This is why i hate 12 year old Cena marks.
1)"If he really was hated" Oh im sure he doesnt get booed everytime hes in that ring, im sure i have hearing problems and so does the thousands of people who hear Cena getting booed and humiliated by the crowds everytime.
When was the last time u saw a face, go up against a heel, and get booed. Exclude the rock rivalry, getting booed against someone like rock isnt something to be ashamed off, but getting booed while feuding with major heels like Miz and Del Rio, now thats emberassing.
2)Hes the person that made WWE as big as it is? Why because he made a movie? Wrestlers like Rock made 10x the amount of movies that he has. Because he get cheered by some kids? The ovation Stone Cold Recieved at 1998 and 1999s, and the ovation Rock recieved at 1999s - 2000, nobody else can or will ever match that. Becasue his shirts are the most sold? What do u expect when Vince targets the kiddy base as his primary audience and turns the show PG? Cena is a money maker for vince, but however he has nothing to do with making the show better. Legends like Flair and hogan and austin and rock and taker and micheals and hhh made the show what it is. Cena will have to go a long way to be considered one of the greats.