Reach for the (Minus) Stars: Sky's Collection of Bad Matches

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Social Progressive
Mar 7, 2019
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Entry #809
Madusa vs. Col. Robert Parker
WCW Uncensored - March 24, 1996

There's two more turds in the Uncensored punchbowl, and they're relatively short, so let's cover them. And first is yet another example of the "misogynist has to wrestle a woman" angle that WCW just kept doing. This isn't even the last time they'd do it with Madusa!

As soon as I see Parker, fanning himself with a handkerchief, I think - why are so many rich bigoted Southerners depicted wearing white suits and hats and sweating all the time? I check, and as it turns out, there's a TV Tropes page for that. Then I remind myself to get back to the match and not get distracted. Lock-up and Parker does a corner choke. Dusty Rhodes is absolutely giddy that this is happening. Madusa manages to shove and toss Parker. AIRPLANE SPIN by Parker and Madusa goes into a sunset flip for two. Madusa slams the 196-pound giant and Parker rolls out. He tries to head to the back but Dick Slater gives him support. Back in, CHOKEBOMB by Parker. (Somewhere, the Great Khali watches and learns.) He misses an elbow, eats two dropkicks, and a crossbody to the outside. It looks almost like Parker caught her into a Flatliner, but the way they're selling means it's just a botch. German suplex by Madusa... Slater sweeps away Madusa's leg and Parker gets on top of her for the win.

Not awful, considering the non-wrestler presence, but for that one really bad botch.
Who was the non wrestler in this match cuz Robert Fuller had been a wrestler for decades before this, and Madusa was a decent talent for the time, imo.
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #811
Hollywood Hogan vs. The Disciple
WCW Thunder - April 1, 1999

We conclude our Beefcake-a-thon with a look at his last WCW persona - The Disciple! He'd grown facial hair and was a biker now, but still just hung around Hulk Hogan. Which led to this match!

Disciple doesn't even have music. Hogan coming out in the red and black to the Wolfpac music will never not feel wrong. Hogan shoves Disciple off him a couple of times. Disciple rakes and takes Hogan to the corners. Hogan gets Disciple cornered with a clothesline and starts attacking him there. Slam and elbow for a one-count. He takes off the weight belt but Disciple steals it and whips away. TO THE OUTSIDE for good old-fashioned BOTO and abuse of the belt. Ref isn't even administering a count of ten because WCW has abandoned wrestling. Disciple uses a grounded choke because he never was with wrestling. Hogan gets up and does a non-clothesline for two.

Stand-up brawl and a back suplex for two. Hogan goes for a roll-up but Disciple grabs the rope. Disciple gets a vertical suplex for two, and of course Hogan gets right up. He stamps Disciple's head which confuses him so much he begs for mercy to a turnbuckle. Disciple gets some throat thrusts and a Russian legsweep... but Hulk-up time! Big boot, gonna be a leg drop, but Ric Flair trips Hogan. Disciple hits the Apocalypse (a worse Stunner)... but Hogan gets up and Hulks up again! To prevent the pin President Flair runs in, calls for a DQ, and bumps the ref. The two of them fight and Flair sells Hogan's POINT more than Hogan sells any of Flair's stuff. All the Horsemen run in but Hogan solos them. This is why I hate this guy.

I want to share one last fact with you - later this month, on a Championship Wrestling of Pennsylvania show, the Disciple wrestled CHAINZ! The battle of two guys shoved unnaturally into biker gimmicks. Shame that hasn't been filmed, right?

Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Entry #809
Madusa vs. Col. Robert Parker
WCW Uncensored - March 24, 1996

There's two more turds in the Uncensored punchbowl, and they're relatively short, so let's cover them. And first is yet another example of the "misogynist has to wrestle a woman" angle that WCW just kept doing. This isn't even the last time they'd do it with Madusa!

As soon as I see Parker, fanning himself with a handkerchief, I think - why are so many rich bigoted Southerners depicted wearing white suits and hats and sweating all the time? I check, and as it turns out, there's a TV Tropes page for that. Then I remind myself to get back to the match and not get distracted. Lock-up and Parker does a corner choke. Dusty Rhodes is absolutely giddy that this is happening. Madusa manages to shove and toss Parker. AIRPLANE SPIN by Parker and Madusa goes into a sunset flip for two. Madusa slams the 196-pound giant and Parker rolls out. He tries to head to the back but Dick Slater gives him support. Back in, CHOKEBOMB by Parker. (Somewhere, the Great Khali watches and learns.) He misses an elbow, eats two dropkicks, and a crossbody to the outside. It looks almost like Parker caught her into a Flatliner, but the way they're selling means it's just a botch. German suplex by Madusa... Slater sweeps away Madusa's leg and Parker gets on top of her for the win.

Not awful, considering the non-wrestler presence, but for that one really bad botch.
Jenna Morasca took the finish of this match as the inspiration for her own "crotch-to-face" pin version.
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #812
Marti Belle vs. Rachel Evers
Mae Young Classic 2017 First Round Match

WWE The Mae Young Classic - August 28, 2017

I'm so fucking tired of WCW now. I need to go through a bunch of non-WCW to restore my sanity. Ah, here we go. The match from the Mae Young Classic that nobody liked. Rachael Ellering (under her WWE-approved "non-related" name) takes on Marti Belle. 1.40/10 says the hivemind, are they right?

Marti wants time to warm up before Rachel can engage, and the ref complies. Lock-up goes to the corner. Rachel has a significant support section. Both women try headlocks. Marti puts a knee in to stop Rachel in her tracks, though the distance between Rachel and Marti's knee is noticeable even from this angle. Marti does some sort of underhook suplex (I can't tell what it was meant to be, it was that sloppy) for two. Belly-to-back but Rachel doesn't go down and just dumps Marti. Big boot by Rachel gets a 1-2 (sweeeeeet. Wow that chant is obnoxious). Rachel does some sort of trip to get Marti into the corner for a springboard turning leg drop. Only gets 1 because of the ropes. Marti rolls out, Rachel tries to drag her back in head-first but Marti snaps her neck over the rope.

Neckbreaker by Marti for only a one-count. Marti takes some shots and Rachel's selling doesn't feel believable. Lariat for two. Rachel blocks a turnbuckle bash and then it feels like both women are just standing around until Rachel makes her comeback. Rachel then... drops right to the mat, seemingly for no reason. Marti didn't dodge anything. JR tries to sell it as a scissors kick. Then they do the spot again as a running senton, making it clear there was some mispositioning. Rachel does a "modified" (JR-ese translation: really fucking awful looking) spinebuster for two. She then seems to be going for a fisherman's... something, but just drops Marti down and splays her out. Words fail me. Marti hits a variation of the Stroke (a variation because it didn't look great) for two. Rachel gets a sudden small package for the win.

Really awkward, botchy, mistimed, zero chemistry match. How did WWE view this and decide Rachel was the one they'd pick up? On this evidence, she should have been laughed out of the building.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #813
Enzo Amore vs. Big Cass
WWE Great Balls of Fire - July 9, 2017

Today's theme - well, its first theme, because this one is fairly short - is "Solo Enzo Amore". The realest guy in the room split from Big Cass, because teams must split in Vince McMahon's WWE, and this is their blowoff match against each other. At Eat Balls. Wonder why they never did this show name again? 1.76/10 according to the hivemind. Let's test that claim.

Enzo of course grabs a mic and leads the crowd in his catchphrase before... cutting an overly long promo on Cass that kills the crowd that was previously hot for him. Yikes. He wins them back eventually though. Cass gets in the way of his own graphic so it says "BIG ASS". Enzo tries to charge and to jab but Cass is just too big and tosses him to the mat. Cass does what appears to be a variant of the crossface chickenwing. Fallaway slam. Enzo has gotten nothing. Cass is about to miss a corner splash so he just... stops. Enzo gets some kicks off but Cass just keeps bullying him. Cass drapes Enzo in the corner and whacks him in the back.

Cass is acting like this is a 2020 empty PC match with all the trash talking. He gives Enzo a full on gorilla press slam to the outside and Enzo is just dead out there. Enzo beats the count by about a microsecond but he can't get on his feet properly. Big boot finishes it for Cass. Did anyone compare this guy to Test at the time? It wouldn't exactly be an invalid comparison.

Pure squash that went a bit long for a squash.


Apr 17, 2019
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Entry #814
Neville (c) vs. Enzo Amore
for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

WWE No Mercy - September 24, 2017

Not long after that, Enzo was bumped to 205 Live until he fixed his attitude. Unfortunately, being pretty much the only guy on 205 Live who had a clearly defined character, he was shoved into the title picture in short order, which can't have helped fixing his attitude. He's up this time against Neville, who is so done with the company by this point, and this is probably one of the reasons. Let's watch this match that the quivering mass of opinions they call Cagematch gave a shocking 1.16/10.

Champ out first and being a grumpy Newcastle bastard because he's a heel. Enzo is out in ref stripes for some reason. He promos on Neville calling him if Gollum and Frodo had a baby, and implies he's going to fuck the purple title belt. He's just a catchphrase machine. Neville shoves Enzo into the ropes and tosses him about. I'm worried that it's gotten to the stage that I have no way to describe decent wrestling given that I've seen so much bad wrestling. Neville works the arm and then when Enzo reaches for the ropes he just lets go. THE DISRESPECT! He works Enzo to the mat again and then mistreats that arm again. This time Enzo gets a right to reach the ropes, but gets tripped (landing right on his damn neck) and rolled out.

Enzo scraps with Neville to get into the ring. He gets a boot up in the corner and looks for a flying DDT but Neville catches him and murders him some more in the corner. Neville just stares Enzo down before slide kicking him TO THE OUTSIDE! Enzo goes full body first into the barricade, and beats the count by a microsecond like he did last match. Neville's perched up top but does nothing with it, instead going for a chinlock."No one cares, Enzo!" -Neville, presciently. He sends Enzo out but he skins the cat to stay in. Big superkick downs Enzo but the delayed pin means Neville only gets two. Big "boring" chants from the crowd. I mean... yeah.

Neville waits for Enzo to get back on his feet and then kicks him again and again to send him down. He goes up top, teases the Red Arrow... but goes to the middle rope for a Phoenix Splash instead, and Enzo rolls away. Now we get the flying DDT for two. Neville heads to the outside again and Enzo tries to dive to follow him but an enzuigiri cuts him off. He tosses Enzo into the timekeeper's area to try and incite a count-out. Enzo's grabbed the belt and Neville's ANGRY at that. He's threatening to use it but gives it to the ref... and KICKS NEVILLE IN THE GREGGS BEEF PASTY while the ref's putting it back! New champ!

Honestly? Kind of dug the finish. It was sort of a heel turn for Enzo, which would be cemented later... but the rest of the match was lame. A few decent spots but so much of it just dragged as a result of Neville both being checked out and having to play the "heel who doesn't respect his opponent" role and stall. Nowhere near as awful as some of the turds I've seen, but still a dull ass match.


Apr 17, 2019
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Entry #815
Kalisto (c) vs. Enzo Amore
for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs - October 22, 2017

So yeah, Enzo is now not a fan favourite but a weasely heel. And he lost the belt to 205 Live newcomer Kalisto in a match on TV. Now he's trying to win it back. This isn't actually one of the low scorers, I just wanted to show you the other bad Enzo PPV match.

The crowd still eats up Enzo's catchphrases despite him being a heel. His voice is fucked up which is surely a good thing. Kalisto is clearly pacey but the first thing he does is use a headlock and get back elbowed by Enzo. OVW Thing, Enzo stops short of Kalisto's kick and does his weird strut. Enzo lets Kalisto chase him and tries to catch him with an elbow drop but Kalisto avoids it. Kalisto gets a headscissors and then a bunch of kicks. He then does the strut to mock Enzo, and matadors him outside to take a TOPE SUICIDA. "Kalisto killed Harambe" sign??? When Kalisto's trying to bring Enzo back into the ring, he gets into it with the ref and Enzo trips him.

Enzo does a fairly unique move, transitioning that one yank-out-of-the-corner spot into what appears to be an elbow for two. Now he's got control, trying a submission but deciding to not bother and just going for a punt. Up top, does the Lucha Lucha taunt... and then just drops down. This lets Kalisto sweep the legs. Enzo gets a boot up in the corner and just shoves his foe down. A big right for two and we get what Nigel McGuinness calls a "brutal rear chinlock". Yes, brutal. Just like all of Enzo's offence, brutal to watch. Fucking hell. He thwarts an escape attempt by going for the mask. Kalisto manages to sort of toss him off with what looks like an armdrag motion but Enzo has no idea what to do with it.

Kalisto's on the apron and does the springboard sitout splash, failing to beat the "booked as the next Rey Mysterio" allegations. Headscissors takedown but Enzo gets his foot on the rope. Enzo snaps Kalisto into the buckle neck-first and hits his flying DDT for two. He seems to be setting up an Eat Defeat (I don't know what Enzo called his version and I don't care) but Kalisto pushes him off. Salida del Sol teased but Enzo escapes. He's grabbing the apron, and when the ref pulls it back Enzo pokes the eyes. Enzo gets the win with his finish which I don't even care about the name of.

How do you make a Kalisto match boring? An Enzo masterclass.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #816
Triple H vs. Curtis Axel
WWE Monday Night RAW - May 20, 2013

Now that's done with, let's do some random stuff that I still need to look at. Ah, yes. This match. Triple H having to make the newest Paul Heyman guy look good rather than aggressively mid. 2.00/10 says the hivemind.

HHH still doing the identical entrance to 2002 despite being old is sad, He's not medically cleared after a PPV match last night according to Cole so I guess this is where the jeopardy comes in. Bit of a typical feeling-out to start but HHH shoves Axel into the corner and hits a ripcord clothesline. TO THE OUTSIDE we go as HHH threatens Heyman before shoving Axel back in. Axel does some painfully generic stuff, gets briefly countered, then hits a dropkick for a one-count. BOOT CHOKING! Axel keeps hitting HHH in the jaw because apparently he took a sledgehammer shot there. Fist drop to the face for two.

On goes the chinlock as Heyman tries to make this feel decent, but ultimately fails. HHH lifts out and does corner charges. Time for HHH's sequence. Kneeling facebuster, spinebuster... but he's too tired to hit the Pedigree and clotheslines Axel out. After an apron bash, Axel gets another punch to the face in. He clotheslines Axel over and shoves him right in... but doesn't follow. He can't even climb the apron. He asks for water from the timekeeper, and tries to continue, but stumbles, and collapses. Eventually medical staff call the match off.

So, what happened there? Well, I have a theory. This is a shot at Dolph Ziggler. Recently, Dolph Ziggler had suffered a legit, real concussion that forced him to miss a PPV. So they had HHH do this bit to show off that... wrestlers getting concussions is lame? I guess? Whatever it is, it's something that was done because of Ziggler. But it wasn't in service of Axel, was it? It's not them saying "oh, Axel beat HHH so badly he can't continue". It's them saying "HHH is just too awesome for his own good, he wrestled Lesnar in a cage and he wrestled Axel the next night, and he could have continued the match but those wackass doctors said he couldn't, don't trust doctors". So yeah, that's why it's a shot at Ziggler. Because WWE thinks medical protocol is for pussies. I didn't think I'd do this... but I'm annoyed enough for this to be a red match.


Apr 17, 2019
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Entry #817
Deuce/Domino (c) vs. Sgt. Slaughter/Jimmy Snuka
for the WWE Tag Team Championship

WWE Vengeance: Night of Champions - June 24, 2007

Speaking of head injuries, let's talk about this show! Vengeance '07 is forever blighted by the fact that Chris Benoit was meant to take part, but he was at home murdering his wife and son. It's probably for the best that it's forgotten, because it's a seriously mediocre show. On which the worst match is by all accounts this. Two guys who are pretending to be from the 50's vs. two guys in or around their 60's. And, on the subject of Chris Benoit, one of those old guys also murdered his significant other! 1.16/10 says the hivemind, are they right?

This was intended as an open challenge. Cherry's on roller skates, I love that. They run down former tag champs Tony Garea and Rick Martel who are in the front row. Then out come Slaughter and Snuka and the champs treat them like an incredibly shocking threat. If anything, wrestling has too much reverence for "legends". Snuka up against Domino. They do an OVW Thing and they botch the leapfrog so Domino lands ass-first on Snuka's head, but Snuka's got Pacific Islander Head so he doesn't have to sell it. He takes the edge then tags in Slaughter, who does some strikes and a gutbuster. "USA" chants despite the heel team having more kayfabe Americans than the faces. Snapmare for two.

Slaughter does some corner shoulders and gives a back body drop. Domino gets a kick but Slaughter no-sells and slaps on the Cobra Clutch to a decent pop (the first one all match). I don't believe either "legend" has taken a bump yet. Slaughter hits a clothesline and stumbles over. Some of the crowd are chanting for Cherry. Cobra Clutch again but Deuce gets a hit from the outside so Slaughter punches him out. Soon Deuce tags in and some old-school ref-distractin' puts Slaughter on the back foot. Domino in with a fist drop for two. Deuce drops an elbow. He drags Slaughter's carcass to the centre of the ring to do an imitation Superfly Splash (he's mocking his shoot father, which is fun). But it misses.

In comes Snuka to face his son. Throat thrusts galore! He clotheslines Deuce down for two but Domino makes the save. Slaughter dumps out Domino so Snuka has Deuce alone. Backbreaker, and Superfly Splash teased, but it takes long enough for him to get up that Deuce is up and when Snuka lands he rolls through for the three. Post-match the throwbacks beat up the actual throwbacks before Garea and Martel come to make the save. See, they had a plan for that all along!

Brutally old and crusty in-ring action but not that bad for entertainment overall.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #818
Santino Marella (c) vs. Umaga
for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

WWE Vengeance: Night of Champions - June 24, 2007

Meanwhile... today, 15 years ago, we lost Umaga. I can't say I ever watched him at the time, but from what I've seen he's certainly unforgettable. And what better tribute to a wrestler than looking at a match they did? Here's the runback from Santino's "Milan Miracle" where he won the title off Umaga. It's too short for a rating on Cagematch but it's rated MINUS 1 star by Dave. Let's see it.

Champ out first and is welcomed out by Ricky Steamboat. Umaga goes for a charge and Santino tries rolling up, but Umaga's too powerful. Santino clings to Umaga's back but Umaga just drops on him. Diving headbutt attempt, Santino gets the knees up, but of course Umaga's Samoan so he's fine and hits a superkick. Umaga attacks Santino's shoulder, probably trying to prevent the invention of the Cobra. Then a DEADLY NERVE HOLD! Which takes up about a minute of match. Umaga punches Santino in the corner, over a count of five. DQ'd for Kicking Too Much Ass. Post-match Umaga (who's the face here, despite the bookers' intentions) gives a running ass attack, a top rope splash, and then comes back for a Samoan Spike.

It looked strong after the first minute but that nerve hold just kept on going and it randomly ended. What a waste of time.


Apr 17, 2019
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Entry #819
The Headbangers vs. The Oddities
WWF Rock Bottom: In Your House - December 13, 1998

I'm amazed I don't have more Attitude Era WWF stuff to sift through. I guess I got through the famous ones. Here's one of the ones that's left. MINUS 1 star from Dave, 1.53/10 from the hivemind. The Headbangers recently turned heel and the ICP joined them... then suddenly disappeared before they could do this PPV. It's a shame, Headbangers and ICP vs. the full Oddities complement sounds like a Russo fever dream. It could have easily elevated this PPV to "famously trash" rather than what it is now, which is "famously mid". Let's enjoy the antics of Kurrgan and John Tenta in a mask!

Commentary already doesn't care about this match. Mosh and Kurrgan to start with, and after a bit of stalling Mosh tries a headlock but Kurrgan lifts him. Kurrgan is not selling much of anything. He misses a knee in the corner and gets his neck snapped on the ropes. And yet, he's perfectly fine to do a side slam. Mosh avoids a boot and out comes Thrasher, who gets Kurrgan to sell briefly but eats a sidewalk slam. "Methodical" is how Cole describes it which is how he calls matches slow as fuck. Kurrgan gets a corner splash on both Headbangers and tags in Golga who lifts his shirt to do another.

We get a bit of Golga which is an absolute miracle compared to the dreck we've had from Kurrgan. He drops some limbs. And then inexplicably he tags Kurrgan in again so he can suck. Kurrgan goes to the middle rope for a splash but Thrasher rolls away. Thrasher offence but Kurrgan no-sells everything and blocks a suplex. In comes Mosh to make it a double suplex. They get in a LEAPFROG body guillotine while the ref is distracted. ROPE CHOKING! The seeds of a "boring" chant are planted. Kurrgan recovers with a back body drop and lariat. In comes Golga who hits a DROPKICK in his PJs. Golga gives a powerslam to Thrasher and sets up the Earthquake Golga Splash, but he didn't notice Mosh blind tagged in in the build. Mosh comes off the top with a crossbody for the three.

Why the fuck was so much of this match Kurrgan? He was useless. A lower card match with a "what was this doing on PPV?" vibe.


Dreams are Endless
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Most of the real shit from the attitude era was 3 minute matches on Raw tbh
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Apr 17, 2019
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Entry #820
General Hugh G. Rection (c) vs. The Franchise
for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

WCW Starrcade - December 17, 2000

Being away from late WCW was fun, now to dive back in! Right back to a match that got an incredible 1.14/10 rating from the hivemind. Just from that lineup, you can see why, can't you? The US title has been extricated from the capable hands of Lance Storm and into the lap of Hugh "Bonerjoke" Morrus. He's facing old broken down Shane Douglas for the not-so-big one and my head hurts already.

Douglas comes out, but no Torrie Wilson. He grabs a mic and explains what the storyline behind this match is, because nobody watching Nitro or Thunder is a reasonable assumption by this point. Douglas attacks from behind and stomps away. You know, like seemingly every wrestler in the year 2000. Morrus starts no-selling and does chops. An eye poke doesn't do much for Douglas. They tease bumping the ref a minute in as Morrus misses a corner charge. TO THE OUTSIDE for the same old fucking BOTO in the same old fucking match. Forearm clubs against the announce table. Douglas goes low a million times in a row but Morrus starts no-selling AGAIN.

Bearhug because even a 70's match would be better at this stage. Douglas escapes after a minute by biting, then runs into another bearhug. "Boring" chants ring out as Morrus droops Douglas down for a pin attempt. Then to BEARHUG NUMBER THREE! Arm-drop routine but Douglas is living and escapes by biting again. He tries to lift Morrus but gets pinned for two. No Laughing Matter teased but Douglas trips Morrus so he falls back to the mat neck first. "Die, fatass, die" -Mark Madden. Douglas does a running neckbreaker, and then a piledriver, but even with a damaged neck doesn't go for the pin. Even after another neckbreaker he only tries a delayed pin for two.

ON COMES A CHINLOCK as if the rest of this match weren't an extended rest hold. Morrus fights up as wrestlers usually do but eats another clothesline. Now a gorilla press slam by Morrus. OUTSIDE AGAIN because they're out of ideas and are resorting to bashing each other against the furniture. Douglas is whipped into the rail and battered into the ring post that busts him open. Back in the ring, up top for No Laughing Matter but misses. Douglas pulls out his chain but Morrus ducks the shot and does a back suplex. Out comes Chavo Guerrero Jr. to seemingly turn heel by handing the chain back to Douglas... then he grasses up Douglas for having the chain, leading to a DQ. Chavo tries to save Morrus but gets chained. Franchiser to both guys. Misfits make the save. Even Schiavone has no idea what's going on.

Beyond dreadful. Do these guys even know what a decent match looks like?? Because this was just rest holds and shortcuts.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #821
General Hugh G. Rection (c) vs. The Franchise
First Blood Chain on a Pole Match for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

WCW Sin - January 14, 2001

And since there was a DQ the Feud Must Continue. And continue it did, to this horror waiting to happen. The chain is up high and it's legal. 1.67/10 says the hivemind. Myself, I'd rather just never watch these two again.

First fail: it's advertised as a Chain on a Pole match but it ISN'T ON A POLE. It's above the ring in ladder-match position. Douglas cuts another grumpy old man promo about how he's going to win the title. Morrus warns the ref about the chain hidden in Douglas' tights. So apparently it's only the chain up top that's legal? Douglas starts sensible, with shots to the face, but falls to a shitty chokebomb. Morrus WORKS THE ARM. Because that's what you need in a First Blood match. According to Scott Hudson this match has to finish in the ring. So if you're bleeding on the ramp, that doesn't count? Morrus wants the ref to ASK HIM, despite this match not ending by submission. Crowd wants this match to end already - I'm guessing that's why the "we want blood" chant is loud.

BOOT CHOKING! Because that's what makes you bleed. Morrus continues to work the arm, then realises what match he's in and goes for punches. He's doing it hardway, which is how Schiavone calls it. God I hate this insider shit. Morrus starts no-selling Douglas' punches but doesn't no-sell a kick to the nuts. I thought you had balls of steel a month ago? Morrus gets a top rope clothesline. He seems to be trying to moonsault his way to the chain, but Douglas shakes the ropes to make him fall to the mat - again, neck first. Amazed the bullying fatass never broke his neck on that spot.

Douglas does some generic shit before using a kneeling... kneebreaker? He then WORKS THE LEG on the rope, which leads to a ROPE BREAK by the ref. Of course there's the implication of DQs in a First Blood match. OF COURSE. Shane is trying to take away the vertical base, but that's about it because it can't make him bleed. He does a Figure Four but the crowd just wants them to get to the fireworks factory. Morrus backdrops Douglas TO THE OUTSIDE, where the match can't end, remember! And into the crowd to wake them up, with a shitty crossbody off the rail. Morrus tries to climb the rail but gets tripped. MORE FUCKING LEG WORK on the ring post while the ref continues to complain despite this being No DQ.

Back in the ring and ON GOES A CHINLOCK FUCK RIGHT OFF. Thankfully it ends quickly but Douglas gets press slammed. A limping Morrus brings out a ladder and gets a shot to Douglas' head. Morrus climbs to the chain but Douglas shoves over the ladder. Which BUMPS THE REFEREE JESUS CHRIST WHY. Douglas pulls out a third goddamn chiain from his kneepad, knocks Morrus out with it, then grabs the first chain to make it look legit. Even though it's No DQ so why wouldn't any other chain be legal? If it's only the chain above the ring that's legal, then shouldn't Morrus have been DQ'd for using a ladder as a weapon? What the fuck is going on? Why am I watching wrestling?

Save me