UWF 2012: Past Raw Shows & Cards

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 31st Card

Yeah I figured I'd get the week off, but was just making sure.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw July 31st Card

I'm trying to figure out a promo for the show. Is the show at the Mandalay Bay casino?? Hyped for this show!


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UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette


Goldust: "You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am.", Marlon Brando, On The Waterfront, 1954. I could've been a contender... oh yes I could have... or at least that's how I felt this time a few weeks ago before UWF decided to contact me and my associate Marlena... and then I realised again that I can be a contender. And now my arrival is imminent... and I just can't wait. It's been going on now for a while... it's been back, and forth... back and forth, forwards and backwards and now I'm just about ready to... come... into the arms of UWF Raw. And I hope they hold me tightly in their arms and never let me go, because in those arms they will have a... golden, opportunity at ushering in a new, and most fabulous era in this company. I mean, they could be spearheaded by me...and who wouldn't want me at the head of their hilt. Ahem, except maybe the rest of the Raw roster and I can feel their apprehension at such a big Hollywood name coming into their little circle... well don't be afraid, don't worry, because I will happily take you all into my arms, because if Goldust if famous for one thing, it's for his lovingness. However, what I come here to UWF Raw for is not for love, I have that in abundance, no, I am here for... goooold. Yes, I am here for gold.

Goldust rubs his chest a little, getting very excited over the thought of having some gold in his possession.

And gold is something I desire at all times, and I don't care if it's big, small, round, slim... it could have all the karats in the world and it wouldn't make a difference... I just want... need... my gold. So whether it's the United States Championship... and I need to be patriotic... I mean, I can fit anywhere... any role... even if it's the Hardcore Championship... I mean, some might blush at the thought, but I'd never mind getting hardcore for the right reasons... ahem, anything for gold. And then there's the World Championship... held by naughty boy number one, bad boy extraordinare... I'd do it. I'd do what naughty boys deserve and I'd spank him. Ohhhh yes, I would spank him so hard. But I know my place. I have to start all over again. From the beginning and next week I will make my special première... so make sure you tune in because I don't know what to expect myself so to speak... other than a win for Goldust. So to my opponent, whoever you may be... don't worry, I'll take good care of you, I really will, but in the end I will win, and you and everybody else will never forget the name of...

Goldust inhales deeply before finishing.


We now head to our usual opening.


Tuesday July 31st, 2012



The pyro to kick off the show explodes throughout the arena as the excited UWF Universe jump to their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The arena is packed to the rafters as many fans have brought along various types of signs. The cameras spin around the UWF arena showing a jammed pack arena, then go down to Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler!


Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to UWF Tuesday Night Raw, live from the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tonight we have a special edition of Raw Roulette for you.

Jerry "The King" Lawler: That's right Cole. Tonight, every match will have a special stipulation selected by the spin of our special roulette wheel.​

Cole: And we have some very promising match ups for you tonight. On the heels of General Manager Theodore Long announcing that Summerslam will see Stone Cold Steve Austin defending the UWF Championship againist 5 other men inside the Elimination Chamber, Stone Cold will go one on one with one of his challengers Cody Rhodes

King: But that's not all. Cody Rhodes' stable mate Christian will sqaure off with MVP. Also, Curt Hawkins will face....



Cole: It can't be!

The iconic bell tolls and the arena becomes engulfed in darkness. Flames shoot from the stage as the music of only man plays. The lights in the arena turn blue and the stage fills up with smoke. Nothing can be seen through this smoke for quite a few moments until a silouhette is made out; it's a man. This man stands almost seven feet tall, and weighs in at a shade under 300 pounds. The figure stands behind the smoke until the time is right before busting through and revealing himself to the masses.


King: Oh My God! It's The Undertaker!

Cole: We've haven't seen Undertaker in months!

The Undertaker stands tall on the stage as the fans cheer the return of The Deadman. He slowly begins his descent down the ramp as people reach of the barricade, hoping to touch the icon. Undertaker slowly walks down until reaching the end of the stage and turning a sharp left, heading towards the ring steps. He slowly climbs each step before reaching the final one, raising his arms in the process, bringing the lights back to their original setting.


Undertaker enters the ring through the middle rope before removing his top hat and rolling his eyes into the back of his head. The Deadman then takes his jacket off before handing it to a crew worker on the outside of the ring. Undertaker motions for a microphone before being handed one.

King: And it looks like we're going to hear from The Deadman.

The Undertaker raises the microphone to his mouth, preparing to speak when....

Now Listen...This Ain't No Make Believe!!

King: What?


"Ain't No Make Believe" starts playing and The Undertaker and ever UWF Raw fans turns their attention towards the stage. Remarkably, the man known as John Morrison walks out onto the stage to an unbelievable pop. Morrison is of course rocking his trademark fur coat and sunglasses. Morrison treats everyone to his usual slow motion entrance that draws the fans' adulation.


The pyro stops and Morrison struts down the ramp towards the ring. This entire time, Undertaker hasn't taken his eye off Morrison. Morrison wastes little time in comparsion to Undertaker. He soon walks up the steel steps and enters the ring, climbing a turnbuckle and posing one more time.


Morrison jumps down from the turnbuckle and stares at Undertaker who still hasn't moved. The two exchange glances until Morrison makes a daring move and gets nose to nose with Undertaker. Both men stare into each other's eyes for what seems like an eternity until Morrison turns his head to the right and looks at The Summerslam sign that's hanging from the rafters. Morrison's eyes burn a hole into the sign and soon Undertaker turns his head as well. Both men look directly at the sign until turning their gaze back upon each other. It seems as if John Morrison has issused the challenge. Undertaker looks at the Summerslam sign one more time before looking back at Morrison. Undertaker nods his head "Yes". It seems as if the challenge has been accepted. Undertaker then slits his throat, signaling that at Summerslam, John Morrison will Rest in Peace. This is where Raw heads to its first commercial.



Technically now that she's GM, she's no longer a diva. So this is AJ's last week as official diva of Raw.


We come back from a commercial break. Everybody is expecting to see some in-ring action but instead of it, the tron lights up and we can see a very familiar face. It's James Storm, driving his car, listening to music. Storm seems to be in a good mood as he keeps paying attention to the road. After a while, he looks at the cameraman who is sitting next to him.


James Storm: 'Ello people. Some of 'ya might think dat dis is pre-recorded but...eh, eh! Cowboy James Storm is here in Vegas, broadcastin' live! Last week I said I'm gonna go, sit in a bar, drink some beer and have a great time befo' ma' in-ring debut. As y'all can see, there's a cameraman who is stuck in ma' face with a big ass camera, filming ery'thin' I do. I hate dis.Anyway...I'm here in da great city of Las Vegas, tryin' ta' find a decent bar where I can have some funs. I don't get a chance to be at Vegas too often but now I'm here and nobody gon' stop me from drinkin' beer and kickin' ass.

Suddenly Storm looks out of the window

James Storm: It looks like I found somethin
'. Let's go, check it out.

Storm stops and turns the engine off. He opens the door. His foot touches the ground but then he gets back in the car and closes the door.

James Storm: Man, I know 'ya have ta' film dis but I'mma warn 'ya right now. If 'ya get too close ta' me, I'mma give 'ya a nice air-brushed superkick. Got it?

Camera angle shakes up and down as the cameraman nods him head, signalizing he agrees. Storm finally gets out of his car and the cameraman follows him. Storm enter the first bar he sees. First people get amazed as they put out their hands, hoping that James will shake hands with some of them and he does so. He friendly exchanges words with some people, sits on a bar chair and orders a beer.

----AFTER 10 MINUTES----

After ten minutes, James already has seven beers in himself and he is having some great fun when all of a sudden, a drunk man comes at him and rudely pushes The Cowboy. Storm stands up.

James Storm: What 'ya doin'?! Ain't nobody pushin' me like dat!

Stranger just smiles.

Stranger: I can push you all I want! When a redneck like you comes to Vegas and acts like some kind of a big shot, he gon' get his ass kicked!

James grabs the beer bottle, drinks from it but then he smashes it across the skull of a drunk man. James was waiting for a fight to break down but everybody in the bar just cheers for Storm who sits back on the chair like nothing happened. The owner of the bar appears.

The Owner: What is happening? Do you have a problem here?

A man who was knocked out by Storm wakes up and the owner helps him to get back to his feet.

Stranger: This redneck smashed me with a beer bottle!

The owner stays calm. He puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles. Four security guards appear, grab James Storm and try to kick him out of the bar. Storm manages to break out as he nails one of security guards with a superkick. Three other men put their hands in the air and they leave The Cowboy alone.

James Storm: Ain't noboy kickin' me out of a bar ta'night! When 'ya want me ta' leave, I'mma leave ba' ma'self.

Storm leaves the bar with his hands in the air.


Storm looks straight at the camera.

James Storm: I guess we'll have ta' find 'nother bar.

Storm just walks across the street, looking for another bar. There are plenty of them but The Cowboy seems not-impressed with them. After a while, his phone rings.


James Storm: Who there? *We can't hear the other side* What? Frank's bar?...They have beer?...A'right, I'mma be there in a minute. *Storm hangs down* So ma' friends jus' called me, tellin' me we can have some fun at Frank's bar.

After few minutes James Storm finally finds the bar he was looking for. He opens the door and he likes what he sees.

James Storm: Dis is what I'm talkin' 'bout! Beer flowin' ery'where, hot women, a lot a' cowboys and rednecks, dis is da place I was lookin' fo' dee entire night! *Storm points at the bartender* Man, gimme a beer!

Bartender opens the beer and hands it over to Storm but another man appears, grabs the beer and takes a shot at it.

James Storm: What 'ya doin'?! I met dis typa' ass clown ta'night already and I won't even bother ma'self talkin' ta' 'ya. Ta'night I jus' wanted ta' drink beer, have fun and kick ass but it seems like I will only be kickin' ass...a lot a' ass.

Storm jumps right at the man, taking him down to the ground and firing at him with some tough fists. Somebody takes Storm off of him. Storm jumps at that man as well. About four more guys come in and the numbers game has gotten the best of the "Tennessee Cowboy" as all eight men start laying boots to him. Suddenly a man comes running from the other side of the bar and leaps onto the pile of men, taking about three of them down. When he stands up, his identity becomes obvious, it's the UWF Champion Stone Cold! As two of the men get up, Austin grabs each by the back of the head and knocks their faces together. He throws a hard right into the face of another, sending him flying across the bar into a jukebox. Another jumps on Austin's back and two hold his legs as the men that had their faces knocked together grab bar stools. Austin delivers the point of his elbows into the top of the heads of the men holding his legs and throws the man on his back into the other two. As the rest of the bar patrons are in shock, Stone Cold helps up Storm.

Stone Cold: Man can't even drain his lizard without some kind of a brouhaha goin' down. C'mon, lemme buy ya a beer.

The two head over to the bar where the bartender already has two frosty ones waiting on them. Both men sit down.

Stone Cold: I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't seein' it with ma' own two eyes, "Cowboy" James Storm has left the sinkin' ship called Impact Wrestlin' and come to a real wrestlin' company. It's good ta' see ya son, although on the floor isn't where I was expectin' ta' find ya, you nearly got yer ass whipped. So what brings ya ta' Stone Cold's bar, don't you have a match tonight?

Before answering Stone Cold's question, The Cowboy grabs the beer bottle and pours its entire content straight down his throat.

James Storm:Yea, I have a match ta'night but it's no big deal, befo' dat, I wanted ta' chill wit' ma' people. Anyway, thank 'ya fo' helpin' me but 'ya know...I could handle dose sons a' bitches ba' ma'self. I jus' need more time and ere'thin' would ne jus' fine. Hey, bartenda', slip me 'nother cold one, please.

Bartender slides the beer from one side of the bar to another and The Cowboy catches it.

James Storm: Yea, I left Tee En Ay. 'Ya know dose movies where a lil' man wants ta' become a pirate so he builds himself a ship. Dat ship has no canons, twelve holes in it. When it leaves da' harbour, ery'thin' looks great but when it gets farther from da' harbour, enters da' open sea it goes straight down ta' da' sea bottom. Dixie Carter is dat pirate and Tee En Ay is dat ship. Da good thing is, I left dat ship befo' it went down. I left Titani, joined a new ship and hell, I like it 'round here....Anyway. what did 'ya say? Stone Cold's bar?

Austin turns to his drinking partner and answers in a way only Stone Cold can answer.

Stone Cold: That's exactly what I said, are ya hard a' hearin'? When Stone Cold cuts a promo or wrestles a match, he's standin' in Stone Cold's ring. Any time Stone Cold's on Raw, he's on Stone Cold's show. Therefore, when Stone Cold's out drinkin', he's doin' so at Stone Cold's bar. And the face of the company out havin' a beer before 'is match is probly somethin' the In Dubya Oh, Em Vee Pea, and the other guy in the Chamber match are gonna frown on and use as material against me later, but they can all piss off, I've earned this beer. The real reason they're angry? Cuz I can do things like come to a bar. (What?) Have myself a beer. (What?) Another beer. (What?) Another beer. (What?) One more beer. (What?) Two beers. (What?) Three beers. (What?) A six pack. (What?) 'Nother six pack. (What?) Shot a' whiskey. (What?) One bourbon. (What?) One Scotch. (What?) 'Nother beer. (What?) Go to the bathroom. (What?) Take a leak. (What?) Come back out. (What?) Get in a bar fight. (What?) Sit down. (What?) Have a few more beers. (What?) Then go ta' work, open up a can a' whoopass and look better than they can doin' it.

Stone Cold's no stranger to the Elimination Chamber, so Stone Cold's not a damn bit worried about the match. Will it be a challenge? Hell yeah, but that's what I live and breathe for as champion, challenges. It doesn't matter if Teddy Long books two challengers or ten challengers for me ta' face, I'm gonna be there and fight 'til my heart stops, then when they shock me back ta' life with the defibrillator paddles, I'm gonna keep fightin', cuz no one and I mean no one is takin' this title from me without earnin' it, and since no one in this that match has the ability, this title's not goin' anywhere. I'm fired up son, about Raw and about Summerslam. Are you fired up?

Storm takes Austin's question very seriously, responding with quickness and passion.

James Storm:
I remember bein' fired up ever since I'm wresslin', Steve. Last week I was fired up when I accepted Roode's challenge.(What?)I was fired up when I spat right at Kofi Kingston's face. (What?)When 'ya ask me of I'm fired up, I get fired up. (What?) Ery' mornin' when I wake up I'm fired up. (What?) Ery'time I enter da' gym I'm fired up. (What?) Ery'time I have ta' go ta' a freakin' market jus' cause there ain't no beer in da fridge...I'm fired up. (What?) Ery'time I shovel horse shit, I'm fired up! (What?) Ery'time I have ta' sit in a bus and drive 300 miles jus' ta' whoop some ass I'm fired up. (What?) Ery'time I wrestle, I'm fired up. (What?!) Ery'time I drink beer I'm fired up. (What?) Ery'time I wrestle AND drink beer, I'm fired up. (What?) I don't have ta' be fired up fo' ta'night's RAW. I can't be fired up. 'Ya know wha? (Why?) 'Cause I'm too angry at Kofi Kingston dat if I'd get fired up, I think I'd kill him. Anyway, I'mma beat the livin' crap outta Kofi and after I'm done doin' dat, I will grab Abraham Texas, turn dat bitch sideways, frontways and send him back where he belongs! I'm dis much pumped fo' ta'night and I'm not even fired up. See, Steve...we are pretty same. We both from south, both southern beer drinkers and we have da' same typa' passion in our bodies. So yeah, I understand where is dat fire comin' from. 'Ya know what? After we both beat da' crap outta our opponents ta'night, we can get here and have another beer. Or two. (What?) Or three. (What?) Or four. (What?) Or five. (What?) Or six.(What?) Or seven.(What?) Or eight, nine, ten, evelen, twenty, shirty. (What?) We can drink all night long as it looks like The Cowboy is not dee only beer drinker on You Dubya Eff.

Ta'night I'm facin' Kofi Kingston so I'll finish da' job real quick. Le'mme tell 'ya 'bout him. 'Ya know, I'm not da' kinda' person dat judges people he doesn't even know. Dat's wha' I looked forward ta' meeting Kofi Kingston face ta' face. I thought we could maybe become friends, sit down ta' have a beer but he turned out ta' be a real idiot AND he doesn't even like beer. He came ta' UWF and he already talks 'bout how betrayed and underestimated he is. C'mooon. How can 'ya bee understimated when yer around da' block fo' a week. And ery'time I hear him say one of dose "bein' black is bein' betta'" lines, I have t' open anotha' beer 'cause wit'out it, I would perhaps grab a gun and shoot him right between his legs. Anyway...ta'night he will get what he has comin' ta' himself. Ta'night he will get his teeth kicked his throat. Not 'cause I wanna hurt him but 'cause when he'll come out ta' this ring next week it will sound a lot funnier when he'll say "bein' black is bein' betta'" wit'out his teeth.

Stone Cold looks at Storm and raises the beer he's holding.

Stone Cold: Ya know what, I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship. An' I ain't gonna turn on ya like Bobby Roode either. Huntin', fishin', beer drinkin', mudhole stompin', Stone Cold's yer guy. I tell ya one thing, I wouldn't wanna be Kofi Kingston or Cody Rhodes tonight. And that's the bottom line...

James Storm raises his beer and clangs bottles with the Rattlesnake.

James Storm: Cuz Stone Cold said so! SORRY...ABOUT YER DAMN LUCK!

The sound of a camera snapping as heard and this is the image seen as Raw pans elsewhere.


Roberts: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Queens, New York, weighing in at 223 pounds, he is the NEW UWF Hardcore Champion; Curt Hawkins!


Hawkins emerges from the curtains in full ring gear; cane in hand, as he smirks. He proceed down the ramp past the fans as he climbs the steel steps, and enters through the middle rope. The crowd is still unsure of Hawkins who is making his UWF debut Championship Match here tonight. He lays his cane down in the corner, as the uses the ropes to stretch out, staring down the ramp awaiting his opponent His music fades from the PA system.​

Justin Roberts:
And his opponent, from the City of Angels, weighing in at 215 pounds "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels.


As the Fallen Angel’s music plays throughout the arena, the crowd is instantly on their feet. Christopher Daniels was caught off guard by this. Given all he had done in TNA to some top faces, most people had given him much heat. But now he was nearly being praised. He felt slightly bad that he had to pop their bubble. As he made his way down to the ring, he made no attempt to interact with the crowd. Walking down he simply just stared ahead, more focused on his task at hand.


Daniels proceeds to enter the ring, before psing as the fans boo him. He ignores them though and waits for the match


Booker T: For all y'all pleasure, it's the master of the roulette wheel. And it's time to determine the match between Curt Hawkins and Christopher Daneils. Let's get this thang jumpin'!

For the first time thais evening, Booker T spins the roulette wheel. He puts some force onto as matdch choices fly past over and over again. The wheel eventually slows down and we get to see what the first match of the evening is.

Booker T: Well woul' 'ya look at that, we got ourselves a hell of a match to open Raw. Curt Hawkins will face Christopher Daniels inside a 15-foot high Steel Cage. 'Ya wanna be Hardcore, here's ya chance to prove it Champ.

Cole: Oh My! A steel cage match to start Raw!

King: This just proves that anything can happen with the Raw Roulette.

Hawkins and Daniels look up to see the steel cage lowering over them.


The cage encircles the ring. Both competitors are now trapped inside as the bell rings and Raw's first match has begun.

As soon as the bell rings, Hawkins tries to climb the cage. This catches Daniels off guard as he didn’t expect it. Hawkins makes it about halfway up the cage before Daniels grabs him by the trunks and drags him back to the canvas. Hawkins lands on his feet and Daniels immediately strikes him with an enziguiri. Daniels’ foot meets the back of Hawkins’ temple and Daniels goes for a cover as the Hardcore Champion falls to the canvas…



Hawkins kicks out!

Daniels lifts the Champion to his feet before throwing him towards the near corner. Daniels charges in, but Hawkins is able to side step him. Daniels seems on a crash course to collide with the turnbuckle but he manages to leap to the middle rope in one transition, using it as a springboard to try and Crossbody onto Hawkins…

Cole: Look at the athleticism of Christopher Daniels!

Hawkins is ready for Daniels though and as he is in midair, Hawkins leaves his feet and dropkicks Daniels right in the chest. Daniels’ body falls from midair to the mat as he grabs his midsection and Hawkins goes for a cover…



Daniels kicks out!

Hawkins gets to his feet and plans to climb the cage again. He makes his way over to the far side of the ring, as far away from Daniels as possible. He slowly using the ring ropes to catapult himself about halfway up the cage. From there, he slowly starts climbing….

King: It seems like Hawkins wants nothing to do with this cage match tonight!

Hawkins takes too much time. Daniels is able to get to his feet. He charges at the ropes, before kicking off the cage and clotheslining Hawkins off the cage and to the canvas. Hawkins falls about 7 ½ feet to the mat and yells in obvious pain. Daniels gets to his feet, shaken from that fall too, but in better shape than Hawkins. He grabs Hawkins by the legs before dragging him into the perfect position and slingshotting the Hardcore Champion face first into the steel cage!

Cole: And for the first time in the match, steel meets flesh!

A dazed Hawkins stumbles across the ring after having his bell rung, before Daniels sneaks up behind him, wrapping his arms around Hawkins’ waist and lifting him overhead with a release German suplex. The Champion’s head bounces hard on the canvas as Daniels crawls to another cover…



Hawkins kicks out!

Daniels grabs Hawkins as soon as the Champion kicks out. He lifts him to his feet before grabbing him by the back of Hawkins’ head. Daniels turns towards the cage, charging in, looking to drive Hawkins into the cage for a second time…

King: Daniels knows how to use that cage to his advantage!

Before Hawkins can collide with the steel, he manages to shift his body weight and sends Daniels into the cage instead. Daniels entire face and body crashes against the cage and he hangs there momentarily. As soon as Daniels lets go of the cage, Hawkins grabs him by the back of the head and brings him to the canvas with a reverse DDT. As Daniels’ head slams hard onto the canvas, Hawkins goes for another cover…



Daniels kicks out!

As soon as “The Fallen Angel†kicks out, Hawkins makes his way back over to the cage. He starts climbing one more time, looking for an escape…

Cole: I never understood why guys didn’t prefer using the door!

Hawkins starts climbing again, but obviously hasn’t done enough damage to Daniels. The Fallen Angel has gotten back to his feet. He charges right at Hawkins, dropkicking him right in the back, sending Hawkins face first into the cage…

Cole: That had to hurt!

Daniels goes right after Hawkins. The Champion managed to hold onto the cage and has his feet on both ropes. Daniels gets on the ropes, standing right next to Hawkins before grabbing The Champion by the skull and ramming it into the cage one more time for good measure…

King: Daniels making a statement in this match!

This shot to the steel leaves Hawkins vulnerable. He almost falls off the ropes but manages to hang onto the cage. Daniels uses this opening to his advantage. He leaps off the turnbuckle ropes, sunset flipping over Hawkins and powering him down onto the canvas with a powerbomb! Hawkins’ neck whiplashes as he hits the canvas and Daniels goes for another cover…



Hawkins kicks out!

Cole: That was a sick powerbomb by Christopher Daniels!

Daniels gets to his feet before lifting an out of it Hawkins to his. Hawkins’ body is almost limp after that powerbomb. Daniels places Hawkins’ head between his legs before hooking both of the Hardcore Champion’s arms in a double underhook position…

Cole: Could it be The Angels’ Wings?

Before Daniels can perform whatever he was going for, Hawkins is able to use his upper body strength to lift Daniels overhead with a bridging Northern Lights Suplex and the referee goes to count…



Daniels kicks out!

Both men get to their feet at the same time. Daniels is the first to attack, charging at Hawkins. Hawkins is able to side step Daniels, grabbing him by the skull and tossing him face first into the steel cage. The recoil of the impact sends Daniels right into the waiting arms of Hawkins, who lifts him up before dropping Daniels on his head with an inverted Tiger Driver. Hawkins hooks the leg and goes for a cover…



Daniels kicks out!

Hawkins gets to his feet before telling the referee to open the door. The referee on the outside complies and Hawkins makes his way over to the door….

King: All Hawkins has to do is get both feet on the floor and he’ll be victorious!

Hawkins cockily walks towards the door and starts to make it out the ring, but as he is stepping through the ropes, his movement stops. Christopher Daniels has grabbed Hawkins by the leg, preventing the Hardcore Champion from leaving the ring. Daniels holds on for dear life, not letting Hawkins go anywhere. Eventually, Daniels is able to get to his feet and drag Hawkins back towards the center of the ring, causing the referee to close the door. Daniels has control of Hawkins, before throwing his leg back to the mat and taking the Hardcore Champion down with a quick clothesline. As Hawkins goes down to the mat, Daniels drags him over towards the nearest corner. Daniels puts Hawkins in perfect position before mounting him and throwing a few punches to Hawkins’ face. Daniels then heads to the turnbuckle, where he leaps from the canvas to the middle turnbuckle pad, then to the top before moonsaulting back towards Hawkins…

King: Best Moonsault Ever!

Before Daniels can connect, Hawkins rolls out of the way, causing Daniels to crash chest first onto the canvas.

Cole: Rough landing for Christopher Daniels!

Both men lay motionless on the mat. Hawkins exhausted from the beating that he’s taken and Daniels hurting after missing the BME. Hawkins is the first to move as he slowly pulls himself to his feet in the corner. ..

King: Looks like the Hardcore Champion still has some fight in him.

Hawkins makes it to his feet with Daniels not too far behind. Hawkins charges at Daniels, who is able to block Hawkins arm and sweep the leg, taking him down with an STO. Hawkins goes down and Daniels goes for a cover…



Hawkins kicks out!

Daniels gets off Hawkins and kicks him in the chest, making sure he’s down. Daniels makes his way over to the cage and starts scaling it again, trying to escape…

Cole: I think Christopher Daniels may have this match won.

Daniels slowly makes his way up before looking down and seeing that Curt Hawkins has gotten to his feet and is climbing the cage himself. Daniels uses one of his legs to try and kick Hawkins off the cage, but it’s to no avail. Hawkins is closing in on Daniels, who continues to climb and soon both men reach the top of the cage….

King: Both men are at the top. What’s going to happen?

Both Hawkins and Daniels throw a leg over the top of the cage and sit on the steel, one leg facing the arena floor, one facing the canvas. They start throwing right hands at each other. First Hawkins hits Daniels, and then Daniels hits Hawkins. Back and forth the two go until Hawkins grabs Daniels by the back of the head and slams it onto the steel. This stuns Daniels and Hawkins throws the rest of his body over and now only needs to crawl down the cage to the floor…

Cole: Curt Hawkins is close to victory!

Daniels regains his composure to see Hawkins tying to climb down. He grabs Hawkins by the hair, preventing him from going anywhere. Daniels starts pulling on Hawkins’ hair, trying to bring him back to the top of the cage. Hawkins has no choice but to go back up and finish his fight with Daniels. Hawkins reaches the top of the cage and the two continue to exchange blows and right hands. They beat the holy hell out of each other. The sequence continues until Daniels throws a right hand at Hawkins and misses. Hawkins is then able to duck under Daniels’ hand and lift him off the cage before slamming him all the way to the ring canvas with a modified Uranage!!

King: Oh My God! Christopher Daniels just fell 15 feet!

Curt Hawkins sits on top of the cage, staring down at Christopher Daniels who may just be broken in half. The Las Vegas fans chant “Holy Shit†at the fall that Daniels just took…

Cole: All Hawkins has to do is climb down now.

Hawkins throws his leg over to the outside of the cage and prepares to climb down. He looks at the fallen body of Christopher Daniels, who hasn’t moved since being thrown off the top of the cage. Hawkins inches down the steel slowly, making sure not to lose his footing before reaching near the bottom and simply letting go, both feet hitting the arena floor.

Roberts: Here is your winner, The Hardcore Champion; Curt Hawkins!!

Hawkins stands on the outside of the cage as it is raised. He demands the referee get him his Championship belt. The referee complies and Hawkins holds the title up high to see. Tonight, no Tyler Reks was needed. No outside interference required. Tonight was just a Champion proving how good he is. Hawkins begins heading up the entrance ramp, preparing to go to the back when all of the sudden….


Goldust: Curt Hawkins, you've been chosen. It's time for us to play a game and trust me when I say that I'm doing to enjoy playing with you Hawkins. And when I play Hawkins, I play hard. So at Summerslam, you and I are going to play really rough. And when I take that gold from you and wrap it around my waist, I'm going to rub it all in your face. And I promise you, you will never forget the name of *Inhales Deeply* Goldust!

The feed cuts out and Hawkins stares at the titantron with a confused look on his face as Raw heads to commercial.



You're not getting a match with Pope sunshine.



Cody Rhodes:


UCW Summerslam 2011, Cody Rhodes defeated Randy Orton and John Cena to win the UCW Championship. UWF Summerslam 2012…it’s all coming according to plan…One year of planning of plotting, of working on my grand moment of redemption forever erasing that…that night…and months of injustices in my career. My Entire career all the way back to the often forgotten UWA, I’ve built my reputation…my legacy over being the guy who’s NOT Supposed to win. I wasn’t Supposed to defeat Triple H in my debut, I wasn’t Supposed to win the Championship Scramble for the UWA Title, I wasn’t supposed to win the Contenders tournament in UCW, I wasn’t supposed to beat John Cena leading up to Summerslam, I was NEVER Supposed to win the Triple Threat match. Cody Rhodes Wasn’t supposed to face CM Punk in UWF, Chris Jericho was, as a result Cody Rhodes Was not supposed to win the World Championship Battle Royal. I wasn’t supposed to beat Drew, Brock, or Austin…and at Summerslam Cody Rhodes is Not Supposed to win the Elimination Chamber. NO no Stone Cold is supposed to retain and survive once again, MVP is supposed to finally fulfill the potential everyone thinks he has, Randy Orton is supposed to establish his leadership, Christian is supposed to prove his spot in this business. The last guy in the match is supposed to make a big impact out of nowhere and win it all…But Cody Rhodes…Cody Rhodes is not supposed to win. I’m not Supposed to fulfill my destiny, I’m not supposed to finally redeem myself, I’m supposed to fill out the match…to be shut up with this opportunity without the risk of actually becoming Champion. But what they fail to realize is this is how I got to where I am, by proving them and all of those watching Wrong.

*Rhodes cracks his neck*

I sometimes...fear what I've become...I fear I've lost Dashing forever...that my smile will always have something behind it...and yet while my mentality may have forever been changed by this new lifestyle I feel that because of this outlook my cockiness after I've taken this mask off will have something behind it...I won't be just another smile or pretty face with talent...I'll be the Cody Rhodes who injures people and looks good doing it...My Redemption, my rejuvenation, My re invigoration comes at Summerslam...What comes after is only circumstantial...

Last year there was a Raw Roulette in UCW, in that night Mr. McMahon was in this ring and I came out and left him laid out in the ring…that started my instability…And now I thrive in darkness…Because only through total darkness can you all appreciate the light under this mask. It is only fitting that my redemption occurs inside the elimination chamber, for it will be under complete and total darkness that I enter…that I am locked in MY element…where pain and suffering surrounds six men and yet one of them will not be suffering. One of them will be…Thriving. And once that Chamber is raised, once the darkness is lifted what will be there amongst the pain and injured? It will be the man who was NEVER supposed to win anything…Holding it all…in the palm of his hand... Cody Rhodes 6:25

Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to Tuesday Night Raw. We've had an interesting show so far. Right now, it's time for our double debut match. James Storm, who came back to UWF last week takes on the debuting Kofi Kingston.

We cut over to the Raw entrance stage, where Abraham Washington is standing tall.


Abraham Washington: Ladies and Gents of The World, my name is AW. I'm the owner of All World Promotions. And I am here to indtroduce all of you to the next big thing in professional wrestling. This man is the West African Sensation, he is the man of the hour, too sweet to be sour. Allow me all to introduce you to the futue UWF Champion; Kofi Kingston!


"SOS" plays over the announce system and for the first time in his entire career, Kofi Kingston walks out onto the stage to a parade of boos. Gone is the thunderclap, gone is the pyro. Instead, Kingston and AW simply walk down the ramp towards the ring. The fans boo the duo as AW runs his mouth like only he can. Kingston soon enters the ring and waits for his opponent as AW praises his client from the outside.

Roberts: And his opponent, from Leapors Fort, Tennesse, weighing in at 260 pounds, he is "The Cowboy" James Storm!

Sorry About Your Damn Luck!!!


James Storm's classic intro yells out to the masses before "Longnecks and Rednecks" soon follows. Out walks the Cowboy onto the stage, dressed in his traditional long black jacket, with beer in hand. Storm takes a sip of the beer before raising it in the air, setting off his pyro. Storm makes his way down the ramp, slapping a few hands before he reaches the bottom of the ramp. He heads over to the steel steps and before he climbs them, he pours some of his beer into the mouth of a fan in the front row. Storm then climbs the steps and enters the ring, before taking off his coat and waiting for the bell.

Booker T: Hol' up there suckas.


Booker T: It's me again; Booker T. The master of the Spinaroonie and the master of this roulette wheel. Now before y'all beat the hell outta each other, let's jus' see what type of match y'all are goin' have.

And with that, Booker spins the wheel. There's some force in Booker's spin as apparently the old man still has some muscle left. The wheel slowly starts coming to a stop as the pointer passes each match type one by one until it reaches its final destination.

Booker T: Aww yeah dog. It looks like James Storm and Kofi Kingston are 'bout to go at it in a Last Man Standin' Match. Good Luck.

The titantron fades out and we go back to the ring. Storm and Kingston are staring each other down while AW is having a heart attack on the outside.

AW: This is crazy! My client never signed up for this. This is nothing more than another plot by the man to keep my client down. Somebody call Jeese Jackson, somebody call Al Sharpton, somebody call Barack Obama, we're going to march about this!

Cole: AW doesn't seem to happy about the roulette wheel's choice.

King: It doesn't matter what AW thinks. Just look at his client; Kofi Kingston. I've never seen Kingston soo focused.

The bell rings and Storm and Kingston lock up. Storm over powers Kingston and throws him to the mat. Kingston gets to his feet and looks right at Storm. The two lock up again and Kingston connects with a boot to the stomach. This doubles Storm over and Kingston takes him down with a double axe handle smash to the throat. This takes Storm to the canvas and as he quickly gets to his feet, Kingston connects with a picture perfect dropkick to Storm’s face. Storm goes back down and Kingston tells the referee to count…






Storm gets to his feet!

AW: Come on ref, ‘ya gotta count faster!

Storm gets to his feet annoyed, by what’s just transpired. He looks at Kingston and charges at him, connecting with a vicious clothesline. Storm almost takes Kingston’s head off. Storm grabs Kingston by the dreads and lifts him off the canvas before Irish Whipping him to the near ropes and as Kingston bounces back, Storm lifts him off the canvas before slamming him down with a vicious spinebuster. Kingston’s back and head hits the canvas extremely hard as Storm takes a step back and tells the ref to count…








Kingston gets to his feet!

Cole: This has been a very physical match so far!

Storm wastes no time, grabbing Kingston by the arm and throwing him to the far corner. Storm follows suit and charges towards the corner. Kingston is able to side step, leaping through the middle rope onto the ring apron and as Storm runs towards the ropes, Kingston is able to perform a upside down Tiger Feint Kick, kicking Storm right in the face…

King: The athleticism of Kofi Kingston is remarkable.

Storm falls to the mat as Kingston stands on the apron. Kofi then climbs to the top rope and waits for Storm to get to his feet. Storm struggles but manages to do so and turns towards the corner where Kingston is waiting and Kofi leaps off, stretching out his body, taking Storm down with an excellent Crossbody. Kingston lands hard on top of Storm before getting to his feet and telling the referee to count…





AW: That’s what I’m talking ‘bout. Be that boy down!



Storm gets to his feet!

Kofi looks ready to end this. He slowly starts clapping his hands together, signifying that the end is near. Storm heads towards Kingston, who in turns leaves his feet, spinning in midair, looking for his trademark finish…

King: Trouble in Paradise!!

Before Kingston can hit the trademark buzz saw kick, Storm ducks and Kingston hits nothing but canvas. Storm’s now ready to go back on the offensive. Storm waits for Kingston to get up, and when the West Africa native does so, Storm meets him with a right hand. Kingston goes down but gets to his feet only to have Storm hit him again. Once more, Kingston is able to get to his feet and Storm lifts him on before dropping Kingston groin first onto his knee with an inverted atomic drop. Kingston grabs his groin in obvious pain right before Storm leaves his feet, wrapping his arms around Kingston’s head, hitting Kingston with his version of the Codebreaker!

Cole: Double Knee Facebuster!

Kingston goes down and Storm tells the referee to count…





AW: Get up Kofi!



Cole: Kofi Kingston might be out cold!


Kingston starts getting to his feet as Storm rolls to the outside of the ring. Storm goes and grabs a steel chair…

Cole: Business is about to pick up!

King: Don’t steal JR’s lines!

Storm enters the ring with the chair. But as soon as he does, Kofi Kingston leaves his feet, spinning and kicking the chair right into Storm’s face…

King: Trouble in Paradise right into the chair!

The steel chair bounces right off Storm’s head and he goes down like a ton of bricks. Kingston gets in the referee’s face and tells him to start counting…



AW: He’s out! We just took out the great White Hope!



Cole: Storm may be out cold!





Storm uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet!

Kingston sighs in frustration. He immediately dropkicks Storm in the back, sending him through the middle rope and to the outside. Storm lies on the arena floor, soaking all of this in for a second. He never thought Kofi Kingston would be this tough. Storm pushes himself to his feet and when he gets up, Kofi plancha over the top rope and to the outside…

AW: Here we go!

At the last minute, Storm moves out of the way and Kofi hits nothing but the floor.

Cole: Kingston just collided with the arena floor.

Storm looks over at Kingston on the floor and takes a minute to catch his breath. Kingston starts pulling himself up to Storm’s surprise. Kofi barely makes it to his feet, before Storm lunges at him, kicking him directly in the face…

King: The Last Call Superkick!

The Last Call connects on the button! Kingston goes down and Storm tells the referee to do his job…




Cole: Storm almost kicked Kingston’s head off. It may be over for Kofi!




AW: Come on ref, he’s up! He’s up!



Kofi pulls himself up with the help of the ring pole. Storm cocks back and launches himself at the ring pole, going for another Last Call Superkick. Kofi ducks out of the way and the only thing Storm’s foot connects with is the ring pole.

AW: Finish him Kofi! We got better things to deal with!

Storm grabs his leg in pain before dragging himself to his feet. What Storm does not see is that Kofi has set up another steel chair a few feet away from him. Kofi charges and uses the chair to launch himself and take Storm down with a springboard clothesline….

Cole: Innovative offense from Kofi Kingston.

AW: Kofi, bring him here!

Kingston lifts Storm to his feet before grabbing hold of both his arms and dragging him over to AW. AW talks some trash to Storm before cocking back and preparing to slap the taste out of Storm’s mouth. At the last minute, Storm is able to free himself and move out of the way and AW slaps Kingston instead!

King: Miscommunication between AW and Kofi Kingston!

This was just the opening Storm needed. As AW yells in disapproval, Storm launches himself at him, kicking AW right in the face with the Last Call! AW goes down and Storm turns towards Kingston. Kingston is still in shock from the slap, so before he can refocus, Storm takes his head off with another Last Call!

Cole: Storm’s on fire!

Both AW and Kingston are down as Storm stands tall. The crowd cheers “Cowboy as Storm tells the referee to count…








King: This is over!

Storm stands tall, but what he does not see is that someone has jumped the ring barricade. That man is Robert Roode…

Cole: What the hell is Robert Roode doing here?

Roode sneaks up on Storm before taking him down from behind with the Pay Off Lariat. With both men now down, the referee stops his count. But Roode isn’t done with Storm just yet. He lifts the dead weight off the canvas before lifting Storm in the air and dropping him on the arena floor with the Double R Spinebuster! Roode stands tall over Storm with a sadistic look in his eye. He decides that he’s not done with Storm just yet. He drags Storm by the arm over to the announcer’s station. Storm is in no position to fight back right now. Roode lifts Storm off the arena floor before once more hitting another Double R Spinebuster!

Cole: Roode is destroying James Storm right now!

King: And there’s no disqualification. There’s nothing anyone can do about this.

Roode lifts Storm off the floor once more before throwing him onto the Spanish announce table. By this time, both AW and Kofi Kingston have staggered to their feet to witness this beat down. Roode looks towards Kingston before telling him that “Storm is all hisâ€. With this, Roode hops over the ring barricade and leaves the same way he came. Kingston has no problem taking advantage of this. He hops on the ring apron before heading to the top rope…

King: What does Kofi Kingston have planned now?

Kingston stands perfectly on the top rope before mocking the fans. He screams “Boom, Boom, Boom†before leaping off the top and stretching out his legs, driving both himself and Storm through the table with a top rope Boom Drop!!!

Cole: Oh My!

The table implodes upon impact and both Kingston and Storm lay among the wreckage. The referee doesn’t know what to do in this situation. AW quickly runs over to his client…

AW: Come on Kofi, ‘ya gotta get up.

AW grabs Kofi by the arm and starts dragging him to his feet. AW manages to get Kofi to his feet and the referee has to acknowledge this. He starts counting Storm out…





King: Come on, this was essentially a three on one match!



AW: Count faster!





Roberts: Here is your winner; Kofi Kingston!


King: Kingston wins thanks to Robert Roode!

“SOS†starts playing again and Kofi Kingston has his hand raised by AW. The manager brags about the victory of his client as Kingston attempts to regain his thoughts. Kofi shakes off the effects of this match and realizes that he’s won in his debut. Kingston and AW soon celebrate before announcing that this is only the beginning. The duo head up the ramp as Raw heads elsewhere.

The tron lights up and the raw visual saying "Earlier today" pops up, with cameras pointed at the Mandalay Bay casino that this weeks Raw is being held in. A cutscene takes us in the casino and to a roulette table and it's empty.


But not for long as Bully Ray walks into scene and sits down. Not following etiquette, Ray is wearing his normal pants and a cloth shirt, and sunglasses on top of his head, instead of suiting up. He places his chips on the table as the camera comes closer. he then looks at the camera and starts to speak.

Bully Ray: Bobby Roode. Welcome to Sin City. Welcome to the one place in our country where all of your dreams can and most probably will come true. I'll let you in on a little secret, I have been here since the night I took down The Rock in the middle of the ring on Raw. I have been here night after night, spending my wages, winning, losing, drinking, and going home with an eighty-buck an hour thrill-ride each night. As they say, living the dream. But, I am living the dream week in week out. I'm making a name for myself in the biggest company I could work in but unlike you, I am making a name of myself by WINNING my matches. I am undefeated on Raw and you.... I haven't taken a blind bit of notice about what your doing but I saw that you lost at the pay per view. And when I checked UWF dot com about who I'm facing this week the writing at the bottom said your on a losing streak.

But Bobby Roode, this is the place where people change their fortunes. People can change their lives here.

Bully places all of his chips on the number five and as the dealer starts the game, he looks back to the camera.

Wade... Antonio... Daniels... Sharky... and Dwayne Johnson. Five. Five people that have realized that I am not the man obsessed with entertaining the idiots no more. I am not the man from Dudleyville hell bent on win, lose or draw, putting someone through a table. The how does not matter no more, all that matters is the job gets done. The thought process of the biggest bully your ever going to come across. You already got your scrawny neck on another pay per view, against James Storm.... what is it he told you.... Sorry about your damn luck?

Bully looks back at the table where the roll had been done and the ball had landed in the number six space. Even though he lost his bet he looks at the camera one final time while getting up.

I don't count on luck. I count on beatings. Tonight Roode.... You are number six.





While the UWF Universe continue to come to grips with what has occurred on this special Roulette edition of Tuesday Night Raw, we're suddenly shown a Roulette wheel on the titantron... but it's not the one that has been used backstage. Instead we're shown a legitimate Roulette reel, but then the camera pans to the right and we're shown a smartly dressed Christian, who's clearly not in the arena quite yet. Christian's looking right at the camera while holding something in his hands.


Christian: Las Vegas - the Entertainment Capital of the World. The City of Sin! I tell you, the memories I've had in this city over the years will have me telling stories for yea... wait, that's right. I completely forgot the golden rule - what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Oh well, looks like you'll never hear the stories I have to tell. Not my loss.

Christian shrugs his shoulders and has a chuckle as he looks at the item he's holding.

Christian: Tonight, Tuesday Night Raw has found itself in Las Vegas, and as always the Raw Roulette is dusted off and all the nostalgia of just coming to this great city comes over the entire UWF Universe. See the moment my peeps around the world hear about the Raw Roulette wheel making it's glorious return, you all jump out of your seats and get excited, you anticipate the spinning of the wheel because you want to see what kind of match-up your favourite superstars find themselves competing in... at the last second. Let me be honest, because that's the man I am - I don't like the Raw Roulette wheel, but then again I never have. It's a danger and a safety hazard to every superstar in the back because we simply cannot prepare ourselves for our match. Sure, there's always the researching of your opponent, but when you don't know anything about the match you'll be competing in? Yeah, entertaining for all of you, but for a superstar like me, somebody who is a very important member of the Raw roster, I can't have my well-being endangered so close to one of the most important matches of my career in a few weeks time at Summerslam. At least I have time to prepare for the rigours of the Elimination Chamber, but as for my match tonight against MVP? No clue.

Christian places his hands on his hips, looks off in the distance and shakes his head. He's not very impressed, but he quickly shakes it off.

Christian: So while Teddy Long is backstage at Raw, continuing to abuse his power and brainwash my peeps into thinking he's actually doing a good job and keeping things exciting, I'm going to have some excitement of my own. First of all, no, I won't be talking about the Elimination Chamber, as listed, because I'm busy doing other things. As you can all tell, at least I'm hoping you can, I'm in one of the many famous casinos that litter Las Vegas, but for safety reasons I won't be disclosing which one. Now as a UWF superstar, I'm warned against gambling for various regulations placed in the usual talent contract and among other company rules, but when signing my very lucrative contract back at Backlash, I planned for a night just like this. So one of the terms I had written into my contract, the very same contract approved by the Board of Directors, is basically that I would be able to go out and enjoy myself whenever I like, and that includes gambling as much as I like when I'm in Las Vegas. Well, here we are in Las Vegas, and I just so happen to have found myself in a casino and coincidentally next to a Roulette wheel. Well Teddy, I hope you're watching, because I'm about to spin a Roulette wheel of my own... and it's all on you!

Christian raises the item up and it's a wallet. Christian's clearly enjoying himself as he shows off what's allegedly the wallet of his General Manager. Christian opens it up but doesn't take a look inside quite yet as he chooses to eye the camera.


Christian: Why don't we take a look at what our esteemed General Manager carries with him in his back pocket?

Christian now looks down at the wallet and begins to file through it.

Christian: Well we've got a lovely picture of his family. What's this, Teddy, you have children? That's news to me, but something that isn't news to me is that they have your looks, which is quite unfortunate for them. Poor kids, they must get bullied a fair bit at school. Oh well, let's see what else we have. Is this a senior's discount card? Teddy, how old are you? Take this as a compliment, but you don't look a day over fifty, but unfortunately you're... wait, let me find your driver's license... you're 64 years old! Wow Teddy, how do you keep yourself looking so young? It mustn’t have anything to do with driving because look, somebody's driver's license expired... last year! Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, you're too focused on abusing your power that you've not bothered to get a registered driver's license. I guess we shouldn't be too disappointed, after all you're a senior citizen, and frankly there are enough of you on the roads endangering lives every single day. What can I say; I care for the safety of my peeps.

Christian shrugs his shoulders and begins to chuckle again, continuing to look through the wallet.

Christian: Look Teddy, if you're watching this, and you should be, you're probably a little annoyed at the fact I've stolen your wallet, but let me cut you a deal. You can keep the pictures of your ugly family, you can keep the outdated and unregistered driver's license, and you can keep your senior citizen's discount card, but what you're not going to keep is whatever cash I find in this wallet. After what happened at the Great American Bash, you owe me more than just one... more... World Championship match, especially when I have to go through five men in an Elimination Chamber just to get to what you screwed me out of, so what I'm going to do is invest your money wisely. I'm going to spend... *Christian looks through the wallet* ...fifty-six dollars... no wait, sixty-dollars, for you and hopefully this hard earned cash can make me a little happier. I've already got a couple of numbers in mind that I'll be placing thirty each on. Let's see if your precious UWF Champion can come through for you this time, Teddy.

Christian takes a step over to the table and hands over the money as he sits down.


Christian: I'd like to put thirty on 3 Red and thirty on 16 Red please.

Christian turns his head and looks at the camera with a cheesy grin as the Casino employee begins filing through his chips in the background. It doesn't take the experienced Casino employee long to come up with the correct amount, which he places on the two numbers, 3 and 16, for Christian. Christian sits back and waits for everybody else to place their bets, getting a little agitated as some people continue to hesitate.

Christian: Can we hurry up? I have a show to get to and don't have all night.

Christian holds his arms in the air in a sign of frustration as the people take offence. Christian starts to look off in the distance while the others finally come to their decision and place their chips on their desired numbers. The Casino employee eventually gets the Roulette spinning, and the camera gets a close-up and watches it spin and the ball rolls around. Soon enough it comes to a stop.

Casino Employee: 11 Black, no winners.

Christian: Well how about that, Teddy, your UWF Champion just lost you sixty dollars. I guess you could say you bet on the wrong horse last Sunday night, so let that be a lesson to you for Summerslam. Although, speaking of Summerslam, I'm going to make one final bet. Don't worry, Teddy, you don't have any more money for me to gamble with, so this is coming out of my own pocket. I'm feeling that luck is on my side tonight, so I'm going to put... why not, let's put one hundred dollars on 26 Black. Not only am I feeling lucky tonight, but I know that on the 26th of August at Summerslam, I'll be the final man standing in the Elimination Chamber match and walking out on my own two feet as UWF Champion.

Christian hands over the money and the Casino employee takes his time putting Christian's chips on the number 26 for him. This time Christian was the final person left to place a bet, so the Roulette wheel quickly begins spinning and the ball flies around once more. The Casino employee gave the spin a little more oomph, so it takes a little longer to stop, but when it does its music to Christian's ears.

Casino Employee: 26 Black, we have a winner!

The look on Christian's face is priceless as he wheels around and faces the camera.


Christian: Well would you look at that, lady luck is on my side after all, just like I felt. Now the lesson here, Teddy, is not to mess with fate, because fate is a funny thing. Fate is for those too weak to determine their own destiny, so they choose to mess with somebody else's. After tonight, I hope you've decided not to mess with mine from this point forward, because I don't break my promises. I said to Matt Striker last week that if justice wasn't done regarding my rematch for the UWF Championship, somebody would get hurt. Well, I think I've hurt you in more ways than one tonight, Teddy, and after I go collect my winnings and even win a little more on top, I'll be at Raw to hurt your pal MVP.

Christian is about to get out of his seat, but he holds up one finger in a sign he's not quite finished yet.

Christian: Oh, one last thing, Teddy - I forgot about your wallet. I don't have much use for it anymore, plus we're even now so neither one of us owes the other anything, which means... well, it means you're on your own with getting back your wallet. It looks like a fairly expensive wallet, but now it's up for grabs.

Christian gives it one final look before looking straight at the camera lens and casually throwing it high in the air.


Before it can even hit the ground, Christian's grabbed his chips and he's off without a trace. The camera takes it's time to turn, but when it does Christian is off in the distance, clearly on a mission of his own, and showing no remorse for anything he just did. It doesn't take long before we're taken back to Raw and to ringside.

Justin Roberts: The following matchup us scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Hells Kitchen, New York, weighing in at 306 pounds; Bully Ray!


The Evil Bully Ray makes his way out to the ring in his usual ring attire. The man looks pissed off that he has been ignored for the past two weeks and cannot wait to get into the ring and take out his frustrations. He walks down to the ring at a brisk pace for going up the steps and wiping off the apron with his boot before stepping in. He yells something nasty once inside the ring and waits for his opponent.

Roberts:And his opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 240 pounds; Robert Roode!!

I'm Off The Chain...
Time To Go Aganist The Grain!!


Roode marches down the entrance ramp, clutching at his NWA World Heavyweight Championship and serious look on his face as he makes it down the ringside area, Roode glances over his shoulder before walking up the ring steps and into the ring, the fans cheering for Roode as he poses for them before waiting for the match to start.


Booker T: Alright playas, I'm back again. Let's see what the wheel has in store for Bobby Roode and that boy Bully Ray.

Just like every other time this evening, Booker T spins the wheel. It of course has speed behind it at first, but begins to slow down and comes to a complete stop.

Booker T: Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout, let's these two boys fight. Bully Ray will go one on one with Bobby Roode in a submission match!

The titantron fades and we head to the ring where Bully Ray knows he's at an obvious disadvantage. Never the less, the bell rings.​

The bell rings and both Ray and Roode lock up. The lock up doesn’t last long though as Roode pushes Ray backwards rather quickly. Ray bounces off the ropes and comes back at Roode, who performs a drop toe hold, sending Ray face first to the canvas. As soon as Ray hits the canvas, Roode tries to step over one of Ray’s legs, look to apply a STF. Ray knows it’s coming though and quickly crawls to the ropes, breaking up any attempt at the submission…

Cole: Bully Ray is definitely out of his element in this match.

Bully Ray quickly rolls under the bottom rope to the ring apron. Roode tells Ray to enter the ring and Ray does, although hesitantly. As soon as Ray enters the ring, Roode takes him down with the Pay Off Lariat directly to the face. Roode goes right after Ray’s arm, grabbing it and wrapping both legs around it, applying a Cross Armbreaker. Ray does everything he can in an attempt to break the submission, but cannot seem to do so, so he reaches his leg out and puts it on the bottom rope, forcing a break. Roode doesn’t comply immediately and the referee has a five count or he will disqualify him…





Roode lets go of the Cross Armbreaker!

Roode gets to his feet and looks down at Bully Ray. Roode heads over to the far corner and crouches down in a three point stance, preparing himself to run right through Bully Ray…

Cole: We’ve seen this before from Robert Roode. He’s setting him up for the spear!

Ray cautiously gets to his feet, not knowing exactly where Robert Roode. Ray turns around and Roode darts out of the corner, looking to Spear Ray out of his boots. Bully Ray is ready for Roode and as Roode lunges in with his head down, Ray delivers a big boot to the face. This stops Roode in his tracks and puts Bully Ray in the driver’s seat .Roode lies face up on the mat and Bully Ray looks to apply a submission and get this thing over with. Ray grabs one of Roode’s legs and spins around it, trying to apply the Figure Four Leglock, but in mid revolution, Roode kicks Ray in the back, breaking the hold but also sending Ray into the corner, squashing the referee…

Cole: And there goes the official!

King: I swear these guys are so fragile.

Bully Ray is stunned at what’s transpired but that doesn’t stop him from going back on the attack. He goes back to face Roode, and as soon as he does, Robert lifts him off the canvas before performing a beautiful Double R Spinebuster. Roode gets to his feet after taking Bully down…

Cole: I think all Roode needs to do is decide which submission he wants to use to finish Bully Ray off.

With Bully Ray down, Roode is in control. That is until someone runs through the crowd and hops over the barricade. It’s James Storm! He’s returning the favor from earlier in the evening. Roode has no idea that Storm is out here. Storm slides in the ring behind Roode and patiently waits for his best friend to turn around before delivering a vicious Last Call Superkick right to the face of Robert Roode…

Cole: Come on that was uncalled for!

King: Turnabout is fair play Cole.

Storm looks down on Roode before saying “Sorry ‘bout your damn luck†and leaving the ring. Throughout all of this, Bully Ray is starting to come to. He didn’t see what Storm just did, all he sees is Roode knocked out cold and the referee down and out. Ray decides to take advantage. Ray goes over to Roode before quickly applying a rear naked choke on his unconscious opponent….

King: And would you look at Bully Ray!

Ray’s got the choke applied in fully. There’s no fight in Robert Roode at all. He’s limp after the Super kick. The referee starts coming to and sees that Ray has the submission applied to Roode. The referee starts crawling over to the two competitors and asks Roode if he wants to submit…

Cole: The official isn’t going to get an answer from Robert Roode; he’s out!

The referee doesn’t get a response, so he takes one of Roode’s arms before raising it in the air and dropping it to the canvas. That’s once. The referee repeats the process and for the second time, Roode’s arm hits the canvas…

King: that’s two!

For a third time, Roode has his arm raised and for a third time it falls. Robert Roode is out cold and the referee calls for the bell, signaling a win for Bully Ray.

Roberts: Here is your winner; Bully Ray!


“The Beaten Path†plays once more and Bully Ray gets to his feet in victory. It doesn’t matter how it was achieved. All that matters is that it occurred. Ray quickly leaves the ring and heads to the back.

The camera cuts to a backstage scene. CM Punk is shown stretching and warming up for his match with The Rock later on tonight. The camera man decides to chime in and ask Punk a few questions.

Camera Man: CM Punk, last Sunday at The Great American Bash you defeated Cody Rhodes to become the new United States Champion.. how do you feel?


CM Punk: How do I feel? I feel vindicated. Last month when I made my return to Monday Night RAW, I faced off against Cody Rhodes for this very United States Championship.. and I lost. I'm not sure if you're aware, but loosing doesn't sit very well with me. So while Cody and his little buddies from that god-awful "new" world order continued to sit around and do whatever it is they do here on RAW, I worked. I worked my way into the right spot, got my rematch, and proved what I've been saying for years.. Cody Rhodes doesn't even deserve to share the same ring with me. One fluke victory didn't make a difference, I've had Cody's number since day one, and that's the way it's going to stay.

Camera Man: While we're on the subject of Cody Rhodes, even though you defeated him at The Great American Bash, Cody is now one of the new number one contenders for the UWF Championship. Do you find that fair?

CM Punk: If there's one thing I've learned during my very lengthy stay in this business, it's that it's not exactly fair. Point blank, I'm the new United States Champion. My goal right now is to defend this title and bring back the honor and tradition that Cody Rhodes walked all over while he held this belt. However, the moment I get my opportunity, I will be the UWF Champion once again.

Camera Man: Well, in a matter of moments, you'll have your first match since becoming champion against none other than "The People's Champ", The Rock. Any final thoughts heading into your match?


CM Punk: Let me correct something you just said - Dwayne hasn't been "the people's champ" for years. You can't represent "the people" when you continuously use and manipulate them, even if they're too blind to see it. But I've been very vocal with my thoughts on Dwayne in years passed, and believe me, they've remained the same. He's nothing more than a prima donna who treats wrestling as his second hand side show. It's a slap in the face to me, it's a slap in the face to this championship belt, and it's a smack in the face to this business as a whole. It's time for Rock to get a wake up call.. ironically enough when I put him to sleep. In just a matter of minutes, Dwayne is going to find out what people who actually watch the product already know.. CM Punk is the best in the world.

The crowd is heard directing a mixture of cheers and boos in Punk's direction as he walks out of frame.

Roberts:lThe following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 265 pounds; The Rock!

If 'Ya Smell!!!


The electrifying music of The People's Champion begins to play and soon enough the man himself walks out from the back. As the people bare witness to the arrival of The People's Champion, they jump from their seats. Everyone starts chanting "Rocky" over and over as the most electrifying man in all of entertainment heads down the ramp and into The People's Ring. He heads to one turnbuckle, before climbing and throwing his arm into the air. Flashbulbs go off to catch this moment and Rock soon jumps down, before heading to another turnbuckle and repeating the process. He does this for the remaining two before staying on the canvas and awaiting the bell!

Roberts: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illonois, weighing in at 227 pounds, he is the new UWF United States Champion; CM Punk!

" ... Love, your hate..
Your, faith lost..
You are now.. one of us!"


"Miseria Cantare" by AFI pounds throughout the arena speakers, signifying the arrival of one man - CM Punk. The capacity crowd erupts into a thunderous mixed reaction, as majority of the audience isn't quite sure which version of CM Punk they're going to see. After a short while, the man of the hour quietly steps through the curtain, wearing black shorts and his trademark t-shirt. Punk outstretches his arms and begins to walk down the entrance ramp, soaking in the crowds mixed reaction. Punk has a look of determination on his face as he ignores any possible fan interaction.


Punk climbs the steel steps, slowly, yet with confidence. He then heads to the top rope, unstrapping his United States Championship from around his waist, throwing it in the air, screaming "Best in The World" before leaping to the ring mat. He stares down his opponent as he waits for the bell.


Booker T: CM Punk, Rocky, it's time to find out what kind of match y'all 'bout to have. The 5-time, 5-time, 5-time, 5-time, 5-time WCW Champion is goin' spin this wheel and lets see what we get.

Booker spins the wheel and it goes around and around. Booker chooses to add even more commentary.

Booker T: 'Round and 'round this sucka goes, where it stops nobody knows.

The wheel starts to slow down. Booker is watching on intently as are the fans when the wheel comes to a stop and the match is decided.

Booker T: Well look at that, it looks like CM Punk and The Rock are 'bout to go one on one in a Loser Leaves Raw Match. I guess one of y'all is goin' be out of a job after tonight.

The titantron fades and the action cuts to the ring where the referee calls for the opening bell.

The bell ring and both CM Punk and The Rock stand on opposite sides of the ring. Both men know that their jobs are on the line, so losing is not an option. The two meet in the center of the ring where they lock up and Punk is the first to attack, swiftly taking The Rock to the canvas with an arm drag. The People’s Champion rolls all the way over to the turnbuckle, where he stares at Punk from a knee. Punk looks back at The Rock and yells “Best in The World!†towards “The People’s Champion. Rock gets to his feet and goes right back after Punk. The two lock up a second time and this time, it’s Rock who snaps off a quick hip toss, taking CM Punk to the mat. Punk’s now the one who’s shocked and as he gets up, Rock extends his arm in trademark fashion and tells Punk “Just Bring It, Bitch!â€

Cole: The animosity between this two is no secret.

Rock doesn’t let CM Punk get the upper hand. Rock goes right on the attack, backing Punk right into the corner with right hands. The People’s Champion delivers right after right to the face of the Second City Saint before taking a step back, spitting on his right hand and going upset Punk’s head one more time. This blow knocks Punk off his feet and onto his ass in the corner. Rock takes a quick step back before charging back towards said corner and driving his knee right into Punk’s face. Punk’s neck snaps back rather hard and Rock drags him out of the corner before hooking both legs and going for the first pinfall of the match…



Punk kicks out!

Rock immediately gets of Punk and begins laying the boots to Punk. Every time Punk tries to get to his feet, Rock just lays another boot on him. Rock finally lets Cena get to his feet, where The Great One grabs The United States Champion by the arm and throws him to the far ropes. Punk bounces off them and comes back at Rock, who has lowered his head. Punk sees this and leaps over Rock. CM Punk keeps running and comes back off the ropes towards The Rock, who has now lifted his head. CM Punk goes on offense and CM Punk connects with a leaping leg lariat to the face of The Rock. Rock goes down and CM Punk goes for the cover…



Rock kicks out!

It’s now CM Punk’s turn to jump on The Rock. CM Punk wraps his arm around Rock’s shoulder before delivering several vicious elbows to the side of Rock’s skull. The Rock’s neck whiplashes every time Punk drives the point of his elbow into Rock’s temple. The referee tells Punk that he needs to get off Rock and Punk eventually complies. Rock lies on the mat and CM Punk looks to go back on the attack. The referee steps in, telling Punk that he needs to back off. This gives Rock time to crawl over to the corner and lift himself to his feet. Punk shoves the referee out the way and charges at Punk, hitting The Great One with the patented high knee…

Cole: This is Vintage Punk!

King: Ugh!

Rock’s head snaps back and Punk grabs Rock’s heading looking for finish the sequence off. But as Punk looks for the bulldog, Rock pushes Punk in the back, breaking Punk’s grip on Rock’s head. Punk is shoved all the way to the opposing side of the ring but goes right go back after Rock. Rock is the one who takes charge this time though, leaping out the corner and taking Punk down with a clothesline. Rock quickly goes for a cover…



Punk kicks out!

Rock gets off Punk before placing both hands on his knees. Rock slowly begins stalking CM Punk, patiently waiting for the United States Champion. Punk begins pulling himself to his feet and turns right to Rock. Rock ducks under Punk, putting him in perfect position for his trademark finishing move…

Cole: Could it be time for The Rock Bottom!

Punk is in perfect position for The Rock Bottom, but counters by throwing elbows to the side of the Rock’s head. This breaks Rock’s attempted move and gives Punk the opening he needs. Rock staggers and as he turns his attention to Punk, the United States Champion leaves his feet and delivers a beautiful standing dropkick to the face of The Great One. Punk quickly goes for a cover afterwards…



Rock kicks out!

Punk rolls under the bottom rope onto the ring apron. He waits patiently until The Rock picks himself up off the mat. As soon as Rock reaches a vertical base, Punk leaps, using the ropes as a springboard to clothesline Rocky. Rock gets hit hard and rolls to the far side of the ring. Rock pulls himself up before CM Punk charges at the corner, once again driving his knee into Rock’s face. Punk once again grabs Rock by the head before charging out of the corner, this time hitting his patented bulldog. Rock’s face hits the mat hard and Punk rolls him over going for another cover…



Rock kicks out!

Punk gets to his feet and lets everyone know that it’s “Nap Timeâ€. Punk waits patiently for “Dwayne†to get to his feet. Rock is slow to move though, obviously feeling the effects from this match so far…

King: CM Punk is showing the world why he’s United States Champion!

Punk begins to grow impatient. He’s literally chomping at the bit, waiting for The Rock to rise so that he can put him to sleep. Rock slowly but surely pushes himself off the canvas and CM Punk goes right back into attack mode. Punk grabs a dazed Rock, before lifting him on his shoulders…

Cole: Could be time for the Go to Sleep!

Rock’s in perfect position for the GTS, but just like Punk countered The Rock Bottom earlier in the match, Rock counters the GTS. Rock throws elbows into Punk’s head, causing Punk to drop Rock and Rock slide down Punk’s back. Rock quickly shoves Punk in the back, which sends the United States Champion bouncing off the ropes and when he comes back at Rocky, The Great One lifts Punk off the mat and quickly slams him back down with a ring-shaking spinebuster. Rock wastes no time, quickly heading up to CM Punk’s head. The world knows what’s coming…

King: Here comes the most electrifying move in all of entertainment!

Rock makes sure Punk is lined up properly before reaching for the arm band and tossing it into the crowd. Rock runs off both sets of ropes before coming back to the grounded Punk and dropping the People’s elbow right into Punk’s heart!

Cole: People’s elbow!

Rock hits his famous move and quickly goes for the cover…



Punk kicks out!

King: What?

Rock can’t believe it and he covers Punk again…



Punk rolls a shoulder!

Rock shakes his head at Punk before getting to his feet. Rock gets back in his stalking position, hands on both knees, ready to strike the United States Champion. Punk starts getting to his feet, unaware that Rock is ready for him. Punk shakes off the effects of the People’s elbow before turning right into the waiting arms of The Rock. Rock ducks under Punk, before lifting him in the air for the Rock Bottom…

Cole: Rock Bottom!

As Rock hoists Punk, the United States Champion is able to shift his body weight and drag The Rock to the canvas by the arm…

King: What a counter!

Punk’s not done. He takes Rock’s arm before putting it between his legs and wrapping both arms around Rock’s neck, applying the Crippler Crossface!!

Cole: Crossface!

Punk reaches back, applying as much pressure to the Crossface as he can. Rock screams in obvious pain but refuses to submit. Punk tells Rock to “tap†but Rock does not. The referee is in perfect position to tell if Rock wants to submit or not, but all Rock is doing is yelling obscenities; partially to get the referee out of his face and partially because of the pain he is in…

Cole: Rock is refusing to give up. Remember, the loser of this match must leave Raw!

Rock uses his free arm to push his stomach off the canvas in an attempt to alleviate some of the pressure. Punk still has the submission locked on tight and seems to be in no hurry to break it!

King: Punk won the United States Championship with the Anaconda Vice, now it seems he’s added the Crossface to his repertoire.

Rock uses that same free arm that he used to push himself up to roll himself over and Oklahoma Roll CM Punk, going for a cover in the process…



Punk kicks out!

Cole: Smart move by The Rock. He knew the only way CM Punk could kick out of that situation was to break the Crossface.

Rock lies face down on the canvas as CM Punk gets to his feet. Rock may have surprised Punk, but Punk is without a shadow of a doubt in better shape than Rocky. Punk walks over to where Rock is lying and mocks The Great One. Punk smugly and condescendingly tells everyone “That there is a new People’s Champion now†Punk may have wasted a little too much time though because out of nowhere, Rock pushes himself off the mat and ducks under CM Punk, hoisting him off the canvas before hitting The Rock Bottom!

King: Rock Bottom!

Rock is exhausted and a little worse for wear but manages to keep his arm draped across Punk’s chest…



Punk kicks out!

Rock sighs audibly out of disbelief. He thought his job was safe. He rolls onto his back before kicking up off the canvas…

Cole: If you’re The Rock, what do you do now? He’s thrown everything at CM Punk!

Cole’s on partially right. There’s one thing that Rock hasn’t tried yet. He goes and grabs Punk’s legs before stepping through and applying the Sharpshooter…

King: I guess The Rock had one thing left in his bag of tricks!

Rock sits down on Punk’s back, applying as much pressure as he possibly can to the Sharpshooter! Punk yells in obvious agony, but starts crawling towards the ropes. The United States Champion claws at anything he can, hoping to make it to the ropes and receive some sort of reprieve from the submission. Punk inches closer and closer to the ropes, trying to block out the pain before finally grabbing hold of the bottom one, causing a break. Rock does not comply and the referee begins to count, letting Rock know he will disqualify him on five…





Rock reluctantly breaks the hold!

Cole: And now the Sharpshooter doesn’t work!

Now Rock has literally gone into his entire bag of tricks. He looks over towards the top turnbuckle and heads to the ring apron before climbing to the top…

King: Rock heading outside his comfort zone!

Cole: This shows that there’s nothing more important to these athletes than being a member of the RAW roster.

Rock waits as CM Punk slowly gets to his feet. Punk doesn’t see Rock anywhere, so he turns and looks in the last place he’d expect him; up. Rock leaps off the top, spreading out, going for a flying Crossbody, but at the last minute CM Punk moves out of the way. Rock hits nothing but canvas…

King: That looked like it hurt!

CM Punk takes advantage of this mistake. He quickly heads over to The Rock before lifting him off the canvas and placing Rock onto his shoulders…

Cole: Go To Sleep?

Punk holds Rock perfectly on his shoulders before telling everyone that it’s over. Punk quickly throws Rock off his shoulders and onto his knee, connecting with the Go To Sleep. Rock’s body goes limp and CM Punk goes for the cover, hooking both legs…



Cole: Is this the end of The Rock?


Roberts: Here is your winner, The United States Champion; CM Punk!


CM Punk’s music plays for the second time this evening and the official soon hands him his United States Championship before raising his arm in victory. Punk reaffirms that he’s the “Best in The World†before wiping the dirt on his boots onto Rock and leaving the ring. Punk heads up the ramp obviously proud of his victory as RAW heads elsewhere.




Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 220 pounds; Christian!



The version of "Just Close Your Eyes" by Waterproof Blondes can be heard bellowing out of the arena's PA system, signalling the imminent arrival of Captain Charisma, Christian. Although many UWF fans are gearing themselves to sing along with the theme music - not due to their enjoyment of the arriving Christian, rather due to the fact they just enjoy the song - their hatred for Christian grows when it cuts to the New World Order's theme just five seconds in. About ten seconds after the commencement of the NWO theme music, Christian emerges from the back sporting a smirk on his face as he looks around at the booing audience. Christian only momentarily stands on the stage before choosing to make his way down the ramp towards the ring.


Fans can be seen hurling abuse at the charismatic man, but Christian doesn't acknowledge the jeers whatsoever, as he is focused on his objective. Christian reaches the bottom of the ramp, rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps, before approaching the ring ropes. Christian walks along the ring apron, wipes his feet and enters the ring.

Roberts: And his opponent, from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 256 pounds, Montel Vontavious Porter; MVP!



The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of MVP bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a mixed reaction. He smiles, even chuckling to himself as he lowers himself to the ground, touching the ground and mumbling to himself as he quickly jumps up, putting his arms out to his side in his signature pose, setting off the pyros behind him.


MVP starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, ignoring all the fans that is leaning over for high fives while he just holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. He comes towards the bottom of the ramp, stopping for a second, taking out some gum he was chewing and throws it into the crowd before he takes a little run up and slides into the ring. He doesn't waste anytime getting to his feet, running towards the ropes, bouncing off and doing his signature dance and Ballin taunt at the end.


He holds the pose for a while, smiling cockily as he lowers his arms, pointing at his chest with the fans still giving him a mixed reaction. MVP walks towards the side of the ring and waits for the match to begin.

Booker T: Hey suckas, up here. Y'all know the deal by now. Before the match starts, lets see exactly what type of match y'all goin' be facin' each other in.


Booker T spins the roulette wheel. As usual, it spins with some velocity but eventually begins to slow down. Tick, tick, tick, each match type slowly passes by until it lands on the one that dictates the match that MVP and Christian will have.

Booker T: Aww shucky ducky now! Looks like it's goin' be MVP versus that boy Christian in a Tables. It's goin' get real!

The bell rings and both MVP and Christian rolls under the bottom ropes on their respective sides of the ring to the floor. Both men look under the ring skirt, looking for tables. First, MVP pulls one from under the ring and slides it into the ring. Then Christian does the same…

Cole: We’ve already got two tables and the match isn’t even a minute old.

Both MVP and Christian slide in the ring right after the tables. Instead of trying to set them up, both men just go at each other. Christian lays right hands into MVP’s face before shocking him with an out of nowhere step enziguiri. The kick connects right with MVP’s temple and he goes down as Christian goes and sets up the table he brought into the ring…

King: Christian not trying to get paid by the hour. He wants to end this quickly.

Christian grabs the table he brought into the ring before setting it up in the corner. He goes back over to MVP, lifting the Ballin’ superstar of the canvas before Irish whipping him towards the table. MVP has the wherewithal to reverse the Irish whip, sending Christian towards the table instead. Christian heads on a collision course towards the table, but manages to put the brakes on and stop himself. This gives MVP the opening he needs. He sneaks up behind Christian, lifting him off the canvas before dropping him on his head with a back body drop. Christian grabs his neck as it hits the mat and MVP gets to his feet. MVP watches as Christian pulls himself in the corner opposite to where Christian set up his table. MVP charges right at Christian bringing his boot right into Christian’s face…

Cole: Drive By Kick!

Christian goes limp and falls out of the corner as MVP goes after the table that Christian set up. MVP takes the table out of the corner and sets it up in the middle of the ring. MVP goes right after Christian before lifting him off the mat. MVP then judges the distance between himself and the table before throwing Christian’s arm over his shoulder and lifting him in the air in a vertical suplex position…

Cole: Oh My! MVP’s going to suplex Christian through the table!

Before MVP can finish the suplex, Christian is able to shift his body weight and land on his feet behind MVP, narrowly missing the table. With MVP on one side of the table now and Christian on the other, Christian backs up to the far ropes before coming back to the table and using it to launch himself in the air and Spear MVP!

King: Brilliant move from Christian! Using the table as a tag team partner!

MVP grabs his ribs in obvious pain as Christian gets to his feet. He slaps his chest and motions for the UWF Championship before going back on the offensive. Christian quickly moves the table out of the way, putting back in its original position in the corner. Christian turns his attention back to MVP, who surprises him and wraps both arms around Christian’s waist and throwing him towards the table with a belly to belly overhead suplex!

Cole: MVP may have just won this match!

MVP tosses Christian towards the table, but luckily for the Canadian, he just misses it. MVP sighs in frustration as he thought that was going to be the end of the match. MVP quickly shakes it off and prepares himself to go back on the offensive. He watches as Christian slithers to his feet. MVP quickly sneaks behind him, wrapping both arms around Christian’s waist lifting him overhead with a German Suplex. Christian’s head hits the canvas hard, but MVP doesn’t release. He drags Christian back to his feet before suplexing him a second time. Christian’s neck snaps as the impact seemed to be even harder than the first suplex. MVP lifts both him and Christian up one more time, looking for the trifecta. But before he can perform the third and final suplex, Christian uses his agility to perform and go behind and switch positions with MVP. From there, Christian grabs the back of MVP’s head before dropping him with an inverted DDT. Both men lay on the mat for a moment, MVP feeling the effects of the DDT while Christian is still shaken from the suplexes. Christian is the first to get to his feet and goes back after the table. He drags it from the corner and sets it up under the top turnbuckle before going after MVP…

Cole: What’s Christian thinking now!

Christian grabs MVP by the arm before dragging him to the turnbuckle. Christian then takes hold of MVP’s head before heading to the middle rope. Christian then leaps off the middle rope, looking for a Tornado DDT…

King: This could be it!

In mid revolution, MVP is able to push Christian’s body away, stopping his momentum and preventing himself from going through the table. Christian lands on the opposite side of the table, but wastes no time once charging back towards MVP. For the second time in the match, he uses the table as a catapult and launches himself at MVP. MVP is ready this time though and sidesteps Captain Charisma. Christian seems destined to crash and burn but manages to land on the top turnbuckle. He looks back towards MVP before leaping off the turnbuckle and turning in midair, performing a Crossbody…

Cole: Christian’s going full throttle!

MVP is once again ready for Christian and as Christian soars through the air, MVP is able to leap up and catch him before driving Christian head first through the table with a STO!

King: Play of The Day through the table!

Roberts: Here is your winner, Montel Vontavious Porter; MVP!


“I’m Comin’†plays again and MVP gets out of the wreckage that he caused. The referee raises his hand as MVP performs his Ballin’ taunt and motions for the UWF Championship before leaving the ring and heading to the back as Raw goes elsewhere.




Cole: Welcome back everyone! It's now time for our main event. Cody Rhodes will take on UWF Champion "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. In a match with Elimination Chamber implications, it's time to find out which man is better.

Roberts: The following match is the main event of the evening. Introducing first, from Marrietta, Georgia, weighing in at 225 pounds; Cody Rhodes!

Whoa Oh


*"Only One Can Judge" begins to play and out walks the former United States and World Heavyweight Champion; Cody Rhodes. Rhodes has that trademark scowl plastered on his face as he makes his way down the entrance ramp. He hides his head from the masses, not trying to show everyone his face. Rhodes reaches the bottom of the entrance ramp before heading to the steel steps, climbing each one slow and methodically before entering the ring and awaiting his opponent.*

Roberts: And his opponent, from Victoria, Texas, weighing in at 256 pounds, he is the UWF Champion; Stone Cold Steve Austin!!


A sound that has not been heard for several months rings out, a sound that the fans have been dying for. This sound is none other than the infamous shattering glass that precedes the opening riff of the entrance theme of one of the most popular and successful superstars in professional wrestling, Stone Cold Steve Austin. At the sound of the shattering glass, thousands and thousands of fans are brought to their feet, cheering in unison, as the camera pans around the arena to get a shot of all of them. Many are seen with various signs dedicated to the Rattlesnake, while others are donning a variety of Austin memorabilia, and many of the fans belong to both groups. Just as it seems like they can't be anymore excited to be cheering for the Bionic Redneck again, out he comes from the backstage, stopping at the top of the stage with his UWF Championship over his shoulder, soaking it all in.


After a moment, Austin begins walking down the ramp towards the ring, making his way up the steel steps and along the apron, stepping over the middle rope and entering the ring. Stone Cold walks over to the nearest corner and ascends it, throwing up the Stone Cold Salute with one hand and raising his championship belt as high as he can with the other hand. Austin steps down and heads to the corner diagonal from the one he was just standing on, repeating the process. Austin steps down again after posing and repeats the process with the remaining turnbuckles before jumping down and waiting for the bell.

Booker T: Hey suckas, up here. Y'all know the deal by now. Before the match starts, lets see exactly what type of match y'all goin' be facin' each other in.


For the final time this evening, Booker T spins the roulette wheel. As usual, it spins with some velocity but eventually begins to slow down. Tick, tick, tick, each match type slowly passes by until it lands on the one that dictates the match that Austin and Rhodes will have.

Booker T: Aww shucky ducky now! Looks like it's goin' be Steve Austin versus that boy Cody Rhodes in a First Blood Match. It's goin' get real!

The titantron fades again and we go back to the ring where Cody Rhodes has a sick smile on his face, obviously a fan of the match choice.

King: Wait a minute, Cody Rhodes has that protective mask on his face. How's Austin supposed to draw blood?

Cole: Austin was a big man talking about Rhodes' mask all week, now he has to get it off of Cody.

The bell rings and Stone Cold Steve goes on the attack right away. He delivers right hands to the face and body of Cody Rhodes before grabbing Cody by the arm and Irish Whipping him to the far ropes. Cody comes back towards Austin and the Champion leaves his feet, taking Rhodes down with a Lou Thesz press. Austin drives a few more rights home while in the press position before getting of Rhodes and dropping an elbow across the top of Rhodes’ skull…

Cole: Austin knows that he has to make Rhodes bleed and his offense is tailor made for that.

Austin starts stomping away at Rhodes before going over to the skull of the “Grotesque One†and trying to remove his facial mask. Austin reaches and claws at the mask, but Cody Rhodes fights him the entire time…

King: Smart move by Austin. He knows that he needs to get that mask off!

Austin realizes that Cody will not give up the mask that easily. Instead, Austin goes a different route. He gets off Rhodes before heading over to the turnbuckle and removing the top turnbuckle pad, exposing the steel behind it…

Cole: Austin’s not wasting any time.

Austin goes back over to Cody, but while Austin was wasting time with the turnbuckle pad, Rhodes was able to get to his feet. So as soon as Austin turns around, Cody Rhodes meets the Champion with a beautiful standing dropkick. Austin goes down and Rhodes jumps right on him, driving his elbow right into Austin’s forehead, trying to open the Champion up. Rhodes delivers ten rapid fire elbows before getting off Austin and telling the referee to check for blood. The ref does so, but let’s everyone know that Austin is not yet bleeding. Rhodes scowls and goes back on the attack. He watches as the Champion lifts himself to his feet and Cody immediately grabs Austin back the back of his head and tries to drive him face first into that exposed steel turnbuckle pad…

Cole: This may do it.

Before steel can meet flesh, Austin is able to block. He instead elbows Cody Rhodes in the midsection before grabbing Cody by the head and driving him face first into the steel. Cody Rhodes’ face bounces off the metal, but Steve Austin isn’t finished. He continues to drive Rhodes’ face into the metal. Two, three, four, five times Austin drives Rhodes’ into the steel ring cable. Austin feels as if the damage has been sufficient enough and tells the referee to check for blood. Just like with Austin, there is no blood on Cody Rhodes. The match will continue!

Cole: You have to figure that Cody Rhodes’ protective mask saved him there.

Austin rolls under the bottom rope to the outside of the ring where he heads over to the timekeeper and grabs a steel chair. Austin takes hold of the chair and enters back into the ring. Rhodes is waiting for him and throws a right hand directly into the chair which crashes hard into Austin’s face. The referee immediately checks Stone Cold, but sees that there is no blood. Cody Rhodes stays on the attack then. The chair shot to the face dropped Austin to his knee and Cody Rhodes goes and picks Austin off the canvas and onto his back before dropping the UWF Champion with an Alabama Slam. The ring shakes as Austin’s neck and spine collide hard with the mat.

King: Normally that would win Cody Rhodes the match, but not in this type of environment!

Rhodes looks down and notices the chair lying on the mat. He rather slowly picks it up before examining it. A sick smile develops on Rhodes’ face before he brings the chair down on Austin’s midsection and ribs…

Cole: This has nothing to do with making Stone Cold bleed!

King: Cody Rhodes is just a sick individual. Can you imagine him as UWF Champion?

Rhodes beats down on Austin before allowing the Rattlesnake a reprieve. He stands tall and waits for the Champion to get to his feet. Austin is slow and obviously banged up after those chair shots, but manages to do so. Rhodes is ready for him, chair still in hand. Rhodes spins Austin around before bringing the chair down on top of Austin’s unprotected skull. The Champion goes down like a sack of potatoes and Rhodes demands that the referee check him…

King: That’s it! There’s no way Austin isn’t bleeding after that shot!

The referee checks Austin’s forehead and lets everyone know that there is no blood. Nobody is more shocked than Cody Rhodes. He says “Fine†and stands over the fallen body of the Champion. Rhodes takes the sharp end of the chair and holds it high over Austin’s skull, preparing to bring the Razor’s Edge down on Austin’s skull…

Cole: This could be very dangerous!

Before Rhodes can deliver the fatal blow, Austin shoots his leg in the air, kicking Rhodes right in the groin. Rhodes’ in-ring position has obviously worked against him as Austin delivers a second kick downstairs which not only causes Rhodes to drop the chair but doubles him over at the same time. Austin gets to his feet and grabs the chair off the canvas. Now the Champion is the one with control of the weapon. Austin wastes very little time returning the favor that Rhodes laid upon him earlier and brings the steel chair right down on top of Rhodes’ skull…

Cole: What a shot!

King: Austin knew what he was doing! He hit a part of Cody Rhodes’ skull that wasn’t protected...

Rhodes goes down and Austin tells the referee to check that “sumbitchâ€. The referee does indeed check the sumbitch. The official gets a good look at the top of Rhodes’ head, where steel met flesh and claims that there is no blood. This match will continue. That’s fine with The Rattlesnake. He continues to proudly wield the steel chair, just waiting for Rhodes to get to his feet. Rhodes starts moving on the canvas, trying desperately to pull himself to his feet. It takes Rhodes a minute but he finally does. And when Cody gets to a vertical base, Austin says “Fuck This†and throws the chair down before spinning Rhodes around and hitting a swift Stone Cold Stunner!!!

King: Stunner!!

Cole: It won’t help you won this type of match, but it certainly is effective.

Rhodes flops to the canvas as the crowd pops for one of the most iconic finishing moves ever. Austin looks at the knocked up Rhodes and realizes that now is him time. Austin heads over to Rhodes’ head, lifting it somewhat off the canvas before slowly unhooking Cody Rhodes’ mask…

Cole: Austin’s got the mask!

Austin has successfully removed Cody Rhodes’ protective face mask. This is the advantage that he’s been searching for all match. Austin throws the mask to the far corner of the ring before grabbing the steel chair one more time. This time, Austin doesn’t wield it. He simply throws it on the mat before going back after Cody Rhodes who still hasn’t recovered from the Stunner. Austin lifts Rhodes’ body off the canvas before dragging him over to the chair. He applies a front face lock before dropping Rhodes face first on the chair with a DDT. Rhodes’s skull crashes hard and all you hear is a sickening thud. Austin tells the referee that Rhodes’ has got to be bleeding now. The referee goes to check on Rhodes. Cody doesn’t want anyone seeing his face without the mask, so he fights the referee the entire time.

King: Come on Cody. If you’re not bleeding, what do you have to hide?

Eventually, the referee is able to get a glimpse at Rhodes’ face and lets everyone know that not a drop of blood has been spilt. Austin has a look of “wow†on his face. He thought that DDT would have done it. Either way, he decides to stay on the offensive. Austin goes right after Rhodes, who is crawling to the far side of the ring. Austin tries to lift Rhodes to his feet by the back of his head, but Rhodes turns around and nails Austin in the face with something…

Cole: What was that?

King: I don’t know, but it knocked Austin out!

The camera pan in on the weapon in Rhodes’ hand and it’s revealed to be his protective mask. He just used it as a weapon to knock Austin’s out. Rhodes doesn’t even bother asking the referee to see if Austin is bleeding or not. He simply puts the mask back on and rolls under the bottom rope to the arena floor and goes over to the timekeeper, grabbing another steel chair…

Cole: Cody Rhodes is getting another chair!

King: Well you have to figure that the first one has nothing but Rhodes’ head print in it. He wants to start fresh.

Rhodes enters the ring with the chair and swings for the fences right away, trying to bring the title down on Austin’s head. What he does not see though is that Austin has grabbed the first chair and uses it as a shield to block Cody’s chair. Rhodes tries to swing again, and again Austin blocks it. Rhodes has the smart idea to go low and try and sweep Austin’s legs, but the Rattlesnake sees it coming and hops over the chair before trying to hit Cody himself, but like Austin before, Rhodes manages to block…

Cole: These two are dueling with the steel chairs.

Both men cock back at the same time and try to go overhead with the chairs, but once again they cancel each other out. Austin and Rhodes stand in the center of the ring, both men holding their chairs, trying to outmuscle the other. Austin comes up with another idea. He uses his leg to push Cody Rhodes away from him. The force causes Rhodes to drop the chair and it sends him backwards to the ropes. Rhodes bounces off the ropes and comes back at the chair wielding Austin. Stone Cold thinks he’s got Rhodes now and cocks back one final time, looking for Pay dirt. But before Austin can hit his final blow, Rhodes ducks under the chair shot and keeps running towards the opposing ropes. Rhodes uses said ropes as a springboard and spins back to Austin, who has gotten the chair up. Rhodes kicks the chair directly into Austin’s face, successfully connecting with the Disaster Kick!

Cole: Disaster Kick to the chair which hits Austin right in the face!

Austin goes down and Rhodes tells the referee to check him. Stone Cold lies face down on the canvas, with the entire world unable to see his face. The referee tries to get Austin to turn over, but he’s dead weight…

King: That may have done it!

Austin slowly begins moving, still hiding his face from everyone. Austin makes it to a vertical base but the referee demands that he needs to see Stone Cold’s face. Austin turns around and all we see is…


Cole: Austin’s bleeding! Cody Rhodes wins!

Roberts: Here is your winner; Cody Rhodes!


“Only One Can Judge†starts playing and the referee raises Cody Rhodes’ arm in victory. Stone Cold is none too happy about it and he refuses to let Cody celebrate. Rhodes has his back turned and Austin quickly sneaks up behind him and spins him around before hitting a Stone Cold Stunner!

Cole: What a sore loser!

Austin now celebrates. He may be bloodied, battered and beaten, but he’s gotten the last laugh. Or so he thinks. Austin calls for a few beers from ringside and as he receives them, Randy Orton and Christian run down the ramp and slide into the ring. The two other members of the nWo immediately jump on Austin and start beating the hell out of him. They lay the boots to the UWF Champion, protecting their stablemate and possibly softening Austin up for Summerslam. Cody Rhodes manages to get to his feet and joins in the assault as well…

King: The nWo are like a bunch of sharks. They smell blood in the water and they attack!

All three members of the New World Order now beat the holy hell out of Steve Austin. It’s a 3-on-1 beat down, but those numbers change a little bit when Montel Vontavious Porter, better known as MVP heads down the ramp as well.

Cole: Here comes MVP!

MVP slides in the ring and goes right after the nWo. He’s not here to help Austin; he’s here to whoop some ass. MVP starts beating the hell out of Orton first before grabbing the Viper and throwing him over the top rope and to the outside. Rhodes sees this and goes after MVP. MVP is ready for him and meets Rhodes with a right hand to the face. By this time, Steve Austin has gotten to his feet and he and Christian are going back and forth. Their rivalry is deep by now and the two just want to beat the hell out of each other. Austin catches Christian off guard when he kicks him in the stomach and hits him with a Stone Cold Stunner! And at the same time, MVP leaves his feet and slams Rhodes face first onto the canvas with the Play of The Day. MVP and Austin are the only two men left standing as an official hands Austin his UWF Championship. Austin shows the title to MVP and MVP lets Austin know that the title will belong to him real soon. But we’re not done here just yet because as MVP and Austin exchange words…



23-8-1-20....9-19... 20-8-9-19?


NWO will end

the screen shifting to Christians face smiling and another code plays





I WAS KID.....znzssppwjdndbfingoeepepepeototpowppsprpe



bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt

Whats going on?

The arena darkens when all of a sudden


Uh Come On!
'Ya Know I Gotcha!
Break The Walls Down!!!


The pyro goes off and "Break The Walls Down starts playing and standing on the stage is the one and only "Y2J" Chris Jericho! The fans begin to cheer "Y2J" over and over again as Jericho spins out of his trademark stance and looks at the 15,000 people who are chanting his name. He lets it soak in all and cheers with them. Chris Jericho is back! Jericho already has a mic in hand so it's obvious that he won't be silent for long. The people won't let him speak, they're so happy to see Jericho back. Jericho goes about halfway down the ramp and high fives a few fans in the front row.


Everyone rejoices as Chris Jericho has made his return to UWF Raw. Jericho heads back to the top of the stage and speaks his first words.

Chris Jericho

Welcome To Raw....Is....Jericho!!!!

The crowd pops at Jericho bringing back his trademark line.

And I know what you're all thinking. Chris, "the last time we saw you, you said you were retiring", well let me tell 'ya something, it's going to take more than a concussion to end Y2J's career! But I needed time to get away, I needed time to plot, time to get stronger, get faster, get better. So I had to plant the seed. I had to make it seem as if the nWo had gotten the better of me. I had to disappear so that Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and that assclown Christian would forget about me. And when they least expected it, I would come back and do what I originally planned on doing; save UWF from the nWo!!

The fans continue to cheer for Jericho. A "Welcome Back" Chant starts, bringing a smile to Jericho's face before he continues.

And I can't think of a better place to end the nWo once and for all, then in a place where there's nowhere for them to run, there's nowhere for them to hide and I can "Eliminate" the numbers game. Does anyone know a place like that....

Jericho snaps his fingers mimicking the fact that what he's thinking of is on the tip of his tongue.

I've got it! August 26th. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. All three of the "Not So" New World Order will be locked in one place, at one time.

Jericho's got the crowd on the edge of their seats as he continues his promo.

And let me be the first to tell you, that I'll be there too! That's right, you're looking at the sixth man in the Elimination Chamber Match!!!

The roof almost explodes at Jericho announcing that he will be challenging for the UWF Championship at Summerslam.

So call your friends, send a text, send an email, Skype, Tout, send a carrier pigeon, do whatever you've got to do to let the whole world know that the sexy beast is back baby!!! And at Summerslam, I promise you all, and this includes you too Steve, that I will not only put an end to the New World Order, but I will also become the next UWF Champion. And when it's all said and done, Tuesday Night Raw, Friday Night Smackdown, UWF as a whole, Sports Entertainment, Entertainment Entertainment, the city of Las Vegas, the State of Nevada, the United States of America, the Western Hemisphere, the planet Earth, the Solar System, the Galaxy, the Crab Nebula, the Heavens themselves....will never!!

The fans cheer "Ever"


Again they chant "Ever!!"


One final time the fans chant Ever!!!

EEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVEEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!....Be the same.....Again!!!

Chris Jericho's music plays again as the members of the New World Order have gotten to their feet on the outside of the ring and stare Jericho down. Inside the ring, MVP and Austin are doing the same. Chris Jericho is back in UWF!! And not only he is out to end the nWo once and for all, but he's gunning for the UWF Championship. The last thing we see before RAW goes off the air is Jericho cockily smiling at all 5 of his Summerslam opponents.


Updated Summerslam Card

Elimination Chamber for the UWF Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin(c) versus Christian versus Randy Orton versus Cody Rhodes versus MVP versus Chris Jericho

The Undertaker versus John Morrison

Hardcore Championship Match
Curt Hawkins(c) versus Goldust

Promos: Respective TTers
Everything Else: Cwalker

OOC: I apologize that this show is a little later in the evening than you're probably accustomed to. It's been a rough few days for me.​


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette

Dang. That's a root'n toot'n good show. Cody, Steve and James, and Christians promos are all great great reads, spesh the Austin/Storm collab. I'm gunna av to start upping my game in that department.

Very interested in who has got JoMo and Taker. I thought Taker would be Chase, until Jericho came back at the end!

When I saw a submission match for me I knew it would be a thrilling read, as I was confident in my win and how Bully gets a submission was great :) Excited for what happens with Bully from here on in.

Congrats to Doink, picking up a first victory as Kofi Kingston, and congrats to rey beating the champ! Very good stuff all the way through. All I ask now is who do I get next week?! :)

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette

Thoroughly enjoyable show. Loved the high spot in the cage match and also Austin/Storm's funky alliance. Summerslam shaping up to be immense.

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette

Great show. The Rock is gone....but what does that mean for Hoov's RAW career? We shall see...

Chris Dresdon

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette

Honestly, since Dod showed up in this thread having never shown up in a UWF thread before, I think that he is John Morrison and Hoov is The Undertaker. I'm glad that Jericho is back and will be part of the Summerslam match, though it does put my title in jeopardy. Guess I gotta step it up in the trash talking department, although I will say the match was good, hopefully the post-match beatdown isn't a sign of things to come...
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Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette

Very good show, red crew! I'm interested in finding out who Morrison and The Undertaker are, but after reading Dresden's comment I'm almost positive he solved the mystery. I'm also wondering who Jericho is, not too sure about Chase because he doesn't format his trash talks like that. Very suspenseful! The RAW Roulette matches were a blast to read, awesome job Cwalker, I know EoR has some competition the next SmackDown. lol

As promised Aniking wrote a great Christian segment and I had fun reading the Stone Cold/James Storm segment. They would make a great tag team by the way. :)


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette

To answer the question I am Jericho. Cwalker on accident deleted my promo and had to do it from scratch. So its all good, he pretty much got the idea of what I wanted to say with Chris anyways. Excellent show the Christian bit was hilarious omg, that was from last summer with his feud with Orton. Classic right there. Anyways Cage match was an awesome read has to be my favorite match so far. SD better show up bc Team Red doing big things right now.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette

Excellent show CWalker. I very much enjoyed the James Storm and Christian promos. Nice use of the night to go hand in hand with what you wanted to say. I thought it was a bit weird having Goldust open the show but it was a good promo. Nice quality written matches and just an overall excellent show.


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette

I hope everybody enjoyed my Christian promo. I loved writing it and think it's one of the more entertaining promos I've done.

Not surprised whatsoever I lost my match. albo's MVP is very good and I just wasn't able to keep up due to personal commitments.

Very good show!


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette

I hope everybody enjoyed my Christian promo. I loved writing it and think it's one of the more entertaining promos I've done.

I did enjoy a lot. It was a similar concept to mine but executed on a much bigger scale. Just hoping my watching of TNA this week helps me add depth to my Bully Ray.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette

Now this is what I call a show! Every match was great and when I was reading my match I was like. :OMG: We did just 2-2 and we get a match like this? Thank you Cwalker.

LOL, Christian promo was awesome, good job there Aniking.

I am glad to see some new superstars joining RAW. Looking forward to seeing who plays JoMo, actually more how he plays JoMo.

Now, I am not gonna lie, I am kinda disappointed I lost my debut match but Doinks Kingston is really good.

RAW is standing tall right now, Summerslam will be a blast.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette

Great show Cwalker, you never fail to deliver. Shows like this are why Raw is better than Smackdown. Happy I won my debut, can't wait for next week.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night RAW 7/31 Edition: RAW Roulette

Great show Cwalker, you never fail to deliver. Shows like this are why Raw is better than Smackdown. Happy I won my debut, can't wait for next week.

Raw is better than Smackdown, because? Sure, me and Cwalker bicker and argue over the Brand but I seriously hope there's no malicious intent perceive from either party.


Sunshine, you just ain't got the balls to face a crippled Desmond Wolfe! Alas, the shows was pretty darn good but Smackdown is gonna whoop y'all's ass come Friday! 3 matches down, 3 more to go... Good fight Walker but you ain't walkin' away from this one.
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