UWF 2012: Past Pay-Per-View Trashtalking

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Re: Survivor Series - Christian vs. James Storm

The UWF Universe all turn away from the titantron and have begun to digest everything that the former UWF Hardcore Champion had to say regarding his match against Christian. Unfortunately for them, they don't have long to think about it, because the titantron has again lit up, this time the image bears Christian's smug face once again.


The camera pans back as we're shown what Christian is looking at - a television. It's evident that he has witnessed and heard everything his Survivor Series opponent had to say, and it seems that he's not overly impressed. The smug look remains on Christian's face as he shakes his head, followed by leaving the camera's view. A door is heard closing in the distance as its clear Christian is on his way to the ring.


"Just Close Your Eyes" by Story Of The Year can be heard bellowing out of the arena's PA system, signalling the imminent arrival of Captain Charisma, Christian. Although many UWF fans can be seen singing along with the theme music, it's not due to their enjoyment of the arriving Christian, rather due to the fact they just enjoy the song. Just five to ten seconds after the commencement of his theme music, Christian emerges from the back sporting a smirk on his face as he looks around at the booing audience. Christian only momentarily stands on the stage before choosing to make his way down the ramp towards the ring.


Fans can be seen hurling abuse at the charismatic man, but Christian doesn't acknowledge the jeers whatsoever, as he is focused on his objective. Christian reaches the bottom of the ramp, rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps, before approaching the ring ropes. Christian walks along the ring apron, wipes his feet and enters the ring, where he then proceeds to the opposite side of the ring and is handed a microphone. As Christian walks to the centre of the ring, his music ceases as he then waits for the crowd to become quiet before he speaks.


Christian: For those of you who're as shocked as I was to hear that James Storm was proud of illegally shooting a poor, innocent deer, I'm out here to inform you that I have filed a case with the proper authorities. They have assured me that James Storm has a case to answer and they will act on it swiftly due to the image of a deer's head being witnessed on live television. Remember, this has been broadcast to every corner of the world, not to mention this is a family show. An unwarranted massacre of an animal has no place on UWF television as far as I'm concerned, therefore I hope James gets what's coming to him. He should be ashamed of himself in more ways than one, and although the authorities will act on that matter, I'll be acting on a matter of my own. See that wasn't the only thing I took note of, in fact I watched and listened to every word James had to say. A lot of what he said I couldn't understand as he clearly grew up as a kid who struggled through English class, quite like his best friend "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, but I've heard that kind of butchered English before and I managed to decipher it all. I should be rewarded with one... more... World Championship match purely off that, but we all know I'll just be ignored again by yet another incompetent General Manager.

Christian doesn't change his facial expression after that little cheap shot at D'Angelo Dinero. Instead he allows the crowd to voice their disapproval before moving on.

Christian: But enough about Raw's management, because I need to address all the dribble that came out of James Storm's mouth. To start with, James, am I supposed to be afraid of you? You illegally hunt and murder an innocent animal, then compare it to what you're going to do to me at Survivor Series, holding a weapon in the process. That whole image was a dull attempt at trying to make me feel insecure, trying to change my mind on whether I should wrestle you at Survivor Series, but that just isn't me. Not only is it not what I stand for, but it's not what the pay-per-view stands for either. The final image the entire world saw at the King of the Ring pay-per-view was me standing on top of the Cell staring down at the hole in the ring that housed Steve Austin's lifeless body, an image that demonstrated who the REAL king of the Raw ring really is. These pay-per-views hold hidden agendas, and that was one of them. Now as for Survivor Series, it's a pay-per-view that showcases the fight we have inside, and in my case I have a hell of a lot of frustration built up inside me that I'm ready to unleash. Why am I frustrated? It's because of people like you and Finlay sticking your noses into business that it doesn't belong in!

Christian is staring directly at the titantron, ensuring he's completely focused on his opponent.


Christian: The rivalry Steve and I had didn't involve you in the slightest, in fact it began before you were even a part of this company. What right do you have involving yourself in something you know absolutely nothing about? Exactly, you have no right, which is exactly why I'm so frustrated. I should be the longest reigning UWF Champion in history, not your pal Steve. I should be the undisputed face of Tuesday Night Raw, not Cody Rhodes or John Morrison. Ever since I returned to this company all the way back at Backlash, it has been nothing but bright spots, followed by disappointment. I should've been inserted in the UWF Championship match that very night, instead having to settle for stealing the spotlight with a promo. Then I went on a seven match undefeated streak, having to waste my time with losers like Zack Ryder and Chris Jericho, before I was screwed out of becoming UWF Champion at The Great American Bash. I was then put on the shelf with a concussion and out for two months, only to return, screw Steve out of being UWF Champion and end his Raw career, but then I had you come along and ruin MY night of celebration! I'm in the prime of my career and should be wrestling five-star matches every single night as UWF Champion, not having to settle for a redneck whose only claim to fame is as the THIRD longest reigning Hardcore Champion in UWF history.

Christian quickly paces around the ring before swinging back around and facing the titantron.

Christian: And yet you have the audacity to question what I'VE accomplished? Really, James? Did you even research my UWF career and REALLY think about it, or are you just that stupid? If you'd bothered to take the time to take a deep look at my UWF career and not illegally hunt in a failed attempt at striking fear into my mind, you'd have known that I'm a former UWF United States Champion, the second superstar to hold that championship at that. I bet not a lot of people know that, yet it's because I've made the decision to not even mention it once. Why? Because it doesn't mean a damn thing! I don't care that I'm a former United States Champion, because I DESERVE to be a World Champion, something I have only tasted twice in my career yet deserved to have done so more than that. I don't settle for second rate championships like you, James, but that's just proof that you've got no idea what you're doing messing in my business like you did two weeks ago. If you think for a second that I'm going to let another redneck place another black spot on my career, you've got another thing coming. After Survivor Series, I'll be sending you packing from Raw, just like I did with Steve, and then you'll have plenty of free time to acquire a legal hunting license where you can go slaughter animals at your own free will. How does that sound, huh? Would you like that? Well you better get used to that thought, because that's the fate you're facing after Survivor Series!

Christian is in a state nobody has ever seen him in before, suggesting he's very frustrated at the position he currently finds himself in. It seems Storm has awoken a sleeping giant that's ready to erupt in his own way, and it's down to Storm whether he'll emerge from the back to face the music or choose to cower in the back.



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Re: UWF Survivor Series TT - Team Wolfe vs Team YES (Classic 5v5 Survivor Series Matc

Dean Ambrose
Blah blah blah blah blah. I hate it when this happens.

Dean Ambrose comes out from behind the titantron onto the stage to a thunderous applause from the crowd. Since no music is playing, every single voice cheering him his heard loud throughout the arena. Instead of heading to the ring, he waits and walks back and forth, pacing around the stage while speaking.


These types of matches are double edge swords. I love them because I get to fight everyone who annoys me but I hate them because I have to sit and listen to a bunch of assholes talk about themselves like we haven't heard it a million times before. We get it, you think you can win but like always you won't be able to beat Dean Ambrose. It's okay, none of you can defeat me so you all team up as if it's going to help you. It won't. Hell we're already all out here, how about we give these guys a preview!

The crowd goes wild for the idea as Ambrose stops walking and gets a big smile across his face.

But I know the rules. We're not really allowed to lay a finger on one another unless it's in a sanctioned match.

The crowd boos as Ambrose shakes his head.

Now hold up a second, don't kill the messenger. Well let's be honest this messenger can't die and believe me, people have tried. Even my own teammate has tried to kill me but it can't and won't ever happen. Not by some human dictionary or his counterpart who only seems to love one word. Not some unhealthy cult leader who thinks he can save everyone. Not some giant whose never been able to beat me. And certainly not some arrogant, cocky, wannabe ladies man.

Dolph Ziggler. I noticed you didn't really talk about me much, you even said I have a good future so I guess you're a quick learner to not piss me off. I know that you're the new guy around here but let me help ease you into things even more. I know you're trying to get this "heel" heat or whatever the hell that means but you're trying way too hard. I came into UWF in the very beginning and I'm the only person who has been here since this company started. Everyone else has left and come back over and over again but I'm consistent. You may think you're this hot shot young gun but your flame is going to die out just like everyone else's has. These people booed me when I first came here and I won them over. Ya' know how I did that? By not changing a damn thing. I never came out and insulted people in order to gain "heat". They didn't like me because I hurt their favorites. It took them awhile but they realized I hurt everyone including all the pieces of trash like you. So while you can "steal the show" all you want, I'll be busy winning the match.

The crowd roars for Ambrose as he takes a seat atop the stage.

And look who else is here, a man I'm all too familiar with, Daniel Bryan.....Enough about him.

Laughter is heard among the crowd as Ambrose immediately turns his attention to Damien Sandow

Damien, I know you can say you technically beat me but it's in the same way Big Show technically beat me when the referee reversed the decision of our match a couple months back. It took you're whole team of losers to beat just me. Now I have a band of misfits behind me to cover me and whether they like me or not doesn't matter, there is one thing we all have in common and that's to rid the wrestling world of scum like you. I know you think of me as scum but I've known people like you all my life. You prey on the misfortune of others and feel you're entitled to everything. You are the real scum of the earth and I'll make sure to stomp you out.

Ambrose gets up and starts walking down the ring to the others.

And I can't wait for the two literally biggest wrestlers to get down here as well, Big Show and Bray Wyatt. I've actually had a couple matches with Bray but it seems like he keeps running away from me in those matches. The guy barely touched me in the King of the Mountain match and had to get help from the rest of these losers to win Money in the Bank. This cult leader has claimed to save me on many occasions but I have yet to be saved. Really makes you wonder if he can ever keep his word. And trust me, he says a lot of words. And lets not forget to mention the Big Show. The giant has never actually been able to pin me once in the oh so many times I've had to face him. He's looked dominant against many of people but I'm his kryptonite. Actually I'm everyone's kryptonite since not a single one of you has a chance against me.

I'm not sure how many of you realize this, but I've never actually gotten my rematch for my World Heavyweight Championship. Ted Dibiase won it because of Big Show and he climbed a ladder to do so. Everyone who has screwed me over in the past is here for my taking. You think I need a World Heavyweight title shot? I'm in this to kill all of you. You've all done me wrong in the past and Ted got smart and ran for the hills when he learned I was a part of Team Wolfe. Sorry Dolph, you're going to be a victim of circumstance.

Ambrose finally gets on top of the apron as the crowd keeps cheering for the mad man.

But there is another who is a victim of circumstance but only because he has to keep living in the shadow of myself, Daniel Bryan. Sorry for the disrespect earlier and I actually like fighting you. You fight very differently than I do so it gives me a challenge but just like always you won’t be able to get the job done. Your delusional mind may think you’ve somehow gone to better and greater things but you’re just teaming with someone to cover up all your faults, which there are many because I’ve exploited them over and over again. Even if by some miracle you were to win this match, you wouldn’t be the true champion because everyone knows I’m better than you. And that goes for all of you.

Ambrose finally enters the ring and looks at his teammates and then back his three opponents.

Hell I’m pretty sure every last one of my teammates is better than all of you. We got a loud mouth, arrogant, cocky son of a bitch, in other words a better Dolph Ziggler. A man who gets so high, no one really understands what the hell he’s talking about. In other words, a more accomplished Bray Wyatt. We have a hardcore legend who lives to tear others down which is the weakness to Daniel Bryan’s technical prowess. We have a small man with a big heart who feels he needs to rid the world of evil. In order to do so he will have to get rid of the biggest potential evil there is, the Big Show in what will be a David versus Goliath encounter. And let’s not forget we have myself. A poor street fighting kid whose gone through life with nothing handed to him against an opportunistic rich ass who hides behind others he’s massed. Our team is the perfect balance and counter balance of everything you guys stand for. While you’re busy trying to become a number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, we’ll be busy kicking your asses and banishing YES from the UWF!

There is heavy applause for Dean Ambrose as he climbs a turnbuckle and sits atop it awaiting the arrival of the others.



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OOC: Gonna show how to play The Rock right :p

The tron turns on to a man on screen reading the paper.

Man: Tooth Fairy? That movie sucked. Anybody that actually sat down and watched that movie has more screws loose than the guy that starred in it. Are those people crazy? Wait what’s this about? Journey to the Center of… the Earth? That just looks like its gonna suck. Why would grown men subject themselves to watching this crap? And then they want to blame the star of the movie for it? Are these men crazy? Oh no… because they aren’t men. They are merely boys if they are going to subject themselves willingly to that sort of punishment and then rather than accept responsibility they just want to point and laugh at the guy that starred in it. But… oh I like this headline. The Rock… finally comes back to UWF. The Rock, not being subjected to an endless tirade or catchphrases but instead… The Rock seems like he’ll have a voice, reason, and knows more than if you smell, eyebrow raising, and eating pie lines. But who in the bluest of blue hell is his opponent? Mankind? That burlap sack wearing hair pulling freak? Really?

The Rock: You better believe your candyass The Rock is back and The Rock is here to do what The Rock does best and that is take care of people like you. People that wish to besmirch The Rock’s name… Besmirch? The Rock don’t remember using words like that before. Perhaps its been too long. Been a little too long so let The Rock do this for old times sake and get back into the swing of things…


The Rock: Now Mike Fooley, The Rock has been watching UWF every time he leaves and The Rock has now grown tired because although you talk about not using The Rock’s name to get yourself over… The Rock knows that if it wasn’t for The Rock you wouldn’t even be a blip on the radar. Instead you would still be some fat guy jumping off of roofs on beds looking to gain a spot on a roster. Hoping that someone would notice a fat ass that has absolutely no athletic ability but instead absorbs each and every blow he takes to his overstuffed belly filled with jelly doughnuts. And now you think, now you want to think, you actually believe that you have what it takes… you believe that you have what it takes to go one on one… with the great one? You actually believe in that scattered broken mind of yours that lost so many brain cells when The Rock tore that head up in the Royal Rumble back in the old WWF days or did you try to forget how The Rock made your candy ass say “I Quit.”

You see Mike, The Rock says what he is gonna do and then The Rock does it. The Rock said that night he would make your candy ass say those two words and now The Rock is here, The Rock is back to say that he is going to guarantee to make you regret ever trying to get over using The Rock’s name. Because this whole Rock-N-Sock connection reunion is what the people have wanted, and The Rock knows it is what you have wanted and it is going to happen. But what is going to happen is The Rock is going to bash that candy ass of a head of yours in. Oh no wait a minute… this is what The Rock is gonna do. The Rock is gonna take your girl Destiny, gonna shine her up real nice. Real real nice. Then The Rock is gonna turn that sombitch sideways, and then shove it right up your roody poo candy ass. And while you are walking around even more messed up than you do now with a giant rod up your ass, The Rock is gonna check your fat ass directly into … THE SMACKDOWN HOTEL! Now do you smell that Michelle Foley?

The Rock continues to look on… via satellite.
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Mankind suddenly seems really agitated and gets up and begins to rampage around the ring. He rebounds off a couple of ropes and pulls more hair; ranting all the way. Suddenly, he leans hard against the ropes looking intently to the Jumbotron bearing Dwayne Johnson's humongous, pie eating, bloated face.



Mankind paces around the ring a little; muttering to himself and pulling at his mask. Suddenly, he stops and calms down.

Ya know, contrary to what you may think, I'm actually glad to see you Rocky. But not for the reasons you think. I mean, I'm actually glad we're having this reunion, right? ROCK-N-SOCK back together again. Good times, right? Well, actually, no. You say you made me famous. I say you made me a joke; the punchline in one of your stupid monologues! You see, Dwayne, people like you need people like me to feel better about themselves. That's right. I don't hesitate to say I'm broken; messed up. I'm not the problem here! It's people like you who come out here and shovel the same old manure time after time!! You make believe that you're perfect and it's your opponent who's screwed up! Well, the fact is, you're no different than any of us, Rocky! Oh, you may look cooler with your Miami, Samoan tan; floatin' that eyebrow over your expensive sunglasses! But a big steaming pile of monkey poo still stinks no matter how you dress it up!

The crowd gives a strong pop as Mankind leans against the ropes again and looks right at the Titantron.

And I can't believe you're still floating your ego on that 'I Quit' match where you had to pull the tape recorder out to beat me! Are you kidding me? I never said those words in that match! I took everything you had and I didn't submit! No, you had to pull a fast one to get the win. It's not going to be that easy this time, Dwayne! Yeah, I'm glad you're back. Because I can't think of one single man on the face of the planet that I'd rather destroy, rather batter and bloody, rather beat into submission and make beg me to stop than you, my friend! That's why I came back, I guess. Deep down inside, I was tired of being the clown! That's why you won't see me in the white shirt and tie! You won't see me doing THIS IS YOUR LIFE segments and clowning for the crowd! And you sure as hell won't be seeing me pull any socks outta my pants!

Mankind pauses and stares at the Rock on the Titantron; nearly foaming at the mouth. He very suddenly calms down and rakes his hair back as if trying to gather his composure. He stands up and addresses the Rock with a laugh.

Actually, I'll take that back. I swore I'd never do this again. But, with you back, I think it would be appropriate this one last time.

Mick steps back to the center of the ring and reaches down into his pants. The crowd erupts as Lawler and Cole try to avert their eyes. Suddenly, he pulls out MR. SOCKO out and waves it around the ring as Justin Roberts runs for cover. Mankind, then, slips it on his right hand and holds it up for the camera, the crowd and the Rock to see.


FINALLY, the SOCK has come back to UWF!! Although I guess he was never here...whatever

Mankind laughs maniacally as he wanders around the ring making sure to hold Socko high for fans on every side of the ring to see it!

Get a good look people! And you better get a front row seat for Survivor Series! Cause that will be the last time you'll see Mr. Socko!! And Rocky, the next time you'll see him, it will look a lot like this!


Suddenly, a picture flashes on the screen of Mankind back in the day administering the Mandible Claw to the Rock. Mankind laughs and, suddenly, looks like he's had an Epiphany!

Hold on! I got an adjustment to make! (He pulls out scissors) gotta give Socko a little haircut!

He clips Socko a couple of times and, after putting the scissors away, he holds his hand up high for all to see. Suddenly, Mankind shoves his middle finger through the hole and flips it straight at Rocky!

And, when I pull Socko out of my tiddie whities at Survivor Series for the last time, I'll ask can you smell that, Diane!!
Last edited:
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Survivor Series- NXTreme Contendership- Truth vs. Punk vs. Rollins vs. Ryder


Cult of Personality blasts throughout the arena as CM Punk comes out from the back. CM Punk comes out to a mix reaction from the crowd as he heads straight for the ring with a microphone at hand and points at fan in the crowd


The fan has a "I HATE PUNK" poster, which CM Punk didn't take to lightly. Punk makes his way onto the arpon and climbs the turnbuckle and yells out loud "BEST IN THE WORLD"


As CM Punk gets off the apron and into the ring, he walks to the center of the ring and takes a seat as he gets ready to speak to the crowd as his music fades out


CM Punk: In just over one week, three men will be in for their most shining night of their careers. I'm talking about the jersey shore wanna-be, Zack Ryder, Ron Killings, and the infamous, Seth Rollins. I should correct myself however, their careers were made the mintue I was placed into this fatal four way match. You see, I don't need the marquee match or main event match of the night to be recognized anymore. I get recognized because of my name now and that's enough. When people see the lineup for shows now, they automatically go and see where my name is listed because that's where they want to be. They don't care about John Cena anymore. They don't care about what mask Rey Mysterio will wear this time. They certainly don't care how long it will take for John Morrison to come out to the ring. And most importantly, they don't care if Jeff Hardy fails to compete after pounding down something into his system. No, all that is behind everyone, and all people care about is me, CM Punk!

CM Punk smiles, but the crowd is almost split as most fans do not appreciate the cocky comments or about the other wrestlers

CM Punk: That's why, on that night of Survivor Series, Zack Ryder, Ron Killings, and Seth Rollins careers will be made. They will become household names, rather than a name you only see on an internet wrestling show! They will become famous because of a man who cares, a man who wants to see other talent shine at the top rather than the ones who are past their prime, people like, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, and a guy like Stone Cold Steve Austin. These three men will become icons because of me. Yet the only problem all three of them is, they will suffer a brutal loss to the best in the world! At Survivor Series, I will make headlines once again here in UWF when I win the fatal four way, help three wrestlers become household names, but also earn my rightful shot at the NXTreme championship. And it won't matter who I face because whomever it is, I will make them famous because I am, CM Punk, the BEST IN THE WORLD!

As CM Punk lowers his microphone he is interupted by.........................


OOC: Something to get started, good luck fellas!!!
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Survivor Series- NXTreme Contendership- Truth vs. Punk vs. Rollins vs. Ryder


Cult of Personality blasts throughout the arena as CM Punk comes out from the back. CM Punk comes out to a mix reaction from the crowd as he heads straight for the ring with a microphone at hand and points at fan in the crowd


The fan has a "I HATE PUNK" poster, which CM Punk didn't take to lightly. Punk makes his way onto the arpon and climbs the turnbuckle and yells out loud "BEST IN THE WORLD"


As CM Punk gets off the apron and into the ring, he walks to the center of the ring and takes a seat as he gets ready to speak to the crowd as his music fades out


CM Punk: In just over one week, three men will be in for their most shining night of their careers. I'm talking about the jersey shore wanna-be, Zack Ryder, Ron Killings, and the infamous, Seth Rollins. I should correct myself however, their careers were made the mintue I was placed into this fatal four way match. You see, I don't need the marquee match or main event match of the night to be recognized anymore. I get recognized because of my name now and that's enough. When people see the lineup for shows now, they automatically go and see where my name is listed because that's where they want to be. They don't care about John Cena anymore. They don't care about what mask Rey Mysterio will wear this time. They certainly don't care how long it will take for John Morrison to come out to the ring. And most importantly, they don't care if Jeff Hardy fails to compete after pounding down something into his system. No, all that is behind everyone, and all people care about is me, CM Punk!

CM Punk smiles, but the crowd is almost split as most fans do not appreciate the cocky comments or about the other wrestlers

CM Punk: That's why, on that night of Survivor Series, Zack Ryder, Ron Killings, and Seth Rollins careers will be made. They will become household names, rather than a name you only see on an internet wrestling show! They will become famous because of a man who cares, a man who wants to see other talent shine at the top rather than the ones who are past their prime, people like, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, and a guy like Stone Cold Steve Austin. These three men will become icons because of me. Yet the only problem for all three of them is, they will suffer a brutal loss to the best in the world! At Survivor Series, I will make headlines once again here in UWF when I win the fatal four way, help three wrestlers become household names, but also earn my rightful shot at the NXTreme championship. And it won't matter who I face because whomever it is, I will make them famous because I am, CM Punk, the BEST IN THE WORLD!

As CM Punk lowers his microphone he is interupted by.........................


OOC: Something to get started, good luck fellas!!!


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Re: UWF Survivor Series- Kane and Johnny Curtis vs. Sheamus and Brock Lesnar


Johnny Curtis’s music as the crowd cheers for the cocky yet brash superstar. He stops at the top of the stage and gives a very loud yell.


He continues to walk down the ramp and pushes his fingers through his hair. He walks over to a woman by the barricade and gently caresses her face. The two smile at each other before he rushes over to the ring and slides into it, motioning for a mic.

Johnny Curtis
Brock Lesner. I don’t know what your beef with me is but if you want beef, you got beef! I've been pumped myself every since we beat the both of you and I now get to finally unleash this beast. You got so mad because you couldn't finish us off so you took out your agression on a poor helpless woman. I mean I know you can’t get a sexy person, man or woman, to touch you on your own but that doesn't mean you have to go and put your dirty ugly mammoth hands on my girl? No way Jose! You may think you’re this big unstoppable force of nature but you’ve been stopped before. Many times actually! You know how many times I’ve been stopped? Once and the man that did that is now the number one contender to the NXT Championship.

The crowd boos at the mention of The Miz as Johnny nods his head in agreeance.

I know, I know, I hate that guy just as much as you do. If he ever wants to cross paths again I'm right here. But this is about Brock Lesner. You know, you should really take a page out of Sheamus’s book and just quit. Sheamus wasn’t the one who hurt my girl and even he still quit because he knew just what I would to the both of you once I got my freshly manicured hands on you two. And I know what a lot of people think about Derrick and myself, we’re two “goofs†who don’t take anything seriously. Just think about what’s going to happen to your career when you suffer a huge loss to this so called “goofâ€. You were humiliated when you lost to Zack Ryder and you’ll be even more so when you lose to me. Maxine and Derrick’s wounds will heal. They’re already a lot better and as a matter of fact, Maxine is pretty much all better already. Those wounds are healed whereas your emotional scaring from losing to me will stay with you forever. I’ll be off celebrating, getting real weird with Maxine and you a Paul will be unemployed losers once again. Maybe you’ll even come back in a few months and start the whole process over again!

Curtis smiles and walks over to the ropes to hang back on them.

So come on out here Brock. Bring a ladder again for no reason to try and scare me. Do all you want to try can get me to buckle my knees underneath your sheer mass but it won’t work. I’ve been in the ring with big mouths, big hypes and next week I’ll be in the ring with a son of a big legend. I'll beat the almost perfect technical wrestler here and then what, have trouble with you? All you know how to do is throw fists but my face is my moneymaker and I'll make sure to always keep it at a safe distance from those bear claws. Take away your power and what do you have? Nothing except a loud mouthed manager who looks like you in 10 years. So trust me when I say that you don't want any of me. But if you do manage to show up at Survivor Series, be better prepared than last time because it's going to get real weird.

The crowd cheers for Curtis as he gets a grin on his face. He still awaits hanging with his arms around the top ropes for Brock Lesner.



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Re: UWF Survivor Series - UWF Championship - John Morrison vs Cody Rhodes (c)


Cody Rhodes:

Forward? Of course your life is moving forward, the difference between you and I is my life is moving up. I'm climbing up to the top of the mountain while you stay on the flat plain walking forward, never changing, never getting better, staying in your little bubble until people get tired of you and you decide to change your name yet another time. You call me desperate? I'm not the guy who comes out in fur coats, wearing jewelry, and having the camera go in slow motion while the fireworks go off behind him. You are so desperate to try and look interesting that it seems that's all that matters to you; you’re like the little kid at a party who's screaming and yelling trying to get everyone’s attention and now you’re all grown up and you’re rewarded for never maturing, all you have to do is raise your hand in the air and open your jacket and these people eat it up. But all this talk of getting women, of looking good, in the grand scheme of things nobody cares. You’ll say “I doâ€â€¦so I guess that makes you a Nobody, just like MVP was nobody, just like so many others.

No one remembers what the roster looked like throughout Bruno Sammartinos reign, they just remember Bruno Sammartinos reign and at the end of the day no one will remember MVP, Batista, or John Morrison they will only remember the greatest UWF Champion of all time…Cody Rhodes. The kid who became The Man younger than anyone else, see people remember Billy Graham and Rick Rude of course, people might even call them revolutionary but at the end of the day they get into the hall of fame by sheer age alone, They are mere footnotes in the chapters of wrestling and I Cody Rhodes am writing my own chapter and you will barely be a footnote in this era.

*Rhodes pauses for a moment as he looks at the crowd*

I was kind of like you in a sense just like that little kid…but I…I matured; growing up my father instilled a fairy tale world in my mind. He always told me to have fun with whatever I was given, if they give you polka dots son, you just have yourself a good ole time. He taught me that man…man was mostly good…but I saw the world and the people who run our slice of it for what it truly was. Something you won’t experience because the roles are different, They kept me down and caused my view of the world to change into a much darker one…but now…now I’ve never been so happy…because I’m having my own fun, I’m watching them squirm, and all these insects in the audience suffer because I am their champion and there isn’t a damn thing anybody can do about it. You’ve given them a little ounce of hope, but I’ve already infected UWF, the poison named Cody Rhodes is spreading and it’s causing a lot of nightmares. Some might not like you but they like you a lot more than they like me and that’s what I want. I want people to think someone can stop me, because I want it to hit them that much harder when they realize the truth.

*Rhodes unhooks his belt and holds it up*

This right here is the image haunting their dreams; the people in the back see this and shiver. John I know I don’t scare you, why should I? You’re John Morrison, the United States champion, King of the Ring, undefeated, how many people have you beaten over 10 probably. You are on a big roll, while I’m just the creepy guy holding the belt you want. No one I ever fought was afraid of the skinny kid Cody Rhodes, and those people went to the hospital one by one. I turned their dreams into my nightmare, and now they are all gone from my direct reach because they all know what happens when you face Cody Rhodes. You might think your childlike insults are amusing these people and getting to me, but they are not…simply because it’s just the buzzing of an insignificant fly, a fly who has until Survivor Series to fly around and have its fun… But please do go on, even though my father was an embarrassment to my name today, growing up I sure loved hearing him tell me stories. So do keep touting yourself, telling your fairy tale, show me how great your life is, because it makes my job at Survivor Series that much better knowing how badly I’m ruining it…
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Re: UWF Survivor Series TT - Team Wolfe vs Team YES (Classic 5v5 Survivor Series Matc

As Dean Ambrose lowers his microphone the lights dim and the first strums of a distorted guitar bring a much more disturbing air into the arena...


'Broken Out In Love' by Mark Crozer plays over the PA system, it's vintage sound sending the crowd into a heated rapture of hatred. Soon Bray Wyatt walks out onto the stage, Eli Cottonwood right by his side, briefcase in hand. Bray Wyatt has a wary stare at the ring, knowing the dangers he faces in the ring. Bray Wyatt pulls a microphone out from his back pocket and raises it to his mouth to begin speaking.


Bray Wyatt: Dean Ambrose... some people just can't be saved. I suppose it's just a sign of the times, man... a sign that the times of the present are soon to end. I came into this company with a vision... a vision of changing people. Changing the way people think... making people believe, believe in me, believe in Bray Wyatt!... then I got smart to this world, man. I realised that this world is too far gone, that this company is too far gone... this company that promotes people like you Dean, people like Jeff Jarrett... hell, that entire team of yours is exactly what is wrong with this company... and with this world today. Now I realised that y'all can not be saved, but at the same time I realised just how I can save the few who do believe... and that is by banishing the wicked. Ridding this world of it's moral evils by force... and lord, I have that force needed to do it... and I actually kinda enjoy usin' that force to beat the demons out y'all... it makes me happy. It feels real good.

Bray Wyatt makes his way down the ramp, taking off his hat and placing it on his chest as he speaks.

That's my mission right now. Exorcise this company. For this company is possessed!... possessed by the devil that is Desmond Wolfe!. You people do his biddings and that makes me sick because that man is nothing but evil. The embodiment of all things wrong and twisted and looking at his team I can see all that wrong, I can see all those who are twisted. We've got Rob Van Dam, an advocate for drug use, a man who poisons the children of this soil's minds with his words of violence and free drug-use. Now Rob, I'm not going to stand here and give you the rhetoric you get from almost every good man who cares about the world and it's children... no what I will say is them drugs must be working if you think you're seriously going to beat me at Survivor Series. Rob... you aren't worth the time and energy it would take to put you out of your misery... and honestly?, you just ain't the threat in this match... the threat is standin' right beside you in Dean Ambrose.

The crowd cheer at the mention of Dean Ambrose's name.

Dean you say that I failed to save you... but I don't see it that way. I did save you. I saved you from taking that one step too far and falling off the edge. Y'see, people like you... just ain't built for success... you're young, hungry, talented, deranged with hate... but... you don't have the mental strength required to hang at the top. We seen it with your World title reign... didn't last too long did it?. People like you crumble under pressure, which is what we saw when you were barred from this brand... you went nuts, man. What I did for you, is I saved you from another disappointment of a time at the top. I don't think you could've handled being Mister Money in The Bank Dean, it would've sent you crazy again, you would've went off the deep end and I don't care to think about what the consequences would be... but son, I don't think it would be good for you, for me or for anyone else. So you can thank me for saving you in ways you can't comprehend because I see the future, man, I have foresight!... and I see nothing but hell in your future...

The crowd boo loudly as Bray Wyatt takes a seat on the ring steps, continuing his tirade, his hat now firmly back on his head.

Dean... I don't know, man. You seem like a good kid, a tough life, but you sound like a good kid, but I think.... I theorize, that Desmond Wolfe has swayed your way of thinkin'... because my children, in my family, they had a similar upbringing. Eli Cottonwood was homeless by age 15... he was usin' drugs, liquor... he ended up in with the wrong crowd... and then he found me. He found faith and look at him now... he's big n' strong now!... you could've been like that Dean. You could've joined us. But instead you chose to live that lifestyle of despair and you rode that path and it filled you with the anger, the rage, the insanity that we see today... and y'know what?... I pity you, man. You could have been so much more had you chosen to believe in Bray Wyatt... you could have truly been welcomed into my lovin' arms... but instead you stand side by side with tyrants and moral monsters... and that, like theirs, will be your downfall.

Bray Wyatt stands up and steps between the ropes into the ring where he stands beside his favourite son, Eli Cottonwood.

It will be the downfall of all of you... Especially you...

Bray Wyatt points at Jeff Jarrett, his long-term rival and the current European Champion who glares back at Wyatt, some heat still stands between these two men.

Now I don't like to pick favourites... but if I had a favourite person to destroy at Survivor Series... man, you'd be right up there. I hate you. Hate's a strong word and it's best used in situations like this. You tried to take away my faith in this world with your moral wrong-doings and showings of sin. You tried to push strippers... WHORES... onto me. You tried my patience and you took away my focus when we met last, you beat me not because you are better than me, but because I was not focused enough. Now I am focused and I just can't wait to wrap my hands around your neck and choke the sinnin' behaviour right outta you!. I will force down unto you the belief... the faith in Bray Wyatt, you WILL remember my name.... you will remember Bray Wyatt. And man, I know an honest man like me ain't supposed to take pleasure in beatin' someone up... but I will take great pleasure in removing you from my line of sight forever.

Bray Wyatt lowers his microphone and stares intensely at Jeff Jarrett before walking backwards into the company of the rest of his team.

Some of these men I consider family... Damien Sandow and Daniel Bryan?, they're my brothers. The other two?... I know well, Dolph Ziggler... I know he's good, he'll even tell you, and Big Show?... well he is seven foot tall and five hundred pounds. All I have to say is at the end of the day, YES will not disband, one of my brethren if not me, will have a title opportunity... and Wolfe will be banished forever for the betterment of this company. And then... then the final stages of the plan will be put into action and this company, the WORLD... will never be the same again... trust me.


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Re: Survivor Series - Christian vs. James Storm



Longnecks & Rednecks blasts through the arena speakers and people immediately jump up to their feet. Shortly after that, James Storm walks through the curtain and people cheer even more. The Cowboy looks pumped as he begins walking down the ramp.


When Storm reaches the ring he looks at Christian while his theme is still playing. After that he asks the announcer for a mic and he gives him one. Storm then climbs the ring steps and while he is standing on them he nods his head into the rhythm of his theme songs. He then steps over the ropes and enters the ring. Usually Storm would put on a serious face as he's about to start an eye-to-eye confrontation with Christian but Storm is smiling from ear to ear as he begins to speak.


"The Cowboy", James Storm:

Christian, Christian, Christian. Yer so naive, ma' friend. 'Ya don't really see who yer 'bout ta' face at Survivor Series. Nobody in You Dubya Eff had a chance ta' see me at ma' best, including yerself.
'Ya don't know what James Storm is all 'bout. I might drink a lot a' beer, hunt a lot and I'm a redneck but I have a whole another side dat you've never seen befo'. I went through what people call "a brutal match" against Curt Hawkins but if 'ya do as well then it really proves 'ya don't know who I am, Christian. I'm a man who can not only come out 'ere, shove everythin' ta' yo' face and when it's time ta' 'rassle 'ya can easily beat 'im 'cause he tolch'a everythin' 'bout 'imself. Yeah, I did dat mistake befo' but no, I ain't doin' it dis time. Dis time, I will use the element a' surprise but there is one thing I can tell 'ya though...dat surprise will lead into me kickin' yo' ass all over Boston and I'ma make sure yer da' one who's send packin' 'cause I'ma embarras yo' ass dat much dat after it, yo' own pride won't letch'a get over da' fact dat someone like me has beaten 'ya. Therefor, you'll pack yo' bags, grab yo' boots and send 'ya back ta' blondie land!

Storm begins walking from right to left as he is looking down to the mat.

Actually, I really forgot 'bout yo' United States Championship reign
. Who knows wha'? Oh, I do. 'Cause yo' title reign was somethin' people were really not interested and ta' dis very day it hasn't really changed 'cause people are not interested in 'ya. 'Ya know what? Actually I'm pretty happy dat 'ya brough dis up 'cause I know a lot 'bout yo' You Ess title reign 'cause ma' friend...'ya might know 'im...told me 'bout it...Austin Aries. From what I know and from what I also saw, 'ya only defeated Dolph Ziggler 'cause a' Austin Aries as he was da' one who made sure 'ya won dee You Ess title. It must be eatin' yo' mind, really. Since 'ya came 'ere 'ya only won one title and even dat one victory was more Aries' than yours. So, if I was you, I wouldn't tell anybody 'bout dat reign 'cause a 19 day You Ess Championship reign dat 'ya only had 'cause a' Aries is nothin' worth braggin' 'bout. But eh, dat jus' proves yer a lil' bitch who gets satisfied wi' everythin' he gets and there's nothin' 'ya can say ta' make me think somethin' else 'cause da' truth is indelible, jus' as yo' shit-ass You Ess title reign and yo' two cheap World Title reigns. Ma' Tee En Ay title reign wasn't good as well but hey, I lost it 'cause ma' best friend turned on me. Also, I don't brag 'bout it everytime I get a chance ta' like 'ya do. Ma' point is...sure, 'ya won yo' first World Title in a brutal Ladder Match but it wasn't a clean victory, right? Edge helpedch'a out. Then, 'ya lost it five days later. Actually, 'ya lost it on SmackDown which is pre-taped so 'ya lost it in what...two days? Way ta' go, buddy! And yo' second World Title reign? Dat really made me say: "What in da' blue hell is dis?" Winnin' a World Title via DQ? 'Ya sure made history but I'd rather make history by throwin' up in da' ring than winnin' a World Title via DQ, man. Oh, and 'ya know what's da' cherry in da' cake? Da' man who took yo' title on both occasions is da' same man who was in dee En Dubya Ou witch'a not so long ago. So, if 'ya wanna talk 'bout how 'ya only wanna keep winnin' World Title, think again 'cause when I look at yo' resume, even a good Hardcore Championship title reign would do 'ya better than yo' two World Title reigns.

People were reactiong with "oooh's" the entire time James Storm was talking but now they calm down so The Cowboy can continue.

Christian, are 'ya deaf or jus' really plain stupid? I've said it like four times already, yet 'ya still don't know wha' I interrupted yo' "celebration". I did it 'cause Steve Austin is ma' friend and I felt like yer pissin' all over his legacy when 'ya came out and celebrated da' only thing you've ever done dat's worth celebratin'. It's sad but it's true. Ba' celebratin' yo' victory 'ya pissed all over Steve's legacy and dat made me sick. Seeing a lil' skinny prick who can't win a World Title on his own celebratin' a victory over da' one, dee' only Stone Cold made me sick ta' ma' stomach like nothin' befo'. Through ma' life I was really sick ta' ma' stomach couple a' times 'cause all da' alcohol I drank but never befo' I've been dat sick like two weeks ago. So yeah, I had ta' come out, defend ma' friend's legacy 'cause he wasn't there ta' do it ba' himself, I had ta' be a man and kick some ass but I didn't do so 'cause 'ya ran away like a lil' rat. Since dat's whatch'a do best 'ya did it like many times befo'. It's such a pity dat runnin' ain't a match stipulation in You Dubya Eff 'cause dat's dee only way 'ya could ever win a World Title 'round 'ere. But hell, you'd need help in dat as well! Now, do 'ya know what's even a bigger pity than da' fact dat 'ya can't win a World Title ba' runnin'? Da' fact dat at Survivor Series, I won't letch'a run away and stay safe...no! At Survivor Series I ain't gon' allow dat happen so deal wit' it and yeah, 'ere's a lil' piece a' advice...when 'ya hit da' gym somewhere in dat rathole, Toronto or where da' hell yer from, don't try ta' improve yo' runnin' ability 'cause at Survivor Series it won't matter 'cause I'm chasin' yo' ass down no matter what!

James Storm finds himself standing right in front of Christian but when he's done talking, he gets out of Captain Charisma's face and waits for him to respond.


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Re: UWF Survivor Series - John Cena (c) vs. Edge vs. Jeff Hardy

The tron turns on to someone that the fans do not like as they start booing like crazy at the screen.

The Rated “R” Superstar Edge:
Hey Jiffy, up here. Look up here. See Jif, I heard what you had to say, I listened to every single word and I have to say… you are one very delusional guy. I mean I thought I was obsessed with myself but you… you take it to a whole new level. I mean when you say that I was copying you and lack originality because I stood in the middle of the ring with the belt held high I was like wow really? I was copying you? That is proof that I can’t think of anything original? Tell me Jif… how many people over the years have ever done that? It would be like saying that you stole the dropkick from me. Stole the clothesline from someone else. Stole the bodyslam from someone. Not only that but I’m sure there have been plenty of people in UWF alone that have done that very thing. So to stake a claim that I’m stealing and copying you is beyond ludicrous. It’s flat out idiotic… but then that’s what I have grown to expect from you. You call me predictable? You are far too short sighted and that is where you will always come up short against a guy like me.

You are always looking at the now. Your only focus is what you can see right in front of you. You don’t take the time to see what else is out there. You don’t think if I do this then this could happen in the future. And that is why you will always be steps behind me. That is why you will always be the one looking up wondering what happened. And that is why even in a loss I already know where I’m going. I already know what to expect. You think I didn’t anticipate facing you in this? I knew as soon as we were to be a tag team that we would. Because I knew that we would shoot straight to the top of the ranks. Because together there would be nobody that would stop us. But I also knew there was strength in numbers which is where Victoria came in because I knew that our time would be ending soon. But what was expected? Me to take Lita. You assumed that I would just gather Lita and what happened? You were wrong. You want to be taken seriously as this smart guy that knows what is going to happen and prepares but all you are is some guy that acts on impulse for everything. I mean really I’ll go on ahead and say it… you would rather it be one on one. I prefer a triple threat. It’s actually the safest bet all around.

The Rated “R” Superstar Edge:
Right now I’m sure you have a confused look on your face so I’ll explain it. You see in a one on one match there is a chance that you could possibly slip up. If you slip up then well… you are flat out of luck. But if there is a triple threat then you have someone that can do the dirty work, you slide them out for a few moments and get the win. You think I wanted Victoria to keep you from grabbing it? She was on you to slow you down so we would grab it at the same time. She was in on it to make sure that you were still able to grab it. She easily could have just pulled you off the ladder but that wasn’t the plan I told her. You see Jiffy, where you believe you have this sort of advantage, all you are doing is falling prey right into this game of human chess. I keep trying to explain to you that you are disadvantaged being involved in this but you don’t want to see it that way and that is why it was all the more important to have you be a part of this. Because I knew that by having you involved… it would provide me with a better advantage because you would do one of your impulsive moves and because of that I could capitalize on you and pretty much seal my victory and FINALLY stake claim to my world heavyweight title. You are just that pawn that is needed to make sure everything falls into place. That everything goes according to plan and I know… I know that you will not disappoint me. I know that you will not act out of character and that you will do exactly what you are supposed to do. And that will be why in the end you and… John Boy will be falling prey and will not be champion at the end of the night. That Smackdown was the proper ending as it showed what would happen. It showed what to expect at the end of Survivor Series. That the era… the Rated R era… is coming.

John Boy isn’t going to know what to expect as he is finally looking the way he should be. As the underdog. He is coming into this match and he is not the guy expected to win. He is the guy that is almost viewed as going to lose. The guy that doesn’t stand a chance. The guy that could most likely lose. And I for one am glad that people are finally coming to their senses and realizing what a farce of a champion this guy is. That they are finally understanding that he is not the proper champion. That Rod Mysterio should not have even received a title shot. And that in the end… when all is said and done… it will be between you and me Jeffery and that is when you will understand, that is when you will realize that all of this was meant to be. All of this was meant to happen. You will finally have no chance but to come to grips as well as Cena that you two are just not competition for me. That you two just were never meant to be in the ring nor come close to the belt. I am the guy that is to be the rightful champion. I am the one that is meant, the one that has been groomed to run the UWF.

The Rated “R” Superstar Edge:
I AM the future of UWF! I AM the future world heavyweight champion. YOU TWO are nothing! NOTHING! YOU TWO are just fodder, just little insignificant husks chopped off of wheat left to be scorched where as I’m the one that is looked at, I’m the one that is taken care of, and soon I will be the one that everyone takes notice of and will have no choice but to fall into a sense of fear knowing that… this was not only inevitable, but this is no even a dream, but a nightmare come true because once I stake claim to my title… there will be nobody. There will be nobody out there. There will be NOBODY that will take the belt away from me. And that much… I guarantee. That much I know for sure. That is what is going to happen at Survivor Series. Is that all of you are going to be a witness. You and John Boy are going to be the first hand witnesses of my awesomeness.

Just wait Jiffy, just wait John Boy. MY TIME! Is now. And for right now… I have… no more words.

Dod Draper

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Re: UWF Survivor Series - UWF Championship - John Morrison vs Cody Rhodes (c)


Morrison: That's just it though, Cody; I don't even need to tell these people about my life. You're doing a great job of doing that yourself. I'm not sure what you hope to achieve by doing so. Perhaps you think that you have a chance of luring me into a false sense of security? Whatever. I'm not overlooking anything. Play the violin as you complain about how you're the perennial underdog. I'm never going to feel sorry for you. I'm not even going to mourn your reign as I'm kicking you to the kerb. I'm simply going to brush you aside and get on with the rest of my life. No dwelling on one single victory, just brutal progress. Darwinism at its finest. The ultimate example of the modern man. And no, Cody, that's not you I'm talking about. That's the New Face of Extreme; John Morrison.

Morrison looks round the arena and eyes the reaction of the audience in attendance as he speaks on.

Morrison: You've not matured, Cody, and you're certainly not haunting anybody's dreams. What's so scary about a man like you, when you're being relentlessly hunted by the biggest predator in UWF? They know your days are numbered. They're tolerating you until that day comes. Your distorted view of this entire situation is one of the most laughable things I've heard all year. It's up there with Kofi Kingston telling me he was going to "kick my ass". You've not allowed people to think that I "could" beat you, people have figured it out for themselves that I'm just better than you. I'm better than you, and every other dork stood there in the back. John Morrison is the consummate winner in a company full of men not fit to lace my boots. You're one of them.

Morrison backs off but maintains the pace of his speech.

Morrison: This is the final days of Rome for you, Cody. The buildings are burning and the gates are toppling. John Morrison is striding through the streets and cutting down any man who stands in his way. I'm coming for you, and I'm doing what numerous other men should have done over the past few months; I'm beating you up. I'm showing you that the ferocious law of Morrison is the most compelling covenant in the business. Every man who's stood opposite me has learned the the hard way. At Survivor Series, the same thing is going to happen to you. The time for talking is nearly over, and when the dust settles, and I'm stood above your beaten body, it will be a glorious moment for everybody in UWF. The Guru of Greatness will finally stand above the roster as the absolute champion of this company. Best yet, I'll do what you cannot and lead this show into a new, golden era. Everything is going to change.

Morrison, once again, is cut off before he can continue...



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Re: UWF Survivor Series - UWF Championship - John Morrison vs Cody Rhodes (c)

Rhodes smiles as he looks down for a moment


Cody Rhodes:

Everything huh?...on the fourth day of the third month of 2011 I began in UWA, I made a promise, a promise that I was the future of this business. I conquered UWA, became its first World heavyweight champion and the company crumbled around me, the walls fell the plants stopped growing and the only thing left was a statue of Cody Rhodes holding the World championship. I then went to UCW, I went into an undefeated streak that lasted months, I put the owner, the gms, and it’s greats on the ground…sure I was screwed out of fulfilling my destiny but my poison had infected UCW enough that they didn’t have anyone left and it crumbled down after years of being the dominate federation. Now we’re here in UWF, the letters change but the people in charge don’t because I’ve been a victim here as well. John you are right, the buildings are burning and the gates are toppling…but John you don’t seem to realize…I’m the one who set that fire, I’m the one who is bringing those gates down. You said you’d do what I couldn’t, and that’s lead this show to a golden era, well your half right. Because it’s not that I can’t, it’s just not my goal, I’m not looking for a golden era…oh no…no no no

*Rhodes turns around and leaves behind the curtain, he comes out with a steel chair, opening it and putting in the middle of the stage he sits down flipping the belt on his shoulder*

I’m going to sit here with my championship on my shoulder…and watch the company fall around me…watch people backstage get fired, watch superstars retire, brands shrivel up, and fans not be entertained…because that is my goal...They ruined my outlook on life...so now I put them through the hell I went through. If UWF has to perish because of it, then that is just what will happen. Because one way or another, UWF is going to go through a very dark age, right now I’m just a nightmare they can walk up from at any time. My job is to put UWF in a coma so it will never wake up, so that all these people feel sorry for what they did, so that the people backstage feel sorry for what they did and they learn to appreciate Cody Rhodes…I am their shining light…I’m also however the man who shut down those lights first.

*Rhodes gets a smile on his face as he rubs the gold on his shoulder*

See John your just collateral damage, The King of the Ring will be dethroned in a month reign, because UWF will be nothing…but Cody Rhodes…when I say I’m going to be the face of this company I no longer mean just a poster boy…no I mean I’m going to get rid of every other face beforehand…Legends will leave, icons will quit, future stars will be stomped out, and kingdoms will fall…John your undefeated, you’re the king of the ring and you’re the united states champion…but come Survivor Series you will only be another patient in another hospital. Welcome to MY world…don’t worry if you don’t like it because your not going to be staying very long…hahahah..hHAHAHah

*Rhodes begins to laugh to himself as he leans back on the chair*


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The Rock: Michelle… come on. You tripping man. We used to be cool. We were tight but now you acting all crazy man. You are but its okay. Because you know… The Rock doesn’t need you and The Rock never needed your roody poo candy ass. The Rock was merely doing what was good for business at the time and at the time it was making sure you were able to be a somebody. But now… now it is a completely different story. Now it is all about The Rock. It is all about what The Rock is going to do, what The Rock is going to say. It is all about The Rock stepping back in the ring and whipping that ass like there is no tomorrow. And to say that The Rock is perfect… The Rock acts like he is perfect and better than everybody… well look at The Rock. Can you not see it or are you blind. The Rock is here live… via satellite as to not dirty himself dealing with the commoners and the nastys like you. The Rock would prefer to not soil his hands or interact with the nasty people more than he has to and that means this is what is going to happen. Until Survivor Series because that is how The Rock rolls. That is how The Rock does things and that is how The Rock will continue to do things. The Rock is definitely above each and every single one of you and that is the way that it is going to remain. And The Rock is going to make sure to pound that fact inside that thick skull that is capable of taking about twenty chair shots.

The Rock: But what The Rock is understanding now is that you want to be taken seriously. That you no longer want to be a joke. But the problem with that Jiggly Puff is that no matter what… you will always be the biggest butt in each and every single joke no matter what you do. The Rock saw what you were attempting to do with your cronies and your new friends and you were still nothing. You are nothing and after Survivor Series you will be a bit more famous because you would have taken on The Rock in his big return match. Because Survivor Series is the place that The Rock made famous back in 1996 because that was when The Rock made his WWF debut. And ever since then Survivor Series has been a highlight place for The Rock so it is only fitting that The Rock made his return back to the place where it all began years ago. And as far as you go… well The Rock whipped your candy ass at Survivor Series before as well… and The Rock is going to be looking to do that same thing again. The Rock is going to be looking to take your bald patchy lookin ass and just make sure that you regret ever wanting to get in the ring with someone as great as The Rock. With someone with the talents, the looks, the charisma, the MOST electrifying man in ALLLLLLLL of sports entertainment.

You are about to get your candy ass whipped by The Great One and all you can do is accept fate as it will once again hand you its cruel fate. It will once again prove to you how worthless you really are. It will once again Michelle Fooley show you that you are not ready for what this is all about. You have not yet fully comprehended what it is that you are about to embark on. You can bring your sock, you can bring your girlfriend, you can bring anything and everything in your little cardboard box of a house before it gets repoed and bring it all to Survivor Series. Bring Mama Fooley as well so she can see her little boy get her ass whipped by a real man. The Rock is going to show you exactly how much of a jabroni you are and when all is said and done, when allllll the smoke is clear and you finally snap out of it… after the Rock whips your ass… you will realize and know that you were just beaten by the greatest. Beaten by the best. And perhaps you will finally understand your true place in everything. And that at the feet of The Rock.


The Rock stops and awaits a response.

Dod Draper

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2011
Reaction score
Re: UWF Survivor Series - UWF Championship - John Morrison vs Cody Rhodes (c)

Morrison smiles at Cody, he looks round the arena as he speaks.


Morrison: Patient in a hospital, eh? You're just the gift that keeps on giving, aren't you Cody? I'm not sure where you learned to dangerously overestimate your abilities so much. You're not a 300lb wrecking ball, you're a skinny weirdo who probably couldn't get out from under a bucket of chicken if it fell on him. You're a guy who probably watches women getting changed through windows with his binoculars, a guy who probably spent the vast majority of his adolescence having his head flushed down the toilet, a guy who probably cries when he masturbates. And, after all that, you're telling me that you're going to put me in hospital? Come on. You're not dangerous, you're the reincarnation of Milhouse from the Simpsons. It's a shame you don't have blue hair and glasses.

Morrison stops to lean on the turnbuckle, before continuing.

Morrison: You are achieving one thing, though, Cody. You spoke of wanting to put UWF in a coma; you've certainly achieved that. I swear, there's one guy out there in the crowd who's been asleep since your music starting playing. I guess you're going to count that as a victory... "Evil Cody Rhodes puts man to sleep in crowd, some men just want to watch the world burn, etc, etc". You strike me as that kind of guy. Did you lock yourself in your hotel room for 5 days before coming out here to psych yourself up? 5 days of telling yourself that you're not a dork, and that you're the most evil man in the world? I'd hate to hear a self-motivating pep talk from you, Cody. It'd be like listening to Mark Hamill play the Joker whilst he's high on cocaine. Believe me, I've got better things to do than listen to things like that.

Morrison eyes Cody whilst he speaks.

Morrison: Like beating you at Survivor Series. Taking you, dragging you off your perch and kicking you down the steps. John Morrison doesn't make threats he doesn't intend to keep. You, Cody, are witnessing the final days of your title reign. In 6 days, a new era begins and it's the era of the Shaman of Sexy. Say your prayers, and eat your vitamins, because Little Red Cody Riding Rhodes is getting eaten by the big bad wolf. In case you're too slow to figure out who that wolf is, it's the Tuesday Night Delight, yours truly, John Morrison. I'm the smiling face of your demise. Afflict your mind with your own bitter speeches, tell yourself that a guy like me can't possibly be the one to kick your ass and take your title... but I am. It's great that you hate what I stand for, because it'll make you all the more bitter and hateful when I'm the guy who emerges victorious this Sunday. After that, I guess you'll have to start seeing a psychiatrist, so that someone will have to listen to your strange speeches. It won't be cheap, though, especially not for you. You may also go to prison for manslaughter if your psychiatrist jumps out the window whilst listening to you. Don't drop the soap, Cody.

Morrison lowers his mic with a smile, and awaits Cody's response.
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