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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

I'm very excited to see all the matchups this week.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

When someone can beat me... but I don't think they can heh heh heh :p

I'll try :p

The Red

Jun 11, 2012
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Re: Anarchy 9/18/13 Jinder Mahal vs. Carlito

Carlito WTF.jpg

Carlito screws his face up and looks around as if to say "are these guys serious?" he lifts the mic and begins to speak again

Carlito: Are you guys serious? At what stage does this comedy act stop? Carlito takes offence to the fact that you can refer to yourselves as "Legends" in this industry. Carlitos family, the great Colon family are the reason wrestling has made it so far today would disown Carlito if I didn't teach you three a lesson, Carlitos family heritage built professional wrestling not "sports entertainment" which perfectly sums up what we see in the ring here. Three guys making themselves look like fools to "Entertain", well Carlito is sick of "Sports Entertainment" and it is time that we return professional wrestling back to what its meant to be.

Crowd continue booing but Carlito ignores them and continues

Carlito: How do you figure Carlito is a sell out? In no way has Carlito accepted any higher amount of money to join the establishment, Russo approached Carlito because he knows Carlito has the talent which nobody else wanted to use. Dont confuse yourself Jinder, unlike your little rock group, we at the Establishment are not friends, we are a group of individuals who understand each other because we have all been ripped off by the "sports entertainment machine". No extra money, No extra back up just the recognition Carlito deserves and the opportunities Carlito should have received in the past.

Fans boo and begin a "Boring" chant

Carlito But if you do want to talk about selling out Jinder then we need go no further than yourself. You see Carlito may have a different hair style but Carlito does not turn his back on his history and his culture, my hair is a recognizable trait of the Colon family and Carlito is proud of it, unlike you Jinder who seems to have turned your back on all heritage and culture you ever had. Selling yourself out to join this team of misfits just to get a damn reaction from these bunch of low lifes we call fans who wouldn't recognize real talent if it slapped them in the face. You came into this business a feared international competitor like Carlito and now your just another puppet, that when the system says jump you say how high.So really its not Carlito who has sold out it is you and your group of Pretenders, yes pretenders that's all you are, who have sold out on yourselves.​


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Re: Anarchy 9/18/13 Jinder Mahal vs. Carlito

Jinder doesn’t waste a beat and responds before Slater can freak out again.


Jinder Mahal
Oh Carlito. Carlito, that is the first true thing I have heard you speak all night. You said I came into this business a feared international competitor. That, that right there my friends, is true. However, the spot where you start to fault is where you claim that I am no longer a fierce, and feared international competitor. As you will find out this Wednesday, I still am a feared competitor. You will find out the hard way and you will suffer for your ignorance.

Jinder Mahal starts to show a serious side and the crowd stands at attention

Jinder Mahal
We are serious. We are serious about this business, about what we do, and we are very serious threats. We are legit competitors here in the UWF, and we each have our own list of accomplishments. Yes, we come out here, and we dress funny, and we play our air guitar and we make the fans happy. We entertain them, but when the bell rings it is strictly business. I can respect the fact that you come from a wrestling family but the harsh reality is, Carlito, as much as you want to believe that the Colons are a famous name in this industry, you are sadly mistaken. Names like Hart, Orton, Rhodes. Those names are wrestling royalty. The Colons will go down as nothing more than an afterthought. That...that is the harsh, cold, reality. If you think anything other than that then you’re just delusional.

Heath and Curt step back and let Jinder continue

Jinder Mahal
I will admit that next to my two friends here, I am the least experienced, and they have accomplished much more than me. But I’m not here to be an afterthought like you Carlito. I can see the truth and while I may not descend from a wrestling family, I will carve out a dynasty for my future prosperity. I’m not here trying to be the next Carlos Colon like you. I’m not living in the shadow of someone else. I’m here to be the first Jinder Mahal. I’m not a puppet, as you claim I am. The puppet is you. And Vince Russo is pulling the strings.

Jinder looks into Carlitos eyes begging for a response.
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Anarchy 6 Man Tag Homicide, Masters and Show vs Fandango, Ziggler and Umaga


Fandango's music hits and the crowd is on their feet, half of them cheering and the other half singing the theme song's tune and waving their fingers up and down. Fandango comes bursting through the tassels of his giant custom structure and begins to dance with his new ballroom dancer. He struts down to the ring with Maxine and Derrick Bateman followed closely behind. Fandango lifts the woman onto the apron and he jumps over the ropes and they dance some more in the ring. The girl does the splits and a giant Fandango silhouette ignites with the same pose Fandango is currently doing in the ring. The music stops and the fans cheer on their International Champion. The camera is focused on Fandango who looks to the side and is focused on the titantron.

Well would you look at that. That is the picture of a true champion. One who has grace and elegance. One who knows how to get the people moving and grooving and makes the ladies scream. And what's that perfect thing around his waist? No not the 1% body fat, that shiny thing. No not my glorious skin. Oh it's the International Championship. The most prestigious belt in this company's history. Probably the only belt to have never change hands due to someone screwing someone else. Everyone who has held this belt has won it fair and square but someone is trying to change that. A man who seems to be stuck in the 90's with his stupid leather jacket and dumb hair. And then he brings in the worst group of talent I have ever seen. Maybe if this was 10 years ago I'd be afraid but come on.

The crowd is clearly on Fandango's side as he seems as confident as ever and continues speaking.

And now Russo thinks he's got me with this little challenge he's laid in front of me. Oh no I have to face Chris Masters, Big Show AND Homicide. Someone please help me! I mean look at my team. I don't like them but we're all better versions of the Establishment. You got the little guys that could in Dolph Ziggler and Homicide. Ziggler just proved how much better he was than Homicide two weeks ago. I'm pretty sure Ziggler could handle you Homicide. Then we both have big monsters on our teams. One's a giant who hasn't proved anything except that he can take out a bunch of nobodies when they're not looking and the other is the longest reigning champion on Anarchy. That doesn't make him the best as evident last month when I beat him but still, he's way better than the Big Show. Then you have the Masterpieces of teams. Myself and the self proclaimed Masterpiece. Now clearly there is no contest here. I've been here on Wednesday nights for over a year and I'm the reigning International Champion. Plus no amount of weights and needles will make you look as great as this. If you want to enter a bodybuilding competition, go for it because this body doesn't need any more building. It's perfect. Oil me babe.

Maxine walks over and rubs Fandango down with oil as he has a smug look on his face. Derrick is awkwardly standing by watching.

You see this? This is what the people want as their champion. Not some tattooed thug. When CM Punk was champion, the ratings plummeted. FACT! I was never supposed to be in the Fatal Four Way but the higher ups knew they had to give the fans what they wanted and what they wanted was more Fandango. You losers should be thanking me. You're getting more exposure than you have in years and all because the fans are willing to sit through an hour and a half of garbage to get to the goods that is Fandango. I don't have to be here helping you. I got movie offers left and right. I got people making comic books about me. All of UWF has been talking about me and soon the entire world will be chanting my name.


And with that, the crowd starts to chant his name as he smirks. FAN-DAN-GO! FAN-DAN-GO! FAN-DAN-GO! It isn't long until that smirk fades when...

OOC: Okay guys, these types of matchups are notorious for going only one round. Let's try and get two though.


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Re: KOTR Finals: Seth Rollins vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Jeff Hardy

Seth Rollins then walks up to Jeff Hardy and approaches him.


Seth Rollins:

I know exactly what demons are and it seems they haven't left yet, but I'm no savior Jeff. I'm not here to play God, I'm not here to hold the candle... I am here to tell you to erase your mind and set yourself free; because you've yet to do so. You're an emotional wreck and I can see it hiding behind that ridiculous face-paint of yours, those emotions are building up in hope you'll end up with a fairy-tale dream but unfortunately I'm here to shatter those dreams. It must be upsetting Jeff, knowing you and your brother cannot get along anymore. Oh what it will feel like to be family once again, it's something you'd never know... Just like myself but that's the least of my concern comparing it to you! All you're wanting is to be named number-one contender, you don't want anything more than that and you've rightfully admitted so. So why don't you go backstage and find Fandango and tell him you want a shot at his belt whilst Tyson and I battle it out fighting it for what we both want. As much as I hate Tyson, at least he wants to represent the brand much like myself. It's a fight for survival, it's meat on the table and we're just animals, we're hungry... We want it. But the thing is Jeff, you're already a household name... These people know exactly who you are, just like Hulk Hogan... but they just end up in disappointment. The fandom is so damn big that it carves their heart in half knowing when you become a failure, it's like having a brand new hit except you just didn't get number one and always end up as being number two. It's quite ironic how people think I have nothing to lose; that's where you've became delusional and you're not seeing things straight. This... this all means everything to me. This is for me to prove I can be proven that when I do cash in, it wasn't just a cheap attempt... That I've already proven my name-sake at the top of the chain. I don't want to be like the rest, they wait and wait... cash-in and then lose the belt. I don't want that, I want to go out on top, I want to prove that I am worthy of being a Champion and doing that is right here!

But I can see why Jeff, I can see why you're wanting to win this so bad. It's because you've got nothing else if you lose... just nothing but emptiness. It's what your brother wanted but he isn't here anymore so you've got nothing to worry about. But just imagine if your brother actually defeated you, where would you be right now? If it all had of slipped, whilst you've had the glory, while you've celebrated coming strong every week. You're bound to suffer a loss, much like Tyson over here. You've been on a red-hot winning streak, but soon the fire has to stop burning. The fire stops, a black cloud then hovers over you... and you've suddenly collapsed. To fight back from all that isn't going to be an easy task; but Tyson... There is no excuse here at all. When I look into the mirror, I see a changed man; a man who's succeeded since leaving the side of Vince Russo. I see a man who no longer plays puppet! I see a man who's determined and motivated to be hailed King, a man who wants his kingdom to arrive sooner than later! Then I see you... lurking in the shadows nearby, over looking me like I'm a worthless piece of shit! But it doesn't matter cos I rubbed my eye and then you were gone, I realised that you're just trying to get into my head but you've constantly failed at doing so. I've performed at the top level already, I fell short, I've had opportunities after opportunities but I've never been able to succeed the big one, people say what makes me think it's different this time? It's because I have something to prove, you see Jeff... I need to prove to Vince Russo that I'm not here to play puppet, I am my own man and I'll do whatever the f- I feel like! Sure you can try and stop my paroxysm but I'm not going to allow you to do that anymore, you think you've got it in the bag Tyson. You think you've got it all, but what you don't realise is you won't be able to look behind you all the time... You won't be able to see both directions and it's not a pretty sight, it really isn't. Especially when you are facing up as Owen watches on in disappointment as you don't become King. It fuels you up doesn't it? I can be controversial too!

As for you Tyson... IF you become Champion. You think I'll cash it in on you? You don't know what my future holds, only I do... but all I can say is... I won't stay away... Not while Owen's watching from above. But this isn't all about you, I cannot forget Jeff here... Those demons of yours, you don't like talking about them do you? It haunts you, it upsets you... But what are you going to do about it? Maybe Matt and the rest of your past disappointment can have front row seats this week because I'll be inviting them. I'll also be inviting the man who guided you through rehab; except this time he'll be holding up everything you did to be there the first time. This isn't an easy path, this is not an easy solution for the both of you. Thing is... You both barely know about my past, I know more about the both than you know about me. You can talk about my darkness with Jimmy Jacobs, call me an emo... say I was suicidal, go for it. Thing is, I was never suicidal, I just had a fantasy with the dark; I was just a man lurking in the shadows and followed Jimmy Jacobs around. Yeah, my stuff was pretty fucked up but it's made me grow my strength, call me deranged, delusional and disturbed... But when the flames go out, that's when I know the darkness takes over. So give it your best shot, because Tyson... You've got Owen up there watching you... He doesn't want you to disappoint; but what happens when you do? You won't have him over you anymore... He'll just be forever forgotten... As for you Jeff... Those demons will come back and haunt you... It will trap you and there's just no escape... There's just no escaping from Seth Rollins. This is my time, this is my proving ground and I... am going to Bound For Glory to be hailed your new King!

Seth Rollins then drops the microphone as Jeff Hardy and Tyson Kidd are both absolutely furious with the comments Seth has made; he walks backwards and slides out of the ring as he leaves via the crowd as he isn't seen anymore.


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Dec 19, 2012
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Re: KOTR Finals: Seth Rollins vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Jeff Hardy

Tyson looks unimpressed at Jeff Hardy from across the ring, he then looks up at Seth who is making his way through the crowd. Kidd isn't done just yet, he raises the microphone one last time.


Tyson Kidd
"Where are you going Seth? You're running away from your problems, why? Because you're scared. Your fear is telling you that you shouldn't be here, you don't belong in this ring with me, finally, you just figured that out. A lot of things have been said about me, but never once did I run away with my tail tucked between my legs. Seth, just like the rest of the citizens taking up space in this country, you're the exact same, you try to avoid your problems instead of dealing with them like a man. So go ahead, swim through the crowd of people that are just like you. You're all weak-minded, blind, sheep. Everyone look at someone like me, someone superior to American society. Seth, get that thought of us two being alike out of your head right now, both of us want to represent Anarchy here, but that's where it stops. We're nothing alike."

Tyson turns his attention to Jeff Hardy and takes a few steps towards him to speak.

Tyson Kidd
"Jeff, same goes for you, our so called hot-streaks are nothing alike, see while you've been beating opponents that don't mean a damn thing, I've been beating former World Champions, Money in the Bank holders. I was so impressive and Vince Russo saw the fire in me, and he recruited me to the Establishment. He didn't recruit you Jeff, and he didn't recruit Seth. It's because you two don't have what I have. You two are no where near my level. I'm walking out of Anarchy victorious, no question about that, it's just a matter of time now. Not only am I representing Anarchy, I'm representing the Establishment, but most importantly, I'm representing Canada in this King of the Ring tournament. Not for one second would I let down the most important Country in the World down. Seth came out here, and he likes to mention Owen looking down on me from Heaven, and I sort of brushed it off, but news flash, Owen couldn't hold my jock. I'm doing this on my own. So neither of you can make any excuses, don't blame it on so called spirits looking down on me, and don't blame it on the Establishment. So you two have nobody to blame but yourselves when you finally look yourselves in the mirror and realize that you two are nothing and will never be anything. So Jeff, go ahead, say I sold my soul to Vince Russo, say I sold out. You're right, I did sell out! But people have to want to buy in to you before you can sell out. That's probably why you haven't done it yet. Trust me, the grass is a lot greener on this side Jeff. Tell me Jeff, why did I make the wrong decision here? These people have hated me since day one, so I joined up with people that respect my talent. Now I get everything I've ever wanted, I get to main event shows now, I'm in the King of the Ring, private jets, limos, and potential future title shots. In my eyes that's a little bit better than being an opener but still having my soul. These people don't mean a damn thing to me Jeff, I could care less what any of them think of me. At the end of the day, I get to collect my paycheck and go home with the most beautiful woman in the World. Who's the real loser here Jeff?"

Tyson hands the microphone to Natalya before he turns his back to Jeff to taunt the crowd. Natalya tilts her head at Jeff with a puzzled look on her face.

Natalya Neidhart
"I don't get it? I don't get how someone like Jeff Hardy has room to judge anyone? I would much rather have Tyson sell his soul for wealth and opportunity than sell his soul to buy illicit narcotics. Unlike you, Tyson is still a role model to all the kids out there...in Canada. You're looking at a future Champion in Tyson Kidd, it's just a matter of time, he was born to be Champion and I was born to guide him to the light. Unlike you Jeff, it's not just blind luck that he's reached this success, it's not some once in a lifetime hot-streak, this is all meant to happen. We knew exactly what we were getting into when we signed to UWF, we knew this was the place, the place that it would happen. Where Tyson would solidify his legacy, and join the men in the Hart family as a wrestling legend. People are going to remember the name Kidd for a centuries, mark my words, he will go down in history as the greatest professional wrestler this World has ever been graced to see. Jeff, there's not a damn thing you can do about it."

Natalya hands the microphone back to Tyson before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek as the crowd boos Anarchy's power-couple.

Tyson Kidd
"Natalya knows, she's known this for the last decade. I don't need to repeat what she just said, you all heard her. The greatest of all time. I like the ring of that, and don't feel so down about that, you get to be apart of my legacy too. You're the man that I get to beat, you're my stepping stone to get to the top. So don't feel bad, you're just another spoke on the wheel, it's okay Jeff, not all of us can be International Champions, it's not meant for all of us. Only the top tier talent, the cream of the crop. Not saying that you can't compete against someone like me, I'm not saying that at all, it's tremendous practice for me, you know? I get to try new things in the ring, hone my craft, you make me better Jeff. You're the Frazier to my Ali. I'm the star of the company, and you're my enhancement talent. You have a very important role on this show Jeff, so don't feel bad, we need you here. These people know it, these people love seeing you. See, I do what's right, and you do what makes these people happy. Now what you do might not always be the best decision but you seem pretty satisfied doing it. Jeff, you need to accept yourself and you need to accept defeat."

Tyson has a large grin on his face as he makes his way over to the ropes, he sits on the middle rope so Natalya can make her way out of the ring. He drops the microphone in the ring before making his way out also, leaving Jeff all alone, the power couple makes their way up the ramp to large boo's from the crowd.


Aug 5, 2012
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Re: KOTR Finals: Seth Rollins vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Jeff Hardy

Jeff stood with his arms folded across the ring while Tyson and Natayla berate him. Jeff waits for them to be finished and as Tyson is done, Jeff can be seen making the universal sign of "Blah blah blah" with his hand. The crowd is booing Tyson, as Jeff raises his mic and begins to speak.


Jeff Hardy: Man, Tyson, you just cant quit can you? Seems like you just gotta try everything you can think of to get under my skin huh? I mean, not even just you, Natalya too. You guys keep throwing whatever dirt at me and you can rub my nose in it all you want, but same old song and dance that I've been hearing for years. After a while, you learn not to listen, and you learn that people like you that get off on trying to run people through the mud are actually the ones who belong there themselves. So this talk, all this talk about role models, and blind luck and success, man, just keep on tryin. I'm not phased by it anymore, and if that was evident, take a look at Goldberg and see how I shrugged it off when he did the same exact thing you two did. I've been down in that dirt too often man, so you both can just tryyyy to keep me in it, but I've risen above and I know exactly who I am, and I am not ashamed.

Jeff Hardy: And you know man, speaking of Goldberg, I cant help but remember that you just said our so called "hot streaks" aren't similar at all. And all I have to say man, is thats just a matter of your perspective. I can, as a humble man, acknowledge and respect your "break-out" month that you've had. While I may not respect you, I respect what you've done and thats just as much as you're gonna get from me. But dont discredit me man, because its not about who you beat or when you beat them, its about what happens in this ring the night of our match. So while it may be real damn "impressive" to some people that you've got a list of people you've beaten, it doesnt mean a damn thing to me. All I can say though is, I know if you were in the ring with Goldberg last week, he would have made you his bitch!

Jeff makes sure his emphasis on bitch was rather clear and loud and the fans pop for the Goldberg mention and the idea of Tyson getting speared by Goldberg.

Jeff Hardy: Tyson, whatever man, grass is greener, doesn't matter to me. You can have your jets and limo's, thats cool man, I dont care. I never said though, that you made the wrong decision. I just called you out that you sold out man. Thats all. If you want to sell out, nobody is gonna care. These people wouldn't cheer you anyway, so its all about you man. Russo hired you because you're a weak minded, puppet that he can pull the strings of, while Seth was too I dunno, emotional or something. You have a one track mind Tyson, you dont see the big picture. You dont live in the moment. Its just all one big straight line for you somehow, upstairs. In reality, its not even close man. You may have people respect you in the Establishment, you may feel like a hotshot, but theres a damn good reason why Russo didnt hire me. And its because I dont fit the mold; I break it. I dont belong there, I wouldnt listen and I would question, unlike you. But man, it's not about that though. The jets, the money, the limo, its not about that. When are you gonna understand that? This comes down at the end of the night, about King of the Ring. You can represent Canada, Russo, the Establishment, Natalya, whoever man! I dont give a damn! This is about who wants it more, not who trained in the Hart Dungeon, not who has the backing of the boss, its about the passion and the drive. And when I look at you Tyson, I dont see a damn bit of that. You're so jaded and full of yourself, you think you can waltz down that ramp man, and come take on Jeff Hardy with that attitude? You need to get real, or else you will suffer a very cruel twist of fate by my hands.

Tyson and Jeff stare each other down, before Jeff raises the mic up to his mouth once again.

Jeff Hardy: Because I will not back down, Tyson. I will not accept defeat. I will not bend and break by your words, or your holds. Try me. Just.. try me.

The crowd gives a pop for Hardy who backs away from Tyson Kidd. The Canadian duo stand around looking bored, as Jeff continues to speak.

Jeff Hardy: As far as Rollins goes, I dont know where the hell you went, or why the hell you left but something has clearly crawled up your ass and died man. You're such a hypocrite, Seth, you flip flop back and forth to your own whim because its easier that way. You cant stick to an agenda for yourself. You wonder why somebody like you crashes and burns after having such a great run, and its because you cant get your head straight. You're so full of angst, you're like a damn teenager man. You dont know what the hell youre saying. You think this is your shot to prove yourself? You think by winning King of the Ring, it makes you a star? You got so much longer to go before you even get to be in the finals of this tournament, let alone, win it and become King. Cashing in money in the bank doesnt make you cheap, it doesnt make you look paper thin. You won the damn briefcase, use it man! Thats what its there for. Do it before I talk to Foley, and challenge you for that contract because if you wont use it, I sure will Seth.

Jeff Hardy: And once again, round and round and round we go. Seth Rollins aiming low and shooting lower. I know exactly how I feel not having my brother around right now. I know exactly how I feel knowing I've lost the World title before. I already know how hard its been, but in the pain I find passion, and I turn that into results in this ring. I make sure that no matter what black cloud you hang over me, my fire wont be rained out. Because even at this point, if I lose I'll still have momentum, I'll still be heading towards the top where I can climb the ladder and reach the brass ring. But I wont lose, Seth. I cant lose. Because to win this tournament and represent Anarchy means everything to me. Anarchy has been my best home, my true state of self. And to be the knight of Anarchy and earn a shot at the International Title would be a everything I could ever ask for. And I'd never let somebody like you, who runs and hides up in the crowd, who has a train of thought like a train wreck, beat me and take away my chance. You know what happens when you play with fire, Seth? You get burned man. And when you meet me back in this ring on Wednesday night, you're going to get burned by Jeff Hardy.

Jeff lowers his microphone and the crowd cheers for the big fan favorite in the match. While the crowd is cheering, the attention of the in ring superstar is turned elsewhere..



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Re: KOTR Finals: Seth Rollins vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Jeff Hardy

The titantron lights up as Seth Rollins is seen sitting down somewhere backstage.


Seth Rollins:

Running away? No. I don't need to be associated in the ring with the both of you, I'll be speaking from here. Where I am more comfortable of being motivated and determined. There's no fear going into a match like this, I don't require myself having to stand out there for half an hour just to hear you guys speak a bunch of crap. There's things I can be doing whilst waiting for your answers; I haven't avoided anything at all Tyson. It's more the fact I want to prepare myself for a match like this and standing in that ring isn't going to help prepare anything. It's just a waste of time having to stand in the bright lights and talk over and over. I rather get myself focused, that's the difference between me and you two. I don't want to be like you Tyson, I don't want to be Jeff Hardy... I want to be Seth Rollins, the King of the Ring winner. That is who I am and what I represent! I striked a nerve on the both of you, it's just a dagger went through your heart but as I said... I do whatever I want, when I can. But Tyson, you've been impressive as of late... defeating those people that matter, quite a huge achievement isn't it but I see you've constantly avoided what really upsets you... the fact is you're trying to be a Hart. Thing is, you were the last person of the Dungeon; which doesn't mean anything to me as far as I'm concerned. It might be something huge for you, but to me... it just showed me that the Hart Family are nothing but a disgrace to the company. Remember Bret? When he suffered in the Montreal Screwjob? Remember the time when you're trying to fit into their family because your family doesn't want to remember you? Yeah, I remember. Because you're living it right now! I could have been part of Vince Russo's puppeteers but I chose not to; I walked away. That's something that hasn't connected with your brain just yet Tyson, I left! I didn't want to play fiddle, you do on the other hand and that's why you're nothing more than a delusional Canadian prick! It's because you Canadians don't seem to understand what's happening, it's why Bret Hart suffered consequences in the past... it's why Owen Hart is watching above you in disappointment knowing you've sold yourself out. Do you think Bret and Owen ever sold out? No! They were two people who put on their best every damn week, now as much as I hate your damn family at least I can admit the both were and will always be better than you! I don't have time to deal with your crap Tyson, it's why I'm going to make sure that I defeat you. Owen couldn't hold your jock? He'd be rolling around in his grave right now, but it doesn't matter as I said to Jeff those demons will return. But now I see those demons will be only back to stab you in the dark Tyson. All these words, karma's a little bitch and sadly... it's coming to strike you sooner than later.

But of course you can continue being a judgmental son-of-a-bitch towards us; but your words do not speak louder than actions and whilst your actions have succeeded. You're bound to have a bumpy ride along the way. We're all here talking about accomplishments, we're all talking about selling-out, dealing with Vince. How about we speak about why we want to be King of the Ring and what failure will mean to you? Thing is, I've already suffered a bumpy ride. I've suffered failure; I was on a losing streak and found my winning ways once again. A loss in this match will have me feeling quite disappointed knowing I wasn't able to get the job done... but like you said... I have this briefcase so I don't really lose much, but I do. I do lose a lot in this match, because the fact is... I've stated I wanted to go the right way about things. It's why I'm using this tournament to get as far as I possibly can; a loss here... It won't bother me as much because I'll eventually get over the loss but I am not going to let it happen. I'm here to win it, this tournament is to allow me to make a name for myself if I haven't done so already. But Jeff... Once again I need to address myself to you and it's something I'm getting sick and tired of already. You can call me a hypocrite all you want but I didn't make the mistakes you did in your past, I don't have the demons that continue to haunt you in your dreams or nightmares I shall say... You can tell the world how you're clean as a bean but deep inside you're still itching, you're wanting to do it all over again... you want the escape. It's what's driving you crazy, the only thing driving me crazy is my motivation and will to be King! That's my drive, you have no drive... your drive just leaves you in a complete mess. There's no anger in me right now, I'm very much calm thank you very much Jeff. Thing is, you'll never understand me... you'll never understand my attributes or what I'm doing here. I know what I am spitting out here, it's gotten to you. It's gotten to Tyson as well.

The fact the both of you are nothing more than causing mistakes time after time, full of disappointment... my only disappointment is losing a few matches here. I don't have personal life problems; but I know what you're trying to do Jeff. You want me to cash it in right now don't you? You want me to be hailed as a Champion right now. You're wanting me to find a cheap way, a cheap escape... but as I said, I rather go through this tournament first. I rather be able to prove myself to be something you're not, something you'll never be. But you're still battering the pain, the pain just gets deeper and deeper every single time Jeff. There's no turning it around, there's no passion... you've lost all your momentum if you don't win this Jeff. Your fire, the lot of it will be rained out, just like Tyson. The loss will have you both in shambles, you'll be nothing but dust that just swiftly disappears. I'm not going to be burned, I've gone through every dangerous thing in wrestling... you can deliver everything but at the end of the day... I'll still stand up; it's why I'll stand tall after this match, then I move one step closer to my goal. Just like you Jeff, just like you Tyson... we don't accept defeat. But two will suffer defeat and it won't be me, no matter what you want to say... I'm here to win it. I'll go all the way, the briefcase of mine... well; if things don't go to pl-

The camera fades as Tyson Kidd interrupts suddenly.



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Re: Anarchy 6 Man Tag Homicide, Masters and Show vs Fandango, Ziggler and Umaga


Fans boo like crazy hearing "Bleeding is a Luxury" hits the pa system. Out comes Homicide looking at Fandango


Homicide goes as he walks down the ramp. Throwing a new gang sing that looks like it means the establishment. This causes more boos from the arena as Homicide goes and he enters the ring. "The fans chant you sold out" to him as he looks at Fandango with a microphone in hand. Homicide goes, and he takes off the bandanna he is wearing over his mouth. Homicide goes and he begins to speak to his nemesis Fandango

Homicide: Well if it ain't the dancing fool Fandango. The same very man who I will take the International Championship from at Bound for Glory. Ya know Fandango with the no respect that I have with you in the first place. What you said in this ring made me hate you even more, and I can't wait to beat your ass now more then ever, but now I look at this match at a little preview for you holmes of what is too come at Bound for Glory. Ya see Fandango you think that your team can stand up to the establishment. Son you must be crazy if you think you can handle what in the hell we have. I mean look at the team you have mua' the number one contender to the international title, the craziest superstar in the UWF. You got a man who is literally more chiseled then you fool. I mean you like to talk about how good your body is, fool you haven't seen the body of the man Chris Masters. Now that man he is ripped son. Now we move on forward to a man who is not ripped but he huge carrone. I mean seriously this man is 7ft 500 pounds. One punch and bang its lights out son. I am talking about the Big Show.

You see dog we don't have any problems working together. Masters, Big Show, and I were a familia. The misfits you were with... Maaaann y'all have egos. Y'all don't give a damn about anything but your own individual championships that you hold. I mean you say Dolph Ziggler can handle me. Well let me tell ya something Dolph Zigglers win over me for my title was a damn fluke. He is not better then me, and when I kick his stupid show off ass all over this building people will forget about him just like that. As for Umaga. Ya know Umaga I use to think you were cool. I used to have no problem with you man, but all of a sudden you got all damn emotional. You started speaking your words, and really to be honest Fsndango if ya think you can control Umaga you can't.

All that man is seeing right now is red. He is like a raging bull right now. He is so mad to what happen to his uncle the Rock, and his hot mamacita Trish Stratus, that nothing else matters too him right now. You think that he is going to be focused, on me, or Masters? Hell na the dude is like a robot. He is programmed to do shit, and he is programmed to destroy only one man right now not two. So Fandango really to be honest your team is screwed, your team is not ready for the Establishment, because in the Establishment we trust. We believe that we can not only change professional wrestling, but break boundaries all over this business, and we will do so with our methods, not anyone elses, but our methods. If you people are against us I am sorry, but its ride or die holmes, and if you can't accept that then you will be just tossed in the wayside.

fans boo like crazy as Homicide does a gangster pose at Fandango. Homicide goes and he awaits in the middle of the ring.


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Re: Anarchy 6 Man Tag Homicide, Masters and Show vs Fandango, Ziggler and Umaga

The tron turns on to reveal Trish Stratus on screen. And not in a very amused mood.

Trish Stratus:

I’ve heard about all I could stomach. The docs say I shouldn’t even be here but frankly… I don’t care. I have a beef with The Establishment and that means me and my crew are going to get our revenge by any means necessary. Even if it means teaming up with that dancing fool with the oil and grease. Freakin fire hazard. Don’t think anything has changed between us Fangy… we’re still looking to take that belt from you but we… we do get the job done when need be no matter our partners. And right now the job is taking care of those overrated underachieving nobodies that think that they can just jump us after we fought hard in a match and attempt to take us out. But you see Homicide… that is all you people are good for. Attacking after they’ve already fought to gain any sort of advantage that you can get. But its okay… it really is because all you are doing is fueling the fire and once that fire becomes too much to contain… I’m just waiting to hear you all complain and gripe to Russo to try to get rid of Umaga. To try to fire him, strip him of the belt, take him out of UWF… but that won’t happen. Instead what you’ve done is finally awoken the sleeping giant inside of him.

You can talk about Big Show being this seven foot 500 pound monster… but to me… he just sounds really really fat. And all that fatness is going to get in the way and slow him down when Umaga gets going. And in case you are wondering where the Extreme Champion is… I had to lock him away. I had to make sure he didn’t destroy you and those other two boys before it was time to fight. Because you crossed the line. Nobody… and I mean NOBODY lays their hands on me and you all trying to take me out like that… you just ignited something that you have no business messing with. And you Homicide… you think you have Umaga figured out? You think that you have it all figured out don’t you. You have nothing. He is not only going to take out Big Slow but he is going after you and that roided freak Chris Masters. We are taking down The Establishment and in the end… all that will be left standing is Vince Russo and we’ll be sure to eliminate him as well. Anarchy will have no further use of him.

But for now… Homicide, you better hope your “homies” are really ready for what is going to be coming because there is stopping Umaga. Once he has his mind set, once he smells that blood… he is like a rabid animal that will maul and destroy until there is nothing but bones left… and then break them for extra measure. This team we have… we aren’t friends, we aren’t family but we have a goal in mind and we are goal oriented and whether that dancing fool has his head screwed on tight or not I’ll never know but I do know… he is going to deliver inside of that ring. Ziggler is going to do it. Umaga is going to bring Hell to Anarchy. We are united with this common enemy and that… is the most lethal kind of team that you can be forced to deal with. So I hope all of this is getting through to you Homicide and your partners. You all crossed the line and now… you all have Hell to deal with.

the tron fades.


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Dec 19, 2012
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Re: KOTR Finals: Seth Rollins vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Jeff Hardy

After the video of Seth Rollins fades, Tyson has reached the top of the entrance ramp. After a moment of shaking his head, he lifts the microphone back up to his mouth.


Tyson Kidd
"You're not too good with history are you Seth? Saying that a Hart has never sold out, Bret took more money to jump ship to go to WCW. Hell, if it wasn't for my great relationship with Vince Russo and The Establishment, I could take one of the many offers to go take my talents some where else. I'm not going to do that though Seth, believe it or not, I like it here, other than these idiots I have to perform in front of and some of the untalented wannabe wrestlers they put in front of me, I've enjoyed what I've done here. I've just started my climb to the top and I'm not going any where any time soon. Trust me Seth, you're going to have to get used to this face because I'll be here for a long, long time. Rollins, you have no room to talk about the family I was raised by and what I've been through. See while you were wrestling in companies like Ring of Honor, busting your tail, I was working and grinding my way up the ladder, fighting to garner some attention for myself. So not for one second can you think I don't want to be Champion as much if not more than you do. So as much as you like to talk about how I was born with a silver spoon, and how I was handed everything in this business, and you couldn't be more wrong. I've worked one hundred percent harder than both you and Hardy to even get where I am now. This is just the very first step for me. See unlike you Jeff, I'm not washed up, and unlike you Seth, my time is right now. I'm just about ready to hit my peak and this is a golden opportunity for me, so not for one second should either of you think that just because of my name and just because of who I'm associated with, means that I don't have hunger, that I don't want this. Since day one I've been waiting for gold to be around my waist and it's just a matter of time before that happens."

Tyson hands the microphone to Natalya as Tyson walks backstage, leaving Natalya alone on the ramp. The crowd boo's one of the female members of the Establishment as she begins to speak.

Natalya Neidhart
"I've known TJ, who you know as Tyson, for over a decade now. I remember the first time we met, he actually help train me. Believe me, even when he was as young as fifteen, this is all he's wanted. He's wanted to reach the level of success my Uncle Bret reached. So I know better than anyone, that Tyson isn't going to roll over for any of you. You two are both in for the fight of your lives and I somewhat feel bad for what might happen to you. Trust me, he's going to become King of the Ring, it's all he's been thinking about since this tournament started, he's been just so focused as of late and it shows in the ring. I mean, have you seen him as of late? He's absolutely on fire, nobody can stop him, not you Jeff, and not Seth Rollins. Former World Champions have gotten seriously injured when they've had to step in the ring with him, you two should maybe rethink what you've gotten yourselves into. It's not a safe working environment to have to try to fend off a vicious predator like Tyson."

Natalya momentarily lowers the microphone as the crowd boo's her loudly. She bites her lip and shakes her head as she scans over the crowd with her eyes. After a few moments she raises the microphone back up to her mouth as she's not done speaking just yet.

Natalya Neidhart
"There is nothing I want more than to see Tyson with gold around his muscular waist. The International Championship will be added to the Hart Legacy sooner rather than later, this is just the beginning, and it's bigger than just the Establishment, we're talking about the Hart Dynasty. I'll be at Tyson's side through all of this, the ups and the downs, and just like him, I'm fighting for my family. I won't let him fail, I was trained in the Dungeon just like him, my family and his were very close, we were both raised to become winners, and stars in this business. So I want nothing more than to stand by Tyson with Championship gold around his waist."

The crowd boos as Natalya is grinning while standing on the stage. She turns her focus back to Jeff Hardy who is still in the ring.

Natalya Neidhart
"Jeff, it's about time that you do in fact, accept defeat. It's about time you realize that this isn't your place in the company. Now I'm sure that myself, Vince Russo, and other Establishment members can find a adequate spot for you on the card every week but Jeff, be real with yourself, you don't belong in the Main Event. You have to try to compete with a pure bred, the Crown Prince of Anarchy. Now I'm sure you can feed off the emotions of these people, and that's all it is, just emotions. You can be the emotional favorite, that's fine with us. All the kids can go to the concession stand and buy your tee shirt, they can buy your cute little wrist bands, they can chant 'Hardy! Hardy!' but that will only take you so far. It's about time that you realize that these people aren't going to bring you to the dance. Don't let your popularity overshadow what Jeff Hardy really is. A worthless, out of shape, no talent, drug addict. What a role model for all of these American children. These kids want to be like you, so they go to their backyards, they jump off their roofs, off of ladders, because they want to be like you. Children are hurting themselves Jeff, at your expense. Are you proud of that? Are you proud that once you're long gone, that's what you're leaving behind. A trail of self inflicted broken bodies? Jeff, it's time to look yourself in the mirror and tell me what you see. What I see is someone that's lost, you need to find yourself, you're not ready for what's going to happen. You can fool yourself and all of these people by telling them they matter, and that with their support, you can become a Champion. That's far from the truth. You don't need anyone but yourself, but do you have it in yourself to do what it takes to make it to the top? And to stay at the top? That's the easy part, but can you stay there? Can you continue this hot-streak and remain at that level, or will you just burn out like the rest of them Jeff? I've said it hundred of times, but Tyson is on his way to the top. Jeff, you're going to be soon forgotten, just like Seth will, the Crown Prince of Anarchy is about to take his head at the table. Question is Jeff, have you accepted defeat?"

Natalya drops the microphone and goes backstage to try to find Tyson, leaving Jeff all alone in the ring.

The Red

Jun 11, 2012
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Re: Anarchy 9/18/13 Jinder Mahal vs. Carlito

Carlito slightly shocked by Jinders rant smirks and lifts the mic

Carlito mic 3.jpg

Carlito: There it is Jinder that reaction right there that is what professional wrestling about. Real raw emotion, but today there is not enough, you could see in everyones eyes, every person in the crowd and even your so called friends standing behind you. In that moment you no longer acted like these two fools to try and impress the fans to gain nothing in reward. This yet again proves Carlitos point about what you have turned into, this proves Carlitos point that as long as your aligned with these two you will be nothing but a clown. Those two alleged partners you have backing you up, have no idea who you really are Jinder it proves when they take a backwards step when the seriousness kicks in, as long as you stick to this path you will always be the third stooge!

Heath and Curt are clearly pissed off as the crowds hatred for Carlito continues

Carlito: Carlito knows how it feels Jinder, not to be taken seriously and only there for the laughs, Carlito has done this for a hell of a lot longer than you. This is why the Establishment will change things, Carlitos path to where Carlito should be is now clearly paved. Vince Russo and our group of Under appreciated stars have had enough and it is now our time to show the world what real professional wrestling is, and rid the business of the comedy cancer. Of course Jinder you could always get involved and learn from Carlitos mistakes, jump ships, do what is right for Jinder, enough of this foolish clowning around and be recognised for what you joined this business to do. You could join us but personally Carlito just doesnt think your good enough, just another fly-by wrestler, and Carlito will prove that this Wednesday night on Anarchy, Now Thats Cool!​


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Re: Anarchy 9/18/13 Jinder Mahal vs. Carlito


Jinder laughs and points at Carlito, looking back at his team mates before continuing.

Jinder Mahal
Join you? Join you and your band of puppets with Russo? There's not a chance in hell that would ever, EVER, be caught dead with that group of misfits. See, what I have right here, the people behind me, these are real friends, real superstars who work together for the better of everyone else. We don't sit around and wait for our next order from our puppet master. We beat to our own drum and soon that's going to find us with the tag team championships. Join you. You must be crazy Carlito. You must be brainwashed beyond compare to think that me, or anyone on the Anarchy roster would stoop so low as to join your "Establishment." Actually, I'm almost certain that people would much rather join us, The Three Man Band, before they sell themselves out of what dignity they have left by joining the Establishment.

There is a pretty good cheer from the crowd. The hatred of The Establishment is clear.

Jinder Mahal
And as for me being good enough, I'm better than everyone in your group. I'm better then Big Show, Chris Masters, Homicide, whoever you want to put in front of me from that group. And not only that, Curt's better than them. Heath's better then them. And as a whole 3MB puts them to shame! You may think that I'm nothing more than a clown out here and as much as I know you want to eradicate me, and my fellow band mates from the UWF, it is never going to happen. Anarchy is OUR home and will we be damned if we're going to let the Establishment turn the best brand in the UWF into a home of mindless, pathetic puppets! Tonight 3MB vows to take out the Establishment one leg at a time. And this Wednesday, on Anarchy, we will do it by cutting off the weakest leg, Carlito!


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Re: Anarchy 6 Man Tag Homicide, Masters and Show vs Fandango, Ziggler and Umaga

As the titantron fades, A voice is heard as Chris Masters and Layla walk out on stage

Now that the bitch is done talking I think this is the perfect moment for Layla and I to come out and speak about the match tonight.

Chris and Layla begin to walk down the ramp slowly as Chris speaks

You see, Trish is here tonight to try to act like a big girl. She is trying to stick up for her boys since they seem to not be able to stick up for themselves. I mean, where is Umaga anyways? Doesn't he know that he is scheduled to compete tonight? Or is there an all you can eat buffet somewhere in town? If that's the case then he might not make it to the match tonight..... But in all seriousness you all have a big threat ahead of you. The Establishment is no joke. We are here to take over Anarchy. Because, Vince Russo has chosen us to do the job. All of us stuck out as future champions, Poster boys, and most importantly the future of the UWF. This is all happening because Vince doesn't want a Ballroom dancer, a fat Samoan, or a pretty boy to represent this company. He would rather have a Master Piece like myself represent this company. Or a 7 foot giant like the Bigshow and a Bad Ass like Homicide.

Masters and Layla makes it to the ring as the Power Couple steps into the ring

But the fact that you all show major jealousy towards us being chosen by Vince Russo is childish. You all just have to learn your place here on Anarchy. Fandango, you do not belong in the professional wrestling world. I mean, you are built like a toothpick and you prefer dancing more than wrestling. You belong on Dancing With The Stars, not UWF! It pains me to even look at you. It sickens me to think that Anarchy is being represented by you a the moment. So Vince Russo finally decided that he has had enough of this bullshit and he's stepping up to the plate to change Anarchy. And I admire him for that. That is why I will do whatever it takes to contribute to his plan to change Anarchy. I will use all my strength at Bound For Glory in order to win the Iron Man championship from the self proclaimed "Show Stealer". Because let's face it, Dolph doesn't look like a champion. He looks like a chump, just like you Fandango. You both look like chumps that belong on MTV or Dancing with the Stars. You do not belong in a wrestling business with athletes like Homicide, Bigshow, Carlito, Tyson Kidd, and myself.


Chris then hands the mic to Layla as she begins to speak with her iPhone in her other hand

You are absolutely right Chris. You all are high class athletes that never got the chances that you deserved. And for goofy characters like Fandango to roam this company like they belong here is sickening.... So I was thinking to myself that The Establishment if a very powerful group. So, yesterday I sent out a tweet asking "Who can stop the powerful forces of The Establishment?" since we could very well be an unstoppable force. But I got some disappointing answers from the UWF universe as usual.

Layla begins to read off a few tweets from her phone as Chris grabs another mic

KyleS45 says, "The Peoples Champ the Rock can take you guys down".

Ha! This guy really thinks that The Rock can stand any chance to us? That's ridiculous! He will end up like a bloody mess once again.

Holybatman96 says, "I think that Fandango can beat y'all".

Chris begins to chuckle a bit before speaking

This kid is obviously delusional if he thinks this waste of space standing in the ring with me right now is anywhere near capable of beating any of us.

Fandango begins to mouth off a bit as Layla continues

Oh here's a good one. Ryan Nickles says "Nobody can defeat the Establishment. The talent that it obtains is far too powerful for anybody to handle.".

Now that guy is one of the few smart fans. He made a statement that is very true! The Establishment is far too powerful for anybody to handle. And tonight, when we step into the ring with Fandango and his two partners, Umaga and Ziggler, we will have no choice but to turn them into examples. And then we will move on to Bound For Glory to obtain the titles and become the champions that this show deserves.

And we promise that after you all see Chris's performance tonight, Vince will be very impressed.

Hell ya he will. After my performance tonight, Vince will realize that he did not make a single mistake with who he chose to represent this show. He will have a large smile on his face when he see's me pin one of those loony toons for the 1...2...3!
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