UWF 2012: Past Raw Shows & Cards

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Dod Draper

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw August 7th Card

Looking forward to this. Strong main event with a solid undercard. Roll on Tuesday!


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UWF Tuesday Night Raw August 14th Card


Tuesday August 14th, 2012 Card
"Best in The World?"


Bully Ray and Curt Hawkins versus Christopher Daniels and Goldust


John Morrison versus James Storm


Robert Roode versus The Undertaker


Cody Rhodes versus MVP


CM Punk versus Chris Jericho

We Will Also Hear From
Steve Austin-The UWF Champion, and the UWF Champion ALONE will tell us how he feels after having his butt kicked the past two weeks.
Cody Rhodes-Rhodes is so close to the UWF Championship that he can taste it. Come Summerslam will Cody Rhodes 6:25 be a two-time UWF World Champion
Chris Jericho on taking out Christian
James Storm and Robert Roode sign the contract for their Summerslam Match.
Anyone Else​


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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw August 14th Card

I can do the contract signing solo.

Pretty sure that's gonna be easy as pie.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw August 14th Card

Chris Jericho segment will definitely be a sweet one and a TT sesh with Dom <3 this is going to be a fun original moment right here. Overall this card looks excellent and can't wait to see what happens next.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw August 14th Card

Tag Team? Hmmm, lets see how Hawkins works with others. Hawkins and Bully should make a sweet team I think though. Nice to be back after the break last week. Lot of good matches here. Raw is stacked in the talent department.


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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw August 14th Card

Me and Tapout should be a good tandem. RRS and Sam, we coming for ya like a freight train!

Chase and Dom will be a great main event, and looking forward to Dod and SBS's in ring debuts.

Gunna be a stacked show for sure.

Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw August 14th Card

Looks like a fairly entertaining card here. Looking forward to seeing how things play out. Whoever writes Punk vs jericho is gonna have a good time, thats for sure.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw August 14th Card

Facing Dod's Morrison. This is a hard challenge but will be fun also.

Contract signing...This could be fun as well but if EoR wants to do it by himself, I don't care.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw August 14th Card

Just an update guys. If you sent your promo for Raw into Cwalker please send it to me. I have one promo so far and that is it. So any help there would be much appreciated. Thanks.


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Jun 11, 2010
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Thursday Night Raw:8/16/12


Thursday August 16, 2012


The pyro to kick off the show explodes throughout the arena as the excited UWF Universe jump to their feet and cheer for the start of the show. The arena is packed to the rafters as many fans have brought along various types of signs. The cameras spin around the UWF arena showing a jammed pack arena, then go down to Michael Cole and Jerry "The King" Lawler!


Michael Cole: Hello everyone I am Michael Cole alongside Jerry the King Lawler and welcome to another interesting edition of Raw! And King we might be airing on a special night but it doesn't mean that we here on Raw will give anything less then are best.

Jerry "The King" Lawler
: That's right Cole. Tonight, we might be late but we're still going to kick Smackdown's butt and I'll tell you why. One match, Chris Jericho v. CM Punk. A dream match and its going to happen right here tonight.

Plus we'll have the in ring debuts of two men who will face off at Summerslam the Undertaker and John Morrison. There opponents will be of course James Storm and Robert Roode two former best friends that will do battle at Summerslam as well and King I got to say I am really excited to see Jomo and Undertaker back in a UWF ring.

King: Yet another reason Raw is better than Smackdown Cole. Even our Undercard blows them away. But what about the Elimination Chamber main event at Summerslam. I can't believe we're going to see it. Tonight 4 of the 6 men will be in action and two of those men are about to do battle, right now!


Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Marietta Georgia, representing the New World Order. Cody Rhodes!

*"Only One Can Judge" begins to play and out walks the former United States and World Heavyweight Champion; Cody Rhodes. Rhodes has that trademark scowl plastered on his face as he makes his way down the entrance ramp. He hides his head from the masses, not trying to show everyone his face. Rhodes reaches the bottom of the entrance ramp before heading to the steel steps, climbing each one slow and methodically before entering the ring and awaiting his opponent.*

Roberts: And his opponent, from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 256 pounds, Montel Vontavious Porter; MVP!



The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of MVP bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a mixed reaction. He smiles, even chuckling to himself as he lowers himself to the ground, touching the ground and mumbling to himself as he quickly jumps up, putting his arms out to his side in his signature pose, setting off the pyros behind him.


MVP starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, ignoring all the fans that is leaning over for high fives while he just holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. He comes towards the bottom of the ramp, stopping for a second, taking out some gum he was chewing and throws it into the crowd before he takes a little run up and slides into the ring. He doesn't waste anytime getting to his feet, running towards the ropes, bouncing off and doing his signature dance and Ballin taunt at the end.


He holds the pose for a while, smiling cockily as he lowers his arms, pointing at his chest with the fans still giving him a mixed reaction. MVP walks towards the side of the ring and waits for the match to begin.

Ding Ding Ding

The bell rings and MVP goes on the offensive first nailing Rhodes with big right hands. MVP has Rhodes on the ropes now and grabs him whipping him into the corner, but as Rhodes gets to the corner he jumps up to the second rope and turns. MVP is pursuing too fast for him to stop and Rhodes drops MVP to the mat with the Disaster Kick. The crowd boo immediately as Rhodes laughs through his mask.

That damn Disaster Kick from out of nowhere right here in the early going.

This doesn’t look good for MVP Cole.

Cody gets down looking like he is going to pin MVP, but instead he mounts him and begins driving several hard right hands into the face of MVP. The crowd boo as the official begins the count. Only at the count of 4 and a half does Rhodes get off. And as the official checks on MVP Rhodes fixes his mask. Rhodes turns around and sees MVP trying to get up and Rhodes, clearly in a dangerous mood helps him up to his feet. Rhodes smirks as he just drives two fingers into MVP’s eyes. Blinded Rhodes picks up MVP and sends him crashing to the mat with an Alabama Slam! Rhodes goes for the cover.



3.. NO!

Rhodes gets off of MVP in a clear sign of disrespect and not done with the ballin superstar.

What does Cody Rhodes think he is doing here King?

I don’t know, have you talked to Rhodes lately Cole, he’s completely lost his mind.

Rhodes is all smiles as he brings MVP to his feet and without any fight left in the man from Miami Florida, sends MVP to the mat with the Cross Rhodes. Cody is all smiles as he just laid on top of MVP throwing up his hands in the air as the referee counted.





Here is your winner at 3:24 Cody Rhodes!

Rhodes has his arm raised in victory as he has clearly made a statement here tonight. The crowd boo him but he doesn’t care for he believes Summerslam is his destiny. At this point Raw heads backstage!


Stone Cold: Yer probly wonderin' to yerselves why Stone Cold's not in some backstage part of the arena or standin' in his ring right now, well it's because Teddy Long extended an invitation ta' Stone Cold ta' take the night off. Normally that's an invitation that I'd reject, but right now I need ta' be by myself for a little while. None of the boys, none of the fans, no one but Stone Cold Steve Austin. Well, the guy holdin' the camera's here, but he don't say much.

The reason I wanna be all by my lonesome is so that I can collect my thoughts and really prepare myself for what's coming up. In twelve days, it's deja vu all over again. The excitement for everything pertaining to the You Dubya Eff product is in the air and all the fans are on fire with anticipation ta' see what happens at the biggest party of the summer. And with pay-per-view season once more on the horizon, here I am staring down the barrel of the same gun I've been staring down since I put this belt over my shoulder and started callin' it mine, because while all the other titleholders have a bullseye on their back because of the belt they possess, Stone Cold Steve Austin has one on his head.

It's like there's a bounty out for the Rattlesnake and his gold, and with each successful defense the reward remains the same, but more people attempt to collect that bounty in more and more high risk situations. For weeks I've been left laying like a gutted deer at the feet of those most hungry to get me, and that position isn't one I favor finding myself in, but each person that has left me in that state has the same fatal flaw, they dont have the guts to finish the job.

What you perceive as a man getting weaker with each beating is the opposite. With each time I get knocked down, I get stronger, I get hungrier, I get more and more dangerous. Have you ever been in a pissed off Rattlesnake's cage? I imagine the answer is no, but that is the fate that awaits you at Summerslam. I have competed under these conditions, feeling my body relentlessly get whipped against the chains, having my flesh ravaged by steel. The Elimination Chamber is cold, unforgiving, and painful, and that's why I like it.

You shed some of my blood, but my blood is all I will allow you to take from me. I refuse ta' let anyone but me be the last one standing. I spent too long struggling ta' get beyond contendership status ta' let my title go so premature into my reign, and I have fought far too hard to retain this title time and time again ta' fail ta' get the job done just because the stipulation gets more severe and the number of challengers increases. I have not been undefeated on pay-per-view since Unforgiven for nothing, I am not the champion of the month of July and the co-champion of the month of June for nothing.

Next Sunday you will feel my venom, you will taste my revenge, and one-by-one you will fail to capture MY title. I will leave Summerslam as I've left every other match with championship implications these past three months, unscathed. And THAT'S the bottom line, cuz Stone Cold said so.

King: Wow, tonight has been one heck of a night.

Cole: You said it, King.

The camera pans around the audience as they are excited and still pumped from all of the UWF RAW action they've seen thus far. Then, they are treated to a real surprise.



The crowd goes nuts as the former authority figure around UWF in its early days Shane McMahon makes his way out from the back. He's doing his usual dancing on the top of the stage to a huge reaction from the crowd.


King:WHAT?! Shane O Mac?!

Cole: Shane McMahon has returned to the UWF! But, my question is why?

King: Do we really need a reason, Cole? It's Shane McMahon!

He walks around the top of the stage as the crowd chants “SHANE O MAC! SHANE O MAC! SHANE O MAC!†He smiles hearing this and waits for the crowd to allow him to speak.


Shane McMahon: Damn has this show sucked without me! I mean, Teddy, I think you're a great guy but how did you let it get this bad? The New World Order is taking people out left and right, even retiring probably the single greatest prospect this company ever had and you give them all World Title shots? Maybe you have some sort of grand scheme in the works, I don't know. All I know it that Shane O Mac is back on RAW!

The crowd pops as Shane announces that. He then continues speaking to clarify his announcement.

Shane McMahon: That's right, you heard it here first, Shane McMahon is on RAW and he's here to stay! Now, Teddy, don't worry. I'm not here to take your job or anything. Besides the nWo thing, you've been doing a pretty good job as far as I can tell. No, I'm taking a much different role than just a GM or Vice President. You see, I've sat at home watching the past few months of RAW and, as much as RAW has some good to it, it lacks a real excitement in my eyes. There's no one taking any risks anymore. I want to make this show must-see again. I want to take this brand to a whole other level and make sure people aren't talking about Daniel Bryan and Desmond Wolfe or talking about 6-man King of the Mountain Monster's Ball Clockwork Orange House of Fun matches and they're talking about the hard work, dedication and overall greatness and superiority that I know the RAW brand can produce. That's why, for the first time ever in my entire life, I'm announcing that I, Shane McMahon, have officially signed a new contract with UWF and have joined the active roster.

King: Oh my God!

Cole: What a bombshell announcement! Shane isn't a classically trained competitor!

King: Yeah but he's as tough as they come!

Shane lets the crowd sink that in and they pop loud for the Billion Dollar Stuntman. He then continues his speech.

Shane McMahon: I've always wanted to try and achieve success that my father never did. No offense to him, but he was always a one-sided individual. I'm looking to expand my horizons and make a name for myself on my own. But, I have news for those of you who think I don't have what it takes to be an actual competitor. You just what and see and I implore you, go ahead and bank money on my failure. I'll cause you to go bankrupt.

Shane's music hits again and he leaves the arena wile the crowd is in shock and still cheering loudly for him.

King: I don't know what to think right now.

Cole: I hate to rain on Shane's parade King, but look what news I just heard!


King: What!?

Cole: Next Raw we are going to be graced by the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels! Wow, what an announcement.

King: Raw just keeps getting better and better Cole.

The bell rings signaling the start of the next match.


[video=youtube;aKowT9xvZGw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKowT9xvZGw&amp;feature=BFa&amp;list=FLvsJGdoMXBFf _fWNi_yQn-g[/video]

The iconic bell tolls and the arena becomes engulfed in darkness. Flames shoot from the stage as the music of only man plays. The lights in the arena turn blue and the stage fills up with smoke. Nothing can be seen through this smoke for quite a few moments until a silouhette is made out; it's a man. This man stands almost seven feet tall, and weighs in at a shade under 300 pounds. The figure stands behind the smoke until the time is right before busting through and revealing himself to the masses.


The Undertaker stands tall on the stage as the fans cheer the return of The Deadman. He slowly begins his descent down the ramp as people reach of the barricade, hoping to touch the icon. Undertaker slowly walks down until reaching the end of the stage and turning a sharp left, heading towards the ring steps. He slowly climbs each step before reaching the final one, raising his arms in the process, bringing the lights back to their original setting.


Undertaker enters the ring through the middle rope before removing his top hat and rolling his eyes into the back of his head.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Death Valley California, he is the Deadman, the Undertaker!

Cole: And the Undertaker returned to a UWF ring for the first time in months if not ever King right here right now.

King: Its always great to see the Undertaker step into the squared circle, Cole.


Justin Roberts: And his opponent from Toronto Ontario Canada, Robert Roode!

The NWA Champion comes out to heat as he just smiles as he fixes the NWA title that is on his shoulder. Roode looks smug as he begins walking down to the ring.

Cole: I don't know about you King, but I have not loved the new attitude Robert Roode has shown the world of late.

King: I don't know what's going on with Roode, after how he has treated James Storm, I wonder if the Undertaker truely can save a soul as black as Roode!

Robert Roode makes his way down the entrance ramp when The Undertaker leaps over the top rope unexpectedly and lands on top of the NWA Champion with all of his 300+ weight. The crowd goes nuts as no one expected the Undertaker to do something like that right off the bat.

Vintage Undertaker! Wasting no time getting back into the game here.

Quick someone call Rey Mysterio! I think we found another man who can fly here in the UWF!

Taker gets up and looks down at Roode as he wipes his long locks out of his eyes. The Deadman brings his opponent to his feet and tosses him into the ring before pulling himself up onto the apron. Once he does the official rings the bell.

Ding Ding Ding

Undertaker takes his time getting into the ring as Roode gets to his feet. Taker heads over to Roode and grabs him looking to send him shooting off the ropes, but Roode counters and brings the Undertaker into him, where he lifts the Undertaker into the air with the double R Spinebuster. The crowd can’t believe it as Roode goes for the quick victory.



3… NO!

The Undertaker kicks out!

It is now Roode’s turn to brush away his long locks as he pounds his fists into the mat. Roode picks up the Undertaker and throws a right hand into the face of the deadman who staggers back. Roode does it again before going off the ropes hoping to build some momentum and comes right back into a big boot from the Undertaker. The crowd pops as Taker bounces off the ropes and lands on top of Roode with his vintage leg drop. Taker goes for the cover.



Roode kicks out!

Unlike Roode, Taker does not seem bothered by the kick out and picks up his opponent before twisting his arm. Taker then heads over to the corner where the crowd gets on their feet as he begins climbing looking for the Old School! The crowd love it as the Undertaker begins walking the top rope, but as he does Roode pushes him and he loses balance, falling groin first into the top rope. Roode then grabs the top rope and begins shaking it, driving it repeatedly into his groin. Taker falls off of the ropes in serious pain as Roode looks on with a smile.

Now that was just a dirty underhanded tactic by Roode.

Even the Undertaker is only mortal Cole, he likes to pretend otherwise, but the Deadman is indeed in trouble now.

Roode gives Undertaker a sharp kick in the head which continues the heat that is being poured down on him. “Get up deadman! Let’s see what kinda of soul an old man like you has.†Before driving an elbow into the heart of the Undertaker. Roode stands up and wipes the sweat off of his brow before spraying it across the first few rows of fans. He turns back around and picks up the wounded Taker. With ease and confidence Roode lifts Undertaker and hits the Payoff and the crowd boo wildly as Roode goes for the cover.



3.. NO

The Undertaker gets the shoulder up!

Roode cannot believe it as he gets up and immediately begins arguing with the official. Roode is so upset he doesn’t see the Undertaker sit up and look at him. The fans do however and they go nuts as he gets to his feet. Roode still doesn’t see it until he turns around and it is far too late. For the Undertaker wraps his hand around Roode’s throat and sends him to the mat with a chokeslam!

A chokeslam from the Undertaker this one is over!

Thanks for coming Robert!



3… NO!
Roode gets a shoulder up at the last possible second and no one can believe it. Even the Undertaker on his knees can’t seem to fathom it. Taker gets to his feet before looking around at the sold out crowd before signaling by slicing his thumb across his throat that he wants to end this. Roode finally gets to his feet and it would have probably been better had he stayed down as the Undertaker lifts Roode up on his shoulder before bringing him down to the mat with a crushing tombstone. The crowd goes nuts as Taker places Roode’s hands on his chest and looks up, his eyes rolled into the back of his head.





Here is your Winner at 8:35 The Undertaker!

The Undertaker has indeed won and the official is so scared of the deadman he doesn’t even bother to raise his hand. The Undertaker just stares down at Roode.

The Undertaker is back in UWF King and tonight he proved he still has it, if he can beat the NWA Champion!

I know one man who was watching this match very closely JR, John Morrison and we’ll see him in action when we come back.

The Undertaker stands in the ring unmoving as Raw goes to a commercial break.



Kelly Kelly


Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, we're back live on RAW, and what we are about to witness is a match between two pretty impressive individuals.

King: It's important to notice, Cole, it might have been a week or two, but these guys are still new, and are about to prove that RAW's roster is ready to become even better and better.

As Jerry 'The King' Lawler finishes, the arena is silent in anticipation for the entrance of the first competitor of the match, but before that, Justin Roberts is here to announce the match.

Justin Roberts: This contest is set for one fall!


The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison struts out onto the stage and poses on the stage, as the camera captures the moment in glorious slow motion.

Justin Roberts: Approaching the ring, from Los Angeles, California, weighing at 215 lbs, Jooohhhnnnnn Morrrrissssoooon!

Morrison then strides down the ramp, eying the arena around him. He climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Morrison saunters across the ring and clambers up onto the turnbuckle. He poses for the fans, as countless camera flashes go off before him. He flexes in the ring, awaiting for his opponent.



The fans fill the arena with boos as the theme song of James Storm hits the PA system. Morrison is looking towards the entrance ramp when The Cowboy is seen walking through the curtain with a beer bottle in one hand.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Leper's Fork, Tennessee, weighing at 230 lbs, 'Cowboy' James Stoooorm!

Storm looks at John Morrison and he looks so angry. He takes a few sips of the beer he brought, and as soon as he reaches the steel steps, he puts the beer bottle next to them and enters the ring. He just stands in the ring for a while and looks at the crowd that are more than loudly expressing their hatred towards him. The bell is rung and the match starts.


The match is under way. James Storm gets the early advantage of the match as he delivers John Morrison a few rough punches. He pushes him straight into the ropes, as if he wanted to clothesline him, but Morrison ducks and tries to roll Storm up, the referee gets on his knees to count the pinfall attempt, but before he can even say 'one', Storm kicks out. As soon as Storm kicks out he gets on his feet, Morrison is however faster than him and grabs him by his arm and throws him into one of the corners. Morrison runs in an attempt to hit Storm, who's in one of the corners with a running elbow, and actually does so. He grabs the top rope with both of his hand and starts kicking Storm in the chest. The referee however runs quickly to Morrison and says "Knock it off, John!". After that he separates the two and Morrison starts arguing with the referee. Storm uses the fact that Morrison is turned back to him, yells "Ay, Morrison!", which makes Morrison turn to him and Storm quickly uses the situation and viciously spears him!

King: James Storm is simply not a good person.

Cole: No, he's actually smarter than you think. People like HIM actually have the brains to work things out to be in their advantage!

Luckily, the referee makes it in time and gets out of Storm's way. Just after that, Storm attempts the pinfall.



Morrison kicks out!

Storm angrily gets back to his feet, followed by Morrison doing the same. Storm, similarly to how he attempted at the beginning of the match, throws Morrison into the ropes, and actually hits him with a clothesline, but Morrison gets up and pushes Storm, attempting to push him into the ropes, however he doesn't push that hard, and his push results only in Storm making a few steps back, but that distracts him enough to let Morrison Pelé Kick him down onto the mat! And Morrison covers Storm for the pin.



Storm kicks out at two!

King: See, Michael, to be clever, you actually don't have to use dirty tactics, John didn't clearly do what he planned, but it was enough for him to almost defeat Storm!

Cole: Yes, in this case I must agree, Morrison is indeed one of those "good guys" who actually have the brains, and I'm surprised he hasn't been a world champion yet. But for that to happen, he must prove that he can defeat guys like Storm is.

Just as Cole finishes that sentence, the lights mysteriously shut off and turn on back again.

As soon as the lights went back to normal, Storm rolls out of the ring with a wide, evil smile on his face. Morrison stays in the ring and looks at Storm, who motions Morrison to exit the ring as well. The referee starts the 10 count.



And Morrison decides to follow James Storm and exits the ring as well. Storm uses that and immediately Irish Whips Morrison into the barricades. But he grabs him by his arm and brings him back on his feet, attempting to do the very same once again, however Morrison counters and pushes Storm into the commentators' table and rolls quickly back into the ring.

Cole: I mean, I like rough action and stuff like this, but they sure send shivers down my spine when I see one of them flying basically into my face with that speed.

King: With the only exception that your table blocks them and prevents them from touching you at all, jeez, man up, Cole.

Morrison, back in the ring, waits for Storm to get up, and just when Storm is back on his feet, he jumps a flying crossbody off the top rope! Both men are on the ground and the referee starts counting once again.




Storm extends his arm as if he's waiting for someone to pull him back up, but falls immediately back next to Morrison, who rolls over on his back and the camera shows us his face expressions that clearly state that he is going through some serious pain after that nasty crossbody. Meanwhile, the referee's count has come to 6.



Both men however recover enough to get on their feet and enter the ring, each from a different side of it. The referee logically stops the 10 count and the match continues the way it's supposed to be. Storm delivers a few nasty chops right across Morrison's worked out chest and suplexes him. He brings him immediately back up and delivers a second suplex in a row. Storm gets that evil smile of his back on his face once more as he smiles with it at the crowd that boos him very loudly and is chanting 'You Suck!' and 'Let's go JoMo!'. Storm, who looks like he's enjoying the crowd response he's getting is now in serious trouble, because John Morrison, who is laying on the mat, rolls him up to a huge pop from the crowd.




And Storm kicks out!

King: So much about James Storm being 'that clever'.

Cole: Everybody has their.. less.. lucky moments.

Both men are still laying down on the mat and Storm hits Morrison in the chest with his elbow. Storm is now on his knees, and he sits on Morrison's lower back and grabs him by his legs to apply the Sharpshooter on him! "The Shaman of Sexy" starts screaming in pain as Storm keeps putting more and more pressure into the hold. The referee quickly comes over to Morrison and asks him whether he wants to tap out. Morrison keeps refusing, but if it wasn't an important match for him, he'd tap out, at least that's what his face expressions say. Storm keeps yelling 'TAP OUT, MORRISON!' and 'YA NEVER GONNA GET OUT OF THIS!'. Morrison is closer to tapping out than he was before. Storm puts EVEN more strength into it and JoMo screams even louder. But suddenly.. the lights shut off again, just as it happened once before during the match!

Cole: What's going on, King?

King: I don't know, but it looks like something's going on with the lighting system of the arena!

The lights distracted Storm, which helped Morrison with getting out of the Sharpshooter he was locked in. Storm is now mad angry and back on his feet, and so is Morrison. Morrison cockily grins and slaps Storm right across his cheek, with absolutely no respect. Storm is even angrier, but before he could do anything else, he receives an European Uppercut from John Morrison and he is definitely weakened by that, allowing Morrison to run into the ropes to basically catapult himself towards Storm and hit him with a Leg Lariat! Morrison then grabs Storm by his legs, drags him closer to one of the corners and climbs the top turnbuckle. He smiles for all the ladies in the audience and hits Storm with a Starship Pain! He immediately covers Storm.

King: This is it! This has to be it!

Cole: Looks like Morrison was the smarter man indeed!




John Morrison wins!

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner... John Morrison!


The referee raises John Morrison's hand, Morrison is smiling, visibly happy that he won this hell of a match, and looks at Storm, who's laying on the mat, knocked out. But suddenly.. JoMo's theme stops playing and the lights now start flickering, to finally shut off in approximately 10 seconds. The lights go back to normal and we see some druids standing on the entrance ramp, holding torches, as the lights shut off back again, and the only lights are the torches held by the druids.


The lights start flickering once again, they're now back to normal, the druids have disappeared and The Undertaker is standing on the entrance ramp, looking at Morrison.


Morrison yells "If you want anything, I'm right here, Taker, come tell me what you want!" at The Undertaker from the ring. But Undertaker doesn't respond, in fact, he only does his signature "thumb throat slitting" at JoMo and that's the last scene before we head to the back.

Raw is hot and on fire as we turn our attention to the backstage area where we are with Matt Striker who is standing by with his guest of the evening.

Matt Striker:
Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, he is one member of the six man elimination chamber match at Summerslam, The Legend Killer, Randy Orton!

The crowd give Orton serious heat as in Orton’s time off he has managed to grow what no man in their right mind would call a beard, but facial hair none the less. Having not seen, heard, or won in recent weeks Orton looks mighty confident as Matt Striker lashes out with his first question.

Matt Striker:
Randy you’ve been MIA for what seems like forever, your last win coming a month ago when you retired Austin Aries, and since then a lot has changed. You are still in the Elimination Chamber match but no one is taking you seriously and with the news of Christians departure and the adding of a man you simply cannot beat in CM Punk it makes your job appear even tougher.


Striker puts the mic up to Orton’s face and Orton rubs his beard a smile on his face until he turns and looks at Striker with Viper like eyes before beginning to speak.

Randy Orton:
First off, I don’t give a damn about Christian. He had his shot, and he couldn’t get the job done. Christian took his ball and dropped it, something I am not going to do I can promise you that. People don’t want to give me a chance in this match, especially considering that tattooed joke United States Champion is in there, well let me you ask you something, when are the people going to learn. You do not doubt Randy Orton, because when you do bad things happen. Careers end, lives change forever. Its called an Elimination Chamber for a reason. The sole purpose is to eliminate everyone, but it doesn’t matter how you do it. It is a match set perfectly for my skills. One where I can methodically break every bone in a person’s body and be rewarded for it. Careers end in the Elimination Chamber, and with Randy Orton in there, a career ending is almost guaranteed.

Matt Striker:
But Randy, you have Austin, Rhodes, MVP, Jericho, as well as Punk. Do you really believe you can do this?

Randy Orton:
People may have forgotten me so let me remind you just who the hell I am. I am Randal Keith Orton, third generation superstar, I led the nWo, I headlined Wrestlemania, and I am a multi-time World Heavyweight Champion. I am more talented, more gifted, more skilled, than any of my so called opponents in the Elimination Chamber. I have the most devastating move in UWF history in the RKO. I don’t care if you are Stone Cold Steve Austin, Chris Jericho, or even CM Punk. No one can withstand it, for it is a move from a legend in the making. I am the present and the future of this business, my name will be remembered before it is all said and done as the greatest Champion to ever lace his boots. And they will be talking about Summerslam 2012 where Randy Orton, the man everyone had forgotten, came out and vanquished not 1, not 2, but 5 men with his legendary RKO, and started the longest and greatest reign in the history of wrestling. All the people who say I don’t stand a chance will not be able to look at me because I, as I’ve done all my career, have proved them wrong and once and for all settled without a doubt who is the most superior athlete ever!

Matt Striker:
But Randy you haven’t won a match…

Randy Orton:
Ask me another question and I promise you will the first to get taste of my bite. I don’t care about what happened last week or the week before that. Because unlike most people I can move knowing full well it was a fluke. You see, I’m not a man of words, I don’t talk, I am a doer. I am someone who goes out there and just does it. So tonight, I warn all my so called opponents in the Elimination Chamber. Watch your back because this Viper is going to go let his actions speak louder than words. And I promise before the night is out everyone will remember just who the hell I am, and why Randal Keith Orton will be the next UWF Champion for a very very long time.

The camera zooms in on Orton’s face particularly his eyes. A cold chill runs through the spines of anyone able to look into them. Orton has made a threat and knowing Orton he will carry it out, but the question now becomes when…

We fade out and head….

The bell is rung three times as Justin Roberts stands in the ring with a microphone in hand.

Justin Roberts: The following tag team contest is set for one fall!

Shattered Dreams Productions

24 Karat Pictures Present

A Shattered Dreams Production


The unforgettable theme of Goldust hits the PA system and a spotlight focuses on the stage as he emerges from the back. He is decked out in his usual gold attire, complete with the platinum blonde wig and extravogant robe. Marlena is by his side, smoking a cigar looking very hot. Both of them make their ways down the isle, Goldust stops and rubs himself up and down in front of the camera, licking his lips as he does so. He then continues on towards the ring where he and Marlena waste no time in entering. Goldust does his usual posturing on the top rope. He steps down and prepares for his match.

Justin Roberts: Introducing first, from parts unknown, “The Bizarre One†Goldust!


As the Fallen Angel’s music plays throughout the arena, the crowd is instantly on their feet. Christopher Daniels was caught off guard by this. Given all he had done in TNA to some top faces, most people had given him much heat. But now he was nearly being praised. He felt slightly bad that he had to pop their bubble. As he made his way down to the ring, he made no attempt to interact with the crowd. Walking down he simply just stared ahead, more focused on his task at hand.

Justin Roberts: Introducing his partner, from the City of Angels, weighing in at 215 pounds, “The Fallen Angel†Christopher Daniels!


Hawkins emerges from the curtains in full ring gear; cane in hand, as he smirks. He proceed down the ramp past the fans as he climbs the steel steps, and enters through the middle rope. The crowd is still unsure of Hawkins who is making his UWF debut Championship Match here tonight. He lays his cane down in the corner, as the uses the ropes to stretch out, staring down the ramp awaiting his opponents. His music fades from the PA system.

Justin Roberts: Introducing their opponent, from Queens, New York, weighing in at 223 pounds, he is the U.W.F. Hardcore Champion, Curt Hawkins!


The Evil Bully Ray makes his way out to the ring in his usual ring attire. The man looks pissed off that he has been ignored for the past two weeks and cannot wait to get into the ring and take out his frustrations. He walks down to the ring at a brisk pace for going up the steps and wiping off the apron with his boot before stepping in. He yells something nasty once inside the ring and prepares for his match.

Justin Roberts: Lastly, introducing his partner, from Hell’s Kitchen, New York, weighing in at 326 pounds, Bully Ray!


Bully Ray and Curt Hawkins versus Christopher Daniels and Goldust

The bell rings three times and the fans cheer as they wait for the action to start. Goldust stands on the apron, whereas Christopher Daniels prepares in the ring. Both Bully Ray and Curt Hawkins in the ring as they argue who will be starting. Ray shouts insults at Hawkins such as ‘you’re a piss ant, I’m starting!’ Ray completely brushes off Hawkins, as he walks toward Daniels. Hawkins is visibly pissed off as he forgets about it and stands on the apron. Ray jumps up and down in preparation as he shouts out ‘come on!’ toward Daniels. Daniels nods his head as he rushes at Ray and locks up with him! It was a stiff lock up but considering Ray’s the bigger man he gains the advantage. Ray shoves him to the ground and Daniels chuckles as he gets right back up. Ray chuckles as well, and Daniels rushes back at Ray going for a lock up but Ray the smarter man kicks Daniels in the gut! The audience boos at Ray who continues to chuckle before jabbing Daniels across the cheek! Daniels grabs his cheek and responds with a jab of his own! Ray does the same and they’re now competing for who can take advantage! It ends as Ray kicks Daniels in the gut before grabbing his arm. Ray wrenches Daniels’ arm as Daniels hollers in pain. Ray continues to chuckle as he brings Daniels over to his side of the ring before tagging in Hawkins.

Michael Cole: Here we go! Curt Hawkins, this is my favorite right here. If anyone can take down ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, it’s this guy. Future U.W.F Champ I tell you!

Jerry Lawler: What the hell’s wrong with you, Cole?

Curt Hawkins grabs Christopher Daniels’ arm and enters the ring as he brings him to the center of the ring. Hawkins kneels down on Daniels’ right leg, bringing Daniels to a knee. Hawkins wrenches Daniels’ arm even more, increasing the pain. Hawkins goes on his stomach, as well Daniels, setting up for an Armlock. Hawkins wrenches the arm back, and Daniels continues to holler in pain. Bully Ray shouts out an insult toward Hawkins, telling him don’t make him submit! Hawkins gets in an argument with Ray, and Hawkins releases the hold. Hawkins begins to shout at Ray and before he can, Daniels comes behind Hawkins and rolls him up for the School Boy!



Michael Cole: And Hawkins kicks out!

Jerry Lawler: Hawkins and Ray need to settle whatever they’ve going on! They almost lost because of the bickering and arguing!

Curt Hawkins crawls over to the ropes as he soaks in what just happened. Christopher Daniels stands up and tells Hawkins to bring it as he crouches down. Hawkins shakes his head as he’s pissed off. Hawkins rises up to his feet and rushes to Daniels. Daniels quickly takes him down with a jab. Hawkins gets back up and Daniels takes him down with a clothesline. Hawkins gets back up and Daniels takes him down with a flying kick for the final time. Hawkins falls to the mat and Daniels rushes over to Hawkins as he covers him!




Michael Cole: So close! Hawkins almost got pinned by that flying kick, amazing height from Christopher Daniels!

Jerry Lawler: You’re right, Cole, for once. Daniels is very impressive tonight!

Christopher Daniels picks up Curt Hawkins from his hair and attempts to Irish Whip him but Hawkins blinds Daniels for a second as he pokes his eyes! Hawkins takes a second to regain his stamina before screaming insults toward Daniels. Hawkins leaps in the air and lands a devastating kick to the side of the head! Daniels flips over on the mat, and Hawkins quickly covers Daniels!




Michael Cole: That was another devastating kick to the side of the head!

Jerry Lawler: I’m surprised Daniels kicked out!

Curt Hawkins scoffs at Christopher Daniels as he picks him up from the head and walks over to his partner Bully Ray as he tags him in the match. The audience explodes in boos as Ray tells the fans to shut up! The audience continues booing and Ray brushes them off before picking up Daniels and lifting him up on his shoulders. Ray spins around for moments as he drops down for a Samoan Drop! Ray gets back up and plays off the spin, going to the ropes to catch his fall. Ray notices Daniels and picks him up once again as he Irish whips him to the turnbuckle! Ray proceeds to kick Daniels repeatedly until he’s on his butt. Ray screams ‘I’m Bully Ray’ in his face as he continues kicking him. A “We Want Goldust!†chant breaks out and Ray brushes it off. Ray slaps Daniels and continues to kick him. Goldust has had enough as he attempts to get in the ring but the referee stops him. Using this as his advantage, Hawkins runs over and kicks Daniels as well. Goldust lets the referee know but he isn’t paying attention. The referee finally pays attention, but Hawkins is at his corner.

Michael Cole: Ha-ha! Goldust you moron! If you want to help your partner, don’t distract the referee!

Jerry Lawler: Oh, shut up Cole! You know he was trying to help!

Bully Ray picks up Christopher Daniels and proceeds to kick punch him in the face, but Daniels rolls out of the way! Daniels lands on his side of the turnbuckle and tags in Goldust! The audience explodes in cheers as Goldust enters the ring and takes down Ray! Goldust rushes to Curt Hawkins and knocks him off the apron. Goldust runs over to Ray and places his hand under his armpit as he falls down for DDT! Goldust waits for Ray to rises up as he lifts him up straight in an Atomic Drop! Ray holds his balls as he screams out “Oh! My balls!†as the audience chuckles. Goldust smiles as he rushes over to the ropes and comes back with a devastating clothesline to take the big man down! Goldust covers Bully Ray!




Michael Cole: Bully Ray might need to go to the doctor after that Atomic Drop!

Jerry Lawler: I’ve been on the end of Goldust’s Atomic Drops, and believe me it doesn’t feel pretty! My puppies needed treatment!

Michael Cole: What?

Goldust waits for Bully Ray to rise up to his feet as he signals for his feet! Ray rises up and Goldust Irish Whips Ray to the turnbuckle. Goldust places Ray legs on the second rope and the audience explodes in cheers knowing what’s coming. Ray shakes his head no as he attempts to get out of it! Suddenly, Curt Hawkins enters the ring and knocks down Goldust from behind. That triggers Christopher Daniels to clothesline Hawkins out of the ring, as Daniels rushes off the opposite ropes and leaps over the ropes for a flip plancha! The audience explodes in a “Holy Shit!†chant as Daniels and Hawkins are out. In the ring, Goldust gets back up and his back is facing Ray when suddenly Ray grabs Golddust from behind looking for his finishing move, Golddust sees the referee is distracted by checking on the two on the outside and Golddust throws his leg back and connects with a low blow on Bully Ray. The crowd cheers as Golddust feigns innocence. Golddust turns around and sees Ray holding himself hunched over, Golddust grabs him and rolls him up.





Justin Roberts: Here are your winners, Golddust and Christopher Daniels


The audience explodes in cheers as the bell rings three times. Golddust rises up to his feet, still holding his balls as his strange entrance music blares out of the speakers. The referee holds up Goldy's arm, before Christopher Daniels rolls in the ring as they celebrates.

Michael Cole: Fantastic contest! And the number one contender to the Hardcore Championship has made a big statement here tonight.

Jerry Lawler: I feel bad for Bully Ray and his little men, they sure took a beating here tonight.

The two men continue to celebrate as we fade to the back where Josh Matthews has a very special guest.


Josh Matthews: Ladies and Gentleman please welcome my guest at this time…John Bradshaw Layfield.

*JBL walks into the frame carrying a championship belt on his shoulder and a toothy grin on his face as he does*


JBL: Well if it isn’t my dear old friend Todd Matthews, it’s been so long…Too long I’d say.

Josh Matthews: It’s actually Josh…Well Mr. Layfield I thin-

JBL: Oh please Josh we’re old pals, you and I go way back You don’t have to call me Mr. you can just call me John.

Josh Matthews: well J-

JBL: John Bradshaw Layfield.

Josh Matthews: Okay…John…Bradshaw Layfield I think what’s on everyone’s mind for the past several days is what exactly did you mean on Friday Night Smackdown?

JBL: Mean? What did I mean? I meant the future of this company Joshy, the UWF our children will be watching. See a lot of people are confused as to what I’m doing here, they think I’m going to be another past guy trying to relive his glory days. I could be that guy, I could once again climb the top of the mountain but I have nothing to prove now do I? No I’m here to help the UWF roster and those watching and changes things around here from “my brand is better than your brand†to “this is the finest company in historyâ€. And you do that Josh by thinking of what’s next, Stone Cold? He’s the past, ole Teddy has finally achieved the big one but how long did it take him? Furthermore look at the rest of the champions on that brand. See While Stone Cold and Ted DiBiase compete against the same number of people every month, there are wrestlers not getting that chance. What you just saw in the ring was four of the best this company has to offer and yet not one of them will get the credit they deserve because that credit will go to someone else. No one talks about someone being great when their busy talking about someone else still having it, and that is why I’m here… to right that wrong. To make sure those four are recognize for what they did instead of being an afterthought on the show.

Josh Matthews: John Bradshaw Layfield, if you don’t mind me asking, what is that on your shoulder.

JBL: This? Well this is the UCW Championship my boy, you see I was the final UCW Champion and I wear that moniker with pride. Because this title represents what I bring, do you know the names that have held the UCW Championship in any given incarnation of it such as the World or this very championship? Names like Santino Marella, Test, The Brian Kendrick, Billy Kidman, Sim Snuka, DH Smith, Curt Hawkins, Jack Swagger, The Miz, D’Angelo Dinero, Raven even people who wouldn’t make a name for themselves until much later like Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler won this first. This title wasn’t about the biggest name it was about the biggest talent, and in being the final champion I hold that ideal to this day. This is what I plan to bring to UWF again, to not make it about rankings but opportunity. Where people care more about the talent than the brand name, the next generation not being only in the distant future but showcased here and now.


Josh Matthews: And how to do you plan to do this?

JBL: Oh that my dear boy I cannot reveal just yet now can I? but rest assured that future is closer than you think, in fact considering the money I have backing this plus the name power that only the JBL name can bring. I’d say I’ll be ready to reveal my million-dollar idea at Summerslam. And idea that, like JBL himself did in the past, will change history and will change the way everyone looks at UWF forever. So that when I say that the JBL era is upon us, know that it is not just my era, but the era of the future…because while it will be the future showcased it takes a god to create that opportunity for the future…a Wrestling…God…Thank you.

*JBL walks off screen*




Fans cheer when all of a sudden static hits the arena again, the arena darkens when all of a sudden an image of Jericho is shown as he smiles and he begins to speak

Chris Jericho: RAW....IS....JERICHO!!!!

Fans in the arena cheer as Jericho begins to smile after he says that


Chris Jericho: Last week I felt some satisfaction. Last week my former friend and comrade Christian he felt the pain that I felt oh so many months ago. He understood what it was like when you take a shot to the head from a best friend. That is what he felt, and Christian I hope this experience teaches you a lesson, a lesson of what happens when you mess with not only me, but others who are against the NWO. Cody Rhodes, and Randy Orton you guys are next. You may not know when, you may not know how. Soon though, soon you will be struck, and UWF will be saved from the troublesome unit of the NWO. You know many people are wondering are my methods sadistic?

Is it wrong for me to get my revenge? Look at the past and do what is right? The NWO have been doing nothing more than harassing the general manager Teddy Long for title shot after title shot. Soon enough that will boil down to the worse, and trust me we do not need that plague inside of the UWF. What we need is competition, and need people who will step up the plate. That is why I look to step on the NWO's toes. The more angry I make them, the more frustrated they get. The more of a advantage I have the more they will realize they can't come back and think they have an advantage so if you guys think my methods are bad, if you think what I am doing is wrong than you guys have not been in my shoes before.

The NWO is no joke they are a serious group... now I can sleep safe knowing that Christian is out for a while. Now it is time to focus on my match tonight against CM Punk...

Fans boo at the mention of CM Punk and Jericho begins to smile


The static begins to go as a final image shows and reads

the Walls

Raw goes to the ring.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first...

Lights go out when all of a sudden

Break the


Fans cheer as the twinkle being shown of Jericho's jacket is shining and the lights go on fully and shows Jericho

+Chris+Jericho+vs.+Kofi+Kingston+WWE+RAW+World+Tou  r+February,+2012+Abu+Dhabi+9-2-2012+(1).JPG

Jericho turns as he is happy to see all the fans Jericho begins to look at the ring as he smiles. Jericho goes and he walks down the ring and he begins to go on before Jericho goes in the ring and he goes on the top rope. Jericho pounds his fist does his usual taunts and Jericho moves on waiting for his opponent.

Justin Roberts: First from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, please welcome Chris Jericho!

" ... Love, your hate..
Your, faith lost..
You are now.. one of us!"


"Miseria Cantare" by AFI pounds throughout the arena speakers, signifying the arrival of one man - CM Punk. The capacity crowd erupts into a thunderous mixed reaction, as majority of the audience isn't quite sure which version of CM Punk they're going to see. After a short while, the man of the hour quietly steps through the curtain, wearing black shorts and his trademark t-shirt. Punk outstretches his arms and begins to walk down the entrance ramp, soaking in the crowds mixed reaction. Punk has a look of determination on his face as he ignores any possible fan interaction.


Justin Roberts: From Chicago Illinois he is the UWF United States Champion, CM Punk!

Punk climbs the steel steps, slowly, yet with confidence. He then heads to the top rope, unstrapping his United States Championship from around his waist, throwing it in the air, screaming "Best in The World" before leaping to the ring mat. He stares down his opponent as he waits for the bell.

Ding Ding Ding!

The verbal barrage between the two combatants in the Elimination Chamber is fierce as they circle each other once before Punk has had enough and heads over to Jericho and kicks him right in the side of the leg not once but twice before bringing Jericho down to the mat with a snapmare takedown before unleashing a deadly kick to the spine of Jericho. Punk lifts Jericho up and sends him right back to the mat with a body slam before Punk drives his foot into Jericho’s chest. The United States Champion makes the first cover of the match up.



Jericho powers out of the move.

Punk watches Jericho head to the corner before heading after him and driving several elbows into the side of Jericho’s head. The official throws Punk off of Jericho and Jericho uses the moment to get back in the match by kicking Punk in the gut. Jericho goes on the offensive with a big right hand, followed by a second before Jericho sends Punk off of the ropes and Punk comes back right into an elbow from Y2J!

Cole: Great back and forth action here in the early going folks, and who could expect any less when these two superstars are in the ring.

I’m not sure I liked CM Punk’s new attitude this week, but will it be enough to take out Chris Jericho here.

Punk rolls out of the ring and gets up on the apron giving Jericho a unique opportunity. Y2J bounces off the second rope and looks to nail Punk, but Punk ducks and Jericho unable to change his momentum goes sailing all the way to the ground floor below. Jericho gets up holding his lower back and Punk is on him as he gets to his feet. The United States Champion grabs Jericho and using all of his strength sends Jericho’s lower back into the ring apron. The crowd begin to jeer Punk as he does it a second time and finally tosses Jericho into the ring at the count of 6. Punk throws Jericho into the ring and the ref begins the count as Punk goes for the cover.



Jericho kicks out!

CM Punk working on the lower back of Chris Jericho and it seems to be working as Jericho was a little bit slower kicking out there.

The United States Champion has been on a roll lately since returning and who can blame him. CM Punk is by far the most decorated and dominant man in the history of UWF!

Punk gets Jericho back to his feet and begins nailing Jericho with right hands before sending Jericho into the ropes, but Jericho comes flying back and as Punk goes down Jericho kicks him in the chest. Jericho goes bouncing off the ropes looking to add to his momentum but CM Punk catches him and puts him up on his shoulders looking for the GTS! But Jericho is able to use his elbow and drive it into Punk’s head several times forcing Punk to let him go. Jericho goes off the ropes and comes down on top of Punk with a flying forearm to a bent over Punk. Jericho has had enough of Punk’s crap and gets on top of Punk and begins unloading big right hands to the head of Punk.

And now tensions boiling over as Jericho is just wailing on the United States Champion.

You could tell this was going to be a personal contest from the verbal barrage they shared earlier, and you know both men want a shot at building momentum going into the elimination chamber.

Jericho lets go of Punk and begins stalking him and as Punk sits up Jericho unloads with a kick to Punk’s spine that gets the crowd to cheer. Jericho gets Punk to his feet before lifting him up and connecting with a back body drop that takes the wind out of the US Champion. Jericho quickly goes for the cover.



Punk kicks out!

As Punk sits up Jericho immediately wraps his arm arounf his opponents neck and begins yelling at the official ask him, ask him! The official is in great position to ask Punk but the US champion refuses to give. Jericho adds the pressure and Punk has a little bit of trouble but Jericho cannot seem to apply the move fully as Punk begins fighting to a vertical position. Punk keeps fighting as Jericho can’t seem to get the sleeper to actually put Punk to sleep, and finally Punk gets himself into a position where he is able to hiptoss Jericho to the mat and off of him. Jericho is up first and bounces off the ropes hoping to continue his momentum but Punk, quick as a hiccup, hits Jericho in the knee with a dropkick. Jericho gets up holding his knee and Punk comes up and kicks Jericho right on it. Jericho is up in the corner now and Punk begins unleashing several hard kicks right into Jericho’s chest. Punk keeps doing it, garnering more and more heat until Jericho collapses to the mat.

What a barrage of kicks from CM Punk, Chris Jericho is going to be feeling that for a very very long time.

CM Punk is able to wear down opponents with those nasty kicks of his and it appears to have really taken a toll on Jericho.

Punk picks up Jericho and sends him off the ropes, he follows Jericho so that when he bounces back he is right there to send Punk’s knee into Jericho’s midsection. Jericho goes flipping over onto the mat. Punk wipes the sweat off of his face before going for the cover.



Jericho kicks out!

You can see by the look on CM Punk’s face he really wanted that one and decides it is time to get real. Punk picks up Jericho and wrenches his arm before throwing Jericho as hard as he can into the corner. Punk looks like he is going to go for his favorite knee but Jericho has it scouted and gets underneath the rushing Punk and sends him sailing over the ropes, but Punk lands on the apron in a great move of athleticism before nailing Jericho with a big right hand. Punk jumps up to the top rope ready to springboard off, but Jericho has managed to recover quickly and dropkicks the ropes. CM Punk loses his balance and crashed to the mat.

Cole: And great ring awareness from Chris Jericho to get in there and shift momentum back into his favor.

We’ve been talking about how great CM Punk is as an athlete but it is shown there that Jericho is no slouch either.

Punk is down on the mat hurting and Jericho uses the opportunity to get in a dropkick right into the side of Punk. Jericho quickly goes for the cover.



Punk kicks out and Jericho is right back on his feet, building momentum by bouncing off the ropes and just falls in a seated position on top of CM Punk. Again Jericho goes for the cover.



3.. NO!

CM Punk again gets the shoulder up!

Jericho is upset now as he brings Punk to his feet and sets him up for a vertical suplex. But once he has Punk up he throws him on top of the turnbuckle looking for a superplex. Jericho nails Punk with a right hand for good measure before attempting to set Punk up for the superplex, but Punk begins battling back. Punk is able to nail Jericho with a headbutt that sends him crashing to the mat. Jericho just lays there as Punk sets himself on the turnbuckle ready to fly and leaps off looking for the elbow drop, but Jericho moves out of the way at the last second. The crowd cheers as both men lay down in the ring exhausted.

Cole: CM Punk went for it all and crashed and burned there King, and now it is anyone’s ballgame.

What a match Cole, Raw is showing why they are the number one brand in UWF today.

Punk and Jericho both struggle to their feet, the sold out crowd clearly behind Jericho. Punk is to his feet first and waits for Jericho to get to his feet. Jericho turns and Punk lifts Jericho up onto his shoulders going for the GTS once again. This time however Jericho counters by falling down and looking as though he is going to roll Punk up. However at the last second Jericho changes positions and before anyone knows it Jericho has Punk rolled over into the Walls of Jericho! The crowd goes nuts as Jericho locks in the move. Jericho gives it everything he got but it isn’t enough as the United States champion valiantly gets to the ropes. Jericho is disgusted that he couldn’t manage to get Punk to tap and grabs the opposite ropes in frustration. He turns around as Punk is getting up and rushes him, but CM Punk gets him this time and connects with the GTS! Unfortunately for the US Champion however the impact sends Jericho outside of the ring.

King: What horrible luck for the United States Champion Michael. Now he’s going to have to get Jericho back into this ring if he hopes to win.

CM Punk has been through worse and come out ahead, I think he can manage King.

Punk is frustrated as he goes and grabs Jericho on the outside and tosses him into the ring. Punk wastes no time in following and makes the cover.



3… NO!

Jericho gets the shoulder up and the Raw fans erupt.

Punk cannot believe it as he puts his hands on his head in disbelief. The Straight Edge Superstar gets back to his feet and begins stalking Jericho who is still down. Finally Jericho begins to move and Punk is so impatient he goes to grab Jericho. A big mistake as Jericho flails his arms out opening Punk up so Jericho can grab Punk by the head and leap up into the air and bring Punk down with a codebreaker. The crowd go mad as Jericho goes for the cover.





Here is your winner: Chris Jericho!

Jericho is thrilled he has picked up the victory here this evening as he stands up and smiles. “Nothing is going to stop me baby!†As he motions for the Championship belt around his waist when…

*Glass Shatters*


The UWF champion begins making his way to the ramp and the crowd goes nuts.

If I didn’t know any better I’d say Austin just heard what Y2J said.

Austin must still be fuming over what transpired last week on Raw, but with Austin you never know what the hell he is going to do.

Austin gets into the ring and gives Jericho the stare of death. Jericho stands ready to fight but as Austin is heading towards Jericho he throws up his arms and begins calling for beer. The cooler guy at ringside tosses two beers to the champion. Austin quickly takes one and opens it before handing it to Jericho. Jericho can’t believe what he is seeing as Austin nods his head telling Chris to take it.

Only a few weeks ago he beat the hell out of me and now he’s sharing beer with an opponent. The Rattlesnake is more unpredictable than ever.

Austin and Jericho’s glasses clash in a salute and as Jericho goes to drink Austin kicks him in the gut and brings down Y2J with the Stunner! The crowd goes wild!

Jericho should have known better King!

Austin laughs knowing he got one over on Jericho just as Jericho got one over on him last week. Austin is so amused he doesn’t see CM Punk come up from behind him. Austin turns around to see CM Punk waiting for him, and for the second straight week Austin looks as though he is going to receive the GTS, but the Rattlesnake fights off of it and kicks Punk in the gut and Stunning his monkey ass! The fans go nuts as Austin has indeed gotten revenge on the two men who have left him lying in recent weeks. As Austin is celebrating two more men make their way down to the ring.

And here come the remaining two members of the n.W.o. Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton!

Austin look out!

Austin turns and begins nailing Rhodes with right hands, then Orton, then Rhodes. Austin is really holding his own at first before Orton pokes Austin in the eye to major heat. Rhodes is of course then able to wrap himself around Austin and for the second straight night send Austin to the mat with the Cross Rhodes. The crowd boo as the black and white stand tall. Orton and Rhodes share a look of mutual agreement as Rhodes turns to look at the fallen Rattlesnake, what happens next shocks everyone, as Orton grabs Rhodes and spins him around before planting Rhodes with the RKO! The crowd goes nuts into a mixed reaction as Orton gets up a blank look in his eyes!

What the!? Did Randy Orton just RKO Cody Rhodes!?

He said he was going to have everyone remember who he was here tonight and boy I think we just witnessed the end of the New World Order!

Orton grabs the UWF championship and stares at it as if it was a forbidden lover. Orton gets on the turnbuckle and throws it up for all the World to see, this is how Raw ends for the week.


End of Show

Promos: Respective tter's
Tag match: Blizzard
Morrison/Storm: Brazzers
Everything else: SBS

OOC Thanks to those who helped me out. Unfortunately it wasn't in enough time to get the show up on time. I'm sorry Cwalker. I hope you guys appreciate this. Show isn't great but I did what I could with what I had. Looking forward to your comments.​

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Re: Thursday Night Raw: An SBS edition 8/16/12

Excellent, especially with what you had. It feels to win one for once, but really Sam deserves all the credit, he did all the work. Summerslam is gonna be epic!

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Re: Thursday Night Raw: An SBS edition 8/16/12

A lot of credit to you SBS for getting this show out under the circumstances. I really enjoyed it with all the Summerslam build up. Roll on SS. :rock:

Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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Re: Thursday Night Raw: An SBS edition 8/16/12

Great effort, I must say... but there is one thing that is bothering me. I'm not trying to step on toes here or stir up any trouble, but it's on my mind and I feel like I should comment on it. Before even clicking on the thread, I saw the title of this weeks edition. It says "An SBS Edition of Tuesday Night Raw". I'm not a big fan of that. I know you're helping out cwalker and you're going the extra mile... but it's still about the show itself and not the out of character guy helping out. It just seems a bit selfish there.

Other than that great job, hopefully Angle gets on the show in some shape and form eventually. Looking forward to next week.


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Re: Thursday Night Raw:8/16/12

Good show especially considering the last minute timing. Is this also the last show before Summerslam? Nice to see Orton get some time in the spot light. JBL has me very intrested in what he's going to do. I guess we all have to wait until Summerslam. I was surprised to see not that many promos this week. Hopefully everything picks up after Summerslam.


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Re: Thursday Night Raw:8/16/12

Pretty good show here. Some of the matches felt a bit short, but if need be that was the case. The ending was chaotic my question is why push Orton? Fetter I believe has not posted at has he? Well in any case just strange to give Orton the strength here that is all. I understand wanting to have a different guy end the show, but why not Rhodes or MVP two darkhorses in this match up. Just my two cents on the ending. Other than that this was a fine edition. I'm guessing with the circumstances going on with Cwalker we might not see one next week. Just means more time for TTing love it.
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