bryan manages to keep his arms locked around the Aristocrat’s waist. Bryan manages to lift both himself and Del Rio back to their feet before performing another German suplex. Once again, Del Rio’s head hits the canvas hard. Bryan gets back to his feet, bringing Del Rio along for the trip. And for the third and final time, Daniel Bryan performs a German suplex on Alberto Del Rio, this time releasing his grip on the Mexican…

JR: Bryan completes the hat trick!

As Del Rio lies motionless on the canvas, Bryan leaves the ring through the ropes and walks across the apron before climbing to the top rope. Bryan motions for the people momentarily before leaping off the top rope and performing a diving headbutt directly down onto Alberto Del Rio…

Piper: Shades of the Dynamite Kid!

After hitting the high impact move, Bryan goes for a cover, hooking both legs…




Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and still UWF Television Champion, Daniel Bryan!


Daniel Bryan’s theme music plays and the fans boo the reigning and defending Television Champion. As the Champion gets to his feet and is handed his title, he notices Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio has rolled onto his stomach and Bryan quickly drops his title on the canvas before jumping on Del Rio and applying the YES Lock submission hold….

JR: This is just uncalled for!

Bryan looks to inflict as much pain possible with the YES Lock. The official tries to pull Bryan off Del Rio, but Bryan isn’t having it…

Piper: YES! YES! I love it!

Bryan will not let go and the heat continues to rain done on him. It looks as if Del Rio has passed out, but it doesn’t stop Bryan. The boos continue to fill the arena until Del Rio’s partner Jeff Jarrett runs down the ramp…

JR: Here comes Jarrett and he’s not alone!

Jeff Jarrett’s got his handy guitar in hand and slides into the ring. Seeing this, Bryan releases the hold and slides out of the ring…

JR: Look at Bryan run like a scalded dog!

Bryan backs up the ramp as Jarrett checks on Del Rio. Bryan is handed his Championship as he and Jarrett stare one another down and Smackdown heads elsewhere.



That was one very short lifetime


The Rated R European Champion Edge:
As you are all very well aware of… The Miz cheated to secure his spot at WrestleMania. Doing so by I don’t know what it was whether it was his sweat, excess spray tan, baby oil, but he had all sorts of crap in that ring and because of that I lost my footing and that is how I went over the top rope otherwise I would have walked out of that match the Rumble winner and would be choosing my challenger to lose their belt to me. But you know I’m STILL going to be in a main event at WrestleMania because I am just that good. And being that good… there was that altercation I had with The Rock. And hey Rock… if you really want your ass beat… since you know Dinero couldn’t do it just bring your candy ass over to my show and I’ll give you a fight. I’ll show you that you don’t have what it takes and in the end I’ll show you just how out of touch you are. You can’t compete with the likes of me but instead had to deal with a guy that hasn’t had a match ever since UCW. But hey a guy has to get his win one way or another right. But against true talent such as myself… you wouldn’t stand a chance. But the invitation is always there.

But the invite I’m letting people know of is the one everyone knows of. It’s of the one for John Boy to get his ass handed to him on a silver platter. It’s for him to realize that he is not an elite and is nothing more than a mere gatekeeper. To show him that he was handed everything and is not a true star like he thinks he is. Tonight he is in there with a true star and the true star is gonna “rise above the hate†and give that overrated piece of trash an “attitude adjustment†that will cause him to “STFU.†I couldn’t think of anything clever with a five knuckle shuffle cause that’s just a dumb name for a move. But at any rate… this is where I start my rise back to the top. Jiffy couldn’t get the job done at the Rumble, he won’t be able to get the job done tonight so I’m looking at you Ambrose… I’m looking at you and suggesting that instead of facing off against those low level talents you face off against a real man. You face off against the true face and star of Smackdown.

It is about time that I get a true world title shot and there is nobody else on Smackdown worthy of that shot other than me. I’ve beaten the best, I’ma beat this former champion into oblivion so go on ahead and show me why you are a champion. A true fighting champion cause a true champion would not back down from a challenge but instead would step up and accept the challenge from the best. And everyone knows that the best that Smackdown has to offer is right here. The Rated R European Champion.

Edge turns and walks away off camera.

The Rated R European Champion Edge:
And now... you can't see me.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from West Newbury, Massachussetts, weighing in at 246 pounds, John Cena!



"My Time Is Now" starts playing and out walks John Cena onto the stage. As always, Cena is in his usual jovial mood. He runs across the stage, yelling and enjoying himself with the fans. Cena hads back center stage before throwing up his marine signal and running down the ramp before sliding into the ring. Once there, Cena throws his hat into the stands before waiting for his opponent.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 236 pounds, he is "The Rated R Superstar" and the UWF European Champion Edge!



It's been a long time, been a long time comin
Looks like the death of me now
But you know, there's no turning back now
This is what makes me - this is what I am

Edge walks out and the boos from the crowd almost drown out the music

He simply smiles as the boos rain down on him. He makes it down to the middle of the ramp and does his signature pose.

He makes his way down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope.

JR: And now we’re in for a real treat. John Cena and Edge will continue their storied rivalry.




The bell sounds and Cena and Edge meet in the center of the ring. The two old rivals talk smack to one another before Edge looks for a right hand. Cena blocks and delivers a right of his own, knocking Edge backwards onto the near ropes. Cena goes right after the Rated R European Champion, grabbing him by the arm and Irish whipping him to the far side of the ring. Edge runs the ropes and comes back at Cena, who looks for a clothesline. Edge ducks under it and as Cena turns around; Edge leaves his feet and delivers a standing dropkick to the Cenation Leader’s face. Cena goes down and Edge rushes to the first cover of the contest…



Cena kicks out!

As Cena kicks out, Edge gets off his rival and runs the near ropes before delivering a low dropkick again to Cena’s face. Cena goes down to the canvas for a second time and Edge goes for another cover…



Cena kicks out again!

JR: Edge is all over Cena!

After he kicks out again, Edge mounts Cena and begins laying right hands into Cena’s face. One shot after another, Edge delivers stiff rights to Cena’s face until the Cenation Leader is able to shove Edge off of him. Cena manages to get to his feet and as he does Edge charges at him. Cena is able to catch Edge as the European Champion blindly rushes in and Cena manages to turn it into a powerslam. As Edge hits the canvas, Cena hooks the far leg and goes for a cover…



Edge kicks out!

As soon as the Rated R European Champion kicks out, Cena applies a rear chinlock, looking to subdue his opponent. Edge tries to fight back by throwing right hands onto the top of Cena’s head, but Cena readjusts his position and continues to keep the pressure applied to the European Champion….

Piper: Look at Edge’s face!

Thanks to Cena’s unbelievable strength, Edge is beginning to turn a shade of purple. The Rated R Superstar manages to get to his feet and throws an elbow directly into Cena’s midsection. This doesn’t relinquish Cena’s grip on Edge’s neck. Edge throws another elbow into Cena’s ribcage before wrapping both of his arms around Cena’s waist and lifting him off his feet and performing a belly to back suplex, dropping Cena on his head. Edge quickly rolls over to Cena and covers him…



Cena rolls a shoulder!

Edge gets to his feet and heads to the near corner of the ring. Edge lifts himself from the canvas and to the middle rope….

Piper: What’s Edge going to do now?!

Edge watches as John Cena begins pushing himself to his feet. As Cena gets up, Edge leaps off the middle rope and looks for a Crossbody block. As Edge collides with Cena, the Cenation Leader is able to catch Cena in midair…

JR: Look at the strength!

Cena walks around the ring, holding Edge across his chest. Cena then tosses up into the air and onto his shoulders, putting him in position for his famous finishing move…

Piper: Not again!

Cena tosses Edge off his shoulders looking for the Attitude Adjustment. As he’s flipped in the air, Edge is able to land on his feet to the shock and dismay of everyone in the arena. Edge quickly takes advantage of Cena’s shock by grabbing Cena’s head and applying a front face lock and performing the Edgecution DDT. Cena’s skull bounces off the canvas and Edge turns his over and looks for the cover…



JR: He got him!

Cena rolls a shoulder!

Edge gets to his feet after Cena kicks out again and heads to the far side of the ring. Edge drops down to his crouching position and begins stalking his prey…

Piper: Edge’s got that look in his eye!

Cena begins to pull himself to his feet and as he does, Edge rushes out of the corner that he’s in and charges right at Cena, looking for the Spear. As Edge is incoming, Cena is able to counter and perform a drop toe hold, bringing Edge to the canvas and Cena grabs both of his legs and steps over one…


Before Cena can apply his submission hold, Edge crawls to the ropes and holds on for dear life. The referee pulls Cena off Edge and tells the Cenation Leader to back up. Cena complies and Edge pulls himself to his feet. As he does, Cena breaks free out of the referee’s restraint and looks to clothesline Edge. Edge ducks under and goes behind Cena, grabbing him by the neck and bringing Cena backwards down onto the canvas with the Edge-O-Matic. Cena’s head slams on the canvas and Edge hooks Cena’s legs and covers him…



Cena kicks out!

Piper: This fruity pebble will not die!

Edge gets off Cena and exits the ring through the ropes. He walks the apron and begins making his way to the top rope. As Edge makes it to the summit, Cena comes out of nowhere and shakes the ropes, causing Edge to fall groin first onto the top rope….

JR: Not a good way to spend a Friday night!

As Edge tries to work through the pain, Cena staggers over to him. John Cena makes it to the corner before dipping his shoulder and lifting Edge off the top rope and onto his shoulders. Cena staggers to the center of the ring before tossing Edge off his shoulders, this time successfully hitting the Attitude Adjustment…


As Edge’s body hits the canvas, Cena floats over and covers him…




Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, John Cena!


Cena gets to his feet and has his arm risen. Cena poses for his fans before leaving the ring and making his way up the ramp as Smackdown heads elsewhere...




JR: It’s now time for our main event of the evening. At the Royal Rumble, Dean Ambrose defeated Jeff Hardy to become World Heavyweight Champion for the third time. Hardy has decided to cash in his rematch and General Manager Ric Flair accepted. But this time, the bout will be contested under Extreme Rules. Do you think that favors the Challenger of the Champion Roddy?

Piper: I don’t know Ross. Ambrose is a well-known psychopath, so this match may be right down his alley. But Hardy, he’s a druggie and we all know that they’re wildly unstable so anything is possible.

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing first, from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 225 pounds, he is the former World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Hardy!!


"No More Words" bursts through the arena and the whole of the arena get up on their feet with some already clapping the imminent arrival of the new World Heavyweight Champion. The glow off the belt is the first thing you see as Hardy walks out onto the stage As the belt is draped over his shoulder he looks fired up as he casually makes his way to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent ,from Cincinatti, Ohio, weighing in at 225 pounds, he is one half of the UWF Tag Team Champions and the NEW World Heavweight Champion, Dean Ambrose!

Cause Really I'm A Psycho


The crazy World Heavyweight Champion comes out to the ring to the biggest pop of the night so far. The sadistic Ambrose looks determined and angry, not a good combination for his opponent. Ambrose gets into the ring as quickly as he can before turning towards the crowd and the cameras to taunt. He then begins to lean on the ring ropes, smirking, but also watching around before taking off his jacket, and continuously rocking, waiting for the match to begin





The bell sounds and the UWF World Heavyweight Championship Match is underway. Hardy and Ambrose lock up to begin the match, but Ambrose quickly breaks it and delivers an uppercut directly to Hardy’s jaw. Hardy falls to the canvas and Ambrose jumps on top of him. The World Heavyweight Champion mounts his Challenger and delivers right hands to Hardy’s face. After delivering half dozen fists into Hardy’s skull, Ambrose switches his strategy and delivers a headbutt to Hardy’s head. The Challenger’s neck snaps backwards and Ambrose dismounts before going for a cover…



Hardy kicks out!

After Hardy kicks out, the Challenger rolls underneath the bottom rope and to the outside of the ring. Hardy lies on the floor momentarily as the Champion rolls underneath the bottom rope and leaves the ring as well. Ambrose walks around the ring, going after the Challenger. As Ambrose turns the corner, the Challenger surprises the Champion by leaping off the announce table and taking the Champion down with a flying clothesline…

JR: And the Challenger takes things to the high rent district!

After taking down the Champion, the Challenger looks under the ring skirt and prepares to take this match to the Extreme…

Piper: What’s the spot monkey got planned?

Jeff Hardy pulls a trash can out from under the ring. The Challenger plans to go on the attack, bringing the trash can over his head, planning to bring it down on the Champion’s head. Ambrose’s staggers to his feet and before the Challenger can strike, Ambrose catches Hardy with a dropkick to the knee, causing Hardy to drop the trash can and fall face first onto it…

JR: That backfired for the Challenger.

Ambrose grabs Hardy’s head and lifts it off the trashcan before slamming it back on the metal weapon. As Hardy lies face down on top of the trash can, Ambrose makes his way over to the timekeeper’s station and motions for the timekeeper to move out of the way. Ambrose grabs the chair that he was sitting on before folding it up and walking back over to the Challenger. Hardy still lies motionless on top of the trashcan and Ambrose raises the chair high above his head. Ambrose brings the chair down towards Hardy’s skull, but at the last second, the Challenger is able to roll out of the way, avoiding what would have been an ugly situation…

JR: Ambrose missed his target!

The steel chair crashes down on top of the trashcan. The vibrations shake the chair and cause Ambrose to drop the metal weapon. As Ambrose drops the chair, Hardy is able to get back to his feet and tackles the Champion bringing him to the floor. Hardy throws fists into Ambrose’s skull before getting off the Champion. Hardy gets back to his feet before walking away from the Champion. Hardy then starts clawing at the arena floor, grabbing the protective mats and removing them from the floor…

Piper: I think business is about to pick up!

JR: Watch it Roddy!

Hardy removes the protective covering from the ring floor before making his way back over to the Champion. Hardy grabs Ambrose by the head and lifts the Champion to his feet. Hardy walks Ambrose over to where he exposed the floor. Hardy hooks Ambrose’s head and motions for the Twist of Fate…

JR: Not on the floor!

Before Hardy can perform his finishing move, Ambrose wraps his arms around Hardy’s waist and lifts the Challenger off his feet before dropping him with a spinebuster directly onto the floor…

Piper: HAHAHA! That looked like hurt!

Hardy’s spine bounces off the concrete floor. The Champion wipes the hair out of his face before lying across the Challenger and covering him…

JR: Fall Count Anywhere!



Hardy kicks out!

JR: How’d Hardy kick out of that!

The arena comes unglued as the Challenger manages to kick out of the impact move. The Champion, however, is not impressed. Ambrose staggers to his feet and walks over towards the Spanish Announce Table…

JR: Why is it always the Spanish Announce Table?!

Piper: Bad night to be a Mexican!

Ambrose takes the top off the table and throws it to the side. Ambrose starts throwing the TV monitors off the table, holding onto one as Jeff Hardy gets to his feet. Hardy goes after the Champion and Ambrose decks him with the Television monitor. Hardy goes back down and Ambrose continues taking everything off the table…

JR: The Champion is intent on putting Jeff Hardy through that table!

After stripping the table, Ambrose grabs his Challenger by the hair and throws him onto the table. The Champion then climbs onto the table himself before grabbing Hardy by the hair yet again and lifting him to his feet. As Ambrose is lifting Hardy to his feet, the Challenger is able to surprise the Champion by wrapping both of his hands around Ambrose’s neck, lifting Ambrose off the table, hitting the Side Effect!

JR: Side Effect! Side Effect through the table!

The table explodes as both Champion and Challenger crash through it. The official goes to check on both participants as they lie on the arena floor. Neither man is moving and the official contemplates whether or not he should end the match…

Piper: That was the damndest I’ve ever seen! Let’s see it again!

*Instant Replay*

After stripping the table, Ambrose grabs his Challenger by the hair and throws him onto the table. The Champion then climbs onto the table himself before grabbing Hardy by the hair yet again and lifting him to his feet. As Ambrose is lifting Hardy to his feet, the Challenger is able to surprise the Champion by wrapping both of his hands around Ambrose’s neck, lifting Ambrose off the table, hitting the Side Effect!

JR: Side Effect! Side Effect through the table!

The table explodes as both Champion and Challenger crash through it. The official goes to check on both participants as they lie on the arena floor. Neither man is moving and the official contemplates whether or not he should end the match…

*Replay Ends*

As the feed cuts back to live action, somehow Jeff Hardy is beginning to stir. The Challenger staggers to his feet and grabs the Champion by the neck. Slowly, Hardy drags the Champion before throwing him back into the ring underneath the bottom rope. Hardy soon slides in after him before crawling to a cover…



Ambrose rolls a shoulder!

JR: What?

An exhausted Jeff Hardy can’t believe it. Somehow, the World Heavyweight Champion managed to kick out yet again. The Challenger staggers to his feet as the Champion rolls to the far side of the ring. The Champion uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet while an amazed Jeff Hardy looks on. Hardy snaps out of his amazement long enough to run across the ring at Ambrose. As Hardy gets closer, Ambrose catches him with a reverse elbow that drops Hardy down to a knee. Ambrose shakes off the effects of the match before spotting Hardy in his vulnerable position. Ambrose points a faux gun at Hardy’s head before pulling the trigger and charging towards Hardy…

JR: This is what put Hardy away at The Royal Rumble!

Ambrose looks for the Knee Trembler that won him the World Heavyweight Championship in the first place. Jeff Hardy knows that it’s coming and pulls his head back out of the way. As Ambrose misses, Hardy gets to his feet and grabs the Champion before hooking his head and surprising the Champion with the Twist of Fate…

Piper: Twist of Fate! Ambrose is going to be a transitional Champion yet again!

After hitting the Twist of Fate, Jeff Hardy jumps on top of Ambrose and goes for a cover, hooking both legs for good measure…




Ambrose kicks out 2 ½

A frustrated Jeff Hardy mutters some foul words before getting back to his feet. The Challenger rolls out of the ring underneath the bottom rope and begins looking under the ring skirt yet again…

JR: After all this carnage, what could Jeff Hardy be looking for now?!

The Challenger continues to search until he finds his desired weapon and pulls it out…

JR: Dear God!

The Challenger pulls out a twenty foot ladder to the delight of the fans…

Piper: That’s got to be the biggest ladder I’ve ever seen!

Hardy tries to slide the ladder into the ring, but the ladder is too big. Jeff turns the ladder sideways trying to push it into the ring and as he does, Dean Ambrose comes from out of nowhere and delivers a baseball slide directly into the ladder. The ladder then collides the Jeff Hardy’s chest and the Challenger falls backwards onto the arena floor. Hardy’s fingers get locked up in the ladder and it remains on top of him as he lies ringside on the floor. Ambrose looks to capitalize on Hardy’s situation by climbing the top rope and leaping off, performing a huge splash onto both the ladder and Jeff Hardy…

JR: Dear God! These two men are putting everything on the line to be World’s Champion!

As Dean Ambrose rolls around on the arena floor, grabbing his midsection, the cameramen in the back replay the footage of exactly what just happened.

*Instant Replay*

Hardy’s fingers get locked up in the ladder and it remains on top of him as he lies ringside on the floor. Ambrose looks to capitalize on Hardy’s situation by climbing the top rope and leaping off, performing a huge splash onto both the ladder and Jeff Hardy…

*Replay Ends*

Back to the live action, the World Champion has managed to stagger to his feet. He removes the ladder off of Jeff Hardy before grabbing his Challenger and throwing him back into the ring. Ambrose slides back in the ring and covers Hardy…



Hardy barely kicks out!

Now Ambrose is the frustrated one. He pushes himself back to his feet and grabs Hardy by the hair. Ambrose looks out into the crowd before screaming two words at the top of his lungs. Those two words may spell the end of Jeff Hardy’s Championship aspirations. Those two words are One

Piper: Ambrose is calling his shot Ross!

Ambrose takes the prone body of his Challenger and throws his arm over Ambrose’s shoulder. Ambrose musters all the strength in his body and picks Jeff Hardy up in a vertical suplex position. Hardy is able to use his agility to land on his feet behind the Champion before spinning Ambrose around and catching him with a boot to the stomach. Ambrose is double over and Hardy hooks his head, surprising the Champion with the second Twist of Fate of the match…

JR: Twist! It’s over!

After hitting the Twist of Fate, Jeff Hardy doesn’t go for the cover. Instead, he gets back to his feet and looks down on the fallen World Heavyweight Champion. Hardy then exits the ring one more time before looking under the ring skirt and finding yet another weapon to introduce into this match…

JR: Now what, this match has been as Extreme as it needs to be! End it Jeff!

Piper: I think that’s what he wants to do Ross! Hardy knows that Twist of Fate probably wouldn’t have been enough to put Ambrose down, so he’s making sure of it.

Jeff Hardy finds what he’s looking for. It’s a table! Hardy slides the wooden weapon into the ring before running around the outside of the ring and grabbing the other weapon that was left on the outside, the twenty foot high ladder.,..

JR: Oh dear God! I don’t like whatever Jeff has planned!

Hardy struggles, but this time manages to get the ladder into the ring. Hardy soon slides in after just as Dean Ambrose is getting to his feet. Hardy meets Ambrose with a quick flying forearm, sending the Champion back to the canvas. As the Champion hits the mat, Hardy grabs the table and begins to set it up. Hardy successfully sets up the table before grabbing the Champion by the neck and throwing him onto the table, hitting him with a few clubbing blows to make sure that he’s incapacitated. Jeff Hardy walks across the ring and takes the twenty foot high ladder and stands it up, making sure that it’s stable. Hardy takes a look back at Ambrose and sees that the Champion is still down. Confirming this, the Challenger begins scaling the ladder…

Piper: Wait a minute!

JR: What are you thinking Jeff!

Slowly but surely, Jeff Hardy begins making his way up the ladder. With each rung that Hardy climbs, the crowd gets to their feet in anticipation. Soon enough, Jeff Hardy reaches the top of the ladder and stands twenty feet above everyone else. The Portland crowd gets to their feet as Jeff Hardy stands on the top of the ladder and throws up the trademark Hardy hand signs before leaping off the ladder and performing a twenty foot high Swanton Bomb…

JR: Jeff No!

Piper: He really is crazy Ross!

Before Hardy can hit with the Swanton Bomb, Dean Ambrose rolls off the table and Jeff Hardy crashes from twenty feet in the air and hits nothing but wood…

JR: He missed!!! That killed him! Dear God! He may be broken in half!

The arena that was just moments ago all on their feet cheering has now fallen silent as their hero crashed and burned through the table. An exhausted Dean Ambrose has no idea what just transpired. Ambrose simply manages to muster the strength to crawl over to Hardy and drape his arm over the Challenger who hasn’t moved…


JR: Jeff Hardy hasn’t moved!


Piper: Just stay down kid!


JR: Thank God the match is over! Go get this young man some help!




Lillian Garcia: The winner of this match and Still UWF World Heavyweight Champion, Dean Ambrose!


As the referee drags Ambrose out of the wreckage and drapes the World Heavyweight Championship over Ambrose’s body, the World Heavyweight Champion begins to stir. After this grueling war, Dean Ambrose is somehow able to get to his feet. Ambrose has his arm risen by the official, but before the Champion has a chance to bask in his victory, he is taken down by a vicious Spear…

Piper: What the hell was that?!

JR: That’s Christian! What is Raw’s Christian doing here!

Jim Ross is correct. Tuesday Night Raw’s Christian has infiltrated Smackdown and has attacked the World Heavyweight Champion. After delivering that vicious Spear to an already beat down Champion, Christian leaves the ring and grabs two steel chairs from ringside. Christian takes the two chairs and enters the ring again…

JR: Somebody’s got to stop this!

Christian takes one of the chairs and puts it on the canvas before lifting Ambrose’s head up and placing it on the chair. The second chair, Christian holds onto. Boos fill the Rose Garden as Christian raises the second chair above his head…

Piper: Not this!

Before Christian can perform a one man conchairto, Dean Ambrose’s partner John Cena runs down the ramp and slides into the ring…

JR: Here comes Cena!

Before Christian can take out Ambrose, Cena tackles Christian. The two roll around the ring, beating the hell out of each other. Christian shoves Cena off of him and both men get to their feet. Christian looks to go on the attack, but Cena lowers his shoulder and hoists Christian up into the air…

JR: Yes! Get him!

Cena seems poised to deliver an Attitude Adjustment but before he can, he is taken down from behind…

Piper: Now what?

JR: Is that? It’s…Robert Roode?

Roode just struck Cena with the Pay Off Lariat in the back of Cena’s head, causing the Cenation Leader to drop Christian. Cena drops to a knee and Roode looks to pick the bones. Roode grabs Cena and lifts him off the canvas, hitting the Double R Spinebuster. As Cena gets taken out, the World Heavyweight Champion finally begins to show signs of life. As Ambrose tries to get to his feet, Christian hooks both of the Champion’s arms from behind before spinning around and hitting the Killswitch on Smackdown’s World Champion. The heat continues to rain down on Roode and Hardy as the climb the top rope and mock all of the Smackdown fans…

JR: I can’t believe this! Two Raw guys have taken out two of Smackdown’s best guys!


Smackdown goes off the air with Christian and Robert Roode standing all as the cameras pan over the lifeless bodies of John Cena, Jeff Hardy and Dean Ambrose.

Promos: Respective TTers
Everything Else: Cwalker​


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UWF Friday Night Smackdown: Feburary 1st Card!


UWF Smackdown is back to its normally scheduled spot on Friday Nights. And after last weeks show, we are sure that the fireworks are going to explode. After a brutal Extreme Rules Match in which he retained his World Heavyweight Championship, Dean Ambrose was shockingly attacked by Raw's Robert Roode and Christian. After the brutal match and post match assualt, both Ambrose and Jeff Hardy have been given the night off from in-ring competition. What will happen this week as we get closer and closer to WrestleMania? Find out only on Smackdown, live from Seattle, Washington!




UWF Television Championship
Daniel Bryan(C) versus "The" Brian Kendrick

Last week, Daniel Bryan successfully defended his Televsion Championship aganist a game Alberto Del Rio. After the match, Bryan applied his YES Lock submission, causing Del Rio to pass out. If it weren't for Del Rio's partner Jeff Jarrett, who knows what would have happened. This week, Bryan turns his attention to a man given the golden opportunity in "The" Brian Knedrick. Kendrick has done very little since coming to Smackdown and rumor has it that if he doesn't impress this week, Ric Flair will do to him what he did to Eddie Guerrero last week.


Damien Sandow versus Jeff Jarrett

Speaking of Jeff Jarrett, this week he gets a measure of revenge as he takes on the Intellectual Savior of The Masses in Damien Sandow. Jarrett is said to be seething about the attack on Del Rio and will look to take his anger out on Sandow. Wil Jarrett get retribution? Or will Sandow enlighten another member of the Smackdown roster?



UWF European Championship
Bray Wyatt versus Edge(C)

The Rated R European Champion will be in action and will be defending his Championship aganist Mister Money in The Bank Brya Wyatt. Edge fell to John Cena last week in a competitive match up, but looks to get back on track. Wyatt looks to add more Championship gold to YES' cabinet? Who will previal?

We Will Also Hear From
Dean Ambrose
Jeff Hardy
John Cena
Ric Flair
Anyone Else!​


Sep 25, 2012
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Re: UWF Smackdown: January 27th Edition!

That was an interesting finish, certainly didn't see that coming! That World Title match was great, Hardy and Ambrose both being a little crazy definitely means they work well together. Good victories for Cena and Bryan in what were tough matches. Interesting about Eddie, I hope Dres is picking up someone else on the blue brand.

Really nice show again though CWalker, no sign of a Rumble hangover.


Apr 29, 2011
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Re: UWF Smackdown: January 27th Edition!

Interesting finish, indeed! Looks like we have an Invasion storyline coming up, and I like it. Looking forward to see how this builds up. Fantastic show, also, Cwalks! All the matches were phenomenal! I'm surprised I beat Slim this week, as we both killed it in the thread, but I'm glad nonetheless. I think it's the first victory I have against him, lol. Hopefully the Cena vs. Edge feud isn't over from here.


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Re: UWF Smackdown: January 27th Edition!

Those god damn Canadians! Sneaky bastards! Happy to finally retain my championship for the first time! Lewb is always tough competition and I look forward to a potential rematch. The match was great and I enjoyed the replays making it seem more authentic. I'm not sure what's in store for me come Elimination Chamber but I'm really looking forward to it. At first I thought Edge speared me because of his pre match promo. Good promo btw Slim. Good promos from everyone really.

Eddie getting fired was a shame. He didn't show up to TT but I feel he had potential. Looks like Daniel Bryan is getting involved with BDC's crew. They have the potential to have a great feud. Edge/Cena had a good session and a full on feud could produce some great moments. Awesome show CWalker.


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Re: UWF Smackdown: January 27th Edition!

Heh better be ready cause I plan on gettin a win over you soon Blizzy :p

But this was a good show. CWalk shows how much of a beast he still is. A scary manly beast. A beastly beast of a beast. Guerrero fired... well... I guess it was time. Sucks cause when Eddie is on it... he is the goods. TV title match was pretty good and could have gone either way and that world title match... craziness.

But I do like that JR said that barbecue sauce scent is just his musk :p
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