Reach for the (Minus) Stars: Sky's Collection of Bad Matches

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May 22, 2021
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I remember thinking one of the Taker/Kane matches from 2010 was shockingly solid (idr which) despite that feud being such a mess. I honestly hate the Kane/Edge feud from the same year a lot more though. One of their ppv matches (also dr which) was pretty much torture to me. I *hated* Edge's run that year. Don't even like the Jericho matches.
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #695
Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon
No Holds Barred Lumberjack Match

WWE WrestleMania XXVI - March 28, 2010

Another "how the fuck has it taken me this long" is this! The scores of the Montreal Screwjob, finally settled once and for all... except Bret got a pretty serious concussion back in 1999, and he's not allowed to bump. At all, ever. And yet they not only put him in a match, but MULTIPLE matches in 2010! And gave him a title! How this company survives to this day, I have no idea.

Bret gets a big, full-on Mania entrance to make his return. Vince has a FUCKING MIC, and he's announced a slight change of plans. Bret needs to get screwed one more time, so he's paid off the entire Hart family to lumberjack in his favour, with Bruce Hart as special ref. Bret grabs a mic and says that basically "lol. lmao even", the Hart family told Bret about the deal. So they've got Vince's money, and they're still on Bret's side. So, what was the point of pretending Bret was going to be betrayed by his own family for like, 10 seconds?

Bret punches up Vince a bit, grinds his face against the ropes, then starts stomping. In the jean shorts and black shirt, he looks more like Austin than ever. Tyson Kidd and Davey Boy Jr. get together to beat up Vince on the outside, with Natalya even joining in for a SLAP O'DOOM! They even do a Hart Attack on the outside! Bruce is doing a slow count as if there are count-outs. Bret looks like he's about to do a Sharpshooter, but no, instead he just beats on Vince and sends him out. Vince retrieves a miniature crowbar from under the ring, and clears out the family. He swings it at Bret but Bret just beats him up. Bret now uses the mini crowbar. I think at one point the mics under the ring cut out.

Bret calls for a Sharpshooter to end it, but he doesn't do it. Instead, he goes back to the crowbar. ANOTHER Sharpshooter teased... but instead he just stomps Vince. Stomps again. And again. And again. Then Davey Boy Jr. slides in a chair... so Bret can SIT in it and watch Vince lying on the mat. After a minute of rest, Bret hits Vince with the chair. And he really puts his back into it. What follows is, no joke, two minutes of "really stiff chair shot - wait - really stiff chair shot - wait". It's as boring as it would be uncomfortable to watch. You know, if the guy taking the chair shots weren't Vince. Bret FINALLY puts on the Sharpshooter and Vince taps instantly.

Could have been two minutes or so. Dragged out to ELEVEN of the fuckers. Just so Bret could keep going when the fans wanted to see it over.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #696
The Usos vs. The Dudley Boyz
WWE WrestleMania 32 - April 3, 2016

I've lamented before that I've got nowhere near enough time or energy to cover all the WWE bad matches before the Network closes for good (and with it, potentially, the archive of all of WWE's content). I've not even done WrestleMania 32. Honestly, it's one I've been dreading because not only is it Seven Shitting Hours Long, including the kickoff show, but the matches in it were an absolute slog at the time, and they'll be even worse in 2024! But there's five matches to cover here (well, six, but I did Rock vs. Rowan already). And our first just so happens to be on said kickoff show! Looks like it should be a fun match, except when you remember it's from before the Usos were good or over.

Also, it's in broad daylight in a stadium that's only half full. At least there's Eden. We kick off with a brawl, and the Dudleyz hit a double flapjack on I think Jimmy? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the way you told the difference at this time was Jey painting his left half and Jimmy painting his right. Crowd wants tables already. D-Von just gives them cornered attacks. Including a boot choke. He does hit his spinning back elbow for two. It's very standard tag stuff from here. Rest hold by D-Von, hope spot by Jimmy, but he gets cut off. Bubba comes in and starts punching Jimmy in while insulting his extensive family. Commentary suggests that Bubba, yelling at the top of his voice constantly, could call his own match. Why did they never try that during the pandemic?

Bubba does his punches but Jimmy cuts him off with a superkick. Bubba's flop off that kick is great. I hate how good he is at this. Jey comes in and cleans up, hitting a Samoan drop, but gets slammed by Bubba. WAZZUP to a big pop. Tables are about to be gotten but Usos come in with superkicks. Jey teases the Uso Splash but D-Von gets the knees up. They break out the 3D-II (anyone remember that move?) for two. The 3D is teased but Jimmy comes in with a superkick for the three. Post-match the Dudleyz beat up the Usos and get the tables, but the Usos fight back and give double Uso Splashes through the tables. They share a little look that says, in so many ways, "We're going to steal these guys' finish in a few years".

Green match. People trashed this because it was short and didn't give the fans What They Wanted (the Usos taking table bumps), but it did what it had to do and did it well. I was going to deny this the green match rating because they teased two classic Dudley spots (a 3D and a table bump) but never delivered either, but the post-match came through! Fans love tables! I love tables!


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #697
Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose
No Holds Barred Street Fight

WWE WrestleMania 32 - April 3, 2016

And now, to the main card of Mania 32! It starts off with the awesome IC Title Ladder match, where - true story - the wrestlers decided collectively to give Zack Ryder his only true WrestleMania moment because they'd been told whoever won would be dropping it on RAW. That's nice. Then AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho, a good match with the wrong winner. Then New Day vs. League of Nations, a mediocre match with the wrong winner. (You want to know how I know it's the wrong winner? The League of Nations got broken up on the RAW after Mania!) And now this! Hopefully it brings the violence, because Ambrose has access to a bunch of legends' weapons (according to the segments involving him on RAW at least) and Lesnar can cause carnage with his bare hands.

Paul Heyman cuts off Eden like only he can. I like the contrast of Ambrose in street clothes and Lesnar in his MMA gear. Lesnar German Suplex #1 and #2 happen early.. Apparently they had a German counter on the middle screens, and that makes the crowd count it more loudly when Lesnar German Suplex #3 happens. Ambrose is rolling on the outside, and he grabs a kendo stick and bashes away. Eventually Lesnar stops selling and we get Lesnar German Suplex #4 and #5. Lesnar tosses away the kendo stick and we go to the outside. Ambrose pulls out two more canes, and Lesnar brings them in before snapping them both in half. Lesnar German Suplex #6. After stomping Ambrose in the corner, Lesnar hits a vertical suplex for variety's sake. The commentators include it in their count, but I don't.

Ambrose tries to go for the stick but Lesnar stomps on it and laughs in his face. Lesnar German Suplex #7. He continues to deny use of the kendo stick. Ambrose comes in with forearms but Lesnar fights back with Lesnar German Suplex #8. Lesnar has the kendo stick and threatens to use it, but instead dares Ambrose to get it. Ambrose responds by hitting Lesnar in his Balls Incarnate. A few stick shots and a dive to the outside follow. So, this is when one of the classic weapons comes out, right? Yep, it's Terry Funk's chainsaw! He fails to get it to start and eats a belly-to-belly from Lesnar. Ten suplexes overall. One guy tries to start an NXT chant. I get you, TakeOver Dallas was a load of fun. Nothing like this.

Ambrose takes a monitor off the German announce table and hits Lesnar in the head with it. He teases going off the top rope with a chair but Lesnar meets him into an exploder suplex. Ambrose rolls out and finds a fire extinguisher, which (per PG hardcore match tradition) he sprays in Lesnar's face. The chair comes into play again as Ambrose attacks Lesnar with it in the corner. He finally gets his top rope chair shot, but only two. Ambrose adds more chairs from under the ring. Lesnar German Suplex #9, but he doesn't take into account the fact that it's his back that'll be landing on the chairs, not Ambrose's. F-5 on the chairs teased, Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds on the chairs!... but only gets two. He finally finds the barbed wire bat, tries to use it, but misses and eats Lesnar German Suplex #10. F-5 on the chairs, it's all academic.

As Michael Cole says after this match is done, "13 suplexes and an F-5 won this for Lesnar". That's not an exaggeration. Those are the only moves he does. This is where Finisher Spam Lesnar starts, and it comes at the cost of giving Ambrose pretty much zero offence that didn't come from Lesnar being stupid. The classic weapons came out and were teased but never used. Teasing giving the people what they want but not delivering seems to be a running theme for this show.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #698
The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon
Hell in a Cell Match

WWE WrestleMania 32 - April 3, 2016

Following the EASY match of the night - the women's triple threat - we get this nonsense! Shane vs. Taker! At least the Streak wasn't still running at this point. Shane vs. Taker for the streak would have been too much. Shane wants to control RAW, but to do it he has to go ONE ON ONE WITH THE UNDATAKA PLAYA. Inside the Big Bad Box. This is actually well-received by some people, but it has to go in here because come on! It's Old Man Taker vs. the sweaty thumb. How can it not belong in a thread of bad wrestling?

Before Taker Entrance Watch we have to do a Shane Entrance Watch, because Shane gets a special entrance. Shane's money rain rating: all over the place, not just on the stage. And he brings out his sons who do the Shane move. Total time: 3:08. Taker's entrance, however... 5 minutes, 28 seconds. Shane starts with his fancy footwork, which is at least better than a staredown. He corners Taker and does his shit punches. Shane tries to get cheap shots in, hit-and-run, but Taker overpowers him and does that paramount facet of old man wrestling: stand-up brawling! TO THE OUTSIDE where we get one ram against the Cell wall before coming back in again.

Back on the inside Shane does more shit punches but Taker whacks him and hits Snake Eyes. Shane hits a back elbow but Taker gets up first. TO THE OUTSIDE again where Taker tosses Shane into the Cell wall, then picks up some steps. Shane stomps Taker on the way back in but Taker puts him into the cage once more. Apron leg drop by Taker. Back in, Taker hits Last Ride for two. I'm almost asleep already and it's five minutes in. Taker slowly drags the steps he got earlier into the ring. He tries to pick Shane up but Shane uses a FUCKING TRIANGLE CHOKE and now I'm interested. Where did he learn to do THAT? Even still, it's a triangle choke that lasts over a minute before Taker puts his shoulders down to force a break.

Shane tries to get offence but eats a chokeslam on the steps for two (I guess the steps count as mat now). Taker tries an elbow on the steps but Shane dodges. He suckers Taker into coming back in and hits a DDT on the steps for two. Another Shane elbow... Taker sits up! Shane tries to do the punches on the ground but Taker counters into Hell's Gate! After a minute, Shane slips out and (eventually) reverses it into a Sharpshooter! Taker manages to kick off (again, eventually). Shane does some significantly less shit than usual punches in the corner. He tosses a bin into the ring, struggles to get the thing propped up properly for a good minute (during which Taker could easily just push off), then hits Coast to Coast.

The best part of this match is Taker's face after that spot. It's the same face he made after he lost to Lesnar, and I'm sad there's no picture of it.

Anyway, the time it takes Shane to roll Taker back into the middle means he can kick out at two. Shane finds bolt cutters so he can break out of the Cell. He cuts some bolts, but for some reason moves away from the wall he weakened, allowing Taker to attack him. Taker slams Shane into the weak wall which collapses and sends them into the German announce table. After stomping a bit, Taker starts to strip the Spanish table and uses a monitor to attack Shane. Into the crowd briefly, as Taker props Shane on a thicker part of the guardrail and goes for the Tombstone... Shane gets a sleeper! Taker can only escape by driving Shane back-first through the table. Shane grabs a toolbox and waffles Taker with it. Then rolls about a minute, then waffles him with it again.

Taker's now on the English announce table, which Shane strips... and now it's time for Shane to climb. A minute of climbing later, Shane's on top of the Cell... and in the Designated WrestleMania Moment of this show, he leaps off. "For the love of Mankind" says Cole in the most obviously-scriped line in history, and I cringe. Oh, and Taker rolled away, so Shane's just out. Stopwatch time again as we see how long it takes Taker to get Shane up and bring him back in the ring. A good three minutes. Shane's trying to get up, somehow, after a leap like that, so Taker just finishes it with a Tombstone. Thirty minutes. Taker is visibly unhappy with how that match went. Local Medical Facility Attendants stretcher Shane off. Guess this means he doesn't control RAW... wait, they gave him control on the next show? Did anything that happened here matter??

There were some interesting spots. It's not "worst of all time" tier. I did find it interesting that both in kayfabe and in real life, Shane was simply a better wrestler than the legendary Undertaker. But... it's so slow, and it's so obviously building to one spot that isn't even that great, and its result was invalidated the next night. There's really no reason to recommend watching this match. They'll probably show the Shane leap on a million highlight packages anyway.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Everything points to Shane originally supposed to win that match and Taker saying no too. Bc the stip was Shane gets Raw if he wins and gets fired if not but literally like the next day, Shane is given control of Raw
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Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Everything points to Shane originally supposed to win that match and Taker saying no too. Bc the stip was Shane gets Raw if he wins and gets fired if not but literally like the next day, Shane is given control of Raw
That's true of course... but it's also WWE, so I would take that with at least a couple of grains of salt as evidence it went down like that. It does look that way, yea, but who knows...
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #699
The 2016 Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal
WWE WrestleMania 32 - April 3, 2016

Oh yeah, remember when they did these? Jobber battle royals (battles royal) for a plastic trophy. A real "get everyone a payday" thing. Thankfully COVID killed that concept off in a hurry. This one got a real bollocking, surprisingly, rated 2.86 by the Cagematch hivemind (second only to the main event, which we will get to) and 1.5 stars by Dave (lowest of the night, tied with Dudleyz vs. Usos). Is it really that bad? More importantly, who's getting another appearance in this thread? First, the guys with no entrances.
  • Goldust
  • R-Truth
  • Fandango
  • Tatanka
  • The Ascension (Konnor/Viktor)
  • The Social Outcasts (Bo Dallas/Curtis Axel/Heath Slater/Adam Rose)
  • Darren Young
  • Jack Swagger
  • Damien Sandow
  • Tyler Breeze
  • Baron Corbin
And then the guys who got entrances.
  • Mark Henry
  • Kane
  • Diamond Dallas Page
  • Big Show
  • Shaquille O'Neal
Poor Shaq. He really wanted that singles match with Big Show, and it never happened. And he's showing up totally unadvertised. As are BOTH the legends, by the way. Including Tatanka, who didn't even get an entrance. Big Show/Shaq staredown, which Kane joins in. Shaq (legit 7'1") is looking down on Show (billed 7'2") and quite significantly down on Kane (billed 7'0"). Kane tries to chokeslam both guys but they chokeslam him instead. A bunch of guys try to dogpile Show and Shaq but get thrown off and roll out under the ropes. That would be a great spot if camera hadn't missed BOTH the bursts of jobbers.

In the ring, Fandango joins the Show/Shaq staredown and gets tossed out. Then Sandow comes in and gets tossed too. CHOKESLAM STALEMATE by the big lads. This lets the 16 remaining random dudes club together and eliminate them both. Commentary's genuinely surprised that Tatanka's there. There's a long time with a lot of lifting and no eliminating, until... Diamond Cutter to I think Viktor to eliminate him. Konnor goes for revenge, linking up with Tatanka for the weirdest facepaint team. Diamond Cutter to Konnor teased but DDP's sent out, but the Golden Truth (remember them?) get together to dump Konnor.

Tatanka against Adam Rose now! How do they get these ideas? Rose helps Baron Corbin to eliminate Tatanka. Jack Swagger gets backdropped over by Kane. THE AXEMAN COMETH, THE CHAINS ARE OFF as Curtis Axel wails on Kane. Eventually the Social Outcasts are dominating the ring. R-Truth does some of his spots with Axel until the other Outcasts dump him. Goldust puts up more of a fight but stilll gets got. The Outcasts do a VICTORY LAP... then run into Kane. And Corbin. Axel's gone. Adam Rose tries to do a springboard thing but he's out. Corbin gets chokeslammed! Heath Slater tries to crossbody a larger man and gets tossed by Mark Henry. Who then press slams Breeze out.

Darren Young helps Kane to remove the hometown man Mark Henry, then Kane remembers how he feels about gay people. And guys called Bo. Because they're both chokeslammed out. While Kane has his guard down, Corbin comes in from behind and dumps him! BIG NXT chants as Baron Corbin is the winner of the melty plastic trophy.

Aside from that, though? Lame battle royal! The primary story seemed to be presenting the Social Outcasts as a collective threat, like the Shield but with silly smiles. Then you put them up against Vince's favourite Big Dudes, and lol nope, they're jokes again. Literally everyone except Corbin was either a joke or a traditional Vince Big Dude. Corbin's also kind of big, I guess.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #700
Triple H (c) vs. Roman Reigns
for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

WWE WrestleMania 32 - April 3, 2016

After an incredible waste of time involving the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, the Rock, and the Wyatt Family's ritual humiliation at Mania, we get the main event. Match 700 in this thread. The champion no one wanted to see vs. the challenger everyone wanted to go away. And since it's a Mania match for Triple H, it's going to go twice as long as it should and feature half the action it should. I've been dreading this one. Let's endure it.

Of course, there's the overblown intro that just screams "PLEASE BOO TRIPLE H AND CHEER ROMAN". The dudes with metal plates on their faces. The evil choral music. Stephanie McMahon dressed up like a witch on a raised throne. Her evil speech about how you fucking suck and how she is EEEEEVIL (INDEEEEEED). Champ out first, by the way. It's honestly a very standard Triple H entrance aside from that, and even gets a few cheers. Meanwhile, Roman gets ridiculous pyro and a wall of boos that can only come from go-away heat.

We start with, as you'd expect, a staredown. HHH gets a headlock, a hammerlock, and then Roman shoulderblocks HHH down. HHH hip tosses Roman out because he's probably gassed already. "Roman sucks" chants. Long arm wringer by HHH. After Roman breaks out he mocks the DX crotch chop. "He's not a bad guy, he's not a good guy, he's THE guy" -JBL. So that's where that dogshit catchphrase came from. Allow me to muse a little on Roman's catchphrases during this lockup sequence. "Believe that"? Good catchphrase. "I can, I will" would fit an actual top babyface type as opposed to someone like Roman. But "I'm THE guy"? Awful. Totally awful.

Anyway, HHH tricks Roman into running into the corner and hits some forearms to the back of the neck. He then punches the reconstructed nose (like Seth's reconstructed knee, except lame). Roman comes back, and the reaction is absolute night and day. Silence when HHH is in control, REVULSION when Roman is in control. Roman gets his shots in and drapes HHH over the ropes for Drive-By, which only gets 1. Steph distracts the ref allowing HHH to hit a low blow. Although, with the camera angle, the kick visibly only hits Roman's shin. This still gets cheers and "Triple H" chants.

Time for HHH heat, I guess. A series of inverted atomic nutshots gets two. He targets the Surgically Repaired Nose. Roman still sucks according to the crowd. Roman tries a Superman Punch setup but turns into a spinebuster. It's funny, commentary talked about HHH being most dangerous when it turns into a wrestling match, but HHH is mostly just punching. TO THE OUTSIDE for bashes against the German announce table. Then Roman starts to do some bashes against the table but HHH tosses him over it into the announcers. Roman climbs up on the table but HHH hits a neckbreaker on it right on to the floor. That's a gnarly spot I can't bring myself to care about.

As Roman tries to climb back into the ring, HHH hits a top rope knee drop for two. Again... I'm thrown out of liking this because fuck this whole match. He drapes Roman on the ropes and goes for it again but Roman hits an uppercut. Roman's really not good enough at this time, and it's visible. His offence just looks wrong. Samoan drop gets two. No Superman Punch because HHH rolls out. So Roman comes off the steps to hit HHH with a clothesline. As always, imagine 20 seconds in between every move I mention. HHH tossed into the steps. They roll around the ring post (Corbin-style) then HHH puts Roman into the steps. Then into the German table again. Fucking hell, they're already retreading spots.

Designated Mania Moment #1 happens out of nowhere, where Roman spears HHH through the barricade. Remember when they didn't do that literally every time there was a big man brawl? They land next to two empty seats (even the front row people are beating the traffic) and in a scattered pile of Shane money from earlier. Roman drags HHH back into the ring so this doesn't end in a lame count-out. Roman's hurt, and Steph seems convinced that he wants to forfeit.

HHH locks the arm that apparently got damaged during all that tossing-into-stuff earlier, but Roman gets a rope break. HHH then drags Roman back and locks both arms. (Somewhere, a young Deonna Purrazzo isn't watching because this match put her to sleep. Actually, now that I look at it, I'm surprised I haven't done that "somewhere a young X watches and learns" line for a while.) Roman eventually powers out of the right arm, but the left arm is still locked in an armbar... Roman lifts out and hits a powerbomb for two. This doesn't break the hold, though, and he has to lift for another powerbomb. Double down!

OOH AHH, Roman tries a spear... HHH knees him. HHH teases a Pedigree but Roman backdrops him out. Roman goes for a Superman Punch to the apron but HHH bops him in the bad nose. Spear but Steph drags the ref out the ring to a shockingly big pop. Steph Karens it up with the ref, Roman's about to spear HHH again... ROMAN SPEARS STEPH! Designated Mania Moment #2! For the first time something Roman does gets a pop. In the distraction HHH hits a Pedigree for a very close two. Long long climb-back-up segment. HHH does a kneeling facebuster but Roman no-sells! Superman Punch, Roman preps a spear but HHH hits a knee. Steph passes HHH his sledgehammer from under the ring. Roman hits two Superman Punches in a row, ducks a sledgehammer shot, and hits a spear to FINALLY finish it.

A 28-minute crowning, that was. Its result was never in doubt if you've got even one brain cell, and yet they decided to labour it for 28 minutes. All to crown the champion that no one wanted. So unbearably boring.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #701
David Flair (c) vs. Dean Malenko
for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

WCW Bash at the Beach - July 11, 1999

"There's not enough David Flair in this thread", I thought to myself as I woke up this morning. To be honest, even if there were 100 David Flair matches, there wouldn't be enough David Flair in this thread. He was that bad. This is part of that run where him being a nepo baby was the point, and he was handed the US Title without winning it, and retained it without winning a single match clean. Here he is with a guy who can actually wrestle in Malenko. But let's be honest, no one could carry this loser to positive stars. Meltzer certainly agrees, because he gave minus 1 star to this. Let's go.

David's got an absolute procession behind him. Torrie Wilson on his arm, Ric, Arn Anderson, Asya, and Charles Robinson. Quite why you'd need an extra referee when you've got those other four is anyone's guess. Maybe he's planning a ref bump. David goes to get some advice from Ric right away. His advice was apparently to go for a lock-up and get overpowered. Heenan helpfully points out that this is second-gen vs. second-gen and puts over Boris Malenko. Dean Malenko, meanwhile, is wrestling around David, taking him down with a drop toe hold. David tries a waistlock but Malenko takes him down again. Malenko can even afford to turn his back and get into it with Ric because even in kayfabe David is useless.

David visibly has no idea what he's doing. He gets beaten down in the corners and Malenko hits a suplex. Texas Cloverleaf teased but Ric comes in, Malenko takes him out and does the move anyway. Here come the shenanigans. Arn Anderson bumps the ref with a spinebuster, and Robinson steals his shirt. So David WAS planning a ref bump! Malenko cleans up David's entourage, even putting Asya in the Cloverleaf! But then... Ric comes in with a US Title blast to the back of the head, and Lil' Naitch counts the pin that gives David the win.

An angle with no place on PPV, that just shits on a belt that was at one time prestigious. David only did one move in that match, and it was a waistlock. What's the point?

Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Entry #701
David Flair (c) vs. Dean Malenko
for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship

WCW Bash at the Beach - July 11, 1999

What's the point?
Either stroking Ric's ego or part of making concessions to him... or a mix of the two.
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Apr 17, 2019
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Entry #702
Diamond Dallas Page vs. David Flair
Crowbar on a Pole Match

WCW Starrcade - December 19, 1999

David's character evolved when Russo took over WCW, going from "nepo baby" to "crowbar-wielding psychopath". Speaking of Russo booking, this is one of those specials where he wanted to book "shades of grey" but instead made both men sorta heel? David's David, but DDP attacked old man Ric Flair in the build. So maybe that means DDP is meant to be the babyface? Because if there's one thing Russo loves more than watching men beat up women, it's humiliating Ric Flair.

DDP's got that douchebag sunglasses-on-nose look. Mid-entrance, David comes out from the crowd and smacks DDP with his golden crowbar. The way this guy paces around, dead behind the eyes, makes him really fit a psychopath gimmick. They really wrote around his inability to act. Referee Charles Robinson tries to rule DDP unable to compete and hand the win to David... but DDP BUMPS PENZER and forces the announcement not to go ahead.

David's dominating early with all the stand-up-brawl moves you love. Forearm clubs, stomps, a double axe handle, and even a BIG SIT on the damaged ribs. DDP does manage to get a brief roll-up. He tries to lift David but collapses and gets pinned for two. David tries to sunset flip a larger man, but does manage to roll DDP over when he sits out. David hits a DDP for two, and is indignant with the ref. BOOT CHOKING! DDP rallies briefly but can't capitalise and gets clotheslined down. "THREEEE" shouts David at the ref who counted two again.

Spinning lariat from DDP for a double down. David crawls towards the crowbar, and punches DDP right in his Diamond Exchange. Figure Four by David! At least it's better than Miz's attempt. David heads for the crowbar again, swings and misses, and turns right into a Diamond Cutter outtanwhere that straight up kills him. That's it, DDP wins. He's not satisfied with that being the finish, though, as he props David on the top turnbuckle and gives him a Diamond Cutter off it. David takes it very sloppily. DDP's about to swing away with the crowbar until DAFFNEY COMES OUT FOR THE SAVE! FUCK YEAH! David lives to fight another day.

Shockingly non-awful David Flair match. It's only four minutes and David has a non-existent moveset, but... it functioned as a match.

Samoa Looch

Peace, Love & Fuck You
Jan 29, 2020
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Yea, five months of training between those two matches (plus some other TV and House Show matches) and you could actually see the progress David made in that time. Not a lot of it, but still... I'm sure there have been cases, where the subject didn't make as much progress within that kind of timeframe.
Last edited:
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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Entry #703
Norman Smiley (c) vs. David Flair
Hardcore Match for the WCW Hardcore Championship

WCW Thunder - December 16. 1999

Seems like a weird direction to go. Not just to a random TV match, but backwards? Trust me, there's a reason for this, and it's a reason that became apparent when I saw it on David Flair's Cagematch page.

Champ out first. Also, Juventud Guerrera is on commentary talking over the other commentators. David's hugging a headless teddy bear. Smiley tries to shield himself from crowbar shots with a bin lid. He tries to escape but gets tangled in the ropes and takes a bin shot. David Flair's gait is so unlike a wrestler, or indeed a human being. He rolls over a bin for no reason. Has he been watching old Kendo Nagasaki tapes? Because that's a pretty nice Kamikaze Crash, if you ignore the fact that it's not on a person. David no-sells a bin lid shot but gets slammed. Big Wiggle by Smiley, David's jiving from behind and uses another bin shot. Smiley's about to challenge the teddy bear until Meng shows up and Smiley flees. Meng tears the stuffing out of the toy leaving David surrounded by fluff.

Oh yeah, and this match just ends. It's the SECOND TIME in this thread that a Falls Count Anywhere WCW hardcore match ended in count-out. And both were from 1999. So stupid. So, so stupid.


Apr 17, 2019
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Entry #704
David Flair/Vince Russo vs. Ric Flair
Hairs and Russo's Power and Career vs. Hair, Reid Flair's Hair, and Career Handicap Match

WCW Monday Nitro - June 12, 2000

Putting David Flair in tag team matches with Crowbar made him have far fewer bad matches (because he didn't have to wrestle). But of course, Russo has had to bring him back into the Flair family "drama". Just so he can humiliate Ric one more time. And yes, those were all the things on the line. Because Career vs. Career wasn't enough.

Ric brings out his frightened-looking youngest son and hair clippers in a black bag. He opens up David's shirt and comes in with those famous chops. David still can't do the Flair corner bump. Russo tries to come in illegally and Ric uses the distraction to hit his own son in the balls. Russo no-sells the chops because he's got a chest protector, so Ric tears it off and gets those chops in. David's back in to take some punishment. Figure Four applied but Russo comes in with a bat. No sign of a DQ, by the way. Reid comes in to try and hold him off but David pulls him away.

Russo grabs a mic and sexually threatens Beth Flair. Security guys swarm the ring. Russo wants Beth to hit her husband with a mini Statue of Liberty, of all things. She won't, so Russo does it himself and chokes Ric. Ashley (oh hey, young Charlotte!) is held off by security jobbers. The last remaining Flair family member Megan throws in the towel to stop the suffering. Russo and David shave Ric's golden mane. They try to shave Reid too but Ric goes on the attack and chases them out of the ring.

Complete nonsense, overbooking, there was basically no wrestling. It would have made sense for Russo to screw Ric out of the PPV match if he wanted to retire Ric Flair. But no. He wanted to do it himself. And apparently he needed to involve a 12-year-old child in order to do it. Vince Russo.