UWF 2013: Past Pay-Per-Views

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Apr 16, 2013
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Re: UWF Presents Halloween Havok 2013

Apparently The IC title match has been forgotten. Intstead of sticking it in the PPV somewhere (I have no idea where it's suppose to go) I'm going to post it right here. Hope you enjoy it!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Ladies and gentleman the following contest is a No Disqualification Triple Threat Match for the UWF Intercontinental Championship, and it is set for one fall!


Introducing first, being accompanied by Jim Cornette, from Minneapolis, Minnesota; weighing in at 280 Pounds... BROCK LESNAR!!


And introducing his opponent, from El Paso, Texas; weighing in at 213 pounds... CHAVO GUERRERO!


And introducing the Intercontinental Champion, being accompanied by Super Crazy and Pyschosis, from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at 209 pounds.... JUVENTUD!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Juventud is done posing for the crowd as Chavo is standing by himself at his corner, while Lesnar is rotating his shoulders while Cornette is standing on the ring apron giving out advice to Lesnar. Super Crazy comes around behind Cornette and takes him to the ground, him and Pyschosis are bringing the beatdown to Cornette while Lesnar tries to exit the ring but Juventud and Chavo both bring Lesnar to the ring and hit a series of punches and kicks to Lesnar. The referee breaks up the fight at ringside and tells them to move away from each other while Chavo and Juventud both hit Lesnar with a double dropkick, but Lesnar doesn't go down! Lesnar seems faded from the blow however so Chavo runs up and hits a crossbody onto Lesnar, Lesnar catches Chavo but Juventud runs up to Lesnar and tries to go for a dropkick himself but Lesnar tosses Chavo onto Juventud, taking down both men! Lesnar picks up Chavo and throws him onto the corner nearby, then lifts up Juventud off the canvas and rams him onto Chavo shoulder-first onto the corner! Lesnar doesn't release Juventud yet as he moves him around the ring then goes to charge him to Chavo again but Chavo moves out of the way, Lesnar ending up sending Juventud crashing on the steel post between the ropes. Lesnar turns around to see Chavo clotheslining Lesnar out of the ring!

JBL: Ain't that adorable Michael? Little Chavo thinking that he can defeat the Beast known as Brock Lesnar?

Cole: Well so far John he's doing a good job on doing so I'd say!

Chavo sees that Juventud is still hanging between the ropes after being rammed on the steel post so he brings Juventud away from the ropes and hits some shot to the body, then throws him to the corner and runs up to him but Juventud boots Chavo in the face. Chavo backs up and Juventud runs up to Chavo and slides under him as Chavo goes for a clothesline, Chavo then turns around but eats a dropkick from Juventud. Gets back up and Juventud is laying down punches to the head of Chavo, then bounces him off the ropes and bends down for a back body drop but Chavo comes and goes for a sunset flip, Juventud struggling to not get knocked off his feet but Lesnar grabs Chavo by the foot from ringside and pulls him out of the ring! The crowd boos as Lesnar rams him to the security barrier hard, then to the ring apron and hits some knees to the gut. Lesnar then holds Chavo in place but doesn't see Juventud running up to the ropes and hits a suicide dive onto Lesnar's face! Chavo is spared from the dive due to being shorter then Lesnar, but falls anyways after being released from Lesnar's grasp. Chavo manages to catch a breath but Juventud, not wanting to fight Lesnar, throws Chavo back in the ring. Juventud climbs onto the apron and jumps onto the ropes, then springboards off them and lands a legdrop to the back of Chavo's head!

Cole: What a move from Juventud!

JBL: Juventud is playing smart Cole, he's choosing his battles carefully and knows that he doesn't want to face off against Lesnar one on one!

Juventud gets back up and looks into the crowd as they're giving a mixed reaction towards him. Juventud sees that Guerrero is getting up so he bounces off the ropes and charges at Chavo, Chavo leaps over Juventud and Juventud bounces off the ropes again, Juventud then runs up to Chavo but Chavo hops and hits a headscissors takedown to Juventud! Juventud gets up and he eats Chavo's dropkick, but both men get up instantly and Juventud goes for a roundhouse kick but Chavo ducks it and kicks Juventud then the gut, then whips him to the ropes and charges at him but Juventud gets out of the way and Chavo crashes to the ropes. Juventud then runs up to Chavo and flies to the middle rope and executes a monkey toss but Chavo lands on his feet and jumps for an elbow drop while Juventud is still on the ground but Juventud gets out of the way and Chavo crashes onto the canvas! Chavo gets to a sittng position but Juventud hits a high-speed roundhouse kick to the upper back region then runs for the ropes but Lesnar quickly hops onto the apron and pulls down the ropes, Juventud ends up falling to ringside. Lesnar looks down at Juventud and gives him a death stare while Chavo lunges at Lesnar with his own suicide dive but Lesnar catches Chavo and rams him face-first onto the steel post! Chavo falls to the ground while groaning but Lesnar immediately picks him up and throws him back inside the ring, then snorts at Juventud before entering the ring himself.

JBL: And here comes the ass kicking of Chavo Guerrero! This is going to be fun Michael!

Cole: Not for Chavo it won't John!

Lesnar walks up to Chavo who's trying to use the ropes to get himself up, but Lenar starts to club Chavo on the back of the head. Chavo goes down but Lesnar doesn't stop with the assault, instead he places Chavo on the ropes and proceeds to choke him with the middle rope. The crowd starts to boo while Lesnar holds onto Chavo but the referee forces Lesnar off of Chavo. Lesnar turns around to the referee and tells him off then goes back to work on Chavo. He brings Chavo to the corner and hits some turnbuckle thrusts to Chavo, then backs up and hits a running shoulder thrust onto Chavo! Chavo goes into a sitting position and Lesnar is now kneeing Chavo in the face several times, then moves away from him and yells to the crowd. Cornette is cheering for Lesnar at ringside and Lesnar picks up Chavo and executes an overhead belly to belly suplex, Chavo flying across the ring like a catapult! Chavo is down while Lesnar smiles to himself now but Juventud climbs onto the apron and springboards off the ropes, going for a hurricarana but Lesnar manages to keep Juventud on his shoulders, then drops him into a kneeling powerbomb! Lesnar then gets up and roars to the crowd again, showing his dominance in the match!

JBL: This is why we call this man the Next Big Thing ladies and gentleman! The guy is larger than life!

Lesnar looks behind him and sees that Chavo is back up, so Lesnar decides to approach him and hit some shots to the gut. Chavo barely has enough momemtum in him to get up, let alone getting beaten down by Lesnar at this moment. Chavo goes into a sitting position and Lesnar is feeling the rage build up but Juventud jumps onto Lesnar's shoulders, trying to apply a sleeper hold onto Lesnar but Lesnar isn't feeling it and walks to the center of the ring, then flips Juventud over his shoulder! Lesnar glares at Juventud as he's trying to crawl to the ropes but Lesnar places his foot onto Juvi's leg but Chavo comes running and tries to shoulder block Lesnar on his back. Lesnar turns around and glares at Chavo now but Juventud gets back up and kicks Lesnar on the back of the knee, Lesnar not going down but Chavo is soon kicking Lesnar on his front torso. The duo is gangbeating Lesnar now as they toss him to the ropes, then waits for him to return which then they go for a double clothesline but Lesnar ducks it and bounces off the ropes again, then charges at the two hispanic wrestlers and takes them both down with a double clothesline! They then both try to get up but Lesnar comes behind then and lifts them both up with one arm each, and takes down both Chavo and Juventud with a double belly to belly suplex!!

Cole: Wow! The pure strength of Brock Lesnar!

JBL: This guy has a future on Impact, that I can tell you Michael!

Chavo and Juventud both move away from Lesnar as Lesnar is roaring hard in the ring now. The crowd is hating Lesnar for dominanting in this match and Lesnar looks like that he wants to finish off the match right now. Lesnar first picks up Juventud and delivers a sickening backbreaker onto him, Juventud then rolling out of the ring while holding onto his back. Lesnar then sees that Chavo is back up and advances towards him, Chavo though drives his fist to the stomach of Lesnar which forces him back up a bit, Chavo then leaping onto the ropes and dives off them for a diving crossbody but Lesnar catches him with his arms. Lesnar appeasr to be pissed off now as he looks into the crowd, signalling for the F-5! Lesnar rotates around the ring and is preparing for the F-5, then spins Chavo off his shoulders but Chavo counters the F-5 into a Tornado DDT! Chavo gets up and the crowd pops as he climbs the ropes and looks at Lesnar, then jumps off them and hits the Frog Splash! Chavo rolls away while Juventud comes back into the ring as he throws Chavo out of the ring, then Pyschosis and Super Crazy both climb the ropes and they leap up the ropes, both hitting a simotaneous Leg Drop and Moonsault onto Brock Lesnar! Juventud then climbs the ropes and points to the crowd as he hits Lesnar with a 450 Splash! Lesnar is stunned after receiving all of those ariel moves as Juventud goes for the cover!




NO! BROCK LESNAR MANAGES TO KICK OUT! Juventud is in complete shock that Lesnar managed to kick out of everything that The Mexicools had. Lesnar is seen struggling to focus but Juventud is already raging after being played like a cool. Super Crazy goes to the announcer's table and grabs a chair, then tosses it to Juventud in the ring. Juvetud circles Lesnar while holding up the chair, then swings it down onto the back of Lesnar as Lesnar yelps out in pain. Lesnar then turns onto his back but Juventud swings the chair again and hits Lesnar on the ribs several times before stopping. Juventud then throws away the chair and turns around to see Chavo hitting a missile dropkick onto Juventud! Juventud rolls to the ropes where Pyschosis and Super Crazy are checking up on Juventud, Chavo then braving up against Lesnar and brings him to the corner. Chavo looks to have a world of confidence in him as he hits some body shots to Lesnar, then a jumping knee to the face and backs away to the opposite corner, then runs up to Lesnar and hits a corner dropkick! Lesnar goes into a sitting position as Guerrero starts to hit some punches to Lesnar, Juventud though shoves away Chavo and hits his own punches but Chavo shoves away Juventud and continues with his punches. Juventud then repeats the same process then hits some stops but Chavo leapfrogs over Juventud and hits a low dropkick to the face of Lesnar!

Cole: Looks like that Juventud and Chavo Guerrero are still in a rivalry, but are working together to take out a common enemy, John!

JBL: I doubt it Cole, I mean Chavo and Juventud have never seen eye to eye, and I doubt they ever will to be honest.

Chavo gets up after that impressive dropkick but Juventud pulls him to the center of the ring and is calling him out right there. Chavo doesn't realize what he did wrong but Juventud is telling him to to act like a hero. Chavo then tries to argue back but Juvi shoves Chavo away, Chavo didn't like what just happened so he goes up and shoves Juventud to the ropes. Juventud shakes to himself and has a dastardly look on his face as he suddenly charges up to Chavo but Chavo ducks his upcoming clothesline and his a discus punch to Juventud, Juvi ending up crashing to the ground. Chavo though that this was over but Lesnar come running and hits a HUGE clothesline to Chavo, which sends Chavo flipping in the air! Chavo crashes onto the ground hard and tries to get back up but Lesnar is clubbing the back of Chavo's head, then knees him in the skull which causes him to fall to the ropes but fails to catch them, so he ends up falling to the outside! Lesnar looks out but doesn't decide to go after Chavo so he turns around to focus his attention to Juventud. Lesnar walks up to Juventud and lifts him up like he's nothing, then takes him down with a wrestling slam! Lesnar then shows Juventud how to hit punches by nailing a series of mounted punches to the face of Juventud! Juventud struggles to esacpe the wrath of Lesnar but Lesnar is utilizing his MMA skills and keeps him down!

JBL: This isn't looking good for Juventud, Michael! Something better happen soon or this match is over!

Lesnar is continuing the assault onto Juventud, not planning on stopping with the assault but Chavo comes back into the match with a steel chair of his own and hits Lesnar on the back with it. Lesnar gets up from Juventud and appears to be in pain, but doesn't go down as he stares deeply at Chavo. Chavo struggles on what to do now but Juventud gets back up and grabs the other chair already in the ring and hits Lesnar on the leg with it. Lesnar crouches down briefly but Chavo charges and hits Lesnar on the kneecap with the chair! Lesnar falls to his good knee while comforting his bad one but Juventud hits Lesnar on the top of the skull with his steel chair! Lesnar falls to the mat and appears to be knocked out so Juventud tries to go for the cover but Chavo kicks away Juventud with his foot while still holding onto the chair. Juventud looks to be in a state of surprise but Chavo doesn't realize that Super Crazy is springboarding off the ropes and hits a missle dropkick to the back of Chavo, which pushes him towards Juventud who executes the Juvi driver onto Chavo! Juventud and Super Crazy slap hands and laugh but the referee has had enough and tells Super Crazy and Pyschosis that they're banned from ringside!

JBL: They finally did it Michael! The Mexicans finally pissed off somebody else beside me.

Super Crazy and Juventud are both arguing with the referee in the ring while Pyschosis comes in and joins in on the fun. The referee tells Pyschosis and Super Crazy to leave the ring before he removes Juventud from the ring. Juventud doesn't like what he's hearing so he spits in the referee's face and acts like he's leaving the ring. Just before the referee can do anything Super Crazy leans over behind the referee and Pyschosis hits a dropkick onto the referee, the referee ending up going over Crazy! The crowd is loving The Mexicools right now as they suddenly realize that they have no referee, but Juventud already has the answer to the solution as he waves someone from the back to come down to the ring. The fans pop as they see the new referee coming down the ramp...


Cole: Look John it's Danny Trejo!

JBL: Great what's he doing here! The Mexicools are banned from ringside, Michael!

Cole: Not under referee Danny Trejo's rule, John. It's a whole new ballgame now!

Danny Trejo comes into the ring sporting a referee shirt, which draws a positive reaction from the crowd. Trejo removes both chairs from hte ring as The Mexicools all slap hands with Trejo but the circle jerk ends when the big jerk Lesnar appears and clotheslines both Super Crazy and Pyschosis down. Juventud tries to react but Lesnar throws Juventud to the corner and is hitting some elbows to the face. Lesnar then throws Juventud to the opposite corner, then goes for a running turnbuckle thrust but Juventud hits the floor and Lesnar runs between the ropes and slams onto the steel post! Lesar is feeling the pain on his shoulder suddenly rising but Juventud goes behind Lesnar and tries to go for the cover but Chavo is already in the ring and breaks it up! Chavo goes to work on Juventud by hitting some punches to Juventud, then brings him to an empty corner and hits some chops to the chest of Juventud. Chavo then wretches the arm of Juventud and quickly climbs up the ropes, then does a walk on the ropes and leaps off them, executing a hurricarana onto Brock Lesnar! Lesnar flys across the ring and Chavo gets back up to the crowd's applause. Chavo takes a quick look at referee Danny Trejo then goes towards where Lesnar is but Lesnar is back in the game and hits a knee to Chavo's stomach, causing Chavo to flip onto his back. Lesnar though picks up Chavo and gets him into a powerbomb and nails it hard onto the ground! Chavo then rolls out of the ring but Juventud comes around and goes for a headscissors around Lesnar but stops mid-way and applies the headscissor's armbar onto Lesnar!

Cole: Wow look at this submission hold John!

Juventud is hanging off the body of Lesnar while appyling the headscissors, Lesnar already screaming out in pain. Juventud has the move expertly done in and Lesnar, despite being bigger, appears to be trapped from the hanging armbreaker that Juventud has placed in. Lesnar spins around the ring and tries to shake Juventud off but Juventud refuses to come off. Lesnar is trying to think up of something to get Juventud off of him but here comes Chavo Guerrero who hops onto Lesnar's other arm and applies a hanging armbar! Lesnar and the crowd can't believe that Lesnar has both arms in an armbar and he's crying out in pain now! Trejo checks on Lesnar to see if he wants to quit but Lesnar refuses to do so, despite literally having no way out. Cornette tries to go into the ring but The Mexicools are pulling him back from ringside to prevent him to interfering, but it's not needed because Lesnar manages to whip Chavo off his one arm, then uses the other to shove off Junventud! Lesnar looks at Trejo with a dark look, but referee Danny Trejo gives off a 'don't fuck with me' look and Lesnar turns his attention back into the match. Lesnar then kicks Chavo out of the ring and picks up Juventud, putting him into the fireman's carry but spins him off and lands the F-5! The crowd boos and Lesnar goes to pin the champion...




AND CHAVO SPRINGBOARDS OFF THE ROPES TO MAKE THE SAVE! Chavo rolls away from Lesnar, in pain after making that quick save but it just pisses off Lesnar some more as Lesnar gets up and steam pratically comes shooting out of his mouth! Chavo uses the ropes to help himself up but Lesnar ends up ramming him to the corner several times to stun him, then tosses him onto the top turnbuckle. Lesnar then gets up and tries to fight with Chavo but Chavo manages to shove Lesnar off the ropes, Lesnar though landing on his feet. Chavo then leaps off the middle ropes, trying to transfer into a hurricarana but Lesnar keeps Chavo on his shoulders and powerbombs him to the corner! Lesnar is convinced that Chavo is momentarly dazed this time so he places him onto the top turnbuckle again, then climbs it and sets up Chavo Guerrero for a superplex. Lesnar is about to execute the superplex but Juventud runs up and goes behind Lesnar, punching him in the back a couple of times then goes under him, then pulls Lesnar off the ropes into a powerbomb while Lesnar excutes the superplex off the top rope at the same time! And now the fans are going wild over that spot!

Cole: WOW!!! Did you see that John?!

JBL: Juventud sure took advantage of that situation! Even I'm impressed!

All three contesants of the UWF Intercontinental Championship match are down as the crowd is still in disbelif over what they just saw. Referee Danny Trejo goes around to each man to make sure that they're still alright to wrestle. Juventud rolls towards the ropes and Super Crazy and Pyschosis are checking up on him. Chavo Guerrero, despite being on the top part of the move, manages to fight out the pain and uses the ropes as assitance to help himself up, which gathers some cheers from the crowd. Chavo looks on and sees that Lesnar is about to make is way back up but Chavo runs up and takes down Lesnar with a bulldog before he can get back up fully! Lesnar is down again and he appears to not have much energy left in him, so Chavo rolls him to the edge of the ring, then runs and bounces off the ropes and hits a baseball slide kick to Lesnar, causing him to fall off the apron and crash onto the mat. Chavo gets back up and makes sure that Lesnar is down for a bit but turns around to receive a running dropkick from Juventud! Chavo goes flying through the ropes but manages to catch one, thus staying on the apron still but Juventud quickly grabs a hold of Chavo and suplexes him back inside the ring!

JBL: Juventud's taking the advantage of Lesnar being out Michael! It's now or never!

Juventud drags the downed Chavo near the ropes then goes onto the apron, looks into the crowd then slingshots over the ropes and hits a slingshot legdrop to Chavo! Juventud then picks up Chavo and brings him to the center of the ring, then picks him up and yells into the crowd as he drops Chavo into a sitout facebuster! Chavo is down as Juventud poses for the crowd which draws a mixed reaction. Jim Cornette is checking up on Lesnar at ringside while The Mexicools are seen cheering on for Juventud, Juventud meanwhile isn't done with the assault yet as he picks up Chavo and throws him towards the ropes, then bends down for a back body drop but Chavo kicks Juventud in the face and the knees him in the stomach, then lifts him up and drops Juventud down into a brainbuster! The crowd pops for that as Chavo points to the corner nearby and begins to climb it. Chavo makes it to the top and is feeling a little 'froggy' as he dives off the ropes and goes for a Frog Splash but collides with Juventude's extended knees! Chavo rolls away as Juventud lifts up Chavo again and this time hits a Final Justice onto Juventud! Juventud then goes down and covers Chavo Guerrero...



But Brock Lesnar comes in and breaks the pin just in time! The crowd is already getting sick of Lesnar and wants him gone. Juventud is hearing the pleas of the crowd and begins to work on Lesnar with some punches to the head, and a knee to the chin! Lesnar backs away as Juventud kicks Lesnar on the back of the leg as Lesnar goes down onto one knee, Juventud then quickly climbs the ropes and dives off them, executing the diving hurricarana onto Brock Lesnar! Lesnar goes flying across the ring as Cornette comes in with a steel chair and tries to attack Juventud with it but referee Danny Trejo catches Cornette by the arm and easily prys the chair away from Jim Cornette. Cornette looks shocked on what just happened and yells at Danny Trejo, informing him on who he is. Trejo then smirks at Cornette as Cornette stops dead in his tracks and develops a lump in his throat, Danny Trejo then punches Cornette in the face as Cornette rolls out of the ring! Danny Trejo shakes his head as Lesnar comes around and picks up referee Danny Trejo off the mat and into the F-5 position but Super Crazy dives into the ring and sweeps Lesnar off his feet! Crazy then bails from the ring as Lesnar is still down and Juventud is on the top rope, then dives off it and hits the Sommersault Leg Drop onto Brock Lesnar! The crowd cheers for Lesnar as Juvi tries to go for the pin but Chavo Guerrero goes behind Juventud and slips him into the school boy, but Juventud quickly rolls out and applies the small package onto Chavo Guerrero!




Ding! Ding! Ding!

Winner of the match and STILL UWF Intercontinental Champion... JUVENTUD!


Juventud and The Mexicools, including Danny Trejo are celebrating in the ring as Chavo Guerrero is still standing at the corner, feeling upset that he lost the match. Lesnar leaves the ring with Jim Cornette as the crowd cheers on for Juventud. Chavo looks on to see Lesnar leaving the ring with Cornette and Chavo utimately gazes at Juventud who is nodding at Chavo. Chavo nods back as the two men approach each other and share a handshake, then a hug much to the crowd's appeasement. The Mexicools and Chavo all raise their hands up in newfound friendship as Lesnar makes it onto the stage with Cornette. Lesnar turns around to where the ring is and raises both middle fingers to the group in the ring before heading off to the back. The crowd is seen cheering for the Mexicools and Chavo in the ring as the camera turns to somewhere else backstage.


Jul 15, 2013
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Re: UWF Presents Halloween Havok 2013

I wouldn't have minded losing to Kane if his moment wasn't taken away from him by Hulk Hogan.... AGAIN. No offence to anyone but it really seems like someone has a boner for this guy.

Other than that, great PPV.


Aug 26, 2013
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Re: UWF Presents Halloween Havok 2013

Have to say phenomenal effort by everyone involved, what a show!

Major props to natlav for the Kane/Aries match, really enjoyed it and I knew it was going to a great read and it didn't disappoint. Dug how Mickie James got involved, props to Dexter, his Aries is a champ in the making in my opinion and I wouldn't have been shocked at all if the decision had gone the other way.
Jaw dropped slightly when Eddie came out for the cash in but once again those Real Americans making their presence felt! Popping up everywhere these days!

Kurt Angle/AJ, European Title Match, Intercontinental Championship match all delivered and then some. Really good stuff here. I enjoyed the backstage promos a lot as well alongside VKM showing up and telling it like it is. Congrats to WWS for the title win.

Thoughts looking ahead to Survivor Series: Elimination Chamber for the Global Title, going to be another big challenge for Kane, James Storm confirmed already and can't wait to see who else is confirmed in the coming days. Also the 5 on 5 elimination match is going to be deadly, Corporation dominating at the minute but when they fall they are going to fall hard!

Top job everyone!
Last edited:


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Re: UWF Presents Halloween Havok 2013

Awesome PPV in general! Top to bottom the matches were pretty tight including the IC match that had to be tacked on at the end which was a shame. Kane/Aries was a joy as was the main event.

I didn't agree with some of the results but doesn't that just make this game so interesting? I agree with Chase in saying that, as a booker, the Corporation needs to be given a weakness of some kind but there's a good lot of shows between now and SurSer. Shouts to Shane - you helped take my gold away AND then jumped on the IMPACT bandwagon huh kid? ;) I hope you get added to that elim. chamber so you can taste Storm first hand.

That said, CM_Punk bro, we had a good run and your record reads a pretty tasty 5-1 or 6-1 or something which is nothing to sneer it! I'm heading to a main event match with Storm but I don't know whether that should be the end of Beer Money. I'd love to tag with you and make a run again at some point but we'll leave that to the writers etc good luck in the time we're apart haha

Really felt AJ should have kept the belt in the main event but having said that WWS plays a damn fine Angle and it certainly does add a nuance to the...well, angle going forward.

Yeah, lost two PPV matches convincingly this week but I'm still happy - that's how you know you're doing a good job guys.
Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
Re: UWF Presents Halloween Havok 2013

What's everyone on about? The IC is right in there, just after Jeff Jarrett promo *wipes the sweat off of the brow*

Just kind of twigged I am a World Champion which is really cool; I remember [MENTION=1891]Chris[/MENTION]Dresdon defending me on the podcast and I do feel quite lucky at times to win matches and this one is certainly no different.
[MENTION=11302]Dexter[/MENTION], Eddie Guerrero was about to gatecrash the party besides, you ruined Jeff Hardy's party so it's not all bad for Aries.
[MENTION=10921]natlav[/MENTION] did a superb job on all his match writing all his matches and I'm very lucky to have him on Impact to be honest with everyone - main reason why Impact hasn't been late this month at all.

And finally, people worry about the Corporation being over domination, I wouldn't - back in 01, Team WWF was a mess and all over the place but in the end they gutted it out and won the winner takes all match, whose to say this isn't any different. I'm looking forward to this ten man tag team match a lot, working on my first TT already, hopefully we can deliver a session worthy of all the build up [MENTION=24]SBS[/MENTION] has given it; we owe it to him.


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Aug 25, 2013
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Re: UWF Presents Halloween Havok 2013

Well, look at that. Mexicans stealing our jobs . . . and now they are stealing my contracts. WHAT. THE. HELL IS GOING ON IN THE IMPACT ZONE!!!

Nonetheless, that was a shocking ending and the whole match was rather enjoyable. Joey Ryan is NOT gonna be happy come the next show and I feel like the next time the Mexicools show up to bully Joseph Parks, Joey Ryan and Tyler Reks are gonna beat the hell out of them so he can have Mr. Parks all to himself. At least, that should happen. Also, the Real Americans are not gonna be happy that these Mexicans are now stealing more than jobs (see my above sentences). As for Eddie getting the contract that's in the briefcase, you can go ahead and keep that. I GOT A NEW BRIEFCASE AND YOU CAN BET JOHNNY GARGANO WILL WALK AROUND WITH THAT AS WELL!!!


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Jun 20, 2012
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Re: UWF Presents Halloween Havok 2013

I loooove how Joey Ryan got screwed over by Joseph Park so it gives me material in the future towards our little feud. Anyways congrats to Eddie. And a special congrats to Kurt Angle. Everybody worked hard this month.


Aug 18, 2013
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Re: UWF Presents Halloween Havok 2013

- All these big power figureheads kicking off this PPV was really interesting. Glad to catch a glimpse of the "behind the scenes" action we got going on here.

- Nice promo by Joey. Really liked the last paragraph but he almost seems a little too face for me. I guess not really sleezy enough?

- Cool, to the point, mysterious promo by Andrew. Glad to see he is still here after dueling it out with me.

- MiTB. Our first match. Here I clearly go 1-0 for predictions as my wonderful analysis sought that Joey Ryan would not win. Great match, unique ending, cool result.

- Great work by the American Dolphins. Glad to see they finally get their work paid off for them. After kicking their ass you start to feel sorry for them ;) I kid, I kid. 2-0.

- Jeff Jarrett laying down the law on that punk ass reporter. You tell em JJ.

- For some reason when I made my prediction I thought this was a two on one for the IC title... couldn't have been more wrong. I put "Illegal Immigrants" in my prediction thread, totally going over the fact that I thought Chavo was one of the Mexicools. I will give myself this prediction win though. Damn I'm such a nice guy. 3-0.

- The Rock and Austin. Classic. Big writers, big superstars. Loved the promo.

- My first match. I knew going into this match that Dusty had the upper hand, being able to combat everything I say because he has the one up on me. I'm just glad Cody didn't win. Fuck Cody. Now where to go with Dustin is the question. I go 3-1 here because I thought I was so kool and would win.

- Two nice promos back to back. At least we got a better promo turnout here then we did on the supershow.

- Tag team match. I go 4-1 here with Batista and Jarret picking up the win. Loved the match, curious to see where other people branch off after this match. I would think it's a matter of time until the American Dolphins are the number one contenders.

- Rhino talking shit followed by Rhino losing. See how that works out? Kidding. I love promoing with you Rated R, and hope to see you down the road for sure. Was really hoping for a clean win here, but I guess I have to wait on that. 5-1 in predictions as I retain the gold, brother.

- A chamber match you say?

- Stone Cold vs Rock. Written like a Wrestlemania moment. I'm on fire and go a solid 6-1. The ending was gruesome and I loved it. Like Rock did to Mankind back in the day, Rock does to Stone Cold, killing the damn man in the center of the ring.

- A Kane match. Oh great. Move onto 7-1 here. I don't think anyone in this damn fed can beat Kane when he is on the top of his game. But how bout Mickie James. Nevermind, chokeslammed. BUT HOW ABOUT EDDIE. Nevermind, HOW ABOUT HULK HOGAN?! I don't know what I did to deserve popping up all over the place, and I am starting to get a little confused - but I'm not the writer and I'm not complaining... yet. Clearly something is in the works that I do not know of. Hogan vs Eddie it looks like. Maybe? Who knows anymore?!

- Divas main event SS? I'm down. Glad to see Trish. Always glad to see Trish.

- John Cena with the win in another gruesome match. Probably the most gory of the night. Awesome. 8-1.

- Eddie, eat your vitamins and start sayin your prayers, brother. You got a bad case of Hulk Hogan on your hands now. Maybe. Who knows!

- Jeff Hardy? Glad to see him here. Let's hope for a good one.

- Last match of this wicked PPV. Definately thought AJ has this by default. Didn't think they would hand the gold to a head writer. Don't know why I thought that though. clearly WWS has awesome skill as a TTer, so it was well deserved. I finish off the night 8-2. I am a fortune teller.

Amazing PPV, and cant wait for the weeks on RAW and iMPACT to continue!


Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: UWF Presents Halloween Havok 2013

alright so I finally got around to reading the show!

That was a pretty awesome show overall. I think everybodys been saying that, definitely true. Some stuff honestly surprised me, such as Rock winning and Angle winning. I just had different predictions was all.


The Rock/SCSA match and segment were awesome. Just. Awesome. No question. MITB Eddie swerve was cool, excited to see Dresdon go to work now. Stoked to pick up the Tag straps with Natlav. That'll be fun. Cena and Ambrose was insane though. Absolutely crazy. Fitting. I dont even remember the last time I saw Ambrose pinned.

Thanks for the positive feedback on Hardy, glad you guys are digging him. Excited to be moving to Impact. Aries, you made a mistake there tho buddy. Baaaaaaaad move! But yeah, if I missed anything, wasnt on purpose. Just dead tired. Really digging SurSer line up and excited to see where shit goes from here. Great job UWF another solid show.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Presents Halloween Havok 2013

Another fantastic pay-per-view has been produced from everyone! I'm going to start off and say congratulations to everyone, both winners and losers. I said it before that the losers shouldn't feel discouraged at all because we all did a great job. I'm stoked to still be European Champion and continue to be the most dominant champion of all-time, haha. I had fun with what we did Bumout, and next time we most definitely have to go all out to see who's the real winner of this great feud since it's tied 1 - 1 right now. And, WWS? Kudos to you, brother. That match was insane and full of gore indeed. Definitely one of my favorites I've ever read. Survivor Series looks crazy, The Corporation vs. Team RKO will be a classic if we all get started early and get our TT's in, I can see it now. By the way, awesome job goes to whoever made that poster! Let's keep this train moving, UWF crew.


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Re: UWF Presents Bad Blood 2013

You guys, after over a year, the one team I picked up solely to win the Tag Team titles has finally won them! Loved that match CWalker and now I have to come up with more fun ideas for my team. It's a shame Slim didn't show up but it gives SoccerBoy some much needed momentum to make his McIntyre stand out. I'd like to see Andrew and Tapout do more in their next session but given the circumstances, they did well. I have no idea who 911 is though. Was surprised to see Tapout win the Extreme title but I look forward to see what he does with it.

I really enjoyed D'Von vs Undertaker. D'Von is always so close and I think it's just a matter of time until he wins a title and with Bubba now, I'd better watch my back. We all knew Santino would win and I liked that Goldberg hit his head from the spear much like in real life when he got a concussion. I loved seeing Ziggler win back his title. No offense to Schmidty but I didn't think Cena should have lost in the first place. We all saw Sting beating Sandow but it's a shame Rey no showed. The Clique vs Ryder's Broski's was extremely well done. I assume we'll be seeing some sort of rematch at Survivor Series. I'm glad to see CWalker become champion as he has been a beast since coming back. Overall a really good show. A few squashes but still a good show.


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Re: UWF Presents Halloween Havok 2013

This was a great PPV. With the exceptions of a couple of matches, a lot of the threads were short but I'm glad the writing was still top notch. Opening segment was cool but it did seem a bit weird for some reason. Maybe because it wasn't really teased or announced that Vince would be coming back or something idk but I knew that would be the teams I just wasn't sure if Angle and AJ would be joining the teams. Eddie winning MITB was a nice surprise. If he successfully cashes in, Juventud can say he beat the champ haha. I liked the ending with Eddie just taking the contract instead of the briefcase. I knew reDRagon would lose because it seemed like Dexter was ready to drop them but a nice win for L&K.

Next up is my match which was put in late! But I did enjoy it very much. I knew Natlav would be using Trejo but I didn't expect him to be the referee towards the end. There was a bunch of times when I thought any one of us could take away the win but I'm glad I was able to retain. I loved how The Mexicools didn't give a shit that they were banned from ringside and just attacked the previous ref. Once again it's a shame Rey didn't show up for his match but Dusty making both his sons tap out was a nice way to end it. No offense to any of the other guys but I think we all saw The Corporation taking the titles. Also good to see Rhino not lose cleanly. Doesn't take away anything from him and leaves him with a lot to work with should this feud continue.

Austin v Rock as great and I actually thought we'd see Austin pick up the win. I'm not a fan though of the double spacing the entire match. Seemed off putting compared to the rest of the show but that's just a personal preference. Coldhands has been unstopabble with Kane but I can see him lose the belt at the next PPV if it it's going to be in an Elimination Chamber. If not then I can see him holding it for a very long time. That is until The Mexicools get a shot! I did like the fake cash in at the end of the match but Hogan seems to be oversaturated a bit.

Loved my match with Blizzard. I felt like I knew I wasn't going to win for multiple reasons and damnit Blizzard you stopped Ambrose from becoming a grandslam champion! Also Shane, the last time Ambrose was pinned without interference or a roll up was last year's Survivor Series. This makes it the third time he was soundly defeated. SBS has always made my Ambrose look strong and I'm glad WWS was able to do the same. I would have liked to see AJ win the main event as I agree that The Corporation seems a little too dominant. Plus the last four champions have had their reigns all be less than a month but I can see Angle having a good 3-4 month reign. A great PPV and next up it's time to get rid of this Corporation!


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Sep 16, 2013
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Re: UWF Presents Halloween Havok 2013

Radly show fellas! Thanks for the effort from all you staff folks. Congrats to winners. Losers - what the heck? Get it together. Also, Bloody Face Cena always shakes my rattle. Lovin it. Also, mad shout out to ma boi cliqueclacks for a tough as nails run for this show. First time tting for a ppv in like 14 years and I think it could have gone either way. Homie should keep playing that team for sure. Corporation with tag titles but not defedning them at Survivor Series? I will absolutely settle for a shot before then. Angle and Styles rematch should be held in a drown-your-opponent-in-a-motel-toilet match. That's how you end a feud.


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Date: December 22nd, 2013
Venue: Vancouver BC Canada


Matt Morgan(c) vs. MVP(c) vs. Edge


The Undertaker(c) vs. Eddie Guerrero

AJ Styles vs. Sami Callihan vs. Carlito vs. Chris Masters


Fandango & Ethan Carter III(c) vs. The Second City Saints


Dolph Ziggler vs. King Booker vs. Matt Hardy


Cody Rhodes & Kurt Angle vs. Shark Boy & Goldust


Shawn Michaels(c) vs. Tyson Kidd


Steve Borden(c) vs. Kane


Hulk Hogan(c) vs. Sheamus


John Cena(c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Christopher Daniels


Batista(c) vs. The Dudley Boyz (Reverend D-Von and Bubba Ray)


Dean Ambrose vs. Chris Jericho


Ted DiBiase vs. Christian
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Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Oh GOD! The selfish Canadian in me kind of hopes Kidd wins that match so I can read what kind of glorious battle Kidd and Michaels could have!