It isn't just about gays or Islams, blacks or whites... It is murder and attempt at murder. People need to stop acting like their singular group matters more than someone else's. All lives should matter and the media keeps it so it isn't this way which forces people to further split into smaller groups. The more groups of people with "differences" there are, the easier it is to control this nation (and take away our freedoms) but no one wants to actually see it that way. They are too busy worrying about their own then the actual state of humanity and how f'd in the head it is. I see this as people being murdered by a sick man. Not an Islamic terrorist who hates gay people. As for your story, good thing nothing came from it but all's it is doing is showing that the "white man" got a slap on the wrist for being a gay basher which will in turn make straight white males look like what? The enemy. People take one example and blow it out the water assuming all people of one color, race, religion, lifestyle, or mental illness are the exact same. They assume and place them in groups and bash them for not agreeing with what they feel it right. See a pattern here? People should take a stand as a whole and stop comparing body parts, gods, and lifestyle choices and realize that this world is going to hell faster than a sinking ship. If they want to truly make change for the better, start uniting in spite of differences and for the love of God, LOVE each other instead of trying force people into changing. It may not take away the threat of idiots like these people, but it will make it harder for it to actually happen. You can't target one secular group if it is united with other groups.
That was a bit of a rant lol