UWF 2012: Past Pay-Per-View Trashtalking

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Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Survivor Series: Batista vs. HBK


HBK comes out from the back to a huge pop from the crowd. The camera zooms in on HBK who looks to be in a pissed off mood as he heads straight for the ring without taking his eyes off of Batista


As HBK gets inside the ring, he tells the camera guy to get him a microphone as he still hasn't taken his eyes off of Batista. HBK is handed the microphone and gets ready to speak


HBK: I am getting real sick of this, Dave Batista. I am sick and tired of guys like you who think you know it all. Last week, I showed Christain why you don't cross The Heart Break Kid and I showed I still got it, when I defeated him. It doesn't matter though what I have done the last few months, what matters is what I've done throughout my entire career. In one night I can out class your entire career. You said it yourself, you were a dominant man on Smackdown. But and that is a big but, you failed to get the job done becuase The Big Show stopped you in your tracks. You think I may not pay attention as to what goes on Smackdown, but I do know, Dave. Then you came over to Raw and you choked once again. You blew it, Dave. You blew your chance at winning the big one finally here in UWF. You've been here a while now, yet you have managed to become a World Champion. Yeah, I don't see no animal, all I see is someone who fails to get the job done when it matters the most. I'm not afraid of you big man. I'll take you on anywhere and anytime. Believe you me, I wish it was Sunday so I could beat it in ya.

The intensity level gets pretty high in the ring as the crowd is loving every second of it

HBK: You come out here and talk about me, so I came out here to talk about you and what you've done. I at least manage to pick up some wins around here, while you manage to be second fittle to the younger guys. I have held nearly every single belt that I have come across. I was the first to ever become a grand slam champion in this business. I have held countless championships and several different occasions. I have been through hell in back in not only my career, but also my personal life. I leave it all in this ring, the blood, the sweat, you name it. I make sure that at the end of the night, that my match is what leaves these people wanting for more. I earned my way to get to the top. I didn't need anyone to help me. I crawled and made it on my own. I didn't need Hunter to help me out because at that time in Hunter's life, he needed me to help him. I was the man who helped Hunter get his start in this business. Do not even bring Stephanie into this because she wasn't even in the picture until I broke my back in 1998. By that time, I had already main evented countless WrestleMania's and outperformed countless individuals along with winning countless championships. I left it all in this ring back then and I still do it to this day. I may not have beaten Kurt Angle or John Morrison, but all these fans know and all the boys in back know, that I am still Shawn Michaels, the headliner, the main event, the icon, Mr. WrestleMania and it's because I give it 110% each and every single night I come out here. The question is, can you say the same, because I know for a fact that you can't.

HBK lowers his microphone as he waits for a response from Batista who looks pissed off. The crowd starts up a massive "HBK" chant.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma

Bitch..nice touch, Rock. Gettin' a little under your skin, are we? Ok, let's do this. Survivor Series 1996. Little Rocky Maivia. Yeah I remember. Talk about using somebody’s name. Hell, you used two names, right? First Mr. Rocky Johnson, your daddy, and, then, your granddaddy, Peter Maivia. But, I got say I really miss that cute little jericurl hair style and those duds you apparently stole off of Jeff Jarrett!


The crowd gives a little laugh as Mankind actually smiles a bit.

But I can respect family; don’t get me wrong. But they debut you in a match to save the day for a bunch of has-beens and never will bes; Jake ‘The Snake’, Barry WIndam and Marc Mero? Really? And you beat an aging King, Goldust, Crush and Vince’s soon to be favorite son, Hunter, who just so happened to be a big joke then? Nice job. A match so bad the people were chanting for some Rookie. Hell, they had to cheer you, Rocky. You put an end to that horrid match! At least I can say I lost to the UNDERTAKER, I don’t know…seems like a decent trade off. But let’s go forward a couple of years. Survivor Series 1998; the Deadly Games. You and me, Rocky, we survived some of the best and we waged war in that ring! We made history! But, in the end, you beat me; ONE…TWO…Oh, yeah, you beat me on a two count; thanks to Vince! Interesting, isn’t it? And here we are again; pushed together by Vince’s cruel idea of business. Oh, by the way, they replaced you with Ryback and three rookies this year. Congratulations.


Mankind pulls off the ropes and looks out at the crowd as he continues to talk to the Rock.

And, Rocky, isn’t it time to maybe buy a dictionary or a thesaurus or something? Roody Poo? Candy Ass? One on One with the Great one? Come on, Dwayne. Maybe learn to talk in something other than third person. And they call me crazy? I’m going to bring my sock for the last time. Unfortunately, my girl can’t make it, but we will be together soon. And, for once, I’ma gonna show you what it means to be the most Electrifying man in all of sports entertainment!

The Rock doesn’t look like he likes the sound of that, but he composes himself quickly. Mankind loses the smile, but looks intently at the Jumbotron and the ROCK with a sudden seriousness.

You see, that’s the problem with people like you and Vince; it’s all about cash flow! It’s all about selling someone’s pain to the highest bidder! No, Rocky, this isn’t about business this time. I’m not sure what Vince is tryin’ to pull, but I swear I’m ready! If I see Vince or ANY of his family come down to the ring, I swear I will take them down with you Rocky! I swear!! So you can take me seriously or call me a joke. I really don’t care which. This is your LAST Survivor Series, Rock, I’m gonna make sure of that. I’m not John Cena. I really don’t care what Vince thinks of the match. But I’ll sure as hell give the fans what they want! The ROCK takin’ the SOCK!!


The crowd gives a decent pop as it looks like the Rock is about to interject.​

OCC: Not losing steam, just had to do a shorter TT due to head cold. Got plenty, Slim. Keep it comin! I'm like Mankind! Just hit me with the chair, one more time!! THANK YOU SIR, CAN I HAVE ANOTHER?...lol
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Jun 4, 2010
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Re: UWF Survivor Series - UWF Championship - John Morrison vs Cody Rhodes (c)

Cody Rhodes:

I understand completely John, I mean you’re right

*Rhodes stops talking as he makes his way to the ring climbing up to the ring apron*


I’m just some skinny kid, I mean you’ve got the look and yet I’m just a little dog barking as loud as I can…See you think that, a lot of these people thought that, and every single person I’ve ever faced thought that. Triple H thought that and he went to the hospital, The Ultimate Warrior thought that and he was taken out of UWF permanently, My dear old friend Drew McIntyre thought that and he hasn’t been heard from since, Brock Lesnar thought that and I gave him a concussion. I have sent a rosters amount of superstars to the injury list throughout my career, There’s a reason why every superstar I face on pay per view is no longer with us on Raw. I just wanted to be another wrestler, I wanted to accomplish things the old fashion way by just winning…but they…they didn’t accept that. I won and they kept me down, that…that affected me a little…but now I see I’m not crazy…I was the only sane one here because I saw the world for what it was. Winning matches wasn’t good enough, so injured superstars had to do…heh…

*Rhodes gets into the ring and suddenly falls back hitting the corner as he slides to the bottom turnbuckle sitting on it slightly*

Thanks to when you debuted, you don’t realize what you are really in for. This is just another match that goes into proving your worth here to you, this match John boy is about the nights name, Surviving. You want to do something people before you should of done isn’t that right? You want to accomplish something against me others haven’t been able to, But what you think your trying to accomplish isn’t the accomplishment you should focus on, no no no no, it’s what every person that steps into the ring with me in a big time situation is trying to accomplish. And that’s being the person that faces Cody Rhodes and survives, not a matter of winning or losing, it’s a matter of how long you stay on the shelf.

*Rhodes puts his hand on his head sliding it across his head to the back rubbing the back of his neck*

John Leading up to this match people are asking questions like how long will John Morrisons undefeated streak go on to, what will happen if John Morrison is holding both championships, what will be of Cody Rhodes after Survivor Series. But once that match is over the only questions you’ll be hearing as you look up at the lights is the referee asking “Are you okay?â€, “Can you Hear Me?†and “How many fingers am I holding up?â€

*Rhodes holds up three fingers up with a weird smile on his face, staring to laugh to himself again as he moves his hand back to his face*


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Survivor Series - John Cena (c) vs. Edge vs. Jeff Hardy


John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers! All of a sudden, the World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena makes his way out onto the stage, which is a pleasure from the U.W.F. Universe. John Cena has a slight grin across his face, over hyped as usual! John Cena looks into the camera and screams out “Oh home sweet home!†before meeting the end of the stage. John Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena springs forward and makes his way down the entrance ramp. John Cena nods his head at his “CeNation†members as he continues his journey to the ring. John Cena slides into the ring and spins around, glancing at the audience. John Cena turns away from the main camera, as he straightens his shirt, and as his entrance music kicks in, spins around raising the World Heavyweight Championship in the air. John Cena motions for a microphone. John Cena walks over to the end of the ring, grabbing a microphone before speaking.


John Cena: It’s been a while, Boston, but The Champ’s finally home.

The audience explodes in cheers, blowing the roof off the building as John Cena has a huge smile on his face. Cena quickly interrupts the cheering, as he continues.

John Cena: Now, as much as I wan’ talk about home, I have a fight that needs talking about. Actually, a fight isn’t the right word to describe what Survivor Series is gon’ be. Survivor Series is truly a test of our own wills. Who can withstand the most punishment? Who will take the other to the limit AND THEN some? Who will be the World Heavyweight Champion? I have experience in this type of match. I know what it can do to your career. I know what I have to do to win, and honestly? Just thinking about it makes me a bit upset. The fact that I have to be the one to expect the unexpected just to walk out the winner. I know what this match does. I’ve been in a few of them and I know just how unpredictable they are, but I don’t think my opponents know what they’re getting themselves into. I’ll tell you this much, if you’re expecting me to be the guy who just goes out there to retain? You’re sadly mistaken.

John Cena raises his right eyebrow, as he immediately continues.

John Cena: I ain’t going into this match only looking to win; I'm looking to send a message to you two. You’ve been a thorn in my side for weeks on end, and every week, it’s always been the same. You’ve come out on top, attack me from behind and got the advantage. Congrats, gentlemen, you did do what you said you were gon’ do. But at Survivor Series? I'm gon' go out there and fight for my pride and EVERYTHING I have. I will not be satisfied until I retain my World Title! I'M GON' MAKE SURE THAT AT SURVIVOR SERIES, NOT ONLY DOES JOHN CENA WALK OUT THE WINNER, I’M GON’ MAKE SURE YOU CAN’T WALK OUT ON YOUR OWN, CAUSE’ THIS? THIS IS AS PERSONAL AS IT CAN GET!

John Cena’s intensity grows, and it’s visible to the entire audience as they scream their hearts out for the World Heavyweight Champion. Cena stares at his opponent Jeff Hardy, before staring at the audience, continuing.

John Cena: There isn’t a match like this. A match that anything could happen. It’s a match that is meant to make sure that everything is put on the line for the highest reward, and the lowest defeat. I CANNOT accept defeat at the hands of either one of you. If I lose at Survivor Series? Everything I have said and done has meant nothing. I made a promise to myself, my family, my fans that I would walk into Survivor Series, step inside the ring with the guys who has done nothing but get under my skin, and put an end to this once and for all, but I have a feeling it won’t end. Something tells me there is more to the story of Hardy, Edge, and Cena than meets the eye.

The audience is quite confused with John Cena’s recent comments. Cena has a slight grin across his face, as he continues.

John Cena: Our story doesn’t end at Survivor Series because as long as you two continue to represent everything I am against, my job isn’t done. I’ve always had the never give up attitude. It isn’t just something for a tee shirt. It’s truly what I represent each and every night I step inside this ring. There are times when staying down might be the right choice, but it’s not who I am. John Cena stays down for NO ONE. At Survivor Series, you’re gon’ have to KILL ME to keep me down. You’re gon’ have to make me stop breathing to make me not want to fight anymore. You’re gon’ have to truly give EVERYTHING you have and then some, and even then. It won’t be enough. NOTHING and NOBODY will take away my World Championship!

John Cena raises the World Heavyweight Championship in the air, as the audience continues to cheer. Cena nods his head, agreeing with the positive reception as he lowers the belt, continuing.

John Cena: I know full-well Survivor Series may very well be one of the biggest nights in my career and I will bring EVERYTHING I can muster to make sure that not only do I walk out the winner, but to ensure I will STILL be the World Champion! That’s what you gotta do, gentlemen. All that matters is who holds the gold, and I can tell you this right now. It’s easier said than done, ‘cause there isn’t a fight I have backed down from and I WON’T start now! I guarantee that at Survivor Series, when the lights are shining bright, there won’t be ANYTHING I won’t do to make sure I bring back honor to my word. I promise myself and everyone I care about that I was gon’ stay champion and if I don’t? Then what does that leave for me? I’ve lost before and I’ve taken each loss as a learning experience, but Survivor Series? I cannot lose. I’m not gon’ give up and I will always fight until I cannot anymore! I WILL seize this moment and make it MINE! THIS IS MY MOMENT, MY CHANCE AND MY ONLY OPPORTUNITY TO PROVE TO MYSELF AND MY FANS THAT THE CHAMP IS HERE!

The audience explodes in cheers, as it looks as if John Cena will continue speaking but is interrupted by a familiar entrance music...​

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Survivor Series- UWF Hardcore Championship- Christopher Daniels(c) vs Scott Steiner



The crowd is almost instantly to their feet as Christopher Daniels. A man whom they weren’t very sure of comes crashing out from the entrance tarp. He has quickly become a bit of a fan favourite ever since he saved AJ Styles from a more than likely brutal beatdown. By the look of Daniels face, you can tell he is very happy and very confident. He exchanges each side of the ramp to the fans delight as he shows off his championship belt and stretches his arms out to the sides. He lets out a battle cry and pyro ignites on both sides. Once that entire action is finished, he slowly makes his way down the ramp, exchanging pleasantries with fans young and old. He walks around the entirety of the ring until every fan lucky enough to have front row seats has been acknowledged. He quickly rolls into the ring and jumps onto each turnbuckle. This time he takes off his Hardcore Championship and raises it proudly over his head. The fans cheer loudly for him. You can tell that he is truly enjoying everything right now. He walks over to the side of the ring where the bell keeper is, and asks politely for a microphone. He is quickly given one and the fans instantly quiet down. He spares no more time as he gets to speaking.

“The Fallen Angel†Christopher Daniels:
Friends! My friends it so good to see you all! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be here right now! Not only do I get to defend my championship, but I also get to defend the honour of one AJ Styles. A man I’d like to consider a friend. And although he and I have had our differences in the past, I know deep down that if it came to it, we’d be fighting side by side! Now, my opponent tonight is not someone to take lightly. You see, Scott Steiner has a mean streak. He has a way of getting the job done that nobody else can. He’s a man with so much aggression, so much hate that he is blinded. He is blinded by that hatred; he is blind to fact that he has a promising young talent under his wing. And what does he do? He strikes him down, he mocks him, he ridicules him. He torments Petey Williams to the point where I want to defend him.

Unfortunately, Petey is too foolish to see what that torment can do to his career. What it can do to him mentally. Each week I see Scott do everything in his power to put Petey down. And each week it sickens me more and more. This young man is being held back by the man he claims is helping him. He claims that Scott Steiner is just toughening him up. I’ve heard it been referred to as tough love. I can tell you one thing my friends that is not tough love. That is an old and broken down man trying to keep his career in place while he destroys a young man’s dreams. Scott Steiner is hoping to keep his washed up career afloat by knocking down those younger than him. Why do you think he attacked AJ Styles? He was afraid of the fact that AJ could be something more than Scott wants. Scott wants to be on top of that ladder. He wants to make sure there is nobody else but him at the top. He knew AJ was on the road to success, so what did he do? He took out a possible threat.

It sickens me to think that such a man exists. I know this business is a tough one. But I never thought that the veterans would stoop so low. The God’s themselves are not pleased with his actions. They have recently spoken to me, and they want one thing. They want this old fool given a taste of his own medicine. So that’s my plan for Survivor Series. I’m going to give him exactly what he dishes out. I have said this in the past, and I will continue to say it. I am a tool used by the God’s above. The same God’s with the wise choice of sending me down here. Much like them, I have a voice. But unfortunately for them, it’s much more difficult for their words to be heard. So I am their voice. Now, before you start saying anything, please note, I am simply the messenger. I may speak words you may not like. I do not plan on angering any of you.

Daniels pauses as he looks down at a young fan holding up a sign that says “EDGE SUCKS!â€


Now, this young man here has brought something to my attention. Why does Edge suck? Why do you feel he deserves to have that kind of hateful stuff said about him? What if the God’s plan for him to win the World Heavyweight Championship at Survivor Series? Would he still suck? Would he still suck if he beat Jeff Hardy or John Cena, two of this company’s finest assets? I’d say that would be a feat almost of pure amazement. It would truly disprove that he sucks. In fact, he’d probably be considered the best in the company. And what of Cody Rhodes, the man you all despise? What if he were to retain against John Morrison? Would he still suck to you? In my honest opinion, I’d say he WAS the best in the company. It would prove that he can beat some of the best talent. It would prove that he is champion for a reason.

Now, I’m not saying I like Cody Rhodes, in fact I don’t. I don’t like the cruel words he speaks. But I respect what he has accomplished. You all know it’s been his goal for over a year to claim that UWF Championship. Always being so close, but never quite grabbing his dream. Now he has, and he is hated even more so for it. And what of Bully Ray? Would you all hate him if he were to win the NXT Championship? I know I still would, but that’s more so from old wounds that haven’t fully healed. But I wouldn’t jump right away on the slander. No, I would probably congratulate him for achieving a great feat. What I’m trying to get at here my friends is that perhaps the God’s have plans. Perhaps they have plans for all those you like and dislike. What if they did have plans? Would you shut them out of your life for it?

Daniels pauses once more, this time rubbing his bald head as he paces around the ring. His Hardcore Championship shiny brightly from not only the lights in the arena, but all the flash photography around the arena. He wipes his chin, almost in a thoughtful kind of way before he continues.

Now, back to the man of the hour, mister Scott Steiner. He has this idea in his head that he can only win with his physical strength. I will however prove to him that physical strength is only about a quarter of what you actually need to win matches. Like any intelligent veteran would know, it’s that you must use your brain throughout the entire match. You must always be planning your next move, and anticipating your opponents. Now, I know he’s probably around somewhere listening, and most likely wants to come out here and rip me a new one. But I still have a microphone in my hand, and more thoughts that need conveying. You see, I have a slight advantage over Scott. I have the God’s in my corner, watching over me. And with their guidance, I know I have more than just a chance against Scott.

Heck, with their help, I know I can defeat him. And with all of your support, well that only gives me more strength. You see, I feed off of your support. It’s what strengthens me in those tough matches. All Scott has is a mindless Petey Williams and an Amazonian woman named Rahka Khan? Did I pronounce that correctly? I swear they come up with odder and odder names. Regardless, they may follow him blindly, but I won’t fall for his tricks. He promises Petey so much glory, but has failed at every step to keep those promises. Even when Petey wins a match, it’s still not good enough for Scott. I hope that one day Petey sees the truth in these words, until then he is a lost cause. Interesting enough...

Daniels is cut off as an all too familiar siren sounds, indicating the arrival of Scott Steiner.​


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Survivor Series - Christian vs. James Storm

Before Storm can even compose himself from his little tirade, Christian's trademark grin has suddenly returned. Christian scratches the side of his head and looks down momentarily, before raising the microphone to his mouth and looking Storm right in the eyes.


Christian: I'm sorry, but what the hell did you just say? I ask because it's obvious to me that being involved in this business for as long as you have has really had an impact on your intelligence. I mean most of what you had to say made absolutely no sense whatsoever, and really it's exactly what I expected when D'Angelo Dinero first made the genius decision to pit us against one another. I knew that I would have to come here, stand in this ring, be forced to listen to you go on and on, and struggle to understand whatever the hell it is that you dribbled out of your mouth. Not only should I not be wasting my time on a clearly intoxicated redneck, but I should be either involved in the UWF Championship match between Cody Rhodes and John Morrison, or at the very least be given the pay-per-view off and officially named the number one contender. Either option would be a better use of my time then having to make out what the hell you're trying to say, but as usual I'm the guy who is given the wrong end of the stick. Once again I'm the guy who is ignored and given the scraps. It puzzles me why I put up with this when I know I deserve one... more... World Championship match, but the fact is, James, I'm a professional. I'm a professional and what a professional does is take on all comers, even if it's a brain dead, illiterate, mumbling idiot.

Christian is booed big time by the heavily Storm-favoured crowd, but it does little to deter him from speaking his mind further.

Christian: I'm going to do my best piecing everything together as I only managed to grab hold of little bits, so I apologise if I skip anything. It's not my fault I don't speak complete gibberish. After all, I'm not a deluded drunk who actually thinks the Hardcore Championship holds any importance to me or Raw as a whole. See James, it sounded to me like you actually think your match against Curt Hawkins, where you won the Hardcore Championship, is one for the ages. By all means be proud of your mediocre accomplishments, but let me tell you now that nobody remembers that match. Nobody cared about it to begin with, nobody remembers it now, and it's because it isn't important. What IS important are legends of this business finishing their illustrious careers in fashion, and what a better way to do it then by losing to a long-time rival after falling twenty feet from the roof of a Cell, a moment the entire world witnessed. THAT is a moment of importance, James, one that these people are going to remember for decades to come. Of course I'm referring to me ending the career of your best friend, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, in the main event of King of the Ring, but my point is it's a moment that the UWF Universe cared about, whether they liked it or not. Either way, they're going to remember it, but the same can't be said for your entire Hardcore Championship reign. What a shame.

Christian takes a few steps around the ring as he patiently waits for the booing crowd to silence. Once they do, Christian refocuses on Storm.


Christian: And if you don't understand that, how about you TRY and understand this - I don't care about my United States title reign. I said that to you, plain and simple, but you chose to go on like it actually matters to me. Did you not hear what I said, or are you really just that stupid? If we could replay it right now on the titantron, you'd watch me say that I bet not a lot of people knew I am a former UWF United States Champion because I made the decision not to mention it ever since I returned to the company at Backlash. I also said that the reason why I failed to mention it is because it's a second rate championship that doesn't mean a damn thing, so what I want to know is why you bothered magically coming up with history nobody cares about surrounding how I became champion when not even I care about it? Exactly, because you're an idiot, and frankly I'm done repeating myself to you already. I'm not mumbling, I'm not whispering, I'm not slurring my speech like you are. All I am doing is speaking English, so why is that so hard for you to understand? I'm being forced to lower myself to a point where I'm ashamed to even be standing in the same ring as you, let alone having to wrestle you at Survivor Series this Sunday night.

Christian is clearly frustrated, rubbing his forehead to relieve himself. It's clear to Christian that Storm is clueless and that Christian's dreading ending his speech as he'll have to hear it all over again.

Christian: This entire feud is built on something that was dead and buried at the King of the Ring pay-per-view, yet you're too ignorant to comprehend how big of a mistake you've made by digging it all back up. You can't talk to me like I'm stupid, by saying you're having to repeat the reasons why you started this, because you're just making yourself look like a hypocrite. I know why you did it; I always have and never said otherwise. You're a man blinded by the alcohol you consume, and it causes your mind to twist my words into something you can pick at, when in fact all of us who're sober are simply laughing at you. My point is, James, interrupting my celebration just because Steve's your friend is a joke, because you stuck your nose in business it doesn't belong in. It never concerned you, it never will concern you, and it's your own fault that I cost you the Hardcore Championship to Christopher Daniels. You deserved to be embarrassed and I'll make you eat your hypocritical words at Survivor Series. Not only have you never been close to becoming UWF Champion unlike myself, but you've never made me pay for what I did to Steve. You're an idiot, it's a simple as that, and you'll never realise that your career is following the same path as your best friend in four night’s time.

Christian abruptly drops the microphone and proceeds to leave the ring, really over having to waste his time further. While the UWF Universe boo him, the titantron shows Christian walking up the ramp, as the man himself is shaking his head in complete disgust. He's clearly sick of his lowly opposition and can't wait to rid himself of another thorn in his side, on his way to bigger and brighter things. Christian doesn't waste his time or effort turning around at the top of the stage to acknowledge Storm, instead heading straight for the back in a huff.



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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Survivor Series - John Cena (c) vs. Edge vs. Jeff Hardy

The audience explodes in cheers, as it looks as if John Cena will continue speaking but is interrupted by the man sharing the ring with him at this current moment. Jeff Hardy pushes his shoulders back into the turnbuckle he was resting by to stand upright and respond to the World Heavyweight Champion.


Jeff Hardy: The Champ.... Is here. The World Heavyweight Champion to be more specific is here. And as much as it's great to see your home people excited to see you here tonight, it worries me. It worries me that after all this time, these years of being at the top of the business, you still need to confirm wherever you go that you, being the champ... is here. But hey, I know when a statement isn't gonna go anywhere so I'll be the devils advocate for a moment.... The Champ truly is here, fresh off his massive championship win over Rey Mysterio! Just in time to defend the gold in his home town of Boston, Massachusetts! He's fighting two guys that literally want to rip each other from limb to limb and in the midst of that the champions disadvantage becomes an advantage where he can pick his moment and wait until the time is right to get the victory, right?

Before Cena has a chance to show any form of response, Hardy continues.

Wrong. The super hero story isn't one that is going to wash down once the bell rings here John. I have scratched, and clawed to get this shot, this opportunity that is in front of me. You want to talk about how difficult a match this is going to be? "Woe is me, John Cena is in between a rock and a hard spot" because it's not your typical one on one match? Myself and Edge had to share the spoils in possibly the hardest match for a body to take but more importantly, a match that is supposed to settle differences, end rivalries and show one clear cut winner.... and we drew. Albeit he had some help on his side, he always does, if you don't expect that then he is right you don't know him. But as it stands myself and Edge cannot be separated. But that.... that is not your advantage Cena. The sole reason that neither of us would let the other take the clear cut decision in that ladder match, is because we both have the same exact hunger for the possession that you have right... there.

Hardy taps the World Heavyweight championship belt with his finger a few times.

It's a hunger that is not only eating away but it has eaten away at everything it can inside of me, it is now starving for more and it hasn't been able to feed simply because the opportunity has been kept away from me, and I'm guessing the same can be said for Edge. It all comes down to the fact our hunger will simply be stronger than yours come Survivor Series because we have worked harder for it. No-one came closer in the Money in the Bank match than myself. Neither of you two participated in the King of the Mountain match either. And that was a farce too thanks to outside interference. If anyone ever worked hard enough to warrant a one one one World Heavyweight Championship match here on Smackdown then it's me. We all know what happened next, we need not go over the details of you failing only to be given another chance, then losing once being champion only to be given the rematch in the same week, and here we are. Simply put Cena, you are on borrowed time. I've beaten you one on one, and in tag team competition. Survivor Series, I make it three to zero with you. The champ will still be here, but he'll have a different name.

Hardy looks away from Cena to mention the other competitor.

I find it rather odd the man that had to resort to interrupting my interview camera feed just to have more television time, hasn't gotten himself out here yet. So odd in fact I put it down to one of two conclusions, you guys can pick which. Either A... Edge is changing his ways. He's becoming more of a mature superstar and he's going to let his talents in the ring do the talking come bell-time here in Boston. Or, is it option B? The fact I still qualified for this match, the fact he could not beat me in the before mentioned ladder match with Victoria in his arsenal, he is scrolling through his phonebook like a possessed demon backstage trying to find more back-up. I know which one I would put money on it being. But the fact that this is a triple threat match Edge, it takes anyone you can bring with you out of the equation. I may not like this guy I'm in the ring with but I'm not going to let him get beat up by an outside source because I know who'll be next in line.

This. This... Is my best chance to become what I signed the dotted line on my UWF contract to ever become. The fans and the adoration is all secondary. The fact that I am one of the most loved superstars here on Smackdown is great, and I appreciate it a lot... But it doesn't help myself and Beth get food on the table and get diesel in the automobile. Simply put.... This Sunday.... I will Survive. And I will hunt the World title down and feast upon it from here on in.

Jeff was about to leave but gets stopped by............

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Survivor Series - UWF Championship - John Morrison vs Cody Rhodes (c)


Morrison: I said it before and I'll say it again; Cody, you're no wrecking ball. Since that's the image you've obviously constructed for yourself, I guess it's time that the myth is dispelled. If our Survivor Series match will act as nothing else, it will act as your rude awakening. John Morrison will tear down the curtain and unveil the true face of Cody Rhodes; the cripplingly weak shell of a man that lies beneath these bitter speeches. A man compounded by both his insecurities, and the stark realism of evolution. John Morrison is an absolute winner; it's all I know and all that I do. Simply put, I'm more equipped to conquer you than you are to me. You, Cody? You're the result of everybody telling you that you can't do something, and it's got you this far. I commend you for that. There are, however, some peaks that can't be conquered by a man like you. Some challenges so insurmountable, some tasks so vigorous, that you just can't win, no matter what you do.

Morrison smiles as he looks at Cody.

Morrison: That's me. I am everything that you never can be; I am the vanquisher of worlds, the killer of dreams. I encompass victory in the most brutally crushing manor imaginable. You're a chronic masturbator who just so-happens to hold the belt that I desire. That won't be the case for much longer, though. This Sunday, virgins all around the world will weep uncontrollably as their sexless idol, Cody Rhodes, is swept down the river with the rest of the deadwood. This isn't a match, this is a funeral for one man's title reign. Everybody's invited. Nobody is going to miss your encore, Cody. The world will be watching as it all comes to a crashing end. Tick, tock, time is running out. I've got no doubt that you'll spend the rest of your time as champion telling me all about who you've beat, and what's happened to them since, but none of that matters. You know it as well as I do. You're the self-fulfilling prophecy, Cody. You spend so long pondering on the past, and reliving your past glories, that you don't look forward until it's too late. You finally do, and you realize that you're stood on a train track, as the unstoppable freight train that is my title challenge comes hurtling towards you.

Morrison puts his glasses back on, and continues.

Morrison: It would be funny if it wasn't so true. I could stand out here all day and reel off a list of men stupid enough to try and defy me, but I think better of it. I have better things to do and more to look forward to than that. We're different animals, Cody, and this Sunday will unequivocally prove it to the entire world. Ever seen Anchorman? Well I'm Jack Black, and you're Baxter. If you've seen the movie, you'll know how that ends. It wouldn't surprise me if you haven't seen the movie, though. You probably don't watch movies that are popular, that wouldn't be "evil" enough. I bet your favourite movie is Romancing the Stone. Either that, or Ghost. You probably reenact that pottery scene with your pillow at night, imagining that you're Patrick Swayze. You sicken me, Cody.

Morrison is cut off, before he can say any more.
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Re: UWF Survivor Series - UWF Championship - John Morrison vs Cody Rhodes (c)

Cody Rhodes:

There you go again, blindly speaking as if you knew what this is all about. I never said I was a wrecking ball because I sure as hell am not, if you were...

*Rhodes stands up from the corner walking closer to Morrison*


to Hit me, as hard as you could square on my jaw I'd stagger, hell I'd probably go down.

*Rhodes starts to chuckle as if finding that amusing*

And I'm not some...glutton for punishment like some other people on UWFs roster, no no no...and between the two of us, while I am fast and agile in my own right, I think you have an edge on me on that as well now don't you? Ladies don't you think ole John boy can beat me in a race?

*Cody talks to Morrisons company with a sick smile on his face, seeing he's not getting a response he goes back to face Morrison*

Oh and Submissions or being technically sound, well I wouldn't say I'm the highest caliber when it comes to those categories either. See I'm not a wrecking ball, a war machine, or an immovable object...what I am is much more dangerous...I don't hit you harder than anyone else in that locker room...I just know where to hit you...huge wrecking balls like you like to call them have stood in my way in the past...the difference was I didn't hit them straight ahead...I hit them up top on the weak rope holding them up and they toppled down pretty fast. I'm not some overly sized freak that can stop a machine from running rampant...I'm the quickened act of rusting on that machine that will break it down piece by piece, the virus that turns a...

*Rhodes gestures at Morrison up and down*

healthy, fit, human being, into a broken down heap in the corner. And you like saying the word Evil now don't you, you think I find some...enjoyment out of being Evil...I'm not Evil John no no no I'm...well I'm

*Rhodes puts his hand over his heart trying to seem sincere*

I'm just a skinny little runt trying to make it in the wrassling business, I didn't mean nobody no harm at all... no no it's...them who are evil. The people that took everything away from me, my opportunities, my goals, my achievements...they are the evil ones. These people here...they are the evil ones because they go to their dead end jobs and they curse the very existence of anyone who worked harder than them and made it higher up the totem pole. Then they go home and wave at their neighbor, when in reality no matter how bad it is for them what keeps them going is the thought and desire that it be worse on their neighbor, on their family, they are the malevolent ones...I'm just the guy that sees through it all. I see them for what they truly are and that is why I am making them wake up and realize that NONE of you people are better than me! and that includes you John, I was a bitter man, I had a chip on my shoulder. But now that is gone, because I am your UWF Champion, all those crazy speeches people pointed to they were all right which makes me right the entire time...and every one who doubted me the crazy one...You say I'm some nerdy, skinny, unimpressive, virgin, crying loser...and these people are eating it up...but what happens when the guy you think your going to have such an easy time with leaves you a shell of your former cocky self in the middle of this ring? I mean...everything you've touted leading up to that would seem like the ramblings of an ignorant fool...that's why I ask that simple question because right now you seem like the smart guy with everything going his way, but come the Raw after Survivor Series I will be standing in this ring with this championship around my waist asking who in fact is the Crazy one now?

*Rhodes gets a big smirk on his face as he stands in front of Morrison.*
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Sep 25, 2012
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Re: UWF Survivor Series- NXT World Championship Contendership- McGillicutty vs. Miz


The Miz takes a long hard look at McGillicutty, he raises the mic to his mouth, but then drops his arm again. He then walks across the ring, past McGillicutty but then stops next to the ropes, he turn back around to face his opponent.

The Miz: Go home? Not likely McGillicutty, I’m just getting started. You claim you’re sick of hearing about your daddy issues, sick of having to put the record straight, sick of getting that feeling that nobody is listening to you? Well there’s a good chance that’s because no one IS listening to you, but on this rare occasion, I was, and believe it or not I found some common ground with you.

Y’see Michael, just like you I’m sick of hearing people bring up how I got into this business, I’m also sick of having to put the record straight and most of all I’m sick of- well, not thinking that nobody is listening, I know people are listening- I’m sick of them choosing to ignore the truth, in order to continue to peddle a myth in their own heads. I deserve to be where I am today. Yes I’ve turned heads in this business, yes I’ve got recognition from those in power, yes I’ve been given opportunities and d’you know why? Because I’ve DESERVED it. You complain that you haven’t been given the same opportunities somehow means that the system is broken? You’re deluding yourself Michael, this business isn’t the problem; YOU are!

The Miz points his finger dead at McGillicutty and stares him down allowing the fans into attendance react to his charge

What you need to understand Michael is that guys like you are a dime a dozen in this industry. Big brawlers, high on testosterone and low on brains, you are- if you like- the bread and butter of this industry. You fill up the cards, take up the TV hours, you’re there to flesh out the brands because the guys who are the real draw can’t do all that on their own. The main-eventers, the real superstars of this industry, they’re there to top the shows, sell the PPVs and the merchandise. You, I’m afraid, are not one of those guys. You’re just not special. You call yourself the “personification of perfection� You’re far from it amigo, you’re more like the very model of mediocrity.

The Miz strides past McGillicutty back to his original position on the other side of the ring. He doesn’t even bother to look at his opponent as he passes, instead looking straight ahead. He stops next to the ropes and turns back around, smiling at McGillicutty


Me, on the other hand? Well I am special. You said it yourself, I got what it takes to get people’s attention in this business; people that matter. I’m not going to spend my career propping up the roster or fighting it out with all the other 6ft-something 200lbs clones in the locker-room. I am destined for the main event. I was born to sell PPVs and merchandise; I am as special as they come. Like I said Michael, you’re a dime a dozen whereas me? I’m one in a million!

The Miz throws his arms in the air and poses; the crowd erupting into boos at his arrogance. He drops his arms back down and laughs, lapping up the reaction

But Michael, we have found some common ground in all of this. Despite the insults we’ve thrown back and forth at each other about reality TV and daddy issues and who deserves to be here and who doesn’t, despite ALL of that, we do agree on one thing; both you and I deserve to be NXT World Champion FAAAAR more than either Randy Orton or Bully Ray deserve to be, and because you have the brains to realise that, then you deserve at least a tiny iota of my respect.

Based on that tiny iota of respect I’m prepared to do something nice for you, so here it is; after I win on Sunday night and become number one contender it is literally only a matter of time before I become champion. Doesn’t matter if it’s Orton or Ray, neither of them can stop me, I will very soon be the NXT World Champion, and when I am I’ll have a say on who’s next in line to have a shot at my title. I’ll promise you here and now that I will walk into JBL’s office and I will tell him that I’m not interested in facing Bully Ray or Randy Orton, but that I want Michael McGillicutty – one on one – for the title. Then I will prove to you, once and for all that I am the only man to lead this brand to greatness. That Michael McGillicutty is the representation of reality…


The Miz drops the mic from his mouth, clearly happy with himself

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Survivor Series- NXTreme Contendership- Truth vs. Punk vs. Rollins vs. Ryder



CM Punk quickly rises to his feet as “Radio” by Downstait hits the PA. The fans follow suit, rising to their feet for the “Long Island Iced Z” and their broski Zack Ryder. He makes his way out from the back with a smirk on his face. He walks halfway down the ramp and then does Punk's pose with his arms extended out to mock him.


Zack climbs into the ring and is handed a microphone from a ringside worker. Ryder then walks around the ring, sizing up his opponent CM Punk. He then raises his microphone and begins to speak.


Zack Ryder: Best in the World? Best in the World at what bro? You are like the nine millionth guy around here to claim to be the best and not a single one of you has any claims to back it up. I tell you what you are Best in the World at and that's being a complete jackass. Punk, you walk into NXT and you just expect the whole world handed to you. In fact, I've noticed, everywhere you go you expect things to just be handed to you because you're CM Punk. You're anti-establishment. You're edgy. We get it but, wearing commercially-produced merchandise, having a titantron video made for you, buying copyright music for you to walk to the ring to? None of that really screams rebellious to me, bro. But, Punk, I get none of this compares to what you think you're name is worth. You believe you're bigger than the business. News flash, bro, you're not. You heard that mixed reaction you got. You were the flavor of the week at one point and your flavor is all but worn out. Me, on the other hand, I started out as a flavor of the week but I've constantly rejuvenated myself and reinvented myself instead of coasting off of one event like you have. You're gonna make my career? No, these fans, my broskis, they're gonna make my career.

The crowd pops as Ryder acknowledges them. A loud “RYDER! RYDER! RYDER! RYDER!” chant is heard all throughout the arena. Punk looks on unamused.

Zack Ryder: But, you're not the only person in this match. R-Truth, you got the better of me this week on NXT but, don't forget who has who's number. We're tied 1-1 and this match could very well be the tie-breaker. I've beaten you before and I know that I can do it again. And Seth Rollins, bro, I've got nothing but the up most respect for your talents inside the ring but, I'm beginning to wonder just where your head's at. It was almost like you specifically targeted me in that battle royal a few weeks ago. Well, whatever your problem with me is, I encourage you to try and take it out on me in this match because, one little slip up like I made and I'll have no reservations in capitalizing on it. The NXTreme Championship means a lot to me, and I hope Sting is still wearing it when I win this number one contendership match because I've got a lot of things I wanna get off my chest and say straight to his stupid clown face. WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT!

Zack lowers his microphone and just as he does....

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Re: UWF Survivor Series- NXTreme Championship- Barbed Wire Steel Cage- Sting(c) vs. R

Rhino has not turned around at all to watch Sting make his way up the ramp. Never made a single attempt to stop him, perhaps Sting’s words have gotten to him. He wasn’t sure how to respond to Sting right away. Since Sting’s music stopped, Rhino had his microphone to his mouth. All he had been doing was breathing in it, heavily. The fans looked on in silence, curious as to what Rhino could possibly be thinking. A fan screams out, mostly in the quiet, just to get that moment of fame. That causes Rhino to smile as he remembers his first ever wrestling show. Suddenly reality hits him hard as he remembers where he is, and what he was doing. He slowly turns around to face Sting who had been waiting ever so patiently for his response. Rhino begins to smile, almost an evil smirk. Suddenly he begins to laugh hysterically. The crowd is unsure how to respond to this, so they remain quiet. Rhino finally speaks, but not in the way that Sting or the fans were expecting.


So that’s it, huh Sting? You’re going to leave off of that? This whole mercy thing really gets me interested, and you leave? Come on now, that’s not cool. How am I supposed to take that without some REAL explanation? You only really compared to nothing. Do you think I care about the kind of mercy you show those other guys in the back? You never showed me any form of mercy; you only showed me your weakness. That’s something I plan to target. You see, I have yet to hesitate when I beat down people. But I can always see that hesitation in you just before you use that shiny bat of yours. It’s sad Sting, I always thought of you has the take no prisoner, balls to the walls kind of guy. But then again, I have to remember you are the guy who talked to himself in a coffin.

So perhaps you aren’t exactly of what the smart kids would say of sound mind. I never understood what that meant until very recently. I see that you are in fact crazy. You can try and justify what you have done to me, but to be honest, you just look like an idiot. The fact of the matter is, you attacked me pretty much unprovoked! And why is that Sting? It’s because you’re afraid of me. You’re afraid of what I might do to you, so you strike me when I’m down. That’s usually what cowards do. They usually attack when they know the stronger force can’t quite fight back. But you’re also a fool if you think for a second that what you have done won’t have serious consequences. I may seem like just some thug that was picked up off the street, but I know that I am much more than that. And you make it seem like I can’t be. You make it to be that I am an idiot. You believe that just because I have a slight anger problem, that I am instantly an idiot. And that pisses me off!

The crowd pops a little at that statement. They like it when Rhino gets pissed off.

But not that kind of pissed off. I mean the kind of pissed off where I’m extremely irritated. I’m irritated with all these accusations you shoot out of your mouth. I’m not an idiot. I’m far from an idiot, but all you see is the angry Rhino. All anybody ever sees is the guy who just attacks people. But when I’m on the receiving end, there is no sympathy. I have every right to be pissed off right now! For weeks now you’ve interfered with my matches! Using that power of yours to control everything on your damn show, and now it’s my time to repay that favour. At Survivor Series, we have our fun little match. And you think you want blood? YOU THINK YOU WANT BLOOD! Understand me right here, right now Sting, there is not a man on this planet that has a bloodlust like I do right now.

You’ve angered this beast, and now there is no other way of calming it. This beast wants your blood. It wants you! And you have caged it once again! I don’t care about any of that crap you have to say now. Right now, all I’m seeing is tunnel vision, and you’re the only one I see in this tunnel! Oh sweet your blood will taste! You know, I find it kind of ironic, we both get angered so easily. We are so much more alike than either one of us cares to admit. We’re both pretty angry right now. I can see it in your movements and hear it in your speech right now! We both want to inflict as much pain on our opponents as possible. You and I both have something to prove here. You want to prove to the world that you are Sting, not Steve Borden. I want to prove to the world that I am more than just some big idiot. But that’s probably where it comes crashing to a halt. In order for either of us to prove ourselves, we have to destroy each other. We have to make sure we leave one another lying, in a heap in the middle of this ring as the other’s hand is raised. This is going to be a battle like NXT has never seen before. Hell! It’s going to be a battle UWF has never seen.

Some say this is the conclusion to our epic war. I saw it could very well just be the beginning. All that stuff before? That was just a couple of warning shots. Perhaps this is the true test. The test to see where we go from here or maybe it’s where one of us is done. I don’t know Sting. I do know that it’s going to come at some cost to our bodies. Flesh will be torn from our bodies, bones could easily be broken. One of us could lose our minds! This is what happens in war! This is what happens when all boundaries are cast aside, and it’s simply just a bloodbath. We know what’s going to happen when we enter this cage. Someone’s going to end up really hurt. Someone could end up dead. I know you won’t give in to any kind of pain, just like you know I won’t. We are like to immortal men fighting for more immortality. Deep down though, I know it won’t ever end. There will always be a tension between us. Like you said, it’s become too personal. We both hate each to the point where we want the other dead. We want each other out of our lives.

Rhino pauses, allowing everything he has said to soak in as he paces along the ropes, his eyes never leaving Sting.

So what now Sting?! What do you expect to happen?! Do think I’m going to lie down and just allow you to walk over me? Do you think that I’m going to let your actions go unpunished? Right now my manager is working on something that will fix you right up. Knock you off that pedestal you’ve been standing on. And me, well I’m just going to harm you in any way I can. That’s what I do Sting! That’s all I’ll ever be right? Just that muscle bound idiot who shoots first and asks questions later. You know it’s worked so well for me so far. You’ve turned me into this monster you know that?! It’s because of you that I’m so angry all the time! Knowing that each passing moment that you walk freely is simply another forum for you to taunt me.

Rhino starts to pull his hair back and shake, almost uncontrollably. His hand slowly slides down the side of his face as his expressions turns to a cracked smile.

But I’m not mad; I’m almost at peace right now. But don’t be fooled. This will pass when I enter that cage. When I see you in this ring, my blood will boil once more. But this peace comes from knowing that I will have you all to myself in this very ring. Inside a freaking cage! What could be better than that? Especially with the added bonus of barbed wire, knowing you can’t get out. Knowing that when you’re screaming in agony, it won’t stop! It will only stop when I let it! But I won’t let it stop, I may just get crazy in the heat of it all and just let you suffer. Suffer like you’ve made me suffer for weeks! So much pent up rage will finally be unleashed on you Sting! Coach won’t be there to stop me; nobody will be able to stop me as I unleash all that hatred on you.

Rhino smiles evilly as he lowers the microphone and leans forward on the ropes, his eyes still never leaving Sting.​

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Survivor Series - UWF Championship - John Morrison vs Cody Rhodes (c)


Morrison: There you go again. Who's crazy now? Who cares? You're the super-dork, Cody. You stand out here and try to provide a menacing insight into the dark, deplorable depths of your mind, but it just comes off like a My Chemical Romance music video. All you do is bask in misery and resentment. You're even getting me down. Lighten up a little. This isn't the end of the world, it's just the end of your title reign. You can still do what you always wanted to do; find an obese, desperate nymphomaniac. Settle down. Have some disturbed, miserable, sexually frustrated children. You'd be the perfect family in a Tim Burton movie. You know what they say, it isn't the end; it's the beginning. Of course, in order to be reborn and start your life, the stay of execution must come to an end. That's where John Morrison steps in and slays you.

Kelly Kelly and Natalya leave the ring behind Morrison, who stays and continues to speak.

Morrison: And you're right, Cody. These people are lapping up the final days of your reign. Why wouldn't they? They've suffered through enough. We've all suffered enough. I always knew you'd go out kicking and screaming and that you wouldn't like what I had to say. You're not a man who appreciates the finer things in life. You're a cretin, who detests anything that doesn't fester inside his father's basement along with him. You remind me of Gollum from Lord of the Rings. That belt, there, is your "precious". You? You're a miserable, creepy little freak who has built his life round his prize possession. You've also got something of a look of Gollum, with that sadistic desperation in your bulging eyes...

Morrison looks closely at Rhodes, before he breaks out in a smile.

Morrison: You have seen Lord of the Rings, right? Or is that film also not eery, dark and menacing enough for you? Do you only watch shows like To Catch A Predator, or The Rapist Files? Whatever. I'm no longer interested in the crappy puzzle that is Cody Rhodes' life. This Sunday, for you at least, cataclysm unfolds. The day of your reign draws short, and every word I've uttered becomes all the more meaningful. Survivor Series will define us both, for different reasons. For me, it will prove to be the final crowning of King Morrison; King of the Ring, UWF United States Champion, and the unbeaten UWF Champion. Sounds good, doesn't it? Sunday, that becomes a palpable reality. It becomes more real than you ever dreamt of, Cody, and that right there is a promise. Not just a promise, but the vow of a man who doesn't utter insincerities.

Morrison turns and walks away. He throws his mic down and leaves the ring. He starts to walk up the ramp, before he turns back..

Morrison: See you Sund-

Morrison is abruptly cut short as...


OOC: That's me done. It's been awesome Rey.



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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Survivor Series- NXT World Championship Contendership- McGillicutty vs. Miz

Little time passes as The Miz remains pleased with his words. McGillicutty, however, stands opposite his Survivor Series opposition in a mood that bares no similarity to Miz's.


Michael McGillicutty: So judging by your smug grin, you're expecting me to thank you for your future generosity, huh? Would I be correct in assuming that, or am I just completely wide of the mark once again, like I've apparently been this entire time? How about you answer me that before I go any further.

McGillicutty's arm falls to his side as he stares directly at The Miz, waiting for a response. Miz's smile remains, but the moment his arm moves in a possible sign of a rebuttal, McGillicutty interjects.

Michael McGillicutty: You know what... just forget about it. I've already got the answers and I don't actually need your input, yet for some reason I can't help but think that your response would be a polar opposite to what I'm thinking. See it's like this, Miz - to you, everything I've said thus far has been completely false, ludicrous, and utter garbage. Again, I don't need your input because you're predictable and I know for a fact it's exactly what's running through your mind, but there's a slight catch that throws a spanner into the works. Our opinions carry with them differing sides of the coin, but they're completely similar in many ways. You think my words have been nothing but crap, but the thing is I think the exact same of your own. We're doing a merry little dance in the ring, going back and forth with one another about why we'll both be victorious and why the other is full of complete crap... but is either of us REALLY closer to the mark than the other? I expect to outclass you on Sunday night and become number one contender to the NXT Championship, going on to face Randy Orton or Bully Ray next month for the title, but you feel the exact same way for yourself. All that differs is the way in which we're expressing our views, and frankly, Miz, I think we've both done pretty well in that regard thus far. Wouldn't you think?

Miz doesn't seem against that notion or for it either, but it matters little to McGillicutty.

Michael McGillicutty: But what point am I trying to make in all of this? Well, it's pretty straightforward - so many factors we've addressed mean absolutely nothing when it comes down to the match itself. We're going to step inside this ring in Boston, go one-on-one for a future opportunity at a World Championship, and the only factors that'll matter come down to what we can do inside this ring. Not once in this entire back and forth have I ever bragged about anything other than my wrestling ability, because I know that every move I execute is done so to absolute perfection. I've run down your lame sense of humour and past accomplishments, but it's because you hide behind them as if they're of any importance. You actually think that your ability to suck up to these people to sell your ridiculous merchandise that carries your immature catchphrases, combined with your fan favouritism putting asses in seats, actually bares any weight on the result of our match. That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about when I say so many factors we've addressed mean absolutely nothing when it comes down to the match itself. You really think that these people, who line your pockets and come watch you compete every single night, can carry you over the line at Survivor Series?

McGillicutty's lips sit firmly on the microphone, eyes glued to The Miz in intense fashion.

Michael McGillicutty: They can't... they just can't. When I look out at the UWF Universe, I see thousands of eyes that are literally fixed to our words and our movements right at this very moment, and the same will obviously be the case at Survivor Series. They'll voice their opinions; they'll yell out that you're "Awesome" and that I'm "Mediocre", but do you really think I give a damn? See something you clearly don't understand about me, no matter how hard I press the issue, is that when it comes to professional wrestling... I'm perfection. I was bred into a family of greatness, I carry genes that enable me to accomplish feats of pure wrestling genius that basic wrestlers like you can only dream of, and the opinions of these people will never change that. Nobody can change what I can achieve inside the squared circle other than myself, but why would I want to change that, Miz? We both carry momentum heading into Survivor Series, but I'm just that one step closer to success than you are. It has nothing to do with money, it has nothing to do with catchphrases, it has nothing to do with opinions, but it has everything to do with pure wrestling ability. That's what's going to carry me over the line, therefore rewarding me with a shot at a championship I maintain I should already have.

McGillicutty moves one step closer to The Miz, the men's noses nearly touching.

Michael McGillicutty: So on Sunday night, Miz, you'll have nowhere to hide. I'm going to school you and show you what a TRUE Would Champion can REALLY do, not some pretender. The sooner you come to grips with all of this, the better, but somehow I doubt you will. Whatever, it's fine by me, but when I stand tall over Randy Orton or Bully Ray and enter 2013 as NXT Champion, just remember that I'm just what I say I am - the Personification of Perfection!

As the two men remain extremely close to each other, static is suddenly heard throughout the arena as McGillicutty has dropped his microphone. There are boos emanating from the crowd, but to McGillicutty it's all irrelevant. As he steps aside, walking past Miz on his way out of the ring, he believes he has said what needed to be said to his opponent, fully confident the job will be done at Survivor Series. McGillicutty makes his way up the ramp to the top of the stage, before looking over his shoulder at The Miz. The third generation superstar doesn't do anything else apart from walk to the back, knowing without a shred of doubt that he'll become the number one contender on Sunday night.​


OOC - It's highly unlikely we'll both be able to get one more in, so that's it for me. I've enjoyed it :)


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Re: UWF Survivor Series - UWF Championship - John Morrison vs Cody Rhodes (c)


Rhodes begins to laugh out into his microphone, Morrison more lowers his mic out of confusion more so than being interrupted as Rhodes drops to his knees. Rhodes moves over to the ropes facing the entrance way and slides to sit down with his legs dangling off the ring apron as he puts his arms on the ropes and speaks*

Cody Rhodes:

John Boy Do you know what you are? You are Entertainment, I mean all these people here...they just find you oh so...humorous. You've been undefeated for a couple weeks, I myself held a streak for months and every loss I've had has been caused by forces outside solely my opponent. So that isn't it, I have been in UWF since it started and I've beaten them all and you've beaten the scraps left afterwards, so that isn't it. Your United states Champion, a title I brought prestige to before you even came here so that isn't it...no in fact the only thing you have going for you...is that fact that you can make these people laugh, their only reasoning towards John Morrison defeating Cody Rhodes is John Morrison amusing them when he talks. Let me try and call back a reference you made earlier, and say that Will Ferrell can make all these people feel good...but he will never win an Oscar. Just like you can entertain these people with your flashy entrance and get up, and your nonsensical maneuvers, and those middle school insults of yours but you will NEVER....take this title away from me.

*Rhodes moves the title so the strap is hung over the second rope so it's clearly seen by Morrison*

I bask in misery and resentment because that was what was given to me by those in charge, and by all of these people. So now I'm giving it back to them, This is about me and the people who did this to me. Your just a tool to get to them, and no matter how great you think you are you are just like these people when compared to the name on this championship. I...I will not lose this championship, not to the King of the Ring, not to you...not to anyone and I don't give a damn what anyone in the back or out in the stands thinks about it. Because it was all of those same people who said I wouldn't get this belt in the first place, So come Survivor Series every little claim you've made will be as broken as your body. Because it is the end of the world John, the end of the world as it is today, because my world is dawning, My era is consuming all of these people and you will be just another scattered body in the tunnel that leads to the light at the end of the tunnel.

*Cody Stands up from his position as the crowd begins to boo him*


*the crowd just boos louder as Rhodes seems aggravated*

Everything I've ever said I was going to do, I've done John, every guy i told I was going to hurt left the arena in a stretcher every championship, every battle royal, tournament, scramble, four way, triple threat I do what I say I'm going to do. And at Survivor Series I am going to walk out the UWF Champion, because I am The Survivor of UWF. That isn't going to be Entertaining, that isn't going to be funny, no for you and for all of your little snot nosed fans that will be your living nightmare. Cody Rhodes 6:25 cometh, and now his face shines upon you in infamy.

*Rhodes raises his title in the air looking out at the booing crowd, he brings it down and stares down at it for a moment before hugging it close to his chest*
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