Entry #541
The Junkyard Hardcore Invitational
WCW Bash at the Beach - July 11, 1999
Decided I'd crank out another bad match, and one I've been kind of putting off for a while to do some unremarkable "minus 2 star" WCW borefests. This is a straight up bad idea! A match in a junkyard set, with all the guys that WCW had nothing for and hoped would fill out the upcoming Hardcore Division (which wouldn't happen for several months). Which guys? Well, they called it "unsanctioned" so they had no idea, in kayfabe, who'd be showing up. Fans had a pretty good idea, though. The usual suspects.
- Brian Knobbs
- Ciclope
- Dave Taylor
- Fit Finlay
- Hak
- Horace Hogan
- Hugh Morrus
- Jerry Flynn
- Johnny Grunge
- La Parka
- Mikey Whipwreck
- Rocco Rock
- Silver King
- Steven Regal
The usual suspects, and some luchadors. Because god forbid you let luchadors have a good match, you've got to make time for David Flair! A vignette shows this was Hak's idea. He challenges Knobbs and Morrus (who were in this match) as well as Bam Bam Bigelow and Raven (who both had better things to do).
An airhorn starts the match and it immediately becomes clear why this was a bad idea. This match was shot in the dark. And the main camera angles are a shaky camera on the ground and a wide shot with a helicopter (with artificially added camera static for no reason). Which means it's going to be really hard to tell who's who. There's flaming garbage cans. The Public Enemy (who are treated as a surprise appearance) shove a car off a stack for no reason whatsoever. Not like there's even any wrestlers under it, nor does it create a barrier. Knobbs clatters I think it's Silver King into some tyres. Now they're on top of a car, and Jerry Flynn tries to electrify said car, but the gimmick to make the sparks fly doesn't work until Flynn takes it OFF!

Silver King misses a senton bomb on a Transit van.
La Parka is in a checked shirt for some reason, getting beaten with a ladder. Regal looks so out of place. Finlay's smacking Horace with junk. Hak took a nut shot at some point. Jimmy Hart is in the back for some reason, watching this happen and talking shit on an upturned car. Morrus misses an elbow drop and lands on a car. Knobbs breaks some bodywork over Parka's back. I feel ill. Did Kevin Dunn film this match? They do a dive-catch spot, with I think Ciclope doing the dive, that looks somehow even more fake than usual. Only Dave Taylor is fighting for like 20 seconds before the dive happens, the rest of the guys are just holding on to each other.
Bin lids being used, as if that doesn't happen in every hardcore match already. Whipwreck gets tossed into some ungimmicked windscreen glass and no one even says "cry me a river". It was a different time. Parka brought his signature chair along, as it turns out. Johnny Grunge gets thrown into what appears to be a "happy birthday" sign. Why is that in a junkyard? Morrus fucks up his shoulder on a car's front. So many people must have come out of this with injuries. Knobbs uses a tyre to incapacitate Dave Taylor and beat on him. Finlay tries and fails to break a car part over Knobbs. Rock smashes Horace into the fence and is somehow first to make a break for it, but Horace eventually manages to drag him down. "Only in WCW would you see this" -Heenan. That's a good thing.
There's a giant wall of fire on the outside for some reason. Taylor is stuck in a tyre again. Hak stumbles around drunkenly amid a fight between him, Knobbs, and Finlay. He stuffs Finlay into the boot of a car and calls in a forklift to take it to the crusher, but Finlay escapes before the forklift arrives. We still get a car crusher spot... but the car doesn't get crushed, because the crusher stops and lights on fire. Finlay tips over one of the flaming bins, making a car that's nowhere near it explode. I'm guessing he poured out a bunch of petrol, but we didn't see that, did we? Anyway, Finlay gets over the fence, which apparently makes him the winner.
God damn, what was the point of that? Bunch of lads, running around, getting hurt, doing shitty special effects, and in the end Finlay climbed over something. All it did was hurt dudes.