Reach for the (Minus) Stars: Sky's Collection of Bad Matches

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Apr 17, 2019
Reaction score
The Impact Zone, Scotland
Favorite Wrestler
Entry #425
The Faces of Fear vs. Glacier/Ernest "The Cat" Miller
WCW World War 3 - November 23, 1997

But I'm not done with this show yet. Two matches received the dreaded zero stars or fewer, so that means they must be a priority for me. First, a Dave-rated DUD featuring the two meanest Tongans ever against the babyface duo of the Blood Runs Cold thing. Remember that? I must say that Cagematch ratings disagree strongly with Dave, rating this a 5.38. That's better than Kurt Angle vs. Wes Brisco! Which Dave gave THREE AND A HALF STARS! I've got that shitfest waiting for me still, but let's watch some tag teams!

Right from the bell, Cat's out-kicking Barbarian while Meng gets into a slapfest with Glacier. Meng absorbs a bunch of martial arts stuff and downs Glacier with a throat thrust. A leg sweep by Glacier gets two. Cat tries to crossbody a larger man, and it works after Glacier dropkicks him to drop both of them. Cat and Glacier go for quick tags and work the arms, and Barbarian's using his power. Glacier dropkicks Meng into Barbarian on the corner, then Cat does a plancha on to Barbarian by jumping off Meng!! Then Glacier slingshots on to Meng! How is this getting a DUD?? Glacier gets into it with Jimmy Hart and Barbarian takes advantage.

Meng does a back body drop into Barbarian's powerbomb, and Cat has to break the pin. Barbarian goes for a choke, Cat goes to complain, so Barbarian whips Glacier into Cat in a really fun heel move. Meng does a really clean dropkick for two, then a backbreaker for the same. The Faces use their five-count of leniency between tags to throw as many hands as possible and pound on Glacier in the corner. This gets... a pop? The Faces are... faces? Very simple tag team psychology, but it's effective. Barbarian slaps on a headlock. Are some people chanting "boring"?? Fuck them.

Meng gets a pretty sick looking shoulderbreaker for two. He then goes for the deadly NERVE PINCH... which makes sense! He's worked the shoulder! We've found the one good nerve pinch! Glacier's rallying, but Barb is underselling and Meng comes in. He misses a jumping elbow and Glacier starts really fighting back. He gets a back suplex and now it's time for a hot tag to Cat! Kicks and martial-arts-like flailing for everyone! And jumping lariats! Feliner for both men! Cat knocks out Jimmy Hart... and turns into a Tongan Death Grip and gets pinned!

Green match. This is straight up a fun tag team encounter. Fuck you, Dave.


Apr 17, 2019
Reaction score
The Impact Zone, Scotland
Favorite Wrestler
Entry #426
Steve McMichael vs. Alex Wright
WCW World War 3 - November 23, 1997

However, I get the feeling that I won't like this one. It's got Mongo! Has Mongo ever had a decent match? I doubt it.

Mongo comes out with a lead pipe and reveals that the scheduled match against Goldberg won't occur because he injured the star. From what we know about serious Goldberg injuries, he'll probably come out later and refuse to follow the script. He makes an open challenge, which Debra insists that Alex Wright answer. Because she wants to get back at Mongo.

Mongo plays to the crowd and Wright attacks him, hitting him with his jacket. Mongo soon gets the advantage back with big lariats and light-looking kicks. Wright doesn't want to wrestle but Debra drags him back. Wright tries to do something but Mongo tosses him about and starts to drop some elbows. Sidewalk slam for two. Wright uses his speed (and ability to wrestle worth a damn) to get a dropkick and get some brief advantage. He gets whipped by Mondo (who isn't really selling). Knee tackles, lariat, sidewalk slam, tombstone piledriver, done.

Always hurts to see a guy who can actually wrestle jobbing to someone who absolutely can't.