That's nice and all except he's a democrat. Generally, democrats support, or at the very least, accept gay marriage. He's not 'buying votes' as you'd phrase it, he's rallying for supporters which is what each and every presidential candidate in the history of this country has done. Do you think Obama and Romney should sit in their offices and do nothing for the next couple of months until a winner is decided or what?
Also, he hasn't lost the black community. Where you conjure up that illusion is beyond me. And even if he did lose the black community, Mitt Romney certainly hasn't won it.
A lot of people look at Obama and can agree that he hasn't fixed the economy. Which he hasn't. But at least when they see Obama they see a guy who's going to give everyone a chance and put some stuff into motion to benefit those in need. Meanwhile, Mitt wreaks of evil politician. His look, his speaking, and his policies are even clearly geared toward making the rich folks richer, while providing very little aid to those who aren't making ends meet.
So with that being said, you keep on laughing hysterically. Meanwhile, Mr. Obama will be riding those chuckles right back to the White House this year. Because he's a straight forward president that isn't going to feed you bullshit. The public enjoy Obama. He's a family man and he's going to be re-elected. Not because I want him to, but because that's just the way it is.