UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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*Tyson Kidds theme hits the arena, the crowd is unsure on how exactly to react as Kidd shows up on stage with a microphone already in hand he lifts the mic up and begins to speak as he walks down the ramp*


Tyson Kidd:

Ironic isn't it, I came here to UWF so I would no longer be overlooked and yet the first thing that happens to me is that I am overlooked. As I recorded an interview backstage for Raw and yet when I watched Raw my interview was cut. And yet I saw Triple H come out here and talk about things that haven't been relevant in years talking about The Old Triple H being back, and while I agree and old version of Triple H, one past his prime, is back no one really could of cared less. And I also saw Alberto here come out and butcher the English language, as he did now. And yet Tyson Kidds initial warning was cut from the show and all I have to saw is I can only imagine that the reason it wasn't on is because like my entire career I was overlooked. But I promise that is a trend that is going to be put to a stop very...very soon. But you see I'm out here to talk about my debut, and while it may seem as I am simply thrown into a match with Three Former WWE Champions just so I can have a debut, I am the man that is going to be walking away from this endeavor with my hand raised.

*Kidd jumps up on the ring apron gripping the top rope as he looks at Del Rio*

And that is simply because...

*Kidd grips the rope with both hands and crouches down pulling back before he jumps forward the momentum of the rope and his jump allowing him to flip perfectly over the top rope straight ahead and land on his feet in the middle of the ring right in Del Rios Face*

I am better than you.

*Some of the crowd pop for the flip*

Oh but don't take that the wrong way Alberto because I am better than the other two men in this match and I am a hell of a lot better than everyone in this arena right now.

*The crowd quickly turn on Kidd*

You see in life people get training to do things, in wrestling its no different. now theres one important aspect to remember, while lucha libre, Killer Kowalski, and whatever the "Warrior gods" are might be good enough to make it here, if you were trained in something the wrong way then you simply can't do it perfectly. I was trained by the best to be the best, which means by default I am better than any living being that steps into this ring. If you don't believe that just remember they had to shut down the dungeon after i graduated because there would never be anyone better than myself. Now Del Rio I respect that in your country you must be the biggest thing to happen in a long time, I also respect everything Triple H managed to accomplish in his career and I am still amazed how much an insane man accomplished in the Warrior. The fact of the matter is that I'm not saying anyone here is bad, except of course for the people who judge us in the crowd. No I'm simply stating that fact that I am faster, I am more talented, I am in every sense of the word better.

*the crowd boos Kidds Smugness*

And that is what I'm here to do, I'm not going to wait like the men before me to be given a shot I am going to take it. Which is why in my debut, the "kid" everyone forgot about for years is going to be the man who beat three former world champions in one match, The Crown Prince takes claim on his kingdom and there is nothing either you or anyone on the roster...Can Do about it. Which is exactly why I won't waste my precious time listing all three of you and pointing out how lesser you are to me because not only would that take me hours as there are so many examples, but you three don't deserve to linger in my thoughts. I'll do my talking in the ring, because once that bell rings you will find out why I am the best Period.

*Kidd gets a smirk on his face as he lifts his hands up to his side posing. Music hits the stage and Kidd turns towards the stage before walking over to the far corner and stepping out on the ring apron near the announcer table*


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Orton stands on the stage proudly as he eyes down his Wrestlemania opponent and his opponents this week on Raw. Storm and Roode are past the point of annoyance and begin to speak again.


Storm: We goin' get to 'ya in one second Orton​

Both members of Beer Money then turn their attention to the UWF Undisputed Champion; CM Punk.​

Storm: Be-fo I say anythin' else to 'ya boy, let me make somethin' clear as day. Jus' 'cause I come out here, talk 'bout knockin' a few back every now and 'gain, don't mean I still ain't gonna get the job done. Ain't nothin' more I like ta do den whoop someone's ass. And trust me, I'ma enjoy the whoopin' I put on 'ya. 'Cause there ain't nobody out there who deserves to get they ass whooped more than 'ya.​

The crowd pops at the prospect of the current champion getting beat down.​

Storm: But 'ya are right 'bout somethin' Punk, I ain't the same guy I was be-fo. But unlike what 'ya think, I ain't worse Punk, I'm better. And I'ma prove it to 'ya when I kick 'ya in the face on Raw.​

Roode: Do you understand that this is exactly what James and I are speaking of? You two are facing the best Tag Team in the World in the Main Event of Tuesday Night Raw in their debut, and yet the focus is still on you two. That's what we're here to change! It's old, it's real old. And after we beat both of you on Raw, we're going to watch as the two of you beat the hell out of each other at Wrestlemania, and then we're coming after the winner. We don't care if it's you Orton, We don't care if it's you Punk. Either way, the Undisputed Championship will be in Beer Money's camp. You can try and hold us back, you can get in Teddy Long's ear and make sure we don't get booked, but it's bound to happen.​

This isn't UCW Punk. Despite what you choose to believe, UWF will be fine if you choose to walk away, especially if James or myself is at the top of the food chain. UCW was going to die whether you were there or not. You take credit for this company's success, don't take credit for another's demise. But since you love talking about UCW so much, let's talk about it. Let's talk about D'Angelo Dinero, since you were oh so candid about him. While James and I may not have been in UCW at the time, we watched both Raw and Smackdown every week. We watched while you ran Smackdown and D'Angelo Dinero run Raw at the same time. We watched both of you run through the roster, retaining your titles in the process. Of course Dinero wasn't undefeated like you because you're....​

Roode walks behind Punk and reads his shirt word for word.​

"The Best in The World"​

Roode walks back in front of Punk and looks the champion in the eye.​

But none the less he was still doing extremely well for himself, and was the obvious top dog on the show. That was up until The Money in The Bank Pay-Per-View, where Dinero did something that you claim to do; he put someone over. He put Raven over clean. Does that sound like something CM Punk would do? Why don't we ask Alberto Del Rio. You remember Del Rio, don't you Punk? He tried to cash in his Money in The Bank Briefcase, but you, you wouldn't let it happen Punk. You'll do anything to remain "undefeated". And instead of facing Del Rio for the title, what did you do Punk? You forfeited it! Did Del Rio not deserve to be put over Punk? Or was your ego too big that you refused to lose?​

Storm: Dat's what dis is all 'bout Punk. 'Ya ego. 'Ya need to understand dat 'ya need You-Dubya-Eff more than You-Dubya-Eff needs 'ya. 'Ya say we wouldn't be booked if it wasn't for 'ya Punk, and 'ya know what, 'ya probably right. But 'ya know that we be better than half dis roster, and if we ain't have dis spot, it would have jus' been given to some losers who wasn't gonna show up anyway. So da best thing for 'ya, da best thing for ol' T.Lo, da best thing for You-Dubya-Eff as a whole was ta have an ass-kickin' redneck and a pissed off Canadian on the damn card so we coul' show da boys how it's done.​

Roode: See Punk, the problem isn't that you can't be beat like you so confidently say, the problem is you refuse to be beat. Let's take another trip down memory lane since you love doing that so much. Do you remember the King of The Ring tournament right before Summerslam? The winner got an automatic World Championship match whenever they pleased. And the way the tournament was set up, it seemed as though you were on track to run into your good friend; D'Angelo Dinero. Dinero was hot at the moment, he just won the United States Championship. He seemed like he was back. And then something happened. He hit a road bump and got knocked from the tournament. Something stopped D'Angelo Dinero from meeting you in the finals and James and I have it on good authority that it wasn't Steve Borden.

That being said Punk, I don't need to "shoot" on you to prove a point. The proof is in the history. CM Punk has always been about CM Punk. CM Punk will always be about CM Punk. That's never going to change, but maybe after a "DWI", people will start to see you as far from the "Best in The World".​

Storm and Roode feel as though they have said their peace to CM Punk and now turn back to the Viper.

Storm: Randy, 'ya jus' proved our point. I want 'ya to think 'bout the names 'ya jus' listed; John Cena and Kane. Two guys that have taken up way too much spotlight, along wit' 'yaself. 'Nd I say dat wit' no fear in my eyes Orton. I ain't worryin' bout 'ya puntin' me in the skull, I ain't worryin' bout an Are-Kay-Oh, and 'ya wanna know why? 'Cause I been talkin' trash my whole life Randy, and it dun got me in more than a few fights, but I damn sure ain't run from them. 'Nd I ain't goin' run from 'ya Randy. All I'ma do is get in dis ring wit' 'ya and hope when it's ova dat 'ya pretty lil' wife ain't too mad at ol' James Storm.

The crowd "Oohs" at Storm unnecessarily bringing Orton's family into the issue.

'Ya talk 'bout everythin' dat Bobby and I have worked for, and 'ya treat it like it ain't nothin' more den da shit 'ya wipe of 'ya shoe, but the difference between Beer Money and the two of 'ya is dat Bobby Roode and James Storm earned what we got. We wasn't born into dis...

Storm turns back and looks at Punk.

'Nd we damn sure ain't politic our way to the top. All we did was beat everybody's ass who came in front of us. 'Nd y'all not goin' be no different. Far as I'm con-cerned, 'ya coul' come down to dis ring right now and we coul' do dis. 'Ya ain't gotta wait til Raw to prove we scum Randy. Come on down and end our careers Randy, but 'ya better have more than dis greasy hair sum-bitch helpin 'ya. 'Ya better bring Ted Dibiase, 'ya better bring Cody Roads, 'ya better bring Sim Snucka, Manu, Ol' Cowboy Bob Orton wit' the cast still on his hand. Bring 'ya entire leg-a-see if 'ya to Orton. But it ain't goin' make no difference. It's still goin' end da same. 'Ya dun pissed me off, now I got ta knock 'ya out. 'Cause 'ya ain't da only one dat hears voices Randy, I hear voices too. But my voices don't tell me ta punt people in da skull, my voices don't make up bullshit excuses as ta why I ain't able to control myself. The only thing my voices say to me is; Sorry 'Bout Your Damn Luck!

The crowd cheer along Storm's trademark ine as he lowers his mic and gives the floor to his competition yet again.​

The Wrestling Addict

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As "The Kings" jams throughout the arena, The King of Kings himself, enters through the curtain. He walks straight down to the ring and doesn't look back. Trips demands a microphone and gets one. He looks Alberto Del Rio and Tyson Kidd in the eye as he proceeds to speak.


You can talk about me being a political figure in WWE all you want. I don't give a rat's ass about how I did it. The fact of the matter is I did it, and I've done it all. I did whatever it took to make it to the top of this business. But you see, you bring up my corporate persona, and you can bring it up as much as you please, but I left that shit behind me last week, when I made my first appearence in UWF. The suit and tie is in the past. Kicking ass is in my future!

Triple H stares down Alberto Del Rio and begins to speak to him.


First off, I want to ask you one question. Where in the blue hell did you find that pathetic excuse of a mexican ring announcer at? I'm pretty sure I saw him mowing the lawn of the WWE headquarters a few years ago. He was riding one of those Juan Deere's or whatever the hell you beaners call them below the border. It doesn't matter where the greece-head came from because if he even dares to think about interferring in our match tonight, I'll Pedigree his ass through this ring! You came out here and began to brag about winning the Royal Rumble, winning Money in the Bank, and becoming a two time WWE Champion. You may have accomplished those things but you have no room to brag. You see, you did all of that, but look when you did it. You accomplished that in 2011. I accomplished a whole hell of a lot more in a different era. I accomplished it in an era that was much better. The guys who you have beaten weren't shit compared to those who I have beaten. You had no competition. The top guys in the WWE at the time were guys like the Miz, CM Punk, John Cena, Randy Orton, and yourself. When I thrived in this business, the top guys were Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, and many more. The guys you have beaten, pale in comparison to the legends that have fallen at the feet of The Game!

Another thing is, when I speak, everyone listens. It doesn't matter if you love me or hate me, everyone listens when I am speaking. When you speak, I can literally hear crickets chirping. Nobody gives a damn what you have to say, Alberto! You can't make it to the top of this business without being over. WWE pushed you through these fans' throats and you still couldn't get over. You know what that means? It means you suck! Hell, my grandmother could come out here, say two words, and still get a bigger reaction, than yourself. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. The only reason you made it where you were in WWE, was because I was in Vince's ear. I always hyped you up like you were something special. I told others I saw something in you, but yet you were given the ball, and you dropped it! You made me look like a liar. Nobody makes myself look like a liar! Then you want to insult me for my political figure in WWE, when I was pushing for you ever since you signed with that company. But it's all fine because tonight I will not only beat you, I will give you an ass-beaten like never before. By the time I'm done with you, your ass will be begging to be shipped back to Mexico!

He stops talking to Del Rio and looks at Tyson Kidd.


Tyson, I want you to think very deeply about what I have to say. Don't talk. Don't roll your eyes, or shake your head, just listen, and face the facts. Survivor Series 1997, the most controversial event in wrestling history took place. That night the Montreal Screwjob took place. Who was it that trained you again? Oh yeah! It was Bret "The Dickman" Hart. Bret got screwed in Montreal and I was apart of it. Vince didn't screw Bret Hart. Shawn Michaels didn't screw Bret Hart. Hell, Bret didn't screw Bret! I screwed Bret Hart over in Montreal. People can say Vince and Shawn screwed Bret all they want but think about it. Soon after, Shawn Michaels was out for four years. Soon after, I went on to become a top star. I knew if I used my manipulative ways and be apart of that infamous ordeal, that I would soon become famous. And I did just that! I went on to become a legend in this business, and if the Montreal Screwjob never took place, I may not be where I am today. The funny thing is, I don't give a damn! I don't give a damn about Bret! I don't give a damn about Stu! I don't give a damn about the entire Hart Family! And I most certainly don't give a damn about you!

Tyson Kidd looks away and attempts to ignore Triple H.

Look at me when I'm talking to you, noob! That's right I called you a noob! You may have been trained in the Hart Dungeon. You may be close with one of the biggest families in Wrestling History. But you are still a noob! I don't care how long you competed in a high school gym, or a bar, or at a local fair. It doesn't matter because you haven't done a damn thing since given the oppurtunity to compete in the Major Leagues. You can be a top star in the minors all you want, but if you can't run with the big dogs, you don't matter! Five years from now, if I were to bring up your name, none of these people would even know who I was talking about. Five years from now, if someone were to bring up my name, everyone in this damn arena would know exactly who they were talking about. They would know that Triple H is a legend in this business and a noob like yourself shouldn't even be in the same arena as myself, much less the same match!

Triple H turns away from Tyson Kidd and continues to speak.


He has yet to come out here and say something only God can understand, but I know The Ultimate Warrior is back there listening. Warrior, you may have squashed me fifteen years ago, but I am a different man. I now know what it takes to win. I now know what it takes to be the best. You may have beaten me back then but with God as my witness, I swear, I will not only beat you here tonight, I will make sure you retire, and stay retired! When I was a little kid, I loved watching wrestling but when you came on my television screen, I turned it off. Why? Because I needed someone to translate whatever the hell you were saying! Alberto Del Rio may be mexican and Tyson Kidd may be canadian, but the two of them speak ten times better english than you. If you want your career to continue Warrior, I suggest you to not even show up for the Four Way tonight.

It will be a breeze, beating the hell out of my three oponents tonight, but what is to come after I do just that? I've been hearing that the winner will face the US Champion at Wrestlemania. I can live with that. Tonight the US Title is on the line when Austin Aries faces Wade Barrett. Before I go any further, I have one question to ask. Who the hell is Austin Aries? I honestly have never heard of him. I know Wade Barrett a bit. He brought the whole Nexus stuff to WWE a few years back. He took a bunch of rookies and attempted to become a hit. Well that back-fired on him and he ended up at the bottom of the food chain. But that's in the past. I don't care who wins tonight. Whether it be Barrett or whomever the other guy is. It doesn't matter because at Wrestlemania, I will become the new United States Champion!

The Cerebrial Assasin goes to leave but is cut off...
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Punk stares are Beer Money with his eyes narrowed, not even acknowledging his partner in the ring, then Punk rushes the microphone up and begins to pick apart pieces of what Roode had to say.

CM Punk: Oh my god! The King of the Ring, the King of the Ring, if I have to hear about it one more time I'm going to take up drinking, and smoking pot! Are people really still complaining about this? Maybe you idiots didn't see it, or hear it because you were too busy havin your way with each other in your little promos backstage, but when I came down to the ring against The Miz, I admitted how that tournament was fixed. And do you blame me for taking part in that fix Bobby? 'Cause I wouldn't blame you, UCW was a joke, and you know it! You should out of everyone according to yourself, should know first hand just how much of a joke it really was. Now, I'm sorry but this has been a question on my head since the minute you two made that "talked" about debut at Unforgiven, and that is.. Is that really James Storm, or just a cheap knock of Stone Cold Steve Austin? Because the way things seems; the way ALL you're talking about is shots of liquor, and 'whooping' a few imaginary asses. The truth is James... I'm not scared of Steve, and I'm not scared of the two of you! You wonder why I'm about the top, and I stayed there boys?

Well you see there's a reason why everything is around me! There's a reason why every pay-per view has my name to close the show, and every week I kick the show off, and that's because unlike you Bobby... Unlike that D'Angelo Dinero you speak so highly of; who I'll get to in a second, but unlike the two of you... I had the balls to stick around. I could have taken a loss if I was ever beat, and stay quiet; and I sure as hell disagreed with a lot of decisions, but not once did I do it while making a snivy comment acting like a four year old. I can take all the snickers, and people talking behind my back... You couldn't. See many people don't really realize why UWF was put where it was to originally start with and there was two reasons for that... Reason one, to make sure that there wasn't little bitches like you who, just because they weren't getting their way they left only to come back with a different gimmick. See I've been here, I always will be here. You want these titles, and fact of the matter is your chance... Isn't going to come, and why should it? Why should Teddy Long put the fate of his company; no of his brand, and of his family by putting you two douche bags in the main event scene. You're in this spot because Randal and I needed something to do for another week. You want to be the best... But how can you when I bet you'd struggle to stay away from each other, for even a single week if you don't walk out like I have a feeling you will after this match.

I don't care how you look at things, because it seems to me that you're the only one who has a problem with it. Better people than you have tried, and better people have failed. If the almighty Dwayne Johnson couldn't beat me, than how in the hell do you two think you can do it? Oh, that's right, it's because you see yourselves as something no one else does.

The crowd give off a mixed reaction, and Punk just looks at Beer Money in the ring looking all dumbfound as ever.

You want to say how this isn't UCW, then decide to take those walk down memories lanes then lets take the proper once shall we? Come on, Let's Bobby! You say how Dinero put over Raven clean, but that's where you're wrong once again, because if memory serves me right... Dinero bitched backstage. Not only did he bitch, but he bitched when he lost to Randal, and more importantly... He left! Unlike me he walked out because he knew he couldn't do it. You two think you know everything about this business, but you don't... You know the very least, and even that I bet you couldn't keep up with!

I have always been about me, and that's something that I'm damn proud about, but out of the long list of things that I am.. I'm not a quitter. I'm not a coward, and I don't need the help of someone else to get myself to the top like you two are doing. See, I waited to like you two. I really did, but you two decided to do exactly what I thought would be the worst... And that's take shots at me, and I didn't think it was going to be the worst because it was just, as the kids are saying "another hater", but because it was exactly what I thought you'd do. In your first night on TV you already became predictable... You already not only became predictable but you ripped off something Chris Jericho said not even a week later; Congratz. Really. I mean seriously guys; That's going to get you your main event spots!

Punk shakes his head, then goes back to talking once again.

The fact you're making all these claims about benig better than half the roster, when you've done nothing is a complete joke. You've showed up backstage a few times, and had a fast pace start to something that was destined to be historic. It's part of the job, it doesn't make you better, or the best. It means that you show up to work, and you do your job just like everyone else in the world. And maybe did you ever think that's WHY I am where I am, and you're fighting for this spot, because I don't need to be asked if I'm going to be there... I just show up. It didn't matter if I was in that dumb King of the Ring to be on all three shows, or getting walked out on the very last second the past two pay-per views... I have always, and will always show up! No questions asked, but as for this little performance...

I'm not going to waste my time on you two anymore because the truth be told... It's exactly that a waste of time. We win, so what? You two will continue to bitch and be the annoying little idiots that you are, while we go on to HEADLINE the biggest stage of them all! And if we lose... We lose, not a single person besides you two are going to remember it, and even then... Even then there's always going to be the question did you win... Or did we just roll over and let you win! And as for forfeiting my title... I'd rather forfeit it, to step out of the spotlight, and stay fresh in the company, than bitch about losing it like some fifteen year old a few months down the road..
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Austin Aries lowers down the mic. After he corrects his suit he raises it to his mouth but he gets interrupted by...



"Just Don't Care" hits the PA, and the face of Wade Barrett starts to flash on the titan tron, and Austin Aries looks up the ramp as the United States Champion walks out to the disdain of the pack out San Antonio crowd. The home of the likes of Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Shawn Michaels, are really not appreciating another man on a trail of blazing glory, and gold as he stands on the top of the ramp, just his shoulders keeping his coat up.


After crouching down and then throwing his whole body forward, causing his coat to fall off him and stay at the top of the staging, Wade Barrett walks all the way down the ramp without taking his eyes off of his immediate adversary. He gets to the bottom of the ring, and strides round the side, picking up a microphone before approaching the ring steps on the far side. His music stops before he enters the ring, so he feels obliged to start speaking immediately.

Wade Barrett: Listen just a second Austin, before I come to you, there's just a few things that I, myself, have to clear up, your just going to have to wait a couple of moments, okay?
The British U.S. Champion turns away from Aries who looks rather peeved, as Barrett starts to re-cap.

Last week... Last Tuesday night on Raw Supershow, something amazing happened. Something so monumental and ground-breaking happened, and I bet none of you in this arena tonight even noticed that it happened. For the FIRST time in the history of the UWF, the first night in UWF, that when the ring bell notioned the end of a match, that our World Champion CM Punk was involved with, that CM Punks theme music did not follow! First time ever! Did that mean he lost? No. He didn't lose. But more to the point he didn't win either. He didn't claim the victory, he didn't hit no GTS, he had no-one tap out. No, instead, it was Wade Barrett getting the job done, finishing Cody Rhodes off like I have already done time before, and getting the victory. But, am I out here bragging about this? Is this something that I had not already come out to the arena, and told Punk, and told every single person in attendance that I was going to do? That's exactly what I promised our UWF Champion, to prove that the only person worthy of fighting for his championship at Wrestlemania was me! Let me just be quite frank with all of you, everything I have said I would do so far, I have done. And I am a man of firsts here in UWF. I won the very first match up in the whole company, which so happened to coincide me with my very first, European Championship. Not only that but I am the very first European superstar to claim the United States championship. Like an infidel marking the ground he has terrorized since he arrived, he took the one thing with your great nations mark on it. And as already told I'm the first to stop CM Punk make the win in a match here.

So you see, Teddy Long, if you want Wrestlemania to be special.... If you want the Show of Shows, to literally be the biggest show on Earth, and for the biggest set of firsts to happen, then talk to who you can, and make it happen. Because only on the most premium of Pay Per Views, only on the standalone biggest show of the year do these fans deserve the VERY FIRST time that CM Punk is put in the losing column of the history books... the VERY FIRST time that the United States Champion also holds the Undisputed Championship...... and the VERY FIRST TIME..... that a British.... a proud Englishman..... becomes the World... Champion. Wade..... Barrett.

Barrett pauses to hear the deafening boos obviously disagreeing with his self confidence as being the man to beat CM Punk. Wade then looks over at his challenger for next week and comes back down to Earth so to speak.


So, onto you Mr. Aries. First of all I want to thank you. A review of my career is just what I needed to hear from a moron that hasn't achieved the heights that I have yet. A review, comparing to what I believe you think is a typical top superstar, which I would also put money on you working out is yourself, point by point proving that you have better attributes than I have and thus its a foregone conclusion that you are going to be announced winner and champion, as I lay on the mat, from one week outshining the world champion, to the next, undone by a certified rookie, that the gist of it? Well, how about you step aside, and let the man that, for weeks, and weeks, has come out here and not bothered wasting these peoples time with lies and hope, and given it to them as it is.... even if it is not what they want to hear. Perhaps under your logic, being that I have no charisma, talent or mic skills..... and you NEED those to become a champion as prestigious as a United States belt.... perhaps you'd like to explain that I already have the belt in my possession. Perhaps you'd also like to explain how you have yet to hold it. Then you can go onto how a man with no mic skills has not stuttered in his career, never mind in the presence of a mere challenger, that within fifteen minutes of work, I will need not worry about ever again.

Barrett then looks down from the ring, at the over-enforced area of the crowd where Aries had just antagonized a member of the audience.

Oh, and I like the little stunt you pulled over there with the kid at ringside; that, was cute. And the quick back-step to make sure he couldn't retaliate, was nicely done. With swift moves like that you'd swear your an athlete. But, this Tuesday, your dealing with a whole different animal. I'm no punk at ringside, I don't pay to be here, I get paid to be here, and a considerable amount more than you at this moment in time Austin. This title around my waist automatically gets me a bigger pay-check, the better dressing rooms, the more time off on the road. You may think that Teddy Long coming out here, taking Dolph Ziggler out of the match and turning this into a one-on-one contest is a good call because it makes your odds of winning a whole lot better, but I won the championship in triple threat rules. I've win championships in one on one matches. Any way this contest was ever going to go down, you were going to have no chance in winning it.

I understand your grievances Austin I really do. Who am I, from Manchester England, to walk around here with a championship that is property, of the United States. I am a proud Brit, and am a firm believer that we are the more dominant country. I am proving that everyday by keeping this prized possession, and ensuring that no-one can take it off me. So yes, I do understand your grievances.... but the fact you can do nothing about them is what I'm more interested in. You want to turn my lights out? Go ahead. You try and find the switch, in the middle of a Barrage.

God Save the Queen.

Barrett stares at Austin who.....
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Feb 25, 2012
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SBS bro, u gonna whip one up soon? Cause I'm just waiting on u before I reply


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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Yeah today was a very busy day for me bro. I'll have one up tomorrow after my test in the morning bro. Thanks for waiting.


I’m hurt, I’m old and I work with children
Feb 19, 2011
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We're Gunna have to stop at 3-3-2 maybe than because I dunno when I'll be able to post again being the weekend, and me being you know... White and a stoner; gotta get wasted.


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Jun 11, 2010
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Ok gentlemen, seeing as I send Teddly a message almost two days ago now and have not gotten an answer as 1/2 of the Head writing team and in the interest of getting more tt's going. I am allowing all of you to skip Teddly and go another round. This is a big match for you guys and will determine alot about your Mania and spot on the card. Let's see who wants it guys. Thanks.


I’m hurt, I’m old and I work with children
Feb 19, 2011
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Punk looks at Orton puzzled, then slowly brings the microphone up to his mouth to reply.


CM Punk: Excuse me? First off, I don't hate you Randal... As a matter of fact, I like you a whole lot more than I like the rest of the people in the back, because like you said, you've already done more than Miz, and Cody Rhodes ever did just by coming out here tonight. But that isn't going to be enough to make you win this match at Wrestlemania, oh no... As a matter of fact, it isn't even going to help you in the slightest, because you see Randal.. the more people talk; the more I listen... And when I listen, just like when you're "underestimated" bad things tend to happen, and if that means that I have to transfer your name from my UCW listen, to my UWF list than so be it, because the way things are looking right now it's going to happen.

And second... I don't think I can beat you? I don't think I can beat you? I'm sorry Randal, but I already know I can beat you any night of the week, weither it's Raw, Wrestlemania, or even Smackdown when it finally comes with an arm tied behind my back. I am the best in the world, and YOU should know that Randal. See, this isn't WWE land where you can just come into this ring talk in the same tone, say the exact same thing you said to me at The Great American Bash, and expect to win like you did at their Wrestlemania... No. I've said this from the moment I came out of that certain for the first tme, UWF isn't about gimmicks, or being able to talk the most... It's about Wrestling, and the fact of the matter is; I am the BEST wrestler that this company has ever seen! Not you, me!

The crowd react to Punk with cheers, but it doesn't seem to matter because Punk's eyes are beginning to narrow the more he address what Orton said.

There's no question about it that our names our in the same bracket, and for you that might be enough to make you think you can beat me Randal, but truth be told...I am in a different level than you; it isn't an act, I am the face and savior of this company, and many other companies countless time, and I'm not going to let some wannabe rattlesnake, with more venom ruin something I worked so hard to create.

I want to make something perfectly clear to you Randal Orton.. I don't need John Cena to beat you... I don't even need Kimbo Slice, or Mason Ryan, because there is no doubt in my mind that I already have you beat! So this talk about "destiny" seems to me, just like the same crap Berto was saying last year, before I beat him at Wrestlemania for the World Heavyweight Championship! Which started all that controversy you talk about Randal, but like I have so many times in the past I welcome it! I live for that controversy, because at the end of the day... When I make them put up, or shut up; when I give them their chance at greatness, what happens? They choke! Controversy isn't my problem Randal... It's that I'm where I need to be, but people think I have a Dwayne Johnson mentality. But I really don't... I merely am in this business for the one person who matters and that's myself! I have no problem putting over people like Beer Money claim, no, I'm not Hulk Hogan, or Dwaaayne. I'm CM Pun- actually no I'm Phil Brooks, which means that I won't do something I don't believe in, and what.. People expect me to just lay down and let someone who didn't show, and completely disappeared hold these championships? I don't think so! And you... You claim that these titles need to be with their rightful owner which is you... while Randal, you have you chance, just don't blow it like you did the last time!

Punk stops for a second while the crowd reaction normally, not knowing weither to cheer or boo the Undisputed Champion. Punk gathers his thoughts a little more than continues.


So you want to talk facts with me Randal? While let's talk facts, because the FACT is you're far from being in my head. Fact is, I've been called delusional before and the only thing that it does it make me that much more willing to win! Fact is there will be no fix, because unlike Rebellion and Unforgiven, I'm not 'fixing' to lose anything, I want to win now... I want my name to go down in UWF's first ever Wrestlemania as the one who beat you... The one who walked in Undisputed Champion, and walked out BEST IN THE WORLD, and still Undisputed Champion! Fact is my career is in serious consideration, but the real fact is that when I beat you at Wrestlemania... You won't be the one doing anything but re-starting your career.

Which brings me the last thing that you said Randal, which was that the last memory of me that these people will see is you standing over me... But the truth is, the last thing these people are going to see is what they've been seeing for the past three months, and that's me... With my arms raised and a title in each of them over whichever idiot claimed he could beat me!

Punk drops his arm down once again thinking, but just as he raises the microphone up​


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Feb 26, 2012
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Del Rio smirks as he stares down both HHH and Tyson Kidd standing before him. He brings the mic up.​

You Know HHH, I don't know why I expected more out of you. Maybe the fact that at one time you were a highly respected superstar in this business, who has now been reduced to spluttering racial slurs like every other mid-class American that lives in this country. HHH you talk about how you were the best in your Era, and how you were top dog. In case you took too many shots to the head and too many bumps in this ring, let me remind you esse that you're not in the 90s anymore. This is the new era of wrestling where we are trained and breed to be far more superior then anything you could ever imagine. Smarter, faster, more athletic, more intelligence and more ca-hones. You can come out here to MY ring without the suit and talk about how you left your corporate days behind you, but nothing you say can denounce the fact that you're just some wash up wrestler, just like the Ultimate Warrior who is just looking for his 15 minutes of fame,looking for the one small chance to stay relevant. I'll give you points though for at least showing up unlike Warrior. Tonight is your last shot Hunter. The Mexican Aristocrat is being ever so grateful to allow you the chance Hunter to step into the ring with the future of not only this company but the industry itself.

The fans are booing Del Rio but he doesn't care as he continues.

Hunter you can try to come out here and tell these fans how much you "pushed" for me in the WWE when you know deep down you're only telling yet another lie. I commend you Hunter because it's what you're good at. The only person you were in Vince's ear for was yourself and what benefited yourself the most. Even when you went Corporate you couldn't stand not being the center of attention, not standing in that spotlight. You did it for yourself HHH. Certainly not for the company and defiantly not for these idiotic fans who come here every week to boo me because they wouldn't recognize talent if it slapped them in the face. Alberto Del Rio made it to where he was in that company, because of Alberto Del Rio, and no one else.

HHH is pacing as Del Rio continues.​

I figured you out though Hunter, and I figured out why you would come out here to MY ring and lie once again. Because you were jealous that I am what you use to be. When I come to this ring I am nothing short of excellence. I am the closest thing possible to perfection. I am the best at what I do and I prove that week in and week out. I accomplished more in the first two years of my career then you did in the first two of yours when you were too busy jobbing to every one up and down the card with your pathetic transparent royal Hunter Helmsley gimmick. It burns you up inside too doesn't it HHH.To know that I did what you couldn't until the better superstars like Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Undertaker and everyone else was either injured, left for WCW, or in Owen's case dead and gone.

A Enormous boo for Del Rio for the Owen Hart heat.

Hunter you're nothing but a shell of your former self. The fire that once burned in your eyes is extinguished. That fire now burns in my own eyes. I AM that go to guy now Hunter. I will be the one that places this company on my shoulders and carries it for years to come. When I beat you, Tyson Kidd, and The Warrior dominantly on RAW tonight I will prove that I am the best. I will show you and the world why I am the Essence of Excellence. After I beat you I will continue on my path to my destiny. I will continue on to face the United States Champion at Wrestlemania where I will take that gold as my own. The Mexican Aristocrat will once again be a Champion, while HHH fades away to nothingness and is just another forgotten star who shows up every once in awhile for reunion shows and Independent matches.

Tyson Kidd is smirking off in the corner.

And Tyson Kidd what are you smirking at? What exactly have you accomplished to even merit being in the ring with three former WWE champions? What makes you think you can step in through them ropes tonight and compete with the Essence of Exellence? I see you came out here tonight to interrupt Alberto Del Rio's camera time and for what? To come down that ramp to my ring to stutter and spew out the exact same words that I had just spoken? Kidd were you listening backstage to a single thing I said? Or is your country as dumb as the one you border right below you?

Huge USA chants begin

You speak about how you want to come out here tonight and be remembered. How you want to quit being overlooked and how you wanted to shine. You see that's the difference between me and you Kidd. While you're sitting at home thinking about how you want to accomplish all these goals and achievements, Alberto Del Rio is in the ring doing it and getting the job done. Tyson Kidd you always have and always will be a nobody. You'll always be overlooked because you're nothing to be remembered. You have no defining moments in your career, because you've done nothing with your career but no show or argue with whoever was booking you backstage causing you to get fired. Your skill set Tyson Kidd is obsolete. You're a career filler.

A small Tyson Kidd chant breaks out

You see these fans cheer for you because they pity you. They don't care about Tyson Kidd, or where he trained or where he's from. Tyson Kidd your training with Bret Hart and Stu Hart honestly mean nothing to me. In a way you're like HHH. Having intercourse with someone's family to get their way in the business, except for HHH's case it actually worked to get him what he wanted. Tyson Kidd none of that matters tonight when you step into the ring with the Essence of Excellence. Like I said before and like you decided to repeat back to me, I am better then you. I am a superior wrestler and I am everything that you, HHH, The Ultimate Warrior and these fans want to be. I am the envy of the world. My title hunt begins tonight when four men step into the ring.​

Del Rio smirks as he rubs his chin for a couple seconds, he then brings the mic back up.

Warrior I know you're here at the arena tonight​

The fans pop for the mentioning of Warrior and the possibility to finally see his arrival here in the UWF.

Come on Warrior, Run down to the ring like you use to do in the 90s. We know you're back there. Warrior come out and face us man to man.

The Ultimate Warrior's music begins to blare over the PA system as the roof of the arena is blown clean off. All three men in the ring wear expressions of shock as the fans turn their attention to the entrance hoping to catch first glimpse of the WWE Legend. A few more seconds pass as a elderly walks out with a walker, wearing full Warrior attire and facepaint. The crowd begins to boo as Del Rio busts out into a laugh pointing back down the ramp. The elderly begins shaking up and down on the walker in a fashion similar to Warrior's routine on the ropes; as his music fades out and Del Rio brings the mic up to speak.

You actually thought he was going to show up? You actually thought that The Warrior would come down that ramp, and step into the Mexican Aristocrats ring and face him one on one, face to face? The Warrior is nothing more then a fraud. He's probably sitting home right now blogging on his Warrior website, or posting videos on youtube while talking to Little Warrior Jr about the old days of when he was actually relevant in a wrestling ring. You see The Ultimate Warrior knows what's best for the little fragments of his career and intellectual properties that he has left.

Warrior chant begins again throughout the arena​

Warrior save yourself the embarrassment and the humiliation. Stay home with Little Warrior Jr and Little Suzy Warrior and leave Wrestlemania for the future and face of this company, Alberto Del Rio. Your time is over, the hour glass has ran out on you. It's my time, and my moment and it begins tonight on my path to Wrestlemania. I promise you you won't want to miss tonight because....​

Del Rio is cut off by....


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
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OOC: I like what you guys have going on here but I gotta say, you should have waited a bit longer for the Warrior TT.


The opposite of everyone you have ever known
Jan 5, 2012
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Color Key:

Blue: Regal
Gray: Scenery & Description

Regality by Jim Johnston cranks the arena speakers and the titantron starts to flicker as William Regal walks out on the stage. He gets a good reaction from the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp and down to ringside. He walks up to the ring announcer and grabs the microphone out of his hands before rolling into the ring, going straight up in Drew's face, while smiling with an evil grin.

I'm flattered by your words young man, but I cannot let that affect our match in any way. I promise I will go easy on you, as you have great potential. But sadly, it will turn out for you as it did to another great young talent I used to know. His name was paul Burchill, and he could easily be the next big name in Pro Wrestling. But he was prostituted, and he didn't even hold a single title in the biggest company of them all, but he did incest storylines. You are gonna turn out just like that, because you have nothing special. You see, the fans today is mostly kids, who don't even understand all the stuff behind the curtains. And those kids wanna see freaks and supermen battle it out. Not two significant wrestlers who can exchange shots and grapples for 30 minutes. I'm not gonne give them either, but I am gonna beat you, and I am gonna do it without spelling even a single drop of sweat. But Drew, there is no shame of losing a wrestling match. Especially when your opponent is the greatest wrestler ever to come from The United Kingdom!

Regal charges for a shot with the microphone......



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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
I just wana say. your wording for regal is brilliant. Appearance and you will be a first class trash talker. Brilliant start.


Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Raw 3/13: European Championship - Robbie E(c) Vs Antonio Cesaro

The crowd are making a small amount of noise amongst themselves as the show continues. Suddenly a familiar theme hits the PA system and the crowd begin to boo.


'Iceman' by Jim Johnston hits the PA system and before long Antonio Cesaro walks out from behind the curtain, he is wearing his usual ring jacket, missing however is his European Championship which he lost to Robbie E at Unforgiven. He walks down the ramp with a scowl on his face, he steps up onto the ring apron and proceeds to throw his fists out in front of him in his new signature pose it appears. He then steps between the ropes and demands a microphone. He holds the microphone. His music stops and crowd immediately begin to boo louder, chants of 'USA!, USA!' have already broken out and Cesaro looks irate.


Antonio Cesaro: It is a testament to the lack of intelligence in this country that a man who is willing to come out here week in and week out, and allow you to bask in his brilliance, is berated with abuse and slander. But then again, I suppose I should be used to it, it is just the way of the pig, and all of you, are pigs. Onto the matter at hand, and speaking of pigs, Cookie and Robbie E, you two cheated me, and stole my coveted European Championship at Unforgiven. Now, it is safe to say, that without Cookie's intervention in the match, I would have knocked Robbie into next week, or choked him out and left him lying in a heap of garbage, but instead we have to deal with him being a living, breathing piece of garbage who is a representation of everything that is wrong, and everything I find disdainful about this stinking United States of America. But, I might add, this reign of tyranny will not last long... no in fact it will last as long as I allow it to, and this week, I will end it because I am cashing in my rematch clause and I am taking back what is rightfully mine, and what I deserve. The European Championship.

The crowd boo Antonio Cesaro heavily.

But hey, at least you can say Robbie, that you held a title with some class. A title with prestige. Because that European Championship is just about the only prize in this company that is worth anything. And that, is of course, because of me. I carried that belt like a champion, I lived my life with the sole purpose of defending, and retaining the championship and without it?... I suppose I lack direction, which is why I want it back. It is everything I stand for. It is class. It is tradition. It is sophistication. It is... European. Without it?... I'm afraid of what I'll do. I might lose my head. I might start choking people out left right und centre. Maybe I start hurting people. It's really amazing what the allure of gold will do to a man. Right now Robbie, I'm willing to do anything to beat you this week. Whether it means hitting Cookie with a European Uppercut or putting you in a coma with an Arm Triangle Choke... I will go to any length, I will use any means necessary to claim what is rightfully mine... which means that I will do anything to become the first ever, two time, Very European, UWF European Champion... and make sure this time, that no filthy vermin American scum gets near it to taint it's glory again.
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