UWF 2012: Past Pay-Per-View Trashtalking

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The Hoov

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Re: UWF Survivor Series TT - Team Wolfe vs Team YES (Classic 5v5 Survivor Series Matc



Damien breathes a sigh of relief as his tag team partner and fellow member of Y.E.S. Daniel Bryan emerges from the back. Rey and RVD aren't as thrilled as Damien to hear Daniel scream out the acronym for Your Enlightened Saviors like a mantra. The fans, mostly chant back but still boo him right out of the building. Daniel jogs down the ramp, still screaming “YES! YES! YES!â€


Daniel then climbs onto the apron of the ring and scales the top rope. He throws his hands into the air and screams “YES!†right at Rey and RVD, the Justice League and the only two who haven't challenged for Y.E.S.'s Tag Team Titles. Daniel hops into the ring and is handed a microphone. Daniel and Damien share a smile and then Bryan looks out to the jeering audience and smiles at them. He then lifts his microphone up and addresses them.


Daniel Bryan: Damien, I know for a fact that you could handle both of these embarrassments by yourself but I have a few things that I'd like to get off my chest. First of all, this entire match concept is completely ludicrous. If you would have told me weeks ago that Nigel McGuinness, the egomaniac that he is, would allow Damien, Bray, Eli, AJ and myself run SmackDown for an entire month by ourselves without any kind of intervention than I would've said you must have some sort of screw loose. Nigel can't stand us, let me rephrase that. Nigel can't stand me. That's why this match has come to be. Let's turn back the clocks, shall we? Since day one of being drafted to SmackDown, I have dealt nothing bust disrespect upon disrespect upon disrespect by our “gracious†general manager. I came to this brand, not of my own choice but because I was playing the cards in which I was dealt. You see, I could've been over on RAW facing icons like Chris Jericho, like Christian, like Stone Cold Steve Austin but instead, instead I was forced to come to this B-Show and relinquish a title I won fair and square, the Hardcore Championship, just so Nigel could wave a World Championship just out of my grasp. He stacked the deck. He wanted Dean Ambrose to be the face of SmackDown. He couldn't and still can't face the facts that his career pales in comparison to mine. That's why it's come to this. This isn't about good vs. evil, Mr. Superhero Rey Mysterio. This has nothing to do with anyone in this match except me and that no-good Brit Nigel. He has done nothing but try time and time again to throw me and my good name under the bus, drag it through the mud, but each and every single time he has tried, I have come out clean on the other side. At the Great American Bash, I soundly defeated him and, by his own word, he said he would retire but he came back to try again. SummerSlam,Vengeance, Halloween Havok, take your pic. All of it boils down to the fact that Nigel McGuinness, the person who's claim to fame is his undefeated streak from years ago, is downright jealous of a 220 pound vegan from Aberdeen, Washington.

The crowd is showing absolute disdain for Bryan here tonight. Daniel seems like weight is being lifted off of his chest as he continues voicing his opinions, most of which are largely hated by the UWF audience here tonight.

Daniel Bryan: Nigel's own hatred and jealousy has backed himself up into a corner because he just wrote a check that he damn sure will not be able to cash. He can add all of the stipulations against us he wants, but the only one that matters is the one we receive when our hands are raised in victory. For one entire month, Your Enlightened Saviors will do with SmackDown what we've always wanted to do. We will run it as we see fit. We will give opportunities to the less-fortunate. We will make you, the adoring UWF audience, leap off of your seats in excitement. But, most importantly, we will be given the spotlight that we rightfully deserve. And when we do win, it won't matter who gets the winning fall and receives the World Heavyweight Championship match. What is stopping us from granted every member of Team YES a title opportunity? Absolutely nothing. John Cena, Edge, Jeff Hardy, whoever walks out of Survivor Series as champion will be in for the worst month of their entire life. It will be like a gauntlet of epic proportions because we will not relent until the World Heavyweight Championship is in our grasps. And, if push comes to shove, we always have that Money In The Bank contract.

Daniel's creepy smile returns as he reminds the audience of that fact. This crowd, normally not very fond of Daniel Bryan, is absolutely against him at this moment,showering the ring with boos. Daniel then turns to Rey and RVD.

Daniel Bryan: And, it's just really sad, you know? It's really sad that people like Rey Mysterio and Rob Van Dam think that they are important in this match when, in all actuality, they're nothing more than pawns in a sick game orchestrated by a sick and sadistic madman. Rey, you say you fight for what's right. You say you stick up for the little man and you stand up against the forces of evil. Well, Rey, irony has a funny way of rearing its big, fat ugly head because you're working directly for evil. Think about it, Rey. I mean, it's funny to me just mere days after winning your first World Heavyweight Championship here in UWF and he makes you defend it on free TV. You weren't 100%. You weren't ready. And, look what happened? Nigel flopped his hand-picked champion John Cena into the ring with the underdog champion and he kept the status quo. Let's face facts, here. Nigel doesn't want a World Champion who walks around thinking he's a superhero. He wants a guy who he can make into his own personal superhero. Superhero of the ratings. Superhero of the merchandise. Superhero of the ticket sales. Rey, you're nothing more to Nigel than a cruel joke and, deep down, you know that.

Rey looks at Daniel in disbelief. RVD nudges Rey to try and keep his head in the game. As he does so, he spurs the wrath of Bryan and he goes right after RVD.

Daniel Bryan: Don't coddle him, Rob. He needs to hear the truth. You're an enabler of the falsities in his life. You walk around here on your high horse, and trust me its a HIGH horse, saying things like “Dude, we're like totally cool, buddy. Justice League, man!†You don't get it. You don't get it because you're being used too. You're the new Televison Champion. Bravo, champ! You've earned all of the praise and recognition you get but, has it been shown to you by management? Did you get any raises or any perks from your title win? I would be willing to bet, no, because management still labels you a high risk, HIGH risk if you catch my drift. They don't see your full potential. They made Jeff Jarrett the team captain. Jeff Jarrett? They guy who lead companies to the proverbial slaughterhouse? A guy who has lived and even thrived off of the name of his father? A guy who has never captivated an audience like Mr. P-P-V has. Mr. Friday Night is playing second fiddle to a former “wannabe country singer� Doesn't seem fair, does it? All I want from you two is some acknowledgment that what is taking place just isn't right and yet,here you are, in the middle of this ring, teammates firmly plated in the back, running us down when all we're trying to do is save you from your mistakes, just like we try to save these people from their own foolish mistakes and are weekly chastised and vilified for doing so.

Daniel then turns away from Rey and RVD and looks out to the audience. He seems to be re-grouping after giving the Justice League a hard dose of reality. He scratches his head and then his face lights up as if he has an epiphany.


Daniel Bryan: But, I just figured out Nigel's plan. He does have 2 people on the team who will keep his other teammates in line with his own personal agenda. Or so he thinks. His two show horses Dean Ambrose and Raven. Dean, you and I have quite the history, which goes back to what I was saying earlier. Nigel has always favored you to be the face of this brand. You two, for whatever reason, have been inseparable for these past few months. Conspiring against us all, being chums, being pals, well that won't do you any good. In our past encounters, Nigel has stacked the deck against me but this time, Ambrose, the odds are in my favor and I'm not liking your chances of surviving in this match for long. Not one bit because, if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times that I am The Best Wrestler In The World and no amount of crazy, off-the-wall antics you do will change that fact. And, as far as Raven is concerned, we all know just where his loyalties lie and that's within himself. Nigel thinks he made a wise choice and, if this were a singles match, he might be on to something, but this is about working as a team and Raven is just to egotistical to be in a team and that will come back to bite the so-called “Team Wolfe†right square in the ass.

Daniel then finishes up his speech with a few choice words for his opponents and their namesake.

Daniel Bryan: I'm not out here to trash talk you. Damien isn't out here to trash talk you. In fact, none of our team members who plan on making the journey out here plan on trash talking you. What we're doing is putting the facts out there as plain as day and, the fact of the matter is that we just can't lose. No matter what, we can't lose. No one has defeated us and no one ever will. I almost beg and plead for a challenge, a challenge that will never come. So, I leave you with a few questions. Is Nigel McGuinness in way over his head? Yes. Is Nigel McGuinness going to regret the day he ever crossed me? Yes. Are we unstoppable?

Daniel raises his hand as if to scream the answer we all know is coming but instead he puts it town and calmly answers the question.

Daniel Bryan: Yes.

Daniel lowers his microphone and he and Damien look pleased with each other. Just then....

OOC: Went a little long but figured if I get one shot, I'm making it count! :p

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Survivor Series- NXTreme Championship- Barbed Wire Steel Cage- Sting(c) vs. R

Sting cuts Rhino off and immediately begins his response.

This is a perfect example of your disillusioned way of thinking. You feel as though addressing me from the top of that stage instead of occupying this ring, standing within an arm's length if one of us chose to swing, rendering direct eye contact impossible, is the type of disrespect that's going to give you the edge over me not only in the eyes of these people, but through my own eyes. But in actuality, the distance you've created and maintained between you and I gains you no brownie points in the toughness department, it instead renders you without any merit to stand on as a man at all.

By staying as far away as possible, like you currently are and like you have been for the past several weeks, you expose yourself for the coward I've long called you out to be. But I'm not done raining on your parade just yet, Terry, that would be too easy a wound for you to bandage up and ignore. Because while you were in the mindset that avoiding addressing me directly made you tough, you thought that, because two weeks of you running your mouth went by without a retort from me, that I had been silenced. That's hardly the case, Terry, the reason you haven't yet been verbally lacerated again is because I was playing a stronger hand. You can argue that my tactics were cheap if you like, but I believe that nothing is unfair and no tactic is off-limits in war, especially a war with stakes these great.

In retrospect, I again look like the mightier of the two of us. Because while you said a lot of strong things in your promos, my actions rendered every word of them absolutely meaningless. If you were as alert and defiant and ready to destroy me as you painted yourself, then you would have been more prepared for my actions and not been struck down by my bat, and you certainly wouldn't have lost to Abyss. You validate my points for me in such an adequate and satisfying manner that it's pointless for me to continue talking trash with you, because the longer we trade words, with each day that this feud continues, the "Man Beast" and "War Machine" monikers are stripped away, the facade that is the character of Rhino is peeled back, and all who tune in witness Terry Gerin, a man with muscles that mean nothing because the muscle in his head is too weak to know how to properly use them.

Don't believe that you're validating my points for me? Well besides the fact that the big, ruthless Rhino keeps getting tranquilized by the darkness, here's another great example. You just said yourself that you think you'll be okay enough to compete in this match-up. Terry Gerin is a man living in fear and doubt, consumed by both of them and that statement gives it away. If you don't know for a fact that you're ready to step inside the Barbed Wire Steel Cage and continue this war, if you have any inkling of self-consciousness or the briefest second thought, then what I said earlier is the truest statement ever spoken, YOU'VE ALREADY LOST!

Do you think that this is something I take lightly? Because I don't take any of it lightly! Every single match, every single promo, every decision that I make is as serious as death itself. But that's not where the ride lets off, not yet! Because you not only think that you'll be okay, you think you'll be okay enough. That is a blatant give-away that not only are you petrified and unconfident, but that you're still very, VERY much still suffering from the effects of that Steel Cage match, and I'm talking about more than a sore noggin'!

You mesomorphic dunce, there is nothing but despair awaiting a man that goes into a battle in the condition of okay enough! Stone Cold Steve Austin was okay enough to compete at King of the Ring, and he got put through the ring for it. Derrick Bateman was okay enough to compete in that tag team match several weeks ago, and he got manhandled by Lesnar and Sheamus for it. And let's not forget everyone's favorite. Steve Borden was okay enough to compete in that Championship Scramble, and as a result, he is now dead.

But that is your decision to make and your pathetic excuse of an effort to offer me, Rhino, I shall more greatly delight in making you suffer as a result. Why? Because someone that talks so tough and acts so beastly and gets hyped by fans and management and UWF employees as such and then can't deliver on all the promotion is insulting to someone like me and the championship that you're challenging for.

Sting shakes his head as he lowers his microphone, allowing Rhino to speak if he wishes.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Survivor Series TT - Team Wolfe vs Team YES (Classic 5v5 Survivor Series Matc



Suddenly, the hardrockin' intro, STEP UP( I'M ON IT) by Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, rocks the arena and the crowd comes alive as they get to their feet to see the arrival of UWF's European Champion, Jeff Jarrett. But, as the lights hit Ole Double J, we see that the King of the Mountain has taken on a new look. Actually, his new look, looks a lot like his old look back in WCW days; His black shirt with SLAPNUTS plastered across it, his narrow, yellow glasses and his short hair style. He also is seen carrying a white guitar with SLAPNUTS emblazoned in black across the back!


The crowd and the announcers a little stunned as Jarrett marches down the ramp ranting at the camera.

Jeff Jarrett: Alright! Now, things are gonna get interesting!!

Jarrett wastes no time entering the ring up the steps. He ignores all in the ring, opponents and partners alike, and steps up on the ropes and raises his guitar high as the bright pyro explodes behind him!

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After smiling at the crowd, he grabs a microphone and gets to it.

Jeff Jarrett: You have NO idea how long I have waited for this moment! Ever since ole Double J came on the scene, Your Entitled Suckasses have made sure to be scarce when I'm around. And just forget about getting a match with the glorified tag champions! Ha! No, they sent their dime-store preacher, Bray Wyatt, to do their dirty work and you can see where that got'em! No, I can truly say that this will be my pleasure to meet Sandow, Bryan, Wyatt and any other yahoot they decide to bring with them in the ring at Survivor Series!

The crowd erupts at the thought of such a match.

Jeff Jarrett: And, before I go any further, I decided to change up my look for the special occasion! That's right. New look, new attitude, baby! Not that I needed one. I've been steamrollin' opponents left and right! This classic five man Survivor Series match was inevitable. Not only was that, but Wolfe choosing yours truly to be the captain of his team was just as inevitable. No offense, to any of my partners. They're all able, don't get me wrong. But this has been a long time coming. And, Ole Double J has waited patiently for his chance to get his hands on these two ass-clowns here and I'll be damned if I'm going to let Survivor Series go by without giving them the ass kickin' of their careers!

That gets the fans up and loud as Jarrett shoots Sandow a look.


Jeff Jarrett: Now, Sandow, you can beg all the indulgences you want! Cause you ain't no hero OR savior! A self appointed, sanctimonious jackass is what you are! And, if you think that bullshit you spout is wisdom, well I recon you think those pink panties you wear are manly too.

Jeff pulls the mic down and walks away as he gets a strong look from Damien and a strong pop from the crowd.

Jeff Jarrett: And don't think I've forgotten you, Daniel Bryan! You and Wolfey have a problem. I get it. But, by the time I get done with you, I guarantee that you will have a new problem; ME! Oh, by the way, how many international wrestling businesses DO you run? Hmm? I would venture to say none. As it goes, I not only still run TNA here in the states, but have business in Mexico, Australia and, oh yeah, a new show in India. So much for the slaughterhouse, eh? No, I find it an honor to carry the Jarrett name all over the world. My daddy handed me a fine wrestling tradition that I have carried not only in the ring personally, but on the air for a decade standing tall! What do you do? Run around trying to make the planet safe for indy rats all over? Nah, I respect that. Believe it or not, I respect what you've done in your career. But, from what I've seen here in the UWF, I'm not a bit impressed. Nah, all you've done is run your mouth and hide behind your buddies. The time will come when you end up in the ring one on one with the King of the Mountain and, on that day, Daniel, after I ask you if you've had enough, there will only be one answer.

Jarrett takes off his thin, yellow glasses and stares right at Bryan.

Jeff Jarrett: YES!

The crowd erupts and Jeff shots the crowd that knowing grin. Daniel Bryan begins to bring the microphone up, but Jarrett interrupts.

Jeff Jarrett: I don't remember sayin' I was done yet, Yesman! Ya see, what we have here is more than Wolfe vs YES. It is more than the King of the Mountain vs Daniel Bryan or Damien Sandow! This five man Survivor Series match is bigger than all of us! It's about five men standing up for good ole fashioned wrestling against five men that could care less what the people want. That could care less about a fair fight! That could care less about giving their all in the ring; leaving it all there in the spirit of competition! So, being the super-villains you are, you leave the heroes of Smackdown NO choice but to hand you the beatin' of a lifetime!

Jarrett stops a moment as the crowd cheers. Suddenly, he looks over at Rey Mysterio.

Jeff Jarrett: I got some bad news, Rey. And, believe it or not, this pains me to have to announce this. But, Wolfe has different plans for you. He's pullin' you outta the team. And I hate that, Rey Rey. I really do. You're an asset and a champion. You're gonna be missed, to be sure. But, I'll promise you this, buddy. Me, RVD, Ambrose, Raven and my good friend, Alberto Del Rio, will do ya proud by getting' the job done! That's a promise from the King of the Mountain to you, Rey.

Jarrett stops and shakes Mysterio’s hand and they exchange some kind words as Damien Sandow goes to interject.

Damien Sandow: I’m sorry…

Jarrett doesn’t miss a beat but turns suddenly.

Jeff Jarrett: Oh, no, Sundown, you’re not half as sorry as you will be if you cut in on me again!

That’ raises the ire of the Tag Team Champions as Ole Double J plows on, turning to RVD.

Jeff Jarrett: Robbie, we’ve had our words in the past. Can’t take’m back, but I will promise that Del Rio and myself with be honored to stand in the same corner with you at Survivor Series. (Rob smiles and nods) And, the same goes for my other teammates, Raven and Ambrose. Past is past. As I said a bit ago, this isn’t about Ole Double J or RVD or any one of us individually. There is no ‘I’ in Jeff Jarrett! And there is no ‘I’ in TEAM WOLFE! This is going to be a team effort from the heroes of SMACKDOWN! RAVEN! AMBROSE! DEL RIO! RVD! And CAPTAIN SMACKDOWN …verses…

Double J turns and points at the UWF Tag Team Champions.


Jeff Jarrett: TEAM SLAPNUTS!

OCC: Before you start collecting the copyright on this TT, Hoov, the ironic thing is I had this planned for over a week or so. I also went a little overboard for the same reasons. Hopefully, Del Rio will get his say!
Last edited:


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Survivor Series- NXT World Championship Contendership- McGillicutty vs. Miz


"And The Horse He Rode In On" by Reluctant Hero bursts through the speakers spread throughout the arena, as the crowd in attendance begin to boo Michael McGillicutty's arrival. McGillicutty takes a moment before he emerges from the back, a smirk accompanying his face, while he gazes out at the filled to capacity arena. McGillicutty stands at the top of the stage, spreads his legs and throws his arms out, followed by a confident roar and a steely glare directly towards the ring. McGillicutty's confidence is evident.


McGillicutty takes a few moments to soak in the hostile atmosphere before he proceeds to make his way down the ramp and towards the ring. People can be seen hanging over the barriers and slinging abuse at the cocky third generation superstar, who has made his way to ringside and opts to walk up the steel steps. McGillicutty enters the ring and walks to the opposite side of the ring where he is handed a microphone through the ropes. McGillicutty steps around the ring and waits for silence, followed by raising the microphone to his mouth.


Michael McGillicutty: Great stuff, Miz. No really, absolutely groundbreaking stuff. I mean pulling out footage of some of my matches? It's just... it's just so original that I never saw it coming. I can tell based off that ridiculous grin on your face that you're quite proud of your research, but here's the thing - I'm not impressed one bit, and why I should I be? First you pull out footage of my match against Zack Ryder, only showing the part where I picked up the victory and not where I outclassed him from bell to bell. Then you move on to showing footage of me as a bloodied wreck, claiming I won that match via a disqualification, yet the only match I have won via disqualification was last week's match where I was far from bloody. And finally, you pull out a perfectly executed perfect plex, showcasing just how talented I am in this ring, and you call it nothing just because Abyss kicked out. It sounds to me, Miz, that you're grasping at straws here. You think you're funny and that the world revolves around you, but you're nothing more than a smart ass. A smart ass who hands out autographed photos of himself to fans that don't even like him. Honestly, Miz, you've set a new bar of what can be classed as pathetic and delusional, so give yourself a pat on the back for that.

McGillicutty rolls his eyes and takes a few steps around the ring, before turning back to face The Miz.

Michael McGillicutty: I've not said a word about you since our match was made official because I knew that this was the kind of crap I would've had to deal with. All I did was prevent throwing anything else onto your lap that you could file through and attempt to pull out a comedic gem, making light of this entire match. This isn't a joke, I'm not trying to be funny or make light of this entire situation. I am focused on becoming NXT Champion, claiming a championship that I should already be holding. I am destined for greatness, Miz, and it's because I'm the Personification of Perfection. My father was perfect, and his father was perfect, and his father was perfect, and so on. Everything I do in this ring is perfect, and although the results haven't all gone my way, that doesn't mean I've done countless things wrong. In fact, I can only name one thing I have done wrong since my debut, and it happened to be against the NXT Champion himself. I lost focus for just one second, just one blink of the eyes, and I was RKOed. My night ended there, handing me a second consecutive defeat, even though Abyss never should've won the Gold Rush tournament, but that's a story for another day.

McGillicutty pauses for a moment before continuing.

Michael McGillicutty: My point is, Miz, you can continue to joke around all you like for all I care. You can walk around in your suits, pouting at everybody who walks by you, handing out autographed photos of yourself, but let me make one thing VERY clear to you - I don't just think I can beat you, I KNOW I can beat you! You're so caught up in your own hype, living inside that bubble known as your ego, that you can't comprehend the danger you're facing. I'm not somebody to be messed with or even messed around with, and next Sunday night you're going to find out just why that is. I'm done playing second fiddle to undeserving, untalented, unworthy losers like you, and I'm just done having to settle for second best, plain and simple. This business courses through my veins; I have a rich family heritage to uphold, and to do just that I need to be NXT Champion. I am the most well-rounded superstar in this entire company, I weave magic in this ring, Miz, and after Survivor Series I don't want you to forget that for even a second. So if anybody is going to receive a massive reality check, it's you, Miz. Please don't forget that because I'm sick of having to repeat myself to idiot after idiot. Show me you've actually got a brain that isn't filled with lame jokes and that I'm not having to lower myself to a level I should never have to lower myself to.

McGillicutty's arm swings to his side as he turns away from The Miz and steps around the ring. McGillicutty casually looks out at the sea of fans and is dreading hearing yet another failed attempt at comedy.



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Jun 3, 2010
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Survivor Series - Christian vs. James Storm

On the 25th of November, Survivor Series will take place. Championships will be on the line, feuds will come to a head, but there's one in particular that stands head and shoulders above the rest. It's a feud between two men that was established recently, spawned from a long standing rivalry that began over the UWF Championship. This new feud pits one man seeking revenge for a fallen ally, and the other a man seeking vengeance on the road to glory. Both men will be seeking to move up the figurative Raw ladder, but only one man can.

The cameras click on and show an arena that's packed to the rafters, as the UWF Universe is excited for the imminent bickering between Christian and James Storm. As the UWF Universe all find themselves speaking among one another, the titantron suddenly lights up as boos slowly begin to fill the arena once everybody becomes aware of why. We're shown a smirking Christian, who's standing in his locker room preparing himself for the battle of words he's about to have. Before he can leave the locker room, his attention is directed to an individual who has entered.


Christian: Fit Finlay. I'm guessing the honour's all mine?

Finlay: You bet your ass it is.

Christian: Right. So is there anything you want? Forgive me for not showing much of an interest in you being here, but you can't blame me. After all, you did just barge into my locker room.

Finlay: You're right, I did, but I'm here for a reason.

Christian: And what reason might that be?

Finlay: To give you some advice.

Christian grins from ear to ear, folding his arms and showing a sarcastic interest.


Christian: Advice? Really? What advice could you possibly give me, Finlay? Tips on how to dress like I'm a mafia boss?

Finlay: I see you've not lost any of your humour. That's grand, but watch your tongue. I'm not here to make jokes. I don't like what I've seen in you lately, you've become one of those men who must let the world know how great and special he is. I don't like people like that, and there was a point where you didn't either. You've changed and not for the better, so what I want to know is why.

Christian: So you've been watching what's been going on on Raw since I debuted and yet you have the audacity to ask me why I've been doing what I've been doing? Is that right?

Finlay: That's right. Do you have a problem with that?

Christian: You're damn right I do, and here's why. I was screwed out of the UWF Championship at the Great American Bash by three people - Teddy Long, the official, and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. They all went on with their lives like nothing had happened, in fact everybody did. The Raw superstars, the crew members, the officials, my peeps; everybody! In just a click of their fingers, I was left as the only man who questioned what happened at the Great American Bash, a night I like to refer to as the biggest travesty in UWF history. It was a night that Steve and I both cared about for two completely different reasons, and only mine stood for something. See after that night, Steve walked round backstage without a care in the world, as if it was a routine defence of his title. Steve seemed to think he deserved to be UWF Champion, yet his entire reign lived on bought time. I've said that before, I said it again, and for as long as this topic continues I will continue to say it. I'm the one who stole the spotlight at Backlash, surprising the world and allowing him to ride in and become champion. I'm the one who weakened Wade Barrett, allowing Steve a simple first title defence, and it was only right that I was the guy who ended his reign too.

Christian is staring Finlay right in the eyes, ensuring Finlay understands how serious he is.

Christian: Although Steve wasn't the man responsible for my concussion, it was his fault for it occurring and his fault for me sitting on the sidelines for two months of my career. You know how frustrating that is, Finlay, and that's the reality that I faced. All I could do was sit in my armchair and watch as Steve strolled around with a championship that should have always been mine, going on to become the longest reigning UWF Champion in history, a label that should be mine too. Watching somebody hold what you know you deserve is painful, it really is, and it was time for Steve to get his just desserts. I mean he walked in the Elimination Chamber as champion and walked out as champion, which is just pitiful from the five men he faced. If I took my place in that match and wasn't out injured, mark my words, I would've ended his Raw career that very night. I'm serious, Finlay, and it's because I don't lie. I tell the truth, I back up my words, and that very night I would've become UWF Champion, ended Steve's career, and proven once and for all that I am the face of Raw, just like I said I would. So my point is this - I'm seeking my vengeance, I'm attempting to grab hold of what should be mine, and anybody that stands in my way will have their Killswitch flicked.


Finlay: Interesting. All I have seen are things that happen in this business and all you're doing is crying about it. The same crap happened to me for decades, but not once did I throw a hissy fit and whine and complain. I went out there and I fought and fought and fought until I collapsed. That ring is where the REAL talking is done, not with a mic in hand. And that brings me to my advice to you - shut your mouth and just fight!

Christian places his hands on his hips and looks offended.

Christian: Who do you think you are? You have no right to barge into my locker room and question my motives. This business has changed since the last time you were a full-time competitor, so until I see you step inside a ring again, as far as I'm concerned you're just another fan who thinks they know what they're talking about. You're sticking your nose in MY business, business that doesn't concern you. In fact you're just like James Storm. My little rivalry with Steve was supposed to be over at King of the Ring, but James decided to dig it all back up again. I put Steve through the roof of a Cell, I watched as he fell twenty feet into the centre of the ring, as the sheer force of his fall caved it in. I'll admit I was shocked when I saw it, but soon that shock was overcome by relief. I was relieved that I could wipe my hands clean of Steve and be given one... more... World Championship match, just like an effort of that calibre deserves. But what did I get in return? Nothing, not a damn thing! Steve was a thorn in D'Angelo's side, I did the General Manager a favour, but instead of repaying me he decides to have me waste my time with another redneck, this time because he likes what he sees.

Christian shakes his head, still fighting the decision.

Christian: It disgusts me, Finlay, it really does. So while D'Angelo moves on like he's doing a fantastic job, and while James Storm downs beer after beer, proud of himself because he thinks he has proven some sort of point by interrupting my celebration two weeks ago, I now come face-to-face with an old man who's trying to give me advice. I'll put it simply - I don't need your advice and I don't want your advice. I've had to put my three goal program on the backburner because of this crap, I'm already pissed off as it is, but then you decide to throw your two cents in as if it's going to change what I stand for. Well guess what, Finlay, you failed, and you failed big time. Now I want nothing more than to prove to you and everybody else that your opinions mean nothing to me and that I'm doing what is right. I'm going to destroy James Storm in the ring at Survivor Series, and seeing how you're a fan of UWF, I'm sure you'll watch me do just that. So for now I want you to feel right at home here and watch me destroy James Storm right now, this time with my words, as you'll get just a taste of what to expect next Sunday night.

Finlay looks down and strokes his chin, likely considering taking a swing at the arrogant and smug Christian. Instead Finlay looks back up at Christian.


Finlay: Thanks for the offer but I'm going to have to pass. It's clear to me that you know what you're doing. Fine by me, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Finlay turns around and leaves the camera's view, followed by leaving the locker room altogether. The camera stays fixed on Christian as his eyes are glued on the door, staring a hole through it, which is the final image we see as the titantron goes black.




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Nov 7, 2011
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Re: Survivor Series - Christian vs. James Storm


Titantron lights up once again and we can see the man who is heading to Survivor Series to face a Christian, James Storm. James Storm is riding his car and he has a camera set on the passenger seat. The Cowboy is looking at the road while he is talking.


The Cowboy, James Storm:

Dis past week on RAW I stood in da
' back and I cut a promo on Christian but I'm sure y'all remember dat. I was talkin' 'bout everythin' he did ta' me and 'bout everythin' he did ta' Steve Austin. Besides dat, I talked 'bout da' fact dat I'm a hunter and hell, I'm a good one. I'm da' kinda hunter dat if he wants somethin', he gets it and tanight I'm out in ma' car and yeah, I'm gonna grab ma' gun and I'm gonna' hunt. I'm in a poacher situation right now so I have ta' really carefull. Now da' question is...wha' am I gonna hunt tanight? Simple, ta' show Christian dat I really am da' kinda hunter who always gets what he wants. Tanight, I'm gonna shoot somethin' and ba' dat I will show Christian dat at Survivor Series, he's da' next victim a' ma' gun. So yeah, Cowboy's out, huntin' is goin' down tanight and tomorrow I'll show y'all what I was able ta' hunt down.

The Cowboy grabs the camera and turns it off.

Now the scene begins with James Storm standing in front of a wall with a gun. On the wall there is a stuffed head of a deer.


"The Cowboy", James Storm:
See, I toldch'a so. Sorry it took me so long but 'ya know...it took da' ma' friend a lot a' time ta' stuff dis deer right 'ere. Anyway...I did exactly what I said I was gonna do. I went out there and I shot dis boy. It makes a nice addition ta' ma' wall, huh? Now, if some a' 'ya have trouble wit' me bein' a hunter le'mme jus' tell 'ya from da' bottom a' ma' heart dat I don't care if yer some crazy enviromentalist or whatever 'ya call yerself so yeah, kiss ma
' ass. I don't care if dis is jus' a victim a' ma' volatility. I had ta' do dis ta' show Christian dat I'm not scared a' doin' somethin' illegal. I got dis deer illegaly, I didn't have a huntin' ticket and it might cost me some serious money but I don't care. See, Christian...I wantch'a ta' think. If I'm willin' ta' do dis against da' law, what am I gonna do to you? I'm gonna get punished fo' huntin' wit'out a huntin' ticket but I ain't gon' get punished fo' everythin' I do to you. At Survivor Series I'm turnin' into a different kinda hunter and I'ma huntch'a down. See, in You Dubya Eff it's like in da' nature. It's da' Survival of da' fittest. Dis deer is on ma' wall which means dat in dis case I was da' fittest but dis was jus' a lil' victory. Survivor Series is where da' real battle's goin' down, dat's dee ultimate test fo' both me and you. At Survivor Series one of us will fall and one of us will rise ta' da' top and I'm gonna do everythin' and I mean everythin' ta' end up da' one who will rise so after Survivor Series I can sit behind da' table, drink beer and look atch'yo stuffed head on ma' wall. Now, let's cut da' crap and get straight ta' da' business.

Storm puts away his gun and sits behind the table.

I held da' Hardcore Championship fo' exactly 43 days. 43 damn days I was da' champ...do 'ya know what dat makes me? Da' third longest reignin' hardcore champ in history a' You Dubya Eff. Sure, it might be jus' a Hardcore Championship but it bothers me a lot, 'ya know wha'? 'Cause if there wasn't fo' yo' blonde ass, I would still be champ at dis very moment and I would go on ta' b
ecomin' da' single longest reignin' champ in history. What have 'ya done since 'ya came 'ere? Nothin'! Sure, 'ya were a part of dee En Dubya Ou but other than dat 'ya haven't done a damn thing 'round 'ere. 'Ya can say dat da' Hardcore Championship means nothin' ta' 'ya but I know dat it bothers 'ya mo' than anything dat yer on dis company fo' a long time and yet 'ya haven't done anything except bein' a number one conteder for dee Undisputed Title and throwin' Steve Austin through da' cell. Four months a' bein in You Dubya Eff and 'ya weren't able ta' put somethin' relevant ta' yo' resume, way ta' go, buddy!

Storm goes for another beer. After a minute he comes back and continues.

' you've said 'bout me and Steve, it's stuck in ma' head like it's some sorta catchy pop song. I jus' have ta' think 'bout it all da' time but I finally got it...yet 'ya never said somethin' original, somethin' dat's never been said befo'. It's da' same old "Storm is an alcoholic, Storm is a redneck who doesn't belong 'ere." Same 'bout Steve. "Steve's knees can't even handle his weight, Steve's too old fo' dis." I'm sure 'ya remember how Steve reacted ta' yo' dumb talkin'. He whipped yo' ass and dat's exactly what I'm gonna do as well. We still have enough time ta' talk but it's well documented dat da' ones who talk too much can't put their money where their mouth is. 'Ya already did yo' part. 'Ya cost me da' Hardcore Championship. Now it's time fo' me ta' do ma' part, I still have enough time befo' Survivor Series and trust me, when I decide ta' make ma' move I will force 'ya into da' corner and from out there, there's no...way...out. I'ma force 'ya in dat corner, I'ma grab ma' gun, make 'ya turn 'round and make 'ya another butthole, sippy and no, I won't be sorry 'bout yo' damn luck...AT ALL.



Dod Draper

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Survivor Series - UWF Championship - John Morrison vs Cody Rhodes (c)

Morrison: I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me Johnny - you're beginning to sound like that creepy brother of yours, who made a habit of calling me Johnny when he was was sexually propositioning me. One son of Dusty Rhodes sexually harassing the Guru of Greatness is more than enough. John Morrison doesn't mix business with pleasure, not unless you're a dim-witted blonde with no inhibitions and big dreams. Right, Kelly?

Morrison turns to face Kelly, who is shocked and offended.


Morrison turns back to Cody, uninterested in the emotional damage inflicted upon Kelly.


Morrison: So, Cody, it's disturbing that you seem to like me. It's not surprising; a lot of people like a man as charismatic as I, but it's disturbing nonetheless. Just promise me one thing; don't get too weird. Don't be that guy. The guy who sends me emails every Monday morning with a picture of him, and a cardboard cut-out of me, watching the sun go down. I swear to god, if I open my email next week and see that you've sent me something, I'm shutting down my computer, coming to your house and slapping you in the face. If you don't want to be mocked, Cody, don't make it so easy. Sort your life out. Rather than acting like a tragic hybrid of Tom Cruise in Vanilla Sky and Goldust, conduct your business with a degree of panache. Sometimes, when I feel like I need a challenge, I try to put myself in the shoes of a man like yourself. I try to imagine what it'd be like to be a desolate loner who probably collects coins. What it would be like to have never slept with a woman, to have no friends, to be called "Cody". And you wanna know something? It sucks. Being Cody Rhodes must be worse than being frozen urine in a house-fire.

Morrison continues, as a heartbroken Kelly valiantly tries to hold back tears behind him.

Morrison: For that reason, Cody, I can understand why you are such a whining tampon. That doesn't mean you have to act like one, though. Coming out here and bemoaning the dazzling flair of John Morrison isn't justifiable under any circumstances. Even worse than that, you desperately try to tarnish my impeccable style and imperious demeanor. "Cool little sunglasses"? "Obsessed with women"? Who do you think I am? Cody Rhodes circa 2003, lurking on internet chat rooms grovelling for girls to flash their breasts at me? You don't understand women, do you, Cody? I guess that's the Rhodes Equation for seducing women; "buy really cool sunglasses, be obsessed with women". Seems like we've solved the riddle as to why you're still a virgin. Obsessively building your life round women will get you nothing but a hot-date with your right hand. Something you know all about. If you were any more desperate, it would be bleeding from your eyes and drowning you in a pool of your own self-loathing.

Morrison is distracted by the sound of Kelly trying not to cry.

Morrison: Kelly, do you mind? I'm trying to speak here.

He then speaks on, as if nothing happened.

Morrison: The past is irrelevant. I know you like to revel in it, but I'm not interested. Speaking of which, is it gratifying for you to bask in the glory of my own achievements? You seem to like talking about King of the Ring. Regardless, the past can easily discarded. What use is a win over Stone Cold when I'm punching you in your creepy-looking face? You may think this match is a nice little complement to your reign, but I'm seeing it for exactly what it is; John Morrison's opportunity to be recognized as the best. That's all I've ever wanted from day one. As you've already rambled on about, I already have a life outside of UWF. That doesn't make me want this any less, in fact, it makes me want it more. John Morrison is a revolutionist, and if I'm standing still, I'm going backwards. Stopping just isn't in my dictionary. Men like you like to build tombs to bury yourself in, men like me strive for more on a constant basis. That's why when I beat you, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm going to take that belts to heights this company has never seen before. John Morrison has a life, and it moves in one direction; forward.

Before Morrison can add anything else, he is cut off...



Sep 25, 2012
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Re: UWF Survivor Series- NXT World Championship Contendership- McGillicutty vs. Miz


The Miz lets McGillicutty’s comments sink in, he watches his Survivor Series opponent strut about the ring for a moment or two then surveys the crowd where a noise of anticipation is beginning to grow. They’ve liked what they’ve heard from both men so far, and are anxious to see where it’s headed next. The Miz turns his attention back to McGillicutty who is now stationary, both men eye-balling each other as the noise grows, eventually The Miz adopts an exaggerated ‘sad-face’.

The Miz: Why so sad Michael? Why so glum? It’s okay you don’t have to answer that. You shouldn’t have to discuss personal matters out here in front of all these people who can’t - nay won’t - be able to understand, but I understand Michael, I understand. Y’see I’m smart, I get things and I can spot things that others can’t. Hone in on the little things. I’m very empathetic and I can see what’s bringing you down. Ya got “daddy issuesâ€â€¦

He lets the words linger as the crowd give an “Ooooh†to the controversial comment; Miz is buoyed by the reaction and continues

Let me just say loud and clear, your daddy was one of the greatest. Literally one of the best there has ever been. I remember watching him as a kid, the undefeated streak, the intercontinental reigns… He’s undoubtedly one of the greatest intercontinental champions of all time. I can understand how… difficult it must be for you… Living, in that shadow…

It must be especially hard given that – as of yet – you just haven’t managed to get going in your career. Sure you’ve tried, sure you’ve impressed here and there, but you’re just missing that (he snaps his fingers) special something. You’re set up all wrong Michael, looking for perfection- actually you already think you’ve attained perfection and that’s part of the problem. You’re not perfect, nobody is, not even ME. I mean, I’m awesome, but I’m not perfect. Pobody’s Nerfect as the oh-so amusing hats say. See, your claim to be perfect is a scientific impossibility; my claim to be completely awesome is a scientific probability. It’s science Michael, simple science.

This is a major problem for you, but it’s not your only problem, you have another big, big problem that’s going to stop you becoming the NXT World Champion; and that’s your motivation. Thanks to your daddy issues all your priorities are outta whack. I listen to you rant and rave out here about your father and your father’s father and all this legacy crap and oh-blah-di-oh-blah-da. This isn’t some kinda soap opera family saga we’re running here Michael. We haven’t returned to a feudal system with kings and princes and bloodlines to be kept sacred – partly because we never had that in America, that was a European thing – we live in the here and now and the fact remains, your obsession with winning the title in order to make yourself worthy in the eyes of your family will be your undoing.

Whereas I on the other hand, am a little bit different. I want to win the world title, I need to win the world title, and not because I need to prove myself to anyone, not because it’s what’s expected of me, but because quite simply, if NXT wants to be taken seriously, it needs me as its champion.

This brand is up against it going toe-to-toe with Raw and Smackdown, the established brands, the household names, and if it is going to have a chance of fighting its corner it needs a champion it can be proud of, a champion to raise its profile to the stratosphere, a champion to bring in the viewers from around the world; it needs, The Miz…


The crowd boo the suggestion but Miz continues unabated

What it doesn’t need is Randy Orton, who has allowed this brand to stagnate under his reign. It also doesn’t need Bully Ray, the man is nothing but a petty thug and he cannot be allowed to be the face of NXT. And lastly, this brand does not need an underachieving failure, like Michael McGullicutty, dragging it down to the gutter with him.

Look at my face now Michael, I’m not laughing, not joking, no comedy, no punch-line, just deadly serious. I’m going to beat you at Survivor Series and then I’m going to beat whoever is the Champion, and it will be the best thing that has ever happened to this company. You may now reply should you wish, as you are perfectly entitled to…

The Miz lowers his mic and smiles cockily at McGillicutty, awating his response


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Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Survivor Series: Batista vs. HBK

The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains. Batista walks to the ramp as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring. He gets into the ring and looks at the crowd who boo's him heavily. Batista demands a microphone and is given one.



Once again, I find myself pondering in this very ring. First it was Cody Rhodes who managed to escape my Batista Bomb, then it was John Morrison. Two freakin' weeks in a row these squirms have wormed their way victorious and got extremely frickin' lucky! Since my arrival here on RAW, things haven't been easy at all, in fact they've been the worst freakin' time of my lives! Who does D'Angelo Dinero think he is by placing me here? I expected full support, but it seems I constantly get screwed over 'cos he ain't givin' me the motivation I need, well y'know what D'Angelo? I don't need you nor anybody! I certainly don't need these frickin' morons laughin' at me! So don't you freakin' worry 'cos somebody 'round here decided to make the biggest mistake of their lives! A has-been who's done squat for too long that Kurt Angle made him his bitch, that's right, you're little showpony Shawn 'The Heartbreak Kid' Michaels. Ya can forget about HBK for now, as far as I'm concerned I'm positive Kurt got done for another drug failure... But since he's left... HBK has been lookin' for an opponent. I gave ya my shout, what makes ya think you're going to mean something now Shawn? What makes ya think you've got what it takes to surpass me on the roster here? Are you forgettin' I was formerly #1 on the Power 25? I think everybody's freakin' forgot! I'm goin' to make a name for myself once again, I'm gettin' real sick and tired of bein' over-looked, even as a former number one contender I wasn't even placed in the freakin' top 25 but a couple of weasels managed to be there? Those guys are freakin' nothin' compared to me! NOTHING! Especially you Shawn, you've squirmed ya way here with ya best friend Triple H... If it wasn't for him gettin' with Stephanie, you wouldn't have ever been famous. You would have just been like Marty Jannetty! I made myself a name when I was in Evolution, your best friend didn't even invite ya to the party! How do ya feel about that hey? That ya best friend wasn't around, but after Evolution he made a joke out of you... D-Generation-X was then created, you became a comedic mock of your own. Whilst I, I began winning Championships and whilst we're both in UWF and we don't have Evolution nor D-Generation-X, what I've been able to do is be at the top... Where have you been Shawn? Where have you been?

The crowd boo's for Batista's words.

Nowhere, that's what. When I debuted on UWF Smackdown just four months ago, I quickly destroyed most of the roster... Maintained dominant and founded myself in a few mutli-man matches for the World Heavyweight Championship and whilst I was not successful thanks to the freakin' Big Show! I was still managed as a dangerous man, I still am Shawn! I still am! But coming to RAW was not a good move on my behalf, you wanna see me get frickin' dominant? Do ya? 'Cos I'll break ya freakin' skull Shawn! I hate everythin' about ya, from the way ya laughed at me last week on RAW to the way you've been a freakin' comedic twat! Over my UWF career, I've done more things than you and I will still maintain that way 'cos after this match at Survivor Series, I'm goin' to freakin' talk to D'Angelo, I'm goin' to ask him for another match with ya... if you're still freakin' alive that is... I'm goin' to throw up a stipulation and I am goin' to make him freakin' accept it whether he likes it or not! But first... We've got this match, only one will survive and that will be me Shawn! I will freakin' survive, you're goin' to be on the end of a Batista Bomb... But if you even think about squirmin' ya way around and tryin' to kick me freakin' head off... Be prepared 'cos I'm goin' to throw ya down on the ground again, I'm goin' to ensure you that you take the freakin' bite! Now get ya freakin' arse out 'ere and lecture me all ya want 'cos at the end of the day, I'm goin' to take down the hunter.



Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Re: UWF Survivor Series TT - Team Wolfe vs Team YES (Classic 5v5 Survivor Series Matc



Dolph Ziggler makes his way out from the back, slowly, taking each step deliberately to gauge the crowd reaction and the participants reaction to his arrival.

WWE+SmackDown+March+2%252C+2012+Sheamus+vs.+Dolph+  Ziggler+03-02-2012+HDTV+-+Live+Online+-+Download+-+3.JPG

He smirks and holds his hands out to his side as before turning at the top of the ramp and posing like only Dolph can. He runs his hands through his hair and flicks them to the side before setting off for the ring.


Dolph picks up a microphone and rolls into the ring to join the other guys. He feigns not knowing on which side to stand before siding firmly with YES to heighten his heat.


Dolph Ziggler: Well well well, finally it looks like someone on this show knows TALENT when they see it.

Ziggler motions towards Damien Sandow before they exchange a Gentleman's handshake.

Me and Sandow here may not see eye to eye but when he had to cut the dead weight from team YES for this Survivor Series match and pick from the so-called “talent†pool we have on Smackdown a replacement; he did the only sensible thing and came to find the showoff because it’s not showing off if you can back it up and a match like this needs someone with substance, someone with ability, looks, charisma, the whole package and I think it’s fair to say I tick all of the above. What’s interesting about this little discussion you’ve all been over the past week has been all about the old Team YES but out with the old and in with Dolph Ziggler so you’re going to have just go right round again and come up with another lame set of insults for me so I don’t feel left out. “Waah he spends too much time showing off in his matches, waah why can’t I get girls like Dolph Ziggler?†Whatevs, I don’t have the time to be listening to you team of has-beens! Where’s Ambrose? That guy is the only one with any future left in any company and even that is going to be cut short trying to get these fans to POP, fourth wall, for his stupid Raven inspired “wrestlingâ€. It’s pathetic. You’re all pathetic. Our team is one angry giant of an insurance policy followed by the future of this brand, of this company and of professional wrestling. Your team is a stain on this show and a stain on this competition. They love to say that these matches can end up 5 on 1, 4 on 2, 3 on 3 but what all the video packages in the world fail to mention is that you guys are also fighting tooth and nail against Raven having a breakdown, against Mysterio’s knees popping out of their sockets, against RVD spending his night in a cell for possession and against ol’ Double J there actually coming into the 21st century!

The crowd boo Dolph who laps it up.

Yeah, yeah give me everything you’ve got, that’s what she said, but seriously do you think I care? Ever since I showed up here on Smackdown you’ve all booed me because you’re jealous of me, everyone can see that, so you’re just not worth my time, a little bit like Rey Mysterio.

Mixed reaction from the crowd.

Rey, you may be at the top of the card right now but you’re on a downward turn, you haven’t got many matches left in the tank and frankly, it seems your mind is starting to go a little too. That was the most ridiculous display of pandering to the crowd I have ever seen from the superhero midget and it all sounded like one long road to one really bad pun. If you’re going to put the effort in the payoff has to be worth it Rey and just like your time at the top, this story is going to end the same way. Very soon, very painfully and hugely disappointing for you and your…â€millions†of fans. You know I saw one of your masks on ebay the other day, fair enough, the proud Americans who don’t have the drive to get off their lazy asses and get a job need to fund their habit for buying merch with your face on it somehow but whatevs.

Dolph tilts his head back and to the side smirking towards the hardcam before he rounds himself to eyeball RVD.


The crowd pop for RVD who mindlessly does his ‘Rob.Van.Dam’ thumbs taunt whilst Dolph tucks the microphone under his arm and slow claps until the crowd noise tails off.

Well done Rob, you beat me two weeks ago, congratulations but you and I both know that when a door is closed another one opens and your staying on TV every week, busting your ass for second billing means that I can ascend to greater heights where I deserve to be! I am the best wrestler in this ring, sorry Daniel-san, and the best there has EVER BEEN! I can’t say I’m the best there will ever be because I might end up having really good looking kids who grow up to kick your ass because you’ll still be hanging around in the locker room like that weird old guy hangs around high school gyms. Instead of talking about matches though, granted as it looks like you have my number, I’m going to refer to where you fit into this band of losers and freaks. You are, like Raven, past-it, wait, BEYOND it. The idea you ever had “it†in the first place is even debatable but for the sake of argument we’ll say you held your own and are now officially flagging, getting by on your reputation alone…ah, that reputation, that cool factor as I believe you’ve put it before with your 420 and your swearing and cursing because you’re too dumb to even express yourself like a normal human being! You know what your problem is Rob? You’re a poor mans Dolph Ziggler. I took everything you brought to the table and packaged it into the Showoff. I do everything you do and I do it better. I do everything you do and I look better doing it. Your tired game only washes with the great unwashed in this arena tonight but everyone in the bank with an ounce of sense and respect for what we do knows it’s time for you to give it up and if I can help put an end to your waste of a career by beating you and beating you well at Survivor Series then I will add it to the list of my nicknames. Showoff, #heel, RVD retirer.

Ziggler, with boos raining down from the rafters, mocks the RVD pose before his eyes fall on Jarrett.

Raven and Dean Ambrose have yet to make their way out here tonight…presumably because they’re waiting for some cool moment to skulk out here or thrash their way down the ramp like children. These are two guys have made that grungey hardcore thing cool again! Or so they thought, see, the only thing worse than Dolph Ziggler tryhards and wannabes is people who try to make it by doing to the complete opposite, look look look, the system works for a reason because people like to look at good looking, athletic superstars who are the best in this ring, the best on this mic and the best: period. When you guys have something to say, I’m all ears.

Ziggler takes a moment to pause exchanging looks with Bryan and Sandow.

Jeff Jarrett. I’ve saved you till last because you are the almighty captain of team Desmond or whatever but you’re the biggest joke out here. You’re pathetic, from that garbage title belt to your stupid nickname, to the…slap nuts t-shirt. This is a t-shirt.

Dolph shows off his pink ‘ShowOff’ tee by stretching his arms out and doing a circle on the spot.

You can buy this at UWFshop.com and you can get ol’ double J’s shirt here from the same bargain basement online rejects memorabilia stand as Rey Mysterio’s masks, signed RVD mugshots tapes of non-hardcore Raven matches. See, what you don’t understand, just like the rest of your team, is that your days aren’t just numbered JJ, they’re gone, been and done, dead and buried and just like most ex 90’s superstars with any sense the fans have moved on. Do you know how sick everyone would be, how BORED everyone would be if these saviour guys had to disband? Watching them make mockeries of the roster is the only thing that keeps me hanging around backstage when Wolfe isn’t screwing the pooch booking me onto the show. Whereas…whereas control is what’s on offer for our team. Control is a bit like the change I keep talking about because with control you can FORCE change whether you like it or not. I think the pressure isn’t on us, isn’t on me, the pressure is on you. Just think what would happen if you lose. You’d lose that gold. RVD would lose his title. You’d all be out of a job if we had our way and more importantly…that would mean someone from this team would be contending for the World Heavyweight Championship and I’d like you all to take out your cameras and check the reels because you’re going to want a picture; that man is going to be the showoff, the ONLY hashtag:heel.

Ziggler takes a few steps back as Sandow’s previously majestic nods of approval take a backseat to the begrudging fact of the prize for the winning pinfall.


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Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Re: UWF Survivor Series- NXTreme Championship- Barbed Wire Steel Cage- Sting(c) vs. R

Rhino bellows a laugh as he slowly makes his way down the ring, talking as he does so.

I was standing up there really for your protection, but if you want to play that game, I’m willing to join in. Let’s be honest here Sting, you’re acting. You’re acting as if there isn’t a shred of uneasiness inside of you when I’m near. You obviously fear me if you constantly attack me during my matches! What is it Sting? Are you actually afraid I’ll take that precious belt from you? Or are you simply afraid I’ll hurt you much like you promised you would hurt me? But I’d like to address something. You say I ran my mouth for weeks, and you didn’t respond. Are you kidding me?! For the past few weeks you’ve interfered in my matches while you hid behind your interim General Manager crap. You tell me I’m a coward yet turn the lights off when things are getting too hot to handle? I not only call you a coward, but a damn hypocrite! You have been doing nothing but what you accuse me of. You’ve been hiding from me! I haven’t been hiding, I haven’t been avoiding you. I’ve been showing up every week. And every week I don’t see you. Every week you use your political power to play your damn tricks on me.

I’m not going to have any more of it! You’ve pissed me off a little bit now. I was standing up there like I said for your protection. It’s clear that you don’t want that though. You clearly want to be the bomb squad and just jump at the ticking time bomb. It worked too; you’ve set this bomb off. I am the War Machine! I am the Man Beast! You know what a well tuned War Machine is? It’s unstoppable! It will stop at nothing until its target is destroyed. A Man Beast can be the exact same thing. An enraged beast can do untold damage, can be put down. But once that beast awakens, it’s just more pissed off and will continue. And how the Hell am I supposed to stay alert when you keep turning the lights off? You always snuck in behind me and struck me down with that damn bat. You have no idea what you’re talking about yet again. You may think you’re so smart, but truth be told you’re acting real stupid. You can use all your big words all you want, talk in a way where you feel like you’re better than me. Do it all you want! Fact of the matter is I know what I am capable of; I know how to handle the likes of you. And now that you and I have a fair match where neither one of us will have the upper hand. Well let’s just say it’s not looking to nice for you.

At this point Rhino is just at the ring now, looking up at Sting.

I don’t think you heard me correctly there Steve. I know I’ll be okay heading into this match. That was a test, you failed. You actually think I’d let you know all that’s going on with me right now? I’m sure you were praying that I wasn’t one hundred percent. After that crack with the bat, I’m sure you were hoping I was gonna be concussed or something. I’ve been through worse man. Much worse, it’s almost as if you take everything that is said seriously. I have no doubt in my mind that this match will be the undoing of Sting. I don’t have to second guess myself. I certainly don’t have to second guess that this match could prove fatal for you. I’m glad you brought up the Steel Cage match though. It did leave a lasting impression on me. It left me wondering if Sting is really the guy that can get things done. I remember all the claims you had that you would end my career that night. That lasting impression was that of pity. You’re obviously in a frail state of mind. It must eat at you knowing you didn’t get the job done! It must anger you knowing that I am still standing, gunning for you!

Rhino takes a few steps up the steel stairs leading to the ring. He pauses at the turnbuckle however.

Do you honestly believe the crap you spew out? Do you honestly believe that I’m afraid? That is so far from the truth it’s almost across the world! Don’t you see Steve! I’m still breathing! And as long as I’m still breathing, I’m still fighting. It wouldn’t matter if I was twenty percent going into this match, I’d still be able to kick your ass, take whatever beating you give me and still stand strong! There is no worry or fear coming from me. But like any animal, I can smell the fear coming from you. And if I do talk tough, that’s because I am. Have you seen anybody take the beatings I have and still stand and challenge for a fight? You don’t see that in this day and age. You’ll see those young guys do it, but we all know it’s an act. I’ve been doing this for years, just like you. We’re both veterans here. We’ve both been through Hell and back. And look where we are now. We’re about to go into a hellacious match in which we will both end up bloody, bruised and in all kinds of pain. This is the type of match where there is no sympathy. There is no such thing compassion. In this match, there is only one thing, the desire for pain. The desire for blood! I will say one thing though; we will get to know each other very well in this match. It’ll be our home for the time they give us. But that’s the thing; there is no real time limit here. The only way to win this match is if your opponent is lying motionless in the middle of this ring. So Sting, I have to ask you, are you ready? Are you ready for the torment that you are about to endure?

It is then that Rhino charges into the ring and comes face to face with Sting. Both me stare each other down until...​

Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Survivor Series- NXTreme Championship- Barbed Wire Steel Cage- Sting(c) vs. R

Sting maintains eye contact with Rhino as he raises his microphone to respond.

Saying that you were keeping your distance for my protection is the exact type of lackadaisical, ego-stroking smoke I was expecting you to blow up everyone's hind. Once again you're commenting on the world as you see it and require me to give you a reality check. Request granted as always, Terry, I simply can't let your ignorant hand feed everyone within sight and sound more garbage, their ears and mouths are crammed to capacity already. What exactly were you protecting me from? Each and every time you and I occupy the same ring, I'm not the one that gets hurt, you are. I must've hit you harder with that bat than I realized, because I have to keep reminding you of the same facts and walking you down the same lane of events and memories as if you were my sickly grandmother hospitalized, decrepid from old age, and suffering more each day from the Alzheimer's disease.

Of course Sting makes an analogy about someone resembling a deceprid senior citizen, right? Oh the hypocrisy, oh the irony! That's what you're thinking as I speak right now, the very thought of returning to the well and taking that same dig has you practically salivating, I can see your bottom lip quiver. That's what I've come to expect, and that was before you were at the peak of desperation and dove headfirst off of the cliff that was your wit's end. You stand there and accuse me of hoping that my attack was going to do more damage, of praying that you weren't one-hundred percent, of feeling like a failure for not making good on my threat to end your career. Hope and prayer are for people that aren't confident enough that they can accomplish what they're destined to do in this life on their own, that are looking for a tag team partner above their heads instead of in their corner. I didn't fail in ending your career, Terry, I showed you mercy. The same mercy I showed Sheamus when I allowed him a release from his contract and didn't force him to appear on live television when I could've just as easily subjected him to the same beating he and Brock subjected Derrick Bateman to.

The same mercy I showed R-Truth and Bully Ray when I allowed them to heal up instead of go out and compete in what was originally scheduled to be a tag team match when I could've sent them out there and basically guaranteed their injuries would be further aggravated. The...same...MERCY that I showed Robert Roode when I also allowed him to not compete when I could have and should have sent him out there to have his arm further destroyed by Michael McGillicutty. But that's irrelevent now, because the time for showing mercy is over. You want to stand there and taunt me, I will give you exactly what you want, I will make good on my threat and end your career. These differences between you and I have become so personal, so rooted in hatred, that seeing them resolved, in many aspects, supercedes the NXTreme Championship and there simply isn't enough room on NXT or in UWF for the both of us anymore.

I am going to make sure a shred of your flesh is left hanging on every inch of that cage. By the conclusion of the match, my face will be red not because of paint, but because of blood. And not just my blood, Terry, your blood! Seeing you bleed isn't sufficient enough, having it stain my gloves and bat and shirt isn't...sufficient...enough. I want to drink it in and spray it defiantly into your eyes, and...I...WILL! Eleven days, Terry, that's all you have until Survivor Series. So spend some time with the family, go through the ol' bucket list, get it all out of the way. Tell ya what, head on over to Golden Corral and have yourself a hearty last meal on me, tell 'em Sting sent ya! Because when those eleven days are up, this I vow, when you and I enter that Barbed Wire Steel Cage, death will enter with us, and that night to death and I will go the spoils. I will leave with the NXTreme Championship, and he will leave with you.

And you thought memento mori was a catchphrase...

"No Reflection" begins to play as Sting brushes past Rhino, hitting the "Man Beast"'s shoulder with his own. Sting has a smirk on his face as he exits the ring and begins to venture up the ramp, his back turned to Rhino. The camera gets a shot of his left hand, where he seems to be counting something down as he displays three fingers, then two, then one. After one becomes zero, Sting stops in place and his music stops playing as Rhino has his microphone raised to his mouth, ready to respond.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma

As the crowd mills around and talks amongst themselves, suddenly the voice of Mankind can be heard over the public address system.

This is the way the World ends. Not with a whimper, but with a bang!!!


Suddenly, HOLLOW AGAIN by Project 86 blares across the arena and the lights go down to a wicked shade of blue as the crowd is on its feet anticipating Mankind's entrance. And they are not disappointed. As the bridge to the chorus begins to wail, â€Is this the way the world ends?†over and over again, the lumbering form of Mankind is seen slowly stepping out onto the stage. He seems a bit unsure as he gets to mid-stage and the crowd gives him a strong pop. Mankind starts to turn and leave, but Paul Bearer appears from backstage and holds the urn high. Suddenly, the brown-clad hardcore legend drops to a knee as if in servitude to the power of the golden urn. After a long pause, Bearer walks on down the ramp holding the urn before him. Mankind slowly follows in obedience.


Once in the ring, Paul Bearer hands Mankind a microphone.

Bang! Bang!

Mankind smiles his toothless smile and then leers at the camera menacingly.

So, I’m in the ring beating the hell out of a cowboy; pinning him ONE, TWO, THREE. And suddenly, I’m going down for the pimples elbow…

The crowd gives him a slight pop at his jab at the Rock.

Now, usually, I’d just chalk that up to a day at the office. But apparently, this pimple has an agenda. Something about Mankind using his name to get by in this business. Now, correct me if I’m wrong. But I don’t believe I’ve used the name Dwayne since I was ripped off my comfortable suburban sofa and drug into the ring by one Vince MacMahon! By the way, Vince, I still owe ya one! No, I dare say the last time I used the name Rock was when 30 Rock was still playing on TV!

Mankind walks around the ring looking at the crowd with a mischievous smile.

Then, this pimple wants to say that you only know the name Mankind because HE made me famous? I don’t know. I mean, where the hell was he when I was being thrown off the top of the cage? Huh? If I were to say something like that about somebody, oh, I don’t know, maybe I’d have to say it was the UNDERTAKER that made me famous. But the God honest TOOTH…

Mankind stops and grins a little as the crowd begins to laugh.


The truth is I made my own way. I became a hardcore legend without this pimple’s help and I think I’ve done just fine so far here in UWF without his illustrious name. No, let me give you the RUNDOWN. (Mankind jerks his head and grins a classic Cactus Jack smile) I was WALKING TALL all by myself , and the GAMEPLAN was to bring hardcore to the ring. To bring pain, suffering and maybe a fire or two. And I did pretty damn good, If I may say so. It’s what I’m still known for. In fact they retired that damned Hardcore title in my honor. Now, why Vince brought it back, I’m not sure. But, personally, it’s like dangling a steak in front of a hungry dog. That’s two I owe ya, Vince! But I gotta BE COOL and GET SMART and, just maybe, be a little FASTER now that I got movie stars attacking me from behind.

As Mankind stops he receives a big pop for his usage of the Rock’s movie titles. The lights come up and Mankind jumps like he's been shot, but he and Paul Bearer are alone in the ring.

Now, all of that being said, doesn’t mean that I won’t meet the pimple in the ring at Survivor Series. On the contrary, I’d like nothing more than to squish that pimple all over the ring at a Pay Per View! He thinks this is about him and his NAME? There’s a reason everyone is asking you about me, Rocky! Cause they can’t stand the thought of actually talking to you about one of your recent embarrassments on the silver screen! I mean, I hate to admit it, but I was conned into one of those Disney abortions by my kids! I mean, I thought we were supposed to be friends! Maybe you coulda warned me? The Tooth Fairy? Really? Journey to the center or Uranus or something? Come on!

Mankind chuckles under his breath and finds his favorite spot in the corner and sits down; huddled, his demeanor changes.

No, this isn’t about you Rock, for once!! This isn’t about your pathetic movie career or one of your MILLIONS…

The crowd takes the cue: AND MILLIONS!

Of catchphrases, Dwayne! This is about me this time. Destiny is MY girl! She chose me! It’s MY strudel she wants! And I intend to give it to her! Do you hear me, Rocky!?!?! You picked a real bad time to come back and try and retake that glory, my friend. Because I’m on a rampage and Destiny is clearing me a path to the top. And, if we have to take out the ‘Great One’ to get to greatness, then, well so be it.


Suddenly, before Mankind can ramble on or pull any more hair out, a familiar music plays as the crowd gives a mixed reaction to the coming intruder.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Survivor Series- NXT World Championship Contendership- McGillicutty vs. Miz

McGillicutty stands with a grin on his face, before placing his microphone underneath his arm and proceeds to sarcastically clap The Miz. Miz seems interested as to why McGillicutty is doing this, and he doesn't have to wait long for the answer.


Michael McGillicutty: Daddy issues - the oldest trick in the book of "How To Get Under The Skin Of Michael McGillicutty". Problem is nothing in that book works, so you've just wasted your money, your breath, and your time there, Miz. Allow me to set the record straight for you and anybody watching in this arena, in the back, or at home - I don't have daddy issues. Let me repeat that one last time - I, Michael McGillicutty, don't have daddy issues. Just because I bring up my father doesn't mean I have daddy issues. That's the simple conclusion that everybody seems to jump to because they, as I said, think it gets under my skin. Do I seem agitated at that thought? Not really, just annoyed that I have to set the record straight again, which clearly suggests to me that nobody listens to a word I have to say. You definitely didn't because here you are with the jokes again, making light of the fact I'm setting out to not only become a success for my own personal gain but to make my father proud of his son. There's nothing wrong with that, not a thing at all, yet in your world of delusion there seems to be something humorous about that. Whatever, Miz, take whatever you can, but just know that nobody finds you funny, especially not me.

McGillicutty shakes his head, making sure Miz knows he's dead serious.

Michael McGillicutty: All I see in front of me is a kid who made a name for himself on reality television and is nothing but a pretender in the professional wrestling business. Sure you've won championships across your career, but there's a little fact that seems to be lost in all of that - you were given an opportunity. This is a business filled with politics, and time and time again there has been someone or a group of individuals who have seen something in you and given you an opportunity every time you win a couple of matches. Even being given regular matches is a bonus, but it's a bonus that I've had to scratch and claw for for far too long. Finally I've been given the chance to showcase what the definition of a perfect superstar looks like, moving on to become NXT Champion and make my father proud of me. I won't deny that I have pressure on my shoulders to live up to the Hennig name, choosing to do so in my own way, but when you can do what I can do in this ring, that pressure quickly evaporates. It's a simple equation, Miz, one that you're confusing with daddy issues, all the while twisting it into something of comedic value in a lame attempt to get yourself over. If it helps you sleep at night then continue doing just that...

Again McGillicutty rolls his eyes at Miz, clearly not taking him seriously at all.

Michael McGillicutty: ...but in light of all your crap, there's one thing I do agree with. Randy Orton as NXT Champion is a mistake, but Bully Ray isn't any better either. I've voiced my opinion on Randy recently and I've described him as nothing but a spoilt little brat that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, being rewarded with opportunity after opportunity just because of his name value. It sickens me that he has leeched off his family's success to carve out a career of his own, and it's a path that I never wanted to follow because I at least have dignity. Something similar can be said for Bully Ray, except his success has come in the form of tag team championships, meaning he needed help. Without Devon, Ray is a joke, and this whole bullying phase isn't fooling me for a second. Randy's already running NXT into the ground by rarely showing his face, and just seeing Bully Ray's face would turn everybody away too, but it's the exact opposite for me. Miz, I'm the Personification of Perfection, and having me as champion can only mean big things for Monday nights. I'm going to shape this show into the number one brand in this entire company, something you simply don't have the capability of ever accomplishing.

McGillicutty takes a step closer towards The Miz.

Michael McGillicutty: So let me suggest something to you, Miz - stop bothering me and just... go home. Just stop being a pretender, go home, and let the era of perfection overcome NXT like it's inevitably going to.

McGillicutty's arm falls to his side as he and Miz share a stare. Nothing intense, just one of disdain for one another, as the UWF Universe sit excited for the eventual contest between the two. Silence eventually overcomes the arena as we now wait to hear from The Miz.



Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Survivor Series - John Cena (c) vs. Edge vs. Jeff Hardy

After hearing from all three men in their respective set-up promos, the tron turns it's attention to the live feed inside the Survivor Series arena. The crowd of Boston are electric and a lot of fans have Cena fans, showing support to the home competitor, but the other two men have a strong following. Fans needn't have waited too long to see one of the trio competing for the World Heavyweight Championship live in person......


The crowd all in unison raise from their feet and cheer as "No More Words" kicks in and they await the arrival of The Enigma. On cue, Jeff Hardy walks through the curtain and depicts his usual entrance with the fireworks going off around him. He lifts the 'guns' before making his way down the ramp.


The Enigma runs down and slides in the ring, and bombs straight up the turnbuckle to pose like only he can. He jumps back off and gets given a microphone as he waits for the music to stop, then for the multiple Hardy chants to die down and he finally starts to talk.


Jeff Hardy: Well, I gotta be honest with you guys... In Cena's home town I did NOT expect that sort of reaction from my creatures tonight! Thank you... so much, I really am, truly humbled by that and it is that, that keeps me working hard and making sure that I do my very best to keep you all entertained and loving this business. And I must be doing a pretty damn good job of it if I'm getting reactions like that... and I'm coming out here to discuss my match coming up here, that is for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!

The crowd all cheer but Jeff starts talking quickly again.

Now last week on Smackdown, the last thing you all saw was Edge, holding the championship up high, staking his claim to the gold. That's only after Cena himself was knocked out, I had won the match for the three of us against YES, and Edge decides to smash me in the head with a steel chair... Yes the bruise is still there if you look hard enough. But.... It's not the fact Edge hit me with the chair that annoyed me, we were doing that the week before like there was no tomorrow. No... The fact that he carbon copied the ending of Smackdown that I done the week before just shows the moment in time that Edge is in, and his frame of mind. He has no ideas for himself. He has no originality to bring to the plate so what does he do... he takes mine, and casts it off as his own. That really bugs me, when a man... When a man that has accomplished so much, and has affected the lives of so many with his work.... Lacks originality. I have certainly had my faults looking back down the years and times I've had in wrestling, but one thing I have always had in excess is my innovation. My skin is a canvas, this ring is a canvas, it's all art man. I've always used the visual side of me and the visual side of you, to create my art. Imitation; It's the highest form of flattery, and it's also the lowest form of insult, and I got a pretty good idea in which way Edge was using it. Same as people have tried to mock me in the past, you can pass of as a rough copy once or twice, but you can not.... physically can not do what I do day in day out. That's why in the past instead of relying on your own resources you have become synonymous for taking easy ways out of situations, taking shortcuts, having helpers. That's not my style. I am just one man and when fighting for a singles title is the way it will always be. No I in team.... No I in fear.... And there's no team, or fear, in Jeff Hardy.

You know, I keep trying to work it out with you Edge, and it always comes back to the same answer. Insecurities. The Canadian, growing up watching wrestling, watching Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty, guys that have always had success... guys that have always had the bleach blonde hair. You come to wrestling the same, and although success has always been somewhat magnetic to you, there are still insecurities that crop up. There must be. For every henchman, manager... Lover, that you seem to align yourself with, it was always there to gain an advantage. I have my brother Matt, we have our good friends Shane Helms, Shannon Matthews, are they here? No. I grew up watching the same group of guys, but I don't feel like I need to look like them, or copy them to be successful. I just need to be true to myself. And, even though the son of the bitch is spoon fed round here, and I know most of you ain't gonna like that I said that about your home town hero but... At least John Cena is true to himself in his beliefs and his talents.

The double sided comment at Cena gave a somewhat mixed reaction, but Hardy isn't phased, he knew the support the champion would have.

I really do love situations like this. You know, two of your favorite superstars are in the mix with each other. I have never been quiet about my thoughts of Cena, and I think that even though he has earned the title, you can't deny that when he was given his shots, there were others more worthy of a shot.... One is in this ring right now. John, I watched your speech before I came out here, and myself and Edge, we will never hold the cards you hold. You get title matches on call, you have the belt. You have the rematch in your possession once the title leaves you, as you recently showed taking the gold back off of Rey Mysterio. What we hold right now, is the fact that we have earned our shot at you, and the world heavyweight belt the good old fashioned way. We went through a grueling ladder match, and Jeff Hardy matched up to Edge....... And Victoria.

Hustle Loyalty and Respect..... I could be the typical opponent and talk about these being the wrong things to concentrate on, or spill of the same rubbish countless others have in the past. I could mock the whole thought of them and belittle your beliefs to the point that you come out here and try to attack me even before our match. I could.... But I may just leave that to Edge, it's the kind of thing he likes doing, copying other people. But no, what am I gonna do? Me.... I'm going to leave what you stand for well alone. I have my beliefs and no matter what any man says about them, or how many men talk about them, I will always have them in tact and truly believe them. And I know you feel the exact same way, so my words, would deem pointless. And, after all... Once Survivor Series is over, and I am walking out as the World Heavyweight Champion, hustle, loyalty and respect are all you are going to have left.

This has been the moment that I have been waiting for since not coming out of the King of the Mountain match victorious... It's not exactly a one on one contest that I was looking for, but the extra bit of chaos that the extra man throws into the fray I feel could benefit me. And the fact the two men I'll be taking down, are arguably one of the biggest stars ever to grace a wrestling ring, and my one biggest enemy in my whole career.... Well..... Maybe that is the Twist of Fate that I have been looking for.

Jeff gets interrupted here promptly by........

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