It's Morphin Time: A Mighty Morphin Watch-Through

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Kairi HoHo

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May 14, 2013
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Episode 14: Foul Play in the Sky aka Kimberly gets her Flying Badge!​

Never get in a Plane with a Drunk Uncle is what you learn today kids, never..EVER! No seriously it wasn't his fault, but this is another Kimberly character progression based Episode from Season 1. I mean I honestly say and Amy Jo Johnson has heard this from plenty of grown him, that she was our first love from TV, and how can you not like her she's cute, does gymnastics and loves to shop. I believe Saban's Writing Staff over time gave more to their characters in terms progression and not being too stereotypical, but at this time honestly you could swap Kimberly out with any of the other Rangers and it's pretty much the same type of Episode.

We open up the Episode with Kimberly talking to Trini near a Pay Phone that she's so excited to take to the Sky in a Plane with her Uncle. Hey Kimberly why care and get excited about Flying a Plane when you have a Zord can you ride anytime you feel like it? Just at the moment Kimberly's Uncle tells her they are almost ready to fight and we transition to Zack and Jason working out. As the Scene continues we see Zack has the hots for Angela looking her up and down like a Stalker in training.

oo bad for Zack Angela blows him off like the stuck up bitch she is, and truly when they had Angela trying to be with Zack she always used to blow off Zack who seems to be one of the nicest guys she could ever date!

We later see Rita watching all the Rangers from her Castle, and no she's not creating a Monster to cockblock Zack with Angela, she wants to drug Kim's Uncle so he can crash the plane with her in it! I don't know if that is PG enough type of idea Saban, Rita wanting to murder the Rangers yeah it's a family show ha. We go back to Kimberly about to get in the Plane with her Rangers and Bulk and Skull show up wanting to fly in the sky as well. Even though Kim doesn't them to join the Flying Party, they get their wish and off to the sky they all go inside the Plane. As Kimberly, Skull and Bulk and Kim's Uncle start to enjoy their time in the sky, Kim's Uncle starts to not feel well OH NO!

Kimberly's Uncle passes out and the Plane starts to teeter and fall out of the air. Everything is going as planned with Kimberly in trouble and fighting for her life, Snizard is about to be sent to Angel Grove. Uncle Steve is out like a light and now Kimberly needs to fly the plane to save the rest of the boys life with her own, if she's isn't careful. What makes no sense in this, is Kimberly well the Sentai Pink Zyuranger flies her Zord as does Kimberly, but somehow Kimberly doesn't know how to fly a small Plane that is no where the size of her Zord come on Saban do you think we are that dumb?! As the Rangers are eventually told what is going on with Kimberly in the Plane, Zordon sends the rest of the Rangers to fight Snizard and completely forget about Kimberly because of course Alpha 5 and Zordon have this all under control.

Thank God Alpha 5 has a top tier Flight Status because he begins to help her fly the Plane as the Plane is starting to run outta Gas. As Kimberly is starting to deal with the situation Snizard is kicking the shit outta the other four Rangers and they need Kimberly's help. The Rangers are in big trouble being choked out by Snizard's Baby Snakes and as this is all happening we get some tense moments with Kimberly getting the confidence to land the Plane to safety saving all of them and get her to her friends that are in need. Seconds later, after Kimberly lands it Uncle Steve wakes up and is wondering what the fuck happened and thus no one dies. As Snizard is about to deal the final blow to the Rangers, Kimberly comes in like Thor in Avengers: Infinity War with her Bow and Arrow. Kimberly deals with the Puddies and Kimberly Legolas Arrow skills completely squashes Snizard with fucking ease and they didn't even need the Zord to finish him off.

We get a silly wrap up to end the Episode as Kimberly is talking to some random guy about landing the Plane and as Zack and Jason are making fun of Kimberly, Zack turns around and bumps into Angela and knocks Shakes outta her hands and they land on top of Bulk and Skull. Everyone laughs of course, but come on Saban these guys nearly lost their lives today, did they deserve to be covered in Shake goo as well? As I finish this here's a few facts and notes about this Episode: the person who plays Snizard's voice is Bryan Cranston and it wouldn't the be the first time he would do something involving the Rangers. Another little note is that this whole Episode was reshot. You might be wondering what I'm I talking about right? Well originally Kimberly was supposedly knocked out from the same potion that put out Uncle Steve and their was going to be Scenes where Alpha 5 would need to wake her up. I don't think the Plane aspect was going to be apart of the Episode at all, and Saban's Writers probably thought well let's make Kimberly not a damsel in digress, rather a person who is good enough and strong enough to lead the rest of the Rangers if need be and honestly they made a good decision on that.

Kiffy Lube

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Drunk Uncles are always the best Uncles unless they are gropers.
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Kairi HoHo

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Episode 15: Dark Warrior aka THANKS FOR NOTHING UNCLE HOWARD!
Wait..wait this is Power Rangers right we open up Episode 15 with a Asian Old Man doing some experiments in his Lab for what reason we don't know, till he says how he's nearly done his invisibility formula is nearly complete! Like for real old man you're making formulas like that, da hell are you looking homeless and in a bum ass Lab like that then? Anyways we don't know who is man is, expect Power Rangers to wrap it together in such a weird way of course, but as this Scene is finished we finally see the Rangers at the Youth Center all doing their thing. Also in the Scene we see Bulk and Skull playing by a Arcade and they have run outta Quarters. You know NERDS have Quarters hidden right, I mean I hide my Quarters just under..erm.. I mean Billy refuses to give the Bullies Quarters and then do one of the oldest gags in the book: by lifting up Billy and draining him on his Quarters before putting him in a Trash Can.

Trini of course comes late, and that's something that makes me go come on does anyone want to stand up and stop this before it's gets to that point no..anyone..nope. Billy is tired of getting picked on and finally realizes taking Jason's Karate Class is the only way to stop the bullying! Billy you are the smartest kid in school, you finish High School before the rest of the Rangers which I think was in the third Season of Mighty Morphin if not Zero, and somehow it took you this long to figure out to fight back towards the Bullies oh brother. With all of this going on we go to Rita's Castle with Finster ready to cook up their Monster of the day. Well we have fucked it up 14 times before Rita, maybe lucky 15 will be the day a plan actually works? As Rita and Finster are talking and hyping up this Monster and Warrior as if he's the Bruce Lee of Monsters that is coming and then we get this..

Nothing is more intimidating than a Ninja with a fucking Scarf on I'm I right? We head back the Youth Center and Trini is talking about the same fellow we saw in the beginning of the Episode and his name is Uncle Howard. Apparently not only is this guy a Super Genius, but a Karate expert as well. Man is this shit quit cutting, just as Howard and Billy meet and you get that love at first sight attraction, we see Rita and her bumbling idiots in Uncle's Howard's Lab, but as stupid asses they drink the Formula, but find out that wasn't the Formula. More cutting to Scenes after this, we see Billy and Howard training the Woods, and suddenly Puddies show up surely to take Howard's Formula that he lost in the Youth Center earlier in the Episode.

Billy of course is no help as always during these fights in Season 1, and Uncle Howard is kidnapped by the Puddies and the Dark Warrior is asking where is the Invisibility Formula? Howard tells him he's lost it, so as this is going on the Dark Warrior tells him in the next hour this Cave is going to blow up and he ain't kidding when you see TNT in the Cave near him. Remember people kids show right..RIGHT!? Billy eventually gets back to the Youth to tell the rest of the Rangers what happened and Trini has to find the Formula, but clearly this forgetting things with Howard is a thing he deals with everyday. You sure this man doesn't forget his kids to pick them up from school hmm?

After discussing what is going with Howard and Rita's plans with Zordon the Rangers teleport to the location where Howard is being held against his will, and it's the same Cave Saban would use earlier in the Season and many times over the years he must have a Summer Cottage near there. Anyways the Rangers kick the shit outta the Puddies leaving like chumps and the Rangers are able to get inside the Cave and get to Uncle Howard. Just as the Bomb is starting to get to zero in typical TV fashion, and with Howard telling Billy to focus his mind, Billy is able to stop the Bomb from going off and blow Howard and this Cave into the next Town. Howard is now safe and sound and the Rangers are ready to fight the Dark Warrior let's DO IT FOR UNCLE HOWARD!!

The Rangers are now in a battle with the Dark Warrior and Rita ain't playing no games today, we quickly makes the Warrior grow and now we have our Monster Battle. For all the Ninja themed Weapons the Dark Warrior had he really didn't pose a threat when it came down to it, especially when the Power Zord came down to save the Rangers again. After the Rangers defeat the Dark Warrior we head back to the Youth Center, we see Jason giving Billy his Yellow Belt for his hard work and confidence. Just as the Episode seems to finish up happy right there, Bulk and Skull like the dicks they are test and try to bully Billy right there and the other Rangers back up because they know Billy can handle himself now. Well Billy doesn't get to do a damn thing because Uncle Howard drinks his own formula and begins to beat up Bulk and Skull who ARE MINORS BY THE WAY...well they could be Seniors in High School, but I doubt it because the Rangers didn't graduate High School till Turbo so take that as you will. FIRST OF ALL CALLS THE COPS..and two Howard saving Billy in that situation is a what the fuck of the character progression you did with Billy in this Episode.

Kiffy Lube

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I didn't see this earlier damn... Uncle Howard looks like he's scared of alcohol. Terrible uncle. I guess he did at least save the day but Billy could have taken Bulk and Skull down. Kindin' of underwhelmin'.

Also I thought this thread could use this
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Kairi HoHo

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Give me about a Half a Hour time for a new entry pal!

Kairi HoHo

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Episode 16: Switching Places aka Get a Mirror Babe

How is everyone doing this Friday Afternoon? Well I hope everyone is doing well and getting all the rest they need for the week to come like me, but I'm giving you that boom boom Episode 1 of Power Rangers today. We start off this week with Billy and Kimberly talking about Billy's new Invention that apparently read people's minds!? Like for real Billy you should of graduated years before your fellow Rangers, which you did, but it should of been so much sooner. Can you say all these Episodes Billy showing his intelligence laid the groundwork for his leadership they would need in future Seasons including Zeo, when Billy was no longer a Ranger rather a Zordon in a sense. Anyways you know you always need a Test Subject when you want to see if an Invention works and Kimberly is just dumb enough to help out Billy for his experiment. Earlier in the Episode you see that Squatt messed with his Invention and now Billy and Kimberly have now switched minds!

Eat your hearts out boys Kimberly is rocking Glasses making kids like me love her more, and it's funny to see Kimberly speaking like Billy and you know she has no clue what the fuck she is saying, outside of it just being lines to say. Kimberly is acting like Billy and Billy has the Valley Girl type of attitude down pat himself and the plan is coming together for Rita today and the Cherry on top is to send the Monster of the Day Genie, because they couldn't find a decent name for him. He is what he is and as we continue with Billy and Kimberly trying to act normal in each others bodies in school, with Billy[Inside of Kim] trying to teach the class a recipe and failing so hard with Makeup on that you would a pre-teen would rock, and Kimberly[Inside of Billy] giving bad advice to a fellow student on how to do some file sorting on his Computer oh brother are these hopeless. I love how both are playing their roles well throughout the Episode, when they had these two characters wrapped together in Power Ranger Punks it didn't come off well, but these Scenes them trying to act like the other is really hilarious.


Eventually Kimberly and Billy tell the rest of the Rangers what the fuck happened late as always and are forced to decide what to do, and as this is happening Bulk and Skull who also switched minds are acting like each and it's even better than Kim and Billy switching roles for one Episode. You can see them having so fun with it, this is what Power Rangers is all about. We get a new Scene after this with Rita telling her gang to send Squatt and Baboo to Earth and unleash the Genie on Angel Grove, cause apparently if he's in the Lamp Zordon won't be able to detect him oh brother Zordon see's all and knows all. Zordon feels something is wrong and he sends the Rangers to investigate to recover a Lamp and get it to Zordon stat. Zordon tells them about the Genie and they know a fight is going to happen and a disturbance in the force tells them to morph into action to face Goldar, Genie and some Puddies. The Rangers first faced Goldar after morphing, but they found out that is just distraction and Alpha 5 sends the Rangers to the location of the Genie, why didn't he do that sooner?

Zordon after the Rangers faced the Genie, they were getting destroyed pretty Zordon has his children come back to the Command Center to figure out how to beat the Genie. That editing with the fight was pretty bad to be honest, one of the shortest fight scenes with a Monster up to that point, use the Sentai footage guys it will save you. We see some crazy editing when the Rangers return to the fight to face Genie who apparently was waiting for them, but Rita wants to show I mean fucking business and makes Genie huge, and his Hammer pants are on Shop at the Shop down the street if you want a want a pair. One thing when the Rangers call their Zords and get in them, what makes no fucking sense is that neither Billy and Kimberly had trouble using the other's Zord, it would of been nice to see Billy or Kimberly not know the controls and screw up somehow, but with the Sentai footage I can see that they didn't have that option. Still you have Billy and Kimberly have this happen to them, and the most important thing in their life right now outside of School is being a Power Ranger, and you don't have the mind switch not effect their abilities as Rangers..SABBBBBANNNN!!

As the Rangers are fighting the Genie the most obvious thing I've seen in Power Rangers up to this point, is when Alpha 5 figures out the source of the Genie's power and ability to beat him is in his Lamp oh Jesus. With that Zordon tells Alpha to fuck the Lamp at just the right time before Genie can drill some new holes in the Megazord and they might say the Genie was destroyed with the Lamp destroyed, but clearly that Scene felt like the Genie going back into his Bottle rather than him blowing up..WHERE ARE THE SPARKS THEN SABAN!? Anyways the Genie is defeated, leading Billy and Kimberly going back in each other's bodies, because I don't know what I would do if Kim never got into her body. Not only do we get that happening, but Bulk and Skull want to switch back to each other's bodies and they find out never to mess with one of Billy's Invention THEY ARE DANGEROUS! As the Episode ends Skull is pleading for Billy to get into his body for a Math test on Monday, and Billy says some people will never learn ain't that the truth Billy ha.

Deciding when to drop my thoughts Episode 17 and you know PR like I do it's one of my favorite moments from PR and appearances for a Ranger.​

Kairi HoHo

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Episode 17: Green with Evil Part 1 aka the baddest motherfucker in all the land has come to save you!​

-It's been a long road, but that road I've taken to get to this point this Series if finally here. I like to say the debut of the Green Ranger in this franchise really sent it to another level, and without this debut in my opinion Power Rangers would of never of continued because up to this point the series was getting stale to a degree, and Tommy showing up really gave it legitimacy while elevating the Rangers because they get this all solved up in one Episode like every other Episode before this. It was a struggle to fix this situation and it made for wonderful TV when I was a kid and even now going back rewatching these Episodes involving his character. This Episode we start off with Martial Arts displaying their skills in the Angel Grove Expo because that is what we do in Angel Grove when were ain't hiding from Monsters. Anyways as Jason is getting psyched up for his Match, and the rest of the Rangers are building up his confidence Jason looks over and see's the man he's going to have with and if it was me I WOULD OF SHIT MY PANTS!


This guy is doing kicks left and right and I don't know what other badass way you could debut Tommy other than doing this having him debut in a fight with Jason. As the Rangers are creeping especially Kimberly on Tommy, Rita is watching the Angel Grove Expo and says he'll make a great Green Ranger. LIKE what the fuck Rita, this is the first time you brought up a Green Ranger and up to now you didn't have a perfect nominee for the job oh well. We are back from Commercial we see Jason and Tommy going at it at even a 1/3 of a speed they could go for the Cameras and the fight itself was entertaining and Jason had to come back down 2 points to tie up the fight and ending it in a tie. Hey Referee that call of Jason giving up a point to Tommy when he was able attacked how do you give it to Tommy when he was backing up and he wasn't doing on purpose oh wait STORYLINE PURPOSES. Jason up to this point won at everything more than Charlie Sheen, but with this tie it showed that he's going to need to work harder if he wants to be the best.

The next morning at Bulk and Skull are bothering Kimberly you know asking if she wants to make it with a Bully and just as these two are going to teach her "a lesson" Tommy shows up and tells them to back off and the twirling kicks and punches in their faces was all they needed to say we ain't fucking with that guy Kimberly after this all done tells Tommy if he wants to meet up with her and her friends later and of course Tommy says sure because he's the new kid in school and of course you want to try to fit in and I know how that feels. Don't get confused though Tommy has his eyes on Kim and vice versa and Saban's Writers burn our brains with it playing that dreamy music everytime Kimberly looked at Tommy from a distance girl is thirsty. After School we see a Tommy seemly walking to go home and all of sudden a gang of Puddies show up in the middle of the Alleyway and they ain't asking for directions to the Blue Oyster Bar ha.


After the Puddies seem to be able to handle Tommy, Tommy starts to figure out the Puddies and he completely wrecks them without the use of any powers..hello if that isn't another telling on how strong he is then I don't know what else can convince you. Tommy is wondering why in the fuck was I attacked and just as Tommy wants to leave the Scene Rita shows up and tells him he's been chosen and now he stuck inside her Crystal Ball! Tommy is now in a slumber and as Rita says with her words the spell to control Tommy, somehow Tommy goes from a White guy to a Asian Man, back to a White guy who knew.

Tommy has been unleashing now under the control of Rita and Rita tells him the identities of the Rangers and her plans for him going forward. Like for real Rita you could of off'd the Rangers in their Sleep or in the Shower, but hey you have moral apparently now. To the fall of Zordon and the destruction of the Power Rangers is the words said by the Green Ranger as he's teleported to the Command Center surely no doubt to take a tour right..RIGHT? You wish if my command my Empress is the talk of Tommy as he puts a Virus Disc inside of Alpha 5 then he tells Zordon to worry about saving himself Old Man before saving him and then Tommy starts to rip the Command Center apart pulling Zordon out of the Morphin Grid. You know Rita was in her Castle jizzing over this happening, she's waited years to do that, but could never get inside and now Tommy has done some serious work in just a matter of minutes under her control it's pretty damn awesome to watch.


Rita starts to feel herself right now with Zordon outta the way for now, she makes Goldar grow because she doesn't want the Silver Medal in his game..SHE WANTS THE GOLD! With Goldar ready to destroy the City and Kimberly upset that Tommy didn't show up to the get together, Alpha 5 is telling the Rangers to come to the Command Center because he needs help and the only way to get there is in Radbug. The Rangers eventually arrive at the Command and they see chaos almost like a Bomb went off in the Command Center and Alpha 5 gets assistance from Billy to find out what the hell happened here!? As the Rangers ask Alpha 5 what happened, somehow he forgot what happened because his memory was screwed with, but how did you remember who are the Rangers then bullshit writing there Saban. Just as the Rangers are trying to find out who could of done this, Goldar is on the Viewing Globe and the Rangers need to get into the fight and worry about the Command Center later.


The Rangers have no problem beating down the Puddies and they know their is a bigger fish to fry in Goldar being a Skyscraper right now. As the Rangers are fighting Goldar inside in the Megazord and seemly to be holding their own it was a plan as Goldar disappears the Green Ranger shows up and gets inside the Megazord! He begins to beat the shit out the Rangers in their own Zord SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER and they all fall outta the Zord and Tommy is looking to finish the job on the ground. This is one badass moment, you have to give to the Stuntmen Seiji Takaiwa and Yasuhiro Takeuchi who did all the Green Ranger's work in Zyuranger and it's amazing to watch their work on my screen and how strong it came off in America. The Green Ranger aka Burai in Zyuranger is the oldest of the all the Rangers and the strongest of the group it that is shown more and more when the Green Ranger is out here throwing Kame Waves towards the Rangers!

The Rangers are teleported back to the Command after the beatdown of their lives and they confront Alpha 5 to find out who is this guy that beat our asses. The Rangers are left alone now seeing the Green Ranger to the fall of the Power Rangers I will destroy you one and all and the Rangers are left looking at each other wondering how in the fuck will we be able to beat this guy. GOD WHAT AN AMAZING EPISODE TOMMY RULES!
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I barely watched Power Rangers when I was younger, but these reviews are making me wish I watched more
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Kairi HoHo

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I barely watched Power Rangers when I was younger, but these reviews are making me wish I watched more

I'm sure they are still on Netflix if you feel like you want to watch it again. It's crazy you know I was a little squirt when it came out and everything this Show did I was yes this the greatest thing ever, and I rewatch it now and I'm like what the fuck Power Rangers. Season 2 is crazier with so much chaos that happened between Actors leaving, new Zords and new Villain coming in. Hell theirs a certain what I think two parter or three parter that is one of my favs and it leaves me with many questions after what I saw.
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Kairi HoHo

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Episode 18: Green with Evil Part 2 aka Jason YOUR MY BITCH!​

In last Episode we saw the arrival of Tommy Oliver the Green Ranger, and 6th of the Mighty Morphin Rangers. The Green Ranger merked the Rangers throughout the Episode, leaving the Rangers hopeless in that Episode. We start off this Episode with the Rangers still stressed not having Zordon by their side at the worst moment in their Ranger lives, but hey Billy saved Alpha 5 so that's something. As their Rangers are still at the Command Center, Rita is getting her Sword of Darkness ready for Tommy so she can control him further. Rita then sends Tommy back to Earth until she needs him again, as Tommy is ready to leave the Alleyway Bulk and Skull confront Tommy wanting an apology right now! Tommy doesn't have the time or patience right now to deal with Bulk and Skull and he sends them on their way like only he can.


The next Scene in the Episode shows Jason and Zack at the Youth Center, and Jason is pounding away at the Body Bag as if he's ready to go into 12 Round fight for the WBO Welterweight Title. Zack and Jason who is this Green Ranger, Zordon never mentioned a Green Ranger of the possibility of that happening, and then Zack do you think Jason he is the one who destroyed the Command Center oh Zack.

And then Zack says maybe he's working for Rita like Zack, you saw Goldar show up and him appear and the only people outside of Zordon and Alpha 5 who get into the Command Center are Rangers with a Power Coin COME ON ZACK WHERE IN THE FUCK DID YOUR INTELLIGENCE GO!? Did Tommy beat you into forgetting everything Jesus. Oh well as Zack and Jason are in lala land right now, Billy and Trini with Alpha 5 are putting their heads together to fix the Command Center. Billy tells them he can fix everything, but he needs time and time with the way Rita is planning this so well with Tommy will be the end of them before they even know it. After that disheartening Scene we see Kimberly going up to Tommy wondering what happened to him the other day.


Tommy knows who she is and knows she's a Ranger so he doesn't want any friends and Tommy tells her Kimberly you're not the center of the Universe, and then Kimberly storms away saying excuse me for living. Tommy don't you ever talk to my Queen like that, or I'llll..or I'll...tweet you that I hate you hehe. Tommy has had a tough and load couple of days, and it only gets longer when Rita sends for him to be tested before be given the Sword of Darkness. What it the purpose of this challenge, the guy beat the shit outta the Rangers by himself, but now he has a test vs Puddies come Rita when is enough enough.


I've had farts that has lasted longer than these Puddies, and Tommy pretty much wipes the floor with them and does his infamous laugh that for the first time telling Rita what ever she wants he'll do before getting the Sword of Darkness. Just after this we see a Scene at Angel Grove High with Jason talking to Tommy telling him that he must do a rain check on working out with Tommy later and surprisingly Tommy understands. Just as Jason is walking away, Tommy pulls out his Power Coin and somehow teleports Jason to what would be called the Dark Dimension aka Rita's Secret Sex Lair I KNOW IT IS RITA NO LIES! As Jason is wondering where he is, he finds out Goldar is now in possession of Jason's Morpher and he laughs as Jason is trying to communicate with the other Rangers.


Jason knows that the only way is to face Goldar and that's ballsy and they start to fight and Goldar is pretty much playing with Jason beating him around, now that Jason doesn't have his Ranger powers to help him get an advantage on him. When Jason is fighting for his life, the other Rangers are trying to see if Billy's work help fix the Command Center and only the Viewing Globe is working. As the repairs continue, Jason vs Goldar's fight continue and even with Jason seems to have a chance Goldar knocks him down a peg or two telling him he's a prize from Rita for his hard work. Pretty much Jason is Goldar's play thing to fuck around with when he's good and ready. As this fight continues the other Rangers are forced to face Tommy alone and you know how that is going to turn out for them.


The four Rangers have had enough for the bruises Tommy has given them thus far and quickly the Rangers send for their Zords setting up the Megazord without Jason to lead them. When one goes down, the other step up that's always been the model for Power Rangers and it happens here. Tommy see's this all happening and he fires the first shot with his Sword of Darkness to the Megazord trying to deliver the final blow, but as the blast comes Zack's Mammoth Shield blocks this day Shield beats Sword and Tommy is forced to leave. OH MY GOD..Tommy lost wait, Rita still has Jason captive with Goldar laughing like a kid who got all he wanted on Christmas day. As Goldar continues to torture Jason, the Rangers are back at the Command Center then finally start to make some leaps to get Zordon back Online, but he seems to be still having problems. Back to the Dark Dimension we see Goldar drop the Morpher or Jason and telling him to take if he's worthy. Jason goes for it, but gets knocked on his ass once more!


Goldar seems to have gotten bored with Jason up to this point and now finally wants to kill Jason's family first. Jason is left on the ground wondering is this the end for me as we get another To Be Continued.
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Episode 19: Green with Evil Part 3 aka Mind Games!​

Monday Morning Power Ranger watching perfect day to do a post, when yesterday was really shitty for me. We are in now in Part 3 of the introduction of the Green Ranger and boy it's been an entertaining one. How will the Rangers respond to now Zordon helping them still, and what will Jason do in the Dark Dimension with Goldar wanting to kill him and the inability to get to his Morpher? Their is no escape Jason is right as Goldar talks to Jason in the Dark Dimension telling him he almost feels sorry for him because he is loving this Cat and Mouse game he's doing with him. As Jason is preoccupied still, Rita decides to unleash a new goon for her crew..HER NAME IS Scorpina.


Jason continues to be haunted by Goldar in the Dark Dimension, he's telling him to give up and I imagine most people who were in this position of a scary man like Goldar wanting to see you dead, would of done the same thing and gave up way sooner. Jason knows he can't hide forever in the smoke of the Dark Dimension and he gets a shot in the Chest of Goldar, but it's not enough to stop the onslaught of Goldar and his plan to kill Jason. For real no other Ranger has been taken to this extreme, to fight without a Morpher and try to survive when a guy is trying to slice you in half and eat you for Dinner later yeah don't know how Jason got away from all of this. We head back to the Youth Center with Kimberly and Zack trying to look for Jason, still not knowing he's been in the Dark Dimension this whole time Command Center fix yourself stat. Kimberly before walking away asked Tommy if he's seen Jason and of course he knows where he is, but acts like he hasn't shown him. Kimberly still doesn't know Tommy is the Green Ranger and she doesn't understand what is her attitude problem with her oh Kimberly.


After Kimberly and Zack start to talk and start to question how Tommy has been acting funny lately, they want to question him and they follow him as Tommy is walking home from School. Just as Zack and Kimberly are about to get to him the Putties show up stopping them from talking to him. The two Rangers finish off the Putties pretty easily like always, and just as the battle is finished, Kim and Zack are wondering why didn't the Putties attack Tommy? Man that should of been a giveaway that Tommy is working with Rita, because if he wasn't you would think Tommy would of got into the fight with you two, but you dense Rangers always figure out shit at the last moment.

We then in the next Scene see Goldar ready to once again end Jason and just as he's about to do it, the Green Ranger shows up and tells him Rita wants him to have the honor to kill Jason. Jason had enough problems with Goldar in a one on one fight without his Ranger powers, but it gets worse when Jason now needs to fight Tommy as the Green Ranger to try to get outta the Dark Dimension. When I watch this fight with Jason and Tommy this time around once again Tommy is toying with Jason like Goldar was and it's pretty intense to see this battle because one mistake could be the end of Jason. Jason doesn't understand why work for Rita if you were a Ranger you would be on side and Tommy in his spell doesn't care about joining them, but ending them. Alot of people don't know that Jason David Frank was in that Suit during this fight with Jason Lee Scott, you can kinda tell if you've seen any of his fights with the Putties and Monsters how he poses and fight before and after a battle and it was him all the way. I bet in Season 1 of Power Rangers that Tommy might of been the only Ranger who was in their Suit in a fight, because at times Saban had them rock the Outfits, but never in a fight because the Suits were really heavy with everything together and it felt like you were in a Sauna with not that much air to breathe. You can imagine how hot in LA Tommy was in those Scenes especially take after take, and how much effort the Stuntman and Stuntwoman put in over the years just to try to match a Scene with something in the Sentai footage ha.




As the fight with Jason and Tommy continues it seems Billy has a lock on Jason is ready to teleport him back to the Command Center, and he's lucky too because Tommy was going to stab Jason to death with the Sword of Darkness! As Jason is back at the Command Center telling the Rangers what happened, they don't have too much time to breathe because Scorpina is attacking Earth and the Rangers must sprung up into action, just as their confidence was so low. Jason now back in charge means nothing with Scorpina and the only reason Scorpina didn't get the job done it's because Goldar knew she would be overwhelmed and just as they seem they are winning Rita holds back once again. No Rita you have them on the ropes if you wanted to win, why didn't you send Scorpina, Goldar and Tommy just then no..let's not do that let Tommy do flips and kicks in the Dark Dimension till she's ready to finish them. Just as the Rangers are wondering why is Rita holding back at the Command Center, Goldar is made into a Monster in Downtown Angel Grove!

The Rangers even with Jason now back with the other Rangers, Zordon still not online, Green Ranger ready to strike and Rita now having Goldar destroy Angel Grove once again the Rangers are needing to make a decision whether or not to go into battle with the odds stacked against them. Jason says as the Episode we don't have a choice like the leader he is, he would rather died on his Shield then run!
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Kiffy Lube

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Awesome rundown of what has happened so far. It's still pretty much the only storyline arc worth really mentionin' about the entire series to folks who didn't grow up with the Rangers.
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Episode 20 Green with Evil Part 4 aka Jean Claude Van Damme is The Green Ranger?​

In Episode 19 by this time, the Rangers are pretty much fucked as a Team after The Green Ranger showed up in their lives. Jason might of escaped The Dark Dimension, The Rangers are still without their Mentor Zordon with Goldar tearing up the world. It doesn't help things with The Rangers having the inability to Morph due to the Morphing Grid being fucked with going back to Tommy having a Playdate with the Command Center. What will The Rangers do to respond?

-A big negative that you can easily see going back as fan from the beginning is Rita not putting down The Rangers when she had them dead to rights. You see it again in this Episode when Rita earlier in the Episode saying she's going to use a Spell to stop the Sun and cause a Eclipse to stop The Megazord! Like for real Rita just now you came up with that idea, and the knowledge of what powers the Megazord you could of done that in Episode 1 lady.

I also thought it was rushed with the problem with The Rangers not being able to Morph. Why not hold back Billy the Savior fixing the Morphing Grid and helping them to Morph again? I guess with Goldar going nuts in the City of Angel Grove, you need to hurry and fix the problem, but it surely shows time passed and with every second people could of died. Saban Writers clearly didn't think this through, and us as kids at the time didn't have the mindset to think this deep. I also thought Rita sending Tommy once again to The Command Center to fuck shit up was pretty bland Writing, in not thinking about something new for Tommy to do. I do go into how that negative goes into a positive and favorite Scenes from the Episode.

Postives/Fav Scenes
- I thought one of the major reasons why I loved the original team of Rangers was none of them couldn't be considering leaders of the group. It wasn't all just Jason or Tommy save all the time, but this week if it wasn't for Billy The Rangers would of been on the sidelines looking at Goldar, Scorpina, and Green Ranger destroying the world. I also thought Bulk and Skull's Comedy in this was so great, at a moment you needed it. I mean Angel Grove is being destroyed and Bulk needs to finish his Ice Cream. Another funny Scene later, just as Bulk and Skull were pleading for their lives, Skull is asking for Bulk's Mommy to save them from being crushed by Goldar

Obviously, when Tommy showed up in The Command Center you knew Alpha 5 would be ready for him. Somehow this time around, his backup power came Online and it's funny to see Tommy being stuck in a Forcefield not being able to get what he wants for the first time since arriving. Truly my mark out PR moment in this Episode is when Tommy gets turned into big boi Green Ranger. Rarely do you see this in PR if ever to see a Ranger huge as he is, destroying The Rangers is so great to see. From Rita's plan to cause a Eclipse it worked out surprisingly and with that the Zords were destroyed and sent into a Lava pit! Since when does Angel Grove have a Volcano laying around active ready for such a moment? So no Zordon, no Zords, but look who The Green Ranger is..OUR LORD AND SAVIOR..

Forgive me when I did this Review for this Episode on another Forum I was seeing and trying a new format for the Episodes. This is where I stopped at on that other Forum so I wonder if this is the format for me or how I was doing it before. Still plenty of extra time this Week to get in Part 5!

Kairi HoHo

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Episode 21 Green with Evil Part 5 aka Daddy is coming home.
Ahhh after a few Weeks of a break I'm free to finish up the conclusion with The Green with Evil Series! We pick up with The Rangers discussing what to do next with the reveal of Tommy being the Green Ranger and what their next plan. You gotta give to Jason during this because like a leader he says we gotta help Tommy no matter all the pain and chaos they went through with him they want to help break the curse Rita has on him. This Power Rangers Show loves to show give forgiveness rather than hate it will be a better World if people stood by that code more today. Later during the Episode as the Rangers are back in Angel Grove, Kimberly confronts Tommy who is pumping Iron at the moment. He warns Kimberly to stay alive or get merked again like everytime he's done to them since arriving on the Scene. I find that Scene kinda weird because Tommy shouldn't be warning anyone he's shoot first ask questions later. At least that is what is being shown to us, but I can forgive it because it's due to the Sentai Show pulling no punches with Burai as Dragon Ranger.


So Zordon is gone seemly, The Rangers are getting their asses kicked how can it get any worse right? Unleash the debut of Dragonzord giving Tommy the ability to face The Rangers and take it to him like never before! As Tommy and Dragonzord are having Dinner with the Angel Grove Chemical Plant on the Menu, and Kimberly is telling the other Rangers what she heard and saw Tommy, Alpha 5 finally figures out a way to get back Zordon. I have two questions with all of this one, the Rangers were acting like they just found out there Tommy was the Green Ranger. You guys saw the picture of Tommy on the Viewing Globe, and the clues of how he acting was the straw that broke the Camel's Back for real you guys ha. As for Alpha 5 he's suppose to be a Robot I imagine ready for things like this and he's completely lost during this whole situation da fuck is wrong with his skillset come on now.




The Rangers after their Huddle have to go into action vs Tommy and Dragon Zord and they quickly find out that Dragon Zord is the most dangerous thing they have ever faced! Tommy begins to toy with them to the point Rita is bitching about why he's doing such a thing. Hello Rita you've been doing that since the beginning don't you dare talk about Lord and Savior like that let that dude party it up! As that is going on, Alpha 5 somehow gets back into contact with Zordon! I feel like that should of happened with The Rangers there and then Zordon should of gave them a win one for the gipper speech or this is Sparta type of speech and that would of juiced them up to face Tommy one more time. It kinda feels anticlimactic, but it's hard to worry about such things when all of a sudden The Zords for the Rangers suddenly come back alive? That was never explained so Zordon returns then it means they return? You gave the impression that the Zords were destroyed they felt in a Lava pit oh well too much thinking about this might give me a headache.


With the Revival of the Zords the Megazord has been created and are in the final battle has begun vs Dragonzord. You could see this was a different Ranger team winning the War vs Tommy in this one throwing him around like a Rag Doll. As Jason beg and pleads like a Hooker telling Tommy to stop he knows only he can stop him one one. Tommy and Jason woud thus take the Streets in a sense as the battle was on! People don't understand the importance outside of it the day Jason beat Tommy with no help. It's more than that at least to me seeing Zyuranger. You see in Zyuanger The Red Ranger and Green Rangers are brothers! They were separated when they were kids and by this time in arc Geki had found out who Burai was so their were a roller coaster of emotions coming from both guys during this fight and they went for it all. Jason early in the fight couldn't get back the Shield power for Tommy and it looked like he was fucked for trying to take on Tommy alone, but he outwitted that man destroying Tommy's Sword of Darkness. That is all it took to release the Curse on him is destroy the Sword of Darkness? They could of took it from him ganging up on him, but I digress. As the other Rangers show up Tommy is coming to figure what he's done, but Jason is forgiving him asking him to join the group. He believed that this is where he belonged and Tommy would shake his hand and join his group and thus a beautiful team just got better!

Moments later to end the Episode and this beautiful storyline we see Zordon welcomes him to the team and then like only a 90's Show can the Rangers put their hands in the middle and say COWA..I mean they say Power Rangers. Boy that was a journey and their isn't a day where I don't hum and whistle Dragon Zord's theme during the day. Will The Rangers be able to keep this momentum going and finally defeat Rita, or will they get Shellshocked hint hint.
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I don't know how I missed your part 4 review but I am glad you're back at it.

Tommy finally joinin' the group was incredible even if predictable. Sometimes things don't have to be a surprise to be the perfect fit. He also was a better leader than Jason just paced off presence alone. A nice all around good feel end that let it happen over a nice number of episodes instead of the typical 2 for a continuation like most TV shows. Just off the charts awesome.

Lookin' forward to your future reviews here even if this was the best thing the franchise ever did.