UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Starrcade: Randy Orton vs. John Cena

The crowd waits anxiously as Starrcade is upon us. A few seconds pass before the titan-tron lights up, and the crowd lifts the roof off the arena​


Orton passes through the curtains with a smirk on his face, and microphone in hand. He's wearing a black t-shirt bearing three letters, NWO. He makes his way down to the ring, climbing the steel steps and entering through the middle rope. He stops for a second slowly pulling his shirt off, and tossing it into the crowd before climbing the turnbuckle and throwing both arms up. The crowd is eating it up, as he climbs the last three remaining turnbuckles to pose before climbing down as his music fades out. A loud NWO chant resounds throughout the arena, as he pauses before bringing the mic up to speak.


Tonight at Starrcade in front of you fans and the millions watching at home, I will finish what I started before Backlash. John Cena I told you a month ago to stay out my business, and that I would try to look past you, that you wouldn't be the first and not the last that would get hurt. You ignored my advice, you decided it was in your best interest to stick your nose in matters that didn't concern you, so you suffered the consequences. My attack on you after your Beat the Clock match was only the beginning John. You only witnessed a taste of the new Viper. A Viper that's more sadistic, more cunning, and will stop at NOTHING to get what he wants, and what he deserves. Cause you see John Cena, I felt no remorse in RKOing you into that chair. When I felt your skull connect with metal, it got my blood pumping in a way that hasn't been done since the day I spit into the face of WWE Legend Mick Foley.

There's a huge pop for the mention of Mick Foley​

Don't kid yourself, he's not here and if he knows better won't decide to sign here either. Back to the matter at hand. Cena you have only yourself to blame for this, this wasn't the fault of Randy Orton. When you decided to step in, you made it personal; you made this attack happen to you John Cena. Your willingness to please these fans, and all the ones around the world caused yourself to get into something that you can not finish. Cause you see this isn't Vince McMahon's WWE, where you just get handed whatever you want John cause you adhere to the average age group that watches the product. You stepped into something that's bigger then you, and bigger then anyone else in this company. Tonight at Starrcade John Cena, the NWO and Randy Orton finishes only the first phase, our first step in our lengthy master plan to sit on top of this company. A plan that now involves yourself, and a match that Teddy Long decided to make in the interest of this company.

The crowd begins a NWO chant again as Randy Orton glances up the ramp, expecting someone to be there, or for someone to arrive, he takes in the chants as the fans begin to chant for John Cena; yet to arrive. He raises his mic to continue.

Listen to these fans Cena, they want you. They want to cheer for you, they want to see if you have what it takes to stop us, if you have what it takes to stop me. I know you're backstage Cena, so why don't you come down here looking like a box of fruity pebbles, come down to the NWO's ring, and spew some garbage about Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. I understand you suffered a concussion on RAW Cena, and I know you may be hesitant that I may finish it before our match even begins, but I promise you that your time will come when that bell rings. Come on Cena, come down to my ring and speak to me face to face.

Orton glances back up the ramp but nothing, he smirks and continues.​

It figures you wouldn't come down here Cena, and honestly I don't think I blame you. I may hurt you, I may not before our match even begins. Cause you see things happen unexpectedly around me John. The Viper could strike at any second, and I like it. Cena our match tonight will be one of conclusions and concussions for yourself, and starts another phase of the NWO and its members. I may of lost my chance to take out Stone Cold Steve Austin tonight on RAW by a mere second, but I'll be in the shadows, watching and waiting for my chance to strike; my chance to take MY UWF Undisputed Championship. It doesn't matter if you do decide to come to this ring tonight Cena for our match, and it doesn't matter who is holding that championship high at the end of the night. It's only a matter of time before we take over, and it'll only be a matter of time before the NWO holds every single championship gold that this company has to offer. RAW and Smackdown will be controlled by us, no superstar on their rosters is safe from our takeover, and there's no title we can't take.


Orton is cut off by the sound of John Cena's music...​


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RAW 5/29 Orton vs. Edge

We go backstage for a little interview time with the Viper Randy Orton.​


Matthews: Randy Orton, last week you not only brutually attacked John Cena, but you also welcomed a new member to the New World Order. Can we get your thoughts? Is there a chance we may see another member announced tonight?

Orton: ........

Matthews: Can you tell us what's going through your head, going into your match with Cena at Starrcade?

Orton: ...............

Orton walks off as Matthews is left stammering for something, as we cut away to a commerical.

Coming back from commercial the crowd is hyped for RAW and the UWF in general as a brand split has been made, and new and old faces alike will be trying to impress the brass. The titan-tron lights up as the crowd goes nuts for the man arriving after such a brutal attack last week on RAW.​


Orton passes through the curtains with a smirk on his face, and microphone in hand. He's wearing a black t-shirt bearing three letters, NWO. He makes his way down to the ring, climbing the steel steps and entering through the middle rope. He stops for a second slowly pulling his shirt off, and tossing it into the crowd before climbing the turnbuckle and throwing both arms up. The crowd is eating it up, as he climbs the last three remaining turnbuckles to pose before climbing down as his music fades out. A loud NWO chant resounds throughout the arena, as he pauses before bringing the mic up to speak.​


Before I start, let me introduce to you the guy I hand selected to join me. I went over in my head countless times of all the superstars here on RAW, and all the ones on Smackdown who would be the best choice, who I wanted by my side. A guy I thought that was screwed by the likes of Teddy Long, almost as much as myself since we signed the dotted line here in the UWF. This guy has won almost as many championships as myself, and helped formed what everyone now knows as a tag team scene. I knew this man was the right decision, someone I wanted; so I was pleased when I walked up to him backstage a few weeks ago, and he accepted without hesitation cause he knew what my vision was, what was best for this company was what we offer and what we will take by force, and what Teddy Long was scared of seeing. So please if you would, turn your attention upstage and welcome the newest NWO member, CHRISTIAN!

The version of "Just Close Your Eyes" by Waterproof Blondes can be heard bellowing out of the arena's PA system, signaling the imminent arrival of Captain Charisma, Christian. Just five to ten seconds after the commencement of his theme music, Christian emerges from the back sporting a smirk on his face as he looks around at the booing audience. Christian only momentarily stands on the stage before choosing to make his way down the ramp towards the ring. He climbs the steel steps and enters the ring as his music dies down and Randy lifts the mic back up and begins to speak again

Christian, you made the right decision in joining me, and joining the NWO. Last week was only a taste, a sample platter if you will of what chaos and what control the NWO is going to bring to not only RAW, but to Smackdown as well. Now if you give me a second, I have something for you.

Orton slides under and out of the ring, and heads toward the announcers table. He pulls out a NWO shirt, and proceeds to slide back in and hand it to Christian​

When you wear that shirt, it represents everything that is better then anyone else in this company. We are who runs this joint. Not the brass and not Stone Cold Steve Austin as delusional as he may be. We are the thriving force of this company, not them. Wear it proudly.

Christian slides the shirt on, and is now officially NWO. He shakes hands with Orton.​


Now on to the matter of tonight. Last week our....gracious RAW General Manager Teddy Long placed me in a match against Batista with a chance to compete against Stone Cold Steve Austin at Starrcade, a challenge which I won but was SCREWED out of by RAW officiating. I should of been facing Stone Cold Steve Austin at Starrcade, not Wade Barrett. Clearly watching the footage backstage it is evident that the timer was indeed at zero before the ref counted three, and my dispute has been put into the upper brass. But what do you know? I'm screwed out of yet another title match due to the poor job our RAW General Manager is doing. Instead where am I at Starrcade? Facing John Cena in a grudge match after I nearly ended his career last week on RAW with this man standing right beside me.

On to this week, I face Edge. A man who lost to the man I SHOULD be facing at Starrcade. A man who last week proved he wasn't worthy of even competing in this company, by losing to a redneck too drunk to realize what city he should be in for a show. Edge tonight you will be added onto the list along side Dave Batista, John Cena, and Austin Aries. Tonight will be nothing short of a ambulance ride away from the hospital for you. Unfortunately for yourself and for your career Teddy Long decided it was you who would be the Viper and NWO's next victim. Cause you see Edge, you will not beat me tonight even if you do decide to show up for our match. Tonight is simply going to be another statement of why we will run this company, and why we will hold every championship that it offers.

A NWO chant breaks out as Orton pushes through and continues​

Edge throughout our history together in this ring, I've always had your number and I will continue to have your number. Tonight when you enter this ring with me, you will get hurt. That's not a threat Edge, that's a promise. If your last match at Wrestlemania didn't put you in a wheel chair, tonight's will. I will be victorious, as I will be victorious at Starrcade against the wonder boy John Cena, and like I was victorious last week once again against Dave Batista. Adam, I'll tell you exactly what I told Batista last week, and exactly like I tried telling John Cena a week before Backlash. Stay out of my way and you won't get hurt. If you decided against that warning....well you seen what happened last week now didn't you?

If you come down to this ring tonight Edge, you won't be walking back up that ramp. Christian and myself will see to it....


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UWF Smackdown June 8th Ambrose vs RVD


Dean Ambrose's music hits and the crowd stands on it's feet. Ambrose comes walking out as the camera zooms in on him and shows even more stitches on his head. Ambrose limbers up contorting his body and bouncing up and down before he starts to walk down the ramp. He walks over to the side of the ring and grabs a mic and heads up the steps and into the ring. He has a big smile on his face as he begins to speak.

So I know what your thinking. Smackdown is on the way and what better way for it's grand entrance than to bring out the most charismatic, most crazy and certainly most hardcore wrestler anywhere, Dean Ambrose. As a matter of fact, the CEO, not the General Manager, but the CEO personally requested that I come here to Smackdown to ensure this brand a long and prosperous life just like in Star Wars. That's what it was right? Anyways I know this is going to be tough for a few of you but I'm pretty sure most of you know just how damn good I am. Now my opponent for the very first Smackdown is a man who I've actually fought twice before a long time ago. The self proclaimed whole F'n show, RVD. I'm sure quite a lot of you fans of RVD are well aware that he is absolutely nothing compared to me.

There is a mix of cheers and boos as nearly half of the crowd love RVD just as much if not more than Ambrose.

Whoa hold on. Now I didn't say he was a loser. I didn't say he was past his prime. I didn't say he should retire. I didn't say I would force him to leave the company like I've done in the past but I am saying the truth lies in the past. History has a way of repeating itself. It's been well documented that I defeated not only RVD but the Big Show as well to win my first championship here in UWF. Yes I beat this so called hardcore wrestler at his own game for his own title. I then preceded to not only defend that title for 119 days, but I also became the longest reigning champion in UWF history. Sorry Robbie but coming back to UWF just might have been the biggest mistake in your entire career. I bet you were praying that you could just avoid me your whole run with this company but unfortunately God hates you just as much as I do. Don't take it personal though Rob, I don't necessarily hate you as a person. I just hate everything you stand for. An old man trying to cling on to a final stand of glory and preventing a new young crop of wrestlers to step into the spot light. So if you’re going to refuse to move out of the spotlight, then I'll just have to do the hardcore thing and ram your face into the light and force you to get out of the way.

The crowd cheers for the usual Ambrose idiom. As he walks around the ring smiling with the mic resting on his chin.

I mean really, they have me facing a guy who still thinks it’s the cool thing to get high and cuss because he feels it’s edgy. You want to know what’s edgy Robbie? How about the corner of the ring when I ram your face into the edge of it. Or how about me taking my boot and mud stomping the living daylights out of your face. I’ve done it before, to you actually on more than one occasion too. I mean last week you lost to Wade Barrett, a man who I hold a victory against and you still think you stand a chance against me? If I was given an opportunity to fight in a beat the clock match, you can be damn sure I would have been the number one contender and gone on to beat Austin at Starcade. Teddy Long can’t hold me back anymore now that I’m here on Smackdown and I plan on proving once again that I am the most dominate competitor this company has ever seen and I will become the World Champion. First I have a score to settle with Daniel Bryan but before that I have some ass to kick and his name is RVD. So Rob go ahead and stop getting high for one second and come out here and see your end face to face. Actually you may want to be high for our match and hopefully it’ll numb the pain. I'll just wait for you right here buddy.

Dean drops the mic and sits right in the center of the ring.




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UWF RAW 6/5/12- Chris Jericho vs Christian

fans are cheering when all of a sudden the lights go out of nowhere and all of a sudden it is heard

the Walls


fans give a huge cheer as they see Chris Jericho doing his trademark pose. Jericho comes in the ring and he starts to slap the hands of the fans. Jericho goes towards a group of fans and he screams a little bit. Jericho looks at the steps as he makes his way inside of the ring, Chris goes inside and a microphone is handed to him, the fans are chanting "Y2J" as he is awaiting to speak, Jericho goes and he begins to speak


Chris Jericho: Rawwwww isssss Jerrriiiiiccchooooo!!!! Woo yeah come on baby

the fans give a huge reaction as Jericho begins to speak

Chris Jericho: Now as you saw two weeks ago I came up a little bit short on winning that undisputed title. I let you all down I promised that I would be here on Raw with the Undisputed championship but I came up short once again, but have no fears no worries Chris Jericho he will be back on top soon enough. Stone Cold's shiny bald head has not heard the last of me, and that is for sure. Now I kind of want to move on from one situation and move on to another that is happening on Raw... my opponent Christian. You know my old tag team partner. We bet one Canadian dollar that I couldn't get with Trish... ahh good times, but anyways Christian from what I have has been snooping with the wrong crowd. Now we all know Christian can be a slimy cheese ball every so often, but never I would thought he would join the likes of Randy Orton.

Christian decided to take this path, and why? Why would you do this? Christian I know you do everything necessary to get ahead, to help your career, but this? I mean you are joining a wanna be NWO. There is no hulkster, no bad guy, and no big daddy cool. Right now it is Mr. flamboyant, Mr. doom, and you Christian Mr.cheese ball. You know I am not the biggest fan of John Cena, or his taste in music, but there is no doubt I am on his side in this whole situation. The NWO too me is nothing more than a distraction that I see that is in my way, and this distraction... well I am looking to get rid of it. So Christian get your monkey cheese ball ass out here. I have something to say to you.

fans cheer for Chris Jericho as Jericho is awaiting for Christian to come out


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Re: UWF RAW 6/5/12- Chris Jericho vs Christian

Jericho looks at Christian disgruntled and he begins to respond


Chris Jericho: Christian you are right.. I did let these people down I did not end up walking out as the undisputed champion, I already addressed that issue, why are you associating yourself with Randy Orton? Huh? Christian don't you see what you are getting your self into? You are not going to benefit being with him, the man is just using you for his own beneficial needs. Do you not understand that? Christian you have the right to come out here and call me a liar. I did let these people down, you have the right to insult me, and not think I am your friend, but Christian no matter I would like to think we would watch out for each other and that is what I am doing right now.

Jericho begins to look at Christian outside of the ring with a serious look

Chris Jericho: Christian I might not agree with you slandering this great audience. I might not agree with you coming out here and calling me a has been, I might not agree on a lot of tiny things about you. Those are just little business aspects, those are just who you as a person. When it comes down to our respective career, I hope you can agree we watch each others backs. Christian you, Edge, and I we are friends, and no matter how many times we have shared differences we have always watched out for each others backs. So tell me Christian I want an answer from you why are you joining forces with Randy huh?

Jericho begins to get emotional as he starts to raise his tone

Chris Jericho: I mean Christian you should know what Randy could do. Do you not remember what happened when you finally won your first world title in the WWE? When Randy Orton all of a sudden stole it from you when you barely had the time of day to enjoy it? Do you remember that, or is that all bridge under the water? What is it that Orton has to offer where you have join his side? Money, the wife not doing it anymore... answer me and take the smug look off your face you ass clown.

Jericho begins to pace back and forward in the ring awaiting a response but none is given at the time Jericho looks mad as he begins to speak

Chris Jericho: Alright Christian have it your way... you know I find it kind of funny that all of a sudden you think you the bigger star. You think that you were at the top for the longest time, compared to Edge and I Christian, your nothing but a foot note. You never set the bar high enough, and you like to act all smug talking about your "A plus" performance against Zack Ryder... no offense to Zack Ryder like the guy but he is nowhere on the same level as some of the top in this company. I have already wrestled this best the company has to offer. I kicked your buddy Cody Rhodes ass already on Monday night Raw, and what makes you think I can't kick your ass huh?

Face it Christian you were never on the same level as me, you put this ass clown delusion in your head that you are but the thing is your not. Christian I am one of the elite guys in this company, I am one of the top guys, and I will show you it this Monday on Raw that I still got it, and that you were never.... and I mean neeeeevvvvvverrrrr on the same level as I.

Fans cheer as Jericho goes and stares at Christian with intent

ooc: It's fine with your post being long. I come to expect that from you, the reason was mine being so short was because I wanted to fit in with the preview of what it said and make it more like a promo. I don't want to just come out here say I want to kick your ass, and than repeat myself three posts in ya know. Reason why it was short.


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UWF Smackdown - Batista vs. Daniel Bryan

The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains, a few seconds afterwards. Batista walks to the ramp as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring as he calls for a microphone as he indicates he wants spotlight and is given so.



Last week... Last week, I didn't finish the job. I allowed Randy Orton to get the better of me and that disgraces me. The first RKO that was delivered, I kicked out... That's all it matters Randy, it took you TWO damn RKO's to take me out. This might have been my first match in a while... This might have been a decision making thing for me from here on, but I'm not freakin' leaving until I GET WHAT I WANT! Now I've been traded to frickin' Smackdown, that's the least of my concerns if you ask me. I don't care if I'm on RAW, Smackdown, ECW, NXT, Superstars or whatever the hell you guys are running, I'm here to wrestle and kick ass. There's one major problem since my arrival on Smackdown and it's the frickin' preview you're advertising around the world. False advertisement really pisses me off. Play the clip!

The video clip plays as we see the following;

No folks your eyes do not, I repeat do not decieve you. The long awaited arrival of UWF Smackdown is here and it is ALIVE!!! The news came as a shock to the UWF universe only several hours ago and already management has picked a roster and put together its first card. A card which looks to be both exciting and fun for the fans. With the New Dawn of UWF having arrived who will be the General Manager of the Blue Brand, the announcer? Will there be a World Title? These questions will be answered on Smackdown, but in the meantime two UWF Champions will be in action tonight as well as many others on the UWF Smackdown Roster to help bring in the Blue Era, Live from The Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh Pennslyvania.


Non Title Match
Daniel Bryan v. Batista

Two men who are very close friends backstage will go at it to open up the newest era in the Smackdown Legacy. In one corner will be the Hardcore Champion, a man who will face Dean Ambrose in a 2 out of 3 falls match for the Hardcore Championship at Starrcade. The other, a pissed off Animal who faced defeat last week, but believes he is the most hardcore superstar in the world. Friendship will be put aside and both will look to beat the other on Smackdown.

ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME?! Very close friends? I don't even know this freakin' phony Daniel at all. He's just some indy shmuck who's tried to make it big and actually somewhat has some freakin' gold around his waist. It wouldn't surprise me at all, The Hardcore Championship is a joke, it's something out of my radar. I'm here for the big one, The World Heavyweight Championship but it seems to me that the Hardcore Championship is the biggest thing to contend for around here on Smackdown. Daniel, that's where the problem draws... You're a target to me now, not anybody else but you Daniel. The fact you're holding around that very championship is a complete disgrace because you wouldn't know about Hardcore and that guy Dean... Never heard of him but I've seen videos of him trying to copy guys from freakin' CZW and you'd be surprised how I even know about them. I've been in Steel Cages, Hell in a Cell, Tables, Ladders, I've been there and done that but you Daniel... You treat this freakin' belt like it's nothing, you've got no freakin' pride in holding that and trust me when I say this, I will get my hands on you for that Championship sooner than later. I don't care if I have to beat up Rob Van Dam to make a point, I don't care if I gotta beat up John Cena. The point is here, I'm here to take Championships, these people are paying me! My only intention is to beat people up to a bloody pulp and last week... Last week I couldn't even freakin' beat Orton up to that pulp! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME. This week, there isn't any mind games, this week is serious Daniel. I cannot allow you or anybody to beat me whilst I am here on Smackdown, this is my home, my ring. I'm keeping this freakin' short 'cos I want you Daniel to come out here and tell me about yourself and I don't care about you're freakin' fame in the Independent scene. I'm sick and tired of this Smackdown roster filled with a bunch of lunatics, I demand competition and I know I'm the best there is on this roster. I might have suffered a loss last week, but now I'm on Smackdown, where I'm truly comfortable...

Batista is suddenly interrupted.

OOC: Keeping it short... Good luck!



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Raw 6/5/12: Antonio Cesaro vs. Cody Rhodes

Whoa Oh


*Cody Rhodes theme hits, the crowd immediately responds with hatred as Rhodes comes through the curtain.*


Rhodes climbs up the steps covering his face with the hood, as he wipes his feet on the ring apron and steps into the ring getting a microphone as he tugs on the hood once more and lifts his microphone up.*


Cody Rhodes:

Last Tuesday Night Raw I…Humbled the war machine. I showed him and everyone watching that no matter how big and strong you are physically, you will always buckle under the weight of someone who can outsmart you. Because you know how to overpower anyone who tries to go right up to you, but when someone picks at you specifically and breaks your will you are nothing more than Just another victim. That said Mr. Long feels it necessary to keep his brand safe, as he can very easily gain both championships at the same time he can end up with none at all, so he wants to test both possibilities in order to cover his bases. And frankly I’m insulted, I’m insulted because I am the first UWF World heavyweight champion in history and yet he wants to double check if I can win a U.S Title. I am above this level, in fact the man who is holding my championship right now is a man I pinned 1…2…3 in the middle of this ring just a few short weeks ago and yet Wade Barrett is the Number one contender. But that; that is acceptable for the time being, I want the United States title to prove a point, being that no matter what level you are in this business you are always just a level lower than Cody Rhodes.

*Rhodes turns towards the stage*

And after Raw I will be able to say I have pinned every single current champion in UWF today aside from one lone man, and that one lone man will be beaten at Starrcade a place that is strong in my lineage. So to Mr. Cesaro, whether you’re the European champion next week, next month, or in the coming year I really do not care because while you may be a champion you are not Cody Rhodes. And the sad truth is if you’re not Cody Rhodes, then you aren’t worth Cody Rhodes time. The Systematic take over of UWF is a rather slow process, but every little impact will be felt. People maybe think it starts at Starrcade but no, it started when I defeated Drew McIntyre to the point of where no one has heard from him since, and it continues when I defeat the European champion soundly and decisively in the middle of my ring. For my face to shine upon you once more, others faces will need to fall before me. Cody Rhodes 6:25
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Starrcade: U.S Title Match - Brock Lesnar vs. Cody Rhodes

Whoa Oh


*The crowd turn towards the stage, booing the beginning of the song they know signals the start of Cody Rhodes' rants. From behind the curtain Rhodes comes out his head down slightly to create a shadow over his face.*


*Rhodes steps up the steel steps, his hand on the ring post as he looks out at the crowd before across the ring apron wiping his feet before stepping into the ring. Taking a microphone and standing in the middle of the ring, looking down at the mat as he lifts his mic up speaking in a slow low voice*


Cody Rhodes:

Stone Cold Steve Austin, is the UWF Champion. Stone Cold Steve Austin is the man the represents our company, the man on the front line when you say UWF you show him holding the title as the description. And yet I...I am facing a glorified machine built by the minds of this business to create buzz. I am not facing a challenge, because a machine can be broken down. Brock is the epitome of power, he has power on his arms to lift anyone and on his legs to keep up with anyone. Brock was built to fight, which is why he did so well in UFC. But here, in this ring, it isn't about whose "tougher" it is about who is better. I can beat Brock Lesnar, in a fist to fist kick for kick contest he might have a chance but in a Wrestling match Brock Lesnar is so out of his league he might as well hand the championship over to me as him giving up would be less embarrassing to what I expose him for at Starrcade. Do you know what the scariest thing about a monster is, when the little kid cries out to his parents about the monster he doesn't say he's scared because the monster is stronger than him. People are afraid of what they don't know, I'm not afraid of Brock Lesnar but he should be very afraid of me because he cannot fathom what I am capable of. He got a little taste when he was sitting back thinking he had accomplished his goal of putting the scare on me, he underestimated me. A mistake he can't afford to do twice.

*Rhodes looks around before turning his head to the stage*

And I'm sure Brock has something to say about what happened, but there is one little face he needs to remember. When he was a fighter there were rules, there was no outside contact you went into the cage at the same time you faced each other and you fought until of course the referee stepped in, until you did an illegal move, until the referee had decided they've had enough. In this ring there is some leeway because wrestlers work under a certain honor system of trust amongst each other, but do you know why I win so many matches. I have all the natural talent you can get, but people see me and they know there is no more trust in my eyes. I'm not here to win matches I'm here to hurt people, see that's what people think you're here to do but they'd be wrong you are here to get money easily. The reason why 80 percent of the time I have a match the person I'm supposed to face never shows up to talk to me, that reason is because they all are afraid of what I'd do when there isn't a referee around. Anderson didn't want to talk, London and Ohno didn't want to talk, the Ultimate Warrior didn't want to talk, And Drew McIntyre who was once my partner knew better than to come out and talk. That isn't by coincidence, they realize I'm not to be trusted they realize that I take advantage of openings given to me. I don't let you stand up off the ground to give you a fighting chance, I stomp you down to make sure you don't even think about standing again, I am your worst nightmare Brock. I'm a scrawny smaller weaker guy, who knows how to leave you a broken heap in the mat like you have many others. Everything in my life was taken from me by those in charge, my opportunities my championships, my...my looks it is all their fault. Your mission in your career is to make money to throw people around for the crowd to ooh and ahh at, my entire reason for waking up in the morning is to take over UWF.

*Rhodes cracks his neck to the side taking a breath*

And when I say that I don't mean become general manager, i don't mean some unrealistic match where the company is put at ransom. I mean taking over UWF by becoming it, my face on the posters, my name alongside the initials of this company. To make every single superstar know I am at a level above them, and every single person in the back know I'm untouchable, and that starts with certain people being shown a lesson. If I want you gone from this business I make you gone, you can ask London and Ohno and Drew if that's true. Now I'm going to use you to show if you just so happen to think you're too big to be pushed around, that you are sadly...sadly mistaken. The United States Championship is just the spoils of war, I don't need it but I am going to take it and as people see it wrapped around my waist they will forever know what I am capable of. And once my retribution has been felt, dashing shall once again be revealed, let the darkness reign and cut a clear path so Dashing can shine out without obstruction...Cody Rhodes...6:25.

ooc: good luck man.


Feb 1, 2012
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UFW Smackdown, June 8th: The Miz versus Brock Lesnar (non title)




The crowd boos heavily as the duo of The Miz and Paul Heyman come out from behind the curtains. The two heads straight for the ring without even listening to the hatred the fans are pouring on them. As The Miz heads inside the ring, he heads to the closest corner and climbs the middle turnbuckle and holds his arms in a cocky way in the air while Paul Heyman gets a microphone.


Once The Miz hops off the turnbuckle, Paul Heyman gets ready to speak, but hesitates as a massive "YOU SUCK" chant breaks lose which doesn't phase either individual


Paul Heyman:

Can I speak now?

The crowd screams "NO"

Paul Heyman:

Too bad because I am anyways. Next Friday night, we all will witness history as UWF has gone to two brands. One being Tuesday Night Raw and the other Friday Night Smackdown. After hearing about a draft taking place behind closed doors between Raw General Manager, Theodore Long and the soon to be announced Smackdown General Manager, I found out that "The Most Must See" superstar in UWF history, my client, The Miz has been drafted to Friday Night Smackdown! You all can hold your applause for when I'm done speaking. However, I found out that my client, my friend, The Miz was not the first overall draft choice by the Smackdown General Manager. It was clear there was no way in hell that Teddy Long was stupid enough to draft my client because I would have sued him for everything he has for the way he misused and mistreated my client since his return to UWF. But, to hear my client was not the first overall Smackdown choice makes me sick. My client has backed up everything he's done this far. He beat The Undertaker and he was this close to becoming the new European Champion had it not been for a cheap shot by Wade Barrett, but that will be addressed at another time. But, when I heard the names drafted ahead of my client, I was surprised, now I won't get to much into it, but to hear the likes of former clients of mine, Mr. Friday Night RVD and the man my client will face in the main event on the historic first edition of UWF Friday Night Smackdown, Brock Lesnar.

A mix reaction from the crowd for RVD and Brock Lesnar's names being mentioned

Paul Heyman:

I'm sorry, but those two are old news. I will always have respect for Brock and RVD, but the new face now, tomorrow, and the future of the business is The Miz. Brock you and I go way back, but you are no longer what you used to be. You were able to control your emotions and dominate in this ring every single night. But now look at you, getting beat up by a much smaller Cody Rhodes. You're Brock Lesnar for crying out loud. Former UFC Heavyweight Champion. You Brock Lesnar are no longer the name "Next Big Thing", you my friend are the "Next Has Been to Be". You have gone soft! My client, The Miz may be smaller than you, but you saw a preview of what is in-store for the future of this company with the new attitude The Miz presents when he beat the hell out of Antonio Cesaro and should have won the European Championship. You see Brock, The Miz knows he can be dominant and can control his emotions in the ring without having to cause himself to be disqualified or let a rage get out of hand. The Miz knows what he needs to do to take someone down and next Friday night on Smackdown you are going to find out why this new Miz is going to be not only awesome, but the new dominant force in not only Smackdown, but in UWF!

Paul Heyman lowers his microphone while The Miz has a big smirk on his face. The crowd boos big time at the two while they await Brock Lesnar


OOC: Good luck man, hope we can tear it up in the first Smackdown main event
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Feb 13, 2012
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Starrcade: World Heavyweight Championship Match: Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you now, your soon to be once again Hardcore Champion, Dean Ambrose.

Dean Ambrose comes out with his music blasting through the arena as the crowd goes wild. He slowly makes his way down the ramp, spinning around a couple times with his arms wide open, mic in hand. He walks up the ring steps nodding his head with each step. He enters the ring and begins to speak.


So I'm here for one reason and one reason only and that’s to call out Daniel Bryan. Now me and him, him and I have been going after each other for the past month or so so it's pretty clear to all of you that we pretty much hate each other. But you see the thing is, I don’t hate Daniel Bryan. Hell given the circumstances there is a strong possibility we could get along fine but this business isn’t about making friends. Hell it isn’t even about winning championships. No it’s about making a statement. I’ve made more than plenty in the past and I will continue to do so as the future rolls on. Daniel Bryan likes to think that this is about the title and that he took something from me. That title is nothing without me and I don’t need it. The thing Daniel Bryan needs to worry about is that I’m not going in there to win back my title oh no no no no no, I’m going into our match to inflict the most amount of pain I’ve ever done to a single person. That’s right Daniel Bryan. I’m sure you’ve heard stories about my matches. Hell I’m sure you’ve seen some of these matches. They’ve become a bit of a legend but don’t worry dear Danny, the reality is much worse than the legend. The reality is your future.

The crowd is ecstatic as Ambrose starts to slowly pace back and forth increasing in speed with each turn.

The guy certainly has a bit of skill but he obviously can’t hold a candle to me. You all have seen what lengths I would go to in order to not only to fight for the Hardcore Championship, but also to maintain my status as the best fighter in this entire damn sport! You've got your submissions specialist, your technical wrestlers, your brawlers, your hardcore enthusiast, your powerhouses and I'm just the perfect mix of them all. Sure I may lack a lot in some of those areas more than others but my resiliency more than makes up for any of it. There is absolutely nothing that Daniel Bryan can do to stop my rise to the top. The same can be said for UWF. No matter how much they don't want me here, I'll prove that there's not a damn thing they can do to get rid of me! I mean let’s face it, they can’t fire me because of the fan backlash, they can’t stop me because I’m a wrecking machine. They can’t appease me because their company will turn into an insane asylum. What can UWF do? The simple answer is nothing.

Dean seems to calm down as the crowd is in the palm of his hand.

You know Daniel Bryan may have beaten me at Backlash for my title, but I want you Danny to take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and think….did you really? How much of your blood, sweat, tears and soul did you leave on that canvass? Me I’m used to it but I can tell your suffering. Sure I’m a little sore but I can tell your physically and more importantly emotionally exhausted. Right now you sitting in the back thinking, “What the hell did I get myself into?â€. Do you remember the first time we fought here Bryan. Do you remember the beating I gave you. I’m sure your having difficulty remembering or you just don’t want to remember but surely you remember the pain. Now remember our second encounter? I didn’t have the opportunity to inflict as much pain as I’d liked but still just imagine if I combined both of those matches together. Just imagine the pain. Oh wait a minute, you won’t have to. We have a two out of three falls match coming up at Starrcade. In case you didn’t know, I dabble in science here and there. As a scientist, I hope to test the limits of the human body that night. I hope you're ready Bryan, because you will be my own personal test subject.


Ambrose glares menacingly at the camera as Daniel Bryan’s music hits



Jun 5, 2010
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Raw 6/5/12- MVP vs Wade Barrett

The UWF faithful are waiting patiently, waiting for some action to happen after already seeing an action packed night but its quieted down a bit for the last few minutes. The lights suddenly go out. The fans sit anxiously, asking the people next to them what is happening. The arena starts to flash gold and black lights everywhere, with some very known words inside the wrestling world ringing out over the PA system.



The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of MVP bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a mixed reaction. He smiles, even chuckling to himself as he lowers himself to the ground, touching the ground and mumbling to himself as he quickly jumps up, putting his arms out to his side in his signature pose, setting off the pyros behind him.


MVP starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, ignoring all the fans that is leaning over for high fives while he just holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. He comes towards the bottom of the ramp, stopping for a second, taking out some gum he was chewing and throws it into the crowd before he takes a little run up and slides into the ring. He doesn't waste anytime getting to his feet, running towards the ropes, bouncing off and doing his signature dance and Ballin taunt at the end.


He holds the pose for a while, smiling cockily as he lowers his arms, pointing at his chest with the fans still giving him a mixed reaction. MVP walks towards the side of the ring, bending over to pick up a mic that was placed on the apron. He strides back to the middle of the ring, raising the mic to his lips but the noise the crowd is making stops him from starting his speech. He lowers the mic, looking forwards now, smirking away as the crowd in front of him are booing and jeering him. He raises the mic to his lips again and this time is allowed to start.



Yo, Yo, Yo, please just sit your scrawny little asses back on your chairs because the greatness that is labelled MVP has something to say but before I really get into things, me being in this ring means one thing, MVP standing in front of you means that Big Things are Popping and Little Things, like all of you out here tonight, are stopping because MVP is better then you.

The crowd begin to boo MVP as he just ignores it and continues to talk towards the crowd.

Now, as all of you know, as all of you would of recorded Raw last week as you knew MVP signed a new UWF contract, a contract that makes me the highest paid superstar inside of UWF mind you, you all know that last week Montel Vontavious Porter should have been named the winner of the Beat The Clock Challenge. You would have all seen me dominate Mr Kennedy, I made him look like a bloke that has never stepped into a wrestling ring ever before, I made him look like an Amatuer, in fact that's putting it nicely, Mr Kennedy was throughly dominated, so much so that the word Jobber should now be used in his ring entrance, well that's even if he gets one after I put on a masterclass. I'm surprised that he didn't beg the Smackdown brand to take him away from me, oh that's right, the good old draft happened as well during the week didn't it?

The crowd yell 'yes' at MVP. He scratches his chin as he starts to smile, he puts a finger up.

UWF now has another brand, you see I've only been here 5 minutes and already have superstars begging to not be on the same show as me, they wanna be a big fish in a little pond, they wanna be a little star that sparkles and they know that Raw is MVP's show, I am the big shark in a massive ocean, I am the Star that shines the brighest in the whole universe but the new brand happening isn't the biggest news of this week. The biggest bit of news that happened this week was the fact that Wade Barrett accepted my challenge.

The fans boo the mention of Barrett. MVP nods his head along with the crowd as they show their displeasure for the former Undisputed Champion.

I know, I don't think anyone likes the man, his got the same amount of fans as he does brain cells. Barrett, you got lucky in the Beat The Clock Challenge, you were put against RVD, are you god damn serious, do you want anymore of an advantage? Not only that but your referee seemed to have deemed you just beat the clock when mine said I just missed out on beating the clock, now if that isn't fixed I don't know what is dawg. I am quite surprised though that you accepted my challenge, I thought you would want to get ready for your match against Stone Cold with plenty of wins but it seems that your form will start off with a loss, when I prove that I deserve that Number One Contender Tag, when I show the world that I belong in that main event but the most important thing that will be proved on Raw is that MVP IS BETTER THEN Y.....

MVP suddenly gets cut off by the familar theme of Wade Barrett. He lowers the mic, looking toward the stage awaiting the arrival of the Number One Contender.
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Nov 8, 2010
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Re: Raw 6/5/12- MVP vs Wade Barrett



The brash number one contender for the UWF Undisputed championship makes his way around the corner and onto the staging with a grin stuck across his face. He acknowledges MVP with his smile broadening before he throws his arms in the air, one finger pointing upwards on each hand, the crowd letting Wade Barrett know exactly what they think of him with continuous boos.


He makes his way down the ramp, seeming like he's almost taking his time, making his opponent for Raw wait for him. As he gets to the bottom of the ramp he heads all the way round the ring and picks up a microphone, then slowly paces the ring steps and gets in the ring with Porter. The Mancunians theme music stops and Wade can't stop grinning as he begins to address MVP.


Wade Barrett: For all of you that once again never learn and fail to listen to me yet again, I was correct, and you were wrong... Order has been restored. After four weeks of mayhem around here, finally normality is being put back in place. The European Revolution is looking stronger than ever, Cesaro is still European champion after a master-craft of a performance, and yours truly is now the heir to the throne of my Undisputed Championship, the Stone Cold Steve Austin will relinquish to me, at Starrcade. It doesn't matter who I faced, who anybody else faced, all that will be remembered at the end of the day is what is always remembered about Wade Barrett... and that is that he gets the job done! Now, MVP, if it is the case that you schooled Ken Anderson to the point where he looked like a rookie, can you explain to me how he lasted more than nine minutes, nineteen seconds with you? In all that time of you "dominating" you couldn't put him away for a solitary three count? It seems to me that your case for being number one contender is somewhat flawed, and please do stick around, there are plenty more holes I can pick out of your plea yet.

People don't like me? Really Montel? All that can be said about me and that's what you come up with as a valid point. Well, here comes the cold water sunshine, I already know these people do not care for me, more to the point, I antagonize this sort of reaction from them. Because when every single one of these boo, it's fuel to my fire, knowing that not necessarily they hate me, but more to the point they care about enough to let me know how badly they hate, so i know that I am still making the impact that I duly desire. When I put Rob Van Dam through the mill on Raw, these people were so loud that I could barely hear myself think. On the flip side when Van Dam miraculously caught me with some offense, they were again, too loud to comprehend but not for Rob Van Dam, oh no. I don't think anyone in the arena could care less about him. But it was the fact that I was down, I was being hurt, I was on the descendancy. And they lapped it up, they loved every second of it. Which is okay. Because like always, I got the last laugh.

The crowd boo like mad, and Wade points at them while looking at Porter, proving his point.

At the end of the day Montel, you either have it, or you don't. If you have it, you automatically surround yourself with hatred from the crowd because they're jealous, you surround yourself with successful people like I have, with Antonio Cesaro, you surround yourself with victories, and the most important, you surround yourself with championships. If you don't have it, well I don't exactly know what happens then but I can have it a guess you give yourself a fake attitude, you cover yourself with pointlessly expensive jewelry, you don't surround yourself with anyone and you try and convince everyone that your the hotshot of the company when in actual fact all you've done is perform in a no contest against a man I have already dispatched of in my time. MVP, I would like to say that nothing is going to make me happier, than exposing you for the fraud you really are come this Tuesday on Raw. But, I am going to become the first ever two time Undisputed Champion come Starrcade, compared to the feeling of that, beating you to pulp will be nothing.

Wade smiles as he looks at MVP, inviting him to respond.


Apr 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Smackdown June 8th Ambrose vs RVD

For a moment there’s a big silence in the arena when suddenly ...


[video=youtube;OAMVDXrsSf8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAMVDXrsSf8 [/video]

After a while "One Of a Kind" by Breaking point hits the PA System of the arena as the crowd goes crazy. With the first guittar riff hits, one of the most loved UWF superstars Rob Van Dam appears under the titantron with with a wide smile on his face as the crowd chants his name. Huge ovation for Rob Van Dam. RVD goes down the ramp and making his way towards the ring.


When he's at the ring he slides in it, then stand up points at himself with his thumbs and jumps around. RVD then grabs the microphone and starts to talk ...

Such a disappointing and confusing speech for my fans, dude. But what is even worse is that you look like somebody just pissed on your head. By the way .. hum ... thanks for introducing me, people know, you were talkin' about me, when you were talking about the most charismatic and the most hardcore wrestler. Next thing is, since I've been fighting you twice already and I don't remember that, but it's probably all the smoking, making me problems with my memory, I still don't remember your name. It'S probably because all your "hardcore" career, you'll have to live under a shadow of much bigger superstar and I'm damn sure, I'm talking about me, The Whole Fuckin' Show, Rob Van Dam. And Rob Van Dam is ready to knock your teetch out. No offense against my former manager Bill Alfonso. Bill is probably watchin' tonight, 'cause he can't miss the greatest superstar of all time in action, so Bill ... this ass kicking is brought to you by your former client ... ehm .. by your former and ... better client Rob ... Van ... Dam!

The crowd says RVD'S name simultaneously with him and then they cheer loudly. RVD is having a good time, judging by his expression on the face ...


I didn't say, that when you're facing Rob Van Dam, you're fucked. I didn't say I'll kick your ass. I didn't say I was wearing two belts at a time back in WWE. But everyone knows it and that's why I don't have to say it. But it was just reaction to your boring and meaningless speech. You can have your little personal victory over me, but after I'll become the Undisputed Champion, maybe I'll hire you as my shoe cleaner. As you're talking about the biggest mistake in my carrer, I would probably say, that the biggest mistake was, that I didn't come out here in the middle of your monologue and rip your head off. But since I am a calm man and I hate all this negative energy, I was just relaxing in my locker room, if you know what I mean. Well, you think I'm an old man? Well, I can't wait for this old man to hit your dirty mouth right in the middle. Last week, I pushed even Wade Barrett, to his limit, remember the keyword: push. Since I pushed him to the limit, I don't have to push myself to the limit this week, when I'm facing yobbo like you. Talking about spotlight, I've said million times that the spotlight always shine brightly on the one and only ... Rob Van Dam ...

Crowd is cheering for RVD and Rob then continues ...

Uhm ... please don't call me Robbie, that's what my mother was calling me and I really hate that. Last time she said, she got her tooth kicked out. The last tooth she had. And I ain't your buddy, remember that. Mud stomping ... well, to be honest, I wasn't really listening to you, but these two words really drawn my attention. So now, Stone Cold is your favourite wrestler? Well, I like him too, just like I like you and Stone Cold is great performer. Well, you're good, but you're not Rob Van Dam good. Now, I don't want you to waste my time anymore so I'll say one last thing ... RVD 4:20 says, your ass is about to get smoked, dude ...

RVD drops the microhone and is about to leave ...

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Re: UWF Smackdown - Batista vs. Daniel Bryan

The fans are going crazy booing Batista out of the building. Then, an old familiar theme song hits the PA system.



“The Final Countdownâ€￾ by Europe is heard and out comes the self-proclaimed “Best Wrestler In The Worldâ€￾ UWF Hardcore Champion Daniel Bryan yelling “YES!â€￾ at the top of his lungs over and over again. He strides down the ramp and enters the ring. He calls for a microphone and wastes no time addressing Dave Batista.


Daniel Bryan: Dave Batista, I don't believe we've ever met. My name is Daniel Bryan and I'm The Best Wrestler In The World.

The crowd lets out a mixed reaction but mostly boos. This doesn't effect Bryan and he continues speaking.

Daniel Bryan: Batista, you've been in UWF for two weeks so I don't expect you to know this by know but consider this you being let in on something: You may have been a big draw elsewhere in other companies but here, in UWF, there's only one top dog around here. No, I'm not talking about Stone Cold Steve Austin. No, I'm not talking about Brock Lesnar. The single biggest star in UWF is standing in the middle of this ring with the UWF Hardcore Championship around his waist. You see, Dave, I'm honestly shocked that you had the guts to come out here and address me. I mean, a new kid on the block trying to take out the veteran, I've seen it all before Dave. It's nothing new. You want to make a name for yourself here. Hey, I get that. I did that myself by beating Dean Ambrose to within an inch of his life at Backlash but if you think in that micro-sized neanderthal brain of yours that your great triumph will be at my expense, you are sadly mistaken.

Bryan walks around the ring and continues running Batista down.


Daniel Bryan: Allow me to take a poll for a second. Would you people like to see Dave Batista squeal and cry like a whiny little girl in the middle of this ring?

The crowd chants “YES! YES! YES!â€￾ over and over at Bryan.

Daniel Bryan: Batista, you wanna be the best of the best? This belt around my waist makes me the best of the best. No other champion on this or any other roster can touch me. You wanna call me an indy shmuck? Ok go ahead and feel free. On SmackDown!, we'll just see who's the one with their hand raised in victory.....and who's hand is pounding on the mat in defeat.

Bryan lowers the mic and glares at Batista waiting for a reply.

OOC: Kept it short too just to be fair​
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