I doubt it. But I did call that it sets him up nicely now.
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Sorry I didn't participate in the LD tonight. Saw too much negativity from a certain person here (which makes me pretty sad considering who it is). I absolutely loved the show.
I posted a total of three times in the first half hour and only talked about the X Division weight limit with Fuji and Vips the 15 minutes that followed but openly admitted the match was pretty good so I don't see how that stopped you from participating in the LD.
It was pretty much that whole weight limit stuff. I just didn't wanna deal with it. I mean, I don't understand why anybody should be worried about a stupid weight limit gimmick. If the match is gonna be good (which it ended up being more than that), why waste your time?
Then with the whole being disappointed with Storm facing Crimson stuff. I think you got your hopes up a little bit wishing for Christian or Joey Ryan to accept his challenge, buddy. Just sayin'. I mean, the whole show ended up being great and to see you say you thought it was awful was pretty shocking.
How anybody can love Lockdown then think this show was awful is beyond me but whatevs, bro. Sometimes, a lot of these LD's get bombarded with some negativity here and there (I'm looking at you, Wrestlemania 28 LD!!!). Guess I just have to live with that fact.
The weight limit discussion had nothing to do with what was on screen at the moment so you could have just posted about Kash/Hernandez match and ignored us. And it's not about whether or not is was good (it was good) because the match would have been equally as good if the title wasn't on the line. But if you saw how our conversation naturally drifted, Fuji convinced me that as a one-time throwback, it actually was a good idea. And Crimson's match wasn't 'til what half way through?!?! And I made ONE post about it!:
My main problem with it (and what my problem with the whole show really) is it had no story. Why did Storm accept Crimson's challenge? Why did Storm of all people end the streak? Personally I think open challenge are the best when either it advances the angle of the wrestler or it allows a returning/debuting wrestler to shock the audience.
Lastly Lockdown was MILES a better show than this. For one it was BUILT and the matches made sense.
Roode/Storm was way better than Roode/Sting to boot. Anyways ignore it and just enjoy yourself despite it.
Actually that was pretty close to what I was expecting to happen.Meh.
I still loved the show despite.........whatever you just said.
Kidding. Maybe Storm accepting the challenge "didn't make sense" story wise but really, what would have made sense other than Matt Morgan (even though that would have been a bit of a letdown and their matches were never that great to begin with)? So really, to have Storm return to a nice pop is everything I wanted and then some. I mean, I marked. So that's really all that matters here:
Although, now that I think about it, now this may not go over well with some people here but I actually would have loved for Christian to accept his challenge. Pin him with the Killswitch. Then on Impact, have Crimson (the cowardly heel that he is) come out and say "Christian isn't a contracted TNA wrestler so I'M STILL UNDEFEATED!" blah blah blah. But that's pure fantasy and never would have happened but it would have been fantastic for Crimson's heel character, IMHO.
He obviously hasn't seen Chikarasurus Rex or Evolve 12 and 13, because they were both better (unless he's not counting iPPV's). That being said, this show was on par with Extreme Rules for best of the year from the big two.Huh, not only did Scott Keith like this show, he called it the best PPV of the year so far. I'm down, definitely watching Joe/Aries Wednesday at the very least.
Perhaps the crowd actually being alive for those matches made them better? The Nashville crowd sucked so much at Lockdown that any chance of that show being good went out the window almost from the beginning. It's been pretty much universally slammed while Slammiversary is getting praise from almost everyone. This includes people who normally shit all over TNA's product, so its clear to me that they did something right last night.I just don't understand how Kash/Hernandez, Garett & Devon/Robbies, Crimson/Storm, Kim/Tessmacher or even Sting/Roode were that great.
Perhaps the crowd actually being alive for those matches made them better? The Nashville crowd sucked so much at Lockdown that any chance of that show being good went out the window almost from the beginning. It's been pretty much universally slammed while Slammiversary is getting praise from almost everyone. This includes people who normally shit all over TNA's product, so its clear to me that they did something right last night.
There were only two matches at Lockdown I'd watch again and one had a shitty finish (regardless of where the story is going in the future). By contrast, I can easily see myself enjoying Aries/Joe, the Tag Titles match, Ray/Park and Kash/Hernandez again.
I'm also not sure where you're getting that there were no stories going into the PPV when Ray/Park, the Tag Titles match and Sting/Roode all had one. Considering those were the three defacto main events, I'd say the booking was fine. Did I think Aries/Joe was a little rushed? Yes. However, they put on a MOTN contender, so I really shouldn't care that much. Even Kash/Hernandez had a certain logic to it, despite it being thrown together at the last minute. Hell, Kim/Tessmacher had a story going into it as well.
Finally, Storm beating Crimson was totally the right move. That undefeated streak was the biggest joke in wrestling (well in TNA at least, I'm not touching the shit-fest going on in WWE right now) and who better to break it than the returning hero? I wouldn't have minded that Christian angle, but it was made clear that he was not going to be wrestling. Would you rather have had Alex Silva break the streak? As Apex said, it got a pop and caused people to mark out. I think that's what you want on one of your big PPV's.
Are you sure you're not just bitter that Tessmacher beat Gail Kim and that's what's causing you're angst towards this show? Because I can understand it if that's why. I feel the same way about Lockdown and Storm's loss, but the difference is, I can see a lot more positives coming out of Slammiversary than I could out of Lockdown.