UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Roode stares at Del Rio before smiling at the Mexican Aristocrat and picing the mic back to his mouth.​

Bobby Roode

Del Rio, everything I said was true. I am the future of this company. I am the "It factor" of professional wrestling, and I am the next United States Champion!​

The fans cheer Roode's claim of becoming Champion on the Grandest Stage of Them All.​

And despite what you choose to believe Del Rio, you stand in my way. You think I care about what you've done in the past? I don't. I don't care, because unlike you, I look to the future. I don't care if you were a World Champion, I don't care if you've ever won every major accolade there is to win. None of that means anything, and non of that meas anything because this isn't Stanford, Connecticuit. Nobody's going to put the belt on you because they want you to be over in your own home country. Here you actually have win. And considering the fact that all you've done is beat an over the hill has been, you haven't really accomplished much. Do you know what I've done? In one match, in one match, I've begun the change of the landscape of how this company is run. I called out the top dog, got his attention, and got him to change how everything is run. That in itself is more impressive than putting Hunter Hearst Hemsley in your Corss-Armbreaker.​

But you know Del Rio, there is something that does burn me up. It's the fact that you, alike like all of the guys who have been "up north" think they're better. Let me tell you something "amigo", I am leaps and bounds better than everyone on this roster. I could snap your arm in two just as crack your ribs with a Spear just like a did last week on Raw. But that Spear Alberto, was nothing in comparsion to what I have planned for you this Tuesday. I plan on beating you so badly that there will no longer be talk of Alberto Del Rio being the Essence of Excellence. I plan on beating you so badly that you won't be able to show your face anymore. Del Rio, I plan on beating you so badly that you will have to put the mask back on and start wrestling as Dos Caras Jr again.​

Some fans give a cheap pop at Roode breaking the fourth wall and referring to Del Rio's past.​

You want to claim that it's your destiny to go to Wrestlemania Del Rio? You might be there Del Rio, but you won't be wrestling, and you certainly won't be wrestling for my United States Championship. You'll be in the back watching as Bobby Roode begins the change of this company. I'm successful at everything I have ever done in my life Del Rio. I run a Fortune 500 Company in Roode Industries, I'm listed as one of Forbes Top 100 richest men in the World, and I am potentially the most dominant thing the wrestling business has ever seen. And after I beat you, and go onto UWF's first ever Wrestlemania and become United States Champion, you will be Sorry About Your Damn Luck. But of course, you already know that.​

Roode steals Del Rio's wink and turns his back on the Mexican Aristocrat, looking towards the stage in the process.​

Now for a second, I would like to talk to "The Game", "The King of Kings", "The Cereberial Assisian", Mr. Ex Stephanie McMahon; Triple H. Hunter, I heard a little bit about what you said in preparation for your match aganist Tyson. I heard you disprespect some of the greatest Canadaian wrestlers who ever sepped foot in this ring. Owen Hart, Davey Boy Smith, Bret Hart. You disprespected them all. You even went so far to disrespect the greatest Canadaian wrestler of all time; me! I can't have that Hunter. I can't have a guy who has only done anything in this business because he was banging the bosses' daughter disrespect me. You see Hunter, you're in the same boat as Del Rio. You think because you accomplished something in Stanford that you're a somebody. But truth of the matter is, if you never associated with the McMahon Family, you would have spent your entire career doing jobs as the Connecticuit Blueblood.​

Only a few smarks in the arena remember Triple H's old gimmick.​

I'm sick and tired of all of you thinking that just because you wrestled for Vince McMahon, that you're a somebody. Tyson Kidd, you wrestled for Vince McMahon, and you couldn't get over to save your life. Del Rio, you wrestled for Vince McMahon and you were possibly the biggest waste of talent I have ever seen. Triple H, you wresled for Vince McMahon and the only reason you were successful is because every night you layed up with your wife and you said to her "You know, I just don't think that guys got what it takes".​

Roode's voice intensifies as the fans get firmly behind him once more.​

I am Bobby Roode! I did not wrestle for Vince McMahon. I did not need him to get over. And this Tueday on Raw, all three of you are going to find that out. You all are going to find out how good I am. I'll make you tap to the Crossface, beat you with the Spear, it doesn't matter. When it's all said and done, it will be official. At Wrestlemania, Bobby Roode will challenge Wade Barrett for the UWF United States Championship. And when the Showcase of the Immortals is over, I will hold that title high above my head, and you will know that I am Off The Chain.​

Roode holds his hand high in the air, signifying that he is comin for the United States Championship. As he is about to speak again, Del Rio cuts him off​
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Del rio smirks as he raises the mic up to speak.​

Roode you didn't work for Vince McMahon, because you simply weren't good enough. You can come out here night after night and try it spin the angle whichever way you want these people to believe in your head, but "beer money" just didn't have the tools it required and lacked any basic talent needed to be in the WWE. Hell from what I hear you almost was ousted from that parasite for a disgrace know to wrestling as Total Nonstop Action. You see Roode that's the difference between me and you Bobby Roode. You talk, cry, and moan about something while Alberto Del Rio DOES something about it. I AM the best this company has to offer, I am this companies DESTINY. You say you're better then Alberto Del Rio, but I've yet to see a shred of evidence of it. Week after week I've proven I am the number one contender to the United States Championship. What have you done Roode? You won one pay per view match and sat off the card the rest of the month because no one honestly cares about you. YOU don't sell seats Roode, the Essence of Excellence does no matter where he goes, and no matter what hillbilly city he's in, in this god forsaken country. Roode you're nothing more then some white trash Canadian looking for a hand out kind of just like Tyson Kidd.​

Crowd boos Del Rio

You come down to the Mexican Aristocrat's ring to talk about change? You come down to Alberto Del Rio's ring wearing your Burlington Coat Factory two piece, out here talking about how you're going to change the landscape and how this company is ran. First off can you even spell landscape? Roode you talk about how you're going to make everything better, and everything is going to change because one nobody wrestler said something about changes, but the fact of the matter is at the end of the night tonight there's only going to be one change. Alberto Del Rio will be one step closer to the UWF United States Championship. All you're effort and change will almost be as useless as Obama's health care plan.​

This brings of flood of boos down on Del Rio as he's grinning ear to ear, he brings his mic back up to continue​

Roode I don't need to tell you, or these peasants who bought tickets and are sitting in those seats tonight because they want to see Alberto Del Rio; that I will ALWAYS be better then you just like I'm better then everyone watching here tonight, and at home. I'm faster, stronger, I'm more intelligent, I'm more cunning, I'm more charismatic, and I process way more talent then Bobby Roode could ever imagine. I AM the best this company has to offer PERIOD. I am the guy that's going to put this company on his back and carry it into greatness. They call me the Essence of Excellence because I am excellent in EVERYTHING I do. Roode I will be going to Alberto Del Rio's Wrestlemania to defeat Wade Barrett for Alberto Del Rio's United States Championship. There's nothing that can be said and nothing that can be done to change my destiny. You can hit me with whatever you think it takes Roode to beat me tonight on RAW, but it won't matter none the less. Cause like I said before, it doesn't matter what the variables are because the results will ALWAYS be the same. Alberto Del Rio will have his hand raised in victory, and Roode you'll be left laying in the middle of the ring as just a piece of carnage left in the wake of the Mexican Aristocrat.

"You suck chants begins"​

Tyson Kidd and Hunter don't think I've forgotten about you, cause Alberto Del Rio hasn't. Tyson Kidd you actually managed to say the first smart thing in your entire career. The Essence of Excellence IS the number one contender in this tournament. Roode, Hunter, and Tyson Kidd are just in this tournament as constellation prizes of a general manager who gives washed up wrestlers and nobodies more chances then they deserve. Tyson Kidd one on one the results will be the same as our fatal four way match we had two weeks ago. The only difference and the only variable that will change will be instead of it being Hunter struggling for the ropes and tapping out as I nearly pull his arm out of the socket, it'll be Tyson Kidd in his place. Tyson Kidd if you manage to get past Hunter this week, I'll honestly be surprised. You see Tyson Kidd that will be your one defining moment in your career, the one thing that Tyson Kidd has actually managed to do to make himself relevant. You struggle to climb to the top of the ranks will begin with Hunter, and will end when you tap out to my cross arm breaker and I go on to face Wade Barrett at Wrestlemania.

HHH chants begins​

Trust me, Alberto Del Rio hasn't forgotten about the Game. Hunter you're washed up, you know it and the whole world knows it. I allowed you that win last week to boost your ego, to get your confidence up. What did I do after? I took it right back from you as I made you tap out for the second consecutive week in a row. Cause you see Hunter, you're nothing anymore, you're a shell. You can go to the gym and work out and tell yourself that you're better and stronger and back to the old days. The fact of the matter is when you step into the ring, the old hunter shows by losing matches and tapping out. I made you look better then you are Hunter, I gave you that confidence. It was the only way Alberto Del Rio was going to pick up a win last week, cause he knew you didn't have it in you to do it yourself. You see Hunter if you make it to the finals, it's going to be the easiest match of Alberto Del Rio's career so far in the UWF. I've seen what you can do Hunter, I've been in the ring with you for two weeks now. There's not a surprise or move that you could show me, that would make me think otherwise. If you do decide to step into the ring with me next week, I promise you that third times a charm, and I will snap your arm.

Del Rio lowers the mic...​
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Orton is not happy by the young punk and his words but he looks almost daring Ambrose to try it. When the Hardcore Champion doesn’t instead of escalating, instead the Number One Contender merely smirks at the Hardcore Champion looking as if he sees something in Ambrose. The smile quickly fades as he begins to speak.


Randy Orton: Let me tell you a little something about that title of yours. It isn’t that it doesn’t mean anything. It means things to people like ultramantis black who doesn’t even bother to show up. It is made for men who eat more calories in a day than they have brain cells. What you call tough, what you call prestige, I call a joke! You can make all the claims about how great a champion you are, but the fact is, unless you hold a World Championship it means NOTHING! You could hold onto that ugly belt for 3 years and you want to know who will care, No One! One day as Undisputed Champion will mean more than if you held onto that title until you reached your grave. A place you may very well be going should you choose to step into the ring with me. I’d say I would be gentle but let’s face it, you are so stupid you’ll keep coming until I put you down like the rabid dog that you are. Well don’t worry, I will, and when I do you will go be just as bad off as the people who challenge for that belt, you’ll have other people having to help you use the bathroom.

The crowd boos loudly as Orton lets it bounce off him. Ambrose attempts to say something back but it isn’t heard over the roaring of the crowd.

Randy Orton: Besides, judging by your attire, I doubt you’d know greatness if it hit you in the ass twice. So let me instruct you on exactly what it means seeing as after Tuesday night it will fall out of your grasp forever. Greatness is being born into a business where it is your very blood. For three generations, your grandfather, your father, and then you have beaten everyone and everything. Being greatness is when people think of Tuesday Night Raw they think of you. Greatness is when people boo you because they are jealous that you are more talented, better looking, and all around better then all of them combined. And finally greatness is when you stand in the middle of this ring the World Champion, and everyone in the back fears you and loathes you because you are simply the best! I have done all of these things several times over, and I promise you I will do them all again.

The crowd really gives Orton some heat now as he moves close into Ambrose, the oil in Ambrose’s hair Orton can smell he is that close. The Viper’s eyes are cunning all over as he looks right in Ambrose’s eyes trying to intimidate the younger man.

Randy Orton: Hell I am so good that I am the youngest World Champion in the history of wrestling. But enough about me, everyone will understand when I defeat CM Punk at Wrestlemania. But let’s take a look at you. A man who’s biggest accomplishment is just making it here. A championship known more as a gimmick than a feat. What else? A few championships on the independent circuit? While you were barely earning a pay check I was main eventing the greatest company of wrestling the World will ever know. And do you honestly think that the first name people think when they tune into Raw is Dean Ambrose? Don’t make me laugh! Prior to UWF I’d never heard of you, and after I defeat you, brutally, I will never hear from you again. So the whole you ever becoming World Champion will be nothing more than a pipe dream for you, because once CM Punk is out of the way come Wrestlemania, I promise you, it will be me taking the Undisputed Championship to my grave.

The crowd is really behind Ambrose now, hoping the young kid will do the impossible and defeat Orton on Tuesday Night. But the Viper isn’t going to let that happen and you can see it in his eyes. He backs off more to speak to the crowd as well as Ambrose before continuing.

Randy Orton: And you sit here now and try to threaten me? Me!? I’ve beaten men at their own games many, many times. I made Kane look like a phony, I defeated John Cena in the Main Event, and my road to wrestlemania continues when I defeat the “hardcore†champion in his own pathetic match. So you want to hit me with the three hitter, the Motley Crew, whatever the hell you want to call whatever the hell it is you do, I dare you to try. Because none will be enough to finish me off, no one will ever fear them. But people know three little letters, that when put together means the end of the match, and sometimes, the end of careers. You can pitch a one hitter and still lose, but I promise when the three letters of R K and O come together, it is a win for me EVERY time! So let me say this Ambrose. Enjoy your time standing here burning in my light, because as I’ve done so many, many times, on Tuesday your third main event will be your LAST main event. When I am done with you on Raw, you go back to where you came from, and so long as I am around, Dean Ambrose will be nothing but a One Hit wonder. I GUARANTEE IT!

The crowd gives off a ooooooh in unison as Orton appears to have gone below the belt here in attacking young Ambrose. Orton feeling he’s given Ambrose enough of his time begins to leave the ring to a chorus of boos, but before he can get out of the ring Ambrose grabs him and pulls him back to the center of the ring where Ambrose begins to speak.


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Dean grabs Orton by the arm and turns him around quickly. He stares in his face before bursting out in laughter.


Does anyone actually fall for the false bravado you got going on here? It's actually pretty cute how to kinda worked your old entrance theme into your little speech there. Burn in your light. What the hell does that even mean!? Yeah I may not be book smart but what the hell does that have to do with wrestling? You weren't born into greatness. Your mediocre legacy is nothing for people to marvel at. Your so called lineage is bullshit. The only benefit you got from it was connections to already get in the industry because lets face it, no one would ever give you the light of day had it not been for your family. Me on the other hand, I'm street smart. If I could survive being jumped all the time on the streets, I can survive a little snobby rich kid whose dad bought his way into this industry. You've never had to really fight for a damn thing in your entire life. I on the otherhand have earned everything I've gotten which sadly isn't much but I've earned it damn it!

The fact that these people cheer my name is a good example of just who exactly they look forward too when they tune in to Tuesday Night RAW. They're not watching Wrestlemania to see you lose your match, no they're watching to see me beat the hell out a kid in a Halloween costume and some...I'm not sure I can even call him a man. That's my match. That's who I'm up against and these people would rather see me go in there, take one of the guys out with a weapon, and hit another with the Midnight Special and then cover them and win all in a matter of 2 minutes. You could have a 60 minute Ironman match and these folks would still vote my match the best of the night. You're boring Randy. Hell Im' pretty sure half of the people fell asleep when you were talking. As soon as you came out people ran to the bathroom and rushed back as soon as they heard my music. No one likes you am I right people?

The crowd cheers agreeing with Ambrose's question and they begin to chant "No one likes you" to Orton.

I mean your whole "I'm nothing until I win a World Championship" is the most idiotic thing to come out of your mouth since saying you wanted a hardcore match with me. You won the title in a second rate company. This is UWF! Nobody gives a shit what you did in WWE. And even then you're a FORMER World Heavyweight Champion. Yeah there's a very good reason for that. It's because even in a second rate company you couldn’t be top dog. What the hell did you expect when you got here. I came here and I've been making people fear my name ever since. The only reason I haven’t taken the title off of CM Punk myself is because I'm already a champion. Since I keep on winning, I probably will never get an opportunity but that's the very reason I have single handedly made this Hardcore Championship the most prestigious title in UWF. That’s right, your challenging for a second rate title asshole!

The fans cheer and begin to chant Asshole at Randy Orton.

You see this isn’t the WWF Hardcore title. No this is the UWF Hardcore Championship. No 24/7 gimmick even though I can damn well defend it at all times. No this title just means that people are allowed to fight like true warriors. The only thing that would make this title more awesome was if it was a fight to the death. Basically what I’m trying to say is to quit comparing your mediocre career in WWE to the UWF. Let me ask you something Randy, how many of my opponents are still actually making an impact? That’s right only one and that’s because he was too afraid to get in the ring with me. Everyone else has been physical destroyed by myself. They were all threats at one point. The Miz, Jericho, Cody Rhodes. Now they are all back in obscurity. You’re just another number one contender whose going to get sent right back to the minor leagues where you came from and there's not a damn thing you or anyone else can do about it! So say goodbye to this crowd because it's the last time they're gonna see you talking because I'm going to rip out your vocal chords just because it's legal in our match.

Dean stops and stares deep into the eyes of Randy Orton as the crowd cheers behind him.


The Wrestling Addict

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I'm sorry Tyson, did you say something? Nah, I'm just playing with you because unfortunately I heard every single word you said. However, I now want to pull out my ear drums, throw them on the ground, and beat on them with my sledgehammer. I am sick and tired of you going on about not getting shots. Do you think I got shots when I first broke into this business? Hell no, I didn't! But I worked my way to the top. I busted my ass and did whatever I had to do both in and out of the ring to gain those shots. Do you think when I jobbed to Warrior at Wrestlemania, I complained about it? Instead, I made damn sure it never happened again. Years later and I was main eventing Wrestlemania. Why? Because I did what had to be done to get to the top. You can go on and on about carrying dead weight to win tag titles all you want, but everyone knows it was the other way around. While you were busy sleeping with Jim Neidhart Jr., DH Smith was carrying your ass! Sure you and Smith were tag champs but that isn't much of an accomplishment. By the time you guys won the straps, the tag division in that company was dead.

I find it funny that you say I haven't done anything in UWF to deserve a spot in this tournament. Sure, I may have lossed one match and tapped out two twice but what have you done, Tyson? At least people are aware that I am on the UWF roster. I make myself know. Tyson, you are easily forgettable! And when I say that, you will respond with the same old bull about not getting a shot. The thing is nobody cares. Nobody in the back cares, these people don't care, I sure as hell don't care, and Tyson I am starting to think, you don't even care. If you truly cared, you would be doing whatever it takes to be known in this industry!

You also want to talk about no matter how hard I try, I will never be as good as Ric Flair or Shawn Michaels. There are no two other men in this business that I respect more than Flair and Shawn, but Tyson, that was a bad idea for you to bring them up. Take a look at this video.

Everyone looks on as a video is played on the titantron.


Ric Flair may very well be the best to ever step foot in a wrestling ring, and look what I did to him. Just think what I could do to a nobody like yourself, Tyson. You also wanted to bring up my best friend, the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels, so take a look at this.


I did that to Shawn Michaels, my best friend. If I can hit my best friend with a sledgehammer in his surgically-repaired back, just think about all the things I can do to someone I don't even like, like yourself. You can say you're better than me all you want, but I am the only man in this ring right now that actually backs up what they have to say. Tonight, I will beat you, then I will go on later to beat Del Rio or Roode. Then I go on to Wrestlemania and win the United States Championship from Wade Barrett. Nobody, and I mean nobody will get in my way because I am the King of Kings, The Serebrial Assasin, the Game, and after Wrestlemania, the UWF United States Champion!


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United States Championship Match: Wade Barrett (c) vs HHH, Tyson Kidd, Roode, Del Rio

Ricardo steps through the entrance onto the stage wearing a specialty made suit for the occasion of Wrestlemania, a mic in hand. The crowd tears into him with a chorus of boos that fills the arena as he brings the mic up to speak .

Ricardo R.: Señoras y señores,
Es para mí un gran honor presentar a ustedes,
Él es un hombre de gran nobleza, con una inteligencia superior
Él es un dios entre los hombres
Él es la esencia de la excelencia
Él es Alberto Del RRRRRRRrrrriiiiiioOOOOoO!​


Alberto Del Rio pulls into the arena in a Lamborghini. He parks it on the side of the ramp and exits. He's wearing a suit similar to the one Ricardo is wearing donning his usual trademark smirk. He proceeds down the ramp and up the steel steps, entering through the middle rope as his music fades out and someone from the outside the squared circle hands him a mic. He brings it up to speak as the crowd lets out another enormous chorus of boos and you suck chants.

"My name is Alberto Del Rio....BUT OF COURSE...You already knew that"

He stares out into the crowd as he continues.​

"Let me be the first to WELCOME you to Alberto Del Rio's WRESTLEMANIA."​

This brings a new string of "You suck" chants as Del Rio smirks and continues.​

Cause you see, Alberto Del Rio is the main attraction at this years, and any years Wrestlemania. What CM Punk, Randy Orton, or whomever else does is irrelevant to the history that Alberto Del Rio will accomplish tonight. A month ago when I entered this company I told you peasants, and I told everyone backstage that Alberto Del Rio WOULD be going to Wrestlemania, and he would defeat Wade Barrett for Alberto Del Rio's United States Championship. I defeated Bobby Roode last week, with the help of a certain item that themselves brought to ringside in intent to use on me, and pinned him in the middle of the ring. Cause you see Roode, I told you once and I'll tell you again. I'm smarter and more cunning then you could ever imagine.​

He rubs his chin

But something else happened that night, which lead to this match tonight not being a one on one situation which Alberto Del Rio once again was SCREWED out of. After Hunter once again proved he was a beat up old has been, I put Tyson Kidd in the armbreaker, and I made him tap out just like I made HHH tap out two weeks in a row. Hunter in a jealous fit of rage hit the Essence of Exellence with the pedigree allowing Tyson Kidd to almost have a victory over the Mexican Aristocrat.

The crowd cheers for Tyson Kidd​

But you see not only did Teddy Long make the first right decision in his whole career as General Manager, but at the same time proceeded to SCREW Alberto Del Rio once again of HIS Wrestlemania Moment and his one on one match with the Champion. Cause you see while my record in this company still remains untouched at three and zero, I now have to face four other men to claim what's already deservingly mine. Three of the four men in this match with Alberto Del Rio, he has already defeated in the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania, yet they still get undeserved chances.

Del Rio pauses for a second to compose his train of thought then continues​

Hunter what have you done to deserve this match not based on name alone? You have one victory since you've been in this company and that's because the Essence of Excellence allowed it so. Not only could you not beat Tyson Kidd in the tournament, but I made you tap out not ONCE, but TWICE; two weeks in a row. Hunter your little comeback story is heart felt and touching, but you're a washed up wrestler gasping for five more seconds in the lime light. I've replaced you Hunter and I've made it obvious in these weeks leading up to Wrestlemania. That's why you attacked Alberto Del Rio before the finals of the tournament. You knew I was right, and you knew I was better then you, better then Tyson Kidd, and hell better then anyone else in this match tonight. You attacked Alberto Del Rio because you know you can't get the job done yourself. Tonight marks the end of your legacy, of your career Hunter. Tonight I will be victorious, and I will walk out of this arena with the United States Championship wrapped around my waist. Hunter tonight is the night where I do what no one else could, tonight I end the career of Hunter Helmsley.

Tyson Kidd, you managed to get your first victory here last week against a washed up has been; congrats. You picked up the pieces of what the Essence of Excellence left behind. Alberto Del Rio always knew it was going to be you that he would face in the end of the tournament, but that match couldn't be so because of Hunter's jealously for how much better I am then everyone else in the locker room and everybody else in this crowd tonight. You see Tyson Kidd, you and Hunter are alike in a lot of ways. You've both lost to Alberto Del Rio. You've both proved you're not United States Champion material. And you've both have tapped out to the Mexican Aristocrat's Arm Breaker. Tyson Kidd you know, as well as I know that you don't deserve to be in this match tonight. You're like everyone else in this match except the champion whose just complained and moaned about how you couldn't beat Alberto Del Rio, and so Teddy Long put you in this match cause he felt sorry for you. Alberto Del Rio is the TRUE number one contender to the United States Championship. When he walks out tonight with the belt around his waist not only will your eyes, but everyone around the world's eyes will be opened to the fact that I AM your champion, and WILL BE respected as such.

The crowd begins again with the boos​

Roode. Where do I even begin with you? I proved you to be everything I said you was the night of the tournament. Your claims of change were almost as useless as the Obama administration, and I beat you in the middle of the ring one on one. Cause you see Roode I am everything you're NOT. Beer Money came down to the ring, and Alberto Del Rio walked away the winner. I'm smarter then you Roode, I'm more cunning, and I'm a hell of a lot more talented then you. I've seen enough of your god awful matches to know the tactics of Beer Money, so I beat you to the punch. I used your own tricks against you, and walked away victorious. When Alberto Del Rio cracked you over the head with that beer bottle he had NO remorse, cause he knows you would of done the exact same thing. The Essence of Excellence took everything you could give him, and still came back for more. Roode you will NOT be walking out of Wrestlemania as the United States Champion, because you're looking at the new Champion. I've proved I'm everything you wish you were, and that I am the face and DESTINY of this company. NOT YOU now Roode, and not ever will it be you. Cause you see as long as Alberto Del Rio is in this company, this company will survive. I put this company on my back, and I am carrying it to the higher echelon of the industry. Roode you can bring everything you got to the ring tonight, cause you're going to need it.

Del Rio smirks, as he's almost forgotten the Champion himself.​

Wade Barrett, I had almost forgotten about you. Cause you see before you beat CM Punk on RAW, you were always one to be forgotten. Wade Barrett you may currently hold the United States Championship, but you're not deserving of it. You see I remember when Wade Barrett first arrived to the WWE. You were in Nexus weren't you? After that you were in the Core cause no matter what you did Wade Barrett you couldn't get over. Hell Vince even tried to put a major title around your waist and you even failed at doing that. Cause you see Wade you're not champion material. You don't process the talent that Alberto Del Rio has. As a matter of fact you wouldn't even have had the win over CM Punk if it wasn't for Randall Orton interfering in that match. Wade tonight is the end of your reign as Champion, and starts the deserving reign of the Mexican Aristocrat. You truely are the one thing that stands in Alberto Del Rio's way of his DESTINY of once again being a champion.

A Wade Barrett chant begins

Wade tonight when I come down to the ring and beat you, I will walk away with MY title. I will leave you in the middle of the ring broken, just like so many did in the WWE and even in FCW. Cause you see Wade Barrett I am the superior athlete. I do want to thank you for one thing though. The Essence of Excellence extends his hand out to you, for doing one good thing in your career, and that's holding my championship belt until I could take it from you. Tonight will be my greatest Wrestlemania moment yet, and all you peasants and all the unworthy in back gets to witness my rise back up to the top of another company.

Del Rio is about to continue when....
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Del Rio is about to continue when the presence of the only man in the US Title match guaranteed to be in the match before the last episode of Raw started... the champion is felt by the seventy thousand plus of the Wrestlemania crowd..... and they're certainly not chanting his name.



The crowd let out a sigh of disappointment, barring a selection of fans that have taking a liking to the United States champion, as Wade Barrett walks out from the back and smirks at the UWF Universe at the top of the ramp, before forcing the jacket off his back and punching the air. His grin can't be removed as he walks down the ramp.


Wades walks around the ring to get a microphone and then enters the ring via the steps on the far side. He looks at Alberto Del Rio as he waits for his music to switch off in the arena. When it does, Wade rubs his arm over the polished gold belt he has draped over his shoulder and pauses, before finally starting to tell Del Rio, and the rest of the UWF Universe what's going through his mind.

Wade Barrett: Before I go onto what you have just said, and believe you me, I have a lot to say about that, the biggest thing that I have a problem with Alberto is what you didn't say. And it's not what your burrito bosom buddy Ricardo Rodriguez has said either. You come out here, spill all of your Mexican garbage out here like we're some back yard of a taco bell and expect everyone here to care about it and that's all well and good, but it's what you tried and made the audience sound like saying that, really shows the type of man you are. You see, you need to really feel like your the best before you can believe your the best isn't that right Del Rio. And part of that is having the strongest reaction off the crowd. These people may be worthless but their reactions are a damn good indication of how important a superstar you are. But before you fog up anybodies mind with whatever tape you put in the P.A of a fake crowd chanting my name, something that has NEVER happened here in the UWF because I have never allowed it, let me just demonstrate exactly how these God-forsaken parasites feel about Wade Barrett!

Wade holds his mic up in the air, and the boos for the United States champion are near to deafening with the amount of people in the arena. Wade lets out a smirk and mouths a few words to Del Rio off mic, before lifting it back up to continue.

You see Alberto you are not fooling anyone with your moneys-no-object plans to make you look like the most hated superstar in UWF is never going to happen. Loud boos, and loud cheers are quite similar, it simply means the crowd care about you as a competitor, and that is something that cannot be said for you. Some of these fans are the same fans that saw me win the first ever match here, and become the European Champion. These are some of the same fans that saw me become the first non American to win the United States championship after only being put in the match as a wild-card, and running with the ball ever since. Some of these are the fans that saw me end the UWF singles competition streak lasting over five months, of our Undisputed champion CM Punk. And every single fan that has seen me through all of these accomplishments.... absolutely hate it. They hate it why? You might have a little experience in this Alberto but they hate it because they can't stand anybody not from the United States of America doing well in their country. They cannot take that a man from across the pond literally cannot be touched by anyone of their home town heroes and it drives them to booing me, trying to get to me by booing me.

But what you people have never understood, and still fail to understand is that no matter how much you boo me, there is no effect on me, by you booing me, because I have never ever cared about what any of you have thought about me. And this years Wrestlemania is going to be the one night that will cement my dominance in this company, no matter whether you boo me or not. From outshining CM Punk, to beating CM Punk, to beating four other men, four men that yes Alberto as it pains me to say, have proven themselves somewhat worth of a championship match, even though technically the only person here should be Tyson Kidd. But in any way, this will all just go in my favor, and when I walk out of Wrestlemania champion, my legacy will only be cemented and destined to go further. I beat the Undisputed champion, I know whats coming in my future, it doesn't mean I'm not going to work my absolute hardest to ensure that the biggest night of the year, is the biggest for the Barrett Barrage.

Barrett takes a pause, and then looks at Del Rio once again.


Alberto, you want to bring up our FCW and WWE days? You really want to make the CM Punk error of bringing up the past, just to have you eating your words afterwards? That's fine. We can talk about every accomplishment you made. WWE Champion twice, Money in the Bank winner, Royal Rumble winner. How about you bring up your achievements in UCW too? Countless championships, three time world champion, faced seven men in the same match and kept your World Championship. you see, I can bring up all of your achievements and success, because I am going to be the man to stop you adding Wrestlemania and the UWF United States Championship to your list, and that, that only makes me look a lot more impressive in the long run. And yes, I was in the Nexus, and the Corre, not only was I in them but I controlled them as my brainchild, and wreaked havoc on the WWE more than any Mexican Aristocrat ever has...... but not being over? That's why we are in opposite places here than what we were in the WWE. Vince puts titles on people and pleases himself. I take titles and don't let go here in the UWF. And you will learn that come April 8th.

But Alberto, I have to leave you be for now, you aren't the only man that I need to prioritize. Three other man have the same claim to the championship opportunity as you. Triple H, a man that has made his name in the company that Vince drapes titles over people, as being the man the title was draped onto when it made no sense to have it upon anyone else. You see, the WWE may have been a game, and you may have been that damn good at it there, but this is no game, this is my livelyhood, and this is where I am going to become World Champion. the Game is well and truly over, and I think you proved that when you lost to Tyson Kidd last week. You are just that damn lucky, that Teddy Long feels that Champions advantage is something that should cease to exist, and has added you to this match just to add more to the match, the Wrestlemania effect shall we say. The one time a year that you find superstars in places they don't belong because it suits the audience. Hunter, I'd tell Stephanie to take the champagne out of the ice, your going to need the ice to pack your bruises.

Wade paces back and forth in the ring and brings up the man that Triple H lost to, Tyson Kidd.

Maybe there's a few premonitions due to who trained you Tyson, that you have the potential to culminate into a superstar that even the best there was, best there is and best there ever will be himself, would even be proud of. But, you see, there is a little something that Bret Hart always forgets.. the wrestling game... it's a lot different now, to when it was during his time..... it's a lot... better. And his words are in vain, as he probably wasn't the best there was.... he definitely isn't the best there is, and there ever will be... well that is coming, in the coming months, the coming years. The Barrett Barrage will make sure that Bret Hart is a walking copyright infringement, and what better way to prove that, by taken out the latest prodigy of the man. Tyson, you may have had not one but two victories last week on Raw, but it takes more than one good night to become champion, and when I'm in front of you, I can guarantee that you have not got it in you.

And Bobby Roode. Chances are you were the least impressive of the lot last Tuesday night Raw. I mean, you let yourself get beat by this man right here. I understand that you want to make something of yourself away from a tag team division, but Bobby, I think the proof is in the pie, that you can't cut it. And that's not me trying to put you down, it's plain proof. Since you came here, you lost to a team of superstars that were fighting each other, and you lost to Del Rio on Raw. But like Triple H, you have been given the chance of a lifetime.... a chance of a lifetime to get injured by the hands of Wade Barrett. If you think the chance is for anything other than that then you have certainly got to have something in your head checked.

Wrestlemania is the Showcase of the Immortals. On Raw we saw that maybe Tyson Kidd is merely the best of a bad bunch. No matter how impressed Teddy Long may be by all of you, and however he may want to keep a Brit from dominating the UWF, Randy Orton saw that I was able to take out the Undisputed champion, and that is exactly what I done. The Barrett Barrage is now the hottest that it has ever been. Unfortunately for you four, its gearing up for the biggest night in our companies history. This has been your United States champion.... God Save the Queen.

Barrett smirks and glances at Del Rio, but his attention is taken to the top of the ramp as....
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*The crowd turns towards the stage, giving off a mixed reaction as Tyson Kidd appears on stage with a mic already in hand, lifting it up as his music fades off*


Tyson Kidd:

The more things change...the More they stay the same. Since I signed on the dotted line I've talked about being overlooked and would you look at that, after I won the tournament to become Number one contender Teddy decides to make it a 5 way. How overlooked can someone be that even after winning a tournament it is just scrapped entirely and made a multi man match, Actually I do remember of one certain superstar who went through the same exact thing a while back and he went on to become a two time world champion. So I guess I'm in good company, that said Alberto it seems like you think you won the tournament in some odd way. But lets look at the facts for a second here shall we: Fact number one you had your match earlier so you had time to rest up while you decided to come out immediately after I made Triple H tap out. Fact number two, it isn't called tapping out when there isn't a match going on. See look

*Tyson Kidd begins to clap his hands as he walks down the ramp*

That right there doesn't mean Alberto Del Rio made Tyson Kidd tap out, that means I slapped my hands together just like I just slapped my hand on the mat after you came out. That said Lets go to our final fact. Immediately after facing Triple H, and then being attacked by a coward, I won the tournament. I beat you Del Rio and even though the people running things around here gasped at the though of a Triple H and Del Rio less Wrestlemania and immediately decided to make it a 5 man elimination match, the fact remains that I am the man that beat you here in UWF. Which is exactly that I'm going to do at Wrestlemania.

*Kidd jumps up on the ring apron and immediately flips over the top rope and lands on his feet in the ring*


*Kidd gets a smirk on his face and brushes off his shoulder before continuing*


Wade unlike the lot in this match I have no real issue with you but the fact that your holding that championship, that said you said something interesting "it takes more than one good night to become champion" And while that may be true of some people it isn't entirely based on fact, for you see many many people have been champion simply because of one good night. But when it comes to this match it won't be about one good night, since this is elimination style it won't be about one quick pin it will be about beating everyone else in this match. While Wade Barrett vs. Tyson Kidd would of stolen the show, I still look at it as just Tyson Kidd vs. Wade Barrett. Because I've made Triple H tap out, I've beaten Del Rio who in turn has beaten Triple H and Robert Roode. The way I see it, them being in this match is just a formality, see I know had the roles been changed people would be complaining up and down that they won the tournament and deserve to be in this match one on one but I thrive on the chance to show I'm better than not just one but four people.

*Kidd turns to Del Rio*

And Alberto what I like about you is your ego, not that its a good thing I just find it oh so amusing. Especially when you claim You've beaten me, no sir You beat Triple H while I was added to the match. You have never beaten me, sure you attacked me after a match but really who can say they're proud of that? oh that's right you, which is just an example of why I find that ego amusing. Because you can find a way to make anything good for you, hell if a fly hits your windshield you'll talk about how that fly chose to end his life when he saw who was driving the car just to have the honor of it being caused by you. See while Teddy decided to abuse his power and erase our match from the history books, out of the four of us challengers the only true man who has never been beaten in UWF would be me. since no one has ever pinned me or made me submit, whoa whoa whoa before you raise that mic up and butcher the english language some more I know what your going to say that you made me tap out, but we went over this already so there is no need for me to bring it up again.

*Kidd turns to Barrett*

Wade Wade Wade, a man of class. A true challenge, yes everything you said about Bret is true but when it comes to Bret and I...well all he did was show me how to twist people into pretzels. The real talent is all in me, and you just like the other three are going to witness that first hand because Wrestlemania is the place for me to finally make my impact. And Wade the way I see it, you have a hell of a future around here, hell I wouldn't be surprised if after mania your going after the World title. That said before you move on, your place needs to be replaced, and while the Barrett Barrage may run rampant there will unfortunately be a place where it will be stopped before it keeps on going, and that place is at Wrestlemania. The United States title shows just who is next in line in this business, and my Crown Prince moniker will not be slated until I hold that title. and I plan on doing so whether you agree with it or not.

*Kidd turns to the stage*

Oh and as far as the other two men in this match, the two men who lost in the first round of the tournament. Well what can I say about you two, you're here out of a technicality Tedd threw out. And while you may come out here and make your case known, fact of the matter is just like in the tournament your going to be the first two long gone from the match when things start getting interesting. I don't take anyone lightly as people make that mistake with me however I know when I have nothing to worry about and after making Triple H tap out I know i have nothing to worry about there. Actually, the fact that Teddy allows Triple H to still be here not suspended after using the hammer, let alone be in this match is almost shocking to me. But hey Teddy isn't all there now is he, I mean he still doesn't book me every week when I am the best in this ring period. but who can blame him, people have been overlooking Tyson Kidd for years, Wrestlemania is just the place I end such atrocious actions.

*Kidd looks out towards the crowd*

Just like all of you never know how to react when my name is mentioned, whether you like that I am the best in this ring or that you hate that I know I am better than all of you people combined. Well your opinion of me can change every week, but what won't change is the fact that I am the future of this business, Wade Barrett vs. Tyson Kidd, with Alberto Del Rio, Triple H, and Bobby Roode will cement that fact. As I take my place as the Crown Prince, on my way to claiming my rightful spot atop the throne of this industry. And I will FOREVER be remembered as the best thing to come out of the Hart Dungeon...So please make sure not to spoil my moment by making things too easy for me at Mania.

*Kidd gets a smug smirk on his face when he is interrupted*

ooc: not sure how meh this is but I'm doing this quickly at someone elses house so i couldn't take my time and even re-read so it is what it is, good luck guys.


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4.3.2012 Ultimate Warrior v Ultramantis Black

And then the Arena goes black then the Nightmare Begins........


As the theme eerily begins smoke starts to fill the arena


In the Darkness the Warrior begins to speak.

The Ultimate Warrior: Now is the time of darkness and pain. This evil will be unleashed upon you all as the nightmares begin.

The lights come up in the arena and we see the Warrior standing on the ropes pointing into the crowd.


The Ultimate Warrior: Now that we all know the fate of Regal and the impending doom placed on the head of Antonio Cesaro as we march forth towards the greatest battlefield of them all Wrestlemania we can do nothing but prepare for the darkness to take shape so in the meantime the dark gods have set the man of a thousand nightmares on a new path to acquire more means for our impending domination.

The crowd looks on some booing and most confused as the Warrior rambles on.


The Ultimate Warrior: For now is the time to bring forth the era of the Nightmares! And who better to stand at the side of the Ultimate Warrior than a man who may not be a man at all but another who battles using the powers of darkness. That man is my opponent tonight UltraMantis Black! You see the dark gods have fortold a union of epic proportions that will make the very foundation of UWF crumble at our feet! Placing fear in the hearts of any that dare stand in our path. After Wrestlemania when the leaders of the Dark age have stood victorious holding titles in the air who could stop us! No one! So Ultramantis the man of Nightmares says this to you, bring forth a battle that these drones will speak of until the end of time. Then join me in taking over this world and together we will bring forth a world of Darkness and build an army the likes of which have never been seen, and together we will make the true Nightmare begin!

The Warrior drops the microphone.....


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UWF Raw April 3 2012: Punk & Austin vs Orton & Cena

The fans are waiting in the arena for one of the four superstars in our main event to make their way to the ring when suddenly the tron lights up, with Josh Matthews standing next to the Undisputed Champion; CM Punk. Mathews nods his head and begins to speak to Punk.


Josh Matthews: CM Punk, last week you had Wade Barre-

Punk cuts Matthews off and begins to talk with serious emotion in his voice.


CM Punk: Wade Barrett?! Wade Barrett, you want to come to my locker room and waste my time talking about Wade Barrett? Fact is, I beat Wade Barrett... I beat Barrett with the GTS in the middle of the ring, and had it not been for Randal Orton.... Well had it not been for Randal I would be standing here going into Wrestlemania maybe a little happier. Maybe I would even have decided to go down to the ring like I always do and tell these people just what I'm going to do Randal at Wrestlemania.. but that isn't the case.. Oh no, that isn't the case, because Randal decided to stick his nose where it didn't belong. Randal did something that he should have never done and that's piss me off!

Punk looks down at Josh, who's obviously speechless as Punk's words and he only continues ranting.

See last week when I said I hoped Randal would beat me at Wrestlemania.... I wasn't lying. I want him to beat me, because then he'll know what it's like to have the weight of a company on his back. I want Randal Keith Orton to beat me so I can finally move on with my life and stop hearing the same old crap week after week, about how I'm nothing, my title reign is surrounded around nothing but controversy... That even though I bust my ASS off in that ring week after week.. I'm not the best in the world! And that it's just a gimmick I use to slap on the back of a t-shirt, I don't think so. Those words just like everything else I have ever said are the truth! I'm the best because instead of bitching, and complaining like R-truth, and Drew McIntyre about not being booked.... Even when I'm not suppose to be here, I am here. I'm the best because I have not only carried UWF to where it is now, but I have done it with UCW, and the WWE as well.

Even when my back is against the wall; even if everyone is saying how horrible of a person I am, or how controversial my title defenses may be.... I haven't took the easy way out. But that isn't not what this week is about, is it Josh? No! This week is about me teaming up with someone who I have beat more times than he can remember, and us facing our opponents at Wrestlemania.

The fans pop for the team of Austin and Punk, obviously knowing the epic feel behind it. But it doesn't seem to matter as Punk just continues ranting.


I could careless about John Cena to be honest with you Josh. I've beaten him before, and come Wrestlemania, so will Stunning Steve; but the real fact of the matter is... Wrestlemania is less than a week away come Tuesday Josh... Which means... Randal screwed up last week when he cost me my match against Wade Barrett. He screwed up, because instead of just giving me an RKO and walking away thinking that it was enough... Randal should have punted me in the skull, because now that he didn't.... Now that Randal has given me the chance to get my revenge; another chance to get him back... All I can say for his sake is Teddy better have a replacement for me come Wrestlemania.

Punk smiles to the camera then turns away and walks away leaving them to fade back to the ring where....​


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Raw 4/3 - Regal/Barrett/McIntyre



The crowd let out a sigh of disappointment, barring a selection of fans that have taking a liking to the United States champion, as Wade Barrett walks out from the back and smirks at the UWF Universe at the top of the ramp, before forcing the jacket off his back and punching the air. His grin can't be removed as he walks down the ramp.


Wades walks around the ring to get a microphone and then enters the ring via the steps on the far side. He waits inside the ring for his entrance theme to be cut and then he waits a further few moments more, affirming his importance, before lifting the microphone up to his voices proximity and lets the UWF know exactly what he's thinking.

Wade Barrett: Ladies and gentlemen, your United States champion, and the man that last week done what no man in the history of UWF has been able to do before him, is absolutely on turbo. We are literally five days away from the greatest show on Earth, and just days away from the main event of Wrestlemania! The main event that is going to knock each and every one of you off your feet, as a championship match for the ages takes place.... where Wade Barrett destroys four offcasts of the main event cut-off point for his own amusement, and for you to feel satisfaction that you paid the pay-per-view premiums, or saved up for the tickets to be there in person. Oh, you didn't think I was talking about a different match did you? Come on, I said main event, and in last weeks main event, I pinned CM Punk. In wrestling bookers terms, that now means I am the bigger competitor than him and at Wrestlemania, I am now the man in the spotlight.

The crowd boo Barrett's logic but Wade knew this was coming, and draws out the pause so every last boo is emphasized.

I literally could not care less about what you lot have to say on the subject, if your not Wade Barrett, then I just plain do not want to know. I have proven every time I come out to this ring that I am the top dog in this company. What more the reaction I get from you every week just proves it indefinitely. It shows that you know it, everyone in the back knows it, and our good fair general manager Theodore Long knows it. The fairest general manager of our generation. So fair that when I saw I had a match I checked the whole card to find that Alberto Del Rio, Tyson Kidd, Bobby Roode and Triple H all have nights off. Every single person in my match at Mania have an extra weeks resting up. Am I complaining? No. I expected this. This is the type of man Teddy Long is. He's the man that decides that his greatest asset available to him should go up against a man that he has already beaten in easy fashion, and a man that is on a losing streak against fellow Europeans that is close to sheer embarrassment.

Drew McIntyre, we have already met once, and this has ended badly for you once before. I hate to be the man the draws deja vu upon you, but exactly the same is going to happen again. Both you and William Regal fall under the same category in my eyes. I've devised a little list. On the top you have of course, Wade Barrett, destined to be next World champion after Wrestlemania. Then you got the current champion and his opponent, CM Punk and Orton. Then the guys I am going to embarrass at Mania, a few rungs down... a few more.... and then there's you two. The fact that this match is a huge opportunity for you two is only because the big name I have made for myself. This is typical big man booking ahead of the pay per view. Teddy may be unfair but he is smart. He is bulking me up to the best I could possibly look at Mania. How better than after beating CM Punk last week, than by beating two men single-handed just days before my title defense.

It's not often I can say this but I'm sure you both will concur with my sentiments. This has been your United States Champion speaking.... God Save the Queen.

Barrett smiles in the middle of the ring, and his facial expression doesn't even change when he hears the music of......


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OOC: Not sure if hunterofthedusk is gonna TT but is he is gonna then I suggest we leave this 1-1 or 2-2 when we have a Mania match to TT on.


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Tyson Kidd is interrupted, but not by a theme music. Instead, he is interrupted by the titantron lighting up. It heads backstage where both members of Beer Money; James Storm and Robert Roode are shown having a conversation. The audio hasn't quite kicked in yet, so the first few words aren't heard, but shortly, we can hear everything.


"Cowboy" James Storm: Bobby, last week don't matter. 'Ya still goin' to Wrestlemania. 'Ya still goin' become United States Champion, and 'ya can bet 'ya ass that after 'ya win, the two of us is goin' party!'​

Bobby Roode: No James, it does matter. Last week on Raw, I had Del Rio beat in the middle of that ring. Spear, it was over. 1..2..3. Until Ricardo Rodriguez decided to stick his nose in my business. I should have won that match James!​

Storm: Bobby, I know Ricky Ricardo stuck his nose in 'ya business, but I stuck my foot in Ricky Ricardo's nose. So 'ya best believe that he ain't goin' be gettin' involved at Wrestlemania, cause if he do, I ain't got no problem doin' it again. 'Ya jus' need to focus on what's goin' on in the here and now Bobby. Ain't no point in worryin' 'bout the past,, ain't nothin' 'ya can do 'bout it. April 8th, Chi-Town baby, I want 'ya to go out there and do what 'ya do best, out wrestle all them boys. 'Ya the best pound for pound wrestler in this match, and I know can't none of them match up wit' 'ya.​

Roode: You're damn right! None of them have my charisma. None of them have my talent. None of them have my desire. I am the "It Factor" of professional wrestling damnit! And it's time that I started acting like it. No more worrying about the boys in the back. No more caring about the guys who can't get themselves over. You know what this is about? It's about Beer Money! It's about James Storm, it's about Bobby Roode! It's about proving we can still hang with the top guys, and it starts at Wrestlemania. It starts with my four sorry opponents who think they're somebodys. And it starts with the United States Championship. I am not leaving Chicago without that Championship! I will do everythig in my power to become United States Champion.​

Roode grabs his shirt and leaves the locker room, and heads towards the ring. The camera stays focused on Storm momentarily as he looks directly into it.​

Storm: Well boys, I don't think it needs to be said, but I'm goin' say it anyway, Sorry About Your Damn Luck!​

The cameras head back to the live arena, where the crowd is popping for James Storm's trademark line. They die down for a second as they wait for the arrival of Bobby Roode, and the pop starts once again when.....

I'm Off The Chain!!!....Time To Go Aganist The Grain!!!


The crowd gets back to their feet as "Off The Chain" starts to play and Bobby Roode makes his way out from behind the curtain. Roode walks out ono the stage and his pyro shoots out from behind him. Bobby stars heading down the ramp with a look of intensity on his face, he's ready for Wrestlemania, ready to be a star. He heads straight to the ring without stopping once. Once he reaches the ring, Roode enters and is handed a microphone from the ringside technician.


Bobby Roode

As cute as all of this has been, it's all irrevelant. All of you can say that you're going to win at Wrestlemania, all of you can say that the United States Championship is going to belong to you, but let me make something clear to each of you, and let me make it as crystal as I possibly can. That United States Championship is mine and mine alone. It belongs to Bobby Roode! Not Hunter, not Tyson, not Alberto and after April 8th, it won't belong to Wade Barrett either. And unlike all of you, I don't need to attempt to convince myself that I'm going to win this match. I know I'm going to win this match. And how do I know? Because the wrestling world is no different than the business world. And I excel when it comes to business. I took over the business world the same way I plan to take over UWF. But I don't plan to take over UWF in a suit and tie, I don't plan on using corporate mergers to become the top man in this company. I plan on beating everyone than stands in my way. And sadly, it starts with the three of you and Hunter Hearst Hemsley.​

Roode turns his attention to the man who beat him on Raw last week; Alberto Del Rio.​

Alberto Del Rio, congratulations, you beat me last week. Even more impressive, you outsmarted me. You beat half of Beer Money with a beer bottle. Not bad. But there's one problem Berto, you didn't finish me off. You didn't do the one thing that you're known for. You didn't rip my arm out the socket. You didn't put me on the shelf. You gave me the oppourtunity to come back. And Alberto, you're going to regret not taking me out when you had the chance, because now my thoughts and my motivation has changed. I spent the past month trying to put guys like you over Del Rio, and you know what it got me? It got buried, it got me not booked. But when you cracked that beer bottle upside my head Del Rio, it made me change. Why should I give a damn about you? Why should I give a damn about anyone else on this roster? You know what I care about? I care about myself...and I care about that....​

Roode points at Barrett's United States Championship while never taking his eyes off Del Rio.​

And that Alberto Del Rio, should worry you. Because I'm going to do whatever it takes to get that. I'm going to do what you couldn't do. At Wrestlemania, I'm going to put you in the Crossface, and I'm not going to let go. I don't care if you tap out, I don't care if you get to the ropes, I don't care if you pass out. This time I will be the one showing you no remorse Del Rio. And when it's all said and done, and you're lying at my feet, screaming in pain from the ass kicking I just gave to you, you will realize that you're "destiny" has led you astray. Your destiny hasn't led you to the top of another company Del Rio, you're destiny has simply led you back to me. And this time, it's going to take alot more than a beer bottle to keep me down. So I want you to heed your own advice Alberto, bring everything that you've got, because you're going to need it alot more than I am.​

Roode turns his back on Del Rio and scans the ring, until he comes to Tyson Kidd.​

Tyson Kidd, the last student of the Hart Dungeon. You talked alot about technicalities and semantics when you came out here Kidd. What was it you said? You still look at this match as yourself versus Wade Barrett because you have beaten Del Rio, and Del Rio has beaten Triple H and myself. That's fine, I'll let you have your logic Tyson, but then there's something else that you said that made me think. You said Del Rio beat Triple H in a match that involved you, he never beat you. Well Tyson, my question to you is why do you think you can beat me? You never beat me just like Del Rio never beat you. Your entire logic is flawed. But come Wrestlemania, we won't have to worry about technicalities, we won't have to worry about semantics. We don't have to worry about any of this, because I am going to take you all out. Whether it be pinfall, submission, knockout, I don't really care, I'm taking you all out. And after I take you out Tyson, nobody's really going to notice. And I say that because for all the talent you have, Tyson Kidd is still as irrevelant as he's always been. You're still just a nobody. Only difference is now, you're a nobody on a bigger stage.​

You call yourself the crown prince Tyson when truthfully you're nothing more than a joker. You wonder why people overlook Tyson, it's because everyone knows that you're here today and gone tomorrow. You're nothing more than a name in the wind. When I say I'm the "It Factor" of this business, it's not just to boost my own ego Tyson. It's because I am everything this company needs. Talent, charisma, charm, I've got it all. And unlike you, people know who I am. I actually draw a response. You're not meant for suceess Tyson. The only thing you're meant for is being remembered as the last man trained in that famous dungeon. And even with all that lineage, all that knowledge, and all that talent, Tyson Kidd is still nothing more than a joke.​

Roode looks Kidd in the eyes before turning his attention to the United States Champion; Wade Barrett. Bobby's head turns to the United States Championsip, and Roode puts up one finger, signifying that "I'll be with you in a minute". Instead he looks at the hard camera.​

Hunter Hearst Hemsely, you've talked a big game over the past few weeks. You talked about how the Cereberal Assassian was back, how the King of Kings was ready to reclaim his throne, and yet here we stand and you are nowhere to be found. It's funny that as soon as you say you left your wife, your lost your balls Hunter.​

The crowd pops at the shot taken at Triple H, while Roode continues on.​

But Hunter, I'm beginning to think that it's for the best that you don't even show up. Because you're a shell of the man you used to be. The same man who used to cause fear in his opponents, is now the man who has to resort to talking about Owen Hart to get a reaction. You're not the King anymore, you're time has come and gone. It's my time now Hunter, and you can either choose to step aside, or I can move you aside. And if I have to move you aside Hunter, I promise you that it won't be pretty. I compare it to when they had to take Old Yeller around back and put him down. That's you Hunter, come Wrestlemania I will not hesistate to take you out, because I am ready. I am locked, aimed, and ready to kill. April 8th just may be Game Over once and for all.​

Bobby Roode now turns his attention to the US Champion.​

I'm glad you think that I was the least impressive out of everyone in that tournament. This way when I snap your arm in half at Wrestlemania, it will be even more of a big deal. And when I do that, that crowd reaction you were talking about will be nothing like you've ever heard. Because these people hate having you as United States Champion. And I'm going to be the one to change that. I'm going to show you that I can cut it Wade. I am the best wrestler in this match, and I'm going to put you to shame. When Wrestlemania is over, Wade Barrett won't be remembered as the former European Champion or the first man to pin CM Punk in a year, the only thing Wade Barrett will be remebered for is being the man who dropped the title to Bobby Roode.​

Roode looks back at Barrett's Championship.​

And when you're slinking to the back after I've cracked a rib or made you tap, I want you to remember that you said I couldn't cut it. When you have nothing to your name except a bunch of former titles, remember that the least impressive man in the match is that one that made it happen.​

Wrestlemania is right around the corner, and while I may be the least likely name pick to win this match, it's going to happen none the less. The four of you aren't going to stop me from winning the United States Champiopnship and starting the Roode Revolution. The clock is ticking, my time is coming, April 8th, you will all see what the "It Factor" of professional wrestling can do. I will show you all that It Pays to Be Roode.​

Roode lowers his mic just in time as....​


Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Wrestlemania I: European Championship: Antonio Cesaro (C) Vs Ultimate Warrior

The crowd inside the packed Wrestlemania Axxess arena are awaiting the arival of their favourite superstars as we near the granddaddy of them all, when suddenly an unfamiliar theme is heard playing over the PA system.



'Amerika' by Rammstein plays over the PA system and as the guitar kicks in, Mister Antonio Cesaro makes his way out from behind the curtain he has his European Championship raised high in the air for the world to see before he drapes it over his shoulder and makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. He stops at the foot of the ramp to look around at the crowd. Cesaro then walks up the ring steps and through the ropes into the ring where he raises his championship title into the air as the crowd berate him with boos and chants of 'USA!'. Cesaro then places the title belt over his shoulder and grabs himself a microphone.


Antonio Cesaro: Sometimes as champion, you end up in some rather unfavourable positions. Sometimes you end up in unfortunate positions where your championship is in jeopardy. This is one such situation for I am not defending my title against a man of great honour, of great prestige or a man who commands respect like me... no I am facing, at Wrestlemania, with the European Championship on the line, the Ultimate Warrior. Now, control your laughter and ridicule for a moment for this because I have some very serious things to say about Mister Warrior. First and foremost, I am disgusted that I am made to defend my championship, my prestigious championship against a buffoon like Warrior. A man who walked out of the eighties and left his marbles there. A man who represents everything that is so wrong with both the professional wrestling industry, and this country as a whole. He's a delirious, knuckle headed con-artist, but he isn't conning me, no, I am a man of superior European intellect and I can see right through you Ultimate Warrior.

The crowd boo heavily.

You have conned all of these people for over 30 years into thinking that you're some kind of superhero, that you are some berserk warrior fighting the good fight for your 'otherworldly gods'. No, no, and no again I say. You are nothing more than an old man clinging on to something that I could see through as a young child watching the old tapes in Lucerne, Switzerland. I saw through your act, and that is all you are. An act. However, I have been known to let my arrogance get the best of me when defending my title against lesser men such as yourself and Robbie E... so I will not go lightly, also, this is Wrestlemania, I need to shine. I want to shine. I deserve to shine and I will not let mediocre competition stop me from showing the world that I am the best wrestler in this company today. And I'll show them at your expense Warrior, I will hurt you, I will hurt you more than Hulk Hogan did, more than Randy Savage did, more than Rick Rude did... for I am a man of their calibre and I will be remembered not as the man who had to carry an old man in facepaint to a match at Wrestlemania... but rather the man who finally put the Ultimate Warrior down, and became immortalised as the greatest European Champion of all time... and it'll be etched in stone, that the greatest European Champion, the greatest European full stop's name was... Mister... Antonio... Cesaro.

The crowd begin to chant the Warrior's name as Cesaro finishes up his soliloquy.

And that man Warrior, is the man who will retire you, finish you for good, and send you back to wherever you came from at Wrestlemania, and hey, I might even let you walk out... but I wouldn't bet on it.

Cesaro has a big smug grin on his face as he faces the titantron awaiting the arrival of the Ultimate Warrior.


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OOC: Hey guys, not to be rude, but I think we need to keep this going. Wrestlemania is on Sunday, and I'm pretty sure we can all get atleast one more a piece. I think 3 days is enough time to wait. What do u guys think?
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