Raw 20th March - Drew McIntyre Vs. David Otunga
The stagehands are putting the show together in the new arena, and the fans have just arrived. A lot of good matches are expected for this weeks Raw, and with Wrestlemania not far away a lot of superstars trying to get themselves noticed to get a big Mania Moment. One of their music just hit the P.A.
The only professional wrestling lawyer, David Otunga, comes out in his wrestling attire, being closely followed by Johnny Ace, as the both smile and greet the crowd, but only get met by resounding boos. The two men talk to themselves as they're walking down the ramp.
The Funkman flanks Mr. Jennifer Hudson as they both get in the ring. As Laurinaitis goes straight for a microphone, Otunga poses in his Olympiad taunt as they soak up the heat from the packed out Tampa crowd. The music stops and Johnny starts to speak to the arena.
John Laurinaitis: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is John Laurinaitis, and I am the executive of relations and exclusive manager of David Otunga, the only man that will beat you up, and lock you up at the same time. And David Otunga has requested this time with you all tonight to firstly give Raws general manager Teddy Long a message, and secondly the man who he is going to make a mockery of this week on Raw, the man he should have faced last week, Drew McIntyre. David...
Johnny Ace hands the microphone over to his client, who looks around at the audience before starting to talk.
David Otunga: Teddy, do you know what people have been saying about me, between my debut appearance last week, and when the card was announced? People are questioning my integrity, and some are even saying that I don't want to face Drew McIntyre. They are saying that thanks to you changing what was already a done deal, that I have asked for this sudden change, and that I didn't want to wrestle yet. Not only that... but had I had known that I wasn't needed here Teddy, I could have taken at least one new case one, maybe two... the other profession in which I never lose. So your talent relation skills Teddy... zero. Your costing me money, and your making me look extremely weak before I even step in the ring. Now.... Now you have finally made it happen, I face yet another flaw in this logic that is your General Managerial skillset. You hand me the guy that was made to look weak, by William Regal. Is this really what you think makes me look the best in my debut?
Anyway. Drew, this week you face a much more formidable opponent than William Regal, believe me. I have been waiting for this moment for so long, and the fact that Teddys impotence cost me another week of waiting, well that is going to be taken out on you. I remember how you tried to disrespect me when I came out here two weeks ago, and I remember how you said you were going to be the force to reckon with around here. 2 weeks, and one loss later, you have been left to eat your own words, and for your treason I will hand you the upmost punishment this week....
Courtroom ajourned.
Otunga laughs with John Laurinaitis but gets interrupted by.....
The only professional wrestling lawyer, David Otunga, comes out in his wrestling attire, being closely followed by Johnny Ace, as the both smile and greet the crowd, but only get met by resounding boos. The two men talk to themselves as they're walking down the ramp.

The Funkman flanks Mr. Jennifer Hudson as they both get in the ring. As Laurinaitis goes straight for a microphone, Otunga poses in his Olympiad taunt as they soak up the heat from the packed out Tampa crowd. The music stops and Johnny starts to speak to the arena.
John Laurinaitis: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is John Laurinaitis, and I am the executive of relations and exclusive manager of David Otunga, the only man that will beat you up, and lock you up at the same time. And David Otunga has requested this time with you all tonight to firstly give Raws general manager Teddy Long a message, and secondly the man who he is going to make a mockery of this week on Raw, the man he should have faced last week, Drew McIntyre. David...
Johnny Ace hands the microphone over to his client, who looks around at the audience before starting to talk.
David Otunga: Teddy, do you know what people have been saying about me, between my debut appearance last week, and when the card was announced? People are questioning my integrity, and some are even saying that I don't want to face Drew McIntyre. They are saying that thanks to you changing what was already a done deal, that I have asked for this sudden change, and that I didn't want to wrestle yet. Not only that... but had I had known that I wasn't needed here Teddy, I could have taken at least one new case one, maybe two... the other profession in which I never lose. So your talent relation skills Teddy... zero. Your costing me money, and your making me look extremely weak before I even step in the ring. Now.... Now you have finally made it happen, I face yet another flaw in this logic that is your General Managerial skillset. You hand me the guy that was made to look weak, by William Regal. Is this really what you think makes me look the best in my debut?
Anyway. Drew, this week you face a much more formidable opponent than William Regal, believe me. I have been waiting for this moment for so long, and the fact that Teddys impotence cost me another week of waiting, well that is going to be taken out on you. I remember how you tried to disrespect me when I came out here two weeks ago, and I remember how you said you were going to be the force to reckon with around here. 2 weeks, and one loss later, you have been left to eat your own words, and for your treason I will hand you the upmost punishment this week....
Courtroom ajourned.
Otunga laughs with John Laurinaitis but gets interrupted by.....