UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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the Walls


Fans give a mix reaction as Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring as he is wearing a suit, Jericho goes and he looks at Paul London with utter disgust. Jericho goes and he grabs a microphone and he begins to speak.


Chris Jericho:You moron shut up, shut up right now. I do not want to hear another word from your mouth, I do not want to hear another spoken from those lips. Listen Paul you will not be taking over the galaxy, universe, or anything of that matter. In fact Paul I think the best place for you would be moron mountain. Listen Paul I know you like to talk big, I know you like to act like you are bigger than what you are suppose to be well guess what Paul your not... Your just another little fly in this world for me to smash.

Fans give a mix reaction to what Jericho just said as Jericho responds

Chris Jericho: You people, don't you dare to even try to support me, or think that I like you. Just because I am out here right now telling this mumbling idiot to shut his mouth. It does not give you the right to cheer me. I am only out here right now to do my job, I am out here to do the work that is handed too me. I have the displeasure to wrestle this idiot you people do not. So don't you dare act like I am a hero to you people, because I am not.

I am here to make a statement, and I am here to once again become what I am known as by millions across the world... the best WRESTLER in the world. That is what I am. Everything that I do in my life has always been perfect and it seems no matter what I do. I have hypocrites and trolls who like to think they know me. Who like to criticize everything I do. None of you idiots will amount to the success I have accomplished. That includes you Paul.


Fans boo loudly as Jericho talks about Paul

Chris Jericho: Paul London you come out here mocking me being on dancing with the stars. Paul you would love the opportunity to be on dancing with the stars. You would love too have the opportunity to touch hands with other celebrities. You would love to have the opportunity to hold world championship gold. Guess what Paul you will never have world championship gold. Go back to your indy shows working for fifty dollars a match. Win your crappy indy world heavyweight titles and be proud of yourself. You are nothing but a nuisance. That is all you will never be able to amount to any success you wish to accomplish. You make me sick to my stomach.

Go on London make your corny little space jokes, they do not amuse. This whole idea that you are from another galaxy does not make you entertaining. It makes you nothing more than a pathetic fool you hear me. Now Paul I will make this easy on you. You leave this ring by the time I count to ten. If you leave you will be happy with your decision and only getting a little bit of a beating you were scheduled to take. Now if you decide to stay and annoy us more with your silly little spaceship ideas, than I will kick your ass so hard it will cause a super nova in your galaxy. Are we clear? Now I am going to turn my back and count. One... Two... three..four...five...six...seven... eight... nine... ten

Jericho turns and sees....


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London quickly cuts off Jericho.


Paul London;

Embarrassment? That seems to be the logical word to use right now but after everything you said, I only found myself hearing the word 'Moron' repeatedly. It really amazes me that there's a little something in this planet that doesn't allow people to comprehend what's been said, such dweebs running around saying things they shouldn't be. I never once said I was a bigger man, I never once said I was a flash in the pan nor a little fly so where you got those assumptions really seem to be like the stars dazzling into your eyes, was it my spaceship? My moon-boots that were too bright? Did they blind you and send you into a whirlwind daze because I am finding trouble trying to understand what was said other than moron and shut up. However, it's great to acknowledge the fact you're not a hero because heroes are Superman, Batman and Spiderman. Those three are the biggest superheroes known to human beings today and they are quite famous for doing their job, however your role is more like a villian a bit like Doctor Doom but it is I that could fulfil the role of Spiderman and save these people from a man such as yourself. Why? Why do I believe this? It's quite simple Christopher, your assumptions of being the best possible wrestler in the world comes flying over my head like a flying saucer travelling at the speed of light. Sorry? Did I just hear you say 'The best wrestler in the world'? Everything you do is perfect? Sorry I seem to be dazzled by the lights once again because I'm also hearing other superstars claim such assumptions to being the best, I know I'm not the best, I never asked or wanted to be the best. I'm here as an ambassador and I do what the galaxies tell me to do, after all the galaxy uses me, I use the galaxy but you Christopher, you're humane therefore you do not use me. You do not use me as an example, you won't be making an example out of me Christopher and whether you want to paraphrase that or not and intake what's been said the ending line is you're still the villian and you're still Doctor Doom to me. But how does one become a hypocrite? I believe in the galaxies, I believe that mother nature looks after me quite well, the soil of this Earth is what my body represents. There's nothing fake about me Christopher, the sun rays that I absorb makes me stronger, I always find a way to live my life
spontaneously because it is who I am Christopher.

The crowd gets behind London as he pauses for a second.

Dancing with the stars? Oh how I would love to be on that show, no. Not really Chris because in a far away place, somewhere in the galaxy I am already wearing my moon-boots and doing the 'moonwalk'. In fact I invented the moonwalk before Michael Jackson made it famous! How about that guys? Whilst you've claimed I've never held gold before, if you travel towards Kepler-34b you may find that there is plenty of gold, more gold than Midas could ever have. While it's people like you who are greedy for money, I am one who enjoys exploring the universe, the galaxies and journeys for free. I landed my space-ship here, I have battles to take on and when I conquer them and make this planet a safer place then my journey would be complete. But it is I, the human ambassador of the galaxy, the intrepid traveler Paul London that must save these humans from villians such as you. I really expected you to be a lot more smarter but this planet here has shown me there are humans like you who seem to be dazzled, who seem to have a little switch somewhere inside the brain that needs to be turned off. Are you a toy? There is no way a human would be speaking to me in such a ludicrious manner, speaking of me leaving the ring, I choose to stay. I've yet to fight the villian that is you, I've yet to accomplish my mission that's been sent to me. I must get my job done, I don't want an easy task, I was told I'd be facing a tough challenge and a tough challenge I will get because I'm still here Chris. Until the day we fight, I will get my mission done and move onto my next challenge because I will prove to all of the galaxies that choosing me as their ambassador was the right choice. And whilst you think differently and continue to disagree, we'll never settle for an agreement unless there's that switch inside of you that's turned off. Kicking me so hard that a supernova would happen, well the galaxies have said that might happen... However, I'm the supernova, I'm the explosion and Chris, if you're not too careful maybe a supernova will be set off on this planet and you wouldn't want that to happen. You wouldn't want to see explosions and such traumazation happening here would you? I am the 'Experiment', I am here to take you to a new dimension, to another galaxy for I, Paul London happen to be here on a journey... Far, far away you will travel with me Chris.

Paul is suddenly interrupted.



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Jericho looks at London and he begins to speak


Chris Jericho: So let me get this straight Paul... You believe just because you are on some different planet, that you have some narcotics that you can obtain at the back of your local seven/eleven that you are relevant? The fact is London not only are you irrelevant, but you are a moron, you have no idea what you are talking about, you are not realizing right now that you are in the ring with the best wrestler alive on this planet. I am the best not CM Punk, not Randy Ortion, not Austin Aries, not anyone on this UWF roster it is me. I am the best in the world at everything I do. You see London you envy the fact that I am successful in not only this industry but outside of it too. I have my own band, I host a game show, I do all these activities you could never dream about. While you London you have to make a fantasy galaxy and universe. You have to go on and on about stuff that is so irrelevant it is not even funny.

London you do not understand it does not take someone coming out here rambling about whatever the hell he wants to become world champion. It takes skill that you can never possibly reach in your life. You see London it is pathetic you have all this talent, you have all this skill yet you decide to waste it. You decide to delude your mind into thoughts and possibilities that are unreachable. You are only wrestling me to punish you for the pathetic life that you live. London you are nothing more but nuisance in my way for glory, and you made the punishment your doing.

You decided to stay in this ring instead of leaving it. Now London you will be seeing an explosion of stars. You will be looking at the lights and seeing them bright. As you are laying down in that ring. You will not only see those lights but you will hear my music play. You will hear the announcer say. "Your winner and moving on to the semi finals of the tournament... Chris Jericho". That is nothing but the realization of it all London. There is no supernova coming my way because I am the only one who controls fate around here. You have no say in anything. You may have these hypocrites behind you... but soon enough Paul the realization will hit and they will turn on you. Stab your backs and forget about you. It will happen Paul and I will be the cause of it all. So Paul I will give you one last chance. Leave this ring right now... and save yourself the trouble that you are already in.

Fans boo as Jericho smiles and looks at London

ooc: Are people allowed to comment during the thread. It is really bothering too me makes the thread feel clustered


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Dean Ambrose’s music hits as the crowd erupts in cheers. Dean comes staggering out in his signature black jean jacket with his UWF Hardcore Championship noticeably missing. He looks down and squats before he hastily jumps back up and begins walks his same usual way down the ramp. He exaggeratingly stomps on the ring steps with every step he takes and hangs from the side of the ring soaking in the aura of the audience cheering him on. He walks in through the ropes and stares with his head cocked to the side mouthing the words “Really?”. He walks over and is handed a mic.


Now I’m sure as you are all big fans of UFW and more so bigger fans of me, you’ve noticed that management has been trying to screw me over for the past couple of months. Well this time they finally did it. Not only did we go through this unnecessary purge but I’ve been forced to relinquish my Hardcore Championship. 8 guys who don’t even deserve a spot on my show are fighting in a tournament for the number one contendership to the new World Heavyweight Championship. I mean they have the likes of The Miz, Chris Jericho and Cody Rhodes getting another shot. I beat all three of them! And after I beat all three of them they soon went into mediocrity. Now we have this dumb reboot and they’re getting the shots that were mine. I went from main eventing back down to the lowest of the low, the Hardcore Championship.

Dean raises his hand as if he still has the hardcore title in his hands and begins to show it the crowd as they cheer him on.

Ya’ know this whole thing is really just a ruse. You see I made it my mission from day one to win the hardcore title and rise it from the ashes and make it the most prestigious title in all of UWF. Guess what? I did. Kinda. Me and CM Punk, CM Punk and I both were the longest reigning champions in the history of UWF. Technically I am the longest since I won my title about an hour before him but that’s neither here nor there. Punk and I were beating people left and right. The future was bright and the present was just as bright when Me and Punk, Punk and I stood tall to end the show a couple of weeks ago. The higher ups knew something was brewing so before anything could happen, they decided to reboot the company which in entertainment terms means they make movies shittier! This movie has been made and it was getting very good until someone decided to reboot it! Don’t worry though friends as I will make sure to save this company and help rise from the ashes just as I previously did with my Hardcore Championship.

The crowd cheers and starts to chant “Ambrose!, Ambrose!” as he paces back and forth staring at Daniel Bryan.


Dean quickly changes moods and stares with his eyes focused intensely on Daniel Bryan who still has his back turned to him.

I bet you forgot I knew you were there. No I never forget. I'm actually a bit surprised to don't remember me. Then again we had different names, different careers, different styles that are never meant to mesh. No you see while I was having one of the biggest matches in my career at the time, you were focused on getting back to the WWE. I mean why would anyone remember a guy like me right. You certainly wouldn't. We had a match, a rather fair match I might add and you pulled out the win. You might be thinking "Dean why are you bringing up a fact that I clearly beat you before?" but the answer is simple. Oh it's oh so simple. This is my turf. While you were out slumming it in WWE I was honing my craft. I was getting stronger and enduring an almost inhumane amount of pain every single night. Hardcore matches are where I thrive. You're in my neck of the woods and it's only going to get harder to see when you venture deeper in. You won't be able to see the light at the end of the forest because blood will be raining down your face. They're gonna have to call off the match but I'll just keep beating you. You see everyone who has faced me and lost is usually around for a week or two before they realize they just aren't the same person anymore. I'm here to tell you that you can't do the impossible. You can't stop Dean Ambrose.

I see you standing there with your arms crossed but something is different. Your posture is them same, you haven't moved an inch and you still have your game face on but something is different but what could it be.

Dean slowly and methodically creeps up to Daniel Bryan and begins to sniff around the back of his neck.

Ah I know what it is. It's the same thing that happens to everyone who even looks at me. These fans cheer me but in the back of their minds they know something is strange. They're afraid of me even though they know I wouldn't harm anyone who does me no harm. I can smell your fear Bryan.

Dean slowly backs away still staring intently at Daniel Bryan.


Go ahead and keep standing there. Act like nothings changed. You will not be able to handle the madness that emits from this mind. My body is merely a tool for my mind to get it’s deepest darkest wants out. You picked the wrong profession Danny. At one point you were being hailed as the best in the world. Just think of this as the mandatory passing of the torch ceremony. I’ll keep the torch as bright as the day it was lit and blow it out before anyone ever tries to make me pass it. Don’t think of it as your career ending. Just think of this as a reboot.


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Ambrose finishes up his tirade and Daniel Bryan still has his arms crossed and is glaring at him. Dean has a smug smile on his face but is soon wiped off by Daniel Bryan's emerging smirk. He lifts his microphone back up.


Daniel Bryan: Dean, that was a lovely little speech you had prepared. Did you think of that right off the top of your head or was that a memorized tirade? Regardless, allow me to retort. Dean, while I may be new to UWF, I'm certainly not new to the sport of professional wrestling. I know how this works. There's no need to try and talk down to me. I've been in this business and busted my ass to make it to the top for over 10 years and I'll be damned if I have some loser nobody like yourself try and preach to me. I don't know who you are and I don't really care. What you've done in the past and what you think you're going to do in the future is really a moot point. I don't care one bit that you were the longest reigning champion in UWF history or that you were never beaten for the Hardcore Championship. Look at the key word: Were. I don't dwell in the past. I thrive in the future and the only thing on my mind is when we meet in the center of this ring and that bell rings.

Daniel walks around the ring, soaking up each and every boo from the crowd in attendance. Ambrose is not amused by Daniel's speech thus far.

Daniel Bryan: Mr. Ambrose, or Jon Moxley, whatever you want me to call you. Whichever you prefer, it doesn't make a difference. I find it really telling that you come out here and immediately start talking about other wrestlers in this organization instead of coming out here and addressing me properly. Did you have to work up your nerves to talk to me face to face? Do I make you nervous? Do I make you tense? I can understand if you are. I mean, while I was quote unquote "slumming it up in WWE" you were running rough-shot all over UWF weren't you? You had it all figured out. You were the head of an entire division, the Hardcore Division and nobody could touch you. But guess what, Dean? Those days are far from over. Those days disappeared when I signed my name on a UWF contract because whatever division I'm in, I run the show. I call the shots. I'm the top dog. I live it. I breath it. I deserve it. Dean, you talk a big game, that's OK they all do.....at first. Then when the bell rings and it comes time to put your money where your mouth is, they all fall at my feet. Since you want to name drop, allow me. Mark Henry, Big Show, The Miz, even the 3 people in the main event CM Punk, Randy Orton and Wade Barrett, they have all fallen at my feet. What makes you possibly think that you're any different?

Daniel gets a little bit heated as he gets a tad closer to Ambrose.


Daniel Bryan: I have said it before and I'll say it again: I am the Best Wrestler In The World and, on RAW, I add another moniker to my name and that is the Most Hardcore Wrestler In The World because this match isn't an ordinary match. This is a hardcore match. I can grab a chair and bash your skull in. I can grab a steel pipe and choke the life out of you. The choice is really up to me. To be honest with you, I'm not really quite sure what I might do. All I know is that, come hell or high water, I will have my hand raised at the end of the match and I will become the NEW UWF Hardcore Champion.

Dean starts to laugh off Daniel's claims which gets Daniel on the offensive.


Daniel Bryan: What's so funny, Dean? Are you slowly realizing how ridiculous your claims are sounding? I mean, "Madness that emits from this mind" ? That might be the truest statement, actually, I've heard you say because to actually think you have a chance of defeating me, you must be mad, downright insane more or less because I did not come to the UWF to play second fiddle to anybody. I'm the star. I'm the man. I say it is so so it shall be. When we meet in this ring again, it's going to have the Hardcore Championship on the line and I vow to add some class to the Hardcore Division and make sure people like you stay far away from it. It's been far too long since a decent and dignified person held a championship around here. Allow me to be the first. And Dean, believe me, I'm not in for a reboot or whatever you claimed. I'm right on track to where I'm supposed to be. It's you who's going to get derailed and ran over because, as you mentioned, I have beaten you before and I will do it again. You either Tap or you Snap when you step in the ring with me and Dean, Sooner or Later Everyone Taps.

Daniel lowers his microphone and glares at Dean, awaiting a response.


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Dean looks at Daniel Bryan, then at the crowd. He looks back and Bryan and then back at the crowd.


Oh I'm sorry were you talking to me? You should have been talking to the crowd because I know everything that just came out of your mouth is complete garbage. Did you really think I have a memorized tirade? Do you think I could even remember such a long tirade? I've had my head smashed in so many times I see two of you in the ring right now. Your old news Danielson. You were in your prime in Ring Of Honor and that time has been more than passed along. I don't dwell in the past, I dwell in the present and future. I was not the longest reigning champion in UWF, I AM the longest reigning champion in UWF history. I AM the Hardcore Champion whether I have a belt or not. The blood of every man I've ever been in the ring with has been smeared across my chest. When I fight people, I take a part of their soul. If you think I need some sort of piece of gold around my waist to prove i am the best, you're dead wrong. You're new here, I get that, but this false bravado thing will get old real quick when everyone sees how much of a coward you are once that bell rings.

The crowd cheers for Ambrose as he leans across the ropes and crosses his legs.

And you wonder why I come out here and talk about other people instead of you. I've seen your type. I've already faced you in the form of another. Sure you have a lot of submissions in your repertoire but none of it matters if I can withstand anything you throw at me. Your best chance at beating me is a roll up because nothing you can come up with will ever make me submit or keep me down for a three count. So you name drop a couple of losers as well. Big Show. I beat him for my Hardcore title to begin with. Wade Barrett. Beat him in my second match here. The Miz. Beat him when he was number one contender to the Undisputed Championship. Do you see a pattern here? Add Jack Swagger, Cody Rhodes, RVD, Joey Ryan, Ultramantis Black and Edge. It's safe to say UWF is where people go in their prime. Then they get to face me. Nearly all of them fell off the face of the planet after I got through with them. Some decided to come back due to this "reboot". There won't be another reboot Danny. Your career in UWF starts and ends here in this ring.

Dean backs off the ropes and starts stretching his neck out.


So you don't to play second fiddle to me huh? No worries as you will be no where near the second top guy here. The only reason I'm not the world champion is because I like hurting people. The Hardcore division lets me act out my wildest fantasies. Do you know how many Hardcore matches I've had in my career? Can you imagine what I've been through? These fine folks have seen it and it's not pretty, I'll be the first to tell ya'. I've lost feeling in a lot of parts of my body. Does that hinder my ability? No. It just means I can hit harder and withstand anything. Your submission will do nothing but give me a proper stretch. I may even have to thank you for that. Maybe I won't so much as end your career as much as end it in this promotion. You'll never want to be in another hardcore match again. Hrmph. Hardcore. You?

Dean looks down at the ground before quickly rushing up to the face of Daniel Bryan.

You're gonna have to do nothing short of kill me sunshine! I'm like herpes. It may look like I'm going away, you may think I'm gone, but then I'll pop right back out to say hello with a steel chair in my hand. You'll never be the same. And I know what your thinking, "Dean what kind of man would call himself herpes?" A crazy man that's who! My mind is a Rubik’s cube of madness. Just when you got one side figured out, the rest of it just gets even worse. I'm not the clean cut image the UWF wants. I'm not a Vegan and I actually do drink quite a bit but dammit UWF needs me. Wrestling has been too cookie cutter and it needs to be shaken up a bit. So I'm going to beat anyone they put in front of me. I don't care what you think of me. I don't care if you try and pass me off as a stepping stone of sorts. I know how good I am. I don't need a best in the world moniker to justify just how damn good I am. Get ready for the madness.

Dean slowly walks backwards over to the corner with his hands balled into fists staring through Bryan.




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London smiles as he looks at Jericho.

Paul London;

No Christopher, you have no clue what I'm talking about because you've failed to inherit mother nature and our galaxy. You don't comprehend it in you, you just barge your way to thinking you can cause destruction. These activities you do must take up a lot of your life but we're not here to talk about who's better and who does what Chris... While I might enjoy watching Star Trek on my television and spend my leisure time playing video games, we all live different lives and see things differently and there's no right or wrong. I'm not a follower, I am my own individual self. I don't ask people to follow my beliefs, I don't ask nor brag about who I am. Perhaps I don't love myself as much as you do Mr. Jericho but that's how we all live life, each to their own really and you shouldn't be telling me that what I have to say is irrelevant, it's just a matter of fact you don't want to hear what I have to say. However I'll speak for the people for once, SHUT THE HELL UP!

The crowd pops for London's comment.

Whilst I may not have the utmost experience like you Chris, I am willing to give it my best. I am just as well that school-kid who was never the best at athletics, never the best in class, I'm that very kid who gave it his all to achieve his dreams and I promise you and my Londonites that my dream will come true. When? Only time will tell, whilst I'm here on a long journey it is adventerous for me to deliver for my galaxy, they never set me a time or a limit. I'm here for as long as I can be, I'm here to do what I have to do Chris. Waste is a harsh word you've used, my definition of waste is someone who litters rubbish into this lovely world, all these garbage, the trees being chopped down, killing animals. That's waste. This planet is cruel at times, killing such loved things that nature needs. That there is waste, you claim I'm wasting my talents? No Christopher, my talents are being kept like a rare gem in the core of this planet we call Earth. I'm a rare breed, I'm a rare talent and I'll tell you that even if it's wrong to do so, I'm unique Chris. I'm not here to be used at all, I use this galaxy to guide me to the next level, the next dimension because it is I, Paul London who will be fulfilling the dreams of many in the far galaxies, to be able to hold gold, precious gold that is from the planet of Earth. It is known as the UWF Championship. That is a dream not only for me, but those who choose to follow me and watch me in my footsteps and those far away in the galaxy. The Human Ambassador of the Galaxy, The Intrepid Traveler that is me will be guiding the light and it is people like you who under-estimate me and become dazzled by my space-ship and wake up feeling nauseous. I do apologize Chris but what you're saying to me is complete blasphemy. You're only here to try mock me for who I am, for what I am and quite frankly, I won't take a stand for it.

London smiles as the crowd lets out a PAUL LONDON chant.

If you've traveled like me, you would have already seen an explosion of stars. I've seen it myself, such a beautiful sight really Chris. But I won't be laying down on the ring, I refuse to lay down for a man like you Chris. You may think I'm stupid, a moron or a hypocrite but I am none of those and this week on RAW I will prove to you that I'm not just a geek, I'm not just a freak but I'm one who will defeat you. Yes, we can all brag and play that game but I'd much rather face you on RAW and we'll see what the result turns out to be because hyping yourself up is only a mistake. You telling me to leave isn't quite nice, I'll stay here but I'll have just one more thing to tell you...

My mystery is your downfall.

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Chris Dresdon

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As the familiar sound of glass shattering emits from the speakers of the PA system, the arena literally shakes from the reception of the crowd, a sea of fans that are split half and half between those cheering Austin and those booing Austin. But even those cheering Austin seem divided, as many of them seem to only cheer him because they dislike Aries. As this goes on, the Texas Rattlesnake himself storms out from behind the curtain and begins to make his way down the ramp towards the ring.


He ignores the fans on both sides of him that are jeering or trying to touch him or get a high five or something, instead keeping his eyes fixated on the ring as he turns and makes his way up the steel steps, stepping onto the apron and walking along it before stepping through the ropes and entering the ring. Austin walks to the other side and motions to a ringside official for a microphone, who grants the Rattlesnake's wishes as Steve pulls it from his hand and flips him off, spitting on him. Austin turns away and walks towards the middle of the ring and stops, raising his microphone as his music begins to fade out.


Stone Cold: I'll be honest with ya, I didn't have a whole lotta' motivation ta' come in ta' work today, and that's because I figured the time leading up to the next edition of Raw would be just like the time that led up to Wrestlemania, with me putting in the effort and my opponent sitting Vince knows where with their thumb up their ass and a can't-be-fucked-to-do-anything attitude consuming their body language. But you have proven me wrong, the build to this particular match isn't going to go down that way at all. A few months ago I would've extended congratulations and gratitude for you taking the initiative ta' show up, but if you look at my recent behavior, I'm not in the business of givin' thanks anymore so when I'm kickin' yer ass in eight days, consider that my show of appreciation. With all that said, if you had no-showed this particular match, you're a rare case, I probably wouldn't have gotten pissed at all. Because, at the end of the day, it's a waste of time for you ta' be in this tournament. Think about it, you're competing for a title shot that you already have. Who's ta' say you won't walk out at the end of the main event and cash in on the Undisputed Champion and win the belt? I sure as hell wouldn't put it past ya. So if by some miracle you beat me and advance in the tournament, if you cash in the same night and win you're then competing in a tournament for a shot at a championship you're defending. Let's say you don't cash in, and you beat me on Raw the 24th, then go on to win the tournament and beat the champion when you're granted the title shot, then what happens to the briefcase?

Maybe Teddy Long's hoping by putting me in the ring with a guy that can go the way you can, I'll get my ass kicked for running my mouth the way that I have recently. (What?) Maybe it's so he can laugh about this match being Austin versus Austin. (What?) Hang on.

Stone Cold turns to the crowd.

Stone Cold: What did I tell you about that? I took your rights to that away, remember? The next time I hear it come out of any of yer mouths, I swear I'll leave this ring, climb over that ringside barricade into the crowd, and start Stunnerin' every last one of ya!

The crowd boos Austin intensely as he looks at Aries again.

Stone Cold: Maybe you asked for this match because you didn't make the cut for Stone Cold's Tough Enough. Whatever the reason is, it doesn't matter, because there's no way you can lose, right? Yer A Double, the only two-time Are Oh Aitch World Champion ta' date. If that's not deserving of a Hall of Fame ring, I don't know what is. While we're at it, let's give Shawn Stasiak one for bein' the only fifteen time Hardcore Champion, whaddya think? I think I'll be sendin' ya first class to Texas in nine days so you two can talk about it while he's chiropracting on ya. Just remember ta' take that pipe out of yer mouth Monday night, I'd hate for you ta' choke ta' death on it before you get to him.

Austin lowers his microphone and looks straight at Aries smugly, awaiting a response.


Feb 1, 2012
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UWF Raw: The Miz versus The Undertaker



As The Miz comes out from the back he hears a roar of boos directed towards him. Miz then waits and allows the boos to sink in as Maryse comes out from the back as well. The two head to the ring together while Maryse holds her hands in the air directed towards the UWF Universe. As the two get in the ring, Miz is handed a microphone.


The Miz:​

I have proven every doubter in the world wrong. They said that Miz, you can't get to the next level, you can't become a major superstar, you don't have what it takes. And what do you know, I have proved them all wrong. The fact that you people boo me is because not only are you jealous of how successful I have become and that fact that I am on a whole other level than any ofther superstar in the back. I am more talented than Randy Orton, CM Punk, you name it. They wish that they could be the must see superstar in CWF, but they do not come close to being anywhere near me! When I was in the spotlight, I was the man who drew the ratings each week. I was the one who had all the publicity and it was me who helped get this company over. Because of who I am and what I did prior to becoming a UWF superstar, there are reasons why beyond wrestling why I am the must see superstar. And it does not bother me that you people boo me because I use it to my advantage and prove you, you, you, and all of you wrong.

The crowd boos at Miz which makes him laugh a little bit

But, more than anything else, you people boo me because of the fact that you all wish you had someone like Maryse by your side! I mean look at her, you wish you could have her. But guess what, you don't and I do, so keep on being jealous. Allow me to explain something, having her by my side will get me to the next level and that next level is becoming the CWF World Champion. And just like I been doing for the last few years proving all you wrong, I will do it again when I beat the phenom, Undertaker. For over twenty years you have dominated this ring, but now Undertaker you will meet the biggest challenge of your career when you face me. Undertaker, you are going to see a side of me that no one else has ever seen before. I am going to show all of you and your precious Undertaker why I am the favorite to win this tournament and get my rightful championship match.

The crowd continues to boo Miz

Oh yeah, go ahead and continue to boo me. Boo me and cheer Undertaker on because I would rather you all hate for who I am than like me for something I'm not. I am the most captivating and entertaining superstar in this company, but all of you are too thick in the head to want to cheer me on. On Raw it will be my match with Undertaker that will leave everyone talking at the end of the night and it's because I am the reason that you all come to the shows and watch on tv. Let's face facts, Undertaker you will make your twenty minute long entrance and that will be your only highlight of the night because everything else is going to be on me. I am going to dethrone the deadman and move on in this tournament.

Maryse grabs the microphone



Parce qu'il est le Miz et il est impressionnant!!

The Miz:

And in case you didn't know what she said, she said because I'm the Miz and I'M AWESOME!!!!!!

ooc: good luck to you!!


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Jericho begins to speak after the statement made by Paul London

Chris Jericho: Your mystery will be my downfall? Do you think before you speak? Or do you let the words just slew out of your mouth? Listen Paul I do not know how many times I am going to say this. You are an idiot, a moron, a disgrace, someone who is not adept to be in this world. That is a pure truth statement. I mean don't you understand... I do not care what you do on your downtime. I don't care if you are different than me. You are avoiding the statement that I have been putting out there since I have gotten out here... you are not a worthy opponent for me. The mere fact that I have to wrestle you one on one in this match is pathetic and disgusting too me.

To think that my skills as a professional wrestlers. Skills you only wish you dreamed you have, need to be wasted to face you in this very ring. But, I did figure out Paul why in the world I am facing you. It is simple, UWF management knows for how long I have been gone. How long I have not touch surface on this very ring, they wanted to give me a tune up match. They could not hold me back and just give me a regular return match. No, they know I am the best they got. They know I am the only one that is rightful enough to hold the UWF undisputed title. So instead of giving me a match that would be a waste of my time. They threw me in this tournament knowing that not only will I win it, but they wanted me to win it in a decisive fashion... and they could only think of a way by putting me against a opponent like you.

Fans boo as Jericho looks at Paul and he smiles as he begins to speak


Chris Jericho: Don't you understand Paul? You are nothing more than fresh bait for me too kill. In other sense, since you like to use big words and analogies. I will use some for you to understand. I am a shark that smells blood of a human leg, and you are just the human leg I am going to rip apart. I am the giant meteor, and you are the small planet. I am going to collide with you and wipe you off the face of reality. That is what I am getting at Paul. Do you understand now? You are nothing more than a pawn, just waiting for me the king to take you out.

So Paul now you know your true purpose for this match, it is not you pulling a miraculous underdog story. It is for you to lose too me in this very ring. Now Paul I figure a easy way for you to escape this match, with no harm to come to your body. You simply just lay down in the middle of this ring. You lay down, and sure these hypocrites and infested wastes will boo you. But, Paul it will happen eventually. I've said it before these people are not your friends. They may chant "London, London, London". They don't care about you. They will turn on you in an instant. So Paul what do you say? Lay down in that match and save the embarrassment of getting pulverized.. or just lay down and make it easy for you. What do you say.

fans boo as Jericho extends his hand out and he smiles awaiting for a response from London

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Austin raises his microphone and is quick to respond to Aries.


Stone Cold: The word you're looking for is 'rhetorical', not rethorical, you stupid son of a bitch. You might step into the ring to win a match but you certainly don't grab a microphone to win a war of words, do you? Before you go jumping to further conclusions, let me clear something up for you. John Bradshaw Layfield has referred to himself as a god. Ric Flair has referred to himself as a god. Jamie Noble has referred to himself as a god. Stone Cold Steve Austin has not, and until I do, don't lump me in the same category as those bottomfeeders. From the time I wake up in the mornin' to the time I lay down ta' go ta' sleep at night, everywhere that I go I demand the respect that's due to me for the things I've done, and I will accept nothing less. Not from the bellhop that handles my luggage at the hotel, not from the high school drop-outs in catering, not from the cameramen, not from the announcers, the referees, the timekeeper, the bell ringer, Justin Roberts, and especially not from you. There's a difference in collecting on what the world owes you and pretending you're a god, and Stone Cold's simply here ta' collect.

The reality, should you choose to accept it or deny it, it doesn't matter, is I am your superior. You're the more impressive performer but who gives a shit. I've had more high profile matches than you can shake yer little pipe at. I've made more money in merchandising, pay-per-view sales, and royalty checks than you'll make in your entire life. I punked out the "Baddest Man on the Planet" and beat the "Most Electrifying Man" more times than he'd care ta' count, what makes you think I can't beat the "Greatest Man That Ever Lived"? Because you're younger, faster, and your body isn't as plagued by injury? That's not nearly enough ta' hang yer hat on, kid. Because although you have these favorable things at yer disposal, they're rendered useless by yer stupidity. You're underestimating me in every conceivable way, Austin. You think all you have ta' do is remind me there are things you can do in this ring that I can't and I'll back down. It doesn't work that way, son, not when it comes to this Texan

And regarding the briefcase, I wasn't suggesting you'd cash in on yourself, more or less I was asking you what the hell you're waiting for. Cash it in, win the title, and wait ta' see who it is that you'll be defending it against in a few weeks. And if you don't win, well, back to the end of the line, kid. I've had ta' do things that way time after time after time, it won't kill you to do the same. Of course there is another option; if you win the championship, whenever you lose it you have two automatic rematches in your back pocket, one because of the clause in your contract and one because of that briefcase. But I'm not here ta' give career advice, I'm here ta' tell you about the ass kicking you've got comin' yer way next Tuesday night. Whether you think I can do it or not is irrelevant, whether it more closely resembles a match or a fight is irrelevant, all that's relevant is the fact that I will win, A Double, you can bet your indy ass on that.

Austin begins to lower his microphone, then stops and raises it again.


Stone Cold: There is one more thing. Ya remember how close you came ta' retiring from the wrestling business a few years ago, right after you didn't make the cut for Tough Enough? When you lose ta' me on Raw, the night the "rebirth" of You Dubya Eff is officially set into motion, yer gonna feel the exact same way, except this time you will leave. You'll forfeit your Money in the Bank briefcase and leave the company, because your ego won't let you live with the fact that someone you undermined and talked so much shit about actually beat you in a wrestling match. And that, well, I can't think of a better way ta' send me on my way to the next round than watching you take yer ball and go home.

The crowd boos Austin as he lowers his microphone, allowing Aries to speak once again.


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Nov 8, 2010
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Undisputed Championship - Wade Barrett vs. CM Punk vs. Randy Orton



The crowd let out a sigh of disappointment, barring a selection of fans that have taking a liking to the former United States champion, as Wade Barrett walks out from the back and smirks at the UWF Universe at the top of the ramp, before forcing the jacket off his back and punching the air. Despite his high profile downfall that came to rise at Wrestlemania, his grin can't be removed as for the first time in two months, he walks down the ramp with nothing around his waist.


Wades walks around the ring to get a microphone and then enters the ring via the steps on the far side. He waits inside the ring for his entrance theme to be cut and then he waits a further few moments more, affirming his importance, before lifting the microphone up to his voices proximity and lets the UWF know exactly what he's thinking.

Wade Barrett: Before I get into the matter at hand, and some of you might be thinking that what is at stake on the twenty-fourth may eclipse the very facts of what I am bringing up, I feel compelled to let you know about a few company secrets in which conspired after my match at Wrestlemania. In the five man contest, although I left without the United States championship in my possession, it's what happened after that, that I think you all need to look into. The winner Alberto Del Rio got fired... now, read into that what you will but with the Wellness Policy being thrown into the rumor mill, his victory can be scrutinized and good enough as ripped out of the record books. Tyson Kidd? Gone. Given up. James Storm? No one has heard from him since the infamous night... and the very same can be said for The Game, Triple H. So, here's how I see that we all move forward from the travesty of the match result at Wrestlemania, without bringing this great company with the bad names of the men I was surrounded by. Your winner, and retaining United States Champion..... Wade Barrett! However, in the interest of competition, and the opportunity gifted into his lap to become the new Undisputed Champion, I have vanquished the United States gold down to the powers that be to build a new division below myself, and to let myself concentrate on the battle that I have coming up just next week.

The pause only attracts fan interaction, mainly insults and chorused booing.

You see, this years Wrestlemania was headlined by the juggernaut that was CM Punk against Randy Orton. The months of dominance by the Second City Saviour, in great jeopardy at the hands of The Viper.... Or of course, that would be the case, if one Wade Barrett hadn't already beat The Viper to it, and taking the sting out of the Undisputed Champion for him at his asking... only for him to inevitably fall short at The Grandest Stage of them All. And as good as a match that it was, for some reason, even through the transitional period that UWF has gone through, no-one has made the transition that is needed in this company, in a new General Manager. He's still on Wrestlemania overload mode I believe. The mistake that he made in my United States championship match, overloading the match with unworthy opponents that are now no longer with us, instead of making a technical masterclass between myself and Tyson Kidd, he has gone and made a double whammy at the expense of The Barrett Barrage. Instead of focusing all of my powers on become two to nothing against CM Punk, and becoming the Undisputed Champion in the manner I deserve to do it, I now have to worry about the extra man, that has already proven that given the biggest opportunity the company has seen, just can not get the job done. You shouldn't feel too bad about the fact you couldn't though Randy. It's a common fact that CM Punk was undefeated for what seemed like an eternity. The domination that he showed truly did define the company to a standing point we should all aspire to. But there was one man that always overlooked when you talk about true powerhouses in this company.

I am a two time champion here in this short companies timeline. Punk? He's a one time champion. He brought a belt that wasn't even sanctioned by this company and beat a low par world champion, who was only riding his luck from a battle royal victory. For three of the near six months that this company has been active, I have been on the championship pay-roll. And on the very first time of asking... Oh but no thanks to the General Manager, but ironically thanks to Randy Orton, I have proved that I can do what no man in this company can do and that is, beat the Undisputed Champion. And now... Teddy has had no choice than to give me the chance to fight for the championship. I can't be kept on the under-card for any longer, I am at the pinnacle of this company, and the funny thing is, the truly satisfying thing is, I don't even feel like I have started yet.

The grin cannot be kept of Barrett's face as the crowd get on his back even more, but this only spurs the Mancunian on.


This... This only elevates to my point to a level where it cannot be denied, you see?! Who else can walk down that ramp, speak a few truths for a few mere moments, and then revoke a response to the point of where I may as well be calling each and every person here a redneck? I haven't said a word of slander, and yet, the disdain in this room is unprecedented. And that's all down to? You... Not me. Every boo, every chant, every shout against my words, may be of a negative nature, but what you can't deny is that you care about what I am doing every second I am here. I am not your come day go day superstar that when his music hits, you look up the ramp and occasionally cheer or boo. I am more important than that. From the first word of my theme music I am shown the hatred building up inside every one of you and in turn, I am shown the sheer amounts of respect that you have for my talent, ability, and my character, and for that, I thank you all.

So this is it. You lot can't deny that I deserve it. CM Punk, he can't deny I deserve it. Randy Orton, he has already shown that he knows I deserve it. Now, the only roadblock in my inevitable rise in this company has seen it, and for CM Punk, he has signed the agreement that seals CM Punks demise. His fall from being the face of this company, being on every poster month after month, having the most television time of every superstar, the biggest pay check, the biggest locker room... it is all coming to an end. I have beaten him, he has not beaten me. He has beaten Randy Orton which in turn leaves me as huge favorite. The Barrett Barrage is at it's biggest, strongest, and most diabolical than it has ever been. What that means for you Punk, and you Orton is this. You were the only people who had a chance to walk out of Wrestlemania with the Championship. CM Punk done that, then walked out of the company in typical Cm Punk style... only to immediately come back... in typical CM Punk style..... This Tuesday on Raw... you both have No Chance of walking out with the championship belt.

As the future Undisputed UWF Champion of the World..... God Save The Queen.



Apr 24, 2011
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As the Miz finishes his signature catchphrase, the Infamous Gong suddenly echoes across the arena and as the arena is engulfed into darkness, the crowd roars with approval. Eventually, The Deadman himself appears from behind the curtain and the cheers get even louder. The Undertaker stops on the stage to look up from under his hat to the man staring back at him from the ring, and he begins to make his way down the ramp. Undertaker stops as he reaches the bottom of the ramp to continue his icy stare into the eyes of The Miz, before he turns and lifts his coat, walking onto the steel steps. He gets to the top step and remains there, unmoving.


The Undertaker lifts his arms and tilts his head back as the lights suddenly come back on. He walks his way onto the apron, stepping inbetween the ropes, holding his hat as he does it. He walks past The Miz and Maryse, to grab a microphone being handed to him by the ring technician. He takes it, walking around The Miz once more to stare at him coldly before he lifts the microphone slowly to his lips.

The Undertaker:It is not often that I come across a man with such ego, such pride as yours. Your complete lack of respect makes my dark blood boil, but it appears as if I will get an opportunity to make you learn respect. You may not realise it, but you are standing and broadcasting your own praises in the middle of my yard. And there are few men who have done such a thing and can live to tell about it. I doubt you will be so lucky, Miz. But there are many who claim they will be the greatest challenge I have ever faced. Yet, time and time again, they fall by the wayside, and I continue to walk down whatever path I choose to take. That path will now lead me to the UWF Undisputed Championship, and you are standing in my way. I hope you are prepared to fall by the wayside as all the rest have, continuing to scream to the world why they should love you. From Legends to Legend Killers, from Messiahs to Megalomaniacs, every man who has crossed paths with the Undertaker has not left unscathed. You will simply be the first in this company to try and halt me, but you will not succeed. And most definitely, will you not be the last.

The Undertaker's cold, almost dead eyes continue to stare Miz straight in the face as his emotionless face doesn't seem too impressed with the Awesome One.

The Undertaker:You claim that it is your right to have a championship match, to be the man that emerges victorious from this tournament. You must earn that right, Miz. To earn that, you must be prepared to brave the dangers of my yard. For now, you will stroll around this ring, proclaiming yourself as some kind of saviour of this company and of this business. That you are the only reason people watch, the only reason that anyone could possibly be interested in this. You also claim that when you step into this ring with me, you will be unleashed. That a new side to The Miz will rear its ugly head and I will be crushed beneath its force. I do not see a demon hiding within you. All I see is a cowardly loudmouth, hiding behind the curtain of his own pride. You will not leave this ring as the victor you see yourself as, Miz. You will not conquer the Deadman, win this tournament, and go onto the UWF Undisputed Championship, with all the fame and fortune your heart desires. No. You will not do that, all you will do...is Rest...

The Undertaker's eyes roll back as he finishes, but suddenly The Miz speaks up, refusing to be talked down to.​

OOC: Good luck to you too, looking forward to seeing you in action more.


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Feb 26, 2012
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The crowd lets out a healthy chorus of boos, as the viper Randy Orton steps out on the stage into the spotlight. He pauses briefly at the top of the ramp, casually smirking before continuing down to the ring, avoiding every single fan reaching out. He climbs the steel steps, and walks the apron, ascending up on the turnbuckle. He points to himself, then back to the crowd letting them know that he is indeed better then them, before throwing up both arms. The crowd continues to boo as he enters the ring; He stares down Wade Barrett, circling him before someone from the ring crew outside hands him a mic, as his music fades out. The crowd is buzzing, as the “You Suck Chants beginâ€￾. He pauses briefly to gather his thoughts, a smirk across his face. He raises the mic up to tell these fans what he was on his mind. .


Orton: This week is the rebirth of a company that has seen guys like CM Punk almost run it completely into the ground. It begins not only the new reign of the UWF on Sports Entertainment, but the reign of the Viper; Cause you see, Wade Barrett and CM Punk being in this match is just a formality. The champion walked away at Wrestlemania, so I AM the TRUE UWF Undisputed Champion. I am the only rightful and deserving man on this roster deserving of the title, not CM Punk, Wade Barrett, and not anyone in the tournament to face me at our next PPV. CM Punk you walked away after Wrestlemania cause you realized something, while you may have barely beaten me by sheer luck at Wrestlemania, you now know you are indeed NOT the Best in the World, cause you're looking at him. I am the entire package, I am what you wish you were but could never be. Cause you see Teddy Long put me in this match, because he knows I am the face of this company, and I put fans in the seats. Not CM Punk and sure as hell not some mid-carder by the name of Wade Barrett who couldn't even defend his title against a former WWE champion and a bunch of misfit independent wrestlers.

The crowd tears into Orton with boos, as he just smirks and continues.

CM Punk I beat you within a inch of your life at Wrestlemania, I took you places that no one else on and this roster could ever imagine going. I took you deep into my thoughts, into my inner being. The sadistic and cunning Viper you saw at Wrestlemania CM Punk, is only getting started. The Viper that stands before you fans, before the whole world is one who will destroy anything and anyone, to get what he wants and what he rightfully deserves. Hell I would lay my own father out in this ring to regain MY championship gold. Don't believe me? I've done it before, and I sure as hell would do it again. Punk I know that statement holds no true value to you, cause you're father was a alcoholic dead beat, but I'm a THIRD generation superstar. You see I was brought up and raised in this business for one thing, and one thing only; simply being the BEST.​

He rubs his chin as he continues​

Punk tonight I will claim what's mine, what I breath, sweat, and live for. The championship you laid down in the middle of this ring at Wrestlemania like a COWARD, cause you knew deep down you had nothing left, you knew I took you to your limit, that I proved to not just everyone backstage, but to millions of fans around the world that CM Punk is not what he really claims to be. CM Punk just like your win at Wrestlemania, you're a FLUKE. You come out here and claim to be straight edge, like you're better then everyone else, and it SICKENS ME. CM Punk you're nothing more then a coward hiding behind a smoke screen. You're a boy in a man's world, and tonight I finally take CM Punk out of the game. Tonight, after I lay CM Punk out in this very ring, It won't be the RKO that finally puts CM Punk down like a sick dog. Tonight I end this discussion and debate about who the rightful UWF champion should be, and tonight it ends with one punt, to one skull. Tonight we will finally bear witness to who the best in the world, really is.​

Orton finally pays attention to Wade Barrett, as he turns towards him and chuckles.​

Wade you talk a pretty fine game, for also not winning at Wrestlemania. You can come out here and try to dispute what happened to you at Wrestlemania, but the fact of the matter is that you LOST. You lost your title to Alberto Del Rio, proving that just like CM Punk, Wade Barrett, you're nothing more then a fluke with luck here and there. You can't come out here to give up a title, you've already proven you weren't good enough to hold in the first place. Which puzzles me how you're even in this match Wade Barrett. Cause other then a blown title run in the WWE with Vince McMahon, what really have you done? CM Punk and myself are multiple champions, we've done it all and we've beaten them all, but I just don't ever remembering a Wade Barrett match that stands out. I remember Wade Barrett in the Nexus, and the Core; both failing at trying to get five and six guys over. Wade Barrett you can claim you controlled the Nexus and the Core to your needs, but you're lying to yourself. Wade Barrett needed Nexus and The Core because that was the only reason and the only way he could stay relevant again, or relevant at all in the first place.​

The crowd boos Randy Orton as he continues on Barrett​

Wade Barrett the only thing you're favorited as, is being the man who will pinned by Randy Orton on RAW to propel him to become the NEW UWF Undisputed Champion. Wade Barrett while you've been opening shows, I've been headlining the main events. The under-card is where you belong, and after I take the UWF Undisputed Championship on RAW tonight, the under-card is where you will stay. Cause Wade Barrett I am the face, the destiny, and the best thing this company has to offer when it comes to pure talent, charisma, in-ring ability, and just overall better then you, better then CM Punk, and better then these fans at everything I do. Now correct me if I'm mistaken Wade, did I hear you bragging about being a two-time champion when one of those championships was defunct? You see Wade Barrett, I don't need to cling to defunct championships to call myself a two-time or whatever time champion, cause I come out to this ring and I take my championships; I come to this ring and prove week in and week out that I'm better then everyone else in that locker room. I don't need to try to fluff up my resume as a champion, because I've already won every title, and been every champion. Wade Barrett it doesn't matter what you say here right now, and it doesn't matter what you bring to the ring tonight; when it all comes down to the end it will be Randy Orton standing victorious in this ring, raising his UWF Undisputed Championship high, the carnage of your bodies laying a strewed. Wade you shouldn't just hope for God to Save the Queen, you should hope for God....To save Wade Barret..​

He lowers his mic and smirks as the crowd lets out another hefty chorus of boos...

OOC: Sorry it took so long guys, my internet is still down and Im using community wifi.
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