UWF Anarchy 10/2/13 3LK vs. 3MB
"We're a 3 Man Band!!!!"
The theme of the 3MB plays out for the UWF audience to a pretty mediocre response. The boo's outweigh the cheers but its a pretty quiet mixed reaction. They're are a few fanboys in the crowd who are holding up 3MB signs. The trio of Rockstars walks out from the back, pumped like always, and led by The One Man Band himself, Heath Slater.
Both Jinder and Hawkins take either side while Heath plays the Air Guitar. Heath jumps to his feet and the three make their way to the ring. All three slide in and do some more posing before retrieving a mic from ring side.
Heath Slater
A round of cheers and applause from the rowdy crowd.
Heath Slater
We are of course your resident rockers, the 3 superstars that rock hard than anyone in the UWF, We’re the Three Man Band baybee! We are hot, I said, HOT of the heels of Bound For Glory. And event which 3MB was not apart of but that is all fine and dandy because we are rocking and a-rolling towards Bad Blood where we will be on the card, NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. This week however, me and my buddy, my bandmate, my fellow rocking superstar, Curt Hawkins, get to take on the poser 3 Live Kru. Man, you guys are the biggest ripoffs I have ever seen. We all know that you just want to be like us. You even went and stole our name practically. 3LK? More like 3MB! The true trio of UWF!
Curt takes the mic from Heath
Curt Hawkins
So what are you guys even? Rap? Can you even call that crap music? See, we are real musicians. We are real rock stars. You guys are nothing but some losers that can talk fast. Ohhhh I’m so scared. Beating you guys this week is going to be my pleasure. Rock vs. Rap? Man, Rock wins every time.
Curt hands the mic back to Heath
Heath Slater
You guys are a disgrace to music, and a disgrace to the UWF. Why don’t just run on back to wherever you came from because Anarchy is our stage! And if you’re lucky, you might just pass as an opening act. Make way boys, the Main Event is coming through.
The theme of the 3MB plays out for the UWF audience to a pretty mediocre response. The boo's outweigh the cheers but its a pretty quiet mixed reaction. They're are a few fanboys in the crowd who are holding up 3MB signs. The trio of Rockstars walks out from the back, pumped like always, and led by The One Man Band himself, Heath Slater.
Both Jinder and Hawkins take either side while Heath plays the Air Guitar. Heath jumps to his feet and the three make their way to the ring. All three slide in and do some more posing before retrieving a mic from ring side.

Heath Slater
A round of cheers and applause from the rowdy crowd.
Heath Slater
We are of course your resident rockers, the 3 superstars that rock hard than anyone in the UWF, We’re the Three Man Band baybee! We are hot, I said, HOT of the heels of Bound For Glory. And event which 3MB was not apart of but that is all fine and dandy because we are rocking and a-rolling towards Bad Blood where we will be on the card, NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. This week however, me and my buddy, my bandmate, my fellow rocking superstar, Curt Hawkins, get to take on the poser 3 Live Kru. Man, you guys are the biggest ripoffs I have ever seen. We all know that you just want to be like us. You even went and stole our name practically. 3LK? More like 3MB! The true trio of UWF!
Curt takes the mic from Heath
Curt Hawkins
So what are you guys even? Rap? Can you even call that crap music? See, we are real musicians. We are real rock stars. You guys are nothing but some losers that can talk fast. Ohhhh I’m so scared. Beating you guys this week is going to be my pleasure. Rock vs. Rap? Man, Rock wins every time.
Curt hands the mic back to Heath
Heath Slater
You guys are a disgrace to music, and a disgrace to the UWF. Why don’t just run on back to wherever you came from because Anarchy is our stage! And if you’re lucky, you might just pass as an opening act. Make way boys, the Main Event is coming through.