UWF - Anarchy Roster

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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Meh all these GM/Management angles and factions are getting more like invasion angles where everyone on the outside is screwed. Kind of what I talked bout on Chase's podcast.

Chris Dresdon

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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Meh all these GM/Management angles and factions are getting more like invasion angles where everyone on the outside is screwed. Kind of what I talked bout on Chase's podcast.

Yeah but in the end, only a few members of the roster won't be involved in it, if things play out according to plan.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Yeah but in the end, only a few members of the roster won't be involved in it, if things play out according to plan.

Oh I know Dred, was just saying every brand has one. It's a lot going on at one time.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Oh I know Dred, was just saying every brand has one. It's a lot going on at one time.

I get what your saying as I'm getting confused as of all of it, but I have faith that its leading to something. Probably some huge Survivor Series match or the like.

I've never been a fan of giant factions in real wrestling, so it's hard to get into them in e-feds but I have to put my personal preferences aside and see where it goes in here.


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

I get what your saying as I'm getting confused as of all of it, but I have faith that its leading to something. Probably some huge Survivor Series match or the like.

I've never been a fan of giant factions in real wrestling, so it's hard to get into them in e-feds but I have to put my personal preferences aside and see where it goes in here.

Agreed. I have faith in our writers; going to be very interesting leading up to Bound for Glory & Survivor Series
Mar 6, 2013
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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Impact nor Smackdown doesn't have a single faction and it's a bit hypocritical Fetter complaining about having a faction on each brand when you was basically begging me to have one... I guess it's only good when you're in it :/.


Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: KOTR Finals: Seth Rollins vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Jeff Hardy

"-give it up for your next King of the Ring, Tyson....Kidd!"

The crowd boos loudly at even the thought of Tyson Kidd advancing from the brand finals to the big showdown at the pay per view. But as her words echo throughout the arena the crowd knows who's coming next. They know who's going to step out of that curtain and soon their wishes are answered as the biggest pop of the night hits the Anarchy area when...

"So You See the Writing on the Waaaaaaaaaaalllllll"

"No More Words" starts to play in full swing and out from behind the curtain, dancing to the beat, is Jeff Hardy. Jeff moves his way out onto the stage and thrashes about as he does to the crowds delight. Jeff throws his hands up in the "Gunz" taunt and a massive amount of pyro explodes from the stage around him. The fans cheer as Jeff jogs down the ramp towards the ring, bobbing his head in time with the music.


Hardy runs and slides in under the bottom rope, into the ring. He rushes over to the far turnbuckle and jumps onto the second one, hitting his signature pose while flashbulbs go off in the audience. Jeff hops down, and picks up a microphone from under the bottom rope. He gets to the center of the ring, and his music begins to fade. "Hardy!" chants break out as the crowd are trying to keep his spirits high. Jeff raises the microphone up, and speaks out.

Jeff Hardy: Man.. you guys really don't know when to shut up do you?

Pop from the crowd here, even though Rollins is a favorite, he's got nothing on Jeff right now. Tyson looks the farthest from amused as Jeff continues to speak

Jeff Hardy: Since I rolled into Anarchy a few weeks back, a storm has been brewing behind the scenes. Volatile people strung out with greed and personal strife. That group, has dragged many superstars on Anarchy under their banner, and it pains me to see one standing across the ring from me right now. But this storm has become too much for just behind the scenes, and just like a tornado, it's ripped into the ring, its spilled into the action and now the King of the Ring challenge that I've undertaken has becomes just that much harder. And while I've got my eyes open at all times, while I'm looking out for corners and people in the crowd, I know that this whole Russo thing has also just fired me the hell up. See, Foley and I, we're buds. We're both alike, he was an innovator like myself and I know where I can stand on this side of the thing. So if Vince wants Foley out, he's got Hardy to deal with. You feel me? And man, I'll be damned if I let some cronie of Russo's go on to the big dance at Bound for Glory, and walk out as King of the Ring because we got enough of a imbalance of power on Anarchy. I'm not going to be the one who lets it all slip away completely!

Jeff lowers the mic for a second as the crowd cheers for the fired up Hardy. He nods along and speaks once they quiet down.

Jeff Hardy: Tyson, man, I'm real tired of bein nice. I gave you a lot of props the last time we met in this ring, but all you've done lately is just sell your damn soul to Russo. You're just another flavor of the month, and I'm sure as hell not gonna be surprised when he kicks you to the curb like he did to Rollins. All it takes is one slip up man, just one, one little mistake and poof, you're gone bro. You know what I plan on making your first mistake? How about, next Wednesday night man! When you lose to Jeff Hardy in the Anarchy finals!

Jeff is really ready to go as Tyson and Natalya stand their ground, as Hardy raises his mic again.

Jeff Hardy: But you want me to stay away man? You want me to back down because you'll "seriously hurt me"? What is all that man? I'm "just a shell of the man I used to be", where do you even get off man? If there was two Jeff Hardys to compare; past and present. I know the present Jeff would run circles around the past man. Dont even try that with me, don't even. Just not worth your time, because I've been on a roll. I've been on FI-RE! Jeff Hardy is an out of control train on a one way track and I will crash into everything in my path; you included Tyson. Last week, somehow, I managed to beat Goldberg. I beat him clean in that ring, 1...2...3. No help, no distractions, nothing. He kicked my ass and I still managed to get him down for the win. You know what that says Tyson? That says you cant kill Jeff Hardy. You cant break me and keep me down, no matter what you do or who you are. Younger, older, stronger, faster, whatever man! When you want something bad enough, no threats and no actions will hold me down long enough to where I have to give up and lose. I promised that I'd drag my carcass over the finish line in this tournament if I have to, and I sure as hell still stand by that. So while you're busy, trying to run me down, tryin to pick me apart piece by piece. I want you to remember that I am comfortable in my own skin, I like who I am and what I've become and if you dont respect that, you will begin to understand that when youre words are just dust in the wind, like your chances of being King of the Ring man.

Hardy sneers at Tyson and Natalya, who both shake their heads at him. Jeff looks to his side and sees Rollins, and begins to address him.

Jeff Hardy: You had demons huh?...

Jeff steps closer to Rollins and he's got some fire in his eyes as he speaks again.

Jeff Hardy: You think having "demons" is a losing streak? You think demons are getting your ass kicked week in and week out by people you should be victorious over? Is that what you think demons are? Or is it that you wanted to cash in your briefcase and Russo wouldn't let you? Would that fit the realm of "demons" to you, man?

Jeff gets right in Rollins face and raises the mic up to the Money in the Bank holder

Jeff Hardy: Don't you ever, EVER, talk about demons again before you take a long walk in my shoes and get a snapshot of how it feels to actually have "demons".

The crowd is hot for Jeff right now, as he rightfully puts Rollins in his place. Jeff backs away and speaks to Seth again

Jeff Hardy: Seth, I'm not looking for a castle. I'm not looking for a new home. Because I already am home. Anarchy is my home man. All my creatures are in this crowd, chanting my name, giving me more fuel to fire my flame in this tournament. This whole thing, isn't just a fantasy, Rollins. Man, this is already a reality. It stopped being a fantasy after I won my first match in this tournament against my brother. Ever since then, it's been one crazy leap after crazy leap to get where I stand right now. And I've been fighting for this, harder than anybody and without anybody on my side. While you want an "Rollins era" and Tyson wants his name up in lights so Russo will like him more, I would say I'm more down to earth than that. All I want is the chance to fight for the International Title. You bet your ass that I want to win it, but every single time I get a chance I become better and that has been evident through this whole tournament, through that gauntlet match on Impact, through my time here in UWF as well. So King of the Ring? That means bettering Jeff Hardy. That means I could go to the top once more and make Hardy a household name on Anarchy and I know that sounds real damn good to me. But its one step at a time man. I've still got you and Tyson to roll through and I know its not easy. But Seth, man, I'm sorry but theres not a damn thing you can do to me to keep me down. Not this time. Not when I have so much riding on the line. There is a wind of change blowing though Seth, and you're on the receiving end of it no doubt. But you dont need this, you dont want this as much as I do. You have your briefcase man. You've got nothing to lose in this match, you could win that belt tomorrow in Fandangos dressing room. Tyson? He can have a match handed to him on a silver platter whenever he wants. But the Extremeeee... Enigmmaaa... has everything to lose in this match! And thats why, if there was ever a time to use the "over my dead body" analogy, hell, this is it because I will stop at nothing to walk away and head towards the finals... at Bound for Glory.

"HARDY! HARDY! HARDY!" erupts through the arena as the Charismatic Enigma claps and mouths "thank you" to them. But just as soon as they began, they are interrupted by Seth Rollins.



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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Impact nor Smackdown doesn't have a single faction and it's a bit hypocritical Fetter complaining about having a faction on each brand when you was basically begging me to have one... I guess it's only good when you're in it :/.

Calm down EOR lol I don't think he meant anything by it.

I can see where he's coming from though. Having two heel factions which are almost exactly the same in terms of premise is not going to entertain everyone. Imagine that the Shield were walking around with sheep masks, rocking chairs and lanterns. Sound familiar?

End of the day, everyone is entitled to their opinion. And everyone is entitled to agree or disagree with said opinion

Chris Dresdon

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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

I'll admit, the timing was a bt awkward and now the Establishment looks like I'm ripping off the Corporation but I'm not. I've known about the stable for awhile now as I'm sure SBS has with his stable, we just didn't know when one another were going to pull the trigger and as a result, simultaneous faction storylines!


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

I'm sorry was that suppose to phase me? Who begged? I asked a simple question which you answered & I just told you my history & you think that's begging? You're a joke bro & get over yourself.

No need to get angry or upset.

I think it's a joke when people complain about the shows when other's spend hours writing and booking but aren't willing to do it themselves; I find it very unappreciative.

Holy over reaction Batman

WWS I know where you're coming from and I sympathize with your views. But I will say this to you bro; you can't tell people how to feel and you can't stop them from voicing their opinion. I understand that as a writer you want everyone to love everything that comes out, but that's honestly impossible.

Plus there's nothing wrong with a little creative criticism

The Red

Jun 11, 2012
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Re: Anarchy 9/18/13 Jinder Mahal vs. Carlito

"I Spit In The Face of People Who Dont Want To Be Cool"


The familiar catchphrase echoes throughout the arena followed by Carlito's new theme song, Carlito appears from behind the Curtain with his eyes fixed on the ring, he walks straight towards the ring ignoring all the fans in the aisle.


Carlito enters the ring with the mic and paces past 3MB a few times before shaking his head and speaking into his mic

Carlito Mic.jpg

Carlito: You see this is the problem with professional wrestling today, guys forced to pick up stupid gimmicks and make themselves look ridiculous just to garner some sort of attention. You know Jinder it was not that long ago Carlito had to do scrape the bottom of the barrel just like you guys are doing now and act like a fool, but those days have disappeared of Carlitos horizon and it is time for a new era, an era where talent actually gets recognized not forced to act like clowns, a new era under Vince Russo a mastermind in wrestling, a new era of the Establishment.

The Crowd boos hysterically at the mention of Vince Russo and The Establishment

Carlito:Dont you boo Carlito! Every single one of you out there are the reason why the Establishment had to be formed! For years Carlito did the hard yards and busted my ass to be recognized by you people. Even when Carlito was winning titles in WWE you fans couldn't give a shit about me! This is all your fault and now it is back to bite you on the ass. Big Show, Chris Masters, Tyson Kidd and now Homicide were all superstars which you turned your back on, well now you have no choice but to take note. Now it is time for each and every one of you to give Carlito the respect Carlito deserves. Carlito is a 2nd generation wrestler and the Colon name deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as the Ortons, the Rhodes and the Guererros!

Fans continue to boo Carlito with some "you suck" chants

Carlito: Now back to you Jinder, you see Carlito doesn't need the back up of Chris Masters or The Big Show or anybody in the Establishment to get the 3 count and to be completely honest Carlito especially doesn't need them to beat you. So bring whoever you want, you can bring your buddy Curt, you can bring your buddy Heath but in the end the result will still be the same with Carlitos hand being raised after the bell, you are nothing but a small speed hump in Carlitos road to Bound for Glory and taking out another clown in UWF Derrick Bateman. So take your little faux band go and practice your faux songs and leave the wrestling to the real wrestlers not you pretenders.​


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Re: Anarchy 9/18/13 Jinder Mahal vs. Carlito


Heath looks absolutely horrified and takes the mic back from Jinder.

Heath Slater
Pre..pretenders! Ouch. You did it. You’ve gone and done it. You’ve hurt my feelings. I am just..GAH! I am so appalled right now I can hardly speak. Pretenders? Really? No man, we are legends. LEGENDS! The fact that you would even think that! Jinder, you gotta beat this joke down! Yeah, that’s right. You’re the joke! A joke. Joke. Joke. Joke!

Jinder calmly takes the mic back from Heath

Jinder Mahal
Calm down, Heath. It’s okay. Look at what you did to him! He can hardly contain himself. We don’t come out here and act like “Clowns” to get noticed. We don’t even act like clowns. This is just who we are and they, the crowd, yeah, they love us!

A small pop from the crowd

Jinder Mahal

Slightly bigger round of cheers

Jinder Mahal
If anyone looks like a clown, it’s you with your big afro. All you’re missing is some white face paint and a big red nose! Unlike you, we don’t need to sell out to some higher power just in hopes of being noticed. We get noticed by being this damn good at everything we do. Well, some might say we are the best in the world at everything we do. I think it’s pretty sad that you feel like you have to suck up to Russo, and join his rag tag gang of misfits just to feel important. As much as Derrick Bateman annoys me, I hope he kicks your ass. He won’t have much left to do after I pick you apart on Anarchy this week though.

Heath still looks visably upset and takes the mic back

Heath Slater
Yeah! My boy here is going to mess you up this week! You’re going to regret the day you called Three Man Band pretenders, baybee! You’re gonna regret it big time. You’re lucky it’s not me in the ring with you this week because I would beat you so senseless that your momma wouldn’t even recognize you I would…

Curt pulls Slater away trying to calm him down.

Jinder Mahal
Man, that’s not cool. Anarchy is the place where superstars run wild. This week, Three Man Mania is gonna run wild over you brother!
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Rated R Superstar

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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

This shit is a lot more entertaining when you're not in the middle of it. 8D

Finally onto the show as the forum finally loads properly for me!

WHAT THE FUCK MAN?! This shit gets better and better. I've already got tons of ammunition for my promo that I am currently working on for the next show.

I won't go over everything in detail. The show as a whole was great. That MDDD promo/segment thing was great! I honestly loved it, and for some strange reason I couldn't help but smile at the Rhino part, and not just because he is my character. The Establishment getting involved in my match was awesome actually. I really enjoyed that. I lost, but I didn't look like a total dick when I lost, which was super nice. The next show(which the card is posted, check it out bitches!) looks like it's going to be crazy!


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

Shit what do I even say??

Those promos were great. Loved it, felt like they filled the show nicely. Fucking Russo and his flag on a pole match for the title is awful and I love it. Its perfect. I mean I wish it was a ladder match but its russo! So it works. MDDD had a great segment, really enjoyed it as well.

Congratulations to the KOTR and Tag tournament winners tonight. Really happy to go on to the finals and Im very interested to see how far I can go. Im real excited about this opportunity! I really do like the matches at BFG and I am hoping we see at least a new Extreme Champion. I love Umaga and stuff, but I feel we need something new. I dunno, just my two cents.

Shit well, cant wait to see the preview and great job green crew! Loved it as usual!

When someone can beat me... but I don't think they can heh heh heh :p


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Re: Wednesday Night Anarchy 9/11/13 Edition!

To Chris Jericho: Since you are the US champion I think you should start the BFG TT since it would make the best sense. Unless you can't then I will.

To Dolph Ziggler: I will try to start the Masters/Ziggler iron man title match TT soon. Unless you want to go ahead and do it.
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