I'll do my best to translate that in to some form of rudimentary english. Dyslexic? Too bad, don't respect me and I won't respect you.
I only hate PARTS of the WWE, not all of it. I'm sure there are parts of it you don't like either.
-Dried up bald fat talentless red faced has beens performing at Wrestlemania and his wanna-be-blowjob-givers trying to claim it was the best match of all time, pretty much insulting anyone with actual wrestling talent? Hate.
-People who are booked in identical inspirational-speech feuds and continue to win for a year and a half, only stopping when God himself intervenes? Hate.
-People who, talented or not, wouldn't be as high up the food chain as they are were they not sticking their cocks in the boss's daughter? Hate.
-Talented people who are fired, regardless of overness, because the boss's daughter or the guy fucking her personally dislikes said person? Hate.
-Divas? Hate.
So basically I dislike two individual people, a has been from the 80's, and glorified sluts. I can't even say anything about Cena's booking because he's actually being pinned now. Just to clarify, since everyone seems to think otherwise: I do NOT hate Cena. Outside the ring he's a great guy on par with Mick Foley, and in the ring he has talent. It's how he was formerly booked that I can't stand. But nevertheless, two individuals, a few pieces of meat who want praise for taking their clothes off for money, and a has-been do not comprise the entirety of the WWE. I like everything else about it as much as the next guy.