UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Re: 24/07/12 - Bully Ray vs. The Rock

The Rock looks over at Bully Ray as the crowd anticipates what he's going to say next.


The Rock: Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah WOAH! Let The Rock get something straight. No one AND THE ROCK MEANS no one cuts him off in the middle of his catchphrases. Bully Ray, The Rock sees you standing in the middle of this ring, grasping at anything you can throw at The Rock. You come out here and call The Rock “The Tooth Fairyâ€￾. Bully Ray, let The Rock ask you something: Did you not hear Dolph Ziggler a few weeks ago? He tried using that same line on me and where did it get him? Smackdown on the mat and a 1-2-3 for The Rock. Bully Ray, Bubba, whatever the hell you go by now, listen to The Rock. It'll save you some time and energy. It would be best for everyone here if you KNOW YOUR ROLE and SHUT YOUR MOUTH!

The fans are going crazy for The Rock and he has them eating out of the palm of his hand. Bully isn't as impressed.

The Rock: And by know your role, The Rock means just that. You walk down to this ring, week in and week out and sing your own praises but The Rock knows the real you. You wanna know why The Rock didn't bother whuppin' your candy ass that night you walked down to this ring and took out Wade Barrett after The Rock got through making Wade Barrett my bitch? It's because The Rock does not care about you. You're nothing to The Rock. Why would The Rock waste his time whuppin' your monkey ass all over the arena when you won't even be relevant in a few weeks? You don't get it, Bubba. The Rock is better than you in more ways than one. The Rock has won World Titles, The Rock has faced Giants, Icons and Main Eventers. The Rock has become something you can only dream of. Hell, these people you run down, you run them down because you'll never hear them chanting for you like they chant The Rock's name....

The crowd starts chanting “ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY!â€￾ as Rock smirks at Bully Ray.

The Rock: This week, The Rock will make an exception and he'll give you what you wanted. You want The Rock, you got The Rock. And catchphrases aside, Bully Ray, The Rock is gonna show you just exactly why he is the measuring stick by which all others are measured and why Bully Ray will always be Bubba Ray Dudley, stuck as an irrelevant sack of monkey crap. No more talking. Bully Ray, It's Boots 2 Asses. JUST BRING IT!

The Rock lowers his microphone and glares at Bully Ray.


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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

Dean Ambrose quickly cuts the reaction short by yelling.

What's with all the yelling! Come on John, do you really think that you will honestly be the World Heavyweight Champion after the Great American Bash? Don't get me wrong, if I was to lose the belt, I would want you to win it. You seem to be the only one here without an agenda. While everyone wants to prove a point or spread their word, you just want to become the World Heavyweight Champion. Unfortunately for you, this isn't the WWE. You won't beat the odds anymore. You've lost to Jeff Hardy and Bray Wyatt so what makes you so certain you can win this? I think you stand the least amount of chance of winning this match. You're too much of a goodie too shoes. It's what made people turn on you in the first place. You need to do unthinkable things in order to win this match and I'm not entirely sure your capable of such actions. I on the other hand, people know that I'm more than capable of doing what is necessary to win this match and yet, no one has seen what I'm truly capable of.

The crowd cheers as Dean jumps off the ropes and lands down hard, squatting and staying completely still. He slowly rises up and quietly mutters.

Dave Batista…. He has the nerve to constantly belittle me with feats of his strength. He may be the most powerful person on the entire roster, but I am without a doubt the most maniacal wrestler in the world. Everyone has seen the amount of pain I can withstand. If Daniel Bryan can beat you and I can beat Daniel Bryan, even when he has weapons, what makes you think you can take me out? Sure you can hit me a couple of times when I’m not looking but if you were a real man, you would have made it a point to teach me a lesson in our match last week. Batista is nothing more than a fluke. Every year or so some new “monster†comes into a company and takes out a couple of guys and then makes his way to the main event scene. You’re no different. Monsters have a notoriously short lifespan however there is one monster who is adored by fans the world over. That monster is me. I’m a Godzilla of sorts for Americans. I entered this company hell bent on destroying the world and then slowly decided to conquer it instead. Many have tried to take over but I always stand tall in the end.

Dean quickly turns around and confronts Ted Dibiase.


Why are you so defensive when it comes to your father? I said you followed your father’s footsteps meaning deciding to join wrestling and you immediately assume I meant doing everything exactly like your father. My point was that you could’ve done anything else other than wrestling. There’s tons of money to be made elsewhere and yet you decided to become a wrestler. Why exactly is that? Was it to appease daddy? Daddy wasn’t there when you were a kid so maybe you were trying to get closer to him. I’ll make your dad regret ever getting into this business because on Sunday, he’ll see his once little boy get turned into a vegetable. I’m sorry Ted but it’s the truth. What you think of as a helluva fight and what I think of as a helluva fight are two wayyy completely different things. You and everyone else might fight tooth and nail for this title but it won’t be enough. You’re right, I don’t fight for this title, I fight for myself. Holding this title merely proves my point that I am the greatest wrestler in this entire promotion. It’s funny that you of all people call me ungrateful for this. You know what I find even funnier than that? That you think your actually a credible World Heavyweight Champion. If you were to somehow win this thing, Smackdown would probably go under.

Dean then walks over to the ropes and looks towards the ramp.

And it looks like we lost another one. Where do ya’ think your going Bray? How am I supposed to fear you if you won’t even stand here in front me? But it seems you’ve figured out that I have no fear and yeah it can be a downfall. If you’re not afraid of staring death in the face, you usually wind up dead. The thing about me though is that I can’t die. I’m immortal. No human man in history has been able to withstand the amount of pain I’ve been in. You call yourself inhuman but you’ve done nothing to prove the sort. I’ve made people believer while you have just annoyed everyone. The funny thing about faith Bray, is that those who have some, are completely empowered by it. Your little lackey there Eli believe in you with all his heart but what about when he see’s your lifeless carcass laying in the middle of this ring while I have the World Heavyweight Championship in my hands? When a man loses the faith of his followers, is he still a leader? I look forward to breaking you this Sunday in tons of different ways.

The crowd cheers as Ambrose finally faces towards Jeff Hardy.


Jeff…Hardy. Ya’ know, I would have ended it for you back when we fought each other but where’s the fun it that? I thrive on high pressure situations. I can barely feel anything anymore so you can make sure that anything that ups the ante, I’m all for it. Just remember, unless you get a pinfall on me, no one will accept you as the true World Heavyweight Champion. I don’t need any sort of outside interferences to stay the World Heavyweight Champion. Desmond Wolfe calling for an immediate rematch for me had nothing to do with me. I was just as surprised to see that happen as you were but maybe he knows that in order for Smackdown to survive, it needs a true champion. What better person to be champion than the man who Smackdown was made for? You want to know how you can become a world champion? Quit and join another promotion. Or you can try and strike a deal with RAW. Either way you’ll play second fiddle to me.

The crowd eats up Dean Ambrose’s words as he stands in the middle on the ring soaking in the applause before he continues to speak again.

This whole match excites me to another level. I could be busy breaking a ladder over your back and someone like John Cena could climb the ladder without me looking and he could become the new World Heavyweight Champion. I have to not only have fun by destroying all of your bodies but I also have to make sure no one tries to sneak they’re way to climbing up that ladder after a pinfall.

This of course brings me to my many gameplans to winning this match. I’ve thought up of many but it’ll be interesting to see which one I’ll actually go with. Maybe I’ll just have some fun and not worry about it all. But how would one go about doing such a thing? Maybe I could just go around and destroy all the ladders so no one can hang up the belt. Then that would just leave all of you to me! Oh that’s a good idea but there are many more I could do. Maybe I could break all your legs...Maybe I could give you all concussions...maybe I can just wing it once I get out there. Yeah that's what I've been doing my whole career and everything seems to have gone alright so far. Then again, could you imagine if I put more preparation into my matches? I'd probably be more unstoppable. I mean it's pretty hard to imagine that I haven't won a match since I won back this World Heavyweight Championship. I haven't stood tall at the end of the show either. But now there will be no more outside interference. Everything is completely legal and I really hope you all do take advantage of that. I know once i win you'll all blame each other but you have no one to blame but yourselves. You can do anything you want in this match and you'll all try any and everything and it still won't be enough. Don't let it get you down though...No one has been able to stop me. What I call failure, other people call brave. You‘ll be hailed as brave because you tried to beat me. You‘ll be heroes! You just won’t be kings.

None of you know the true meaning of discipline. You all claim to be World Heavyweight Championship material and maybe you are but this isn't just another World Heavyweight Championship. I am THE World Heavyweight Champion. Until you can prove your worth to me, none of you even deserve to be in the same ring with me. Anyone can stand tall to end a show, I've done it on numerous occasions. As a matter of fact, I'll do it this Sunday and all of you will be beneath me, broken and without the will to live. This Sunday I advance even higher on my throne and will reign supreme as the World Heavyweight Champion!

Dean Ambrose leaves the ring and walks up the ramp with his arms spread wide as the crowd chants his name.



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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

Just finished the match gentlemen and let me say I am very proud of it! Speaking of proud, I am so very proud of all of you. This thread was terrific. I am just so sad I couldn't have you all win as every single one of you after this night should be called World Champion. You all have truely honored me with your hard work and dedication here. I am very happy to write for all of you and i hope you find the KOTM as epic and as satisfying as the tting for this match was. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all!
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UWF RAW 24/07/12: Evan Bourne v Eddie Guerrero


The by now familiar song blaring through the speakers indicates the arrival of, not the tag team known as Almost Famous, but merely one of its halves. As fate would have it, it happens to be the less talkative half of the equation, Evan Bourne - a man known more for his aerial feats than his microphone prowess, but who now has to assume the role of mouthpiece for his team, at least for one night. Undaunted, he steps up to the challenge, picking up the mic and looking up at the crowd:


Evan Bourne: Now, you know I usually leave all the talking and stuff to Juice. But as you can see, he's not here right now.

The small cruiserweight looks on either side of him, then turns around on himself, pretending to make sure his partner is not actually there. This elicits a chuckle out of the crowd, which in turn builds Evan's confidence:

Evan Bourne: Naw, Juice had stuff to do. Places to go, people to see, all that jazz. But the fine UWF folk told me 'Evan, don't worry, bro. We'll get you something'. And boy, did they get me something!

Air' Bourne pauses for effect, then quickly continues:

Evan Bourne: I mean, Eddie Guerrero?! You wanna talk about a legend...! I grew up watching this guy! Hell, every cruiserweight in the business today did! Or if they didn't, they should have!

This show of respect brings another cheer from the crowd, making Evan smile.

Evan Bourne: I am beyond honoured to be stepping in the ring with him. Who wouldn't be?! It totally makes missing Great American Bash worthwhile. I mean, what do we have over there? Shark Boy and Regal against two SmackDown dudes? OK..probably a good match...but right here on RAW, we have EVAN BOURNE AGAINST EDDIE GUERRERO!

The crowd give a mild pop, probably less than Evan was expecting with his bold comparison. The high-flyer shrugs it off, and calmly concludes:

Evan Bourne: But like Kung-Fu Panda said, "enough talk. Let's fight!" So Eddie, c'mon out here and let's do this, bro. Frogsplash against Airbourne. And may the best man win!

Another cheer rises, but this one is clearly not for Evan; a chant of "EDDIE! EDDIE! EDDIE!" promptly follows. Content enough with his performance, the small but daring cruiserweight even joins in for a moment, before leaning against the ropes to await his opponent.


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Re: UWF RAW 24/07/12: Evan Bourne v Eddie Guerrero

OOC: I hate to tell you this bro. But you just missed the deadline by 12 minutes. I'm sorry


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Mar 18, 2012
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Re: UWF RAW 24/07/12: Evan Bourne v Eddie Guerrero

<_< couldn't it have been by a REAL margin?! 12 minutes?! Epic fail, Pete :p

(Especially since I've been home for hours and have had days to TT...bad fedder...very sorry! Deserve a strike if I'm getting one.)


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RAW - 31st July 2012 - Kofi Kingston V James Storm


Kofi Kingston’s theme song plays over the arena much to the delight of the capacity crowd. Kofi Kingston steps out onto the stage accompanied by Abraham Washington of all people. The duo walk down the entrance ramp, climb up the steel steps and get into the ring. Abraham grabs a mic that was laid out for him as the fans look on confused.


Abraham Luther Washington: My name is Abraham Luther Washington, founder of All World Promotions and I’m here today to introduce to you my newest client, the man that has been a victim in this business for too long, for no apparent reason other than the colour of this man’s skin. The man that has put his well-being on the line for far too long without receiving any gratitude. The man who has been held back simply because he is not from the United States of America. I feel sorry for this man. To treat another human being like this is the behaviour of animals. This man, this human being is treated like dirt and it is not acceptable and it stops now! Abraham Lincoln would be turning in his grave in disgust at the parasites in attendance shouting racial terms, comparing poor Kofi to animals. I personally find it disgusting. Kofi would like a word with you all but please remain quiet as this is a delicate time for him.

The crowd boo loudly.


Kofi Kingston: I am sick of being singled out and it’s not just the people in attendance too. Every time I’m in the back and the cleaners are tired, they come up to me and throw a brush at me and shout ‘Clean it up now’ and speak as if I’m some kind of slave. I get abused when I go to the mall. I can’t even walk my dog without getting stones thrown at me. You see, this business is racist, when was the last time you seen a black UWF or WWE Champion. Never! They just make us laughing stock; treat us as if we don’t exist. Me, R-Truth, Booker T, MVP, Bobby Lashley, we would have all been WWE Champions if we were white. I will show all you milk bottles that we can fight; I will become the UWF Champion and prove to you all that we are as good as anybody.

The crowd rain down boos on Kofi.


Abraham Luther Washington: These are the words of a distraught human being. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You see all these programmes like Make A Wish or Be A Star but there is not one single one on racism, this is because many people see it as a joke and accept it, does Kofi here look like he is joking. Kofi is in emotional distress and his doctor has recommended that he take some time off. This was mentioned to the board of directors who just laughed. UWF’s board of directors laughed in Kofi’s face and then booked him to face a man who’s permanently drunk and disorderly. This is disgraceful, if anyone like John Cena or Batista were under stress, they’d get the time they needed off but as soon as it is a black man, they laugh in the face of him.

The crowd boo loudly and Kofi takes the mic.


Kofi Kingston: Some of the best athletes have been black men, Usain Bolt, Dave Winfield, Tiger Woods, Jesse Owens, Michael Jordan & the great Muhammed Ali, so why the hate? I think you are all just jealous of our talent. I will show you all what a great competitor I can be when I defeat James Storm on Monday Night Raw. I will mark a winning debut and show you all that being black is being better. Black Power!

He is interrupted by…


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Raw 7/31 Curt Hawkins vs. Christopher Daniels

On Raw many things have already happened and the crowd is in a frenzy just waiting for the next scene. A few shots of the audience is shown. Just when they start to quiet down the all too familiar voice hits the PA system.

Curt Hawkins: Champion

The crowd erupts in a mixture of boos and cheers. Surprisingly the live audience tonight is more behind Hawkins then ever. A small "overrated" chant breaks out but doesn't last very long.

Curt Hawkins: Champion

Once again the "Word of the Night" is uttered and out from the back walks the NEW Hardcore Champion himself, Curt Hawkins. The title belt is proudly strapped to his waist, but mostly covered by the custom Hawkins jacket that he has on. He takes a few steps forward to the start of the ramp before stopping. He throws his cane up into the air and poses. Out from behind him steps his body guard, Tyler Reks. Reks takes a few steps forward before extending his arms and letting out a loud yell.


They make there way down to the ring, Hawkins all smiles, lighting patting the title on his waist and yelling "I told you so!"


On his way up the ramp his picked up a mic. He takes his place on the turnbuckle before looking out to the crowd and speaking away.


Curt Hawkins: I told you so. I told each and everyone of you out there that the next time you'd see I'd be the Hardcore Champion. Now did I lie? With that huge win over Matt Morgan I am now 3-0 in the UWF and my future is looking really, really bright. From the moment I won this title it's all been the same. Everyone everywhere has been congratulating me because they know that I deserved this. From Twitter, to Youtube, to Facebook, everyone is talking about how Curt Hawkins has become a champion. I've received many text message, many phone calls. People in the back have been telling me how good of a job I've been doing. Hell, I ever bumped into the UWF Champion himself Stone Cold. I told him to keep the belt warm for me, because that's the next piece of gold you'll see around MY waist. Things are looking nowhere but up for the Party Starter!

The crowd takes the slight pause in Hawkins speech to get some words out themselves. Reks paces in the background and Hawkins seems unaffected, and just carries on.

Curt Hawkins: Are you finished? That's very rude, by the way. Is that anyway to treat your Hardcore Champion? I didn't think so. Some people may think that I'm getting cocky, maybe a little too confident, but damn when you're this good, it's hard not to be cocky. I'm going to be facing someone who just got his first win on Raw. Now, congratulations there buddy, but I don't see a title around your waste. I don't see you beating former champions. Of course you all know who I'm talking about. That joke of a has-been wrestler, Christopher Daniels. "The Fallen Angel" Such a cool name there man. Too bad you don't live up to the hype. That's all you are, Daniels. Hype. You go around claiming that you want the spot light. You want to be booked, you want to be in the title matches. But the fact of the matter is Daniels, that you just can't win. You can't pull it out when it really matters. Sure, you got a win last week. Good for you. People win every now and then. And I know that you're hungry to win again, but I hate to be the one that has to break this to you, winning is not in your future. So your future involves one Heat Seeking elbow, and a 1...2...3. See ya next week...maybe.

Again the crowd is very mixed for Hawkins, but this time more cheers are heard then boos. Hawkins seems pleasantly surprised.

Curt Hawkins: That's how you treat a champion, thank you. Fact is Daniels, you'll all hype, but you can't back it up. See that the difference between me and you. I back up every word I say, and I can guarantee you that this will not be the week I lose. But with that being said, I welcome you to try. I've been itching for some real competition around here. Maybe you can be the one that brings it too me. With that being said, I look forward to our match on the 31st, and I look even more forward to beating you, handing you another loss, and furthering my undefeated streak. Because, well...I'm a champion.

Hawkins pats the belt and smiles as Reks stares over his shoulder with nothing but a sneer.​


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Re: RAW - 31st July 2012 - Kofi Kingston V James Storm



Longnecks & Rednecks hits the PA System of the arena and people begin to scream. The roof almost went down as James Storm walks out the back in a cowboy hat with a beer bottle in his hand.


Storm drinks his beer and throws the bottle in the crowd as he head towards the ring with a huge smile on his face. He is in front of the ring. Storm climbs the ring-steps, walks through ropes and enters the ring.


Storm asks for a mic and gets one. He wants to speak but he can't even hear himself. People are chanting "COWBOY! COWBODY!". Storm turns around and looks to the crowd. After a while people calm. Storm looks at Kofi Kingston, than at Abraham Washington. He laughs as he raises the mic to his mouth and begins to speak.


'Cowboy'James Storm:

Please, boys. Tell me I don't see what I see. I will get ta' 'ya soon but befo' that, I gotta get something off ma' chest.

Fans pop once again.

Cowbody James Storm is here in You Dubya Eff and I can guaran-damn-tee dat You Dubya Eff will never be da' same again. Last week I was sittin' home when suddenly I got a phone call from ma' good friend, A Double Austin Aries. He told me I need ta' watch You Dubya Eff Great American Bash and see him defeat Randy Orton. I said "WHAT?!" What in the blue hell is You Dubya Eff? First I thought it is some indy promotion but I decided ta' check it out on dee' internet...ma' daughter did 'cause I don't know how ta' turn dat thing on *Crowd laughs*. So, I checked out what it is and I was pretty damn surprised. How is it possible I didn't see any of this? How is it possible I wasn't contacted ba' You Dubya Eff? It was monday when I called You Dubya Eff and told 'em that Cowboy is interested. Two hours from dat moment, I left Impact Wresslin' and BANG! Last week I made ma' debut here on RAW and now I'm standin' here in a You Dubya Eff ring.

Storm makes a little pause. Then he looks to another camera and continues.

As fo' Austin Aries...He said he gonna beat Randy Orton but he didn't. Eh, eh...It ain't ma' problem, buddy. I ain't here ta' fight for ma' friends. I ain't here ta' fight fo' ma' family so I can make 'em more money. Ma' family is already rich, we don't need money. I ain't here ta' become famous. I ain't here ta' get betta'...I'm here ta' win championships. I didn't win many championships and I admit it but a wressler's greatness does not come from his accomplishments...it comes from his heart. But da question is...wha' didn't I win many championships? You know wha'? 'Cause I was surrounded ba' people like Bobby Roode. People who I carried on ma' back fo' so long. Not only dat...I didn't win many championships 'cause I was too busy carryin' some lame-ass companies on ma' back for a decade...a freakin' decade!

People in the arena begin to chant "FUCK TNA! FUCK TNA!"

But now I'm here in You Dubya Eff. I'm here and I won't make dat same mistake fo' second time. No, no...I won't. Someone needs ta' get over? Pick some miny-tiny local wressler who gon' get his ass kicked and he gon' like it.
'Ya need somebody who will be in dee' openin' contest? Eh, Eh, I ain't doin' that anymore! As I said...I'm here ta' win championships, drink beer and kicks ass! And I'm gonna start with kicking some ass!

Storm turns his attention to Kofi Kingston and Abraham Washington. Kofi looks angry as he was ignored by Storm for past five minutes.

This is ju
s' a joke, right? "Bein 'black is bein' betta'." I heard a lot a' crazy and stupid things but dis one tops it all, boys! 'Ya can't jus' sign a contract, hire a manager and think 'ya own da' world. In dis business, 'ya ain't gonna get along wit' a manager ba' yer side. In dis business, 'ya gotta work hard and have patience ta' rise. In dis business, 'ya can't be overlooked. 'Ya can only be not good 'nuff and dat's exactly what 'ya are, Kofi. I don't know 'ya...*Storm gets right in Kofi's face*. I don't know yer history in wresslin' and I don't know wha' yer actin' like a lil' bitch.

People in the crowd reaction with a huge "OOOOOOOH".

'Nother thing I don't understand. Wha' are 'ya mentionin' world's black athletes, sport's men? Yea, yea...all of 'em are great athletes and they are successfull in world of sport. But dis ain't a sport. Dis ain't no damn basketball or golf. Dis is professional wresslin', not a sport. And yer ain't an athlete, yer a wressler. A black wressler. Dat does not make 'ya a betta' wressler. Bein' black doesn't make 'ya betta' at all. I don't agree wit' what 'ya say. Dis is America and here in 'Merica we are all eqaul. Dis is dee' only contry in da whole world dat people who live here are not different. Dis is a country of freedom and happiness and 'round here we do not tollerate jackasses like 'ya and yer friend who say they are betta' 'cause they are black, yellow, brown, green, orange, small, big, smart or whateva'. Dis is simple...'Ya either get along or yer gonna get yer ass kicked ba' someone who likes dis company too much and who like this country too much...me.

James Storm takes down his sunglasses and puts them on top of his hat.

*Storm points his finger at Abraham Washington*Do not go anywhere, suit boy. I will get ta' 'ya as soon as I'm finished wit' yer lil' puppet. Kofi, I see 'ya have some more question so I'ma answer some of dose right now. When I saw a black world champion? I think I didn't see one in last decade. 'Ya know wha'? 'Cause black people are not patient and 'cause of dat, they rarely get successfull in this business...hell, even in life. They rarely get successfull 'cause when they don't get somethin' in a short amount of time, they stop workin' and they start bitchin', jus' like 'ya...And jus' like 'ya.

Storm finally turn his attention to Abraham Washington.

First, you were tryin' to' be a wressler but 'ya didn't have what it takes ta' become a wressler. Then, I rememba' 'ya used ta' have a talk show. Nobody liked it so 'ya had to cut it. Then, you were a commentator, a bad one so 'ya quit. Now yer a manager? No, yer history tells me yer nothin' more then a loser. You failed in everythin' and after I'll beat Kofi, da history will repeat itself, yer gonna fail as a manager.....Boys, everybody knows I'm gonna beat Kofi and jus' like board of directors laughed when 'ya told 'em Kofi is in emotinal distress, da whole world will laugh when yer dreams of becomin' a successfull manager *Storm points at Washington*, and yer dreams of becomin' dee UWF Champion will both come ta' an end.

Storm lowers down the microphone as he begins to laugh once again.



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Re: RAW - 31st July 2012 - Kofi Kingston V James Storm

Washington glares at Storm


Abraham Luther Washington: Now this is exactly what I am talking about, this man is a racist! This man has come out here and claimed that America is an equal country but then issued a hate statement saying black people are impatient. Kofi has been in this business for 6 long years and not once has he been treated with respect and you have the audacity to come to this ring and say that black people aren’t patient. Black people are the most patient people on the planet. When Kofi’s ancestors were being persecuted back in the 60’s by a bunch of white parasites, they didn’t give up, they begun to fight. While they were being dragged out of buses and beat to death, while they were forced to work at the hands of you disgraceful tyrants, they fought back. They became eligible to vote. They had many rights installed but as evidently proven by the way you singled Kofi out for being black, America still isn’t equal.

Abraham hands the mic over to Kofi


Kofi Kingston: You know James, I have been patient for far too long. I have been patient and all that has given me is a barrel of abuse. From the Board of Directors to the Fans at ringside, all I’ve ever got is ‘Black boy’ or ‘Plantation Worker’ and now my patience has hit a brick wall and I will show that on Raw when I start on my road to becoming UWF Champion. You see, you white people are the ones who are impatient, a thing doesn’t go your way and the thing that you do is go to a lawyer and take the culprit to court. If we would try that we’d get laughed at by the judge. You come back for two seconds and act like you run the place already. I do have to say your bullshit is pretty impressive but for someone who is permanently drunk and disorderly I suppose it’s natural. In fact, I think there is more chance you being in a bar than showing up for our match where again as soon as we step into a bar, we get abused and thrown out. America is despicable, I hate working here.

The crowd echoes boos throughout the arena, some people are shouting a lot of racist hate names and security fight to calm them down. Abraham takes the mic from Kofi.


Abraham Luther Washington: You call me a failure James but we will see who the real failure is when you’re in the hospital bed with liver disease. White men are arrogant and drink too much and you’re the prime example of this. ‘Suit-boy.’ At least I have the decency to come down here and wear fashionable clothes, clean and not smelling like a sewer-system. You see, you weren’t contacted because you are a useless pile of crap who only got a job here because they felt sorry for you. You obviously don’t know anything about this business if you think that you can’t make it in this business with a manager, look at The Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Four Horsemen, Hulk Hogan, Brock Lesnar, the list is endless. Kofi Kingston is going to be the next superstar added to the list and the first black guy on it. Kofi is as good as anyone on this roster and it is about time for people to take notice instead of taking one look at him and casting him away to be a jobber. The athletes mentioned, Kofi is in the same category as all of them. All were abused for the colour of their skin but all are talented performers and Kofi will prove that this week with a victory on Raw.

Kofi takes the mic back from Abraham


Kofi Kingston: All you people can hate all you want, but I have actually accomplished what you can only dream of, I am actually here in this ring, in this business. I, a black man from Ghana, have been the champion of the United States and I have to say, I’ve never felt more ashamed in my life, holding that title was like holding a piece of crap. I a black man have fulfilled everything that you white people wish for. I am better than all of you and I am far better than James Storm. This week on Raw, James Storm will get the Boom and the only thing he will be kicking then is the mat in frustration after he has been pinned 1-2-3.

The crowd are outraged and the boos rain down on Kofi.


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Raw - Bully Ray vs. Robert Roode


"The Beaten Path" hits the PA, and the crowd are all in unison as they boo the resident bully, as he makes his way onto the stage. A scowl over the crowd before he walks down the ramp and slowly makes his way up the ring steps. His facial expression hasn't changed as he gets through the ropes and demands a microphone be handed to him. He waits for the mic and then once it's in hand he looks around at the packed out arena. His music stops and Bully Ray starts to address the fans.


Bully Ray: Can you all see it now? Huh? Can you all see what is going on here? Can you hear it? It is all around you and you are all just too dumb enough to notice. Can you... smell it?

A broad smile creaks accross Bullys face as the crowd boo at his antagonizing of The Rock.

Can you smell, what The Rock was cooking? No. Of course you couldn't. Just like I came out here and told you last week, The Rock has run out of gas, and the once known as "The Great One" came to the same crushing conclusion as every other superstar that has come up against me. You all thought I was blowing smoke up my own ass thinking I could take down The Rock, but I came out on top and I am still undefeated here in the UWF! Not a guy on the roster has been able to hold a candle to me and have I had my reward as of yet? No. You got guys that have lost consistently over the last month being granted championship shots at Summerslam, and still there is no word on what I am going to receive. All I keep getting is guys on the roster week in week out that have no ability to even get in the ring with me, never mind give me any sort of competition. This week... No different.

Bully Ray pauses to let his arrogance soak through the arena and the twenty thousand Las Vegas UWF faithful all let the hatred be known to the Bully. Once he had made his point, he continued.

Bobby Roode? Really? This is a guy that feels the only way he can take himself seriously is by bringing a title from another federation over to try and make himself look a lot more relevant than he really is. Hey I'm surprised you idiots didn't lap it up off him, you did when CM Punk did it! This guy is losing to the likes of people I wouldn't even entertain getting in the ring with and to be honest Roode, your dragging me down. I won the main event on Raw last week and where do I find myself, on the opening half of the card and before the man I beat last week. That's not coincidence, that's not down to chance. That's your losing streak taking me down to your level. Well this Tuesday my level will be shown as I not only beat you but I take you out. This week is the Raw Roulette Roode. Anything, literally... Anything could come up on the spin of the wheel. Cage match. Singapore cane match. One of my personal favorites... a Tables match. No matter what it is, I take you out to the point where at Summerslam it will be James Storm, versus a heap of bones in the other corner with no fight left in em. It Pays to be Roode, but it pays a hell of a lot more to be a bully!
Bully looks proud of his words in the middle of the ring, but looks a little disgruntled as.....

OOC: Let's keep em short and sweet EoR, we can get 2 or 3 in easy!



Jun 5, 2010
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Re: UWF Raw - MVP vs. Christian

The UWF faithful are waiting patiently, waiting for some action to happen after already seeing an action packed night but its quieted down a bit for the last few minutes. The lights suddenly go out. The fans sit anxiously, asking the people next to them what is happening. The arena starts to flash gold and black lights everywhere, with some very known words inside the wrestling world ringing out over the PA system.



The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of MVP bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a mixed reaction. He smiles, even chuckling to himself as he lowers himself to the ground, touching the ground and mumbling to himself as he quickly jumps up, putting his arms out to his side in his signature pose, setting off the pyros behind him.


MVP starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, ignoring all the fans that is leaning over for high fives while he just holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. He comes towards the bottom of the ramp, stopping for a second, taking out some gum he was chewing and throws it into the crowd before he takes a little run up and slides into the ring. He doesn't waste anytime getting to his feet, running towards the ropes, bouncing off and doing his signature dance and Ballin taunt at the end.


He holds the pose for a while, smiling cockily as he lowers his arms, pointing at his chest with the fans still giving him a mixed reaction. MVP walks towards the side of the ring, bending over to pick up a mic that was placed on the apron. He strides back to the middle of the ring, raising the mic to his lips but the noise the crowd is making stops him from starting his speech. He lowers the mic, looking forwards now, smirking away as the crowd in front of him are booing and jeering him. He raises the mic to his lips again and this time is allowed to start.



Well, Well, Well, I have to admit Captain Charisma, ever since I made my debut in UWF, instantly making UWF better then it ever was, I always wondered when you and I would cross paths and it seems Teddy Long just couldn't hold back any longer. I can't wait for this match on Raw but right now, I wanna set my mind back to Sunday, The Great American Bash.

The crowd give a boo as they know what is coming. MVP takes his eyes off of Christian for a bit and looks towards the crowd.

Sunday Night, one of the biggest nights in American History and it was only fitting that the biggest name in American History showed his face and got the win under his belt. I faced Robert Roode, a match that I should not of had to waste my time on but I didnt complain and I showed Roode just why I am the Franchise Playa. You see Christian, just like yourself, I also held a championship last night, I also had the NWA Championship in my possession, I also looked down at that title and I realized something, I looked into that championship, I saw Robert Roode's name, I saw the championship design, I saw the gold but the most important thing I saw was my reflection and you know what I realized Christian? I realized that the Championship is only as good as the holder is, It is only as good as the champion is, you see, when I saw my reflection, I know that title meant something for that 5 minutes I held it, it was the greatest title in the world for 5 minutes but then the referee took it off me and decided to make it into a piece of trash once again before Roode stumbled out of the arena with it over his shoulder and devaluing it even more. I watched your match last night Christian, I didn't even break a sweat beating Roode and I already finished my 3rd bottle of champagne by the time it was on so I was seeing about 6 Christian's, don't worry, they were all as bad as each other but I have to admit, I am on your side with what you are saying.

Christian suddenly looks up at MVP as the crowd start to boo. MVP slowly turns to Christian and nods his head.

Thats right Christian, I know all these people out here don't believe you, I know Teddy Long thinks you lost it fair and square and I know Stone Cold Steve Austin believes he is the rightful holder of that title but in my mind, Christian, you should be the champion. I think you could take this company to new levels, but the fact of the matter is Christian, you are not champion, you did nothing more then lose at Great American Bash and that is what will go on your record where as me on the other hand, I won at the Pay Per View, that is what the difference between you and I at this moment in time. I can see it in your eyes Christian, you are troubled, your mouth says you want me to come down to the ring and face you but your eyes say you want nothing to do with me, it's alright Christian, you are only human. I know you think you are undefeated, a feat that I am only happy enough to go along with but it's only so I can be the first to defeat you fair and square. Look at me Christian, you have had men stand in front of you before, look you in the eye and tell you that they will defeat you, only for you to laugh back at them after pinning their shoulders to the mat but the difference between me and those men are that they were also human, you only won the battle of the humans, it seems you also assisted in ending some carrers, I'm talking about that Aries guy that is no more but Christian, listen to me when I say this, I am Better then your past opponents, I am Half Man, Half Amazing, my little toe has more talent then the past guys you have faced but you won't realize this will you? You will ignore my warnings just like the crowd ignore yours but will you learn quick enough? Will you take your own lead and realize that if you don't listen, it makes it that much easier to prove you wrong. It doesn't matter because no matter how quick it takes you to follow your own lead and listen to what I'm saying, I will always be one step ahead, I will always be one rung up, I will always be one landmark in front, I've learnt from my past Christian where it seems you just want to go back to it.

MVP smiles as he points behind him, motioning that Christian just wants to rewind. He fixes his shirt as he then continues talking.

The past is the past Christian, I never look back because it slows me down, something that Teddy Long can not be blamed for when it comes to you. You may think he has stacked the odds against you but I'm struggling to see how you come to this conclusion. You got your shot at the title, even though I think you were screwed, you failed in your attempt which means you should go to the back of the line. The back of the line facing people like Aj Styles and no ones like that but instead you get another chance, that makes me wanna ask Teddy, where the hell was my second chance? Mr Anderson screwed my out of my title shot, he cheated and fluked a win against me and then look what he did, he walked out whilst I was stuck beating Roode. I should have been the one facing Stone Cold last night, if anyone deserves this title shot at Summerslam and if anyone can complain about getting the odds stacked against me but I'm not the complaining type, I won't whinge and bore you to death with something that doesn't even matter, I am the winning type, I am the Ballin Type, I am the type of person that will set the record set and show you Christian that I deserve the Title of UWF's Highest Paid Superstar, I am worth all the money Teddy Long paid for me and I laugh at the fact you think you are the real highest paid Superstar, I laugh at all your cute little nicknames you have for yourself to try and make yourself feel good but it won't be anywhere near as funny as it will be on Raw when the ref lifts my hand and you are laying at my feet, realizing that I just beat you fair and square and that you won't be able to claim a undefeated streak anymore.

MVP lowers his mic, looking at Christian waiting for a reply as he adjusts his hair. The crowd are booing both men, niether men seem concerned as they both lock eyes and don't dare remove them from each other.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Raw 07/31/12: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Cody Rhodes

Austin walks out onto the stage with no music, eager to get straight to responding.


Stone Cold: Explain exactly what your gimmick is ta' Stone Cold, because it isn't as easy ta' read as yer previous one when you were giving beauty tips ta' other men and talking about yerself as if you were some sort a' sex symbol. From what I can tell, yer a young kid trying desperately ta' set himself apart from any and all possible comparisons to the family he came from. But as hard as you try to escape the fact that yer a Runnels, the more evident it is that you are one. The mask that you wear on your face is there for the same reason that your daddy wore his headband and your brother wears his face paint, you want something on your head that makes you unique. Your brother is androgynous, with your father's suggestive ring gear and gyrative dancing the same thing could be said about him, and because of your previous gimmick, the same thing can be said about you.

The humiliation your family has willingly put themselves through all these years is inescapable, especially after you've willingly humiliated yourself. You can put on the dark jacket and the mask and try ta' talk creepy and put together sentences that you think will make you sound tough, but at the end of the day, it's nothing but a facade. You're embarassed regarding your bloodline and everything pertaining to your heritage, and now I finally get your inclusion in the In Dubya Oh, you joined because it's easier ta' hide your shame when you've got other people ta' hide behind. You talk about ending careers, when the closest you came ta' closing the book on one was your own. And now here ya are taking my catchphrase and putting your own stupid little spin on it again. So my question ta' you is, are you trying to finish off Stone Cold or become Stone Cold? Because already two men have tried, Shark Boy and Mr. Anderson, and both of them found they just couldn't cut the mustard so they hightailed it out of my company.

You can keep going down this long, hard road as fast as you please, son, but you aren't going to enjoy the way you reach the end. Because I'm going to give you the same reality check I gave Christian, and show you that no matter how much more you have ta' say than me, it doesn't matter because in the end I'm going to prevail over the adversity and I'm going to prove all the doubters wrong. It's what I always do, and it's what I'll continue to do, cuz I'm good at it. And I can tell, yer pissed off because I don't take you as seriously as you think I should, but as long as you look like a 1973 gun runner and sound like the drive-thru box at Burger King, that's not gonna happen. Either way, you can bet yer beady little eyes that things this time aren't going to go down the way they did last time. I'm going to beat you, and I'm going to enjoy it.

Austin lowers his microphone, inviting a response from Rhodes.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Raw 07/31/12: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Cody Rhodes

Austin begins to shout at Cody, not because anything the young Rhodes had to say made him angry, but for a different reason.


Stone Cold: What? No, I said I want pickles, put pickles on the burger. For cryin' out loud, don't you guys change the batteries in those headsets? Here's what I'm gonna do. (What?) I'm gonna put this here pick-up truck in drive. (What?) Pull up to the window. (What?) Pay the money I owe. (What?) Stick my hand out. (What?) Get the change from ya. (What?) Sit there. (What?) Turn the radio up. (What?) Grab the bag from yer hand. (What?) Pull into the parkin' lot. (What?) Reach in the bag. (What?) Take the burger out. (What?) Unwrap it. (What?) Take the top bun off. (What?) Examine the thing. (What?) And if there aren't any pickles on it, I'm gettin' outta my truck. (What?) Closin' the door. (What?) Comin' inside the restaurant. (What?) Comin' around the counter. (What?) Grabbin' ya by yer little pencil neck. (What?) Stuff the burger in yer mouth. (What?) Make ya chew it. (What?) Then give ya an ice cold can a' whoopass ta' wash it down with!

You make me laugh, you silly bastard, because you're so easy ta' irritate. Yer disappointed? Well what exactly were you expecting? You want me ta' come out here all pissed off, a beer in my hand shaking from all the rage I'm feelin'? You want me ta' be so overcome with disgust that I can't even make eye contact with ya? You want me ta' talk about how damn stupid it is of you to actually think that the reason I take shots at yer family is because I don't have anything ta' say about you personally? Because I'll talk about it, it's damn stupid. I talk about your family because you're just like Bray Wyatt and Ted DiBiase on Smackdown, if anyone makes mention of your family, ya get all butthurt about it. You wanna talk about my family, go right ahead, I'm not the type that dishes it out without willingness ta' take it. But that's why I do it, because it bothers you, because it gets under yer skin and into yer head. And the mask, well, I talk about that because it's ridiculous as hell. For starters, the damn thing's see-through. If there were any physical abnormality, defect, or disfigurement ta' speak of, wouldn't it make sense ta' wear a mask that actually hides the damage? No matter, because there is no physical abnormality, defect, or disfigurement ta' speak of, there's nothing wrong with your face, it's something you've created ta' get attention.

If I'm playing the child's boasting game of, "My dad can beat up yer dad", then you're doing what pre-pubescent women do. You're aware that there's nothing wrong with your physical appearance, but you put yerself down anyway just so someone'll tell you otherwise, so somebody somewhere will sympathize with you. You talk about yourself like you're so overlooked and mistreated, when you lead a privileged childhood because of being the son of the "American Dream" and since walking in the door of this company, especially recently, you've been featured more than both champions combined. Talk about an unappreciative piece of delusional trash, I've never looked across the ring at a bigger bag of it before now. You want this belt boy? Yer gonna have ta' show a whole hell of a lot more than you've been showin', and a whole whole hell of a lot more than yer showin' right now. You talk about everyone you've beaten every chance you get but where's it gotten you? Where are you at right now because of it? Nowhere, you've been hanging around below the glass ceiling, a tier down from me with the United States Championship over yer shoulder, and now you think you've got what it takes to take the next strap up. Well ya don't, not in singles competition, and especially not in an Elimination Chamber with four other men gunnin' for the same thing.

This Tuesday night, yer gonna find that out the hard way. And if this gets personal enough, I'll give you a reason ta' wear that protective mask yer wearin', and walk the mudhole I stomp in ya so dry that Cody Rhodes 6:25 will be a mantra long forgotten, because eternally burned in its place will be the motto of Austin 3:16, cuz I'll have just whipped yer ass.

Austin lowers his microphone, returning the floor to his opposition.


Jun 5, 2010
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Re: UWF Raw - MVP vs. Christian

Christian cannot help but grin at doing some thieving of his own. He ended Jericho's career, stole his moniker as UWF's Saviour, but ends with a line Jericho made famous. Clearly what happened at the Great American Bash hasn't dented Christian's arrogance or even his confidence, stepping up to the challenge of MVP and looking him dead in the eyes. We wait for MVP's response. The response comes quickly as MVP looks up, looking at Christian looking smug and immediately lifts the mic to his lips.



I'd like to accept your congratulations Christian, I will take it with both arms wide open but I expected it. My victory at the Great American Bash was one for the ages. It was the single moment in UWF history that the tide was turning. I have to remind you of my victory over and over again and I also have to remind you of your shortcomings Christian but I'm not doing for personal gain, I have to bring up last night because it will be a night that everyone talks for years to come. We both know what came out of last weeks Pay Per View, we both get our shots at the title but mine is earned Christian, you on the other hand are taking a step in the wrong direction. Thats why I have to talk about your lose, thats why I have to keep talking about it because you have tried and you failed. You failed when it meant the most Christian where as I won last night and am taking a step in the right direction. I am making my way up the card and I find myself in the Main Event at Summerslam for the UWF Championship and I tell you this Christian, whenever I have faced a champion in UWF, I have defeated them, you can say I am Undefeated against Champions but you on the other hand, lost to the same champion you have to go through at Summerslam. Don't get me wrong, you might have the rest of the NWO to do your dirty work for you, hell even I might knock off Stone Cold for you, thats only if I am the first entrant and feel like embaressing the NWO all by myself but you will have doubt entered into your mind, just like you will in our match on Raw.

It is now MVP's turn to point at Christian and it is now Christian's turn to disagree with him. MVP then points to his stomach and says 'Deep Down' out of the mic but loud enough so the cameras can pick it up.

Deep down inside of you, I bet you are feeling a new emotion and like I said that's doubt. Last Sunday Night, it was a big match, you suffered your first loss and I have seen plenty of men just go off the rails after one loss, you have been around longer then I have so I bet you have seen double the amount of people go off the rails so what makes you any different Christian? I look at you and I don't see anything different but I do look at you and you have one major disadvantage, you have to try and rebound from a loss against me. I can call myself all my nicknames, blow my own whistle, something that I don't waste my time on normally as I already have everyone adore me and kiss my feet anyway but I am above everyone else. If there was a god in the wrestling world, he would be like these people and he would bow at these people and rack his brain trying to realize how I was created. Christian, you face the toughest challenge of you short UWF career this Monday, you face the greatest wrestler to ever lace up his boots, boots that cost more then it takes for you to travel to all the different arenas. I have been on a roll ever since Starrcade. A night where I came up short but that makes us even in my book Christian, Mr Anderson fluked his way to win in an important match while you were competiting in a match that no one cared about, hell no one cared about Christian until you became apart of NWO so you tell me who is more of a man.

MVP looks at Christian who still hasn't changed his look from a smug one. MVP now has a little smile on his face as he fixes his glasses now. The crowd don't know who to boo or cheer so it's just all boos. MVP's face suddenly changes to a serious one.

That is really original Captain, you wanna bring up my past, my past record as everyone should know what kind of kid I was, I don't mind that Christian, it's not like I keep it much of a secret but look at my lifestyle now. There is no reason for me to steal because anything I buy is spending my pocket money on, I don't need to attack people because in UWF I get fed people to destroy and beat up yet my past is always the first thing people bring up. They think it will mess with my head Chrisitian but people don't realize that I am the person I am today because of it. I look back on those days and I remember being someone common like you, I remember being a bug that everyone use to squash because I was beneath them but now I am the big man doing the squashing, I am the man that everyone looks up to and is proud of, you see, you can think because of my past that I bullied my way into this match but I wasn't the one walking around with a clipboard asking Teddy Long to sign it and threatening him when he refused, I wasn't the one that literally lived in Teddy Longs office just so I would get noticed. You can have all the hate for Teddy you want Christian but when I read the book, it seems like Teddy is more of ally then your good friends Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton. I know that NWO could try and help you in this match, it's an opportunity to take me out but let me tell you this, Teddy won't be taking me out of this match, the NWO can interfear but I will be ready for them and I can see through this Teddy hatred record you have on repeat, you know he would let the NWO attack but it won't be me left in the ring with spray paint all over me.

MVP turns and points to his back as Christian starts to smirk even more now as he remembers all the superstars his taken out and spray painted. MVP nods his head and starts to smile again.

Your future is a blurred vision Christian, your vision of the future is completely different to the actual future that will happen. The future consists of MVP, your future consists of MVP, the fans future consists of MVP, I know exactly what will happen on Raw but I'm not going to share that with you, you will have to wait and see what I have planned for you but know this, no matter what match is spun, no matter what stipulation is giving, no matter what turns up on that Russian Roulette Wheel, the feeling you will have will be even more doubt, the pain will be hard for you to take, you will even wish you were actually in a Russian Roulette Game instead of just spinning the wheel and you will certainly realize that I AM BETTER THEN YO....

MVP goes to finish he famous catchphrase but Christians interupts him before he can finish. MVP doesn't look ttoo happy but he lowers the mic and listens to what Christian has to say.
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