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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown: Feburary 1st Card!

I'm not dropping my belt... I'm not dropping my belt. I'm taking you down Bray. Nice small card. I like these. Simple yet good.


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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Smackdown: January 27th Edition!

Dang. Sucks to see Eddie go, Dres will hopefully pick someone else up here in the blue brand and trailblaze like he shoulda ese! D-Bry and Cena picking up big wins and props to Bumout, can see that belt is in safe hands... For now. Brand warfare heyyyyyyyyyy? Smells like fireworks to me but I like the smell of burning! Great show Cwalker, great show!


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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown: Feburary 1st Card!

Couldn't have come a better time this week off tting to be honest. But my promo shall be great. where is jeff hardy going? Not even I know haha. Sam and Slim! YES!

Chris Dresdon

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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown: Feburary 1st Card!

A small show but a good show, and a chance for Y.E.S. to shine. Bryan will likely have a cakewalk defense as I don't recall seeing a trash talk or promo from Kendrick, but the other two aren't going to have an easy time as Jarrett always brings the goods and Edge is, well, EDGE. Show stealing session if both men get the chance to give it their all. Every time I see Wyatt I wonder when he is going to cash in, unless I've missed something. Anyhoo, looking forward to this great show!

Chris Dresdon

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Re: UWF Smackdown: January 27th Edition!

More detailed thoughts coming in this week's edition of the Dose, it's back by the way, oh you didn't know? Anyhoo, a few quick notes if I may.

Ambrose's defense was as impressive as his acquisition of the title, the post-match attack by Roode and Christian is interesting because of what it may entail, Edge/Cena was good, Bryan/Del Rio was good, and it may be goodbye but don't ya cry cuz I'll be back again someday.



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UWF Smackdown: 2/1 Edition!



'Re-Education' by US Punk outfit Rise Against plays over the audio system as Smackdown kicks off. Pyro shoots out of every imaginable orifice of the arena as the camera pans around showing the excited fans who jump up and down, fists in the air, awaiting the Smackdown action that is due to proceed. The camera continues to pan the arena before settling on our announce team of Good Ol' JR, Jim Ross and 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!.


Jim Ross: Welcome to UWF Friday Night Smackdown everyone! As always, I am Good Ol' JR, Jim Ross and with me is my partner "Rowdy" Roddy Piper! Say hello to the world Rowdy!

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: Hello World! Boy, do we have a show for you!

JR: Yes we do! We will see two Championship matches here tonight and we will also hear from World Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose in regards to the surprising assault from Raw superstars Christian and Robert Roode.

Piper: I can't wait Ross. That's going to be....






The fans in attendance erupt into cheers as the well-known Motörhead theme begins to blare over the PA system, letting everyone within earshot know that they're about to be joined by the one and only Triple H. In no time at all, he walks out onto the stage, his head hung as he stands there, the neon lights flashing on his body. He looks up and sprays water forward from his mouth as he makes his way down the ramp. Once arriving at the bottom of it, he climbs onto the ring apron and takes a drink from the water bottle he's carrying, throwing it down as he looks out into the crowd before throwing his head and arms back, spraying water into the air. Triple H enters the ring through the ropes and motions to the ringside official for a microphone. He is granted one as the lights come up and his music fades out to silence.


"The Game" Triple H:

Surprised to see me, or are you just surprised to see me without the business suit on? The last time I was seen on UWF programming, I was attacked by Robert Roode and suffered what I thought was a broken arm. I don't relive that moment with a smile on my face or a warmth in my heart, but I understand why he did it, he did it to send a message to Shawn and while he certainly did that, he sent a message to me as well. That attack reminded me how complacent I had allowed myself to become in my new position, it reminded me that my place isn't behind a desk in a suit, it's in a ring in a pair of tights.

With Robert Roode on Raw, it isn't likely he and I will be coming to blows any time soon unless he and Christian make another visit, so I'm just going to have to focus my attention on someone that's actually on this show, but who? Anyone and everyone, that's who, I am issuing an open challenge to any member of the Smackdown roster, when and where and how is up to Flair, I'm not a big fan of details right now, all I care about is getting my hands dirty as soon as possible and proving that my time away from the ring hasn't caused me to miss a step!

The fans pop for the Cereberial Assasian as he leaves the ring and Smackdown goes to its first commercial.


Hopefully, this is the last late show.


JR: We’re going to kick things off with our first match of the evening. Daniel Bryan will yet again defend his Television Championship. This time, it’s against Brian Kendrick.

Piper: He’s more than a fighting Champion Ross! He’s the People’s Champion!

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Venice, California, weighing in at 180 pounds; "The" Brian Kendrick!


The theme music of "The" Brian Kendrick begins to play and the fans give off a mixed reaction for the very unique superstar. Kendrick walks out onto the stage, wearing his trademark white jacket and white wrestling trunks. With Ezekiel Jackson in tow, Kendrick flails his arm around rhytmetically, ignoring everything that's going on around him


Kendrick continues to saunter down the ramp. All the while, Jackson walks down stone faced. duo soon enter the ring, where Kendrock removes his jacket and waits for his opponent.


The crowd immediately breaks into a chorus of boos as 1 half of the UWF Tag Team Champions Daniel Bryan, the self-proclaimed “Best Wrestler In The World” makes his way from the back. Much to the crowd's chagrin, he is in a great mood here tonight. Bryan has his tag team Championship wrapped firmly around his waist as he chants "Yes" over and over again before entering the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, from Aberdeen Washington, he is the UWF Television Champion, Daniel Bryan.




The bell rings and Kendrick and Bryan lock up. The television Champion is quick to snap off a beautiful snap suplex, surprising the Challenger. As Kendrick’s back hits the mat, Bryan floats over and goes for the first cover of this Championship bout…



Kendrick kicks out!

As the Challenger kicks out, Daniel Bryan grabs him by the neck and drags him to his feet. Bryan delivers a chop to Kendrick’s chest that drives the air out of the Challenger. Before Kendrick has time to think about the first chop, Bryan delivers a second one, knocking Kendrick back into the corner. The Television Champion stays on the attack, grabbing Kendrick by the arm and Irish whipping him to the far side of the ring. Bryan charges across the ring and delivers a running dropkick directly to Kendrick’s chest, causing the Challenger to stumble out of the corner and fall to the mat. Bryan wastes no time going for another cover…



Kendrick rolls a shoulder!

As Kendrick kicks out, the Television Champion goes back on the offensive. Kendrick tries to get to his feet, but as he gets to a knee, Bryan meets him with a stiff kick to the chest. It echoes throughout the arena and Bryan hits him with a second kick directly to the chest. The second kick knocks the wind out of Kendrick and Bryan looks for a final kick to the head. As Bryan swings, Bryan ducks under the third kick before quickly getting to his feet. After whiffing with his foot, Bryan turns around just in time to see Brian Kendrick look for a clothesline off his own. Bryan is agile enough to duck under himself this time and wrap both of his arms around Kendrick’s waist before hoisting the Challenger overhead, slamming the back of Kendrick’s head on the mat with a German Suplex…

JR: We saw this last week out of Bryan!

Bryan keeps his arms clasped around Kendrick’s waist as he lifts both himself and his Challenger back to their feet before performing a second German suplex. Kendrick’s head bounces off the canvas and it’s not long before Bryan is able to lift both men up yet again and perform a third and final German suplex. Brian Kendrick’s body is thrown across the canvas and he lies motionless on his stomach. Bryan gets to his feet and notices that Kendrick is down and out, so Bryan rushes over to Kendric and grabs his arm, placing it between his legs and applying the patented YES Lock submission…

Piper: YES Lock!

Bryan pulls back on Kendrick’s head and fully gets the YES lock applied. The Challenger screams in pain and wastes very little time beginning to slap the mat, signaling that the match is over…

JR: Bryan retains again!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner as a result of a submission and STILL UWF Television Champion, Daniel Bryan!


Bryan releases the hold and is handed his Television Championship. Bryan screams YES at the top of his lungs iver and over befre leaving the ring as Smackdown heads elsewhere.

The tron turns on to reveal the Rated R European Champion Edge in back with some interview time and he plans on using every single bit of it.

The Rated R European Champion Edge:
So as I stand back here and I listen to the reaction of the crowd, I listen to what all these guys here try to say, I hear all of that and to all of them, for all of that I have one word to define it all. BULLSHIT! Because none of those guys have the heart that I do. None of those guys have the desire, the drive, the intestinal fortitude that I do. None of them want it as badly as I do. None of them are willing to push themselves to their limits and beyond like I am. They would all rather just settle for less, just settle for being on the card, for being in the ring, for just being on the cover of the Pay Per View poster. If you ask me if that is enough and I will slap the taste right out of your mouth before I spear you to the ground. That isn’t me. That isn’t Edge. That isn’t what Edge is about. Edge is about being the absolute best in the business. Edge is about pushing the limits. Edge is about being the world champion and making a statement as the world champion. Edge is about making sure that there is something for the people to see. I’m not a fan of those idiots because they all don’t understand what true talent is but would rather parrot what they are told to cheer and boo for. They are told to cheer guys like John Cena and boo guys like me. Cheer guys like Rey Mysterio and boo guys like me? Why? Because I know how to do things that those goodie goodies wouldn’t do? Because I’m willing to push the envelope? Because I’m willing to do anything and everything necessary to win? That is the difference between me and the rest of them. Between me and all of you.

The Rated R European Champion Edge:
I’M THE ONE that is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that I am the one standing tall. I’m not going to take some respectful right way because none of that exists except in fairy tales. In real life… only the strong survive. Only the ones that are willing to do whatever it takes and not hold back are the ones that survive and exceed. We are the ones that people do not like because we aren’t going to sit back like the rest of you idiots. We are the drivers that push life forward. We are your inventors, we are your champions, we are your future. WE ARE the ones that ensure there is something tomorrow to look forward to while the rest of you sit on your hands and wait for things to be handed to you on a silver platter. You think I would have received my shot at the title if I would have just sat on my ass like the rest of you? No. I got up, I challenged everyone on every roster until someone spoke up. Once someone spoke up I told him… put your little belt on the line and he did and that is how I became champion. I made it happen. I make things happen. I am a champion because I make things happen. I am featured because I make things happen. I am highly regarded by all because I make things happen. I am… Edge because I make things happen.

The Rated R European Champion Edge:
So listen up Bray. You were handed that Money in the Bank briefcase because you were going to be the crown jewel of YES but now… look at you. You’re nothing. Nothing but a fat piece of shit taking up space on my show. Smackdown is MY SHOW and I’m not going to tolerate wastes of space like you hogging up any spotlight. Instead I’m going to show you why you are and will always be beneath someone like me. And Ambrose… I do hope that you are watching as well because what is going to happen to that fat tub of lard… soon is going to happen to you. I’m coming for you and I want that belt and there is nothing and nobody that is going to keep me from achieving that goal. Nobody that is going to keep me from one day becoming the UWF World Heavyweight Champion. Because I will one day rule this show with an iron fist. So your day will come soon enough and all of UWF will have no choice but to marvel and grovel. All of UWF will have no choice but to fear what will be coming. But for now… the only one that needs to fear anything is Bray because he is standing in my way and there is nobody that is going to keep me from achieving ultimate greatness.

Edge turns away as the tron turns off.

JR: Now we’re going to see a match between Jeff Jarrett and Damien Sandow. Last week, Jarrett’s partner and friend Alberto Del Rio was taken out by a post-match attack from Television Champion Daniel Bryan. Jarrett has promised to make YES pay for the attack and is starts with Sandow.

Lillian Garcia: The following Match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from San Alto Paulo, California, he is the "Intellectual Savior of The Masses, Damien Sandow!


The audience immediately boos, as Sandow emerges on stage with a microphone in hand. He holds up both his hands to the audience as if he's getting cheered before he begins to make his way down to the ring his arms up the entire time, before he makes it to ringside.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from Nashville, Tennessee, weighing in at 235 pounds, Jeff Jarrett!



Suddenly, as if on cue, the hard rockin' intro music of the King of the Mountain, Jeff Jarrett, begins to play and receives a strong pop from the crowd. Wasting no time, the Team Wolfe Captain marches out onto stage with his spikey, short hair and his slim, yellow glasses with his new (old) T-shirt design on. He stops at the top of the ramp and grins at Ziggler and shakes his head. After a short hesitation, he stomps on down the ramp and to the ring.


As he ascends the steel steps, he stops and looks over the crowd. The fans erupt in appreciation of their European Champion. He quickly steps into the ring and jumps to the ropes toward the camera. As the pyro goes off behind him, Double J yells at the camera.

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The pyro stops and Jarrett gets ready for his match.




The ell sounds and Sandow and Jarrett lock up to begin this contest. Sandow is able to gain the upper hand by grabbing Jarrett by the arm and performing a quick go behind. The former European Champion counters by dropping to a knee and rolling through, bringing Sandow to the canvas and on his back as Jarrett lies on top of him for the first cover of the match…



Sandow kicks out!

Both men get to their feet at the same time and Jarrett catches Sandow with a knee to the midsection. This doubles Sandow over and allows Jarrett to connect with a right hand to the face…

Piper: That was a closed fist Ross! That’s illegal!

The referee admonishes Jarrett for using the closed fist, but Jarrett shrugs him off. Sandow has made his way to the near corner in an attempt to get away from Jarrett. Jarrett stays on the attack though and meets Sandow in the corner with rights and lefts to the midsection. The “Intellectual Savior” of the Masses tries to cover up, but Jarrett’s blows find a way through his guard. After delivering several shots to the midsection, Jarrett grabs Sandow by the arm and Irish whips him to the opposing corner in the ring. Sandow is able to counter and sends Jarrett off instead. Sandow adds extra force behind his Irish whip and as Jarrett hits the turnbuckle, the recoil causes him to stumble out of the corner. Sandow runs the far ropes behind Jarrett and grabs the Former European Champion by the head and takes him down with a bulldog. As Jarrett’s face hits the canvas, Sandow turns him onto his back and covers him…



Jarrett kicks out!

Sandow gets to his feet and begins stomping away on Jarrett’s ribcage…

Piper: Sandow has a mean streak Ross!

Sandow forgoes the kicks to the midsection as Jeff Jarrett wraps himself in the ropes. Instead, Sandow leaves his feet and drives both knees into Jarrett’s ribcage. This causes Jarrett to release his grip on the ropes and Sandow drags him back to the center of the ring where he goes for another cover…



Jarrett kicks out!

Jarrett rolls onto his stomach, looking to avoid being pinned again by the Intellectual Savior of the masses. This doesn’t stop Sandow from continuing his attack though. He grabs Jarrett by the neck and lifts him to a knee. Jarrett is able to throw a right hand into Sandow’s stomach, causing Sandow to release his hold on Jarrett’s skull. As he sits on a knee, Jarrett shoves Sandow away from him. The momentum sends Sandow off the near ropes and as he comes back towards Jarrett, the former European Champion delivers a stiff clothesline. Sandow hits the canvas but manages to get to his feet and Jarrett hits him with another clothesline. The process repeats itself and Sandow gets back up. This time, the former Tag Team Champion looks for a clothesline off his own but Jarrett duck under it. Jarrett wraps his arms around Sandow’s neck before swinging backwards and hitting a Russian Leg Sweep…

JR: Jeff Jarrett’s on fire right now!

As Sandow’s head bounces off the canvas, Jarrett floats over on top and goes for a cover…



Sandow kicks out!

Jarrett gets back to his feet and begins to stalk Damien Sandow. Sandow starts getting to his feet, unaware that Jarrett is behind him. Sandow gets to a vertical base and Jarrett grabs him by the arm and twists it before going behind him…

Piper: No! Not this!

Jarrett looks for The Stroke, but before he can, Sandow grabs the official by the shirt and holds onto it for dear life…

JR: Look at Sandow holding on like a coward!

Sandow will not release the referee’s shirt although the official tells him to do so. With the official temporarily distracted, Sandow delivers a low blow to Jarrett’s groin and causes Jarrett to release him…

JR: Come on!

Jarrett drops to a knee with his back to Sandow and with things now in his favor, Sandow fixes the official’s shirt before grabbing Jarrett by the trunks and rolling him up…


Jarrett grabs the tights!


JR: Not like this!


JR: Damnit!

Piper: Haha!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, Damien Sandow!


Sandow’s music plays and Sandow immediately slides out of the ring and begins backing up the ramp. Jarrett rolls out of the ring on the other side of the arena. A frustrated Jarrett crawls over to the timekeeper’s table and grabs his acoustic guitar before entering the ring yet again. Jarrett gets to his feet and motions for Sandow to get back into the ring, but Sandow refuses…

JR: Come on! Get in the ring!

Piper: Why? He’s beaten Jarrett already!

Sandow shakes his head “no”, he’s not getting back into the ring. The fans boo Sandow’s decision, but soon begin to cheer as Alberto Del Rio runs down the ramp and grabs Sandow by the trunks and throws him back into the ring…

Piper: What the hell is Del Rio doing? This isn’t fair!

Sandow gets to his feet and looks back at Del Rio on the ramp. Sandow and Del Rio exchange words before Sandow turns in, forgetting Jarrett was in the ring…

Piper: Damien!

As soon as Sandow turns around, Jarrett brings the guitar down on Sandow’s skull. Guitar pieces shatter everywhere as the guitar implodes and Sandow goes out. The fans get to their feet and Jeff Jarrett puts his foot over Sandow’s chest and poses as Smackdown goes to commercial…

JR: Looks like Del Rio and Jarrett got a measure of revenge!


A huge UWF announcement is coming!


JR: Our next match is going to be the European Championship bout between Edge and Bray Wyatt. Edge has been on a roll since winning the title at New Year’s Revolution and is looking to continue his momentum.

Lillian Garcia: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the UWF European Championship. Introducing first, from Lafayette, Lousiana, weighing in at 295 pounds, he is Mister Money in The Bank; Bray Wyatt!


The theme music of Mister Money in The Bank begins to play and the fans begin to boo. Wyatt soon walks out onto the stage, shouting out bible verses to each member of the "unwashed masses". Wyatt continues to make his way towards the ring as the heat rains down on him. Tonight, there is no Cousin Eli, it's just Wyatt going at it alone. He soon enters the ring and waits for his opponent.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 236 pounds, he is reigning and defending UWF European Champion "The Rated R Superstar" Edge!



It's been a long time, been a long time comin
Looks like the death of me now
But you know, there's no turning back now
This is what makes me - this is what I am

Edge walks out and the boos from the crowd almost drown out the music

He simply smiles as the boos rain down on him. He makes it down to the middle of the ramp and does his signature pose.

He makes his way down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope.




The bell sounds and Wyatt goes right after Edge, looking for a clothesline. Edge ducks under and delivers a dropkick directly to Wyatt’s back, sending the Challenger staggering forward chest first onto the ropes. Edge gets back to his feet and with Wyatt’s back to him, he rolls the Challenger up quickly…



Wyatt kicks out!

Both Champion and Challenger get back to their feet. This time, they successfully lock up and Edge manages to get the Challenger in a side headlock. Wyatt wraps his arms around Edge and backs both competitors onto the near ropes where he is able to shoot Edge off of him. Edge runs the ropes and comes back at Wyatt who delivers a standing shoulder block which takes the European Champion down to the canvas. As Edge lies on the mat, Wyatt uses the near ropes to gain momentum before delivering a senton splash onto the Champion’s midsection. After landing down hard on top of Edge, Wyatt goes for another cover…



Edge kicks out!

JR: This might be the opening that Wyatt needs!

Wyatt gets off Edge before grabbing the Champion by the head and lifting him to his feet. Wyatt quickly lifts the Rated R Superstar off his feet and over his head in an attempted Scoop Slam, but the agile Champion is able to slide down Wyatt’s back before grabbing the Challenger by the ehad and performing the Edge-O-Matic. The back of Wyatt’s head bounces off the canvas and Edge hooks both legs and covers him…



Wyatt kicks out again!

Edge gets to his feet before walking to the far side of the ring. Edge exits the ring, onto the apron before walking across and climbing to the top turnbuckle…

JR: Edge is looking to take things to the high rent district!

Piper: Stay down Bray!

The Challenger begins making his way to his feet and as he does, Edge leaps off the top rope and takes Mister Money in The Bank down with a Crossbody Block. The Champion remains on top of the Challenger and hooks the far leg, covering him in the process….



Wyatt kicks out!

Wyatt forces Edge off him and the Champion soon gets to his feet. The Challenger does as well and Wyatt quickly catches Edge off guard with a back elbow to the jaw. This knocks Edge to the ropes and Wyatt goes right after him. Bray grabs Edge y the arm and Irish whips him to the far side of the ring. As Edge comes back at Wyatt, the Challenger catches the Champion, popping his hips and performing a quick powerslam…

JR: Wyatt’s power is vastly underrated. The guy has the potential to be a star!

After slamming the European Champion onto the mat, Wyatt hooks the near leg and covers…



Edge rolls a shoulder!

Wyatt slaps the mat in frustration as he gets to his feet. As Wyatt makes it to a vertical base, the European Champion is trying to push himself up as well. The Challenger helps him, lifting a weak Edge to a knee before wrapping his arm around Edge’s neck…

JR: We’ve seen this from Wyatt before!

Wyatt looks ready to deliver his reverse STO, but before he can, Edge spins out and hooks Wyatt by the arm. Edge pulls Wyatt in before delivering a boot to the midsection and hooking Wyatt by the head, performing the Edgecution DDT. Bray Wyatt’s skull bounces off the mat and Edge goes for a cover…




Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and STILL UWF European Champion, the Rated R Superstar, Edge!!


JR: Edge retains!

The European Champion’s theme music begins to play and Edge has his arm raised before being handed his title. In trademark Edge fashion, he smirks as only he can before exiting the ring and heading up the ramp as Smackdown heads elsewhere.



Congratulations to the Baltimore Ravens


Cause Really I'm A Psycho


Dean Ambrose comes walking through the curtain with both titles draped over his shoulders. His focus is all on the ring as he walks down the ramp without ever taking his eyes off the ring. The throws both his titles over the ropes and walks around to grab a mic before entering the ring.

Dean Ambrose
I knew it....I knew it. I knew it was only a matter of time before another band of nobody's decided to get in my way. It's a good thing they didn't get involved in my match last week because I really wanted to see what Jeff Hardy was capable of. He did what I told him to do. He pulled out all the stops but I didn't need to defeat him. Jeff Hardy beat Jeff Hardy. He just wasn't ready for a force like me yet. Maybe down the road he'll find power deep inside him but for now, he needs to focus on getting back on track. Now I'm not sure what's in store for me as far as my World Heavyweight Championship goes. I'll take on any and all challengers. But if one thing was made abundantly clear it's that the little twosome of Christian and Robert Roode are after my Tag Team Championship.

The crowd boos the mention of both Christian and Robert Roode.

I'll be honest, as dumb as these two are for attacking me, it's a pretty smart move. They both have been floundering and they knew the only way to get recognition was to attack me after a match the whole world tuned in to see. You may think John and I were some thrown together tag team but the fact is, we both have excellent singles careers. Christian may have took out the longest reigning champion in UWF history but he will not do the same to the greatest. But with every corner he turns, he feels a bit uneasy. Every door he opens fills him with fear. When he hears breaking glass, he all but cries in a corner. I know you fear for your life every second of the day because Stone Cold just may come back but all that uneasiness you feel, it's me. I've been stalking you Christian. I'm everywhere. I saw how you took out Stone Cold and I want some of that anger. Why you've aligned yourself with Roode is a mystery. Maybe you knew it wouldn't hurt so much when I exact my vengeance because I'd have to divide the punishment between you. Oh no Christian, it just makes me more deadly.

The crowd is fully behind Ambrose as he continues talking

Robert Roode of all people. I'd expect better from you Christian. Roode has done nothing but lose match after match. He even lost to those trio of buffoons on NXT. Maybe he paid you off to get in on your plan but it's the worst mistake he will make in his life. But congratulations nonetheless. You managed to make names for yourselves once again. You're famous for a couple of weeks. Cena and I will take care of you and move on to bigger business. We may not be friends or "intellectual saviors" but one thing we both do is fight. We never quit and we don't die. I know you won't come out here and fight me face to face. I know you're kind. Maybe you'll jump me backstage or maybe after a match you'll jump one of us. Ya' know what? Here let me make it easier for you.

Dean Ambrose exits the ring and walks over to the time keeper. He grabs the chair he was sitting on and heads back into the ring.


Don't worry. Don't run out of the building just yet. This isn't for you. It can be for you if you think it'll help you but I won't be swinging for the fences with this. Well I will it's just not aimed at you.

Everyone is wondering what he's talking about when suddenly he smashes the chair over his head as the crowd looks on in shock.

Jim Ross: By gawd Ambrose just smashed the chair over his own head!

Ya' like that huh? It's make me weaker doesn't it. Makes the fight much easier for you.

Ambrose brings the chair across his head again and the crowd doesn't know what to think. Ambrose begins falls to his knees and starts punching himself in the face.

Jim Ross: I think we're going to need some help out here!

Piper: He's a psycho JR! This guy shouldn’t be fit to be our champion!

This is what you want huh! A battered and broken Ambrose to take advantage of! You want my Tag Team Championship? Well here it is.

Ambrose grabs the title and smacks himself across the face with it as he begins bleeding from the mouth.


Oh you want more!?

Jim Ross: Somebody needs to stop this! We need some help out here!

Ambrose furiously drives both titles across his face one after the other after the other. Officials run down the ramp to try and stop him but as they get near the ring Ambrose doesn't let them enter as he grabs the mic one last time. Blood is pouring down his face.

You think this makes me weaker? No this makes me live! I'm willing to put myself through this to prove I am and will always be the true champion. What are you willing to do!?


Ambrose drops the mic and prepares to leave the ring when...


The fans begin to cheer and some begin to bow at the arrival of the legendary "Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Flair makes his way out onto the stage, dressed of course, in a designer suit. Flair has a microphone in hand and doesn't waste any time before addressing the live audience and the world.


Ric Flair: Woo, now Champ, that's got me fired up! 'Ya see somethin' Ambrose brother, you and I are a lot alike. We both will bleed for what we believe in most. We will bleed for this business, we will bleed for that World Championship that you're holding right now, but most importantly, we will bleed for our pride brother.

The fans pop for Flair's emotional decree as the Nature Boy continues.

Flair: And last week,, when those two Raw superstars jumped over the rail and took you and John out, they weren't just after attention. They weren't just after the Tag Team Championships. They were after your pride. They wanted to make you look like feeble men. And DAMNIT! They succeeded. They left you and John Cena lying the middle of that ring. They stripped away your pride and left you for dead. But Dean, I'm going to do you a favor. I'm going to help your pride back.

The entire arena, including the World Champion looks on. Flair reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out two tickets and shows them to the world.

Flair: Do you see this here? Right here in my possession are two tickets to Tuesday Night Raw. And Dean, I'm going to give one of these tickets to you and I'm going to give the other to John Cena. Now, what you do with these tickets after I give them to you, well that's up to you brother. But I fully expect you to show up to Smackdown next week having taken back your pride. The choice is yours. WOO!!

Flair holds the tickets out as a smiling Dean Ambrose leaves the ring and heads up the ramp before taking them from Flair's possession. Smackdown goes off the air for the week with Ambrose putting the Raw tickets into his pocket.

Promos: Repsective TTers
Everything Else: Cwalker​


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UWF Friday Night Smackdown Feburary 8th Card!


After another entertaining edition of Smackdown last week, we move closer and closer on the Road to WrestleMania. To conclude last week's show, Ric Flair gave Dean Ambrose and John Cena two tickets to Raw. Did the Tag Team Champions go and "take back their pride" as the General Manager recommended? We also saw the continuation of the battle between Y.E.S and the Kings of Wrestling? What will happen on this week's Smackdown? Tune in to find out when we're live from the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado!



Y.E.S versus The Kings of Wrestling

Jeff Jarrett and Alberto Del Rio's issues with Y.E.S are no secret and after Damien Sandow stole a victory over Jeff Jarrett last week, the Kings are looking for revenge. This week, they get their opportunity in a tag match aganist Y.E.S' Sandow and Mister Money in The Bank Bray Wyatt. Will Sandow and Wyatt continue YES' domination or will The Kings finally get a win in this series?


Triple H versus Edge

Last week marked the return of The Game Triple H. Triple H has reported that his broken arm wasn't as bad as originally diagonosed and The Game is ready for action. And in his debut, he gets The Rated R European Champion Edge. Last week, Edge successfully defended his European Championship aganist Bray Wyatt. Can the Rated R Champion continue his roll? Or will the Cereberial Assassian debut in a big way?


Jeff Hardy versus John Cena

In a clash of the previous two World Heavyweight Champions, John Cena will do battle with Jeff Hardy. The history between these two is both abundant and prevelant. John Cena seems to have his hands full with Christian and Robert Roode while Jeff Hardy is looking to get back what he thinks is his, the World Heavyweight Championship? Who will win this huge Main Event matchup?


Miz TV....

No, your eyes do not decieve you. NXT's resident superstar and winner of the 2013 Royal Rumble Match, The Miz will be on Friday Night Smackdown and his guest is none other than the World Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose. With Miz possibly looking at his opponent at WrestleMania II, will cooler heads prevail or will this thing explode?

We Will Also Hear From
Jeff Hardy
John Cena
All Three Member of Y.E.S
Anyone Else​
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Captain Charisma

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Re: UWF Smackdown: 2/1 Edition!

Good show but it's behind NXT and Raw this week in my opinion. Triple H had a good speech, he is right. He should be in ring wrestling not behind a desk doing stupid jobs that some other people can do. Kendrick vs Daniel Bryan, a match I would like to see and probably it happened before but didn't saw it. Edge had an angry promo. Why he is angry? Missed the few of last Smackdown shows. Damien got a cheap win right there but Del Rio and Jarrett made him pay off. Edge has talked before and he turn his words into actions and he beat Bray Wyatt. Great, I hate Bray Wyatt in reality so much that even that hatred comes to UWF. Sorry to it's owner. Ambrose gone nuts, he really challenged them actually and there is the Nature Boy! Two guys who like to bleed a lot in the same ring, let's make a First Blood match, damn. Flair did Dean a big favor and gave him and his partner two tickets for Raw. Raw will be tough this week for Roode and Christian. Those two are really in trouble as Cena & Ambrose are not the only one who wants a piece of them. Good show, thanks Cwalker.


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Re: UWF Smackdown: 2/1 Edition!

Have to say that was a nice show. Triple H comin back to show what he can do in the ring... sounds like a win win situation there. Bryan retaining... Edge lighting up the tron with an awesome promo :p Sandow got a pretty nice win there. But then... well ya know Edge again. cause Edge is awesome :p

But Ambrose... killed that promo. That was nice. Lookin forward to seein what happens next there.

Chris Dresdon

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Re: UWF Smackdown: 2/1 Edition!

The Game is here ladies and gentlemen, which means Dres is back on Friday nights! I feel stoked about the future here on the blue brand, the third time will be the charm I hope. Great show C!

Chris Dresdon

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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown Feburary 8th Card!

The Miz bringing MizTV to Smackdown, that's going to be a great read. Y.E.S. versus the Kings of Wrestling will be great tag team action and Hardy versus Cena always delivers and I am happy to have my debut against Slim. Another crack at his Edge, I love it!

Captain Charisma

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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown Feburary 8th Card!

HHH vs Edge and Cena vs Hardy will be the two matches I am looking forward to. Miz will talk about World Heavyweight Champion Ambrose for sure. That Miz TV would be awesome!


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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown Feburary 8th Card!

Heh heh... time to play the game ;)


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Re: UWF Smackdown: 2/1 Edition!

Forgot to comment on the show. Dresdon coming back as Triple H. Hopefully someone can finally get a good run with HHH. Daniel Bryan taking out the trash, Damien Sandow furthering the feud with the new KOW. Edge able to stop YES's momentum. Btw a nice promo by Edge earlier. I wonder what this new huge announcement is going to be. I thought my promo was going to open the show and I was wondering where it would be the whole time I was reading, pleased to see it closing the show and then seeing that I'll be making a trip to RaW. Looking forward to that. Great show once again CWalker.


Apr 29, 2011
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Re: UWF Smackdown: 2/1 Edition!

Awesome show, C! All the matches were a great read, as was the promos. Glad to see Dres back on the blue brand, and as Triple H, hopefully you'll have a nice run with him. Edge's promo was also a enjoyable read, it's nice to see the Rated R Euro Champ get back on track. And that Ambrose promo, oh my god, lol. He's my partner but I'm still a bit scared of him. That was fucking incredible bro. It'll be nice to show up on RAW, I'm looking forward to see how that turns out as well!
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