Orlando Nightclub Shooting

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Aids Johnson

The Beast
May 25, 2012
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We need to promote more power to the local levels, then state, THEN federal. It's fucked thinking what DC douchebags choose works across the board. Guns should be regulated at certain levels, and be assisted by the state and federal level according to the problem. I hate seeing "with 2000 people polled around the nation" represents our country. Fuck that. You vote locally on the issue and figure it out accordingly.

I also firmly believe business owners should be allowed to be shit people and pick people based on gender/race regulations, but need to state it openly in their paperwork and have it stated. If you don't want black people in your restaurant? Do it, but don't cry about the protests and consequences. KKK? If you harm someone be prepared for what is clearly a hate/biased crime and eat the book thrown at you. The PC world isn't for me, so I understand if people disagree.

Again, shooting anyone is wrong, and people slip through the cracks all the time. The issue is MSM picking up the reigns and running with it, announcing things that aren't proven before making statements about it. I cannot think of any examples as I'm tired AF atm, but Chicago is the easy example of a place that regulates, but has more crime than most of the nation. There is no definite plan sadly, and it's why I rock a tinfoil hat with my dunce cap on the side in most of these ordeals. I can't understand people wanting to become famous by being killed after mass murdering (and most people cannot outside of "for a cause") so I won't pretend to know. Life isn't fair, and people are shit a lot of times.

It's why I am a fan of darwinism, and IQ testing to have kids. I've stated before that I'm adopted, and my parents spent money, were foster parents because they needed the license and were great enough to use it before getting me (including one who was abducted, sadly) and spent a TON of cash to get me, while now Idiocracy is becoming closer and closer. Shit people make shit kids like shitty dog owners make for shit dogs.

One person killing and injuring over 100 people is crazy, but it isn't the end of the world, the city of Miami needs to have more security and regulations put in place for events like this obviously. It's sad people can't be trusted, but that is the world we live in today.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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It's a huge shame someone got into a large pride event with 3 loaded guns, I can't imagine he didn't walk or look out of place, but who knows how many people were going through the door and some people sadly slip through the cracks due to volume. Haven't had a ton of time to read on this yet, but plan on it. I'm not buying the ISIS angle though, tbh.


It's further sad that I have been to many Pride events in the past 20 years and could tell you each time it would have been easy for someone to get in. I've never once seen security that could prevent it, but hopefully that will change.


George Bush doesn't care about black people.
May 18, 2013
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Yuengling Factory 101
Again, shooting anyone is wrong, and people slip through the cracks all the time. The issue is MSM picking up the reigns and running with it, announcing things that aren't proven before making statements about it. I cannot think of any examples as I'm tired AF atm, but Chicago is the easy example of a place that regulates, but has more crime than most of the nation. There is no definite plan sadly, and it's why I rock a tinfoil hat with my dunce cap on the side in most of these ordeals. I can't understand people wanting to become famous by being killed after mass murdering (and most people cannot outside of "for a cause") so I won't pretend to know. Life isn't fair, and people are shit a lot of times.
This argument always gets under my nerve. It's impossible for a city to not have any guns when people can drive 30 miles to a place with less restrictions to get the guns they want anyway. I understand that a lot of people may argue that even if we had nation wide regulation the same thing would still happen, but most countries with regulation are doing just fine with their gun control regulation.

Gun control is an issue I haven't been able to make a stance on yet, it's a complicated issue that is so heated it's hard to get compromise or discussion of a middle ground going.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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How do you stop this... I don't even know where to begin. Realistically, none of us do. But doing what we're doing now - nothing - doesn't seem to be the answer either...
(maybe actually doing nothing could be. Don't even publicize it. Don't give people the sick twisted thoughts in their mind.)

Partially off topic here - pardon me if I should create another thread - but however, what gets under my skin is the whole argument of "it's not an argument about gun control, it's one about mental illness"... There's many, many people who suffer from mental illness in some form or fashion in this country - many people on this forum surely do - but the only time you ever hear about it is in this kind of context. It's doing so much harm. It's created such a stigma about it that people are afraid to get help or seek counseling because the fact that they're one of "those people" can easily undo the help that people are trying to help them achieve. "take your medicine" has become such a punchline, and the whole industry has to create alternative terms (like how "idiot" and "Blue" are no longer used) since the terms typically used are so shunned by society because they're immediately grouped in with assholes like this, when many people who suffer won't hurt a fly...

We're doing so much as a society to progress. Gays are accepted, there's less racism, feminism, there's a genuine effort to accept and love one another. Lets add the regular everyday people with some mental/emotional issues to this list as well. (And while you're at it, step up research into this to spot assholes who would do things like this. Although then it would jump into a privacy issue and whatnot)

Race, religion, all these buzzworthy twitter topics that make BREAKING NEWS headlines and get TV ratings also got us Donald Trump as a likely president of the US. Stop this shit. Spread facts, not hate because it's "easy".

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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How do you stop this... I don't even know where to begin. Realistically, none of us do. But doing what we're doing now - nothing - doesn't seem to be the answer either...
(maybe actually doing nothing could be. Don't even publicize it. Don't give people the sick twisted thoughts in their mind.)

Partially off topic here - pardon me if I should create another thread - but however, what gets under my skin is the whole argument of "it's not an argument about gun control, it's one about mental illness"... There's many, many people who suffer from mental illness in some form or fashion in this country - many people on this forum surely do - but the only time you ever hear about it is in this kind of context. It's doing so much harm. It's created such a stigma about it that people are afraid to get help or seek counseling because the fact that they're one of "those people" can easily undo the help that people are trying to help them achieve. "take your medicine" has become such a punchline, and the whole industry has to create alternative terms (like how "idiot" and "Blue" are no longer used) since the terms typically used are so shunned by society because they're immediately grouped in with assholes like this, when many people who suffer won't hurt a fly...

We're doing so much as a society to progress. Gays are accepted, there's less racism, feminism, there's a genuine effort to accept and love one another. Lets add the regular everyday people with some mental/emotional issues to this list as well. (And while you're at it, step up research into this to spot assholes who would do things like this. Although then it would jump into a privacy issue and whatnot)

Race, religion, all these buzzworthy twitter topics that make BREAKING NEWS headlines and get TV ratings also got us Donald Trump as a likely president of the US. Stop this shit. Spread facts, not hate because it's "easy".

The mental illness argument gets to me too. While I can't deny that this man obviously has something wrong with him, the vast majority of the mentally ill do not do anything violent. But mental illness as a whole gets blanket stigmatized by the bad actions of the very few mentally ill. And yes, as a psychologist who studies suicide, I can't tell you how many times I have interviewed survivors suffering from various and powerful psychological conditions that they did not want to seek help for because of the way that they would be viewed by those around them. I've talked to survivors of depression and bipolar among others who could have gotten the help, but opted for trying to kill themselves simply because they didn't want people to think they were "crazy" or "dangerous." It is very sad.

This guy however, is a whole different animal. Based on the VERY limited information we have, I would assume he had a personality disorder. These people have chronic maladaptive behavior that are very difficult to diagnose or even notice in people.

Here's the irony, I have severe OCD and I cannot buy a gun. And I'm like one of the most harmless people you'll ever know.

Prince Bálor

I'm kind of a big deal
Apr 27, 2014
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Truly awful news. Some people are shit.
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Truly awful news. People are shit.

Some people, absolutely. The guy who did this definitely. The LT Governor of Texas that tweeted that the gay community deserved this, absolutely.

But the majority of people, as evidenced by discussing it here, discussing it on other media...I think the majority of people aren't shit. It's just too bad that the ones who are do these things.


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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Didn't comment on this yet but I'll say something or two.

First, my thoughts go out to the family of those affected.

Second, it shouldn't matter who is doing it, or who they are doing it to, whether it be Muslim or white, or a freaking dog, it is wrong no matter what.

And for the note on guns, here is the issue in the United States. When they made the second amendment(?) (excuse me, I am from a different country, so I may be off on which one it is) it was mainly made for muskets and people in the military so they can defend their land in case the British would come to take it back. And at the time, they made it a constitutional right. In theory it sounded good, but as the US expanded, population increased, and the amount of citizens with guns increased, it became too much to really handle. Because it is technically a constitutional right, even with some of the legislation they have tried to put in, it is still very easy to get a gun. I'm not going to say that everyone shouldn't have guns, because there are a lot of responsible gun owners who use it wisely. Not just that, but no matter what, someone is going to get a gun and shoot people. My country has a fair amount of gun regulation, but two years ago someone used a hunting rifle in my hometown to open fire on cops, shooting 5 and killing 3 of them.

All this in mind, it wouldn't hurt to put better legislation to keep better track of those who use firearms while allowing those who use them responsibly to use them. The issue, it is a constitutional right. In the same book as people's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it is nearly impossible to change. To change the constitution you need all the states on board, which is impossible with how polarizing the US is. You have hardcore democratic states, hardcore republican, and those in the middle. From the start it should have been a legal right. One that has proper and set rules in place and the ability to earn and take-away that right. Because frankly, I feel as though certain other things are more important to be in a constitution.

In the end, this problem won't be solved for years. It won't be fixed with just changing Presidents or killing one group of people off because we think they are the blame. There have been over 100 shootings in the US this year alone and there may be hundreds more this, and the years that follow. We have a lot of shit going down and we can either let it divide us, or unite us. It's up to us.
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Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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I read more into it now and it was clearly an attack on gay people in the name of ISIS. The man has done several things in the name of ISIS (including calling the police him self while at the club before shooting everyone). He has been on "watch" for years yet he was able to spend 3 hours killing 50+ people and the cops coudnlt stop it sooner? People like this shouldnt be aloud in or anywhere near places people gather in numbers. I am sorry but I don't blame ISIS or religion or guns... I blame the United States for not giving a crap sooner. If he was on a terorist watch list, how the heck did he get guns? If he was being watched, how did he get away with killing so many people?

I am sick of everyone lumping everything together but somtimes it is what it actually looks like and in this case, it was a terrorist attack on AMERICANS, on American soil, yet the war on guns continue. I don't get it. My inner tinfoil hat wants to come out, but I will keep that to myself. What happened here isn't acceptable and any other country would be going after the real issue.
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Aids Johnson

The Beast
May 25, 2012
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This argument always gets under my nerve. It's impossible for a city to not have any guns when people can drive 30 miles to a place with less restrictions to get the guns they want anyway. I understand that a lot of people may argue that even if we had nation wide regulation the same thing would still happen, but most countries with regulation are doing just fine with their gun control regulation.

Gun control is an issue I haven't been able to make a stance on yet, it's a complicated issue that is so heated it's hard to get compromise or discussion of a middle ground going.
I honestly just feel like drugs or prohibition worked, there is a 0% chance banning guns works outside of martial law and people searching every home in america. Even then, though, word will get around and people will be smart about it. Guns are here, and if there is an attempt to take them, the only ones left with guns will be police and criminals who intend to do harm with them. I have 0 interest in that happening.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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I honestly just feel like drugs or prohibition worked, there is a 0% chance banning guns works outside of martial law and people searching every home in america. Even then, though, word will get around and people will be smart about it. Guns are here, and if there is an attempt to take them, the only ones left with guns will be police and criminals who intend to do harm with them. I have 0 interest in that happening.

Hey Aids, what if I tell you about an assault weapons ban? Keep your shotguns under your bed and handguns for protection and hunting rifles. Nobody has any need for some machine guns...

...then again that only validates your point more. :kitler:


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American traditionalist will never allow anything to happen to their guns

Aids Johnson

The Beast
May 25, 2012
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...then again that only validates your point more. :kitler:[/QUOTE]
Our government was running guns across borders, you think the weapons they secure will be destroyed? Nah, they will be abused and sold off just the same way they won't be able to confiscate unregistered ones. We are past the point of no return IMO, people should have more guns.

If you wanted to regulate it better? We really NEED to upgrade and update our countries stance on mental illness, and regulate it correctly. There are gun shows here where people do backhand deals on the regular. You are selling your .22 for $300 and someone offers you $1000 in cash? They take it. The system isn't quite broken, but is severely outdated.

We also need to take more precautions and update our shit based on location and issues. Chicago is one of the most regulated cities in America homie, look at how they do with crime. There is no easy fix, and IMO the first should be setting a limit on congressional and state elected officials for terms in office. We need to do away with pension for idiots serving 4-8 years in the White House, limit what big corps are allowed to give in superpac's, and stop the corruption in our GOVT WAAAAAY before we worry about taking guns away from law abidiing tax paying citizens, because that is exactly what the gun control laws of today will do.

Aids Johnson

The Beast
May 25, 2012
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