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Entry #363
The Monster Maniacs vs. Kevin Sullivan/The Butcher
WCW Clash of the Champions XXX - January 21, 1995
The Monster Maniacs vs. Kevin Sullivan/The Butcher
WCW Clash of the Champions XXX - January 21, 1995
When Hulk Hogan showed up, then-WCW bookerman Kevin Sullivan wanted to make it a place where he could thrive... and that meant turning the entire company into a hokey cartoon. Case in point: this match, with a particularly infamous spot. Hogan/Savage taking on two future Dungeon of Doom members. Let's go.
Wow, WCW had Michael Buffer already? Vader is in the crowd, to build to his future burial at the hands of the OmniHogan. So is Flair, telling the women on his arm how much of a geek Hogan is. Kicking off with Hogan vs. Butcher, in a re-run of the Starrcade 94 main event (which I have to watch before the Network dies... fuck). Lock-ups begin, until Hogan manages to whip Butcher in the corner. Now he begins to batter Butcher from pillar to post. Cornered ten punches and clothesline. In comes Savage for a double axe handle, and he shuts down Butcher and Sullivan 2-on-1. Hogan back in again for another double axe handle. Butcher begs for mercy but Hogan bites him. What a babyface.
Hogan topples Butcher with a boot for two. He could go for the leg drop before the pin, but... Butcher puts on his deadly SLEEPER that has Hogan down and out. No pin, no submission, but Butcher celebrates like he's won like a moron. While the heels' backs are turned, Savage goes up for a big elbow drop on Hogan.
Which WAKES him.
Because in WCW fairy-land, Hulk Hogan gets healed by no-selling his allies' finishers. I guess it makes sense in the context of Hogan Lore, he does come back after no-selling often enough, but... getting hit by SOMEONE ELSE'S FINISHER brings him back to life from being knocked out? I'll never understand wrestling. I'm aware there's several minutes more of this match, but I suddenly don't care what happens next.
And thus the murder of Butcher continues, with mounted punches that the ref complains about. Someone's got a whistle. Savage comes in for a double big boot. Sullivan gets a cheeky knee up meaning the heat segment begins. Savage is sent over the top rope, which was apparently still a DQ at this point. Hogan runs around inadvertently distracting the ref. Notice it's always Savage selling. Hogan's totally fine. Sullivan batters away at Savage in the corner. He and Butcher pull out a move where one has a hold of the neck and the other of the legs. I'll call it the "Spitroast" because it very much looks like a sexual act. Then some ROPE CHOKING because there is no God.
Savage's continuing to get murdered, staggering around the ring. Brawling on the outside from Sullivan. Dear fuck. Savage drags himself into the ring, tree of woe, and then the heels double team him. Occasionally Hogan tries to intervene but the ref stops him. "This is why we're number one" -because your main eventers stink of urine? Savage counters the sleeper with a jawbreaker and gets the hot tag to Hogan. After missing the first time. The heels are already begging for mercy from Hogan because he is Jesus, apparently. Both heels get beaten up. Flying elbow (why didn't it revive Butcher like it did Hogan?) and then a leg drop for the finish. Post-match, Vader comes in and powerbombs Hogan... which he gets right back up from, as if we haven't buried enough finishers tonight.
So stupid. So, so stupid.
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