Reach for the (Minus) Stars: Sky's Collection of Bad Matches

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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #180
Tyrus (c) vs. Rolando Freeman
for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship

NWA Powerrr - February 14, 2023

Hey, remember when Rolando Freeman interfered against Tyrus in that match? They follow that up! Thankfully, a title defence against Mike Knox is not forthcoming. So, Tyrus has an interview on the next edition of Powerrr(rrrrrrrrrr), talking about how fuck the Internet haters, then Rolando Freeman comes out to accuse Tyrus of ducking him. For those not aware, Rolando Freeman is, shall we say, less than five feet tall. Rolando wants a title match, Aron Stevens doesn't want him being a babyface for some reason, but that's the setup for the title match.

(Honestly, skimming through the rest of this show, it's not looking totally terrible. It's a shame how Tyrus gives actual talented workers a stink.)

Rolando does a stripper dance with his stablemates in the Spectaculars. Tyrus isn't taking him seriously, coming out in street clothes and without seconds. Rolando challenges him, trying to go for a suplex. Tyrus just tosses him off with one hand. Rolando claims if Tyrus were on his level he'd get knocked out. Tyrus obliges and gets on his knees, but still tosses Rolando. Tyrus completely no-sells everything Rolando does, then gets up, goozles him, and presses him against the corner. T-bone suplex, Tyrus strolls over, one-foot pin... but Tyrus doesn't want to pin for some reason. It's because BLK Jeez is with EC3 now. No idea why, don't really care. Elbow drop kills Rolando.

What the hell was the point of that? Just a squash to set up a storyline development that gets little reaction.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #181
Tyrus (c) vs. Daga
No Disqualification Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship

NWA/AAA The World Is A Vampire - March 4, 2023

And now for something a little different... a show from AAA! This is probably the height of the collaboration between my two personal least favourite wrestling companies, a match that took place at a Smashing Pumpkins concert tour of Mexico. The show featured such "highlights" as Cuatrero's last match before being arrested, Psycho Clown vs. Trevor Murdoch (a fever dream of a matchup) and this, the main event. I don't see how this can go well. One final note: I'm using the Mexican feed this time because it's better than the NWA commentators.

Daga rolls out to stall for time (it is a Tyrus match, after all) while Tyrus calls him a chicken. Tyrus slowly follows him out, then back in. Daga tries a beatdown but Tyrus just stands up, no-selling everything as usual, then shoulderblocks him down. Daga tries a slam but pulls a muscle while Tyrus just side-eyes the camera. Tyrus slams Daga then goes for a headbutt to the dick. Hey, it's No DQ. He then goes for an inverted atomic drop. It's cute how Daga sells the tailbone, as if that's what that move is for. Tyrus is just zero effort here. Daga runs the ropes, takes out Tyrus' leg, then hits a crossbody. Daga's beatdown is barely sold at all. He hits a dropkick (which clearly misses) for only a one-count, then stomps the knee, but fucks his own knee in the process. Tyrus goes home quickly (well, as quickly as he can), walking the ropes and hitting his shitty elbow drop for the three.

You hate to see someone get injured legit, but at least it meant less Tyrus match.
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #182
Tyrus (c) vs. EC3
Bullrope Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship

NWA 75th Anniversary - August 27, 2023

And this is, sadly for this thread, the end of the Torrid Tyrus Top Title Trudge. There was a defence against Chris Adonis at NWA 312, but for the life of me I have not been able to find a link to that show. The only one I can find cuts off mid-show so neither of the "bad" matches on it are available. So we won't get a complete rundown of Tyrus for now. But it should be considered a positive that Tyrus' run is over, in a way. Not only is this a Bullrope match, if Tyrus loses he has to retire. This is, according to people who watched it closely, the worst of the lot. Let's see.

EC3 comes out with one of those Roman gladiator shoulder pads to an epic version of his old TNA theme. Tyrus comes out in a Ric Flair robe with his son and daughter, who probably hate wrestling after watching their dad's matches. This man can barely walk.

Tyrus pulls back the rope to get the bell in the middle. He and EC3 meet, and instead of kissing Lady-and-the-Tramp-style, they just stare down until Tyrus goes for an early Tongan Death Grip. EC3 breaks out by striking the knee. He goes for chops, which Tyrus completely no-sells and mocks, before taking EC3 down and hammering away with the bell. EC3 tries to go to the outside but he's limited by the rope. Tyrus hits a Bionic Elbow before hitting some rope-assisted punches to the midsection in each corner. He looks gassed already. Tyrus tosses EC3 out, then drags him back in. A bit of (bull)rope choking followed by a T-bone suplex. Tyrus talks to camera with the rope in EC3's mouth, audibly struggling for breath. "Are we having fun or what?" -no.

Tyrus keeps whipping away then goes for an elbow drop, but misses in his first bump of the match. He then goes for a slow corner charge, but EC3 sidesteps, then sends him into the post shoulder-first. EC3 hits a DDT, over the ropes, to the wooden camera platform. If that sounds like a cool spot, don't worry - it's lame. Then a DDT to the floor, meaning Tyrus has to gently roll over him to take it. I think of all the great NWA Champs that Shane Douglas named in that speech, and how they'd wish for death when they saw what this became. EC3's courteous enough to ask the commentators to clear their expensive equipment before attempting to STO Tyrus through the table, but Tyrus counters and hits a T-bone suplex on the floor. The carpeted floor.

EC3 grabs the belt, has to wait several seconds for Tyrus to counter him, then gets chokeslammed through another table. Tyrus goes for a pin, not realising it's not falls count anywhere. Let's do something to make this more interesting - let's time some things, shall we?
  • Tyrus hitting the chokeslam -> getting down to make the cover: 8 seconds
  • Ref telling him it's not falls count anywhere -> him realising this: 16 seconds
  • Getting up afterwards -> touching EC3 again: 15 seconds
  • Touching EC3 again -> getting both of them back into the ring: 23 seconds
  • Time to hit another offensive move after that (a kick to a prone EC3): 12 seconds
Yeah, you could say his pace is deliberate. And then you get the most infamous spot of this match. Tyrus does the phone sign and says "SOMEBODY CALL MY MAMA", with the expression and pace of an 80-year-old dementia patient. He does the most pathetic running of the ropes this side of Kelly Kelly, before reviving his Brodus Clay finisher (a big splash with zero elevation). That's the one that got giffed and shared everywhere, and it's essentially a summing-up of this match.

With the rope caught inside the ring post while the wrestlers are on the outside, Tyrus lightly punches EC3, to which EC3 responds by pulling the rope so Tyrus smashes his face into the post. Shame the camera misses it completely, huh? He does it a couple more times to damage Tyrus' rope arm. "He's not done yet, by the looks of it" -Velvet Sky on the bloated corpse that's hanging off the corner right now. EC3 bends a garbage can over Tyrus' head before laying in chair shots. Tyrus doesn't really sell, but visibly struggles to get back into the ring. More chair shots, including some to the ankles. One guy tries to start a "Tyrus sucks" chant.

EC3 is telling Tyrus to just give up already (me too). Instead of going for another chair shot he just takes a seat. He doesn't really want to hurt Tyrus anymore, but Tyrus is just so broken. "IT'S OVER" screams EC3 going for one last chair, but Tyrus punches him in the leg and oh no, it's the comeback spot. Tongan Death Grip and slam, but Tyrus has bumped the ref. EC3 pulls the rope so Tyrus gets it right in his Funkadactyls. Two One-Percenters on to the bell... TYRUS KICKS OUT AT ONE?? Tyrus slowly gets up, EC3 hits him in the face with the cowbell... more no-selling until EC3 hits a third. Then it's the Purpose submission with the rope, and Tyrus finally taps.

Post-match Tyrus gets a long retirement speech and I JUST DO NOT GIVE A FUCK. IT'S OVER (for now).

I never want to watch another Tyrus match again. Slow, low-impact, low-intensity, this 50-year-old career failure needing to be protected somehow. Fuck it all.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #183
Ronda Rousey vs. Shayna Baszler
MMA Rules Match

WWE SummerSlam - August 5, 2023

Might as well, right? Today was pretty heavy on shit that made me hate things I used to love. I don't imagine this will help. But I feel the need to contribute somehow. This is the second of 5 nominees for Worst Match of 2023 in that awards thread (that some people didn't even notice finished :side: ) and I remember it sucking. But how does it hold up to the rest of the suckage? It's a worked MMA fight, so I imagine pretty well!

Both these women have some of the worst eye makeup. The referee explains the rules: knockout or submission only, no rope breaks. Makes sense. Ronda offers a glove touch, which is apparently unprecedented for her, but Shayna refuses.

Initial exchange is... eh. They get close together and Ronda briefly gets a single underhook, going for a knee. Ronda hits an armdrag but Shayna establishes control of the arm. taking shots from Ronda. Ronda breaks out and takes Shayna to the mat. We're getting "boring" chants from a couple of people already. Ronda tries for an armbar but Shayna won't let the arm be extended. Shayna's going for leg kicks. Lot of staredown until Shayna gets a big roundhouse kick and Ronda has to roll out. Shayna then tries for a kneebar. They're punching on the floor. Yep, those are "boring" chants all right. Ronda gets a step-up high knee to Shayna's face, and I'm not sure that's MMA.

Now a bit of waiting while the ref is asking Shayna if she's ready to continue. Eventually Ronda tries an armbar/triangle but Shayna lifts Ronda up and sends them both out. Shayna's hurt her arm, so the ref sends for medical staff. Except they just ask "u good?" rather than do anything medical. I'd hate to think WWE's actual staff is like that. Ronda attacks the medical jobbers... DQ, surely? Shayna's recovered, so let the punchy-punchy begin. Shayna gets the Kirifuda Clutch until Ronda goes down for an armbar. She almost manages to extend the injured arm but Shayna converts to an ankle lock. Ronda gets a rear naked choke, but Shayna tosses her off. Ronda goes for the high knee again but Shayna converts it to the Kirifuda Clutch. Shayna's biting her own glove so Ronda can't break it, and Ronda soon passes out.

Well, there was a point to it, and it finished clean, so it's cleared the low bar for worked MMA. Still, though, not that interesting.

Death By Looch

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Jan 29, 2020
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Shayna's hurt her arm, so the ref sends for medical staff. Except they just ask "u good?" rather than do anything medical. I'd hate to think WWE's actual staff is like that.​
You'd think that... but that's pretty much what Punk said about the doctor/real medical staff after he walked out in 2014, so...

I'm still bitter about this match, because of Shayna. I didn't had high hopes she'd be featured greatly or in a good way after that match anyways, but that one killed pretty much everything, which is a shame. She still didn't get the push and run she fuckin' deserved in the first place.

...and I know she's not the greatest, but still. Underrated when it comes to being actually entertaining in segments (I think she could easily be in the top 5 of the Division when it comes to that, if they'd just let her) and underutilized due to misguided storylines and not really giving her a lot to shine with her strengths.

Sorry for the rambling.
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #184
Baron Corbin vs. Gable Steveson
WWE NXT The Great American Bash - July 30, 2023

The second of two matches from the Worst Match nominees to take place under the WWE umbrella is this. The first, and hopefully last, televised match of the rapist Gable Steveson, who is a rapist. He's a rapist who got away with raping a woman due to a loophole that was closed specifically due to his rape case. And yet, he's a rapist who remains employed by WWE. The company that was, until recently, owned by another rapist. Should we be surprised? Aside from the rapist being a rapist, he doesn't seem to get the business, as we'll find out here. I'll try to avoid mentioning that Gable Steveson is a rapist from now on, as otherwise, that would double the length of this entry. Let's get it over with.

Gable gets a huge entrance for his first match. You know another terrible thing about him? Because of him, you can't call Kurt Angle wrestling's only Olympic gold medallist anymore. He's not getting the reaction they want, though, with everyone on hard cam just sitting on their hands. They barely make contact before we first hear "Let's go Corbin". Gable tries to go for waistlocks, and Corbin just brings the brawling, like the true successor to JBL they tried to make him for two weeks. Remember that? Gable avoids a corner charge by leaping over, and Corbin drops to the outside, where the camera loses sight of where he is for about 5 seconds.

Back in the ring, Corbin gets caught in the ankle lock... and has to roll to the outside again. Gable comes out and gives him a German suplex on the floor. Gable gets a waistlock but Corbin backs him into the ring post. Now the crowd is chanting "You're not Angle". In the ring again, Gable is sent shoulder-first into another ring post. Corbin tries to get heel heat, not entirely successfully. "Baron Corbin" chants ring out as Corbin goes for a rope choke in another attempt to get his opponent cheered. Gable comes in with some horrible-looking forearms, but Corbin catches him for a Death Valley Driver and a two-count. A lariat gets Corbin another two.

Gable counters a Corbin attack and bashes his face into the ropes, but he's hurt his arm and Corbin takes advantage by stomping a mudhole. Corbin's shoving Gable like a bully and the crowd's seriously chanting "Let's go Corbin" again! :lmao Gable fights back, hits a series of belly-to-belly suplexes, and clotheslines Corbin out. He then brings Corbin back into the ring just to toss him out again. Corbin puts Gable back-first into the apron and they brawl some more, involving the announcers' table. It's a double count-out.

Gable charges Corbin over the table as the loudest chant is now "bullshit". Gable takes the straps down to a chorus of boos, and security struggles to separate him from Corbin. Gable's suplexing security, they roll to the outside again. Corbin sends Gable into the ring post, but Gable responds by suplexing Corbin so hard he smashes the barricade. While Gable's celebrating in the ring, you can actually hear the moment they turn off the crowd mics and bring out the hairdryers.

Normally I don't recommend watching bad matches, but this has to be seen to be believed. Or rather, heard. It's amazing how much Corbin does to be a heel and yet gets cheered. Gable Steveson is being pushed so hard as the next Kurt Angle but that's just not true. Partly because Kurt Angle's not a rapist. As far as I know. He just played one on TV.
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Dreams are Endless
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Ngl that match got me so hype bc of the Corbin reaction lmao especially when he started leaning into it and then he didn't even lose, impeccable really

Storm Trooper

If I can be Storm Trooper for a Minute
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You know something. I don't know if you guys know this or not, but I think that Gable Steveson guy may be a rapist?

He got the crowd to finally acknowledge that Baron Corbin is awesome so he did one thing good.


Dreams are Endless
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It shouldn't be lost that Corbin was also cutting some damn good promos on him prior too


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #185
Vampiro/Jack Evans/Aramis vs. Pagano/Bestia 666/Mecha Wolf 450
AAA TripleMania XXXI Tijuana - July 15, 2023

It's the final two, baby. Two more nominees for Worst Match of 2023, and we get this affair from AAA. Lucha old man matches are either good or really, really sad. This one features Vampiro, at an age where he really should not be wrestling. I'm ready for sadness!

The entrances in this one are weird. Bestia and Mecha Wolf come out with some self-performed metal (and their NWA Tag Team Titles), then Aramis and Evans, then Vampiro, and finally Pagano separately from his team. The main story is that Vampiro and Pagano are Not Friends Anymore because Pagano is bros with La Rebelion. They get in each other's face again and again during the pre-match.

We start out with Evans vs. Mecha Wolf. Evans gets an advantage early, hits a springboard enzuigiri, does a dive fakeout, then tags to Aramis. Bestia shoves Aramis over but Aramis does a sort of reverse kip-up. This is a good sequence, Aramis doing a lot of the kicking. He dodges all around the ring post, gets Bestia out... then does a dive fakeout of his own! Aramis is so cool. This makes me want to see more of him, which is not what a Bad Match Thread match should do. This is worrying me.

Pagano now, and he wants Vampiro! Vampiro wanders around like the old man he is, until Pagano grabs his shirt. I don't know what looks more unconvincing: Vampiro's brawling or his selling. There's a really weird collision that I think was meant to be a Vampiro takedown facebuster but Vampiro just stumbles. Pagano's trying a suplex, but Vampiro tosses him out. Vampiro also leaves, but the camera's more interested in him than in an Aramis dive on Pagano, because it completely misses that!

La Rebelion double-team Evans before starting to attack Vampiro, who hasn't yet managed to leave the ring. He's a 56-year-old Alzheimers patient, of course he'd not make it out of the ring in the space of a minute. Mecha Wolf does a dive while Bestia goes for a corner choke (but on camera it just looks like Vampiro's hugging his leg). Now Pagano's attacking, and commentary calls him "wrestling's answer to Doyle from the Misfits". I would have thought that would be the actual Doyle from the Misfits, given that weird Misfits in WCW run. I have to watch that too, fuck. Also, Estrellita interferes with a hip attack. No DQ called.

Pagano hits a leg drop, and Aramis makes the mistake of going for the save while it's 3-on-1, and gets attacked too. Ref holds back Estrellita for like 2 seconds and then lets her keep interfering. Time for a beatdown of Aramis, but at least he can (1) get in position in a timely manner and (2) sell. Same goes for Evans, with him actually having to sell for Estrellita rubbing her ass in his face, ending in a Rebelion double knee and a two-count. Aramis jumps back in but gets fucked right up too. All sense of structure has been abandoned.

Finally, Mecha Wolf splashes Estrellita by mistake. Time for the Aramis comeback. Poison Rana to Mecha Wolf! Bestia hits Pagano by mistake! Aramis kicks Bestia. Then Jack Evans does a springboard move that the camera misses. At least it doesn't miss his Asai moonsault. Oh fuck, Vampiro's back, and he can now pathetically brawl with Pagano. He does a spin kick but collapses. He goes for the pin but Mecha Wolf comes in and punts him in the face (reminder: dementia patient). Evans/Aramis vs. Rebelion brawl. Sick little tag move sees Evans moonsault off Bestia while Aramis has him in a fireman's carry, then Aramis drives Bestia down. Double pin, only a two-count.

Pagano/Evans, and now we have a semblance of normality... until Estrellita and Bestia drag Evans crotch-first into the post. Side slam backbreaker from Pagano to Aramis, but he really stalls it out. In the background Vampiro is fighting Bestia. This isn't even lucha tag rules, it's just anyone fighting whomever they want. Mecha Wolf hits a big lariat to Evans, then La Rebelion hit a double buckle bomb and a 3K (flapjack/flatliner). Aramis breaks up the pin. But then he eats a powerbomb/backstabber combo!

The beatdown continues until... Arez and Komander, the current AAA Tag Team Champions, show up? Why didn't they have a match? Who knows? "This match has come to a standstill", says the commentator, saving me time on thinking something original. Vampiro's just standing on the apron, no idea where or who he is. Arez and Komander hit dives that the camera misses. Pagano and Vampiro now... I don't know if Vampiro's selling a bad shoulder, or he has a shoot bad shoulder, or if he's just so mentally fucked up that he's moving funny. These two are allegedly brawling.

Suddenly, the SECOND run-in of this match, as Black Taurus comes out, with another man in a hood! They come out to attack both Pagano and Vampiro. The man in the mask reveals himself to be Texano Jr., making his AAA return. Estrellita slaps Texano so she eats a powerbomb. The two of them both beat up Evans and Aramis. Ref has no idea what's going on. Neither do I. Texano's here to reunite Los Mercenarios. No sign of an actual finish to this match, by the way. The referee's fucked off. All sense has fucked off.

I hate that there were such flashes of fun tag-team wrestling here. If we'd had La Rebelion vs. Evans and Aramis as a 2v2, we'd have gotten some good stuff, but of course Vampiro had to dodder around for a while before the random interference spots that are treated as somehow being completely normal. Where's the structure?

But it's better than what's coming up... I'm not sure if I'm ready.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #186
Big F'N Joe vs. The Body

XPW Here Comes Revenge - March 25, 2023

During the course of this match, one wrestler puts a syringe through his opponent's exposed penis.

That is all that most people know about this match, and it is what drove this match to be this very site's winner of Worst Match of 2023. It's been called a new low for deathmatch wrestling (which it isn't, the lowest low of deathmatch wrestling happened 15 years before this, but that's an entry for another day). It's been called the most disgusting spot in wrestling history. But the problem is... I doubt many people have watched this match in full. Of course. Why would you willingly watch modern XPW? So I guess it falls to me to go through this in full. Let's watch the needledick match. Time for us all to pick a God and pray.

"Why don't we see a couple bitches in action?" says the delightful ring announcer. We get a low-quality pre-tape of the Body burning paper with people's names on it, most of which I don't recognise, while cutting an awful promo. Turns out this Body character is playing a gay gimmick, and yet he's getting pops in front of this crowd. He elbow drops the mic, which causes it to not work half the time. Wait a minute, we've got a quick Pronoun VAR Check. Body claims they/them pronouns in the pre-match, but... I'm not sure it's legit or just a heel gimmick trying to get boos from Rob Black's intended audience. I'll use they from now on, just because it makes it easier to differentiate between them and Joe if the two are using different pronouns. The crowd's cheering Joe too... guess they cheer everyone who fucks up their own body. Joe dresses like a businessman who's taken his trousers off.

Long staredown. Body goes for a crossbody but Joe gives them a big old Black Hole Slam through a door. Joe grabs the mic and calls Body "a silly fucking cunt" while they blade. Chairshot to Body as commentary muses on the word "cunt" when said by an Englishman, before Joe suplexes Body with their neck on a light tube for two. Joe starts smashing Body with half the door. He tries to start a "who are ya?" chant but the Americans aren't familiar with that one. Joe opens up Body's wound more then throws a chair. He hypes up the crowd while seemingly punching himself in the dick (oh no) then hits a cannonball. Goes for another corner charge, but this time Body gets the feet up and hits a tornado DDT. They hit a double foot stomp on to a chair... but the ref doesn't even bother counting? Why?

Somebody's thrown a dildo into the ring. A series of counters before Body bites Joe on the cock. At least that's a worked penis injury. They try to go for an X-Factor but Joe no-sells and boots Body in the face. He knots Body's legs, then grabs the dildo, shoves it into Body's mouth, and hits them with it. This would be a fun spot if it weren't, you know, booked as a gay-bashing. (Speaking of gay-bashing, that reminds me of another future entry.) Joe tries and fails to toss the dildo back into the crowd, as the fan gives it back. Vertical suplex for two, followed by a literal Body slam, then Joe goes for a reverse Vader Bomb but misses. Body pulls out a Bronco Buster, that classic staple of every gay gimmick. Kneepads down for Body... Joe gets the feet up.

And here it is. Time for the spot that brought this to the attention of thousands, rather than the dozens that actually paid for it. Joe pulls down Body's tights and underwear, grabs a syringe.... and you know exactly what happens. To be fair to him, he stretches out the foreskin, so it doesn't go through the actual equipment... but to be even more fair, it's a SYRINGE THROUGH THE FUCKING PENIS. We get a few graphic shots of what's happened before Body pulls it out, pulls up their tights, and takes a dropkick from Joe for the... TWO?????





I don't want to applaud anything from XPW, but that shows INCREDIBLE audacity. To have someone's ACTUAL REAL LIFE PENIS pulled out on PPV and then get STABBED BY A FUCKING SYRINGE... and then have that be NOT THE FINISH OF THE MATCH... that shows a level of deathmatch stupidity that I didn't expect from even XPW. At this point, there is no finish to this match I would believe other than one of these wrestlers pulling out a knife and shoot cutting their opponent's cock and balls clean off. Or pulling a gun and shooting them in the taint. Or... honestly I don't want to think about this anymore. I miss the days when the most I had to worry about was a "Macho Warrior" Ric Hogan match.

Anyway, Joe breaks a light tube over Body's three-holed wang and stomps a mudhole in it. Body's still standing, trying to brawl. Their ass is out. They get a corner charge, but miss a second one, and Joe hits them with a rolling light-tube-attack-to-the-head. Joe gets a full body plastic bag, wraps Body in it, and tombstones them. Ref pulls it off so the Body doesn't, you know, suffocate, but Joe gets a pane of glass, puts it on Body's back, and re-applies the bag. Joe smashes the chair on the Body bag over and over until the glass shatters, leaving Body in a bag full of broken shards. Joe hits Body with the chair more until the referee stops the match. The Body wakes up and leaves the ring under their own power, somehow. And as for the pronoun thing? Yeah, commentators used he/him throughout. But doesn't this make the post a bit more readable?

I'm genuinely lost. I'm just... fucking lost. Were the penis spot not there, I'd say it's a pretty standard deathmatch, fairly low on the craziness except for the bag thing. But... the penis. The syringe through the penis. Not to moralise, but permanent injury to that area is one of the lines you do not cross. And XPW crossed it. And it WASN'T THE FINISH. This made me feel dirty in a way that very little else can. For what it is, it's theoretically not belonging among the worst of all time, the Bushwhackers/Sheik and Volkoff, the Cena/Laurinaitis... but to go that far, and to treat it as nothing... and to not have it figure in the actual result of the match. Yeah, this one absolutely belongs among the worst of the worst of the worst. This is why no one respects wrestling. Fuck it all.
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Bobby Barrows

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And people wonder why I fucking despise death match wrestling lol

Storm Trooper

If I can be Storm Trooper for a Minute
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So they actually show the mans genitalia on the broadcast?

And the mother fucker puts NEEDLE through it.


How the fuck did anyone think any of this was a good idea?
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Bobby Barrows

Trans Rights
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So they actually show the mans genitalia on the broadcast?

And the mother fucker puts NEEDLE through it.


How the fuck did anyone think any of this was a good idea?
Well you first gotta look at who the owner is.

The dude owns a porn business and follows the Ian Rotten school of promoting.

He's a certified cretin.
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Neo Genesis
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I will never watch XPW ever. The Gay Bashing/non-binary panic was just a pallet cleanser to what the fuck was that and it wasn't even the finish.


